1. Project Title: The Design, Development , Fabrication and commissioning of MOdular Neutron time of flight SpectromeTER (MONSTER) for DESPEC experiment at FAIR. 2. Name of the Fair Experiment: Decay spectroscopy (DESPEC). 3. Project Summary: A neutron detector array MONSTER (MOdular Neutron SpectromeTER) has been proposed for the measurement of the beta decay properties of neutron rich isotopes at the DESPEC (decay spectroscopy) experiment. The spectrometer will be sensitive to β-delayed neutron with energies ranging from 100 keV to 20MeV and allow reconstructing its energy by time of flight. MONSTER will consist of ~ 200 numbers of BC501A liquid scintillator based neutron detectors. It has been decided that VECC along with other Indian collaborators (BARC and Panjab University) will make 50 such cells for MONSTER array in collaboration with CIEMAT – Madrid. The performance of the individual cell will be characterised at both the laboratories, with neutron and γ - ray sources, and with reference monochromatic neutron beam at the neutron metrology facility of the PTB-Braunschweig. The array along with other detectors being developed for the DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) setup will be installed at the Low Energy Branch (LEB) after the Super FRagment Separator (Super-FRS) of the FAIR facility. 4. TDR Status: TDR has been submitted in February 2013 to FAIR Council. Project Leader/spokesperson Name: Daniel Cano-Ott E-Mail: daniel.cano@ciemat.es Deputy Leader/spokesperson Name: Chandana Bhattacharya E-Mail: chandana@vecc.gov.in Technical Coordinator: Name: Trino Martínez E-Mail: trino.martinez@ciemat.es 5. Group members: VECC, India C. Bhattacharya, K. Banerjee, S. Bhattacharya, P. Roy, J.K. Meena, S. Kundu, G. Mukherjee, T. K. Ghosh, T. K. Rana, R. Pandey BARC, India A.Saxena Panjab University, India B. Behera , A. Kumar Technical Details: 6a. Origin of the proposal Beta-decay studies of exotic nuclei are one of the main goals of the DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) setup to be installed at the Low Energy Branch (LEB) after the Super FRagment Separator (Super-FRS) of the FAIR facility. The intense beams of exotic nuclei that will become available at the Super-FRagment Separator (Super-FRS) of the FAIR facility will give the opportunity to study the nuclear structure and dynamics of extremely neutron rich nuclei. The different exotic beams will be separated using (Super-FRS) and finally stopped in the implantation detectors for the measurement of their β-decay properties with the help of different devices being devolved under the DESPEC collaboration. The knowledge of the β-decay strength function Sβ(E) and the properties of nuclei lying far from the stability contributes decisively to our understanding of nuclear phenomena in the nuclear structure, astrophysics and nuclear technology fields. Special interest has evoked on the study of exotic nuclei in the neutron rich side where the nucleo-synthesis r-process take place or the evolution of the shell structure is unknown as it approaches the neutron drip line. The accurate measurement of the half-lives, magnetic moments, masses, distribution of decay probabilities and particle emission probabilities provides essential data for the determination of the full βstrength distribution in exotic nuclei. All of the experiments anticipated within the DESPEC collaboration involve implantation prior to the decay. In most cases this will involve active DSSD systems. There is a need for such a system to correlate implanted ions and subsequent generations of charged particle (β, p, α) decays where high rates can be expected. In general such a system will also require high resolution, both for signal to noise discrimination and because the physics (e.g. 2p decay studies) demands such precision for comparison with theory. The decay of very neutron-rich nuclei is, however, owing to the high Qβ and relatively low binding energies of the daughter nuclei, often associated with delayed neutron emission from the population of unbound states in the daughter nuclei. As a result β-delayed neutron (βdn) emission becomes the dominant decay mode at the neutron drip line. The decay probability, energy and branching ratios of βdn are essential to map the β-strength function Sβ(E) of nuclei far from stability. Moreover, the delayed neutron emission of neutron rich nuclei plays an important role in the nucleo-synthesis r-process as well as in the kinetic control of advance reactors (e.g. decay heat calculation). Beta delayed neutron emission is important in terms of nuclear technology, since it is one of the key features for the safe operation of actual nuclear power plants. Moreover a detailed design, safety assessment and operation of more advanced reactor concepts such as Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) or Fast Reactors, proposed for the transmutation of Nuclear Waste, will certainly benefit