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The University of Chicago Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Physiological Zoology. http://www.jstor.org 1325 of andCholinergic Regulation Adrenergic Intracardiac Shunting W.Hicks James Departmentof Ecology and EvolutionaryBiology, School of Biological Sciences, Universityof California,Irvine, Irvine, California92717 Accepted 1/25/94 Abstract Reciprocal variations in the heart rate (HR), pulmonary vascular resistance (Rpud)and pulmonary blood flow (Q,,,) are associated with intermittent lung breathing in reptiles. During ventilation Rpu~decreases and the HR and the Qpu1 increase. In contrast, Rputincreases and the HR and Qput decrease during apnea. Besides these changes, intermittent ventilation is associated with changes in the distribution of blood flow between the pulmonary and systemic circulations. A right-to-left (R-L) intracardiac shunt predominates during apnea, while during ventilation a left-to-right intracardiac (L-R) shunt predominates. These changes in the HR, Qpu, Rpul,and intracardiac shunting may be under adrenergic and cholinergic control. Recent experiments in the turtle Pseudemys scripta support this hypothesis. In this species, cholinergic stimulation resulting from electrical stimulation of vagal efferent nerves or infusion of acetylcholine resulted in a bradycardia, an increased Rput,a reduced Qpuj,and the development of a net R-L intracardiac shunt. The net R-Lshunt flow was 6 mL/min/kg and represented approximately 40% of the systemic blood flow. The changes in HR, Rpul,and Qpul were eliminated by atropine. The R-Lshunt was also eliminated by atropine. In contrast, adrenergic stimulation, resulting from electrical stimulation of vagal afferent nerves or infusion of epinephrine resulted in a tachycardia, a decrease in Rp,,, an increased Q,,, and the development of a net L-Rshunt. The net L-Rshunt flow was 28 mL/min/kg, representing 58% of the Q,,u. Preliminary evidence suggested that the changes in the HR, Qput,and Rpulduring vagal aferent stimulation were reduced by propranolol. The results of this study support the hypothesis that the size and direction of the intracardiac shunt is determined by the relative resistances offered by the pulmonary and systemic circulations. Introduction Intracardiacshuntingnormallyoccurs in chelonians (turtles) and squamates (lizards and snakes). The complex cardiacanatomyof these animalsallows 1994.C 1994byTheUniversity of Chicago. Physiological Zoology 67(6):1325-1346. Allrightsreserved. 0031-935X/94/6706-9369$02.00 1326 J.W.Hicks the systemic venous blood to bypassthe lungs and pulmonaryvenous blood to bypass the systemic circulation.The magnitude of cardiacshunting may be affected by the physiological state of the animal. In particular,cardiac shunting may varyas a function of ventilatorystate. Manyreptiles are intermittent lung breathers. Systemic venous blood bypassing the lungs may predominateduring apnea, while recirculationof pulmonaryvenous blood throughthe lungs mayoccur duringthe briefventilatoryperiods. The ability to regulate intracardiacshunting may provide several adaptivefunctions for intermittentlybreathingreptiles (table 1; Burggren 1987). The mechanismscontrollingthe directionand size of intracardiacshunting are not well understood. Factorsthat affectcardiacfunction (heartrate [HR] and contractility)and the vascularresistances of variousvascularbeds can potentially regulate intracardiacshunting. These factorsmay include adrenergic and cholinergic mechanisms as well as nonadrenergicnoncholinergic (NANC)systems.The purpose of this articleis to review the cardiacanatomy of noncrocodilian reptiles and to describe the possible role of cholinergic and adrenergicregulationin cardiacshunting. Experimentalevidence supportingcholinergic and adrenergiccontrol of intracardiacshuntingin turtles will be presented. Cardiac Anatomy The hearts of noncrocodilian reptiles are made up of two separate atrial chambersand a single ventricle. The ventricle is subdivided into three anatomicallyinterconnected chambersor cava (fig. 1). A distinctivefeatureof the ventricularanatomy is the presence of a septum-like structurecalled the muscularridge or Muskelleiste.The muscularridge originatesfrom the ventralventricularwall, runningfromapex to base, and divides the ventricle into a smallercavumpulmonale (CP) and largercavumdorsale (VanMierop and Kutsche 1981). The dorsolateralborder of the muscularridge is free, allowing potential communicationbetween the CPand cavumdorsale (Van Mierop and Kutsche 1981). A second incomplete vertical septum, which originates from the dorsal aspects of the muscularridge to the dorsal wall of the cavum dorsale, furthersubdivides the cavum dorsale into