Cash Rental Rates for Iowa 2015 Survey T he cash rental rate information presented in this publication is from a survey of farmers, landowners, agricultural lenders, and professional farm managers. They supplied information based on their best judgments about typical cash rental rates for high, medium, and low quality cropland in their counties as well as for land devoted to production of hay, oats, and pasture. Information about rents for individual farms was not collected. The rental rates summarized in this bulletin do not include the value of any buildings or storage structures, manure application contracts, or seed production contracts. The cooperation and assistance of the landowners, farmers, and agribusiness people who responded to this survey are greatly appreciated. The distribution of the 1,437 responses was 49 percent from farmers, 27 percent from landowners, 12 percent from agricultural lenders, 10 percent from professional farm managers, and 2 percent from other professions. Determining Cash Rents This summary can be used as a reference point for determining an appropriate cash rental rate for a particular farm. The following may justify a higher or lower than average rent in specific cases: • Small size or unusual shape of fields • Terraces or creeks that affect the time it takes to plant and harvest crops • Difficult or restricted access to fields • High or low fertility levels or pH index • Existence of contracts for growing seed or specialty grains, or manure application • Above-average local grain prices due to proximity to biofuel plants or feed mills • USDA program variables, such as crop bases and assigned yields • Longevity of the lease • Other services performed by the tenant Additional survey information about cash rental rates by county is available from USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) at the following website: Publications/County_Estimates/index.asp. Ag Decision Maker File C2-10 Details about setting a fair cash rent can be found in the following Ag Decision Maker information files, located under Whole Farm, Leasing, at the following website: • Computing a Cropland Cash Rental Rate (File C2-20) • Computing a Pasture Rental Rate (File C2-23) • Flexible Farm Lease Agreements (File C2-21) Definitions Number of responses – number of individuals who reported typical rental rates for each county. 2010-2014 average yields – based on farm level data collected by National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) for each county. Average row crop CSR2 index – average corn suitability rating 2 (CSR2) for the highest rated acres in each county, up to 110 percent of the number of acres planted to corn and soybeans in that county. Note: 2014: values were converted to the CSR2 system. August 2015: CSR2 values updated to ISPAID 8.1. High, medium, and low quality third land – quality of land planted to corn and soybeans, using typical corn yields as a reference for land quality within the county. Typical corn yields – average yields for the high third, medium third, and low third productivity farms in each county as reported to NASS. Average rents per unit – overall average rent for corn/ soybean land in each county, divided by the 5-year average corn yield, the five-year average soybean yield, and the average row crop CSR2 index value for each county. Improved permanent pasture – pasture that contains both grasses and legumes and is regularly fertilized. Unimproved pasture – pasture with mainly bluegrass that receives little