from improved nuclear databases. Delayed neutron data obtained at FAIR will allow us to complete the international nuclear data libraries and serve as input to more accurate delayed neutron summation calculations and more detailed Monte Carlo simulations. Fig. 1. The beta delayed neutron and gamma ray emission process. The beta-delayed neutron emission leaves the final daughter nucleus not only in its ground state but also in excited states (as shown in Fig. 1), which immediately de-excite via gamma ray emission. Indeed, valuable and complementary information on the nuclear structure of both the final and the emitter nuclei is obtained with the combined detection of the neutron and gamma rays. Thus, the goal of an ideal beta delayed neutron experiment is to measure individual neutrons with high efficiency, good energy resolution and in coincidence with the gamma rays measured with a high resolution gamma-ray set-up. Such an experiment would allow the reconstruction of the complete energy released in the decay chain. However, experimental difficulties arrive when trying to detect neutron and measure its energy with high efficiency and low energy threshold. Therefore, in order to map the full decay strength, a system for detecting neutrons with energies up to some 20 MeV with good efficiency and high energy resolution is required. In order to determine the neutron emission probability and energy, a time-of-flight spectrometer based on scintillation detectors have been proposed for the DESPEC project. This report is devoted to the design and technical description of a Time Of Flight (TOF) MOdular Neutron SpectromeTER (MONSTER) for performing neutron spectroscopy at DESPEC at FAIR. High energy resolution, high efficiency as well as n-γ discrimination and cross-talk rejection capabilities are the main requirements for such a spectrometer. Another important area we like to address is the isospin dependence of nuclear level density (NLD). NLD is one of the important ingredients of all statistical model calculation. The excitation energy and angular momentum dependence of nuclear level density is explored to an extent; however very little is known to the isospin dependence of NLD. The set-up proposed for DESPEC will give suitable opportunity to study NLD by detecting the evaporated neutrons of neutron rich nuclei in-coincidence with daughter nuclei in the DSSD 6b. Definition of the problem: A schematic view of detectors required for the decay spectroscopic studies are shown in Fig. 2. The neutron detector array forms the outer part of the focal plane detector system of the DESPEC facility. At DESPEC the beams will be stopped at the implantation device, typically a silicon strip detectors. Each implanted ion will be identified using the information gained from the Super-FRS ancillary detectors and the implantation setup. The β-decay spectroscopy will be performed by measuring the β-delayed radiation (mainly γ-rays and neutrons) correlated to the β-particles detected at the implantation setup. Since the study of the r-process nuclei is one of the highest scientific priority of the DESPEC, the development of a modern high efficiency neutron detector array is necessary for the measurement of β-delayed one- or multi-neutron branches. Another important aspect is the detection of β−n−γ coincidences to identify the levels in the A-1 (-2,-3) nuclei which is inaccessible by the β−γ spectroscopy alone. Fig. 2: Schematic top-view of the experimental set-up for “complete” spectroscopy with stopped beams. This set-up will be situated in the Low Energy Cave. Even at FAIR, the production cross sections of very neutron rich nuclei will be relatively low compared to those of stable nuclei. For these reasons, efficient and selective techniques are essential in the determination of decay properties of β-delayed neutron emitters. High efficiency Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors (DSSSD) and germanium detectors have been proposed for the β and γ-ray detection. The MOdular Neutron SpectromeTER described in this report is proposed for performing the β-delayed neutron spectroscopy. For measurement of neutrons in the environment of γ and β fields, liquid scintillator based neutron detectors are the best candidates because they have good pulse shape discrimination property. Among liquid scintillators, BC 501A (EJ301) has excellent pulse shape discrimination property. Proposed neutron TOF Array: MONSTER (MOdular Neutron SpectromeTER): A neutron detector array MONSTER (MOdular Neutron SpectromeTER) has been proposed for the measurement of the beta decay properties of neutron rich isotopes at the DESPEC (decay spectroscopy) experiment. The spectrometer will be sensitive to β-delayed neutron with energies ranging from 100 keV to 20MeV and allow reconstructing its energy by time of flight. MONSTER will consist of ~ 200 numbers of BC501A liquid scintillator based neutron detectors. It has been