Bay Area Continuous Learning Initiative Overview PCY is committed to supporting and sustaining expanded learning systems across the Bay Area and state of California. As an intermediary, we unite stakeholders around a shared mission to coordinate and maximize resources and drive improvement. The Bay Area Continuous Learning (BACL) Initiative was created to support efforts to raise the quality of expanded learning programming across districts, cities, and local nonprofits. BACL recognizes it takes time to improve and sustain quality. This time involves a continuous cycle of learning that must be ongoing and organized. BACL aims to link learning, leadership, and collaboration among the initiative participants with the goal of building their capacity to independently sustain these efforts of learning and improvement over time. There are two core features of BACL. Initiative participants must be implementing the following features within their expanded learning programs, projects, initiatives, and/or systems in order to participate: Technical Assistance [TA]: ongoing needs driven support services to create effective and quality expanded learning programs (e.g. before and after school, summer, and extended day). Key strategies of TA may include training, coaching, mentoring, consultation, and resource brokerage. Quality Improvement: Partnership for Children and Youth defines quality improvement as a continuous cycle of assessment, planning, and implementation that conjointly includes program infrastructure and point of service areas of program quality. The Cycle of Quality Improvement (CQI) is designed to be a continuous, cyclical process and consists of three key components that are sequenced over time to improve program quality. Participants and/or TA providers of the CQI may enter the cycle in different phases depending on programmatic timelines and capacity-building infrastructure; however, to experience the full benefit of the cycle and to improve program quality over time, all components are to be included and continuous. The key components of the cycle include: o Phase 1 [ASSESS]: collect data and information to assess and debrief progress towards goals using a program quality assessment tool(s). Data and information collection is an effective way to analyze and predict the function, purpose, impact, or effectiveness of a program, initiative, or system based on quantitative and qualitative variables, including needs, strengths, and trends. o Phase 2 [PLAN]: set program improvement goals and develop a comprehensive, time-limited plan for implementation based on program quality standards. o Phase 3 [IMPLEMENT]: implement strategies and activities toward achieving goals. Bay Area Continuous Learning Initiative – 2014-15 Comprehensive Calendar Event PQA Basics Training September 2014 Date 9/8/14 Description Lead Cost Location Facilitator This interactive workshop prepares participants to Weikart Center $290/participant San Leandro lead the program self-assessment process, and for Youth Marina familiarizes participants with the Youth or School- Program Community Age Program Quality Assessment instrument. Quality Center Introduction to 9/8/14 the Active Participatory Approach Included with PQA San Leandro Basics Marina Community Center PQA Plus Training $875/participant San Leandro Marina Community Center YPQA External Assessor Training Youth programs can be optimized for youth Weikart Center needs, motivation, and engagement. The Active- for Youth Participatory Approach to youth work was Program designed to address these goals. This youthQuality centered approach is the foundation for the Youth Work Methods Series. 9/9/14 This training has been crafted for organizations Weikart Center that are in their second or third year of the Youth for Youth Program Quality Intervention. Participants will Program share ideas about using the Youth or School-Age Quality PQA to extend staff members’ learning beyond program self assessment. 9/10/14- This challenging workshop gives participants Weikart Center 9/12/14 practice using the Youth or School-Age PQA and for Youth increases their accuracy in observing and scoring. Program Participants who reach 80% reliability are able to Quality collect research quality data and conduct external assessments. Please note that this training includes webinars and assignments before the live training. $1,195/participant San Leandro Marina Community Center Ongoing External Assessments and Coaching Youth Work Methods TOT Public Profit & Varies PCY Varies 10/27/14- Our most intensive training prepares participants Weikart Center $2,195/participant San Leandro 10/29/14 to lead the 10 item-aligned Youth Work Methods for Youth Marina workshops. The Methods TOT consists of four Program Community weeks of distance learning and three days of live Quality Center training. Graduates of the Methods TOT can become key network and organization supports during the improvement phase of the quality intervention process. As groups complete the Planning with Data Training and create improvement plans, they can request Methods workshops for targeted professional October 2014 development. Please note that this training includes webinars and assignments before the live training. Coaching for 10/30/14- System leaders and coaches are invited to attend Weikart Center $1,684/participant San Leandro Continuous 10/31/14 a two-day live training to examine the structure for Youth Marina Improvement and philosophy of Coaching for Continuous Program Community Improvement, build skills for coaching including Quality Center the Weikart Center’s observation and reflection technique for providing feedback, and learn how to maximize data sources to support the Continuous Improvement Process within their organization. Please note that this training includes webinars and assignments before the live training. BACL Convening 10/31/14 This convening will bring together participants in PCY and FREE San Leandro the BACL to debrief on their experience with the Weikart Marina YPQI process so far and plan for the rest of the Community year. Center November 2014 Ongoing External Assessments and Coaching Public Profit & Varies PCY December 2014 Planning with Data January 2015 Summer Matters 1/16/15 Leadership Conference This conference is designed for program Presenters from FREE managers, program directors, site coordinators, throughout the and district administrators, with the purpose of Bay Area helping participants create high-quality summer learning programs. Youth Work Methods Conference The workshops in the Youth Work Methods series PCY, Public are aligned with the items of the Youth PQA Profit, and found in the pyramid. After gathering data from a YWM trainers Youth Program Quality Assessment and creating a (TBD) plan for improvement through participation in a Planning with Data training, program managers can choose to offer trainings to program staff that are aligned to the Improvement Plan. These interactive and hands-on courses provide participants with practical skills that are geared to improve the quality of interactions with youth. February 2015 Varies 12/5/14 This hands-on workshop is for program managers PCY and Public $290/participant TBD and their teams who have self and/or external Profit assessment Youth or School-Age PQA data available for their program. Participants consider the realities of change initiatives, learn how to read and interpret their data, and make improvement plans based on their program quality data. Ongoing Planning Follow-up and Coaching; PCY Varies Varies 2/5/15 Unitarian Universalist Church of Oakland $166/participant TBD Expanded Learning in February 2015 Housing Conference 2/6/15 This conference is designed for Service Coordinators and Youth Workers serving youth within a housing community. Presenters FREE from throughout the Bay Area TBD Ongoing Coaching and Implementation PCY Varies Varies Ongoing YPQI Convening 5/29/15 Coaching and Implementation PCY This convening will bring together participants to PCY reflect on and celebrate their participation in the BACL. Participants will also have the opportunity to plan for next year. Varies FREE Varies TBD Summer Matters Program Staff Conference This conference is designed for site coordinators, teachers, and front-line staff working in summer programs. Workshops include hands-on STEM activities, incentives and motivation, and creating summer culture. Debrief Follow-up and Next Year Planning March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 5/15/15 Presenters FREE from throughout the Bay Area TBD