fertilizer or renovation. Pasture, $/AUM – rent charged per animal unit month. One AUM is equal to a beef cow and calf or equivalent grazing for one month. Cornstalk grazing – includes grazing of cornstalks in fall or winter, but not mechanical harvesting. Hunting rights – rent charged to allow hunting on land, per year. FM 1851 Revised August 2015 Page 2 Cash Rental Rates for Iowa - 2015 Survey Overall Average of Typical Cash Rents 2011-2015 Corn and Soybean Acres 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8 District 9 $224 220 223 227 226 219 213 177 198 $267 277 266 279 275 252 246 193 217 $283 294 281 294 297 284 257 210 229 $270 270 277 288 284 273 249 202 229 $259 254 273 265 261 255 242 187 217 State $214 $252 $270 $260 $246 . . . and justice for all The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Many materials can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and July 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cathann A. Kress, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa. Prepared by Alejandro Plastina, extension economist William Edwards, retired extension economist Ann Johanns, extension program specialist Farm Management Field Specialists Page 3 Cash Rental Rates for Iowa - 2015 Survey 2015 CASH RENTAL SURVEY FOR CROP REPORTING DISTRICT 1 County Number of responses1/ 2010 - 2014 avg. corn yield 2010 - 2014 avg. bean yield Avg. row crop CSR2 index2/ District Buena Average Vista 224 174 50 87 11 168 47 89 Cherokee Clay 15 178 54 90 22 173 49 88 Dickinson Emmet Lyon PocaO’Brien Osceola Palo Alto Plymouth hontas Sioux 12 166 47 89 9 170 46 85 10 181 54 80 27 182 54 95 14 181 51 88 13 171 47 85 52 167 51 81 17 172 46 86 22 180 57 89 $213 $223 $279 $258 $265 $249 $277 $260 $297 Typical Cash Rent for Corn and Soybeans, $ per tillable acre Overall average Irrigated land average High quality third Average response Range of responses Medium quality third Average response Range of responses Low quality third Average response Range of responses $259 $279 $260 $294 $233 $296 $291 $328 $284 $249 $255 $315 $304 $301 225-375 240-400 224-375 185-290 190-300 198-400 110-400 230-350 $285 250-350 $318 $291 $334 189-500 225-350 203-425 $261 $260 $289 $236 $218 $221 $285 $256 $269 230-300 220-375 145-300 171-270 175-275 183-350 100-350 195-340 $252 215-310 $276 $267 $301 150-420 210-300 182-400 $220 $228 $264 $178 $172 $195 $238 $214 200-275 195-340 100-250 125-200 168-250 158-325 80-325 $226 150-315 $212 180-270 $237 $220 $257 125-315 165-255 157-350 Typical Corn Yield, bu. per acre High third 194 Middle third 178 Low third 156 191 175 153 202 183 161 Average Rents per 5 Year Average Yield or CSR2 Rent per bu. of corn yield $1.49 $1.55 $1.65 Rent per bu. of bean yield $5.15 $5.53 $5.44 Rent per CSR2 index point2/ $2.98 $2.92 $3.27 Typical Cash Rent for Oats, Hay, and Pasture, $ per acre3/ Alfalfa hay, established $192 Grass hay, established $129 Oats $186 Improved perm. pasture $80 Unimproved perm. pasture $52 Pasture, $/AUM NA Cornstalk grazing $7 Hunting rights NA 195 178 150 185 171 155 187 172 158 198 183 158 200 186 166 197 182 165 190 173 153 189 168 143 192 177 157 203 182 157 $1.35 $4.76 $2.65 $1.28 $4.53 $2.39 $1.31 $4.85 $2.62 $1.54 $5.17 $3.49 $1.42 $4.78 $2.72 $1.46 $5.20 $3.01 $1.46 $5.30 $2.93 $1.66 $5.43 $3.42 $1.51 $5.65 $3.02 $1.65 $5.21 $3.34 $56 $37 $77 $63 $45 $172 $126 $174 $86 $60 $4 Number of responses is the number of individuals who provided information about typical rental rates in the county. Rental data was not collected by individual farm. CSR2 values updated August 2015 with the release of ISPAID Version 8.1. 