decided that VECC along with other Indian collaborators (BARC and Panjab University) will make 50 such cells for MONSTER array in collaboration with CIEMAT – Madrid. The performance of the individual cell will be characterised at both the laboratories, with neutron and γ - ray sources, and with reference monochromatic neutron beam at the neutron metrology facility of the PTB-Braunschweig. The final array will be installed at the LEB, in conjunction with other detectors for DESPEC. The experimental set-up and technical specifications: The neutron energies will be determined by a standard time-of-flight technique whereby the “start” is provided by the β–detector (silicon or plastic scintillation detector) and the “stop” by the neutron detector module(s). The spectrometer will require some ancillary detectors (Fig. 2): silicon or plastic scintillation detectors for the β-particles and an array of Ge detectors for detecting γ’s. These should be placed close to the source and the amount of dead material should be minimised, imposing restrictions on the construction of the beam pipe. The digital data acquisition system will be used, and the pulse shape analysis of the BC501A light output will provide discrimination of n- γ event. Coincident β-n and β-γ-n events will be recorded in order to determine the delayed neutron emission probabilities, energies and decay schemes. The energy of the delayed neutrons will be derived from the time difference between β-trigger and a signal in the neutron spectrometer. The γ-ray background in the neutron detectors will be rejected by time-of-flight (for prompt coincident gammas) and by the pulse-shape analysis. The overall strategy that is being adopted in designing this array is the following: • • • • High detection efficiency, which allows detecting neutrons emitted by exotic nuclei produced at very low yields. High energy resolution, in order to reveal fine structure of neutron emission in nuclei with high level density. Low energy detection threshold, which allows for improved detection efficiency at the energy range of β-delayed neutrons, from tens of keV up to 20MeV. Neutron-gamma discrimination capability, because of neutron emission competes with gamma de-excitation • • Modularity, in order to distinguish between single and multiple neutron emission events (β-n, β2n, β-3n,…), by applying cross-talk rejection Low sensitivity to gamma radiation and background events 6c. Objective and connection to the main FAIR experiment: The main objective is to study the structure of unstable nuclei using decay spectroscopy. The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at Darmstad will offer completely new possibilities for the exploration of phases and structures created by the strong interaction. The Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions (NUSTAR) collaboration has been formed to investigate the full scope of the nuclear many-body problem. The Super FRagment Separator (Super-FRS) is one of the major facilities in FAIR. The intense beams of exotic nuclei that will become available at the Super-FRS of the FAIR facility will give the opportunity to study the nuclear structure and dynamics of extremely neutron rich nuclei. One of the major activity at low energy branch of Super- FRS is DESPEC project under NUSTAR collaboration, which will allow to study the structure of exotic nuclei through their decay. Decay studies lie at the very frontier of the field of exotic nuclei, since once the existence of an isotope has been demonstrated, the next elementary information we seek is how it decays. Experiments can be performed with very high sensitivity and key physical information can be gleaned from a relatively small number of events. The Super FRS system will allow the fast ( <=100ns), efficient transportation of short-lived exotic nuclei, with clean in-flight particle identification. The accurate determination of the beta decay strength function Sβ(E) for nuclei lying far from stability is important for many facts of nuclear structure physics, nuclear astrophysics. For example, β-decay by neutron-rich nuclei plays a key role in the astrophysical r-process, during which heavy elements are built up by successive neutron capture and β-decay. At FAIR studies of very neutron-rich exotic nuclei lying along whole new swathes of the r-process path will be possible. The key physical information sought from these nuclei are the β -decay half-life, β delayed neutron branching ratios, and neutron separation energies. Decay studies using the highly efficient Super-FRS with implantation detector systems will be able to address the first two issues. Such studies will also be vital to provide valuable information on the development of nuclear structure between β - stability and the r-process path, as well as the first insights into the evolution of shell structure towards the neutron drip line. 6d. Deliverables: Modular neutron spectrometer will consist of 200 neutron detector cells containing liquid scintillator. Cylindrical cell will be of 8 inch in diameter and 2 inch in thickness. The cylindrical cells will be coupled with light guide followed by a 5 inch photomultiplier tube (Hamamatsu R4144). Each detector will be coupled with a digitizer, indigenously developed within the collaboration. Neutron energy will be measured using time of flight method, using start from silicon detector and individual stop using neutron detector. We will make 50 such neutron detector cells along with the respective electronics details of which are discussed in sec. 9. 