
"U 233
Oct- 12, 1965
Filed July 19. 1961
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United States Patent 0 “ice
Patented Oct. 12, 1965
the signal into line 8A or line 8B cyclically with the ex
of detector 2 by ?lter 1A or 1B respectively. Thus
lines 8A and 8B carry the ampli?ed response of the detec
tor 2 to the wavelengths going through ?lter 1A and 1B
Michael R. Liebowitz, 1620 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.
5 respectively. Delay line 9 delays the signal on line 8B
Filed July 19, 1961, Ser. No. 126,849
for an interval equal to 0/10 where 0 is the central angle in
5 Claims. (Cl. 250--83.3)
radians of the opaque segment of chopper 1, and w is the
My present invention relates to the science of detecting
shaft speed in radians per second. Thus lines 8A and
radiation, most speci?cally infra red radiation although the
10B now simultaneously carry the signals due to the ex
concepts involved might as well be applied to all radia 10 posure of detector 2 to the different bands passed
tion of a separable phenomena.
by ?lters 1A and 1B respectively.
Sometimes it is desired that a detector give a response
The attenuation due to the delay line 9 and the differ
only when one particular wavelength of incident radiation
ence of attenuation if any on the pass wavelengths through
predominates energywise, or has a chosen relationship
?lters 1A and 18 may be compensated for by the differ
in incident energy to another wavelength. A practical 15 ential gain control corresponding to the A part of the
use of such a detector would be in an infra red sensing
cycle (when ?lter 1A exposes detector 2) and the B part
system. It is desirable that infra red guided missiles shun
of the cycle (when ?lter 1B exposes detector 2). Ampli
?reball decoys and targets already hit and burning. An
?er 11 has an input polarity corresponding to the output
ordinary sensing system will be most strongly attracted to
polarity of ampli?er 3. > Ampli?er 11 has ‘a ?oating
a burning target or a ?reball decoy, because the hotter an 20 ground which is connected to line 10B. The B part of the
object is, the more infra red of all wavelengths the object .
will radiate. However, the spectral distribution of the
radiant energy will change with temperature, the wave
length of the energy maxima decreasing with temperature
rise; Also the burning of hydrocarbons in the atmos 25
phere, that occurs when fuel in a hit target burns, pro
duces a characteristic spectral distribution of infra red
energy. Thus if the detector will respond only when a
chosen wavelength predominates over another, the sens
cycle should correspond to the wavelength chosen for
weakest energy. Line 8A goes to the ampli?er input.
Ampli?er 11 will see no input then unless the magnitude
of the signal on SA is greater than that on 10B. Thus
ampli?er 11 will have no output unless the wavelengths
transmitted through ?lter 1A have the requisite energy
predominance over those transmitted by ?lter 1B. Line
108 must have the reference signal on it whenever line
SA has a signal‘ on it or else a signal will be fed into am
ing system will seek only those targets radiating the chosen 30 pli?er 11 regardless of the relative signal strengths on line
spectral distribution, and will shun others. In choosing
8A and 10B. To insure that line 10B has a signal on it
the wavelengths to be compared one would have to con
whenever line SA has, the aperture of ?lter 18 might be
sider the atmospheric transmission as a function of wave
made slightly larger than the aperture of ?lter 1A with a
length as well as the spectrum of various target emissions.
corresponding adjustment in synchronized switch 6. Also
The object of this invention is to set forth a radiation
the delay line interval could be made slightly less than O/w.
sensing system that will respond only when a chosen,
The invention will be further clari?ed by considering a
wavelength of incident radiation bears a determined rela
practical example. Assume that we wish to record a re
tionship to another chosen wavelength. This is accom
sponse only when the incident radiant energy at wave
plished by separating the wavelengths chosen for com
lengths of 4a to 5p is more than four times as great as
parison and having them excite a detector at different
that at 2,11. to 3“. 1B could be a band pass ?lter passing
times in a cycle. The detected outputs corresponding to
wavelengthsiof 2a to 3p and 1A could be a ?lter passing
the bands chosen for comparison are ampli?ed and com
4,“ to 5”. However if the spectral response of the detector
pared With a response being elicited only if the band
does not extend much beyond this range, 1B could be a
energies have a chosen relationship.
high pass ?lter cutting off at 3.5a and 1A could be a low
An embodiment of the invention is illustrated in the
pass ?lter cutting otf in the same region. Now we only
drawing which is partially in block diagram form. 1 is
wish a response if the longer wavelength band has over
a chopper having di?erent ?lters 1A and 1B in its open
four times the energy of the shorter wavelength band.
