Module Specification EG1001 Maths with Computation Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 1 UG Engineering 30 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Musa Abdulkareem UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 011 012 014 015 017 Examination (Final) Computer examination 1 Computer examination 2 Computer examination 3 Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 65 Seminars 6 Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 154 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 225 Weight % 70 5 20 5 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group Alt Reass't 3 1 3 Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to apply some mathematical techniques to solve a wide class of engineering problems. Students should be familiar with the concepts of continuity, integration and differentiation of scalar functions. They should be able to manipulate complex numbers, vector products and use basic matrix operations. They should be capable of solving linear differential equations using standard and more advanced techniques (with Laplace transforms and the convolution Theorem). Students should also be able to express periodic functions in terms of Fourier series. They should be familiar with the basics of MATLAB and be capable of using iteration methods to find the roots of equations, simple interpolation and curve fitting techniques, and numerical integration schemes. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example questions. Assessment Methods Assessment will be by mid-year assignments (30%) and end of year examinations (70%). Resit only possible for the formal examination (100%). Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG1002 Engineering Design Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 1 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Mateusz Bocian UG Pass for Credit Student Workload (hours) Lectures 13 Seminars 72 Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 65 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 No. Assessment Description Weight % 001 002 Coursework 1 Coursework 2 (Final) 50 50 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group Alt Reass't Intended Learning Outcomes The students are introduced to the elements of engineering design (market survey, design specification, concept design and evaluation, detailed design, manufacturing and after sales) using the problem based learning approach. At the end of this module, typical students should be able to convey basic information about engineering components and circuits following British Standards. The students should demonstrate understanding of the use of a computer-aided design (CAD) widely used in the engineering profession. Following mechanical and electrical design case studies typical students should be able to break down a task into sections which can be analysed allowing a complete working system to be designed to meet a performance requirement. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures and practical sessions. A typical week has 2 practical session 2 hours each. Assessment Methods Coursework exercises, group reports. It is not normally possible for the assessment to be retaken, and therefore failure of the module means termination of a student's course. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG1003 Experimentation 1 Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 1 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Timothy Pearce UG Pass for Credit Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours No. Assessment Description Weight % 224 225 226 Laboratory work Formal report 1 Formal report 2 (Final) 75 6 19 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 48 21 4 75 Alt Reass't Intended Learning Outcomes This module consists of a twelve practical laboratory exercises to give students support and practical experience of material covered in the Mechanical Engineering and Electrical & Electronic Engineering lecture courses. At the end of this module, typical students should have developed skills in conducting experiments, working in groups, technical report writing and evaluating and reporting results. Specifically, the laboratory exercises will be in the areas of structural mechanics, properties of materials, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer, DC and AC circuits, digital and analogue eletronics and signals and systems. Some specific learning outcomes are: Demonstrate technical report writing and data presentations skills through preparation of two formal assessed reports. Demonstrate accurate record keeping, data presentation and maintenance of logbooks assessed at the end of each laboratory. Estimate uncertainty in measurements taken in a variety of engineering contexts. Assess measured behaviour of engineering components alongside idealised theory. Design, create and implement practical solutions to simple engineering problems. Conduct problem solving and troubleshooting in a variety of engineering contexts. Discuss the relationships of experiment to concepts taught in lectures. Teaching and Learning Methods Introductory lecture, supervised laboratory work, two written formal reports (one at the end of each semester) Assessment Methods Labwork is assessed during the laboratory sessions based upon student understanding and laboratory notebook. 1 Formal report is completed per Semester on an allocated experiment and feedback provided. It is not possible to resit this module. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG1015 S1 Engineeering Design Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 1 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Mateusz Bocian UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Coursework 1 (final) Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 10 40 25 75 Alt Reass't 100 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to convey basic information about engineering components using a computer-aided design system widely used in the engineering profession to produce drawings to British Standards. Typical students should be able to break down a task into sections which can be analysed numerically allowing a complete working system to be designed to meet a performance requirement. Teaching and Learning Methods A typical week consists of one lecture, two practical sessions (two hours each) plus private study (typically averaging between two and three hours a week). Assessment Methods Coursework exercises. It is not normally possible for the assessment to be retaken, and therefore failure of the module means termination of a student's course. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG1101 Mechanical Engineering Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 1 UG Engineering 30 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Andrew McMullan UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 011 012 013 014 016 Examination (Final) Computer examination 1 Computer examination 2 Computer examination 3 Re-sit examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 66 Seminars 6 Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 153 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 225 Weight % 70 5 20 5 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours 0.4 Ass't Group Alt Reass't 3 1 3 Y Intended Learning Outcomes 1. To bring students with different educational backgrounds to a common level of understanding of the basic principles underlying Mechanical Engineering (including the mechanical aspects of Aerospace Engineering). 2. To give the student a basic analytical understanding of the different types of problem encountered in Mechanical Engineering and an ability to identify the theory required to solve them. 3. To give the student the ability to interpret data and perform a wide range of simple calculations across the fields of material properties, structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer. The students will gain an awareness of the following: *Introduction to mechanical systems and revision of fundamental mechanical concepts. *Stress-strain relation of engineering materials and its microstructure origin. *Mechanical equilibrium - analysis of forces and moments in beams and pin-jointed structures; statically determinate and indeterminate structures. *Stresses in thin-walled pressure vessels. *Stress and deflection of beams; second moment of cross-sections. *Torsion deformation and shear stress of cylindrical shafts. *Introduction to basic fluid mechanical principles *Hydrostatics, pressure, and manometry *Bernoulli equation, Euler equation and flow measurement devices *Momentum and continuity equations *Laminar and turbulent flows *Viscous losses in pipes, junctions and bends *Introduction to basic thermodynamic concepts *The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics *The First Law of Thermodynamics and its application to closed systems *The First Law of Thermodynamics and its application to open systems *Heat transfer: Convection, conduction, and radiation Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG1101 Mechanical Engineering Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, seminar/assignment/tutorial system, surgery hours. Relevant experiments will be available in EG1003. Assessment Methods Assessment will be by mid-year assignments and end of year examination (70%). Resit only possible for the formal examination.(100%). Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG1201 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 1 UG Engineering 30 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Matias Ison UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 011 012 013 014 016 Examination (Final) Computer examination 1 Computer examination 2 Computer examination 3 Re-sit examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 60 Seminars 8 Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 157 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 225 Weight % 70 5 20 5 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours 0.4 Ass't Group Alt Reass't 3 1 3 Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students with different educational backgrounds should be able to demonstrate a common level of knowledge and understanding of some of the basic principles underlying Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the areas of DC/AC principles, digital and analogue electronics and signals and systems. Students should be able to apply appropriate mathematical methods and engineering tools to the analysis of relevant problems, to identify and describle the performance of systems and components relevant to the topics detailed below. - DC Principles: Resistors and Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, Power, voltage dividers. Thevenin theorem (illustrate with interfacing transducers, cascading circuits, voltage buffer to change source resistance, Wheatstone bridge), Norton equivalent circuits, current dividers, superposition, mesh analysis, maximum power transfer at DC. - AC principles: The characteristics of a sine wave i.e. amplitude, frequency and phase, RMS values and power calculations, relationship between input and output magnitude and phase, Phasors, capacitors and inductors, the concept of a frequency response function as a precursor to transfer functions. First order Bode plots – decibels. - Digital electronics: Binary and other number systems. Digital Gate, Truth table, Boolean Algebra. Boolean Operators. Logic identities. Simplifying Boolean expressions. Converting from circuits to Boolean expressions and vice versa. Karnaugh maps: practical minimisation of circuit logic. Static hazards: cause, recognition and avoidance. - Analogue electronics: Equivalent circuit of simple amplifier, Concept of gain, input and output resistance. Loading effects, Feedback concepts, Basic op-amp circuits. Design rules and calculations. Static characteristics of real op-amps (offset voltage, bias current) and effect on circuits. Dynamic characteristics of op-amps (Gain-bandwidth product, slew rate). - Fundamental properties of systems: linear, nonlinear, time-varying, time-invariant systems. Periodic/non-periodic, special signals, Linear system input-output properties, convolution (discrete/continuous), free/forced response. - Laplace Transforms and their application: properties, application to computation of free and forced responses, s-plane and stability and response type, olving problems with the Laplace Transform, the transfer function and its importance, transfer functions of 1st and 2nd order systems (natural frequency, damping, resonance, step response) - Frequency Domain Properties of Systems: frequency response function, response of system to sinusoidal inputs, Gain and Phase Margins. Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG1201 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, seminar/assignment/tutorial system, surgery hours. Relevant experiments will be available in EG1003. Assessment Methods Assessment will be by mid-year assignments (30%) and end of year examinations (70%). Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2001 Computer-based Modelling Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Stephen Garrett UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 011 Examination Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 22 11 42 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to: (1) demonstrate the basic principles of vector calculus, vector integrals and partial differential equations. (2) identify appropriate analytical techniques to solve certain engineering problems. (3) derive and apply the appropriate finite difference method to solve more complex engineering problems. (4) evaluate the effect of changing parameters, such as time step and number of nodes, on the stability and computation time/ loading and defining stbility criteria for particular finite difference methods. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, surgery hours, computing practical classes. Assessment Methods Formal written examination (100%) Pre-Requisites EG1001 - Maths with Computation Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2003 Experimentation 2 Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Rob Thornton UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 011 012 Lab Exercises and Report 1 Lab Exercises and Report 2 (Final) Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 70 5 75 Alt Reass't 50 50 Intended Learning Outcomes Discipline specific knowledge: by the end of the module students will have the ability to: 1. Independently plan and conduct experimental work, analyse data collected (using statistical and theoretical methods) and discuss experimental results in the context of background theory relating to associated modules in materials, properties and processing, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, mechanics of structures, electrical engineering, communications, electromagnetism and control (appropriate to degree programme and modules studied). 2. Perform quantitative error analyses based on errors in measurements and from other sources, and use these to evaluate the significance of experimental findings. 3. Demonstrate an ability to write concise, professional, technical reports of the standard expected in industry. Transferable skills: 1. Written communication (via lab notebooks and formal reports) 2. Problem solving (by planning and conducting experiments). 