6e. List of components to be developed in India: Under the Indian collaboration we are planning to design, develop and fabricate 50 number of MONSTER module. Moreover, we will also participate in the development of DAQ for the digitizer. 7. Importance of the project in the context of Indian activities (both technical and physics): We have a strong synergy as far as neutron detector development is concerned. The detectors for the MONSTER array will have slightly different design and dimensions with reference to detector developed in VECC. The readout electronics and data acquisition of the MONSTER detectors will be based on digital electronics. Participation in the present project will give opportunity to learn more about the present day’s state of the art of digital electronics. The proposed neutron array, MONSTER (MOdular Neutron SpectromeTER), will be used for the measurement of the beta decay properties of neutron rich isotopes at the DESPEC (decay spectroscopy) experiment. Participation in Decay spectroscopy experiment will give the opportunity to study the properties of exotic nuclei in the neutron rich side where the nucleosynthesis r-process take place or the evolution of the shell structure is unknown as it approaches the neutron drip line. 8. Review of the expertise available with proposed group/Institution in the subject of the project: VECC has almost decade long experience in the development of different types of neutron detectors viz. (i) 4π neutron multiplicity detector and (ii) time of flight (TOF) neutron detector array. The 4π Neutron multiplicity detector developed under SUCCUP (super conducting cyclotron utilization project ) phase I allows to measure, event by event, with high efficiency, the number of neutrons emitted in a nuclear reaction. These observables provide information about the energy deposited in a nuclear reaction and collisional impact parameter. On the other hand, TOF neutron detector array, which will be developed under SUCCUP phase II, is capable of measuring neutron energy and angular distribution, which will be useful for the study of nuclear reaction mechanism in general, and study of dissipative nuclear dynamics, in particular. Under the TOF neutron detector array development programme, an array of 50 detectors is being set up, which may be augmented in future. The detectors are liquid scintillator (BC501A) based, having excellent n-γ discrimination property and time resolution. Prototype detectors of different sizes have been fabricated in SUCCUP phase I and their properties have been studied for finalizing the detector geometry. On the basis of these studies, it was decided that a combination of 5" and 7" detectors will be used for the TOF array at VECC. The detectors are being built at VECC. The similar modular neutron detectors will be required for the proposed setup at FAIR. Thus, we have the expertise and the know-how to build neutron detector array necessary for the proposed physics goal at the FAIR. The experience gained at VECC will be used to develop the neutron detectors for MONSTER array for DESPEC project under the NUSTAR collaboration. Moreover our other collaborators from BARC and Punjab University are also involved with similar project in their respective institutions. Methodology: 9a. Methodology of the implementation of the full project: Preliminary R&D on the different types of neutron detectors have already been done extensively. Details summary of which is already reported in the TDR. On the basis of these studies, the design of the neutron detector cells have been finalized. The MONSTER spectrometer will consist ~ 200 of detector cells, and India will provide 50 such detector cells. It is expected to be execute this development in several phases in several years. The first phase consisted of a batch of 30 individual modules for the demonstrator version of the spectrometer. The second phase will consist of 20 detector modules and the third phase will consist of 50 modules. Finally a last phase will include the development of rest of the detector modules. 