Fluctuation relations and nonequilibrium thermodynamics – VII Alberto Imparato† and Luca Peliti‡ † Dipartimento di Fisica, Unità CNISM and Sezione INFN Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy) ‡ Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Unità CNISM and Sezione INFN Università “Federico II”, Napoli (Italy) Fluctuations VII – p.1/36 Stochastic non–equilibrium systems Fluctuations VII – p.2/36 Motivations “Simple” lattice systems Steady states depends on initial state, boundary conditions, and internal parameters Bulk and boundary perturbations may induce phase transition in steady state and dynamic behaviour Heat conduction, diffusion, sand pile models, avalanches, .... Fluctuations VII – p.3/36 Random walk on 1d-lattice W− W+ Pl (t) probability that the particle is at site l at time t dPl (t) = W+ Pl−1 + W− Pl+1 − (W+ + W− )Pl = Jl−1/2 − Jl+1/2 dt Jl+1/2 = W+ Pl − W− Pl+1 ; Jl−1/2 = W+ Pl−1 − W− Pl Fluctuations VII – p.4/36 ASEP the asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) β α W+ W− ρA γ nl = 0, 1 occupation number, ρl (t) ≡ hnl (t)i Jl+1/2 Jl−1/2 ρB δ dρl (t) = Jl−1/2 − Jl+1/2 dt = W+ nl (1 − nl+1 ) − W− nl+1 (1 − nl ) = W+ nl−1 (1 − nl ) − W− nl (1 − nl−1 ) Fluctuations VII – p.5/36 ASEP: mean field approximation hnl (t)nl±1 (t)i = hnl (t)i hnl±1 (t)i = ρl (t)ρl±1 (t) dρl (t) dt dρ0 (t) dt dρN (t) dt = W+ ρl−1 (1 − ρl ) + W− ρl+1 (1 − ρl ) − W+ ρl (1 − ρl+1 ) − W− ρl (1 − ρl−1 ) = α(1 − ρ0 ) + W− ρ1 (1 − ρ0 ) − γρ0 − W+ ρ0 (1 − ρ1 ) = δ(1 − ρN ) + W+ ρN −1 (1 − ρN ) − βρN − W− ρN (1 − ρN −1 ) a = L/N, x = la, ν = a(W+ − W− ), µ = a2 (W+ + W− )/2 ∂ρ ∂ρ ∂ µ = − νρ(1 − ρ) ∂t ∂x ∂x Fluctuations VII – p.6/36 ASEP: mean field approximation II Steady state: ∂t ρ = 0 Boundary conditions 0 = α(1 − ρ0 ) + W− ρ1 (1 − ρ0 ) − γρ0 − W+ ρ0 (1 − ρ1 ) 0 = δ(1 − ρN ) + W+ ρN −1 (1 − ρN ) − βρN − W− ρN (1 − ρN −1 ) p W+ − W− + α + γ − (α − γ − W+ + W− )2 + 4αγ ρ(0) = 2(W+ − W− ) p W+ − W− − β − δ + (β − δ − W+ + W− )2 + 4βδ ρ(L) = 2(W+ − W− ) Fluctuations VII – p.7/36 ASEP: mean field approximation III N = 100, W+ = 1, W− = 0.75, ρA = 0.75, ρB = 0.25, 0.8 0.07 J 0.7 0.06 0.05 0.6 0.04 ρ 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 1 Fluctuations VII – p.8/36 ASEP: mean field approximation IV Phase diagram 1 C 1 − ρ(L) A B 0 0 ρ(0) 1 A: low density phase, B: high density phase, C: high current phase Schütz and Domany, 1993 Fluctuations VII – p.9/36 Heat Fluctuation: Motivations The concept of entropy is usually associated with probability distributions (ensembles) via Gibbs’ formula. Fluctuations VII – p.10/36 Heat Fluctuation: Motivations The concept of entropy is usually associated with probability distributions (ensembles) via Gibbs’ formula. In nonequilibrium systems one can consistently define the entropy production along a single trajectory, Crooks PRE 1999, 2000; Qian PRE 2001; Seifert PRL 2005. Fluctuations VII – p.10/36 Heat Fluctuation: Motivations The concept of entropy is usually associated with probability distributions (ensembles) via Gibbs’ formula. In nonequilibrium systems one can consistently define the entropy production along a single trajectory, Crooks PRE 1999, 2000; Qian PRE 