ings. Ordinarily the light chopper is used to obtain an
.Therefore, during the part of the cycle in which the radia
intermittent excitation from the radiation to produce an
tion goes through ?lter 1B the gain of ampli?er 3 is four
intermittent signal from the detector which allows the 50 times what it is when the radiation goes through ?lter
employment of an A.C. ampli?er. Here the openings
1A. This is accomplished through gain control 4 and
have ?lters 1A and 1B so that the quality of the radiation
the synchronously coupled switch 6. Then if the A infra
obtained from one opening will de different from that ob
red signal is four times as strong as the B signal, lines
tained from the other opening. The ?lters may be band 55 8A and 10B will have electrical signals of equal strength,
pass ‘or high and low pass; or one opening may have no
and in these lines the signals will occur simultaneously
?lter, to compare an all pass response with some restric
as the B signal was delayed in delay line 9 by a/w. If
ted pass band response. Generally any ?lter arrangement
the A infra red signal is over four times as strong as the
can be used that selects one wavelength of radiation to
B signal, then the electrical signal in SA will be greater
compare with another. Detector 2 is a sensing element 60 than that in 10B and ampli?er 11 will see a signal at its
which yields a pulsed response from an intermittent ex
citation. Ampli?er 3 ampli?es the response of detector
The gain ratio of four in ampli?er 3 presumed equal
2 in accordance with gain control 4. Shaft 5 links chop
attenuation in the passband in ?lters 1A and 1B, as well as
per 1 and switch 6 which may be of the rotary brush type.
equal and linear responsivity in the detector for both
Chopper 1 and switch 6 run synchronously. Lines 7A
bands. If this is not the case then the ?gure of four for
and 7B from switch 6 to gain control 4 allow the ampli
the gain ratio will have to be modi?ed.
?er gain to be switched by switch 6 synchronously with
Many variations on the above system could be effected
the exposing of detector 2 by ?lters 1A and 1B respec
without departing from the scope of the basic invention.
tively. The mechanism of gain control could be by nega
The chopper with the two ?lters in it, for instance, is
tive feedback, bias variation, or any suitable method well 70 the means shown for generating and A.C. signal and
known in the electrical engineering art. The output of
at the same time passing different Wavelength bands dur
ampli?er 3 is fed to switch 6 which synchronously injects
ing di?erent parts of the cycle. The same thing could be
effected with a rocking prism, of a rocking refraction or
re?ection grating which would be ganged to a switch
with which it would operate synchronously. In the ?nal
stage as shown the ampli?er has a ?oating chassis and the
2. An apparatus as recited in claim 1, wherein the
output from the detector enters an ampli?er, the gain
of which is varied synchronously with the spectrum
B signal is grounded to it. Thus the ampli?er will only
respond if the A signal is greater than the B signal, both
capable of being set in a chosen manner.
signals being of the input polarity for this ampli?er.
output of the ampli?er is switched synchronously with
Actually there are many systems known in the electrical
engineering art which will trigger an ampli?er or some
the parts of the spectrum division cycle so that the out
puts corresponding to different parts of the cycle are
division cycle, the gain applied to each part of the cycle
3. An apparatus as recited in claim 2, wherein the
signaling response only if one signal is greater than an 10 fed to di?erent lines having different delays, the delays
corresponding to the time durations of different parts of
other, and any one of these could be used without loss
the cycle so that the outputs reach a comparing network
of generality. Another variation would be to have the
?rst ampli?er working at constant gain and having the
4. An apparatus as recited in claim 3, wherein the
second ampli?er (or signaling device) set to be triggered
only by a chosen relationship in the magnitude of the 15 synchronous switch maintains similar polarity of the
ampli?er output relative to the di?erent lines.
two inputs.
While a particular embodiment of the present inven
5. An apparatus as recited in claim 3, wherein the
synchronous switch reverses polarity of the ampli?er
tion has been described in detail above, as has been
pointed out, numerous modi?cations could be made with
output relative to the different lines.
out departing from the scope of the invention as set 20
References Cited by the Examiner
forth in the appended claims.
I claim:
1. An apparatus responding to radiation of a chosen
spectral distribution, said apparatus comprising means for
Evans _____________ ..._ 250-833
Froomer _______ __'._-___ 88—14
ing said bands sequentially in time, the sequence becom
ing effectively a spectrum division cycle, each band under
going minimum attenuation during its part of the cycle;
said detector means yielding outputs sequentially during
the cycle, means for comparing the detected outputs cor 30
responding to different parts of the spectrum division
Presenz ___________ __ 250-435
Foskett ____________ .. 25O—--43.5
Shimukonis et a1 _____ .._. 250-—83.3
3,004,664 ' 10/61
Dreyfus ___________ __ 250-435
separating the radiation into bands and means for detect
cycle, and for passing a ?nal response only if the re
sponses elicited by the di?erent bands have a chosen rela
tionship to each other.
Taylor _'_ __________ __ 250—83.3
, 3,030,512
Harker _____________ .._ 250—-86
MLPH G. NILSON, Primary Examiner.