9b. Plan of R&D: Ciemat- Madrid, have done extensive R&D on different properties of scintillators (as described in TDR), electronics and the mechanical support structures and on the basis of these studies, the design of the detector cell , electronics and mechanical support structures have been finalized. The technical design and specifications of the MONSTER Spectrometer for DESPEC is presented here : i)Detector Cell: The detector will be composed of around 200 identical modules each one (as shown inFig.3)with the following characteristics: • • • • • • • • BC501A organic liquid: Liquid scintillator. Mechanical structure: 1.6 mm thick aluminium cylindrical cell (200 mm diameter, 50 mm height ). Internal faces cover with reflector paint BC622A (TiO2 based). Expansion reservoir with Teflon capillary tubing for liquid expansion. Optical window: 9 mm thick quartz window. Light guide: tronco-conical shape of 31 mm thick, 206mm and 128 mm diameters made of UVT graded PMMA material (BC-800). Photomultiplier tube: Hamamatsu 5” diameter PMT R4144 Fast response 1.8 ns SPE signal rise time, eight stages, linear focused SbCs dynode structure, bialkali photocathode. Magnetic shield: 0.64 mm thick mu-metal. Light pulser port: Connector type SMA 905 for optical fibre coupling on the light guide. Figure 3. View of one detector module. Under the proposed project, few proto-type detectors will be first developed and tested. Performance test will be done on pulse height resolution, pulse shape discrimination, efficiency measurements, pulse height response for mono energetic neutrons. Prototype detector development at VECC, India. The Indian collaborators developed first proto-type MONSTER cell. The actual photograph of the MONSTER cell is shown in Fig. 4. The cell was initially coupled with Photonics PMT XP4512B and tested. It will be replace by the Hamamatsu PMT R4144 (decided by the collaboration), which is already ordered. Figure 4. Proto-type MONSTER cell developed at VECC. The proto-type cell was tested with analogue electronics. The pulse shape discrimination property was measured with 241Am-9Be neutron source. Figure 5. Pulse shape discrimination spectra. The pulse shape discrimination property has been tested with zero cross- over technique. The pulse shape discrimination spectrum was extracted at a threshold of 150keVee, shown in Fig.5. Fig. 6 shows the figure of merit vs. pulse height threshold applied. Figure of merit initially increases and then it saturates at a threshold of 150 keVee. The intrinsic time resolution of the detector has been measured using a 60Co source with a 1" thick BaF2 detector. The intrinsic time resolution is shown in Fig. 7. The intrinsic time resolution of the MONSTER cell was found to be 700 psec. The more detailed testing, such as efficiency measurement and pulse height resolution are being done. Figure 6. Figure of merit vs. pulse height threshod. Figure 7. Intrinsic time resolution. ii) Electronics: Readout electronic and data acquisition will be based on digital electronics. R&D efforts have already been started at CIEMAT Spain, to develop low cost digital electronics for both charge (QDC) and time (TDC) measurements. Very good performances have already been demonstrated for single - channel cards, and it is envisaged that within 3 years very low-cost multi channel capabilities will be available for a 200 scale detector array. The main parameters, energy deposited and time will be obtained by processing the digitized signals by using appropriate algorithms. Charge integration, pulse shape discrimination and timing algorithms have already been tested with signals digitized with commercial flash-ADC boards. Specific logic condition on the individual signals like amplitude or charge over a threshold will be used to provide the trigger for the acquisition and allows establishing time correlations with implantation detector and other detectors. However a trigger solution based on analogue fast electronics is also considered for specific measurements. Front-end electronics The readout electronics scheme proposed for MONSTER is shown in Fig. 8, is based on digital electronics and standard commercial fast electronic modules. Anode signals will be digitized at 1GSample/s sampling rate and 12 bits resolution. The main parameters, energy deposited and time will be obtained by processing of the digitized signals by using appropriate algorithms. The digitizer board is under development having an energy branch derived from the PMT dynode signals and a timing branch derived from the PMT anode signals, and R&D is being done to improve its performance. In both cases the signals are processed individually and hardware summed. Figure 8. General electronics scheme. TFA: Timing Filter Amplifier, CFD: Constant Fraction Discriminator, GDG: Gate and Delay Generator. The timing information will be used to provide the trigger for the acquisition and allows establishing time correlations with implantation detector and other detectors. In order to allow for a minimum threshold trigger the timing signal must be derived from the analogue sum of all detector module signals. On the other hand the best timing performance for the correlations is obtained