TRANSITION CURVES SHAPING IN A ROAD ENGINEERING Ryszard J. Grabowski Technical University in Białystok INTRODUTION The theory of shaping a transition curves which have employment in road and railroads is object of consideration in professional literature still. Can seem, that solutions existing in the form circled arch, clothoid and cubical parabola do not make fields for new research and investigation. It is possible to say, that everything it make in this area already and it is possible to regard this topic as historic. However, it turns out, that it does not know science limitations. Ideas of new solutions emerge still in range of satisfying by it a different criteria. From time to time knowledge turns out useful for research in this topic from relational domains greatly. In literature concerning roads as a transition curve applies clothoid from straight line to circled arch most often, in railroads – cubical parabola. In railroads are applied small angels of switch in final point of transition curves it causes that differences between ordinates for the same abscissas are small. In other words graph of clothoid and cubic parabola approximately are the same. Using of clothoid as a transition curve is motivated by proportional growth of curvature respect of length of arch. By constant speed of vehicle on this curve it is revealed at constant speed of turn of steering-wheel circle. They let’s notice, that in practice time of riding totals amount to several seconds for transition curve, it does not proceed movement with constant speed, but mostly, it is delayed movement. Practical research of vehicle trail indicates [1], that they do not cover with theoretical curvature. Driver subjectively choose path within road strip, which depends on speed with that vehicle move, mental state and abilities of drivers, abilities of curvature reading etc. therefore, argumentation of behavior of constant speed turn of steering-wheel circle is soundly doubtful on clothoid . Going out opposite these doubts, in professional literature of the object, new solutions appeared. Proposals of application smooth transition curves deserve particular note. They characterized for diagram of curvature on whole passage: straight line-clothoidarc of a circle as a smooth transition curve ( Fig. 1, see PS ES ). The first scientific papers was published by Auberlen , Goldner , Grabowski, Kobryń. Almost all existing proposals of new solutions were based on search of curvature in function of natural parameter granting condition smoothness. Subsequently the curve is expressed in rectangular coordinates system. Concept will be brought closer in the present work also, more rarely applicable, creation new solutions in the form of evident function y=f(x). The use of new computational techniques allows to the uses of new solutions about the more folded form. – 150 – Fig. 1. Curvvature graph of clothoid an nd smooth trransition curvve. 1. F FORMING G OF TRAN NSITION CURVE C CU URVATUR RE AS FUN NCTION O NATUR OF RAL PARA AMETER The majority of the t cases ass a proposition formin ng curve is assumed ccurvature k(1) k as a function n of naturaal parameteer 1 which is a length of curve. The T functioon k(l) crea ates easy capabillity to analyyzing of cu urvature scchedule, wh hich owns great g impoortance in order o to given proposal p coould find practical p em mploymentt. Besides, marginal cconditions are not hard foor realizatiion on endss of passagges concern ning value curvature. The curv vature is defined d as follows 1 du (1) k= = r dl Where:: r- radius of curvaturre means, uu angle off tangent too a curve, ll- length off a curve Above-mentioned d relationsh hip taking advantage, a , we will caalculate anggle of tang gent to a ula curve frrom formu u = ∫k(l) ∫ dl (2) For thee realizatioon of a cu urve in teerrain is necessary n t express it in recttangular to coordin nates. Relattionship am mong differrential elem ments of in ncreases of coordinatees and it is length of arch iss as followss dx = cos u dl (3) dy = sin u dl ding abovee-mentioned d trigonom metric funcction in power series and integ grate we Expand have L 1 1 x = ∫ (1 − u 2 + u 4 − ...) dl 2! 4! 0 (4) L 1 3 1 5 y = ∫ (u − u + u − ...) dl 3! 5! 0 – 151 – As a example we consider smooth transition curve of Goldner, which curvature is described by formula 2 3 1⎡ ⎛l⎞ ⎛l⎞ ⎤ k (l ) = ⎢3 ⎜ ⎟ − 2 ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ R ⎢⎣ ⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ L ⎠ ⎥⎦ so, according to formula (2) angle of tangent to a curve amount to 2 3 l ⎡⎛ l ⎞ 1 ⎛ l ⎞ ⎤ u = ⎢⎜ ⎟ − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ R ⎢⎣⎝ L ⎠ 2 ⎝ L ⎠ ⎥⎦ Take into consideration above formula in formulas (4) we have 23 L3 x= L− + ... 