the cavum arteriosum(CA) and the cavumvenosum (CV). In all reptiles, three greatvessels arise from the ventricle:the pulmonary artery,the right aortic arch (RAo), and the left aortic arch (LAo). The pulmonary arteryemerges to the left of the two aortic arches and originates from the CP. The RAo and LAo arise from the CV. In addition, the RAo divides into subclavianand carotid arteries, and a third branch of the RAo Smits, 1985 Burggren, 1979; White 1979; White Shelton 1989 1982 and 1987 and 1984 1985 Evans reptiles and in Reference Burggren Burggren Burggren White Wood Ackerman ventilation Direction R-L R-LR-LR-L L-R L-R Shunt intermittent during due shunting intracardiac of 1 lung lunga lungsa the the in the lungs stores. into the into shunt (1987). into oxygen filtration elimination energya flux Burggren lung physiological CO2 mismatching significance from CO2 Significance plasma cardiac V/Q to Saves "Metering" Reduces Reduces Facilitates Minimizes Summarized Functional Functional TABIEI Ventilation: a Apnea: 1328 J.W.Hicks RAt RAo LAt LAo PA CV CA MR AVvalves CP Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the heart of noncrocodilian reptiles. PA, pulmonary artery; RAt, right atrium; LAt, left atrium. Drawing is modified from original line drawing by F. N. White (unpublished). unites with the LAomediocaudally to form the dorsal aorta (Van Mierop and Kutsche 1985). Intracardiac Shunts These anatomicalfeatures of the reptilian heart result in the potential for intracardiacshunting. Cardiacshunts are defined as right-to-left (R-L) or left-to-right(L-R).An R-Lshunt representssystemicvenous blood bypassing the pulmonarycirculationand reentering the systemic circulation.In contrast,recirculationof pulmonaryvenous blood into the pulmonaryarterial circulation is called an L-Rshunt. If the systemic blood flow (Qsys)and pulmonaryblood flow (Qpui)are measured, then intracardiacshunting can be represented as the difference between these two flow rates (Qpu - Qsys). This difference is referredto as the net shunt flow. In reptiles, the net shunt flow does not provide a complete descriptionof intracardiacshunting. The anatomicalarrangementof the ventricularcava (see fig. 1) allows for bidirectionalshunting, in which an L-Rand R-Lshunt both occurduringthe cardiaccycle (Heislerand Glass 1985;Ishimatsu,Hicks, and Heisler 1988; Hicks and Comeau 1994). In hearts with bidirectional shunting, the net shunt flow may underestimatethe actual shunt flows. A is equal to simple model illustratesthis point (fig. 2). In this model, the QpuI inReptiles 1329 Cardiac ShuntRegulation Qpul = 100 ml/min Qsys = 50 mI/min Systemic Pulmonary -80 L-R ml/min OR-L Right Atrium QRAt= 50 ml/min - 30 ml/min LeftAtrium = 100ml/min QLAt Fig. 2. Model of bidirectional intracardiac shunting in reptiles. Open arrows represent oxygenated blood; filled arrows represent deoxygenated blood. See text for detailed description. the systemicvenous return(Qt) plus the actualL-Rshuntflow (-R) minus the actual R-Lshunt flow (Q-L ). Accordingly,the Qsys is the sum of the pulmonaryvenous return(Q~t) and the QRL minus the Q-R.In this example, the net L-Rshunt flow is 50 mL/min. Howeverthe L-R is 80 mL/min, which This contributionof the L-R to the pulmonary represents 80%of the QpuI. circulationis called the shunt fraction (QL-R/Qpu). In this model, the Qsys resultsfroma QR-L of 30 mL/min and the R-Lshuntfraction(QR-L/ys) is 60%. Underthe flow conditionsprovidedin this example,the R-Lshuntflow cannot be detected from measurementsof net shunt flow. Bidirectionalshunting can be quantifiedby measurementsof blood oxygen content from arterial and cardiacsites (Ishimatsuet al. 1988) or by the simultaneousinjection of radioactivelylabeled microspheres into the left and right atrium (Heisler, Neumann,and Maloiy1983). The measurementof net shunts, either L-Ror R-L,requirecarefulinterpretationif bidirectionalshunting is present. Intracardiac Shunting Patterns and VentilatoryState Intermittentventilatorypatterns are a characteristicfeature of many chelonians and squamates.Such patternsconsist of brief periods of ventilation 1330 J.W.Hicks interspersedamong apneasof variableduration(Shelton,Jones, and Milsom 1986). The ventilatorystate (ventilation or apnea) is often associated with changes in the size of the R-Land L-Rintracardiacshunt. However, the precise flow ratiosand absolute magnitudesof these intracardiacshunts are virtuallyunknown. Regardless, for a few species of chelonians and squamates, the cardiovascularevents that occur during intermittentventilation have been described. Apnea During apnea, associated with quiet breathing or diving, there is a bradycardiacoupled with an increase in the pulmonaryvascularresistance (Rpu1), which leads to a reduction