Guidelines related to Undergraduate Courses
The aim of this document is to assist you in the decision-making process with
regard to eligibility for resits (especially when students present multiple medical
certificates) and progression status.
In addition to these guidelines, further details may be obtained by consulting the
General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2004 which may be
It is important to highlight that the purpose of this document is to list a number of
common scenarios that have been encountered. The General Regulations for
University Undergraduate Awards, 2004 are to be consulted at all times.
1.0 Determination of Eligibility to sit for the Supplementary Session of
* Important Rules:
1. Students are only eligible to sit for the September Supplementary Session if
they fail in up to 16 ECTS credits or less.
In the case of students attending a course on a part-time basis, the maximum
number of ECTS for resit eligibility is to be calculated on a pro-rata basis
i.e., n x 16 / 60 where n= total number of ECTS credits student is registered on
according to the approved programme of studies.
2. The ECTS credits of the failed study-units are to be worked out after the
Compensated Passes (CPs) are awarded.
3. If a student fails in more than 16 ECTS credits pertaining to the Programme of
Studies of that particular year, even after CPs were awarded (if applicable and if
the student is eligible), but he/she has other pending study-units for which a valid
reason of absence was accepted by Senate, the student will be eligible to sit for
the Supplementary Session as long as the failed units do not amount to more
than 16 ECTS credits.
The student is to be allowed to sit for the Supplementary Session unconditionally.
Therefore, the student will not sit for the failed study-units on condition that
he/she successfully completes the study-units for which a valid reason for
absence was accepted.
4. The “3,000 mark” limit referred to in the cases below is achieved by students
who obtain an overall Year Average of 50% worked out over 60 ECTS credits
(i.e. calculated on 50 x 60 = 3000, where 50 is the minimum Year average mark
to be eligible for CPs and 60 is the total year ECTS credits).
5. The minimum Year Average of 50% for CP eligibility is to be taken up to one
decimal place (as per Regulation 43 of the Undergraduate General Regulations)
i.e. a year average of e.g. 49.96% can be rounded up to 50% but a year average
of 49.6% cannot be rounded up to 50%.
6. As per Regulation 67 of the Undergraduate General Regulations, in case a
student refers a study-unit or study-units to the following year, the credit value of
the referred study-unit counts as part of the failed study-units of the Academic
Year when the study-unit is being referred (i.e. the failed referred units and failed
units of the current year are counted together to determine eligibility for resits).
In this circumstance, if the student exceeds the 16 ECTS credit limit, the student
will be eligible to be re-assessed in the referred study-unit/s only. If successful,
and therefore the previous year has now been fully completed, the student will be
allowed to repeat the year, if eligible in terms of the regulations.
7. If a medical certificate has been presented for part of a study-unit (e.g.: one
component only), then, the student will only be expected to sit for the resit, if
eligible, if the overall result of that study-unit (when considering all components
together) is below 45% or the student has not been awarded a CP.
Possible Scenarios:
A number of possible scenarios are being listed hereunder:
Sick or any other valid reason in some study-units
Failed less than 16 ECTS credits
Total marks obtained less than 3,000 marks* for the year
What is to be done:
CP cannot be worked out since the student does not satisfy the CP
eligibility criteria.
In the September session, student to sit for units in which he/she was sick
as a first sit.
In the September session, student to resit for all failed units (including
those which, had the student obtained 3,000 marks*, would have been
eligible for a CP).
Sick or any other valid reason in some study-units
Failed less than 16 ECTS credits
Total marks obtained more than 3,000 marks* for the year
What is to be done:
If among the failed units there are units which are compensatable and
marks obtained are over 35%, award CPs.
In the September session, student to sit for units in which he/she was sick
as a first sit.
In the September session, student to resit for all non-compensatable units
and for the compensatable units in which he/she obtained less than 35%.
Sick or any other valid reason in some study-units
Failed more than 16 ECTS credits
Total marks obtained less than 3,000 marks* for the year
What is to be done:
CP cannot be worked out since, due to the number of study-units with a
valid reason for absence, the student does not satisfy the CP eligibility
In the September session, student to resit the units in which he/she
definitively failed (i.e. units which are non-compensatable or
compensatable units in which student obtained less than 35%), provided
he/she resits not more than 16 ECTS credits.
In the September session, student to sit for units in which he/she was sick
as a first sit.
The total number of resits in (2) above is not to exceed 16 ECTS
Sick or any other valid reason in some study-units
Failed more than 16 ECTS credits (in non-compensatable study-units
or obtained less than 35% in compensatable study-units)
Total marks obtained less than 3,000 marks* for the year
What is to be done:
CP cannot be worked out since the student does not have any failed
study-units which can qualify for a CP.