3/ No values are reported if fewer than five responses were received. 1/ 2/ Page 4 Cash Rental Rates for Iowa - 2015 Survey 2015 CASH RENTAL SURVEY FOR CROP REPORTING DISTRICT 2 County Number of responses1/ 2010 - 2014 avg. corn yield 2010 - 2014 avg. bean yield Avg. row crop CSR2 index2/ District Average Butler Cerro Gordo Floyd Franklin Winnebago 222 167 47 83 16 167 49 81 16 160 46 82 18 163 48 85 23 171 48 84 22 169 47 82 15 163 46 86 24 175 48 84 Worth Wright 18 168 48 87 23 169 47 80 20 168 47 82 27 166 45 85 $273 $259 $258 $261 $240 $248 $233 $253 $314 225-380 $304 200-450 $310 275-400 $300 230-375 $277 190-380 $283 200-350 $274 $298 185-380 210-425 $272 200-350 $262 180-375 $256 200-300 $260 185-340 $246 180-300 $248 175-300 $236 $250 175-300 190-335 $232 150-350 $212 125-325 $209 175-260 $223 150-315 $198 165-235 $212 125-275 $189 $212 135-280 165-300 180 163 144 184 166 147 183 169 150 187 170 143 188 175 160 184 166 140 190 172 153 189 169 143 180 164 145 $1.40 $4.75 $2.68 $1.60 $5.69 $3.25 $1.53 $5.51 $3.16 $1.58 $5.61 $3.00 $1.49 $5.44 $3.11 $1.43 $5.00 $2.76 $1.47 $5.28 $3.10 $1.39 $4.96 $2.84 $1.52 $5.62 $2.98 Typical Cash Rent for Corn and Soybeans, $ per tillable acre Overall average $254 $277 $260 $228 High quality third Average response $297 $323 $306 $276 Range of responses 190-385 190-380 185-450 Medium quality third Average response $254 $278 $257 $230 Range of responses 175-350 175-300 155-325 Low quality third Average response $210 $230 $217 $180 Range of responses 140-320 140-280 100-250 Typical Corn Yield, bu. per acre High third 184 Middle third 167 Low third 146 181 164 138 177 161 141 Average Rents per 5 Year Average Yield or CSR2 Rent per bu. of corn yield $1.52 $1.66 $1.63 Rent per bu. of bean yield $5.38 $5.65 $5.65 Rent per CSR2 index point2/ $3.04 $3.42 $3.17 Typical Cash Rent for Oats, Hay, and Pasture, $ per acre3/ Alfalfa hay, established $221 Grass hay, established $154 Oats NA Improved perm. pasture $61 $60 Unimproved perm. pasture $45 $44 Pasture, $/AUM NA Cornstalk grazing NA Hunting rights $11 Hancock Humboldt Kossuth Mitchell $41 Number of responses is the number of individuals who provided information about typical rental rates in the county. Rental data was not collected by individual farm. CSR2 values updated August 2015 with the release of ISPAID Version 8.1. 3/ No values are reported if fewer than five responses were received. 1/ 2/ Page 5 Cash Rental Rates for Iowa - 2015 Survey 2015 CASH RENTAL SURVEY FOR CROP REPORTING DISTRICT 3 County Number of responses1/ 2010 - 2014 avg. corn yield 2010 - 2014 avg. bean yield Avg. row crop CSR2 index2/ District Average Allamakee Black Hawk 140 170 51 79 8 168 52 76 13 163 50 85 Bremer Buchanan Chickasaw Clayton Delaware Dubuque Fayette Howard Winneshiek 10 168 51 87 17 167 50 82 13 165 49 84 11 175 55 71 16 170 53 78 8 177 56 69 11 171 52 81 20 168 48 83 13 175 50 78 Typical Cash Rent for Corn and Soybeans, $ per tillable acre Overall average High quality third Average response Range of responses Medium quality third Average response Range of responses Low quality third Average response Range of responses $273 $223 $290 $300 $279 $279 $260 $281 $311 $290 $237 $252 $325 $271 210-375 $352 275-450 $353 290-400 $322 200-475 $337 275-400 $332 270-400 $336 250-400 $359 300-400 $342 300-385 $277 165-400 $301 200-425 $274 $218 175-275 $294 249-380 $302 260-350 $286 225-325 $282 200-350 $253 