from the individual modules. High voltage supply and gain stabilization system Of particular importance for the performance of the spectrometer and the accuracy of the results is the stabilization and matching of the gain of the different photomultiplier tubes. The accuracy of the reconstruction of energy spectrum requires a good matching between the energy spectra of the individual modules. It is required to keep gain variations of the PMT below 0.5 % in order to avoid noticeable distortions of the spectrum. Gain variations will be monitored using a stable reference light signal. The remotely controllable Power Supply System like SYS2527 from CAEN equipped with A1733 and A1535D HV cards will be used. Data acquisition system A data acquisition system is under development for digitizers to be used with MONSTER. It is a version of the Data Acquisition for Integral SYstems (DAISY) of the Unidad de Innovación Nuclear of CIEMAT. The software has been developed with the QT- application framework and the main features of its design are the modularity and scalability. iii) Mechanical support and shielding The mechanical support structure for the spectrometer has been designed under the following criteria: low mass, mechanical stability and robustness, versatile for different flight paths and reproducibility of single detector position, scalable and easy assembling. It will be made of a high purity aluminium alloy in order to reduce the background due to neutron induced reactions in the structure. Our Plan: Initially, at VECC , 4nos. of such detectors will be developed. After successful performance of these detectors (to be tested at VECC and PRESPEC Campaign), India in total will fabricate 50 such detectors for the array. Another 30 detectors are ready by CIEMAT Spain. India will also participate in testing and in beam experiments to be performed by CIEMAT using array of 30 detectors. We will also participate in the testing of the digitiser and the development of the DAQ. After completion and installation of whole array, we will participate in different DESPEC experiments to be performed at DESPEC setup at LEB of Super -FRS. In- beam performance test: After the characterisation of the individual cells at the laboratory, the detector will be first used at the IGISOL facility at the University of Jyvaskyla (JYFL), for the measurement of the β-decay of 87,88 Br, 94,95Rb and 137I. Fig. 9 shows schematic of the experimental configuration that will be used at JYFL. Fig. 9. Schematic view of the setup proposed at JYFL. In the PRESPEC campaign and in other proto-type test the following points will be investigated. - - - Performance of the detectors in real conditions: degradation of the time resolution, electronic noise with and without beam, blinding of the detectors due to Bresstrahlung radiation and other possible effects. Determine the sources of background. The magnitude, time correlation, multiplicity and energy distribution of the sources of background which limit the technique, will be measured. Determination of the energy resolution and the energy threshold of the MONSTER in the combination with the implantation set-up. The energy resolution depends directly on the time resolution and energy threshold of the implantation set-up (start signal) and the neutron detectors (stop signal). It will be preferred to use the AIDA DSSSD array if available at the time of the test beam. Implantation detector such as the RISING DSSSDs could be used alternatively. 9c. Production Plan (if R &D is successful): After the successful proto-type testing with both conventional analogue electronic s as well with commercial digitizer, detector fabrication will be started in batches and 50 numbers of detectors will be indigenously developed in two/ three batches. The charecterisation of these detectors will be done at VECC, PU and BARC. 9d. Time schedule of the R&D and Production: We are expecting to finish our R&D during 2014 -2015 and will be able to start our production 2016 depending upon the monitory sanction of the project. 10. Budget summary: 10a. Give tables showing R&D and production component separately, details upto the level of equipment/works to be listed. Item Total no. required. Unit price Total Price Neutron detector(cell + PMT) 50 cells INR 6,35,000.00 INR 3,17,50,000.00 1. Electronics and data acquisition 50 channels digitizer 3000Euro = INR 2,52,000.00 INR1,26,00,000.00 2. Power supply 3. Miscellaneous (cable, connector, computer detector stand etc.) INR1,00,000.00/channel INR 50,00,000.00 INR 40,000.00/channel INR 20,00,000.00 Transportation of detector and electronics to the Experiment site: INR 40,00,000.00 Total Budget for the equipment INR 5,53,50,000.00 R&D, Lab Setup INR 80,00,000.00 10b. Travel budget with justification: Travel Type Foreign Travel Gross works involved 5 man month, 10 travel per year Rate of expenditure per person per day accommodation = 90 Euro = INR7560.0 Total budget