Student failed the year.
In the September session, student may sit for the units in which he/she
was sick as a first sit if he/she wishes to do so.
Sick or any other valid reason in some study-units
Failed more than 16 ECTS credits
Total marks obtained more than 3,000 marks* for the year
What is to be done:
If among the failed units there are units which are compensatable and
marks obtained are over 35%, award CPs.
In the September session, student to sit for units in which he/she was sick
as a first sit.
If, after awarding CPs, student failed less than 16 ECTS credits, student
to resit the failed study-units. If the failed study-units exceed 16 ECTS
credits, the student is to repeat the year, if eligible.
Sick or any other valid reason in some study-units
Failed in more than 16 ECTS credits which are non-compensatable
Whether 3,000 marks* obtained or not
What is to be done:
Student failed the year.
In the September session, student may sit for the units in which he/she
was sick as a first sit if he/she wishes to do so.
Failed in less than 16 ECTS credits
Obtained between 35% and 44% in Compensatable study-unit/s
Requires average mark for access to a particular Programme of Studies
(eg: proceed to Honours in one area of studies)
What is to be done:
Student informs Faculty Office that he/she refuses award of CP and
indicates which unit/s he/she wishes to resit by 16th August.
Officer to calculate if with a maximum of 45% that can be obtained after
the resit of the study-unit, the student would be eligible to access the
desired Programme of Studies (refer to UG Regulation 50(2)).
If eligible, Officer is to forward request to Registrar for approval.
2.0 Determination of Progression Status after the Supplementary Session
of Examinations
Once the results of the September Supplementary examinations are inputted, the
progression status of the student is to be determined so that the relevant student
record can be updated on SIMS for the following Academic Year.
Now that students may be eligible for a stipend if they are repeating the year, it is
very important that progression is worked accurately as this will determine
whether the stipend is paid to the student or not. The Stipends Office will have to
report to the Students Maintenance Grant Board on students’ eligibility and
therefore it is essential that no mistakes are made.
The maximum number of ECTS credits that can be referred from one academic
year to the following is 10 ECTS credits in full-time courses. In the case of
students attending a course on a part-time basis, the maximum number of ECTS
that can be referred is to be calculated on a pro-rata basis
i.e., n x 10 / 60 where n= total number of ECTS credits student is registered on
according to the approved programme of studies.
The following are possible scenarios that can be encountered:
Student successfully completed all study-units for that year as per
Programme of Studies
What is to be done:
The student can be progressed normally to the following year.
Progression lists to be sent to the SIMS office are to be updated
Student failed up to 10 ECTS credits pertaining to the Programme of
Studies of that particular year, after any CPs were awarded (if
applicable and if the student is eligible).
What is to be done:
The student can be progressed conditionally to the following Academic
Year, provided that point (3) below does not apply.
The study-units that have not been successfully completed are to be
referred to the following Academic Year.
If referred study-unit/s from the previous Academic Year have not been
successfully completed but whose 4 attempts have not been exhausted,
the student can be granted an Additional Year during the following
Academic Year. During such an Additional Year, the student is to be
allowed to sit for the remaining attempt/s of the failed unit/s.
Furthermore, any failed study-units (not exceeding 10 ECTS credits)
pertaining to the current Academic Year may also be completed during
this year.
If a referred study-unit from the previous Academic Year has not been
completed successfully and whose 4 attempts have been completed, then
the student is deemed to have failed the course and should be withdrawn
from the course.
Progression lists sent to the SIMS office are to be updated accordingly
In the case of (4), the procedure regarding the award of a
Certificate/Diploma/Bachelor in General Studies is to be followed for
eligible students.
Student failed study-units do not exceed the value of 10 ECTS
credits but, when taking into consideration the pending
study-units for which the student was granted a valid reason for
absence, the total pending study-units exceed 10 ECTS credits.
What is to be done:
The student is to be granted an additional year to sit for all pending studyunits. Furthermore, any failed study-units (not exceeding 10 ECTS credits)
pertaining to the current Academic Year may be completed too during this
Progression lists sent to the SIMS office are to be updated accordingly.
Student fails in more than 10 ECTS credits pertaining to the
Programme of Studies of that particaular year, even after CPs were
awarded (if applicable and if the student is eligible).
What is to be done:
The student is to repeat the year (if eligible in terms of regulations).
Progression lists sent to the SIMS office are to be updated accordingly.
3.0 Failure from a course
Students shall be deemed to have failed and should be withdrawn from a
Course, in terms of the regulations if:
1. Four attempts for all study-units have been exhausted.
2. The student already repeated a year during the Course.
The procedure regarding the award of a Certificate/Diploma/Bachelor in General
Studies is to be followed for eligible students
19th August, 2014.