2001; Seifert PRL 2005. Fluctuation theorems can be interpreted as giving connections between the probability of entropy-generating trajectories with respect to that of entropy-annihilating trajectories. Fluctuations VII – p.10/36 Heat Fluctuation: Motivations The concept of entropy is usually associated with probability distributions (ensembles) via Gibbs’ formula. In nonequilibrium systems one can consistently define the entropy production along a single trajectory, Crooks PRE 1999, 2000; Qian PRE 2001; Seifert PRL 2005. Fluctuation theorems can be interpreted as giving connections between the probability of entropy-generating trajectories with respect to that of entropy-annihilating trajectories. The entropy flow along a given trajectory is experimentally accessible, Tietz et al. PRL 2006 Fluctuations VII – p.10/36 Stochastic systems A stochastic system is described by a Markovian dynamics X dpi (t) = [Wij (t)pj (t) − Wji (t)pi (t)] dt j (6=i) Path ω: ω(t) = ik if tk ≤ t < tk+1 , k = 0, 1, . . . , M , tM +1 = tf Time-reversed path ω e: ω e (t) = ik if t̃k+1 ≤ t < t̃k ), t̃ = t0 + tf − t e ω ): probability of the forward and of the P(ω), P(e time-reversed path by their initial states) " (conditioned # M X Wik ik−1 (tk ) P(ω) Q(ω) = − ln . ln =− e ω) Wik−1 ik (tk ) P(e Fluctuations VII – p.11/36 Entropy flow and entropy production P Gibbs entropy of the system S(t) = − i pi (t) ln pi (t), (kB = 1). X X dS Wij Wji pi − Wij pj ln . =− Wij pj ln dt Wij pj Wji i6=j i6=j The first sum is non-negative (ln x ≤ x − 1): entropy production rate The second sum defines the entropy Sf flowing into the reservoir hQit : average of Q(ω), over all possible paths up to time t d hQit /dt = dSf /dt Fluctuations VII – p.12/36 Q(ω) as heat exchange " # P(ω) Q(ω) = − ln =− e ω) P(e M X Wik ik−1 (tk ) . ln Wik−1 ik (tk ) k=1 if the detailed balance conditions holds for the transition rates Wij (t), and an energy Ei (t) is associated to the system states Wji (t)/Wij (t) = exp {[Ei (t) − Ej (t)] /T } T ln [Wji (t)/Wij (t)] represents the heat exchanged with the reservoir in the jump from state j to state i. Q(ω) is the heat exchanged with the reservoir along the trajectory ω Fluctuations VII – p.13/36 Entropy probability distribution function Joint probability distribution φi (Q, t), that the system is found at time t in state i, having exchanged a total entropy flow Q ∆sij = log [Wji (t)/Wij (t)]: entropy which flows into the reservoir in the jump j → i P φi (Q, t + τ ) ≃ φi (Q, t) + τ j (6=i) Wij φj (Q − ∆sij , t) − Wji φi (Q, t) n hP i o n n P ∞ (−∆sij ) ∂ φj (Q,t) = φi (Q, t) + τ j (6=i) Wij − Wji φi (Q, t) , n=0 n! ∂Qn Differential equation for φi (Q, t): # ) ( "∞ X X (−∆sij )n ∂ n φj (Q, t) ∂φi (Q, t) = − Wji φi (Q, t) . Wij n ∂t n! ∂Q n=0 j (6=i) Fluctuations VII – p.14/36 Generating Function ψi (λ, t) = Z dQ eλQ φi (Q, t), λ P ∂ψi (λ, t) W = j (6=i) Wij Wji ψj (λ, t) − Wji ψi (λ, t) ij ∂t P = j Hij (λ) ψj (λ, t). Lebowitz and Spohn, J. Stat. Phys. 1999. g(λ) M.E. of Hij (λ), in the limit t → ∞, ψ(λ, t) = exp [tg(λ)] Z dλ −λQ t g(λ∗ )−λ∗ Q φ(Q, t) = e ψ(λ, t) ∝ e 2πi λ∗ saddle point value implicitly defined by ∂g/∂λ|λ∗ = Q/t. Fluctuations VII – p.15/36 