200-300 $281 200-350 $313 260-375 $295 250-325 $235 155-320 $253 175-300 $220 $181 150-200 $225 175-255 $246 180-300 $230 166-290 $219 175-300 $194 150-250 $227 170-300 $262 200-300 $233 150-290 $198 120-275 $202 125-250 184 165 140 187 162 131 191 171 139 185 164 137 182 161 139 191 164 124 184 164 138 189 166 135 184 168 126 185 163 135 189 168 135 $1.78 $5.80 $3.41 $1.79 $5.88 $3.45 $1.67 $5.58 $3.40 $1.69 $5.69 $3.32 $1.49 $4.73 $3.66 $1.65 $5.30 $3.60 $1.76 $5.55 $4.51 $1.70 $5.58 $3.58 $1.41 $4.94 $2.86 $1.44 $5.04 $3.23 $47 $79 $39 Typical Corn Yield, bu. per acre High third 186 Middle third 165 Low third 134 Average Rents per 5 Year Average Yield or CSR2 Rent per bu. of corn yield $1.61 $1.33 Rent per bu. of bean yield $5.31 $4.29 Rent per CSR2 index point2/ $3.45 $2.93 Typical Cash Rent for Oats, Hay, and Pasture, $ per acre3/ Alfalfa hay, established $290 Grass hay, established $188 $141 Oats $219 Improved perm. pasture $89 Unimproved perm. pasture $64 Pasture, $/AUM $17 Cornstalk grazing $7 Hunting rights $24 $110 $80 Number of responses is the number of individuals who provided information about typical rental rates in the county. Rental data was not collected by individual farm. CSR2 values updated August 2015 with the release of ISPAID Version 8.1. 3/ No values are reported if fewer than five responses were received. 1/ 2/ Page 6 Cash Rental Rates for Iowa - 2015 Survey 2015 CASH RENTAL SURVEY FOR CROP REPORTING DISTRICT 4 County Number of responses1/ 2010 - 2014 avg. corn yield 2010 - 2014 avg. bean yield Avg. row crop CSR2 index2/ District AuduAverage bon 163 162 48 78 10 159 50 76 Calhoun Carroll Crawford Greene 18 162 45 88 11 159 49 82 13 168 52 74 10 159 45 85 Guthrie Harrison 16 146 46 81 15 160 46 73 Ida Monona Sac Shelby Woodbury 9 179 53 81 12 155 46 69 16 165 49 88 19 170 51 72 14 163 48 70 Typical Cash Rent for Corn and Soybeans, $ per tillable acre Overall average $265 $256 $245 $267 $291 $252 $226 $263 $301 $269 $256 $259 $293 Irrigated land average $316 $312 High quality third Average response $309 $298 $272 $312 $335 $298 $260 $308 $341 $341 $297 $301 $347 Range of responses 265-352 185-330 275-350 300-375 225-350 140-360 250-425 300-375 250-400 195-375 220-350 300-425 Medium quality third Average response $266 $252 $246 $271 $288 $260 $224 $267 $303 $266 $259 $258 $294 Range of responses 200-319 175-300 225-310 250-350 200-310 136-300 230-350 260-350 140-350 180-300 200-300 230-375 Low quality third Average response $220 $219 $216 $218 $251 $200 $194 $215 $259 $199 $212 $218 $239 Range of responses 190-280 160-270 135-295 180-300 125-295 130-250 120-275 220-300 120-225 145-280 175-280 185-275 Typical Corn Yield, bu. per acre High third 187 Middle third 169 Low third 144 178 165 143 188 171 147 Average Rents per 5 Year Average Yield or CSR2 Rent per bu. of corn yield $1.63 $1.61 $1.51 Rent per bu. of bean yield $5.48 $5.12 $5.44 Rent per CSR2 index point2/ $3.42 $3.37 $2.78 Typical Cash Rent for Oats, Hay, and Pasture, $ per acre3/ Alfalfa hay, established $190 Grass hay, established $140 Oats $161 Improved perm. pasture $94 Unimproved perm. pasture $64 Pasture, $/AUM $23 Cornstalk grazing $7 Hunting rights $12 186 168 144 197 178 152 181 165 140 166 149 121 185 166 143 202 182 161 180 160 138 193 174 143 193 175 152 193 174 145 $1.68 $5.45 $3.26 $1.73 $5.60 $3.93 $1.58 $5.60 $2.96 $1.55 $4.91 $2.79 $1.64 $5.72 $3.60 $1.68 $5.68 $3.72 $1.74 $5.85 $3.90 $1.55 $5.22 $2.91 $1.52 $5.08 $3.60 $1.80 $6.10 $4.19 $115 $220 $183 $80 $59 $99 $71 $106 $69 $6 Number of responses is the number of individuals who provided information about typical rental rates in the county. Rental data was not collected by individual farm. CSR2 values updated August 2015 with the release of ISPAID Version 8.1. 