in the Qp~l.For example, in the freely diving turtle Pseudemys scripta, the HR decreases by 80%and the Rpu1 increases (Shelton and by 150%.These changes result in an 80%reduction in the Qpul Blood flow measurements that net R-Lshunt a suggest Burggren 1976). develops during apnea (Whiteand Ross 1966; Shelton and Burggren1976). The net R-Lshunt flow is estimated to be 5-10 mL/min/kg. In the turtle, analysis of measurements of the partialpressure of oxygen (Po2) of blood from arterial and cardiac sites confirms an R-Lintracardiacshunt during apnea (Burggrenand Shelton 1979; White, Hicks, and Ishimatsu 1989). The actual shunt flows during apnea have been estimated in a varanid lizardand in turtles (Heisler and Glass 1985;White et al. 1989). In the lizard Varanusexanthematicus, at a body temperatureof 300C,the R-Lshunt flow is 11 mL/min/kg, or approximately31%of the Qsys(Heisler and Glass 1985). In the turtle Chrysemyspicta at 300C, the R-Lshunt is 18 mL/min/kg, or approximately61%of the Qyy,(Heisler and Glass 1985). In this turtle, the R-Lshunt flow decreases to 8 mL/min/kg at a body temperatureof 150C. The R-Lshunt flow at this temperatureis 60%of the Qsys. In these reptiles, the fractionalR-Lshunt did not change duringventilation (Heisler and Glass 1985). In contrast,a microsphere study of the turtle P. scripta shows that the fractionalR-Lshuntis greaterduringapneathanduringventilation(White et al. 1989). Several studies have shown that an L-Rshunt also occurs during apnea. In the lizard V exanthematicus and in the turtle C picta a fractional L-R shunt of 11%-20%occurs during apnea (Heisler and Glass 1985). Measurements of blood Po2 from the pulmonaryarteryand the left and right atrium confirms an L-Rintracardiacshunt during apnea (White et al. 1989). The mechanism responsible for this L-Rshunt has been discussed in detail (Heisler and Glass 1985; Hicks and Comeau 1994). Cardiac Shunt inReptiles1331 Regulation Ventilation During ventilatoryperiods, the cardiovascularchanges are the reciprocals of those occurring during apnea. For example, in the turtle P. scripta the HR doubles and the Rpuldecreases by more than 50%,which leads to a threefold increase in the QpuI (Shelton and Burggren 1976). Blood flow measurementsfrom selected arteriesestimate thata net L-Rshunt develops duringventilation (White and Ross 1966; Shelton and Burggren1976). The net L-Rshunt is 30-50 mL/min/kg. Recent studies of the snakeAcrochordus is 10-fold higher than Qssduringventilation (Lilgranulatus show that Qu0, lywhite and Donald 1989). This may be the largest net L-Rshunt measured for an intermittentlybreathingreptile. In the turtle P. scripta analysisof the blood Po2 from the left atrium,right atrium,and pulmonaryarteryconfirms an L-Rintracardiacshunt during ventilation (White et al. 1989). The magnitudeof the L-Rshunt flow duringventilationhas been estimated in the lizard V exanthematicus and the turtle C.picta at 30C. In the lizard, the QLR is approximately3 mL/min/kg and is 11%of the Qpu.In the turtle, the QLRshunt is 5.5 mL/min/kg, which represents 18%of the Qpul(Heisler and Glass 1985). An R-Lintracardiacshunt also occurs during ventilation. In the lizard V exanthematicus and the turtle C. picta, the fractional R-Lshunt is 10%-25%during ventilation (Heisler and Glass 1985). In the turtle P. scripta, measurements of blood Po2from cardiacand arterialsites indicate a 20%-30%fractional R-Lshunt during ventilation (White et al. 1989). The mechanism responsible for this R-Lintracardiacshunt has been discussed in detail (Heisler and Glass 1985; Hicks and Comeau 1994). Adrenergic and CholinergicRegulation of the CardiovascularSystem The size and directionof intracardiacshuntingwill be determinedby factors that control cardiacfunction (HR and myocardialcontractility)and the vascular resistance of the pulmonaryand systemic circulations.These factors certainly include adrenergic and cholinergic mechanisms (Berger and Burnstock 1979; Nilsson 1983). In addition, NANCsystems may play an importantrole in controlling cardiovascularfunction in reptiles (Lillywhite and Donald 1989; Conlon, Hicks, and Smith 1990). Cholinergic Regulation The vagus may be the primary regulator of the HR during ventilation and apnea (Burggren 1975). A great deal of evidence shows that both the atria 1332 J.W.Hicks and the ventricle are innervatedby the vagus nerve (see Berger and Burnstock [1979]for review). In the turtle P. scripta the bradycardiathat occurs duringapnea is eliminatedby an intravenousinfusion of atropine(Burggren 1975). In contrast,intravenousadministrationof propranololhas no effect on the bradycardiathatoccurs duringapnea (Burggren1975). In P. scripta, electrical stimulationof the vagus nerve results in a bradycardiathat is abolished by