Perron–Frobenius theorem M, n × n matrix with positive entries mij > 0. Then the following statements hold: There is a positive real eigenvalue α∗ of M such that |αi | < α∗ . the eigenvalue α∗ is simple vR right eigenvector: M · vR = α∗ vR , with vRi > 0 P P ∗ eigenvalue estimate mini j Mij ≤ α ≤ maxi j Mij Fluctuations VII – p.16/36 Maximum eigenvalue ψ̇(λ, t) = H(λ)ψ(λ, t) ⇒ ψ(λ, t) = eH(λ)t ψ(λ, t = 0) X X ψ(λ, t = 0) = ci ψ i ⇒ ψ(λ, t) = ci ψ i eαi (λ)t i i ψ(λ, t → ∞) ∝ ψ max eg(λ)t Z XZ ψ(λ, t) = dQeλQ Φ(Q) = dQeλQ φj (Q, t) = X j j ψj (λ, t) −−−→ eg(λ)t t→∞ Fluctuations VII – p.17/36 Gallavotti–Cohen relation Hij (λ) = Wij Wji Wij λ ; Hij (1 − λ) = Wji Wij Wji λ = Hji (λ) H(1 − λ) = H T (λ) Z dλ −λQ t g(λ∗ )−λ∗ Q φ(Q, t) = e ψ(λ, t) ∝ e ; ∂g/∂λ|λ∗ = Q/t 2πi Z Z ′ dλ dλ λQ −λ′ Q −Q −Q e ψ(λ, t) = − e ψ(1 − λ′ , t) e φ(−Q, t) = e 2πi 2πi ∝ e t g(λ∗ )−λ∗ Q λ′ = 1 − λ φ(Q, t)/φ(−Q, t) = e−Q , for, t → ∞ Fluctuations VII – p.18/36 Comparison with experiments C. Tietz , S. Schuler , T. Speck , U. Seifert and J. Wrachtrup , PRL 2006 Two-state system: an optically driven defect center in diamond If excited by a red light laser, the defect exhibits fluorescence. By superimposing a green light laser, the rate of transition from the non-fluorescent to the fluorescent state (W+ ) and from the fluorescent to the non-fluorescent state (W− ), turn out to depend linearly on the lasers intensity Fluctuations VII – p.19/36 Comparison with experiments the experimental set-up W− = (21.8 ms)−1 , W+ (t) = W0 [1 + γ sin(2πt/tm )], W0 = (15.6 ms)−1 , γ = 0.46, tm = 50 ms. entropy flux measured, over 2000 trajectories of time-length 20 tm . 400 Solve the equation for ψ+ , ψ− , and compute φ(q, t) ∝ exp [tg(λ∗ ) − λ∗ Q], where g(λ) = 1t log [ψ+ (λ, t) + ψ− (λ, t)] in the limit t → ∞ 300 200 100 0 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 −q Fluctuations VII – p.20/36 Large systems N equations for the φi (Q) or the ψi (λ): the direct approach becomes rapidly impracticable, as the system phase space size increases Evaluation of φ(Q) by direct simulation of the stochastic process described by the master equation: highly difficult task, since one is interested in the tails of the distribution (rare events) Solution: sample trajectories in the weighted ensemble P(ωt ) exp [λQ(ωt )] rather than successions of single states in the unbiased ensemble. Fluctuations VII – p.21/36 Biased trajectories Since ψ(λ, t) = R Dωt P(ωt ) eλQ(ωt ) Fluctuations VII – p.22/36 Biased trajectories Since ψ(λ, t) = R Dωt P(ωt ) eλQ(ωt ) We haveR ∂ψ(λ,t) λQ(ωt ) = Dω Q(ω )P(ω ) e = hQiλ ψ(λ, t) t t t ∂λ Fluctuations VII – p.22/36 Biased trajectories Since ψ(λ, t) = R Dωt P(ωt ) eλQ(ωt ) We haveR ∂ψ(λ,t) λQ(ωt ) = Dω Q(ω )P(ω ) e = hQiλ ψ(λ, t) t t t ∂λ h. . .iλ is the average in the weighted ensemble P(ωt ) exp [λQ(ωt )] ψ(λ, t) Fluctuations VII – p.22/36 Biased trajectories Since ψ(λ, t) = R Dωt P(ωt ) eλQ(ωt ) We haveR ∂ψ(λ,t) λQ(ωt ) = Dω Q(ω )P(ω ) e = hQiλ ψ(λ, t) t t t ∂λ h. . .iλ is the average in the weighted ensemble P(ωt ) exp [λQ(ωt )] ψ(λ, t) ψ(λ, t) = Zλ is the “partition function” of this ensemble, Fluctuations VII – p.22/36 Biased trajectories Since