3/ No values are reported if fewer than five responses were received. 1/ 2/ Page 7 Cash Rental Rates for Iowa - 2015 Survey 2015 CASH RENTAL SURVEY FOR CROP REPORTING DISTRICT 5 District Average Boone County Number of responses 2010 - 2014 avg. corn yield 2010 - 2014 avg. bean yield Avg. row crop CSR2 index2/ 1/ 246 165 50 85 21 165 47 87 Dallas 20 157 47 89 Grundy Hamilton Hardin 25 178 56 88 Jasper Marshall Polk Poweshiek Story Tama Webster 18 159 46 86 23 172 51 85 12 165 50 80 17 172 55 82 21 155 48 90 27 166 51 79 26 158 47 87 19 168 53 84 17 167 47 84 $267 $273 $227 $250 $258 $248 $263 $270 $259 Typical Cash Rent for Corn and Soybeans, $ per tillable acre Overall average High quality third Average response Range of responses Medium quality third Average response Range of responses Low quality third Average response Range of responses $261 $245 $250 $316 $304 $280 $291 $373 $312 $321 $269 $295 $305 $286 $307 $320 $293 225-335 180-400 300-500 250-400 250-400 220-350 194-415 250-430 180-395 220-425 180-400 225-375 $261 $251 $254 $314 $265 $278 $223 $254 $253 $253 $261 $270 $260 200-300 150-325 270-390 200-340 200-350 175-280 170-350 200-350 150-340 200-375 160-350 200-285 $216 $204 $206 $262 $223 $220 $188 $203 $216 $205 $220 $220 $224 150-250 120-275 200-325 175-275 150-300 155-240 140-275 150-300 100-280 170-325 140-290 175-255 Typical Corn Yield, bu. per acre High third 186 Middle third 167 Low third 140 181 164 145 176 157 134 Average Rents per 5 Year Average Yield or CSR2 Rent per bu. of corn yield $1.58 $1.48 $1.59 Rent per bu. of bean yield $5.24 $5.21 $5.32 Rent per CSR2 index point2/ $3.06 $2.82 $2.81 Typical Cash Rent for Oats, Hay, and Pasture, $ per acre3/ Alfalfa hay, established $176 $138 Grass hay, established $118 Oats $147 Improved perm. pasture $74 $77 Unimproved perm. pasture $47 $54 Pasture, $/AUM NA Cornstalk grazing $16 Hunting rights $20 204 181 138 183 163 138 194 173 146 183 167 141 193 172 144 174 154 133 183 164 136 184 170 142 192 168 136 187 170 151 $1.78 $5.64 $3.59 $1.68 $5.80 $3.10 $1.59 $5.35 $3.21 $1.38 $4.54 $2.84 $1.45 $4.55 $3.05 $1.66 $5.38 $2.87 $1.49 $4.86 $3.14 $1.66 $5.60 $3.02 $1.61 $5.09 $3.21 $1.55 $5.51 $3.08 $210 $151 $98 $58 $40 $77 $42 $232 $75 $49 Number of responses is the number of individuals who provided information about typical rental rates in the county. Rental data was not collected by individual farm. CSR2 values updated August 2015 with the release of ISPAID Version 8.1. 3/ No values are reported if fewer than five responses were received. 1/ 2/ Page 8 Cash Rental Rates for Iowa - 2015 Survey 2015 CASH RENTAL SURVEY FOR CROP REPORTING DISTRICT 6 County Number of responses 2010 - 2014 avg. corn yield 2010 - 2014 avg. bean yield Avg. row crop CSR2 index2/ 1/ District Average Benton Cedar Clinton Iowa Jackson Johnson Jones Linn Muscatine Scott 172 166 53 81 23 163 51 85 22 174 56 86 16 175 55 74 18 165 51 79 14 162 52 68 16 164 50 83 14 165 54 77 18 164 51 86 15 162 52 82 16 164 56 87 $263 $226 $258 $234 $264 $271 $230 $273 $309 200-400 $267 170-315 $312 250-350 $275 160-350 $328 245-450 $331 275-400 $289 175-350 $328 200-425 $265 170-350 $229 145-350 $257 200-300 $241 150-275 $260 200-350 $271 225-325 $232 145-290 $271 180-350 $216 150-300 $181 105-245 $205 150-260 $187 110-245 $205 175-280 $210 175-290 $169 105-215 $221 150-300 195 176 153 191 169 139 176 158 129 172 150 126 172 147 110 180 161 131 181 158 132 182 156 131 186 169 137 $1.42 $4.41 $2.87 $1.50 $4.78 $3.55 $1.37 $4.43 $2.86 $1.59 $4.96 $3.79 $1.43 $4.68 $2.82 $1.60 $4.89 $3.43 $1.65 $5.31 $3.15 $1.42 $4.42 $2.80 $1.66 $4.88 $3.14 $205 $162 $156 $101 $241 Typical Cash Rent for Corn and Soybeans, $ per tillable acre Overall average $255 $280 $247 Irrigated land average $250 High quality third Average response $307 $329 $303 Range of responses 245-400 180-400 Medium quality third Average response $255 $281 $242 Range of responses 195-360 145-300 Low quality third Average response $202 $230 $196 Range of responses 125-325 112-250 Typical Corn Yield, bu. per acre High third 182 Middle third 161 Low third 132 183 164 135 Average Rents per 5 Year Average Yield or CSR2 Rent per bu. of corn yield $1.54 $1.72 Rent per bu. of bean yield $4.83 $5.49 Rent per CSR2 index point2/ $3.17 $3.29 Typical Cash Rent for Oats, Hay, and Pasture, $ per acre3/ Alfalfa hay, established $198 Grass hay, established $142 Oats $169 Improved perm. pasture $88 Unimproved perm. pasture $56 $54 Pasture, $/AUM $20 Cornstalk grazing $12 Hunting rights $15 $53 $150 $72 $50 $245 $179 $47 $108 $72 $57 Number of responses is the number of individuals who provided information about typical rental rates in the county. Rental data was not collected by individual farm. CSR2 values updated August 2015 with the release of ISPAID Version 8.1. 3/ No values are reported if fewer than five responses were received. 1/ 2/ Page 9 Cash Rental Rates for Iowa - 2015 Survey 2015 CASH RENTAL SURVEY FOR CROP REPORTING DISTRICT 7 County Number of responses1/ 2010 - 2014 avg. corn yield 2010 - 2014 avg. bean yield Avg. row crop CSR2 index2/ District Average Adair Adams Cass Fremont Mills Montgomery Page Pottawattamie Taylor 98 151 46 78 17 141 45 77 6 144 45 70 10 157 48 79 7 158 47 82 10 160 48 81 12 152 47 78 14 148 46 82 14 163 49 77 8 134 43 75 $239 $264 $264 $253 $236 $260 $231 $300 235-350 $307 269-350 $309 200-400 $295 225-400 $277 220-325 $302 250-350 $262 200-350 $240 200-280 $261 230-300 $266 225-300 $250 200-350 $236 180-280 $256 200-300 $236 175-300 $176 100-240 $225 200-250 $217 175-250 $214 170-250 $195 150-240 $222 150-275 $195 130-250 163 139 113 176 156 135 174 154 126 175 156 130 174 150 122 161 139 109 186 167 142 151 123 88 $1.71 $5.47 $3.51 $1.52 $4.98 $3.03 $1.67 $5.62 $3.22 $1.65 $5.50 $3.26 $1.66 $5.38 $3.24 $1.59 $5.13 $2.88 $1.60 $5.31 $3.38 $1.72 $5.37 $3.08 $150 $141 $216 $68 $84 $62 $156 $98 Typical Cash Rent for Corn and Soybeans, $ per tillable acre Overall average $242 $183 $246 High quality third Average response $285 $215 $302 Range of responses 140-300 230-350 Medium quality third Average response $241 $185 $240 Range of responses 136-230 190-285 Low quality third Average response $199 $149 $197 Range of responses 117-185 170-235 Typical Corn Yield, bu. per acre High third Middle third Low third 169 148 121 165 145 125 Average Rents per 5 Year Average Yield or CSR2 Rent per bu. of corn yield $1.60 $1.30 Rent per bu. of bean yield $5.20 $4.07 Rent per CSR2 index point2/ $3.11 $2.38 Typical Cash Rent for Oats, Hay, and Pasture, $ per acre3/ Alfalfa hay, established $136 $100 Grass hay, established $103 $79 $90 Oats $117 $103 Improved perm. pasture $96 $82 $88 Unimproved perm. pasture $66 $60 $63 Pasture, $/AUM NA Cornstalk grazing $15 $10 Hunting rights $20 $86 Number of responses is the number of individuals who provided information about typical rental rates in the county. Rental data was not collected by individual farm. CSR2 values updated August 2015 with the release of ISPAID Version 8.1. 