atropine (Comeau and Hicks 1994). The pulmonaryvasculatureof chelonians and squamatesexhibits a cholinergic vasoconstrictorinnervation.Electricalstimulationof the vagusnerve results in an increase in the Rpj,in turtles, lizards, and snakes (Luckhardt and Carlson1921; Berger 1972, 1973;Burggren1977; Milsom, Langille,and Jones 1977;Smithand MacIntyre1979;Donald, O'Shea,and Lillywhite1990; Hicks and Comeau 1994; Comeau and Hicks 1994). This increase is abolished by atropine. The development of an R-Lshunt may be under cholinergic control (White 1976). In the turtle P. scripta electrical stimulation of the vagus nerves results in a reduction in the Po2 of both the LAoand RAo (Burggren 1978; Hicks and Comeau 1994). This reduction in the arterial Po2 occurs even though the pulmonaryvenous and systemic venous Po2 remain unchanged. The systemic arterialPo2 is also decreased by the intravenous infusion of acetylcholine (ACh) (Hicks and Malvin1992). The effects of cholinergic stimulation on the R-L or the net R-Lshunt have not been determined. Adrenergic Regulation In turtles cardiac sympathetic nerves leave the spinal cord at the level of the tenth spinal nerve, run forwardthroughthree gangliaof the sympathetic chain, and extend towardthe heart (Gaskell and Gadow 1884). Sympathetic observationsconfirmthatfibers fibersinnervatethe atriumand ultrastructural containing vesicles typical of adrenergic nerves occur in the ventricular myocardium of turtles (Yamauchiand Chiba 1973). Stimulationof these fibersresult in an accelerationof the HR.This effect is blocked by bretylium (an adrenergic neurone-blockingagent) (see Berger and Burnstock[1979] for review). Increases in the HR occur after intravenousadministrationof epinephrine and norepinephrine (Bergerand Burnstock1979; Comeauand Hicks 1994). Histochemical studies show adrenergic nerves in the pulmonary vasculature of the lacertilian Trachysaurus rugosus (McLeanand Burnstock 1967; Furness and Moore 1970) and the file snake, A. granulatus (Lillywhite and Donald 1989). In the rat snake Elaphe obsoleta, adrenergic innervation is present on the pulmonary artery, the smaller pulmonary Cardiac Shunt inReptiles1333 Regulation arteries and veins, and the main pulmonary vein (Donald et al. 1990). The functional role of adrenergic nerves in the pulmonary vasculature is contradictory. Luckhardtand Carlson (1921) reported a differential effect of epinephrine on the pulmonary vasculature. In the turtles Chrysemys and Malacoclemys small doses of epinephrine produce a vasodilation, whereas larger doses produce a vasoconstriction. In contrast, the adrenergic agents norepinephrine, isoprenaline, or phenylephrine have no effect on the pulmonary arterial tone in the tortoise (Berger 1972). In the turtle C. scripta electrical stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerves produces no change in the pulmonaryperfusion pressure (Milsom et al. 1977). In addition, infusion of epinephrine, in a dose range from 1 to 100 ytg, does not affect the pulmonary arterypressure (Milsom et al. 1977). In contrast, a marked pulmonary vasodilation results from the injection of epinephrine into the pulmonary arteryof the rat snake (Donald et al. 1990). Administration of propranolol eliminates this response. In the rat snake, electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve produces a biphasic response in Rpu. During the stimulation there is a pulmonary vasoconstriction, followed by a poststimulatory pulmonary vasodilation (Donald et al. 1990). The administration of bretylium or propranolol eliminates this poststimulatory vasodilation. This later observation suggests the Qpuis regulated by the reciprocal interaction of adrenergic and cholinergic nerves (Donald et al. 1990). Recent evidence from the turtle P. scripta shows that electrical stimulation of vagal afferent fibers results in an increase in HR, a reduction in Rpul,and an increase in systemic vascular resistance (Rsys).These changes result in an increase in Qpul and a decrease in Qsys (Comeau and Hicks 1994). These cardiovascular changes are reduced following administration of bretylium. Finally, an intravenous infusion of epinephrine (0.1 gtg/kg) produces cardiovascular changes similar to those measured during vagal afferent stimulation (Comeau and Hicks 1994). Adrenergic control of intracardiacshunting is not well studied. Analysis of blood Po2 from the systemic arteries and from cardiac sites indicates that adrenergic stimulation may abolish the R-Lshunt. An intravenous infusion of epinephrine eliminates the systemic venous admixture in the aortic arches of the turtle P. scripta (Hicks and Malvin 1992). A similar result is obtained during electrical stimulation of vagal afferent nerves in this same species (Hicks and Comeau 1994). Intravenous infusion of epinephrine may produce a large net L-R shunt in turtles (Comeau and Hicks 1994). 