ψ(λ, t) = R Dωt P(ωt ) eλQ(ωt ) We haveR ∂ψ(λ,t) λQ(ωt ) = Dω Q(ω )P(ω ) e = hQiλ ψ(λ, t) t t t ∂λ h. . .iλ is the average in the weighted ensemble P(ωt ) exp [λQ(ωt )] ψ(λ, t) ψ(λ, t) = Zλ is the “partition function” of this ensemble, hR i λ The solution reads: ψ(λ, t) = exp 0 dλ′ hQiλ′ Fluctuations VII – p.22/36 Biased trajectories Since ψ(λ, t) = R Dωt P(ωt ) eλQ(ωt ) We haveR ∂ψ(λ,t) λQ(ωt ) = Dω Q(ω )P(ω ) e = hQiλ ψ(λ, t) t t t ∂λ h. . .iλ is the average in the weighted ensemble P(ωt ) exp [λQ(ωt )] ψ(λ, t) ψ(λ, t) = Zλ is the “partition function” of this ensemble, hR i λ The solution reads: ψ(λ, t) = exp 0 dλ′ hQiλ′ hQiλ = R Dωt (Q(ωt )/Π(ωt ))Π(ωt )P(ωt )eλQ(ωt ) R Dωt (1/Π(ωt ))Π(ωt )P(ωt )eλQ(ωt ) = hQ/Πiλ,Π h1/Πiλ,Π h. . .iλ,Π is the average in the P(ωt )Π(ωt ) exp [λQ(ωt )] ensemble Fluctuations VII – p.22/36 Biased trajectories II Probability of a given path ω : P(ω) = KiN ,iN −1 KiN ,iN −1 . . . Ki1 ,i0 p0i0 P transition probabilities Kij = τ Wij , and Kii = 1 − j(6=i) Kji Define the new transition probabilities P λ e ji e e Kij = τ Wij (Wji /Wij ) , and Kii = 1 − j(6=i) K Q Π(ω) = M k=1 Πik ,ik−1 (tk ) with 8 <1, if i 6= j; Πij (t) = :K e jj (t)/Kjj (t), if i = j. e i ,i e i ,i e i ,i p0 , P(ω)Π(ω) exp [λQ(ω)] = K K ...K 1 0 i0 N N −1 N N −1 Evaluate hQiλ = hQ/Πiλ,Π h1/Πiλ,Π Fluctuations VII – p.23/36 ASEP the asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) β α W+ W− ρA ρB γ δ By taking ρA > ρB and W+ > W− , one observes a net particle current from the left to the right reservoir. L = 100, W+ = 1, W− = 0.75, ρA = 0.75, ρB = 0.25, maximum current phase G. Schütz and E. Domany , J. Stat. Phys. 1993 Fluctuations VII – p.24/36 large deviation function 12 10 8 g 6 4 2 0 -2 -2 ψ(λ, t) = exp hR λ 0 -1 dλ′ hQiλ′ 0 i 1 2 3 λ g(λ) = 1t log [ψ(λ, t)] in the long t limit. Fluctuations VII – p.25/36 Comparison with simulations entropy flow per time unit q = Q/t, corresponding to 1000 unbiased trajectories. 0.7 f 0.6 0 -10 0.5 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 φ 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 q f (q) = log [φ(q)] and f (q) + q exhibit the symmetry required by the Gallavotti-Cohen relation φ(Q)/φ(−Q) = exp(Q) Gallavotti and Cohen, J. Stat. Phys. 1995 Fluctuations VII – p.26/36 Typical trajectories current J(λ) of particles that, in the steady state of weighted ensembles, jump to the right (positive current) or to the left (negative current), in the unit time. Measured as biased trajectories are generated 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 J 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 λ Fluctuations VII – p.27/36 Trajectory thermodynamics the parameter λ, which is the thermodynamic conjugate of q, selects dynamical trajectories in the same way as an external field selects states in an ordinary statistical ensemble 1 f (q) ≡ g(λ ) − λ q = lim log φ(Q, t). t→∞ t ∗ ∗ the functions g(λ) and f (q) are Legendre transform of each other, and can be then interpreted in terms of path thermodynamics: g(λ) can be viewed as a path Gibbs free energy, while f (q) is the corresponding Helmholtz free energy. Ritort J. Stat. Mech. 2004; Imparato and Peliti , Phys. Rev. E 2005 Fluctuations VII – p.28/36 The Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process (TASEP) At any given time step t, a given particle moves to the right with probability α if the target site is empty Configuration C = (ni ), ni ∈ {0, 1}, i = 1, L, periodic b.c. Current J: 1, if one particle jumps to the right; JC ′ C = 0, if nothing happens. We wish to evaluate e Λ(λ) = * exp λ X t JCt+1 Ct !