3/ No values are reported if fewer than five responses were received. 1/ 2/ Page 10 Cash Rental Rates for Iowa - 2015 Survey 2015 CASH RENTAL SURVEY FOR CROP REPORTING DISTRICT 8 County Number of responses1/ 2010 - 2014 avg. corn yield 2010 - 2014 avg. bean yield Avg. row crop CSR2 index2/ District Average Appanoose, Decatur, Wayne Clarke Lucas Madison Marion Monroe Ringgold Union Warren 77 121 41 76 15 110 38 70 7 112 40 73 8 109 40 76 14 137 43 85 8 142 47 79 5 110 40 78 6 114 41 68 6 129 44 83 8 130 45 84 $169 $178 $207 $206 $151 $187 $210 $205 $208 180-240 $214 160-260 $243 144-360 $256 180-300 $205 170-250 $225 185-300 $247 215-315 $256 200-308 $167 140-200 $181 135-220 $206 122-300 $209 140-250 $143 125-150 $183 150-235 $208 162-260 $216 158-250 $132 90-170 $139 120-190 $171 92-250 $151 110-200 $106 100-125 $153 125-225 $174 121-220 $145 109-200 126 95 71 123 98 71 124 96 76 160 136 102 156 131 102 130 102 82 122 98 75 153 127 90 147 122 87 $1.54 $4.45 $2.41 $1.51 $4.23 $2.32 $1.63 $4.45 $2.34 $1.51 $4.81 $2.44 $1.45 $4.38 $2.61 $1.37 $3.78 $1.94 $1.64 $4.56 $2.75 $1.63 $4.77 $2.53 $1.58 $4.56 $2.44 $73 $101 Typical Cash Rent for Corn and Soybeans, $ per tillable acre Overall average $187 $169 High quality third Average response $228 $201 Range of responses 180-225 Medium quality third Average response $187 $171 Range of responses 150-210 Low quality third Average response $145 $133 Range of responses 110-175 Typical Corn Yield, bu. per acre High third Middle third Low third 138 112 84 Average Rents per 5 Year Average Yield or CSR2 Rent per bu. of corn yield $1.54 Rent per bu. of bean yield $4.44 Rent per CSR2 index point2/ $2.42 Typical Cash Rent for Oats, Hay, and Pasture, $ per acre3/ Alfalfa hay, established $101 $78 Grass hay, established $73 $54 Oats $113 Improved perm. pasture $72 $65 Unimproved perm. pasture $46 $40 Pasture, $/AUM $26 Cornstalk grazing $12 Hunting rights $15 $115 $84 $76 $43 $67 $47 $80 $57 $51 $17 $21 Number of responses is the number of individuals who provided information about typical rental rates in the county. Rental data was not collected by individual farm. CSR2 values updated August 2015 with the release of ISPAID Version 8.1. 3/ No values are reported if fewer than five responses were received. 1/ 2/ Page 11 Cash Rental Rates for Iowa - 2015 Survey 2015 CASH RENTAL SURVEY FOR CROP REPORTING DISTRICT 9 County Number of responses1/ 2010 - 2014 avg. corn yield 2010 - 2014 avg. bean yield Avg. row crop CSR2 index2/ District Average Davis & Van Buren Des Moines Henry Jefferson Keokuk & Mahaska Lee Louisa Wapello Washington 95 142 47 80 10 120 41 73 9 153 50 85 13 144 49 81 9 132 44 80 14 150 48 80 11 134 45 77 10 157 49 80 7 133 44 80 12 154 51 82 Typical Cash Rent for Corn and Soybeans, $ per tillable acre Overall average High quality third Average response Range of responses Medium quality third Average response Range of responses Low quality third Average response Range of responses Typical Corn Yield, bu. per acre High third Middle third Low third $217 $158 $235 $226 $208 $241 $178 $208 $222 $276 $271 $196 145-250 $288 220-350 $275 220-350 $264 150-350 $309 250-400 $229 135-300 $261 200-385 $270 225-325 $345 300-450 $224 $158 95-200 $236 180-260 $225 150-275 $199 125-225 $241 200-300 $180 100-225 $201 150-250 $235 200-300 $279 220-350 $169 $119 