Biology 1A Lab Practical II Study Guide Know the taxonomy for the

Biology 1A
Lab Practical II Study Guide
Know the taxonomy for the different organisms in which you have seen (or should have seen). If you had to identify a
structure, make sure that you know its function. If the organism causes a disease, know the disease. If you are not
sure whether you should know it, learn it! Anything in the lab manual or what was discussed during the lab lecture is
fair game. I’ve tried to include most everything on this list; however, there may be omissions. If you are not sure and
do not want to ask, you better learn it! Whenever you’re unsure, ask or just learn it! There will be 100 points on this
Phylum Onychophora
• Be able to ID, know Genus, where found, know annelid & arthropod characteristics
Phylum Arthropoda
• Know the general characteristics for members in this phylum, 6 reasons for success
Subphylum Trilobita
• ID, found
Subphylum Chelicerata
• Know characteristics
Class Merostomata (Horseshoe crab)
• ID, found, Genus, ID parts (dorsal): Cephalothorax, Carapace, Simple eyes, Compound eyes,
Hinge, Abdomen, Telson), ventral parts: (Cephalothorax, Chelicera, Pedipalp, Mouth, Walking legs,
Genital operculum (1 pr), Book gills (5 prs), Anus, Telson)
Class Arachnida
• Scorpions: ID, found, ID parts: Pedipalp (chelate), Cephalothorax, Preabdomen, Post-abdomen,
• Spiders (garden, black widow & brown recluse): ID, found, ID parts: Cephalothorax, Chelicerae
w/fang, pedipalp, Eyes (6-8), Walking legs, Pedicel, Abdomen, Lung slit -> Book lungs, Spinnerets
• Harvestman: ID, found, lifestyle, ID parts: Cephalothorax, 8 legs, Abdomen
• Ticks & mites: ID, difference between the two, know any medical & economic importance, ID parts:
Cephalothorax & abdomen fused, Capitulum – mouthparts,
Subphylum Pyconogonida (sea spider)
• ID, found, lifestyle, ID parts: Chelicera, Palp, Slender legs
Subphylum Crustacea
• Know Characteristics (mandibles,Antennae (2 prs), Maxillae (2 prs), Gills, Compound eyes (most)
Class Branchiopoda
Order Anostraca
• ID, found, Artemia, ID parts: compound eyes, Phyllopodia (11 prs)
Order Cladocera
• ID, found, Daphnia, ID parts: carapace, Spine, Antannae (2 prs), Swimmerets (5 prs), Heart,
Brood pouch
Order Notostraca
• ID, found, Tadpole shrimp, carapace
Class Maxillopoda
Subclass Copepoda
• ID, found, Lifestyle, ID parts: No carapace, 2 prs antennae, Single median eye, 15 somites &
Subclass Cirripedia
• ID, found, Stalk, Thoracic legs with cirri, ID Balanus & Policipes.
Class Malacostraca
Order Isopoda
• ID, found, how’s the body flattened? lifestyle, Pill bug
Order Amphipoda
• ID, found, lifestyle
Order Euphausiacea (I’m not going to ask you to give the order, but know the rest) – Krill
• ID, found, type of migration
Order Decapoda (Lobster, crayfish, crabs, shrimp)
• ID, found
• ID head (mouth) parts: antennule, antenna, mandible, 1st & 2nd maxilla, 1-3 maxilliped,
cheliped, walking legs, swimmerets, uropod, telson
•ID external parts: be able to sex, carapace, eye
•ID internal parts: antennal gland, pyloric stomach, heart, testis, digestive, ventral nerve cord,
intestine, gills, abdominal artery
• Be able to ID: Pagurus, Uta, Pachygrapsus, Cancer
Subphylum Uniramia
• Know characteristics
Class Myriopoda
Subclass Chilopoda
• ID, found, lifestyle, ID parts: Fangs, Antannae, Eyes, Fangs, Legs, Spiracles
Subclass Diplopoda
• ID, found, lifestyle, ID parts: Fangs, Antannae, Eyes, Fangs, Legs, Spiracles
Class Insecta
• ID to common name, found, ID parts: Head, Thorax, Abdomen, Spiracles
• Grasshopper External Anatomy
• Head: Antennae, Compound eyes, Ocelli, Mandibles
• Thorax: Forewing/hindwing, Veins (trachea), Spiracles
• Abdomen: Tympanum, Spiracles, Ovipositor
• ID Mouthparts: Chewing & sucking, Lapping & sponging, Piercing & sucking, Siphoning
• Wings: Forewing, Hindwing, Elytra, Halteres
• Bee Legs: Pollen brush, Pollen basket, Pollen combs
Phylum Echiura
• ID, Found, lifestyle
Phylum Brachiopoda (lamp shell)
•ID, Found, lifestyle