1334 J.W.Hicks andMethods Material In our laboratorywe have focused on the role of the vagus nerve on control of centralvascularblood flow in the turtle Pseudemysscripta. Recently,we have addressed the hypothesis that the size and direction of intracardiac shunting results from the reciprocalinterplayof the adrenergicand cholinergic mechanisms (Comeau 1992; Hicks and Malvin 1992; Comeau and Hicks 1994; Hicks and Comeau 1994). The purpose of this study was to quantifythe effects of vagal nerve stimulation on the size of the net R-Lor net L-Rshunt flow. Studieswere conducted in five animals (X= 1.65 + 0.34 kg, mean + SD), anesthetized (Nembutal,30 mg/kg), in the supine position and ventilated (tidal volume = 25 mL/kg and breathingfrequency = 7-10 beat/min). The following cardiovascularvariables were measured or calculated:HR, Qpu,Qsys,pulmonaryarterialpressure (Ppa),pulmonaryvenous pressure (Ppv),centralvenous pressure,arterialpressure (Psys),Rpuly, net L-Rshunt flow, and net R-Lshunt flow. The Qpuiand Qyys were determined with ultrasonictransit-timeflow probes (2R;Transonic).The Qpuiwas measured by placing a 2R flow probe on the left and right pulmonaryarteries. The Qs~ywascalculated by measuring the LAoflow (2R flow probe) and multiplying by a factor of 2.8. This flow factor was previously determined in this preparation(Comeau 1992) and was in good agreement with a previous study (Shelton and Burggren 1976). Centralvascularpressureswere measuredin four sites. A small section (3-5 mm) of the common pulmonary arterywas exposed and a 20-gauge i.v. catheterwas gently inserted downstream for the measurement of Ppa.The Ppvwas measured by inserting a catheter into the left atriumby a method previously described (Heisler et al. 1983). The centralvenous pressurewas measuredby insertinga catheter (PE 50) into the right jugularvein and advancing2-3 cm towardthe heart. Finally,the Psyswas measuredby insertinga catheterinto the rightcommon carotid artery.The pressure catheterswere connected to four straingauge pressure transducers (P23XL; Spectramed, Oxnard, Calif.). The HR was measured by inserting needle electrodes into the right and left foreleg and the left hindlimb and connecting to a cardiotachometer(Type 9857; Sensormedics, YorbaLinda,Calif.). The R~,1and XR,were calculated from the Poiseuille equation. The net intracardiacshunt flow was calculated by the differencebetween Qpuiand Qsys.Analog outputsfrom the flowmeters,pressure transducers,and cardiotachometerwere connected to a dataacquisition system (Series 500; Keithley Metrabyte).All cardiovascularvariableswere sampled at 1 Hz and stored onto disk for lateroff-line analysis.Experiments were conducted at room temperature,210-23C. Cardiac Shunt inReptiles1335 Regulation In this preparation,the right and left cervicalvagus nerves were isolated and bilateral sectioned (Comeau 1992). Bipolar, silver, stimulating electrodes were placed on either the efferent or afferentend of the sectioned vagus nerve. Stimulationwas provided by an A310 Accupulser pulse generatorcoupled with an A360 D/R constant currentstimulus isolator (World PrecisionInstruments,New Haven,Conn.). All experimentswere conducted at room temperature(210-230C). The protocol for these experiments consisted of control periods followed by periods of electrical stimulation of either the vagal afferentsor vagal efferents. Stimulationlevels were at 1040 pA;2-5 V, 200 ms duration, 1-3 Hz, and lasted up to 1 min. In addition, intravenousinfusion of epinephrine, ACh,propranolol,or atropinewas periodically conducted. Results Vagal Eferent Stimulation and AChInfusion The cardiovascularvariablesduring control conditions are shown in table 2. Electricalstimulationof the rightVEFresulted in a large increase in Rpu, a reduction in HR and a reduction in Qp~,(fig. 3). Similarchanges in Qpu,, were observed following a bolus injection of ACh (200 nmol/ HR,and Rpu~ kg; fig. 3). These cardiovascularchanges were completely blocked after intravenousadministrationof 6 gmol/kg atropine (fig. 3). Magnitude of R-LIntracardiac Shunting A net R-Lshunt developed during vagal efferent stimulation (fig. 4). The size of the net shunt was a function of the ratio Rpou/RPy (fig. 5). As the Rpui/ ratio the R-L net shunt increased. Individualmeasurements increased, Rys of net R-Lshunt ranged up to 25 mL/min/kg. The average net R-Lshunt was 6 + 5 mL/min/kg (X + SD, n = 5). The net R-Lrepresented 40%+ 7% of the Qsys. A net R-Lshunt did not develop afteradministrationof atropine. Vagal Afferent Stimulation and Epinephrine Infusion Electrical stimulation of vagal afferents resulted in an increase in HR, a reduction in and an increase in Qp, (fig. 6). An intravenousinfusion of Rl,, epinephrine (4-5 nmol/kg/min) resulted in similarchanges in these cardiovascularvariables(fig. 6). Preliminaryevidence showed that these changes were abrogatedby administrationof propranolol(10 ltmol/kg; fig. 6). HR(beat/ min) 43 4 C 220 of .75 .20 (mmHg/ mL/min/kg) Rsys temperature 19 body a at 3 Pys(mmHg) scripta sys 24 6 (mL/ min/kg) Pseudemys .40 .13 turtle the in (mmHg/ mL/min/kg) Rpul artery. 