90-175 $182 150-225 $179 125-200 $162 100-205 $174 135-200 $127 65-175 $161 125-185 $160 150-190 $204 160-275 162 135 101 128 103 71 170 147 119 160 134 100 152 118 87 166 143 113 159 127 92 176 152 123 142 118 81 170 143 95 $1.54 $4.70 $2.76 $1.57 $4.61 $2.79 $1.58 $4.73 $2.60 $1.61 $5.02 $3.01 $1.33 $3.96 $2.31 $1.32 $4.24 $2.60 $1.67 $5.05 $2.78 $1.79 $5.41 $3.37 Average Rents per 5 Year Average Yield or CSR2 Rent per bu. of corn yield $1.55 $1.32 Rent per bu. of bean yield $4.71 $3.85 Rent per CSR2 index point2/ $2.78 $2.16 Typical Cash Rent for Oats, Hay, and Pasture, $ per acre3/ Alfalfa hay, established $132 Grass hay, established $93 $57 Oats $107 Improved perm. pasture $73 $71 Unimproved perm. pasture $46 $40 Pasture, $/AUM NA Cornstalk grazing $11 Hunting rights $17 $132 $105 $73 $50 Number of responses is the number of individuals who provided information about typical rental rates in the county. Rental data was not collected by individual farm. CSR2 values updated August 2015 with the release of ISPAID Version 8.1. 3/ No values are reported if fewer than five responses were received. 1/ 2/ Page 12 Cash Rental Rates for Iowa - 2015 Survey 2015 CASH RENTAL SURVEY SUMMARY BY CROP REPORTING DISTRICT County Number of responses1/ 2010 - 2014 avg. corn yield 2010 - 2014 avg. bean yield Avg. row crop CSR2 index2/ State Average Northwest District 1 Average North Central District 2 Average 1,437 163 49 81 224 174 50 87 222 167 47 83 Northeast West Central District 3 District 4 Average Average Central District 5 Average East Central Southwest South Central District 6 District 7 District 8 Average Average Average Southeast District 9 Average 140 170 51 79 163 162 48 78 246 165 50 85 172 166 53 81 98 151 46 78 77 121 41 76 95 142 47 80 Typical Cash Rent for Corn and Soybeans, $ per tillable acre Overall average Irrigated land average High quality third Average response Medium quality third Average response Low quality third Average response $246 $259 $279 $254 $273 $265 $316 $261 $255 $250 $242 $187 $217 $292 $296 $297 $325 $309 $304 $307 $285 $228 $271 $247 $261 $254 $274 $266 $261 $255 $241 $187 $224 $200 $220 $210 $220 $220 $216 $202 $199 $145 $169 176 156 129 194 178 156 184 167 146 186 165 134 187 169 144 186 167 140 182 161 132 169 148 121 138 112 84 162 135 101 $1.52 $5.38 $3.04 $1.61 $5.31 $3.45 $1.63 $5.48 $3.42 $1.58 $5.24 $3.06 $1.54 $4.83 $3.17 $1.60 $5.20 $3.11 $1.54 $4.44 $2.42 $1.55 $4.71 $2.78 $290 $188 $219 $89 $64 $17 $7 $24 $190 $140 $161 $94 $64 $23 $7 $12 $176 $118 $147 $74 $47 NA $16 $20 $198 $142 $169 $88 $56 $20 $12 $15 $136 $103 $117 $96 $66 NA $15 $20 $101 $73 $113 $72 $46 $26 $12 $15 $132 $93 $107 $73 $46 NA $11 $17 Typical Corn Yield, bu. per acre High third Middle third Low third Average Rents per 5 Year Average Yield or CSR2 Rent per bu. of corn yield Rent per bu. of bean yield Rent per CSR2 index point2/ $1.56 $5.08 $3.05 $1.49 $5.15 $2.98 Typical Cash Rent for Oats, Hay, and Pasture, $ per acre3/ Alfalfa hay, established Grass hay, established Oats Improved perm. pasture Unimproved perm. pasture Pasture, $/AUM Cornstalk grazing Hunting rights $182 $127 $156 $81 $54 $22 $13 $16 $192 $129 $186 $80 $52 NA $7 NA $221 $154 NA $61 $45 NA NA $11 Number of responses is the number of individuals who provided information about typical rental rates in the county. Rental data was not collected by individual farm. CSR2 values updated August 2015 with the release of ISPAID Version 8.1. 3/ No values are reported if fewer than five responses were received. 1/ 2/