+ Fluctuations VII – p.29/36 The large-deviation function Prob[C0 , C1 , . . . , CT ] = UCT CT −1 · · · UC2 C1 · UC1 C0 Xh i X Ũ T ŨCT CT −1 · · · ŨC1 C0 = eΛ(λ) = CT C1 ,...,CT CT C0 where ŨC ′ C := eλJC′ C UC ′ C Define KC := X ŨC ′ C , UC′ ′ C ≡ ŨC ′ C KC−1 C′ e Λ(λ) = X UC′ T CT −1 KCT −1 · · · UC′ 1 C0 KC0 C2 ,...,CT Fluctuations VII – p.30/36 The simulation steps A cloning step: PC (t + 1/2) = KC PC (t) G clones of C : G = [KC ] + 1, [KC ], with probability KC − [KC ]; otherwise Fluctuations VII – p.31/36 The simulation steps A cloning step: PC (t + 1/2) = KC PC (t) G clones of C : G = [KC ] + 1, [KC ], with probability KC − [KC ]; otherwise A shift step: PC ′ (t + 1) = X UC′ ′ C PC (t + 1/2) C Fluctuations VII – p.31/36 The simulation steps A cloning step: PC (t + 1/2) = KC PC (t) G clones of C : G = [KC ] + 1, [KC ], with probability KC − [KC ]; otherwise A shift step: PC ′ (t + 1) = X UC′ ′ C PC (t + 1/2) C Overall cloning step with an adjustable rate Mt = N/(N + G) (the same for all configurations) Fluctuations VII – p.31/36 Results 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 σ(λ) -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 -0.9 -1 -1.1 -10 -8 -6 λ -4 -2 0 For long times 1 Λ(λ) − lim ln[MT · · · M2 · M1 ] = lim = σ(λ) t→∞ t t→∞ t Fluctuations VII – p.32/36 The configurations Space-time diagram for a ring of N = 100 sites, λ = −50 and density 0.5 Note the logarithmic scale on the y-axis Fluctuations VII – p.33/36 Moving shock waves Space-time diagram for a ring of N = 100 sites, λ = −30 and density 0.3 Fluctuations VII – p.34/36 Discussion Biased dynamics is effective to reconstruct entropy flow distributions of systems with many states. Fluctuations VII – p.35/36 Discussion Biased dynamics is effective to reconstruct entropy flow distributions of systems with many states. entropy distributions can be used to reconstruct thermodynamic equilibrium quantities. Fluctuations VII – p.35/36 Discussion Biased dynamics is effective to reconstruct entropy flow distributions of systems with many states. entropy distributions can be used to reconstruct thermodynamic equilibrium quantities. Gene regulation networks, signal processing networks, molecular motors with many states. Fluctuations VII – p.35/36 Bibliography R. Stinchcombe Adv. in Pys. 5: 431–496 (2001). G. Schütz and E. Domany, J. Stat. Phys. 72: 277, (1993). C. Enaudand B. Derrida, J. Stat. Phys., 114: 537, (2004). C. Tietz, S. Schuler, T. Speck, U. Seifert and J. Wrachtrup, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97: 050602, (2006). S.X. Sun, J. Chem. Phys. 118: 5769, (2003). H. Oberhofer, C. Dellago and P. L. Geissler, J. Phys. Chem. B 109: 6902, (2005). A. Imparato, L. Peliti, J. Stat. 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