Phylum Chaetognatha (arrow worms)
• ID, Found, lifestyle
Phylum Echinodermata
• ID, Found, lifestyle
Class Asteroidea
• Characteristics & ID:
• Aboral Surface: Central disc, Arms/rays (regeneration), Spines, Pedicellariae, Dermal branchia,
Eyespot, Madreporite plate
• Oral Surface: Mouth, Ambulacral grooves, Tube feet
• Local species: Bat Star, Knobby sea star, ochre star
Class Ophiuroidea
• Characteristics & ID: Arms, Ambulacral grooves, Tube feet w/o suckers, Pedicellariae absent
• Oral Surface: Oral plates on arms, Jaws & mouth, Madreporite plate
Class Echinoidea
• Characteristics & ID: urchins & sand dollars
• Aboral Surface: Spine tuberacle & spine, Madreporite plate, Anus, Genital plate, Tube feet w/
suckers, Pedicellaria
• Oral Surface: Mouth & teeth, Aristotle’s lantern, Oral tube feet (buccal podia)
Class Holothuroidea
• Characteristics & ID: Sea Cucumbers
• Tentacles, Anus, Podia & Tube feet,
Class Crinoidea
• ID (Sea Lilies & Feather Star), found, lifestyle
•Unfertilized egg (nucleus, nucleolus), zygote, fertilization membrane, various cell stages, morula, blastula (blastocoel),
gastrula (endoderm, ectoderm, mesoderm, blastocoel, blastopore, archenteron, mouth, anus)
Phylum Chordata
Characteristics: Notochord, Pharyngeal gill slits, Dorsal hollow nerve cord, Postanal tail
Subphylum Urochordata (Tunicates)
• ID, Found, ID parts: Incurrent & excurrent siphon, Pharynx & Pharyngeal slits, Tunic, Stolons
Subphylum Cephalochordata (Branchiostoma - Amphioxus)
• ID, found, ID parts (wm): Rostrum, Oral hood w/ buccal cirri, Wheel organ, Eyespots, Pharynx, Gill bars, Gill
slits, Dorsal nerve cord, Notocord, Hepatic cecum, Atriopore, Intestine, Anus, Myotome, Dorsal, ventral &
caudal fins
• X-section Part to ID: Dorsal fin, Myotome, Dorsal nerve cord, Dorsal aorta, Notochord, Pharynx, Hepatic
cecum, Gonads, Metaplural fold, Endostyle, Hyperbranchial groove
Subphylum Vertebrata
Superclass Agnatha
Class Cephalaspidomorphi
ID Parts of Ammocoete Larva:
• Oral hood, Oral papillae, Nostril, Forebrain, Eye, Hindbrain, Velum, Pharynx, Gill pouch,
Endostyle, Heart, Spinal cord, Notochord, Intestine, Kidney, Cloacal opening
• ID Parts of a Lamprey (adult): External: Buccal funnel, Lateral line, Nostril, Pineal gland (organ),
Gill slits, Internal: Horny teeth, Tongue, Nostril, Olfactory sac, Brain, Spinal cord, Notochord,
Dorsal aorta, Respiratory tube, Internal gill slits, Pharynx, Esophagus, Rectum, Heart, Liver,
Kidney, Gonads
Class Myxini (Hagfish)
Class Chondricthythes (cartilaginous fish)
ID Parts of a shark: External: be able to sex, rostrum, spiracle, ampullae of Lorenzini, lateral line, fins
(pectoral, pelvic, anal, caudal), type of tail & scales, cloaca; Internal: esophagus, stomach, duodenum,
ileum, spiral valve, rectal gland, liver, gall bladder, spleen, testes, ovary, uterus, shell gland, kidney,
sexual kidney, gills, pancreas (know where urea and NaCl are excreted in sharks).
Be able to ID skates and rays
Class Osteoichthyes (bony fish)
Be able to classify bowfin, gar, sturgeon, telost fish to the lowest taxon given.
ID parts of the fish: External: type of mouth, types of fins including the tail, operculum, lateral line;
Internal: esophagus, stomach, duodenum, intestines, pancreas, liver, spleen, phyloric caeca, swim
bladder, gas gland, oval gland, kidney, testes, ovary, sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, conus (bulbus)
Blood vessels: ventral aorta, afferent & efferent branchial arteries, dorsal aorta, ceolic artery, subclavian
artery, celiac artery, RT & LT roots of the dorsal aorta, carotid artery, intestinal artery, pneumatic artery,
gastric artery, gonadal artery, hepatic artery, segmental (spinal) artery, common cardinal veins
Skeleton: operculum, actinotrichia, lepidotrichia, pterygiophore, neural spine, neural arch, centrum,
epipleural & pleural ribs, haemal arch, haemal spine, pectoral & pelvic girdles & associated fins, know
where the dorsal aorta & spinal cord passes.
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