3. Information handling (through the collection and analysis of experimental data). Teaching and Learning Methods Laboratory practical classes, computer practical classes Assessment Methods Lab reports and notebooks Pre-Requisites EG1003 - Experimentation 1 Co-Requisites EG2102, EG2102, EG2103, EG2201, EG2202, EG2301 Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2005 Engineering Design 2 Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Nikola Chalashkanov UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Design, Build and Test project Student Workload (hours) Lectures 10 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops 77 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 57 Demonstration 6 Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group Alt Reass't 100 Intended Learning Outcomes Students should be able to conceive-design-implement-operate complex engineering systems in a team and be able to: 1.) Explain the actual or potential industrial, societal and environmental relevance of the project, and relate their design to real engineering problems; 2.) Identify design specification, and justify the specification; 3.) Conceive several design options that all meet the requirement specification, show detailed annotated sketches of design concepts and develop logical criteria for selection of an appropriate option; 4.) Use engineering analysis to result in an appropriate design and optimize the design on the basis of time, budget, quality and environmental effects; 5.) Present manufacturing drawings of a final design option and select manufacturing processes for their design; 6.) Build and commission design products and operate their design products 7.) Present design to the reviewers and customers in a concise way 8.) Report at various stages and be able to discuss lessons-learnt on team working; 9.) Communicate clearly as an individual and as a team. Teaching and Learning Methods lectures, design classes, computing and hardware practical classes, presentations Assessment Methods Reports, poster, interviews, performance of designs. It is not possible to retake the assessments Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2017 Business Simulation Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Martin Rhodes UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 Financial calculation assignment Business results & reports (Final) Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 1 55 19 75 Alt Reass't 25 75 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of the management part of this module, typical students will be able to: 1. Analyse financial results to determine the success of business strategies and plans. 2. Produce implement, review and amend a sustainable a business strategy, taking account of internal and external factors, financial results and market forecasts. 3. Prioritise capital investments and Research and Development (R&D) expenditure to support the business strategy and plan. 4. Collectively delegate responsibilities for individual projects based on the strengths and interests of individual team members. 5. Present business performance and conclusions based on that performance accurately, succinctly and professionally. 6. Review and appraise your performance, and that of the team, constructively to identify areas for continuous improvement. 7. Appreciate the wider role of business in supporting technology development and manufacturing Teaching and Learning Methods See student workload above. Assessment Methods Simulated financial performance, reports, poster, financial calculations. Pre-Requisites EG1002, EG1004 Co-Requisites EG2002 Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2101 Materials 1: Properties and Processing Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Rob Thornton UG Pass for Credit Student Workload (hours) Lectures 44 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 106 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 No. Assessment Description Weight % 012 016 017 Computer examination Examination (Final) Re-sit examination 30 70 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 2.5 2.5 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes Discipline specific knowledge: By the end of the first part of this module (Materials Properties), successful students will have the ability to: (1) Define the basis of common mechanical properties of materials: Young’s modulus, yield strength, tensile strength and fracture toughness; and be able to describe the microstructural factors that influence them in polycrystalline materials. (2) Derive appropriate performance metrics to enable the selection of materials for different engineering applications on the basis of their objective (i.e. lightweight or minimal cost) and likely failure modes (i.e. stiffness, strength or toughness). (3) Qualitatively describe the microstructural mechanisms of mechanical strengthening in polycrystalline materials, in terms of the influence they have on atomic movement and dislocation movement: intrinsic lattice resistance (bonding and crystal structure), grain size refinement, solid solution strengthening, precipitation hardening and strain hardening. (4) Qualitatively describe key failure mechanisms of engineering materials in terms of their microstructural initiation and progress and therefore be able to qualitatively describe the characteristics of materials that inhibit or promote these mechanisms: brittle (fast) and ductile fracture, low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue, oxidation and corrosion. (5) Be able to apply stress intensity methods to the solution of basic fracture problems and common fatigue laws (Paris Law, Miner’s Rule) to predict the fatigue life of engineering materials. By the end of the second part of this module (Materials Processing), successful students will have the ability to: (1) Describe the fundamental interactions between microstructure and processing in the determination of the mechanical properties of engineering materials (polycrystalline metals and ceramics, polymers and composites) (2) Describe the major classes of engineering materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, elastomers, glasses and hybrids) in terms of their structure, characteristic properties and typical applications in engineering, and the ways in which they are processed to produce engineering components. (3) Quantitatively describe the process of phase change in terms of phase diagrams, thermodynamics and kinetics. (4) Analyse the influence of carbon content and heat treatment on the properties of plain carbon steels, the development of microstructure in heat treatable light alloys, and the major processing routes for polymers and composites. Transferable skills: (1) Problem solving (by the application of theory and calculation to the selection of materials and processes). Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, screencasts, online quizzes, examples sheets, surgery hours Assessment Methods Blackboard exam (30%), written exam (70%) Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2101 Materials 1: Properties and Processing Pre-Requisites EG1101 Mechanical Engineering. Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2102 Thermodynamics & Fluid Dynamics Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Audrius Bagdanavicius UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 012 014 015 Examination Examination (Final) Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 42 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 108 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours 50 50 100 Ass't Group 2 2 2.5 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module students should be able to demonstrate that they have an appreciation of the implications of the second law of thermodynamics (including the concepts of reversibility and the Carnot cycle), be able to explain the concepts of entropy change and entropy generation, and calculate the effects of entropy change on practical systems. They should be able to demonstrate that they are familiar with the various types of heat engines and refrigerators available for use in practical applications (including transportation and power generation) and to analyse a range of idealised gas and vapour power cycles, and vapour compression refrigeration cycles. At the end of this module students should be able to demonstrate that they have gained a basic appreciation of the affects of fluid motion on solid boundaries in internal and external flows. Emphasis will be placed on the boundary layer and the generation of lift and drag on aerofoils and other solid bodies. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example sheets, surgery hours. Relevant experiments will be included in EG2003 Exerimentation 2. *Current assessment pattern subject to academic review* Assessment Methods Thermodynamics part of the module will be assessed by written exam (50%) at the end of semester one. Fluid dynamics part will be assess by written exam (50%) at the end of semester two Pre-Requisites EG1101 - Mechanical Engineering Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2103 Mechanics of Structures Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Simon Gill UG Pass for Credit Student Workload (hours) Lectures 48 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 102 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 No. Assessment Description Weight % 011 013 014 Computer examination Examination (Final) Re-sit examination 30 70 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 3 2.5 2.5 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to demonstrate awareness of the fundamental concepts used in the analysis, modelling and design of static and dynamic mechanical systems, and to apply these to realistic engineering problems. Using the methods introduced in this course, students should be able to make sensible deductions about the behaviour of a wide range of simple mechanical systems, in terms of their motion, the forces and moments acting on them, and the way they are distributed within a solid body. Students should be able to apply the relevant theory and fundamental mathematical tools for the analysis of dynamic systems, including vector and matrix algebra, Newtonian mechanics, Kinematics and Kinetics of particles, systems of particles and simple mechanisms.They should also model single-degree of freedom systems, interpret correctly the phenomenon of resonance and define the natural frequency and damping ratio associated with such systems Students should also be able to determine stresses, strains and deflections in simple structural components such as beams, columns and pipes subject to loadings such as tension, torsion, compression and internal pressure, and determine their useful strength using simple failure criteria including yield, brittle fracture and buckling. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, seminar/assignment/tutorial system, surgery hours. Relevant experiments will be available in EG2003. Assessment Methods Assessment will be by a mid-year computer-aided assignment (30%) and end of year examinations (70%). Pre-Requisites EG1101 Mechanical Engineering. Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2201 Electrical Engineering Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Stephen Dodd UG Pass for Credit Student Workload (hours) Lectures 44 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 106 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 No. Assessment Description Weight % 001 002 003 Computer examination Examination (Final) Resit examination 30 70 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 3 2.5 2.5 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to demonstrate an awareness of the key facts, mathematical principles, concepts and theories relating to the field of Electrical Engineering. In particular the students will be able to: (1) Solve engineering problems involving single and three-phase ac circuits, calculation of active, reactive and apparent power in ac circuits, power factor correction, resonance in electrical circuits and the design of wound electro-magnetic components. (2) Apply engineering principles of magnetic circuits and limitations of magnetic materials to the analysis, design and prediction of performance of wound electrical equipment including power inductors and transformers, (3) Apply engineering principles to the design of DC power supplies. (4) Apply the principle of electro-mechanical energy conversion to different DC and three-phase AC electrical machines (synchronous and induction) for prediction of machine characteristics and steady state performance. (5) Be aware of design considerations and industrial applications of AC electrical machines. . Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, seminar/assignment/tutorial system, surgery hours. Relevant experiments will be available in EG2003. Assessment Methods Assessment will be by Blackbord test in week 12 (30%) and end of year examination (70%). Pre-Requisites EG1201 - Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Co-Requisites EG2203 - Electromagnetism and Electronics. Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2202 Communications 1 Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Alan Stocker UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Examination (blackboard) 1 Examination (blackboard) 2 Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 48 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 102 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 Weight % 50 50 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2.5 2.5 3 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to answer questions on the basic theory governing electromagnetic field and wave effects in electrical applications, and on the main modulation and coding techniques employed in communications systems. They should be able to: (1) recognise and apply the basic concepts behind communication systems (Information source, sender, channel, receiver, output etc.); (2) recognise and apply the basic concepts behind Analogue modulation and digital modulation and be able to discuss the relative advantages of analogue and digital communication systems; (3) manipulate the mathematical detail of amplitude, frequency, phase and pulse amplitude modulations; (4) recognise and apply the concept of fixed and variable-length coding, including error checking and correction through simple (odd/even) parity checks, block parity and Hamming codes, Huffman coding and Shannon’s theorem; (5) recognise and apply the concept of digitisation for the transmission of analogue waveforms by digital means; (6) derive useful results from Maxwell’s equations, such as the planar wave equation, polarisation skin depth and power flow and loss; (7) solve questions about transmission lines, including propagation of pulses on transmission lines, transmission and reflection coefficient, impedance matching, space-time diagrams, calculation of velocity and impedance from L and C; (8) solve questions on guided waves including the effect of the dimensions of a rectangular waveguides, cut off, phase and group velocities, and dispersion. