L12: Circle actions So far we have constructed symplectic manifolds by surgery, but we can also construct them from symmetry. We need to be careful: if S 1 acts on a symplectic manifold M , then M/S 1 is of odd dimension; so the quotient construction is more subtle. Definition: A circle action S 1 → Symp(M ) is called Hamiltonian if it’s generated by a (periodic) Hamiltonian vector field XH . The function H : M → R is called the moment map. Theorem: If t is regular for H, and if S 1 acts freely on H −1(t), the quotient Qt = H −1(t)/S 1 carries a natural symplectic structure ωt; the form ωt on the quotient is uniquely characterised by saying that, for π : H −1(t) → Qt π ∗ωt = ωM |H −1(t) Proof: Write Q̃t = H −1(t). If p ∈ Q̃t, then the space (T Q̃t)⊥ p is one-dimensional, generated by the tangent line to the S 1-action (since XH is non-zero, by freeness, and does lie inside this space). From q.sheet 1, if U ⊂ V is coisotropic in a symplectic vector space, U/U ⊥ is naturally symplectic. Hence TpQ̃t/(TpQ̃t)⊥ is naturally symplectic. But T[p]Qt is canonically equal to this quotient; and since S 1 preserves ω, the choice of p ∈ [p] is immaterial. This shows the quotient has a canonical nondegenerate 2-form ωt, and π ∗ωt = ωM |Q̃ by t construction. We also need this form to be closed. But π : Q̃t → Qt is an S 1-bundle, so (dπ)∗ : T Qt → T Q̃t is injective; hence dωt is completely determined by π ∗dωt, but this is dωM |Q̃ by the above, and dωM = 0. ¥ t Example: if H 1(M ; R ) = 0 every circle action is Hamiltonian; since it’s generated by a vector field X = µω (φ) for some φ = dH ∈ Ω1(M ), so X = XH . Rotation on T 2 is not Hamiltonian. Example: Let S 1 act on C n+1 by t 7→ e2iπt (i.e. the usual diagonal action), for the standard form ω0 on C n+1. This has a Hamiltonian function H : C n+1 → R , namely z 7→ −π|z|2. (To see this, check XH = −i ∇H for functions H on C k .) Then H −1(−π)/S 1 = C Pn; so Pn carries a symplectic form uniquely characterised by the fact that its pullback to (the unit) S 2n+1 ⊂ C n+1 is the restriction of ω0. This is just our earlier Fubini-Study Kähler form: note they are both U (n+1) invariant and both give a line area π. Proposition: Suppose (M, ω) is closed and ∧ [ω]n−1 : H 1(M ; R ) → H 2n−1(M ; R ) is an isomorphism (e.g. M is Kähler). Then an S 1-action S 1 → Symp(M ) is Hamiltonian if and only if it has fixed points. Proof: If the action is Hamiltonian then a critical point of H : M → R gives a zero of XH , hence a fixed point of the flow and the action. The converse is more interesting. Suppose the action is not Hamiltonian, i.e. its generated by a vector field X s.t. ιX ω is not exact. Exercise: all the orbits of the S 1-action represent the same class in H1(M ; Z). So it is enough to prove that the homology class of some nonconstant orbit γ is non-zero. Pick a volume form σ ∈ Ω2n(M ) supported near γ. Claim: [ιX σ] = PD[γ] ∈ H 2n−1(M ; R ). For PD[γ] is characterised as being represented by a form supported near γ and with integral 1 over each fibre of the normal bundle νγ/M . In general, a form φ supported near a submanifold Y k ⊂ X d represents PD[Y ] ∈ H d−k (X) if and d−k ∼ R at each y ∈ Y . (νy ) = only if φ|νy 6= 0 ∈ Hct Now ιX σ has the required property, for γ, since X is tangent to γ and σx 6= 0 ∈ Λ2nTx∗M for each x ∈ γ, as σ is a volume form. Finally, recall [σ] = [ω]n ∈ H 2n(M ) so [ιX σ] = [ω]n−1 ∧ [ιX ω]. The RHS is non-zero by assumption, hence [γ] 6= 0 as required. ¥ Fixed points actually play a large role in the theory. Fix a circle action φ : S 1 → Symp(M, ω). Lemma: ∃ a φ-invariant J compatible with ω. Proof: pick some metric g. By averaging φ∗θ g over the compact set of θ ∈ S 1, we obtain a φ-invariant metric g 0. Now take the J canonically associated to g 0 in our construction of compatible almost complex structures. ¥ Lemma: F ix(S 1) is a symplectic submanifold. Proof: Let p ∈ F ix(S 1). For each θ ∈ S 1 we have (dφθ )p : TpM → TpM ; this defines a unitary action of S 1 on (TpM, J, ω). The tangent space to the fixed point set is just the eigenspace with eigenvalue 1 for (dφθ )p; since the action is unitary, this eigenspace is J-invariant, hence symplectic. ¥ Note: the proof shows if 1 is an e-value of a symplectic matrix, it occurs with even multiplicity. Now turn to the Hamiltonian case. Suppose H : M 2n → R is actually a Morse function, i.e. the critical points p of H are isolated and non-degenerate: det(Hessf (p)) 6= 0. Then H is locally a non-degenerate quadratic form. For any closed manifold, Morse functions are dense in C ∞(M ; R ). These are “generic functions”. The critical points of H are the fixed points of the associated circle action. Now a unitary action of S 1 on a complex vector space C n, after diagonalising, becomes θ 7→ diag(e2πik1 , e2πik2 , . . . , e2πikn ) for some k1, . . . , kq n ∈ Z. Write e = i ki . In the Morse case, e = det(Hessf (p)) 6= 0. Q Theorem: [Duistermaat-Heckmann localisation] If the moment map H of a Hamiltonian S 1action is Morse, then for all ~ ∈ C Z ωn i ~ H e = n! M µ ¶n i ~ ei~H(p) e(p) p∈Crit(H) X Expanding in powers of ~ this gives identities, for instance: Z X H(p)n n ω = vol(M ) = e(p) M p and for each k = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1: X H(p)k p e(p) = 0 Example: the rotation circle action on S 2 ⊂ R 3 is generated by H = 2πz : S 2 → R . The poles (0, 0, ±1) are fixed, with weights e = ±1. Remark: stationary phase approximation gives a way Rto estimate oscillatory integrals, of the shape M a(x)eitf (x)volM , by contributions from critical points of f : the oscillation makes everything else, where f is varying a lot, cancels out. The above theorem gives a rare example in which the approximation is exact. Usually, for weights w̃f,p, dim(M ) = d, and real t À 0 d t2 Z M a(x)eitf (x)vol M = 1 w̃f,p a(p)eitf (p)+O( ) t p X