15 3 conditions (mmHg) Ppul pulmonary common in control 30 6 (mL/ Qpul min/kg) during pressure blood (kg) variablesMass .34 1.65 represents 2 5) = Cardiovascular (n TABLE Value mean Pp,, Mean SD Note. Cardiac Shunt inReptiles1337 Regulation Stimulation VagalEfferent VEF+ Atropine AChInjection Qpul E 4o[ 0 I HR1HR RVEF--- 1RVEEF ACh-_ I RpulI .E 1o I E 4o 1-.4---4I 0 20 40 60 Time (s) 80 100 1200 2 50 Time (s) 75 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 Time (s) Fig. 3. Changes in Qpu,,HR, and Rp,tin a single turtle, Pseudemys scripta, during electrical stimulation of the right vagal efferent nerve (RVEF),after AChinjection and during RVEFafter administration of atropine. In this series of experiments the level of nerve stimulation was 20 ptA,2.5 V,200 ms duration, 1.5 Hz. The injection ofACh was intravenous at a dose of 200 nmol/kg and the dose of atropine was 6pmol/kg. Theanimal was 1. 73 kg. Magnitude of L-RIntracardiac Shunting A net L-Rshunt developed during vagal afferentstimulation (fig. 4). The size of the net L-Rshunt flow was a function of the ratioRpu~/Rsys (fig. 5). As the Rpufl/ysratio decreased, the net L-Rshunt flow increased. Individual measurements of net L-Rshunt ranged up to 55 mL/min/kg. The overall magnitude of the net L-Rshunt was 28 + 7 mL/min/kg (X + SD, n = 5). This represented 58%+ 8%of the Qpu.The size of the net L-Rshunt was reduced after administrationof propranolol (10 pmol/kg) (L-Rshunt = 15 + 10 mL/min/kg; X+ SD, n = 3). Qpu,versus Q,,s Figure 7 shows a summaryof all flow measurements made in this study. The increase in the total cardiacoutput resulted primarilyfrom an increase in the OpuI. 1338 J.W.Hicks 7 6 5 I f 3 E2 1VEF 0 (3V,2Hz,200ms,50/A) 0 20 40 60 Time(sec) 80 100 120 50 40 30 S*O. E 20 VAF 110 0 200ms, 60/A) (3.5V,5H;z, 0 50 Time(sec) 100 150 Fig. 4. Upper panel, the development of a net R-Lshunt during electrical stimulation of vagal efferent nerves in the turtle Pseudemys scripta. Electrical stimulation was 3 V, 2 Hz, 200 ms, 50 gA. Bottom panel, the development of a net L-Rshunt during electrical stimulation of vagal aferent nerves in the turtle. Electrical stimulation was 3.5 V, 5 Hz, 200 ms, 60 pA. The animal was 1.8 kg. Discussion These experimentssupportthe hypothesisthata net R-Lshuntis of cholinergic originand thata net L-Rshuntis of adrenergicorigin.In addition,these results shuntsresult supportthe hypothesisthatthe size and directionof intracardiac from the reciprocalinterplayof cholinergicand adrenergicmechanisms. Regulation of lntracardiac Shunt The results of this study strongly support the hypotheses that the direction and size of intracardiacshunts are dictatedby the relativeresistancesoffered inReptiles1339 Cardiac Shunt Regulation 60 o o 4~0 200 C CtO 0 0 o 20 E 0 o 00 oo o Rpu 0.0 0.5 oo o o oo o o ooooo o o 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 Rpul/Rsys Fig. 5. The effects of the ratio Rp,/Rsys, on the net L-Rshunt (upper panel) and net R-Lshunt (bottom panel). by the pulmonaryand systemic circulations (White and Ross 1966; White 1976; Burggren 1985). The precise mechanism for the effects of vascular resistanceon intracardiacshunting is controversial.Currently,there are two hypotheses addressing the mechanism of intracardiacshunt: "pressure shunting"and "washoutshunting."The pressureshunting hypothesis states that low-resistance connections exist between the ventricularcava during systole that permit nearly unimpeded blood flow through the ventricle. Consequently,when the Rpulincreases relativeto the Rys, a portion of blood 1340 J.W.Hicks VagalAfferentStimulation Qpul EPIInfusion VAF+ /3-blockade I 60 30 R I I 555FHR EoRpul I I 500 45o 0.7 0.8 0.4Rpul E 0.2 ,I 50 25 0.1,,,_ I 75 Time(s) 100 125 150 0 50 100 150 0.2 .0.3 200 _,0,.