1008 R 2 3 L2 253 L4 y= − + ... 20 R 137280 R 3 Goldner curve was expressed in rectangular Cartesian coordinates system parametric equation as function of parameter L – length of curve. 2. TRANSITION CURVES IN THE FORM y=f(x) Searching for a solution in which exist form is evident function y=f(x) put before researcher harder task. So to say, exist form in this case is final form presented in point 2. In order to such solution was accepted for road must satisfy criteria concerning marginal condition as well schedule of curvature. They let’s quote as example behind author of polish scientific work published in 1984 [2]. In this work is search for a solution as polynomial of lowest degree n=k y = f ( x) = ∑ an xn (5) n=0 Where: an number coefficients of polynomial , n=0,1,2,3,….k; y-ordinate of a arbitrary point about abscissa x in rectangular coordinate system. According to requirements of geometry of routes and dynamics condition of traffic movement, continuity of diagram of curvature transition curve will get, if curvature will amount to zero in the initial point k (P) = 0 (6) 1 and in the final point E R 1 (7) k (E) = R where: R- radius of circle. Smooth condition of the transition curve graph demands derivatives with respect to natural parameter 1 equal zero at points P and E curve. dk (8) ( P) = 0 dl dk (9) (E) = 0 dl Research carried in [2] at behavior of condition (6 – 9) for accepted coordinate axes which axis ox covers with rout direction give negative result. Solutions owned unsuitable – 152 – schedulles of curvaature form the point of o view of road r emplooyment. As it happenss, that is possiblee to appoin nt solutions in this raange grantting requirement practice, if deetermine transitiion curve will w be loccated in reectangular coordinatees system oxy turned d about angle up in initiaal point P, in respectt axis ox previous p cooordinates system. Angle A of rotation n is equal of angle which w creattes tangent to graph of o a curve in final po oint E in respect axis ox of original cooordinates system. s Fig.. 2. Transition n curve in coordinates sysstem. Accord ding to Fig.. 2 initial point p P=(0,00) covers with w the beeginning pooint of coorrdinates system,, so f (xxP = 0) = 0 (10) whereaas angle off tangent too curve at this pointt about abscissa xp = 0 is equa al up, in analyticcal form means, m that f ' ( xP = 0) = tg g uP (11) Angle of o tangent to t curve at final pointt E about ab bscissa x = xE is equaal zero, thiis is f ' ( x = xE ) = 0 (12) i searched as formulaa (5), then curvature c i calculating form formula is Becausee solution is f " ( x) (13) k (x ) = 2 3/ 2 1 + [ f ' ( x )] Then (66) is satisfieed, if initiall point P ab bout abscissa x =xp =00 f " ( xP = 0) = 0 (14) dkk Realizaation requirrement (8),, equivalen nt according to [2] con ndition ( x P = 0) = 0 dxx Demand, so for x= =0 2 dk f ' ' '[1 + ( f ' ) ] − 3 f ' ( f ' ' ) 2 = =0 (15) dx [1 + ( f ' ) 2 ]5 { } Compaaring to zerro nominatte of above mentioned d formulatiion for zero after tak king into consideeration (11)) and (14) we w will receeive f " ' ( xP = 0) = 0 (16) nal point trransition cu urve curva ature demaands accord ding to (1 12) after Realizaation in fin providee for (11) reealization of o the condition – 153 – 1 (17) R Implementation smoothness condition (9) in final point of curve come dawn to realization of equation (15) by x = xE, which is satisfied after taking into consideration (12) and (17), if f " ' ( x = xE ) = 0 (18) Searching for solution in the form (5) lowest degree, i.e. at k=6 in rectangular coordinate system oxy, according to fig. 2, form requirements (10), (11), (14) and (16) follows that (19) a0 = a2 =a3 = 0, a1= tgup Taking into consideration calculated above coefficients in function (5) by k = 6 and marginal conditions (12), (17) and (18), we have ⎡4 xE3 5 xE4 6 xE5 ⎤ ⎡a4 ⎤ ⎡ − tgu ⎤ ⎢ 2 ⎥ = ⎢− 1 ⎥ 3 4⎥ ⎢ x x x a 6 10 15 (20) E E E 5 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 2R ⎥ 2 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 2 5 xE 10 xE ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣a6 ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎣ 0 ⎦ Solution of above mentioned equation , we will receive 1 5 tgu P 1 tgu 7 3 tgu P , , a4 = a5 = − a6 = − + − 5P 2 3 3 4 4 R xE 2 xE xE 2 R xE xE 5 R xE Taking into consideration calculated coefficients a0,a1,…,a6 for function (5) by k = 6, we have xE2 (21) y = f ( x) = A1 + xE tgu P A2 R 7 1 5 x where: A1 = t 4 − t 5 + t 6 , A2 = t − t 4 + 3 t 5 − t 6 whereas: x ∈< 0; xE >, t = ∈< 0;1 > 5 2 2 xE R tgu P Function (21) after introducing C = , we can describe in the form xE 1 2 − 5C 4 7 − 15C 5 1 − 2C 6 (22) y ( x) = C x + x − x + x R 2 xE2 5 xE3 2 xE4 Form investigation curvature schedule in [2] follows designed elements R, up and xE should satisfied inequality 5 5 (23) R tgu P ≤ xE ≤ R tgu P 3 2 In order to received solution could have practical employment. There is basic requirements project of a smooth polynomial transition curve (21) which can the following form also R tgu P (24) 0,4 ≤ ≤ 0,6 xE Particularly investigation are extreme which function (21) has the form admissible values parameter C and central value C = 0,5, for which function (21) has the form x2 x2 1 1 1 (25) y = f ( x) = E ( A1 + 0,5 A2 ) = E ( t − t 4 + t 5 ) R R 2 4 10 From formula (13) follows, that for small angels tangent to a curve, we can assume k(x) = │y''(x)│. It is allowed to orientate about diagrams of curvature presented solutions. It is possible to find detailed discussion of this diagram in work [3 ]. There it results form consideration carried , that for C=0,4 curve (22) is characterized very gentle speed of increase of curvature change in the surroundings of initial point form zero to maximum f " ( x = xE ) = − – 154 – 2 2 d too zero in in nterval < xE ; xE > . Similarly fo or C=0,6 xE and very fast decrease 3 3 speed of o change curvature increases very quick kly form zeero in poin nt P to ma aximum 1 value for f xt slowly diminishes d to zero in n the finall point E (Fig. ( 3). x = xE , and nex 3 Changees of param meters in range descrribed by in nequality (224) give ind direct schedules of curvatu ures whereaas for C=0,,5 graph foor curvaturres is symm metric (Bloss curve, seee Fig.3). for x = It is prooper to notte, that Kob bryń in 2002 year [4] has serveed solution n smooth transition curve about a horizzontal tanggent in poin nt P in thee form (5) by b k=6. M Marginal con nditions concern ning initial point are analogous a gave abovee but for fin nal point E are as 1 follows f ' ( xE ) = tggu E , f ' ' ( xE ) = , f ' ' ' ( xE ) = 0 . R Taking into accou unt above mentioned d condition and condu ucting gavee above an nalogues consideeration we have h xE2 x2 y = E (1 + tg 2uE )3 / 2 A'1 + x E tg u E A'2 = A'1 + x E tg u E A'2 (26) R cos3 u E R 7 1 5 where: A'1 = −t 4 + t 5 − t 6 and A'2 = t 4 − 3t 5 + t 6 5 2 2 R sin u E ≤ 0,6 . The priincipal project condittion for solu ution (26) has h the form m 0,4 ≤ xE cos4 u E F 3. Graph of curvaturees and the speed of their changes Fig. c for th he family tran nsition curvees (22). – 155 – 3. FINAL REMARKS It is proper to underline distinctly, that there is main advantage of presented solution (22) not only, that it is expressed in the form of evident function but, that it presents dependent on parameter C ( 0,4≤ C ≤ 0,6). We have family of solution permitting fit curvature schedule on transition curve for requirements of practices. As it happens, that suggested in professional literature Bloss solutions cover with solution (22) by C=0,5. Solution (22) was subjected analysis in work [5] in range of usefulness for practical employment on railways. In light of scientific theoretical and practical research in this work, taking into consideration dynamic interaction between vehicle and railroad track, it is ascertained, that “most favorable for employment on polish state railways is smooth polynomial transition curve for C=0,6” (it is of transition curve selected form family solution presented in this paper for project parameter C=0,6 in formula (22). There is curve, which maintains condition of smoothness but it is quickly deflected in horizontal surface form straight direction in touch point at passage form straight line into transition curve. It belongs to check off, that they were researched by Koc [5] most widespread in professional literature transition curve i.e. parabola of 3 degree, sinusoid, cosine, Bloss curve and other. Advantage of solution (22) resists on capability of optional forming of schedule of curvature on whole length of arch through selection of project parameter form 0,4 for 0,6 C. Planner has no one in project work available solution but family solutions (Fig.3). We see form consideration quoted, that forming of solution whit assistance of evident function is more difficult, because curvature is expressed as non-quantifiable function (13), however, it supplies capability in this case in forming of curvature more considerably. Investigative barriers have lost in the form of computational problems on meaning in view of general employment in practice of computer for accounts. REFERENCES Gadomski J. Kempa J.: Automation of measurement of speed profile and vehicle trajectory on curve in road plane.(Polish), Problems of automation in engineering geodesy. Scientific and technical conference IV. Warsaw 1999. Grabowski R. J.: Smooth transition curve in road in and railroad. 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