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, ConcepTests, peer-peer learning, examples sheets and Blackboard quizzes, surgery hours, directed reading. Relevant experiments will be available in EG2003. Assessment Methods Two computer based examinations. Resit is by single written exam and replaces original examination marks. Pre-Requisites EG1201 Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2203 Electromagnetism and Electronics Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Andrea Lecchini Visintini UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Blackboard test (week 12) Examination (final) Resit examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 48 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 102 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 Weight % 30 70 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 3 2.5 2.5 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes Electromagnetism and Semiconductor Materials: At the end of this module, typical students should be able to discuss the basic principles of electromagnetism and apply them to solve simple engineering problems. These include the calculation of the capacitance of simple geometry systems, the definition and calculation of inductance, and the design of simple electromagnetic circuits. They should also be able to define the relationship between magnetic fields and electrical currents and carry out simple calculations of electrical and magnetic forces. They should be able to describe a semiconductor and show how its conductivity can be controlled by doping. Analogue and Digital Circuits: Typical students should be able to: (1) discuss the basic principles of diodes, bipolar transistors, mosfets and their use in transistor amplifiers and other analogue circuits; (2) apply these principles to the design and analysis of transistor amplifiers of various classes; (3) understand the differences between combinational and sequential digital circuits; (4) undertake designs of both synchronous and asynchronous digital circuits. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, seminar/assignment/tutorial system, surgery hours. Relevant experiments will be available in EG2003. *Current assessment pattern subject to academic review* Assessment Methods Assessment will be by mid-year assessment (30%) and end of year examination (70%). Pre-Requisites EG1201 - Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2204 Embedded Systems Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Andrew Norman UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 004 005 Coursework 1 Coursework 2 Coursework 3 Coursework 4 (final) Resit examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures Seminars 22 Practical Classes & Workshops 44 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 84 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 Weight % 25 25 25 25 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to: 1. Design software for single-processor embedded applications based on small, industry standard, microcontrollers. 2. Design software for multi-processor embedded applications, using CAN and related protocols. 3. Implement a software design using a high-level programming language. Teaching and Learning Methods Seminars, computing exercises and practical classes. Guided Independent Study takes place mainly by private study (with some additional support provided in laboratory sessions). Assessment Methods Computing exercises, including oral defence of work (100%). Resit by examination. Formative assessment takes place by providing feedback to students on submitted coursework. Pre-Requisites EG1214 Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2301 Classical Control Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Andrea Lecchini Visintini UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 Examination (final) Resit examination Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours 2 2 22 53 75 Ass't Group Alt Reass't B B Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to analyse the dynamical properties of simple Engineering system or process described by single-input single-output continuous-time transfer functions. They should be able to discuss the performance of feedback control loops, to deigns simple feedback loops and to analyse their properties in terms of stability, and robustness in the face of modelling uncertainties. They should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the simplifications used to obtain a control solution and identify possible limitations in the solution proposed. The laboratory component of this module contributes to the continuing development of skills in conducting experiments, working in groups, and evaluating and reporting results. Syllabus: introduction to the feedback control problem, transfer functions definition and properties, root locus methods, control analysis and design in the frequency domain . Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, seminar/assignment/tutorial system, surgery hours. Relevant experiments will be available in EG2003 Assessment Methods End of year examination (100%) Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2401 Introduction to Aircraft Materials and Performance Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 2 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Rob Thornton UG Pass for Credit Student Workload (hours) Lectures 42 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops 2 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 106 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 No. Assessment Description Weight % 014 015 016 Examination (Final) Resit Examination Computer examination 70 100 30 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2.5 2.5 2 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes Discipline specific knowledge: By the end of the first part of this module (Materials Properties), successful students will have the ability to: (1) Define the basis of common mechanical properties of materials: Young’s modulus, yield strength, tensile strength and fracture toughness; and be able to describe the microstructural factors that influence them in polycrystalline materials. (2) Derive appropriate performance metrics to enable the selection of materials for different engineering applications on the basis of their objective (i.e. lightweight or minimal cost) and likely failure modes (i.e. stiffness, strength or toughness). (3) Qualitatively describe the microstructural mechanisms of mechanical strengthening in polycrystalline materials, in terms of the influence they have on atomic movement and dislocation movement: intrinsic lattice resistance (bonding and crystal structure), grain size refinement, solid solution strengthening, precipitation hardening and strain hardening. (4) Qualitatively describe key failure mechanisms of engineering materials in terms of their microstructural initiation and progress and therefore be able to qualitatively describe the characteristics of materials that inhibit or promote these mechanisms: brittle (fast) and ductile fracture, low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue, oxidation and corrosion. (5) Be able to apply stress intensity methods to the solution of basic fracture problems and common fatigue laws (Paris Law, Miner’s Rule) to predict the fatigue life of engineering materials. By the end of the second part of this module (Aircraft Performance), successful students will have the ability to: (1) Derive equations describing the performance of aircraft in straight-level flight using first principles and point mass models. (2) Derive equations describing the performance of aircraft during other steady-state conditions such as steady climb/glide, coordinated turns and take-off. (3) Describe the importance of “optimal” flying conditions with respect to the minimum drag and minimum power conditions. (4) Describe the link between basic aircraft geometry and static stability. In particular, to be able to describe the important relationship between the aerodynamic centre of an aircraft, the centre of mass and the tail-plane, and carry out simple derivations relating to the static stability characteristics. Transferable skills: (1) Problem solving (by the application of theory and calculation to the selection of materials and analysis of aircraft performance). Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, screencasts, online quizzes, examples sheets, surgery hours. Assessment Methods Blackboard exam (30%), written exam (70%) Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG2401 Introduction to Aircraft Materials and Performance Pre-Requisites EG1101 Mechanical Engineering. Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3005 Third Year Project Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 30 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Andrew Norman UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 005 006 Interim Report Technical Achievement Presentation Final Report (Final) Resit Assignment Student Workload (hours) Lectures 1 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision 20 Guided Independent Study 204 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 225 Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 20 35 15 30 100 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes To integrate the knowledge obtained throughout the undergraduate course in a realistic exercise in the practice of engineering at a professional level; to give the opportunity for individual study and for the development of personal and technical skills; to develop techniques of communication, both oral and written. At the end of this module, students should be able to (1) discuss in detail a specific project plan to be executed during the 3rd year. (2) evaluate the progress of their project with respect to the project plan. (3) organise a schedule for the work remaining to be completed in the project. (4) give a formal seminar presentation of their projects. (5) write a project proposal, an interim report and a final report. Teaching and Learning Methods Regular individual meetings with supervisor, seminars and presentations. Assessment Methods Written reports, seminar presentation and oral examination. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3007 Management Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Martin Rhodes UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 011 Examination (Final) Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 22 53 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to: (1) discuss a range of management topics related particularly to the relationship between business and the wider society; (2) define key concepts in these topics and (where appropriate) describe the legal rights and obligations of the parties involved showing some knowledge of relevant specialised vocabulary; (3) discuss the role of other bases for conduct such as ethical standards and professional codes. Topics covered will typically include aspects of marketing, staff motivation, liability for health and safety of the workforce and for product safety, intellectual property, quality management and response to environmental concerns. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures. Independent study and reflection based on: lecture notes, personal work experience, current news, library and internet sources, etc. Assessment Methods Formal written examination Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3101 Materials 2: Failure Mechanisms and Tribology Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Hongbiao Dong UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 011 012 013 Examination (Semester 1 - Failure mechanisms) Examination (Semester 2 - Trbology) (Final) Resit examination (Failure mechanisms and Tribology) Student Workload (hours) Lectures 44 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 106 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 Weight % 50 50 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 2 2 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes Discipline specific knowledge: By the end of the first part of this module (Failure Mechanisms), successful students will have the ability to: (1) Qualitatively describe, in detail, the microstructural processes that occur during deformation and failure mechanisms: elastic and inelastic deformation, low and high temperature brittle and ductile fractures, and low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue failures; and therefore identify materials likely to be resistant to each type of failure on the basis of their microstructural mechanisms of mechanical strengthening. (2) Use deformation and failure mechanism maps to predict the dominant creep and fracture mechanisms that materials are likely to experience under given temperature and stress conditions. (3) Apply stress intensity methods to the solution of fracture problems involving plane stress and plane strain conditions, uniaxial and biaxial tension, applying appropriate compensations for crack tip plasticity, for a variety of 2D and 3D crack geometries. (4) Use combinations of major fatigue laws (Paris Law, Basquin Law, Coffin-Manson Law, Miner’s Rule), with appropriate compensations for non-zero mean stresses, to predict the fatigue life of engineering components, and be able to describe the limitations of each technique. By the end of the second part of this module (Tribology), successful students will have the ability to: (1) Qualitatively describe: common metrological techniques used to characterize surfaces, their relative resolutions, magnifications and areas/volumes of observation/measurement; the basic components of surface roughness and the advantages and disadvantages of commonly used roughness parameters. (2) Describe the assumptions and limitations of Hertzian contact mechanics and the impact of common non-Hertzian effects. Apply Hertzian contact mechanics in determining the stresses and pressure distributions between line, point and elliptical contacts, and be able to select an appropriate contact model for a variety of engineering applications. (3) Derive mathematical models of abrasive and adhesive wear mechanisms and qualitatively describe the characteristics of other common wear mechanisms (contact fatigue, oxidative wear, erosive and impact wear, fretting). (4) Characterise the behavior of lubricants and apply empirical techniques in the prediction of bearing life and bearing selection. (5) Offer surface engineering solutions to common tribological problems. (6) Evaluate tribological systems in terms of surface characteristics (material pair and roughness), contact geometry (line, point and elliptical contacts), relative motion (rolling or sliding, amplitudes of and directions of motion) and lubrication mechanisms (solid or fluid, boundary, hydrodynamic or elasto-hydrodynamic). Transferable skills: (1) Problem solving (by the application of theory and calculation to tribological systems). Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3101 Materials 2: Failure Mechanisms and Tribology Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, screencasts, examples sheets, surgery hours, directed reading. Assessment Methods Written examination (100%) Pre-Requisites EG2101 Materials 1. Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3102 Thermodynamics & Fluid Dynamics 2 Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Shian Gao UG Pass for Credit Student Workload (hours) Lectures 44 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops 2 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 104 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 No. Assessment Description Weight % 011 012 013 Examination (Final) Computer examination Re-sit examination 80 20 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours 3 2 3 Ass't Group Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes Fluid Dynamics At the end of this module, typical students should be able to: (1) Discuss the effects of compressibility in flows and define the speed of sound and the Mach number (2) Apply the conservative laws in reduced form to one-dimensional compressible isentropic flows; (3) Derive the jump conditions through normal and oblique shocks and Prandtl-Mayer expansion fans; (4) Apply the jump conditions to one and two-dimensional shock-containing flows; Turbulence and Heat Transfer At the end of this module, typical students should be able to: (1) Derive the Reynolds equations for incompressible fluids and understand the concept of turbulence modelling; (2) Use analytical and finite-difference methods to find solution of steady and non-steady conduction problems; (3) Evaluate forced convective heat transfer across boundary layers and in tubes; (4) Perform free convection analysis on surfaces and understand the related turbulence effects; (5) Perform heat transfer analysis related to pool boiling and film condensation; (6) Evaluate different heat exchanger types and calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient; (7) Perform radiation analysis at a surface and conduct radiation exchange calculations. Thermodynamics At the end of this module, typical students should be able to: (1) Perform a general energy analysis of a system. (2) Perform thermodynamic calculations of gas mixtures. (3) Perform thermodynamic calculations of combustion, determine flame temperatures. (4) Use exergy as a measure of work potential for evaluating different energy conversion processes. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, surgery hours. Assessment Methods Formal written examination and Blackboard test. Pre-Requisites EG2102 Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics. Co-Requisites Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3102 Thermodynamics & Fluid Dynamics 2 Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3103 Mechanics of Structures 2 Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Csaba Sinka UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 011 012 013 Examination (sem 1) Examination (sem 2) (Final) Resit examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 38 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops 8 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 104 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours 50 50 100 Ass't Group 2 2 3 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes Semester 1 covers Elastic Analysis and Semester 2 covers Dynamics of Mechanical Systems. Elastic analysis provides the students an understanding of linear elasticity problems and an introduction to the finite element method for elastic stress analysis. At the end of the modules students should be able to understand the theory of the finite element method and should have gained practical experience with using a commercial finite element package to solve simple linear elastic problems. Elastic analysis covers the basic equations in linear elasticity (equilibrium, constitutive law, compatibility of strain) and the finite element method (1D bar and beam element and 2D triangular element formulation, stiffness matrix, assembly, solution) including dynamic analysis. The practical classes include of truss problems (1D), stress concentrations (2D), dynamic analysis problem, and an engineering design problem using finite element analysis. After attending Dynamics of Mechanical Systems, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of kinetics of rigid bodies in planar motion, kinematics of rigid bodies in three dimensions, kinetics of rigid bodies in three dimensions, Euler's equations of motion for a rigid body, vibrations of two degree-of-freedom systems, vibrations of multi degree-offreedom systems (beams etc). They should also be able to understand how to apply analytical tools and methods to mechanical systems from a broad range of application domains. Teaching and Learning Methods Elastic analysis: lectures, example questions and practical exercises using a commercial finite element package. Dynamics of Mechanical Systems: lectures, example questions. Assessment Methods Written examinations at end of each semester (50% each). Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3121 Aerospace Materials Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Hugo Williams UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Formal written examination Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 22 53 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the interaction of microstructure, processing and properties of aluminium and titanium alloys, high temperature Nibase alloys and composites used in structural aerospace components. 2. Select and critique the choice of different classes of materials in common aerospace structural configurations. 3. Explain the drivers and processes of single crystal technology for manufacturing gas turbines. 4. Undertake basic design calculations and propose appropriate lay-ups for polymer composite materials used in typical aerospace structural configurations. 5. Select and justify material constituents, forms and manufacturing processes for polymer composite materials. 6. Describe the functionality and physical mechanisms applied in common 'smart' or 'multifunctional' materials. Teaching and Learning Methods Lecture sessions incorporating active learning tasks, Blackboard site including web-links and additional materials. Example problem booklet. Outline lecture plan (approximate number of session on each topic indicated in brackets (x): Introduction to relevant aerospace systems (3); Light alloys Al, Ti etc. (5); Ni-superalloys (4); Polymer composite materials (6); Smart/ multifunctional materials (2); Case study/example classes (2). Assessment Methods Formal written examination Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3201 Electrical Power Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Harold Ruiz UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Examination (Semester 1) Examination (Semester 2) Resit examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 44 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 106 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 Weight % 50 50 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 2 3 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes Power Electronics (Semester 1): At the end of this module, typical students should be able to: (1) Explain the basic physical principles of power semiconductor switch structures (diodes, transistors, etc) and their operating behaviours. (2) Implement appropriate power semiconductor switches and passive components in a switching converter based on design requirements. (3) Demonstrate the operating principles of basic converter topologies (ac/dc, dc/ac, dc/dc and ac/ac) and solve their operations under steady-states. (4) Solve non-isolated and isolated dc/dc converters and conduct the converter efficiency analysis. (5) Calculate and explain dc/dc converters operating in CCM and DCM exploiting the basic closed loop control circuitry. (6) Analyse the functional principles of ancillary circuits including gate drivers, thermal interface, protection circuits and filters. Power Systems Analysis (Semester 2): At the end of this module, typical students should be able to: (1) Recognize the present and future trends in electric power systems by describing the structure of the electric utility industry, their components, and differences between the American and European practices. (2) Retain the basic concepts and phasor representations of balanced and unbalanced three-phase networks. (3) Describe the basic theory, design and different kind of connections for practical three-phase transformers under steadystate conditions and their equivalent representation in the per-unit system. (4) Implement the two-port network representation for the analysis of short, medium, and long distance three-phase transmission lines for underground and overhead transmission and distribution systems. (5) Design iterative computer methods for the solution of power-flow problems, estimating the input/output data in the per-unit system. (6) Construct the bus impedance matrix for the analysis of fault currents. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, seminar/assignment/tutorial system, surgery hours. Assessment Methods Assessment will be by end of semester examinations (50% + 50%). Pre-Requisites EG2201, EG2203 Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3201 Electrical Power Co-Requisites EG2202 - Communications. Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3202 Communications 2 Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: David Siddle UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 011 012 013 014 Laboratory Exercises Design Exercise Computer-based assessment (Semester 1) Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 24 Seminars 11 Practical Classes & Workshops 24 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 91 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 Weight % 25 25 50 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2.5 2 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes On completion of the module, a typical student will have be able to: 1. state the system limitations on radio wave propagation effects due to various environments. 2. advise on the use of antennas and antenna arrays for transmission and reception, 3. explain the principles of operation of a superheterodyne radio receiver 4. distinguish between digital modulation methods, and their distortions due to noise and channel distortions; 6. suggest coding and complex modulation formats to negate the effects of noise and fading, and; 7. state the relevant parameters of voice and picture encoding techniques 8. model various components of a digital communication system using MATLAB and the associated communications blockset; 9. predict the effect of noise and distortion on the digital signal; 10. assess the efficacy of various coding schemes in negating the effects of noise and fading; and choose methods of voice and picture encoding to suit the digital signal to be enhanced 11 apply original thought to the development of practical design within given constraints. 12. demonstrate logical thought through writen communication and 13. use the output of a computational design tool to evaluate designs against given criteria. Teaching and Learning Methods Semester 1 - Lectures, example sheets, surgery hours. Semester 2 - Seminars, directed reading, laboratory work, design exercise. Assessment Methods 2.5-hour Blackboard test (50%). Laboratory exercises (25%). Design exercise (25%). Pre-Requisites EG2202 Communications Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3202 Communications 2 Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3204 Programmable Electronics Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Timothy Pearce UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 004 005 Programming assessment 1 Programming assessment 2 Programming assessment 3 Programming assessment 4 (Final) Resit assignment Student Workload (hours) Lectures 22 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 40 Demonstration 88 Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 25 25 25 25 100 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of the first part of this module, typical students should be able to demonstrate understanding of the process of problem solving using computer programming. They should be able to write, compile, and execute code to solve typical engineering problems, and to identify and correct errors in their own and others' code. They should have an understanding of the fundamental principles which underly most modern computer programming languages. At the end of the second part of this module, typical students should be able to: (1) demonstrate knowledge of what reconfigurable hardware is, and its relation to software and hardware systems; (2) demonstrate appreciation of the issues in building and reasoning about (practical) concurrent, communicating systems and the benefits that concurrency offers; (3) demonstrate an ability to develop inherently concurrent applications; (4) demonstrate competence with the Handel-C programming language and associated tools for FPGSs; (5) apply these principles to the design, analysus and implementation of FPGA circuits. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, design assignment, surgery hours. Assessment Methods Assessed laboratory exercises. Resit by written examination. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3205 Programming Microelectronic and Multi-Core Systems Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Luciano Ost UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 004 005 Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Assignment 4 (final) Resit exam Student Workload (hours) Lectures 22 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops 88 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 40 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours 25 25 25 25 100 Ass't Group 2 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes Semester 1 covers multi-core and Semester 2 covers programmable microelectronic systems. At the end of first part of this module, students should be able to take advantage of the performance enhancements provided by multi-core systems. This module will cover: programming models, parallel algorithms, and programming languages that are appropriate for the multi-core era. In this regard, the students should be able to: (1) explain and illustrate the main challenges in programming multi-core systems; (2) demonstrate an ability to develop parallel applications and reason about parallel code; (3) exploit features of different programming models and tools commonly used in this domain. At the end of the second part of this module, typical students should be able to: (1) demonstrate knowledge of what reconfigurable hardware is, and its relation to software and hardware systems; (2) demonstrate appreciation of the issues in building and reasoning about (practical) concurrent, communicating systems and the benefits that concurrency offers; (3) demonstrate an ability to develop inherently concurrent hardware; (4) demonstrate competence with VHDL and associated tools for FPGAs; (5) apply these principles to the design, analysis and implementation of FPGA circuits. Teaching and Learning Methods Introductory lecture, supervised laboratory work, practical exercises, written formal reports. Assessment Methods Assessed laboratory exercises (50% for semester 1 and 50% for semester 2) Resit by written examination. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3205 Programming Microelectronic and Multi-Core Systems Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3311 State Variable Control Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Matteo Rubagotti UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 011 Examination (Final) Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 22 4 49 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to: (1) Apply basic concepts and theory of the state-space approach to control system modeling, analysis and design; (2) model a simple electrical or mechanical system in state-space form, apply linearization techniques if necessary, and analyse the essential characteristics of a control system such as asymptotic stability, controllability and observability; (3) design a pole-assignment state feedback controller and construct a full-order state observer when it is needed; (4) perform the tuning of state - feedback controllers using the concept of optimal control; (5) use basic functionalities of the control software package MATLAB in control system analysis and design. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, surgery hours, essays, CAD/computing practical classes. Assessment Methods Formal written examination (100%) Pre-Requisites EG1201 Electrical and Electronic Eengineering. EG2301 Classical Control. Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3312 Modelling and Classification of Data Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Rafael Morales Viviescas UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Formal written examination Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 20 2 53 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of the module students should be able to apply deterministic and statistical modeling techniques to particular application problems. Skills include being able to select a particular method from standard pattern recognition techniques such as linear discriminant functions, fuzzy and neural networks; demonstrate understanding on random variables and concepts from information theory, being able to fit a distribution to data collected in the field; calculate error probability for a statistical classifier; calculate optimal decision boundaries for data classification problems and recognize different forms of pattern recognition problems such as classification and regression. Teaching and Learning Methods lectures, example sheets, directed reading, surgery hours Assessment Methods Formal written examination 100% Pre-Requisites EG3322 Signal Processing 1 Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3321 Digital Control Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Andrea Lecchini Visintini UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Examination Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours 2 Ass't Group 22 53 75 Alt Reass't B Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, students should be able to analyse the dynamical properties of simple Engineering system or process that includes digital and/or sampled elements. They should be able to discuss the performance of computer controlled feedback loops, and to analyse the expected performance of the digital implementation of a feedback loop. They should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the simplifications used to obtain a digital control solution and identify possible limitations in the solution proposed. Syllabus: introduction to computer controlled systems, the Z-transform, difference equations, the Zero Order Hold (ZOH), digital implementation of feedback controllers, frequency response of discrete-time systems, control design n discrete time. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example sheets, surgery hours, directed reading. Assessment Methods End of year examinations (100%) Pre-Requisites EG2301 Classical Control. EG3110 State Variable Control. Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3322 Signal Processing I Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Tanya Vladimirova UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Examination Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 22 6 45 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes This module will provide an understanding of the background theory associated with discrete system analysis followed by a review of design methods associated with the main classes of discrete systems. There will be a structured series of lectures and exercise classes. The course will start with a review of the fundamental principles of data conversion and the background theory of discrete signals and systems. Familiarity with continuous linear system theory and complex algebra will be assumed. Students will acquire a working knowledge of discrete system analysis and design techniques and will be able to read and understand the extensive literature in this field. At the end of this module students should be able to: • Read and demonstrate understanding of the established literature in the field of discrete-time signal processing. • Analyse and predict the response of known linear time-invariant discrete systems. • Design linear time-invariant FIR and IIR filters from either time or frequency domain representations. • Interpret the spectra of discrete-time signals. • Design appropriate schemes for the spectral analysis of discrete-time signals. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, lecture notes, example sheets, surgery hours. Assessment Methods End of year examinations (100%) Pre-Requisites EG1001 Maths with Computation EG1201 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3401 Flight Dynamics Control and Navigation Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 3 UG Engineering 20 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Hongbiao Dong UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 011 012 Examination (semester 1) Examination (semester 2) (Final) Student Workload (hours) Lectures 40 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops 8 Tutorials 3 Fieldwork 3 Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 96 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 150 Weight % 50 50 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group Alt Reass't 2 2 Intended Learning Outcomes The lectured part of this year long module consists of an introduction to aircraft navigation systems, aircraft dynamics, modelling and control. The students will be taught about air data information, air data laws, air data sensors and measurements. Introduction to aircraft navigation, basic principles of navigation, radio direction finding, radio ranges, as well as inertial navigation. A brief outline of the avionics systems and the role of multi function displays, head-up-displays, and flight pages in navigation and guidance will be provided. Flight practicals are carried out at Cranfield at the beginning of the first semester and consist of "flying at Cranfield University" with briefing and de-briefing at Leicester. The first flight concerns Drag and Aircraft Performance while the second flight is about the assessment of Longitudinal Static and Manoeuvre Stability, Longitudinal Dynamic Stability and Lateral-Directional Dynamic Stability The second semester part concerns aircraft flight dynamics and control. Students will be introduced to standard aircraft environmental modelling assumptions (e.g. flat Earth assumption, inertial Earth, standard atmospheric models) as well as to the various coordinate systems used to describe aircraft motion (inertial, aerodynamic and body axes). The basic principles required to model aerodynamic forces (lift, drag, side-force) as well as rolling, pitching and yawing moments will be presented. The notions of equilibrium flight conditions, static stability, stability derivatives and control as well as the derivations of the 6degree-of-freedom airframe equations of motion will be given. State-space equations governing airframe longitudinal and lateral-directional dynamics, airframe modes (e.g. short-period, phugoid), airframe responses from disturbances and demands will be discussed thoroughly. At the end of the module a typical student will be able to use of a wide range of techniques for the modelling and the analysis of a fixed-wing aircraft. Teaching and Learning Methods Classroom Lectures, pre-flight briefings, lecture at the aircraft, flight practicals, workshop to analyse data taken on the flight practicals, example questions. Assessment Methods Formal written examinations. Pre-Requisites EG2103 - Mechanics of Structures EG2401 - Intro to Materials & Aircraft Performance EG3311 - State Variable Control Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG3401 Flight Dynamics Control and Navigation Co-Requisites EG3103-Dynamic of Mechanical Systems Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4006 Fourth Year Project Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 40 Period: Occurence: Academic Year E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Andrew Norman UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Plan implementation Technical achievement Group Report (final) Student Workload (hours) Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision 22 Guided Independent Study 278 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 300 Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group Alt Reass't 30 30 40 Intended Learning Outcomes The principal idea behind the MEng project is to give students the simulated experience of a group project in industry, from forming the team and developing the project through to managing the team and implementing the project plan. At the end of this module, students should demonstrate that they can integrate skills obtained throughout their degree programme in order to execute and report on engineering project work at a professional level appropriate to an MEng graduate, especially in relation to coordinating and managing their work within their team. Teaching and Learning Methods Technical and management meetings with supervisor, customer and peer group. Assessment Methods Three progress reports each worth 10% (plan implementation) Final group report and technical achievement assessed by presentations to the supervisor and examiner at the end of the year. All marks will be affected by a peer assessment weighting, moderated by the supervisor and examiner. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4017 Engineering in Society, Ethics and Professional Development Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Alan Stocker UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description Weight % 001 002 003 004 005 Session performance Essay (PPD) Coursework (society) Exam (final) Resit exam 35 15 15 35 100 Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours ,75 Qual Mark Exam Hours Alt Reass't Ass't Group 1 2 8 10 57 Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to discuss critically aspects of the relationship between technology, engineering and society and their interactions. A number of specific topics will have been covered in order to illuminate different aspects of this relationship, such as the history of technology, innovation and technology transfer. Furthermore, a typical student should be able to analyse, research, and present a reasoned argument on his or her personal and professional development in a clear and concise manner. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, directed reading, student presentations, contributing to teamwork in leading sessions, debates, posters and essays. Assessment Methods Formal written examination (35%), essay and coursework (30%), and presentations, contributions to debates, and contributions to sessions led by team (35%) Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4111 Understanding Surfaces Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: David Weston UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Formal report on lab work Exam (final) Resit exam Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 30 70 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 2 15 10 22 28 75 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of the module students should be able to: Demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical background of different tribological interactions. Produce a formal report on practical work undertaken in the course, which demonstrates practical experience with a range of experimental characterization techniques to determine the relevant engineering properties of a surface engineered component. Process experimental data and apply theoretical formulae in the interpretation of said data with particular relevance to demonstrating the character and mechanical response of a surface engineered component. Coordinate laboratory work as part of a small group. Identify suitable surface engineering solutions to given tribological problems. Display knowledge of the different types of surface engineering techniques available to the engineer. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, practical laboratory work, self study Assessment Methods Formal report on laboratory work 30% Formal written examination 70% Pre-Requisites EG3360 Tribology Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4112 Advanced Fluid Dynamics Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Shian Gao UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Examination (final) Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 20 2 53 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes In this module, students will be exposed to a range of contemporary developments in fluid dynamics. This will include research activities in computational and experimental fluid dynamics. On completion, typical students should be able to exercise a balanced and critical perspective on the roles of computational, experimental and theoretical work in advanced fluid dynamics and the associated design and testing work in industry. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, surgery hours, coursework assignments. Assessment Methods Formal written examination 100% Pre-Requisites EG3102 Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4113 Advanced Solid Mechanics Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Jingzhe Pan UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Exam (final) Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 11 22 42 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes This module provides the students with an advanced theoretical grounding as well as hands on practical experience in modern finite element analysis for structure analysis. At the end of this module, students should be able to a) use the finite element method for stress analysis in practical engineering design. b) chose correct constitutive laws and failure theory in the finite element analysis for the design of different engineering structures and equipment under different conditions Syllabus Lectures cover (a) using finite element analysis in engineering design (b) energy principles and finite element method (c) constitutive laws of engineering materials Practice sessions cover finite element analysis of (a) Long and short beams and plastic beams (b) Stress concentration and plasticity (c) Use of sub-models for global and local analysis (d) Creep and stress relaxation of joints Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures (one hour per week) and supervised practical exercises (2 hours per week) using a commercial finite element package. The guided independent studies are for students to complete the exercises set out in the practical sessions and revise the taught materials in the lectures in their own time. Assessment Methods Written examination (100%) Verbal and one to one feedbacks will be given in the timetabled practical sessions (2 hours per week) by the tutor. No formal formative assessment will made in the module. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4113 Advanced Solid Mechanics Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4121 Aerospace materials Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Hugo Williams UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Exam Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 22 53 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the interaction of microstructure, processing and properties of aluminium and titanium alloys, high temperature Nibase alloys and composites used in structural aerospace components. 2. Select and critique the choice of different classes of materials in common aerospace structural configurations. 3. Explain the drivers and processes of single crystal technology for manufacturing gas turbines. 4. Undertake basic design calculations and propose appropriate lay-ups for polymer composite materials used in typical aerospace structural configurations. 5. Select and justify material constituents, forms and manufacturing processes for polymer composite materials. 6. Describe the functionality and physical mechanisms applied in common 'smart' or 'multifunctional' materials. Teaching and Learning Methods Lecture sessions incorporating active learning tasks, Blackboard site including web-links and additional materials. Example problem booklet. Outline lecture plan (approximate number of session on each topic indicated in brackets (x): Introduction to relevant aerospace systems (3); Light alloys Al, Ti etc. (5); Ni-superalloys (4); Polymer composite materials (6); Smart/ multifunctional materials (2); Case study/example classes (2). Assessment Methods Formal written examination, common with EG7038. Pre-Requisites EG2401 Introduction to Materials and Aircraft Performance Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4122 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Aldo Rona UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 002 Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 22 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 0 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module students will typically be able to: 1. Select appropriate computational domains, turbulence models, boundary conditions and simulation methods for flow of practical interest to academia and industry. 2. Identify the merits and limitations of several simulation types and turbulence models. 3. Identify the relationship between the choice of boundary conditions, computational domain and turbulence models to the accuracy of the obtained flow solution. 4. Outline the different types of CFD codes that are available 5. Determine the suitability of these codes to different flow problems. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example sheets, surgery hours. The hours allocated to Guided Independent Study are for private study Assessment Methods Formal written examination. Formative assessment is provided through continual feedback on example sheets in class. Example sheets are provided at regular intervals throughout the module. Pre-Requisites EG4112 Advanced Fluid Dynamics Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4123 Advanced Composite Mechanics Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Hugo Williams UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Examination (final) Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 20 2 53 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, typical students should be able to conduct structural analyses of fibre-reinforced composites. This includes the theory of anisotropic elasticity, upper and lower bounds of effective properties such as extensional and transverse stiffness for individual plies, plate theory for laminate structures and failure mechanisms and failure criteria for plies and laminates. They should also be able to quantitatively assess structural composite components and design suitable laminates lay-ups for specific applications, subject to economic constraints. They should be able to define the processes involved in designing a fibre-reinforced composite component. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures; Examples sheets; Surgery Hours. Assessment Methods End of semester examination (100%) Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4211 Advanced Electrical Machines Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Paul Lefley UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Examination Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours 100 Ass't Group 22 53 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, students will be able to make detailed calculations and predictions of the operation of machines under steady state and dynamic conditions and when connected to electronic drives. Specific learning outcomes include: 1) To elucidate the basis of electromagnetic torque production in a wide range of electrical machines. 2) To explain the construction, design and operation of brushless permanent magnet dc motors and to apply appropriate performance analysis. 3) To explain and critique the construction, design and operation, of switched reluctance motors and apply appropriate detailed analysis for evaluation of machine performance, including stator and rotor pole numbers and the relationship to the number of phase windings. 4) To apply advanced methods including d-q axis matrix methods for electrical machine analysis, including the prediction of steady-state and transient performance of various DC and AC machines under various mechanical load conditions. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, surgery hours. Assessment Methods Formal Written Examination (100%) Pre-Requisites EG2201 Electrical Engineering Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4212 Radio Systems Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Alan Stocker UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 004 005 006 Coursework Examination Resit Examination (inc original coursework marks) Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 40 60 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 1.5 2 20 12 43 75 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to demonstrate that they have a broad appreciation of a wide range of radio system applications and have developed a knowledge of their modes of operation, the equipment requirements and limitations and the radio propagation mechanisms. They should also be able to demonstrate that they have developed an indepth understanding of the operation of several of the systems discussed in the module. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, directed reading, practical classes. Assessment Methods Formal written examination (60%), two laboratory exercises with submitted written work being assessed (20% each). The coursework component cannot be retaken. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4214 Embedded Systems (1) Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Andrew Norman UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Coursework 1 Coursework 2 Resit Exam Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 50 50 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 11 22 42 75 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to: 1. Design software for single-processor embedded applications based on small, industry standard, microcontrollers. 2. Implement a software design using a high-level programming language. Teaching and Learning Methods Seminars, computing exercises and practical classes. Guided Independent Study takes place mainly by private study (with some additional support provided in laboratory sessions). Assessment Methods Computing exercises, including oral defence of work (100%). Resit by examination. Formative assessment takes place by providing feedback to students on submitted coursework. Pre-Requisites Either EG1214, EG3204 or Equivalent level of C programming Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4221 Advanced Electronically Controlled Drives Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Paul Lefley UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Exam Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 22 53 75 Alt Reass't 3 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, students will be able to; 1. Outline the principles of electrical machines. 2. Explain that the dynamics of the machine is related to the current and voltages applied to the machine. 3. Provide a detailed description of the function of the power electronic converter. 4. Solve problems and analyse the interaction of the motor/generator with the power converter. 5. Discuss the operation and characteristics of a complete electronically controlled motor drive. 6. Differentiate between open and closed loop feedback control. The effect of feedback control in the drive system, and that it is essential in some drives for stable operation. 7. Describe what a power electronic drive is. In addition students will be able to see and understand how a drive functions through a number of computer simulation exercises. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example sheets, surgery hours Assessment Methods 100% Formal Written Examination Pre-Requisites EG4211 Advanced Electrical Machines Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4222 Radio Communications Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: David Siddle UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 Lab work Project Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 16 5 21 1 32 75 Alt Reass't 50 50 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, students should be able to: 1. Identify the requirements for the planning and operation of a number of communications systems (e.g. HF broadcasts and VHF/UHF systems including mobile telephones). 2. Outline and calculate the limitations of such systems due to signal loss and channel distortion. 3. Demonstrate the use of a variety of the prediction techniques and simulation software that are available to aid the system designer. 4. Apply these principles to designing a telecommunication system 5. Create an original design solution for an urban mobile phone system, given engineering and other constraints. 6. Give a clear logical argument in a written document to support their design. 7. Quantitatively assess the risk that a cellular communications system will ail to provide service, against social and economic factors relevant to its operation. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, directed reading, student presentations, laboratory work, design project. Assessment Methods Presentation, laboratory work, design project Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4224 Embedded Systems (2) Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Andrew Norman UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Coursework 1 Coursework 2 Resit Examination Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours 50 50 100 Ass't Group 2 11 22 42 75 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to: 1. Design software for multi-processor embedded applications, using CAN and related protocols. 2. Implement a software design using a high-level programming language. Teaching and Learning Methods Seminars, computing exercises and practical classes. Guided Independent Study takes place mainly by private study (with some additional support provided in laboratory sessions). Assessment Methods Computing exercises, including oral defence of work (100%). Resit by examination. Formative assessment takes place by providing feedback to students on submitted coursework. Pre-Requisites EG4214 Embedded Systems (1), EG1214 or EG3204 Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4311 Robust Control Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Dawei Gu UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Formal written examination Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 20 2 4 49 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module students should be able to: 1) Discuss the basic principles of robust control (Gain-phase margins, Small Gain Theorem) 2) Discuss the factors that limit the performance of linear feedback control systems (non minimum phase systems, unstable systems) 3) Design robust controllers based on classical loop shaping (frequency domain designs, singular value plots, gain and time delay margins) 4) Appreciate the use of H-infinity methods for robust controller design (state-space controller synthesis approaches) Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, seminars, surgery hours, CAD/computing practical classes Assessment Methods Formal Written Examination (100%) Pre-Requisites EG1201 Electrical and Electronic Engineering EG2301 Classical Conditioning EG3311 State Variable Control Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4312 Modelling and Classification of Data Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Rafael Morales Viviescas UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Formal Written Examination Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 20 2 53 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of the module students should be able to apply deterministic and statistical modeling techniques to particular application problems. Skills include being able to select a particular method from standard pattern recognition techniques such as linear discriminant functions, fuzzy and neural networks; demonstrate understanding on random variables and concepts from information theory, being able to fit a distribution to data collected in the field; calculate error probability for a statistical classifier; calculate optimal decision boundaries for data classification problems and recognize different forms of pattern recognition problems such as classification and regression. Students should be able to demonstrate sufficient skills required to implement Bayes classification methods, which might be required in dealing with large volumes of data via computer tools. Teaching and Learning Methods lectures, example sheets, written assignment coursework, directed reading, surgery hours Assessment Methods Formal written examination (100% Pre-Requisites EG3322 Signal Processing 1 Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4321 Nonlinear Control Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Matthew Turner UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 Examination Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 22 53 75 Alt Reass't 2 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, a typical student will be able to: 1) Explain the limitations of linear analysis techniques for nonlinear control systems 2) Demonstrate the application of nonlinear analysis techniques, using a range of different methods including phase-portraits and time-domain state-space methods. 3) Analyse the stability of nonlinear systems using Lyapunov's second method and related tools 4) Discuss the concept of passivity and use this concept to analyse stability of interconnected nonlinear systems 5) Assess the stability of Lur'e systems using the so-called Circle and Popov Criteria 6) Apply nonlinear control system design methods including feedback linearisation (nonlinear dynamic inversion) and Lyapunov-based design methods such as backstepping to simple nonlinear control problems. 7) Critique the usefulness of nonlinear control methods in engineering problems. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example sheets, surgery hours, directed reading. Assessment Methods End of year examinations (100%) Pre-Requisites EG2301 Classical Control EG3311 State Variable Control Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG4322 Signal Processing 2 Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: Student Workload (hours) 2016/7 Year 4 UG Engineering 10 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Fernando Schlindwein UG Pass for Credit No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Lab Report Examination Resit Examination Lectures Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours Weight % 50 50 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 2 22 24 29 75 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes By the end of the module, students are able to do the following: 1.To read and understand the documentation of the instruction set of DSP chips; 2.To implement interrupt-based sampling of analogue signals using DSP chips; 3.Starting from the theory covered in EG7016, to design and understand reliable implementations of DSP-based systems that operate in realtime; 4.To understand the implications (timing issues, cost issues) involved in the selection of a particular DSP chip and to understand some examples of peripheral hardware for real-time applications. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, lecture notes, and laboratory ‘hands-on’ practical sessions. Assessment Methods Exam and assessed work (50/50) Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7012 Matlab and CAD Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Musa Abdulkareem PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 011 012 013 Computer Examination (Final) Coursework Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 7 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops 15 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 90 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 112 Weight % 70 30 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group Alt Reass't 2 2 Y Intended Learning Outcomes After completing this module the students will: Be capable of analysing simple problems arising in science and engineering for the purpose of programming with a computer. Be capable of using Matlab in an interactive mode - entering and assigning data to variables and using plotting functions. Be capable of writing simple programs using, as and when necessary, loop structures and conditional statements including 'for loops', 'while loops' and 'if-then-else' constructs and user-defined functions. Be able to design and/or analyse engineering systems using state-of-the-art CAD tools relevant to their chosen discipline; either SIMULINK, the Communications Toolbox, OrCAD PSpice or Solid Works. Teaching and Learning Methods There are seven formal lectures for this module - one to introduce the module as a whole and six to introduce matlab. A series of lab sessions are run, initially comprising 6 supervised hours of hands-on training in Matlab as an interactive medium, a data analysis tool and also as a program development environment. Following this, the cohort will then be split according to their MSc programmes and, during 9 hours of laboratory sessions, introduced to Simulink, the Communications toolbox, pSpice, or Solid Works as appropriate. Guided independent study is private study, although office hours and electronic discussion boards offer additional help outside of the laboratories. Assessment Methods Matlab programming will be assessed by means of a 2 hour computer-based examination, while CAD will be assessed by a single piece of coursework. The coursework component cannot be retaken. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7013 Modelling and Classification of Data Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Rafael Morales Viviescas PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Formal Written Examination (Final) Computer Examination Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 20 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops 2 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 90.5 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours112.5 Weight % 70 30 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group Alt Reass't 2 2 Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of the module students should be able to apply deterministic and statistical modeling techniques to particular application problems. Skills include being able to select a particular method from standard pattern recognition techniques such as linear discriminant functions, fuzzy and neural networks; demonstrate understanding on random variables and concepts from information theory, being able to fit a distribution to data collected in the field; calculate error probability for a statistical classifier; calculate optimal decision boundaries for data classification problems and recognize different forms of pattern recognition problems such as classification and regression. Students should be able to demonstrate sufficient skills required to implement Bayes classification methods which might be required in dealing with large volumes of data via computer tools. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example sheets, written assignment coursework, directed reading. Assessment Methods Formal written examination (70%), Computer-based test: in the areas of probability and statistics, statistical models, neural networks and Bayes classifiers (30%). Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7014 High-Reliability Embedded Systems Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Ioannis Kyriakopoulos PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 002 004 Coursework 1 Coursework 2 Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures Seminars 11 Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials 33 Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 68.5 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours112.5 Weight % 50 50 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module students should have a solid comprehension of the C programming language and how it can be applied to create reliable embedded systems, including recognised coding standards such as Misra C. Specifically, typical students will be able to: 1. Discuss relevant coding standards; 2. Explain and reproduce common scheduling paradigms; 3. Classify and categorise different approaches to scheduling, including contrasting the different approaches; 4. Define and implement their own demonstrator embedded systems utilising a variety of paradigms and standards; 5. Evaluate the reliability and predicatability of these systems. Teaching and Learning Methods Seminars, computing exercises and practical classes. Guided Independent Study takes place mainly by private study (with some additional support provided in laboratory sessions). Assessment Methods Coursework exercises from submitted laboratory sessions. Resit by examination. Formative assessment takes place by providing feedback to students on laboratory sessions. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7015 Robust Control Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Rafael Morales Viviescas PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Formal written examination Assignment (control design case study) Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 20 Seminars 0 Practical Classes & Workshops 2 Tutorials 0 Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 90.5 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours112.5 Weight % 70 30 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group Alt Reass't 2 2 Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module students should be able to: (1) discuss the basic principles of robust control (Gain-phase margins, Small Gain Theorem); (2) discuss the factors that affect the stability and performance of linear feedback control systems in real world operation environment (dynamic perturbations, disturbances, etc.); (3) design robust controllers based on classical loop shaping (frequency domain designs, singular value plots, gain and time delay margins); and (4) formulate a robust controller design framework and use H-infinity methods for robust controller design (state-space controller synthesis approaches). Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, examples sheets, surgery hours, computing practical classes. Assessment Methods Formal written examination (70%) Assignment (Control design case study, 30%) Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7016 Design of Discrete Systems Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Fernando Schlindwein PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 002 Examination (Final) Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 22 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops 6 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 85 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 113 Weight % 100 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours 2.5 2 Ass't Group Alt Reass't B B Y Intended Learning Outcomes This module will provide an understanding of the background theory associated with discrete system analysis followed by a review of design methods associated with the main classes of discrete systems. There will be a structured series of lectures and exercise classes. The course will start with a review of the fundamental principles of data conversion and the background theory of discrete signals and systems. Familiarity with continuous linear system theory and complex algebra will be assumed. Students will acquire a working knowledge of discrete system analysis and design techniques and will be able to read and understand the extensive literature in this field. At the end of this module students should be able to: • Read and demonstrate understanding of the established literature in the field of discrete-time signal processing. • Analyse and predict the response of known linear time-invariant discrete systems. • Design linear time-invariant FIR and IIR filters from either time or frequency domain representations. • Interpret the spectra of discrete-time signals. • Design appropriate schemes for the spectral analysis of discrete-time signals. • Obtain and interpret the Discrete Fourier Transform of a uniformly sampled time series. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example sheets, surgery hours. Assessment Methods 2 hour-long closed book examination. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7017 Real-Time Signal Processing Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Fernando Schlindwein PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Lab Report Examination Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 22 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops 24 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 66.5 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours112.5 Weight % 50 50 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 2 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes By the end of the module, students are able to do the following: 1. To read and critically analyse the documentation of the instruction set of DSP chips; 2. To implement interrupt-based sampling of analogue signals using DSP chips; 3. Starting from the theory covered in EG3322, to design and critically analyse reliable implementations of DSP-based systems that operate in real-time; and 4. To understand the implications (timing issues, cost issues) involved in the selection of a particular DSP chip and to understand some examples of peripheral hardware for real-time applications. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, lecture notes and laboratory ‘hands-on’ practical sessions. Assessment Methods Exam (50%) and assessed work (50%). Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites EG7016 Design of Discrete Systems. Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7018 Embedded Systems for Condition Monitoring and Control Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Ioannis Kyriakopoulos PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 002 005 Coursework 1 Coursework 2 Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures Seminars 11 Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials 33 Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 68.5 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours112.5 Weight % 50 50 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, students should have a solid comprehension of standard techniques such as worst case execution times and processor loading, interaction between software and hardware, techniques for testing systems, and for scheduling complex task sets. Specifically, typical students will be able to: 1. Investigate worst-case execution times and CPU loading values; 2. Interpret coding standads guideline and apply them to systems implementation; 3. Present techniques for maximising reliability and extend systems to employ these techniques; 4. Design and apply existing and bespoke techniques for testing reliability at code and systems level; 5. Compare and contrast different techniques for scheduling complex task sets. Teaching and Learning Methods Seminars, computing exercises and practical classes. Guided Independent Study takes place mainly by private study (with some additional support provided in laboratory sessions). Assessment Methods Coursework based on laboratory exercises. Resit by examination. Formative assessment takes place by providing feedback to students on submitted coursework. Pre-Requisites EG7014 High-Reliability Embedded Systems. Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7021 Radio Systems Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Alan Stocker PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 011 013 014 Coursework Examination Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 20 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops 12 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 80.5 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours112.5 Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours 30 70 100 Ass't Group 2 2 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students should be able to demonstrate that they have a broad appreciation of a wide range of radio system applications and have developed a knowledge of their modes of operation, the equipment requirements and limitations and the radio propagation mechanisms.They should also be able to demonstrate that they have developed an ability to calculate and comment on the important operational parameters of several of the systems discussed in the module. Students should also demonstrate knowledge of and an ability to apply the basic underlying physical and other principles of wireless communications. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, directed reading, practical classes. Guided independent study is private study (supported by office hours and electronic discussion boards). Assessment Methods Formal written examination (70%), two laboratory exercises (15% each). The coursework component cannot be retaken. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7022 Digital Communications Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: David Siddle PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 011 012 013 014 Laboratory Exercises Design Exercise Blackboard Computer Examination Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures Seminars 11 Practical Classes & Workshops 24 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 77 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 112 Weight % 30 30 40 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 1 1 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes On completion of the module, a typical student will have developed an appreciation and understanding of: 1. digital modulation methods, and the effects of noise and channel distortions; 2. coding and complex modulation formats to negate the effects of noise and fading, and; 3. voice and picture encoding and will be to 1. model various components of a digital communication system using MATLAB and the associated communications blockset; 2. predict the effect of noise and distortion on the digital signal; 3. assess the efficacy of various coding schemes in negating the effects of noise and fading; and 4. choose methods of voice and picture encoding to suit the digital signal to be enhanced 5 apply original thought to the development of practical design within given constraints. 6. demonstrate logical thought through writen communication and 7. use the output of a computational design tool to evaluate designs against given criteria Teaching and Learning Methods Seminars, directed reading, laboratory work, design exercise. Assessment Methods Final examination (40%). Laboratory exercises (30%). Design exercise (30%). Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7023 Radio Communications Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: David Siddle PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 004 Labwork Project Written Examination Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 16 Seminars 5 Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials 21 Fieldwork Project Supervision 1 Guided Independent Study 69.5 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours112.5 Weight % 30 30 40 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 1.5 1.5 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, students should be able to Create a power budget for a radio link, specifying what parameters need to be input, and using these to assess the efficacy of the link. Calculate the maximum range of a terrestrial radio link, given the details of the antennas and information about the atmosphere. Given an obstacle to a line-of-sight link, get the relavant dimensions and hence estimate the excess loss caused. State the relative advantages of a physical model and an empirical model of propagation, give an example of each. Use data presented in an ionogram to assess the quality of an ionospheric radio link between any two stations. Identify the requirements for the planning and operation of a number of communications systems (e.g. HF broadcasts and VHF/UHF systems including mobile telephones). Outline and calculate the limitations of such systems due to signal loss and channel distortion. Demonstrate the use of a variety of the prediction techniques and simulation software that are available to aid the system designer. Apply these principles to designing a telecommunication system Create an original design solution for an urban mobile phone system, given engineering and other constraints. Give a clear logical argument in a written document to support their design. Quantitatively assess the risk that a cellular communications system will ail to provide service, against social and economic factors relevant to its operation. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, directed reading, student presentations, laboratory work, design project. Assessment Methods Final Examination 40% Laboratory Work 30% Design Project 30% Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7023 Radio Communications Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7029 Computational Fluid Dynamics Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Aldo Rona PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 011 001 - Written Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 22 Seminars 0 Practical Classes & Workshops 0 Tutorials 0 Fieldwork 0 Project Supervision 0 Guided Independent Study 91 Demonstration 0 Supervised time in studio/workshop 0 Work Based Learning 0 Placement 0 Year Abroad 0 Total Module Hours 113 Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group Alt Reass't 2.5 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, typical students will be able to: 1. Select appropriate computational domains, turbulence models, boundary conditions and simulation methods for flow of practical interest to academia and industry; 2. Identify the merits and limitations of several simulation types and turbulence models; 3. Identify the relationship between the choice of boundary conditions, computational domain and turbulence models to the accuracy of the obtained flow solution; 4. Outline the different types of CFD codes that are available and explain the suitability of these codes to a specific flow problem; 5. Discuss the current trends in supercomputing and explain their relevance to Computational Fluid Dynamics; 6. Use the concept of parallelization efficiency for sizing the computational resources and the wall time of a representative High Performance Computing CFD application. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example sheets, surgery hours. The hours allocated to Guided Independent Study are for private study. Assessment Methods Formal written examination. Formative assessment is provided through continual feedback on example sheets in class. Example sheets are provided on Blackboard, the University of Leicester Virtual Learning Environment document repository Pre-Requisites EG7026 Advanced Fluid Dynamics. Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7031 Advanced Materials Modelling Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Hugo Williams PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 Formal Written Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 22 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 91 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 113 Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group Alt Reass't 2.5 Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, typical students should be able to conduct structural analyses of fibre-reinforced composites. This includes the theory of anisotropic elasticity, upper and lower bounds of effective properties such as extensional and transverse stiffness for individual plies, in-plane and out-of-plane plate theory for the extension and bending of laminate structures and failure mechanisms and failure criteria for plies and laminates. They should also be able to quantitatively assess structural composite components and design suitable laminates lay-ups for specific applications, subject to economic constraints. They should be able to define the processes involved in designing a fibre-reinforced composite component. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures; Examples sheets; Surgery Hours. Assessment Methods End of semester examination (100%). Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7034 Advanced Electrical Machines Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Paul Lefley PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 002 Examination Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 22 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 90.5 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours112.5 Weight % Qual Mark Exam Hours 100 100 Ass't Group 3 3 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, students will be able to make detailed calculations and predictions of the operation of machines under steady state and dynamic conditions and when connected to electronic drives. Specific learning outcomes include: 1) To elucidate the basis of electromagnetic torque production in a wide range of electrical machines. 2) To explain the construction, design and operation of brushless permanent magnet dc motors and to apply appropriate performance analysis. 3) To explain and critique the construction, design and operation, of switched reluctance motors and apply appropriate detailed analysis for evaluation of machine performance, including stator and rotor pole numbers and the relationship to the number of phase windings. 4) To apply advanced methods including d-q axis matrix methods and state space representation for electrical machine analysis, including the prediction of steady-state and transient performance of various DC and AC machines under various mechanical load conditions. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example sheets and directed reading. Assessment Methods Formal written examination (100%) Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7035 Advanced Electronically Controlled Drives Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Paul Lefley PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 002 Examination Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 22 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 90.5 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours112.5 Weight % 100 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 3 3 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, students will be able to; 1. Outline the principles of electrical machines. 2. Explain that the dynamics of the machine is related to the current and voltages applied to the machine. 3. Provide a detailed description of the function of the power electronic converter. 4. Solve problems and analyse the interaction of the motor/generator with the power converter. 5. Discuss the operation and characteristics of a complete electronically controlled motor drive. 6. Differentiate between open and closed loop feedback control. The effect of feedback control in the drive system, and that it is essential in some drives for stable operation. 7. Describe what a power electronic drive is. In addition, Students will be able to see and understand how a drive functions through a number of computer simulations, and to undertake set exercises to provide a deeper understanding and to broaden their background knowledge in this area. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example sheets, surgery hours. Assessment Methods 100% Formal written examination. Pre-Requisites EG7034 Advanced Electrical Machines Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7037 Advanced Solid Mechanics Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 1 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Jingzhe Pan PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 Examination (Final) Student Workload (hours) Lectures 11 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops 22 Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 80 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 113 Weight % 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group Alt Reass't 2.5 Intended Learning Outcomes This module is to provide the students with an advanced theoretical grounding as well as hands on practical experience in modern finite element analysis. At the end of this module, students should be able to a) use the finite element method for stress analysis in practical engineering design. b) chose correct constitutive laws in the finite element analysis for the design of different engineering structures and equipment under different conditions c) validate finite element analysis using simple analytical solutions and equilibrium conditions in practical design problems The topics covered by the module include elastic analysis, plastic analysis, creep analysis, mesh convergence, use of submodels and selection of different finite elements and constitutive laws for different applications. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures (one per week) and supervised practical exercises (2 hours per week) using a commercial finite element package. The guided independent studies are for students to complete the exercises set out in the practical sessions and revise the taught materials in the lectures in their own time. Assessment Methods Written Examination. Verbal and one-to-one feedbacks will be given in the timetabled practical sessions (2 hours per week) by the tutor. No formal formative assessment will be made in the module. Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7040 Nonlinear Control Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Matthew Turner PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Examination Closed book test Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 22 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 90 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 112 Weight % 67 33 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 1 2 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, a typical student will be able to: 1) Explain the limitations of linear analysis techniques for nonlinear control systems 2) Demonstrate the application of nonlinear analysis techniques, using a range of different methods including phase-portraits and time-domain state-space methods. 3) Analyse the stability of nonlinear systems using Lyapunov's second method and related tools 4) Discuss the concept of passivity and use this concept to analyse stability of interconnected nonlinear systems 5) Assess the stability of Lur'e systems using the so-called Circle and Popov Criteria 6) Apply nonlinear control system design methods including feedback linearisation (nonlinear dynamic inversion) and Lyapunov-based design methods such as backstepping to simple nonlinear control problems. 7) Critique the usefulness of nonlinear control methods in engineering problems. 8) Students should be familiar with state-space control concepts and should be able to manipulate state-space equations and evaluate state-space control problems. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example sheets, surgery hours, directed reading. Assessment Methods End of year examinations (100%) Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016 Module Specification EG7060 Dynamics of Mechanical Systems Academic Year: Module Level: Scheme: Department: Credits: 2016/7 Postgraduate PG Engineering 15 Period: Occurence: Semester 2 E Coordinator: Mark Scheme: Emmanuel Prempain PGT Mark Scheme No. Assessment Description 001 002 003 Examination Test Resit Examination Student Workload (hours) Lectures 22 Seminars Practical Classes & Workshops Tutorials Fieldwork Project Supervision Guided Independent Study 90 Demonstration Supervised time in studio/workshop Work Based Learning Placement Year Abroad Total Module Hours 112 Weight % 70 30 100 Qual Mark Exam Hours Ass't Group 2 1 2 Alt Reass't Y Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of kinetics of rigid bodies in planar motion, kinematics of rigid bodies in three dimensions, kinetics of rigid bodies in three dimensions, Euler's equations of motion for a rigid body, vibrations of two degree-of-freedom systems, vibrations of multi degree-of-freedom systems (beams etc). They should also be able to understand how to apply analytical tools and methods to mechanical systems from a broad range of application domains.Students should also be able to use analytical dynamics (Lagrangian) to solve advanced engineering dynamical problems. Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, example sheets Assessment Methods Formal written examination (100%) Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Excluded Combinations - Last Published: June 10, 2016