__1o., Time(s) 250 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Time(s) Fig. 6 Changes in Qp,,,,HR, and Rputin a single turtle, Pseudemys scripta, during electrical stimulation of the left vagal afferent nerve (LVAF),following epinephrine (EPI) infusion and during (LVAF)after administration ofpropranolol. In this series of experiments the level of nerve stimulation was 20 gA, 3 V, 100 ms duration, 5 Hz. The infusion of EPI was intravenous at a dose of 4.5 nmol/kg/min and the dose ofpropranolol was 10 gtmol/kg. The animal was 1.6 kg. within the CP (see fig. 1) will be ejected around the muscular ridge into decreases relative to Rys,a the systemic circulation. Conversely,when Rp~1 will in be of the CV and blood CA ejected around the muscular portion ridge into the pulmonarycirculation.Evidence supportingthe pressure hypothesis has been reported (Shelton and Burggren 1976). In contrast,the washout hypothesis states that during systole, the muscular ridge forms a functional separationof the CP from the CVand CA,and thus blood cannot flow from the CP into the systemic circulation during systole. In addition, the functional separationresulting from the muscularridge prevents blood within the CVand CAfrom flowing into the pulmonarycirculation during systole. Therefore, the size of the R-Lshunt results from the end-diastolic volume of blood in the CV that is "washed" into the systemic circulation during systole. Conversely, the size of the L-Rshunt is determined by the end-systolic volume of blood in the CV that is washed into the CP during the subsequent diastole. Variationsin the size of the intracardiacshunt result from factors affecting diastolic filling and/or systolic ejection from the CV and CA(Heisler and Glass 1985). Such factorswould include the resistance offeredby the pulmonaryand systemic circulations(Heisler and Glass 1985). Cardiac Shunt inReptiles1341 Regulation 80 o o o o 20 - 0 o cs, oo .oEo o S4 o oV o oo o o a o o oz o o o o o o o o 1,.1p o o 40 20o 0%0 0 0 o 0 0o oo ~e 4 000 %00 OhD 4k4bo oB o o ooo 00 0 0 6p 008 0m/mnkgl 0 20 40 60 80 Q~sys(milmin kg- ) Fig. 7. The relationship between total Qputand total Q,ysin the turtle Pseudemys scripta during electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve. Individual data points are from five animals and represent both afferent and eferent nerve stimulation. Evidence supporting the washout hypothesis has been recently reported (Hicks and Malvin1992; Hicks and Comeau 1994). Regardlessof the precise mechanism for intracardiacshunting, it is clear from this study thatfactorsthat affectthe relativevascularresistances in the pulmonaryand systemic circulationswill influence the size and direction of the net intracardiacshunt. Therefore, it is not surprisingthat the administrationof atropine, which blocks cholinergic vasoconstrictionof the pulmonary circulation, eliminated the net R-Lshunt that developed during vagal efferent stimulation. The effects of adrenergicblockade are more difficultto interpret.The net L-Rshunt results primarilyfrom the large increase in Qpul(fig. 7). It is possible that P-adrenergicblockade prevented the development of a pulmonaryvasodilationand the subsequent increase in Qpul.Thus the net L-R shunt was reduced. Alternatively,P-adrenergicblockade may have reduced the effects of adrenergicstimulationon myocardialcontractility.This study could not differentiatebetween these factors.In addition, this study did not 1342 J.W.Hicks address the effects of a-adrenergic blockade. The a-adrenergic receptors play an importantrole in the regulationof the Rys(Nilsson 1983). It is likely thata-adrenergicblockade will also reduce the size of the net L-Rshunt by preventing an increase in Rysduring adrenergic stimulation. Finally, this study did not address the role of NANCmechanisms in controllingintracardiacshunt.Variouspeptides mayplay a role in cardiovascular function in reptiles. In the snake Acrochordusgranulatus there is the presence of vasoactive intestinal peptide immunoreactivityin the pulmonary vasculature(Donald and Lillywhite 1989). In the turtle Pseudemys scripta results in a systemic vasodiintravenousadministrationof Thr6-bradykinin lation and a increase in the LAoblood flow. Clearlyany NANCfactor that effects the Rpul/Rsys ratio will influence the direction and size of the net intracardiacshunt. The NANCcontrol of cardiovascularfunction in reptiles remains a topic for research. Intracardiac Shunts and OtherPhysiological States The number of studies that have simultaneouslymeasuredthe Q~,iand Qsys in chronicallyinstrumentedanimals is limited. Therefore,the direction and size of intracardiacshunting during other physiological states, such as activity, changes in body temperature,feeding, and digestion, is virtuallyunratio known. Undoubtedly,these physiological states may alter the Rpul/Rys and therefore affectthe size and direction of the net shunt. Recently,West, Butler,and Bevan (1992), measuredleft pulmonaryarteryblood flow (Qpul) and left aorticarchblood flow (Qo) duringrest and swimming in the green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas.This study revealed thatduringexercise the HR increased, the Rpu1 decreased, and the Qp~iincreased. The total increase in that is, was accounted for primarilyby an