Total cost of 5 man x 30 days in one year = INR 20,94,000.00 Per diem = $100 = INR 6400.0 Total INR=13,960.00 Airfare per visit = INR 70,000.00 Total Foreign Travel cost for 5 years Local Travel Local travel per year Airfare for10 visit per year = INR 7,00,000.00 INR 1,39,70,000.00 = INR3,000,00.00 Local Travel cost for 5 years INR 15,00,000.00 Total expenditure for travel: 1,54,70,000.00 11. Manpower requirement with justification: Manpower as required by the collaborator from Panjab University: 01. One Junior Research fellow - For Five years ( Rs 16000/- per month) : 9.60Lakhs 02- One Post Doc – For the duration of the project Rs 25,000/- per year : 15.00Lakhs 03- One Technical Assistant ( Diploma holder) Rs 25,000/- ( Consolidated): 15.00Lakhs The initial training will be made at VECC, Kolkata and latter they will be working at PU for R&D and final detector fabrication. The Number of detectors are large and Panjab University will take the responsibility of certain number of final detector fabrication after the R&D. It will be defined in the collaboration. Total budget required for Man Power for Five years: 39.6 Lakhs Budget Required for Equipment INR 5,53,50,000.00 For R&D INR For Foreign Travel INR 1,39,70,000.00 For Local Travel INR For Man Power INR 39,60,000.00 Contingency INR 13,00,000.00 Over head 15 % for PU INR 21,58,500.00 Total Estimated budget INR 8,62,38,500.00 80,00,000.00 15,00,000.00 12. List of facilities being extended by parent institution for the project implementation: a. b. c. d. Neutron Detector Laboratory at VECC, Neutron sources, Electronics and DAQ at Neutron Detector Laboratory at VECC Dark room at VECC, Detector testing using beam from K130 cyclotron at VECC and 15UD BARC-TIFR pelletron at Mumbai. e. A new neutron detector laboratory at Panjab University 13. Project organization structure Lists of Indian Collaborators i. Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata : C. Bhattacharya (PI), K.Banerjee, (CO- PI), S. Bhattacharya, K.Banerjee, S.Kundu, T.K. Rana, T.K. P. Roy, R.Pandey ii. Bhaba Atomic research Centre, Mumbai: A. Saxena iii. Panjab University, Chandigarh, B.R. Behera ,(CO-PI), A.Kumar Ghosh, G. Mukherjee, J.K.Meena, 13a. Detailed bio-data of PI and Co-PI: Bio-data of PI and co-PI have been attached. 13b. Details of the research projects being handled /completed/submitted by the PI/co PI: Dr. C. Bhattacharya and Dr. K. Banerjee were actively involved in the Superconducting cyclotron Utilization project Phase I, under which several large scale facilities have been developed. Dr. C. Bhattacharya is presently the co coordinator of Superconducting cyclotron Utilization project Phase II. 14. Any other details which might help to support the project: Dr. C. Bhattacharya is also the (CO-PI) of Monster TDR submitted to FAIR council. The group at VECC and Collaborators from BARC and Panjab University are highly experienced in the field of neutron spectroscopy. A large no. of research papers have been published by them in reputed international journals. 15.List of publications in the relevant research areas during the past 10 years. K.Banerjee et al; Nucl. Instrum. Phys. Res. A 580, 1383 (2007). K. Banerjee et. al. Nucl. Instrum. Phys. Res. A 608, 440 (2009). M. Gohil, et al; Nucl. Instrum. Phys. Res. A 664, 304 (2012). A. R. Garcia et. al. JINST 7C, 05012 (2012) K. Banerjee et. al Phys Rev C 85, 064310 (2012). P.Roy, K. Banerjee et. al Phys Rev C 86, 044622 (2012). P.Roy et. al. Phys. Rev. C 88, 031601 (2013)R. References: 1. HISPEC/DESPEC Collaboration web page: http://personal.ph.surrey.ac.uk/~phs1zp/Home.html 2. TDR of Monster by Daniel Cano-Ott and refernces therein 3. "MONSTER: a time of flight spectrometer for β−delayed neutron emission measurements", A R Garcia et al, IOP Journal of Instrumentation 7C, 05012 (2012) Members of the DESPEC MONSTER Collaboration CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain D. Cano-Ott, J. Castilla, A.R. García-Rios, C. Guerrero, J. Marín, T. Martínez, G. Martínez, E. Mendoza, M.C. Ovejero, E. Reillo, C. Santos, F.J. Tera, D. Villamarín IFIC, Instituto de Física Corpuscular, CSIC-Univ. Valencia, Valencia, Spain J. Agramunt, A. Algora,, J.L. Tain, M.D. Jordan, B. Rubio, C. Domingo-Pardo VECC, India C. Bhattacharya, K. Banerjee, S.Bhattacharya, P.Roy, J.K.Meena, S.Kundu, G.Mukherjee, T.K.Ghosh, T.K.Rana, R.Pandey BARC, India A. Saxena Panjab University, India B. Behera , A.Kumar JYFL, University of Jyväskylä, Finland H. Pentillä, A. Jokinen, S Rinta-Antila and the DESPEC neutron detector working group We would like to acknowledge the collaboration and support from the scientists from LPC-CAEN L. Achouri, F. Delaunay, N. Orr, M. Parlog and M. Senoville. Project Leader/spokesperson Name: Daniel Cano-Ott E-Mail: daniel.cano@ciemat.es Deputy Leader/spokesperson Name: Chandana Bhattacharya E-Mail: chandana@vecc.gov.in Technical Coordinator: Name: Trino Martínez E-Mail: trino.martinez@ciemat.es