Ensembles, Session 1, 2014 Dear Students, Please pay careful attention to the following instructions for enrolling in an ensemble in Session 1, 2014 1. With the exception of the Orchestra and the Wind Symphony, enrollments and auditions for all ensembles will take place during Orientation Week. 2. Ensemble instruction will commence in Week 1. 3. Ensemble assessments will occur in Week 13. 4. It is mandatory that you audition or enroll in your chosen ensemble at the times indicated in the schedule below. 5. If you cannot attend the scheduled audition you will have to select another ensemble. 6. Once you receive confirmation of your ensemble, either after the audition or after email contact with the Ensemble director, you may record your ensemble within the Music Performance Lab online system, in the ‘Practical Examination’ section (more information coming soon). 7. If you are unable to enroll in an ensemble of your choice, immediately contact by email the director of another ensemble to find out whether places are available in an alternative ensemble. Do not wait until Week 1 to do this. It is your responsibility to ensure that you enroll in an ensemble by Week 1! 8. Students who have not enrolled in an ensemble by Week 1 risk missing out on participating in an ensemble and, therefore, failing the course. Exceptions will not be made. Enrolments and Auditions Schedule Semester 1, 2014 ENSEMBLE (Director) AUDITION DATE/TIME LOCATION UNSW Orchestra (Steven Hillinger) ✔ Mar 4, 5pm-­‐9pm. Clancy Auditorium Wind Symphony (Steven Capaldo) ✖ Collegium Musicum Choir (Sonia Maddock) ✔ Strings 5pm, Brass/Woodwind 6pm Bring your instrument and two contrasting pieces. Mar 4, 4-­‐6pm. Playing experience and music literacy required. Bring your instrument. Feb 26 (10am-­‐1pm & 2-­‐4pm) & Feb 27 (10am-­‐1pm) for voice placements. Prepare a short unaccompanied song. Clancy Auditorium Webster G14 Email: cmc@unsw.edu.au Jazz Orchestra (Sandy Evans) ✔ Feb 26, 4:00pm Guitar Ensemble (Janet Agostino) ✔ Feb 26, 4:00pm Balinese Gamelan (Manolete Mora) Chamber ensemble (Kim Burwell & Dorottya Fabian) ✖ Email by Feb 25 ✔ Feb 24, 4pm, Kim Burwell -­‐ k.burwell@unsw.edu.au Feb 26, 4pm, Dorottya Fabian -­‐ d.fabian@unsw.edu.au Webster G17 Burgundian Consort (Sonia Maddock) West African Drum Ensemble (Thiass Mbaye, Manolete Mora) ✔ By appointment, Feb 28 at cmc@unsw.edu.au Sight singing only. Webster G14 (tbc) ✖ Email by Feb 27 Contact Manolete at m.mora@unsw.edu.au Fundamentals of Improvisation (Alister Spence) ✔ Feb 26 4:00pm Webster G18 Intermediate Jazz Ensemble (Sandy Evans) Advanced Jazz Ensemble (Alister Spence) ✔ Feb 26, 2:00pm Webster G16 ✔ Feb 27, 4:00pm Webster G16 Jazz Composition Ensemble (Alister Spence) ✔ Feb 25, 4:00pm Webster G18 Sound Lab Group (Miriama Young) ✔ (Interview) Feb 24, 4:00pm Webster G15 Contemporary Composition Ensemble (John Peterson) Handbells (Jonathan Ong) ✔ Feb 24, 4:00pm Webster G18 ✖ Email by Feb 27 *Only 15 places Contact Jonathan at jonathan.ong1@unsw.edu.au New students must audition. 2013 Ensemble must register via email. G16 New Students: Webster 332 2013 Ensemble: Contact Janet at agostinomusic@gmail.com Contact Manolete at m.mora@unsw.edu.au Please contact the directors to make an audition appointment 4.00 -­‐ 4.15pm -­‐ Introductory talk 4.15-­‐6.00pm -­‐ allocated 10 minute interview slots