increase in QLpul; cardiacoutput ,pul increasedmore than Qo duringexercise. Qualitatively,the relationship between Qypu1 and yQo during exercise in C. mydas is very similar to the relationship between Qp~,and Qsysin P. scripta measured in this study (fig.7). Functional Significance ofL-RIntracardiac Shunting Several hypotheses have addressed the adaptive functions of intracardiac shunting (table 1). Many of these hypotheses have emphasized the R-L shunt that develops during apnea. Of the currentset of hypotheses, none appear to satisfactorilyexplain the functional advantageof a large net L-R shunt. In terms of oxygen transportefficiency, a large L-Rshunt associated with an increase in QI would minimize physiological shunting due to the Cardiac inReptiles1343 Shunt Regulation ventilation-perfusionratio (f7/Q) mismatching in the lung (Wood 1984; Westet al. 1992). This would improvethe level of oxygenationof pulmonary venous blood. The V7/Qheterogeneity within the reptilian lung has been described only for the alligatorAlligator mississipiensis(Powell and Gray 1989) and the teju lizard Tupinambisnigropunctatus (Hlastalaet al. 1985). The effects of increasing Qpulor increasing the size of the L-Rshunt on V/Q heterogeneity have not been determined. The effects of an increase in Qui or L-Rshunt on the expired P02 to pulmonaryvenous Po2 gradienthas not been reported.Recent evidence suggests thatthe increase in 6QpU during adrenergicstimulationdoes not significantlyimprovethe Po2of pulmonary venous blood (Hicks and Malvin1992;Hicksand Comeau 1993). In contrast, an increase in the level of the L-Rshunt may adversely affect oxygen exchange. The mixing of pulmonaryvenous and systemic venous blood would increase the pulmonary arterialP02. This increase would reduce the Po2 gradient from lung gas to blood and offset any benefit that would result from the increase in Qpul. In terms of CO2exchange, the L-Rshunts may be beneficial (Ackerman and White 1979;White 1985). The mixing of pulmonaryvenous blood with systemic venous blood increases the oxygen saturationof the pulmonary arterialblood. This mixing diminishes the capacity of blood to carryCO2 (the Haldane effect). These changes promote CO2elimination from the lung (White 1985). Theoretically, the amount of CO2eliminated depends on the minute ventilation, the Qpu,the size of the L-Rshunt, the slope of the CO2dissociation curve, and the magnitudeof the Haldaneeffect (White 1985). The effects of an L-Rshunt on CO2elimination have not been experimentallyverified. An additional consequence of an L-Rshunt, not previously appreciated, may be an improvementin systemic oxygen transport.The systemic oxygen transportis the product of mean arterialoxygen content (CaO2) and Qsys. Duringperiods of increased oxygen demand, the systemic oxygen transport can be improved by increasing CaO2,sys, or both. In turtles, the capacity to increase Qsys may be constrained (West et al. 1992; fig. 7). This probably resultsfromthe adrenergicvasodilationof the pulmonarycirculation,making the pulmonarycircuit the favoredroute for blood flow. Recent studies have shown that an adrenergicallyinduced L-Rshunt eliminates the R-Lshunt and subsequentlyraises the systemic arterialoxygen saturationto levels that are equal to pulmonaryvenous values (Hicks and Malvin 1992; Hicks and Comeau 1994). Thus, total systemic oxygen transportis improved. These observationssuggest thatthe eliminationof the R-Lshuntand the subsequent increase in the CaO2may be importantduring activityor when there is an increased demand for oxygen. 1344 J.W.Hicks This article has shown thatthe direction and size of intracardiacshunting mayresultfromthe reciprocalinterplayof adrenergicandcholinergicfactors. Specifically,these factors may alter the relative resistances offered by the pulmonaryand systemic circulations.The development of an R-Lshunt is of vagalorigin and is undercholinergic control. In contrast,the development of an L-Rshunt is underadrenergiccontrol.The manipulationof intracardiac shunting, either by nerve stimulation or the action of specific agonist and antagonist,can be used in both acute and chronicanimalpreparations.Future studies will use these techniques to experimentallytest the hypotheses that address the functional role of intracardiacshunting. Acknowledgments The authoracknowledges Dr. Atsushi Ishimatsu (NagasakiUniversity)and Dr. NorbertHeisler (Max-Planck-Institute)for manyhours of insightful discussions on intracardiacshunting during a recent visit to Gittingen. These studies have been supported by National Science Foundationgrant DCB900458. Literature Cited F. N. WHITE.1979. Cyclic carbon dioxide exchange in the turtle, Pseudemys scripta. Physiol. 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