Northwest Branch & Rachel Carson Greenway Trail Length: 10.2 mi. natural surface & 2.7 mi. hard surface trails olph Rand Updated:feb11 mp Ke Arcola Ave Unive Brookside Gardens & Nature Center Ca r s Northwest Branch Blvd Rte. on Rachel 1 G re en 9 e2 Rt d eR vill les o -C Mo ntg om ery Prin Co ce unty Co Geo unty rge s ve rgia A 7 Geo Rte 9 rsity d R ill M 1 of 3 Rd 495 wa yT rail Tra i l 2 Wheaton Regional Park 0 Miles 1/4 1/2 Please Note: Trail Connectors are shown solely for neighborhood access. They are not part of the main park trail system and may not be signed or maintained to park standards. 3 Page 1 Page 2 Hard Surface Trail Trail Connector Use extreme caution crossing road Stream Crossing Hiker/Equestrian Only Trail Connector Steep Slope Parking Bathrooms Rock Outcrop Hiker Only Trail Connector Drinking Water Phone Picnic Area 1 Bridge 2 3 Parklands & Topography Streams & Rivers Park Police: 301.949.3010 (Emergency Only) Park Manager: 301.625.7207 2 of 3 Page 1 Page 2 4 5 n l Carso he Ra c r Gree nway T rth No e w st ai 0 Miles l 1/4 1/2 Bra h nc Please Note: Trail Connectors are shown solely for neighborhood access. They are not part of the main park trail system and may not be signed or maintained to park standards. a Tr il nw ree nG so Ra ch el Ca r ay i Tra l Page 2 Page 3 4 Northwest Branch Trail becomes narrower. 5 Rachel Carson Greenway Trail is rocky and becomes more difficult. Park Police: 301.949.3010 (Emergency Only) Park Manager: 301.625.7207 Page 2 Page 3 6 0 Miles 1/4 1/2 Please Note: Trail Connectors are shown solely for neighborhood access. They are not part of the main park trail system, are not always signed or maintained to park standards. 6 At the county border the hard surface trail continues along the Northwest Branch Stream Valley into Prince George's County Anacostia Tributary Trail system. For more information see the PG County website at: Park Police: 301.949.3010 (Emergency Only) Park Manager: 301.625.7207