Mu Alpha Theta Grants

Mu Alpha Theta Grants
Mu Alpha Theta currently has five different types of grants available: Summer Grants, Chapter
Grants, Competition Grants, Classroom Teaching Grants, and Convention Grants. Please see
below to find out more about these opportunities.
Summer Grants
Mu Alpha Theta is offering Summer Math Program/Research Grants to Mu Alpha Theta members. To
be considered for the grant, the member's chapter must have been active during the previous twelve
months. (This means that the school would not have reactivated or chartered in the twelve months prior
to the application.) Grants may be requested for up to $2,000 per student, if the student has been a
member since, at least, the semester prior to the application. A member may apply more than once, but
will be awarded no more than $4,000 in total.
High school members may request grants through the summer after high school graduation. Two-Year
college students may request money through the summer after they graduation from their member
college. Coursework taken using grant money may not be used for courses that are typically available
at the high school or the student's home college, such as Calculus I, Calculus II or Statistics. Grant
money may be used to pay tuition or fees for a summer math program at, or sponsored by, an
accredited school or university. Money will also be granted to reimburse expenses for doing research
in mathematics or applied mathematics. This may include, but is not limited to, housing, travel,
publication fees, or supplies. Money provided for tuition and fees will be sent directly to the institution
offering the program. Student's receiving reimbursed expenses will be asked to provide receipts for
reimbursed items and a social security number for tax purposes. The member's service to and active
participation in his/her Mu Alpha Theta club may be considered in the grant selection process.
The Summer Grant application can be found at the end of the descriptions for grants. Or, please
email for a copy.
Some summer programs that might qualify:
The Ross Program at Ohio State University
PROMYS: Programs in Mathematics for Young Scientists at Boston University
Texas Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp
Canada/USA Mathcamp
The Summer Science Program
The Secondary School Program at Harvard
Women's Technology Program at MIT
Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth
Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program
Stanford University Mathematics Camp
The Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics
AwesomeMath at University of Texas in Dallas and UC Santa Cruz, CA
Math Zoom Academy
Perimeter Institute for Young Physicists
COSMOS - CA State Summer School for Math and Science at UC Santa Cruz
Boston University Summer High School Honor Programs
Simons Summer Research Fellowship
Wolfram's Mathematica Summer Camp
International Summer School for Mathematics Students
Competitive Math Academy
The Institute for Data Science
UCONN Mentor Connection
A-Star Summer Math Camps
Operation Catapult at Rose-Hulman: Eligible projects include the aerodynamics projects, the
computer science projects, and the electrical engineering projects. Please email the
National Office about the eligibility of other projects.
For other available programs check this site.
Free to selected Michigan residents: Oakland College
Chapter Grants
Mu Alpha Theta has Chapter Grants available! Our desire is to help support chapters so they can
provide interesting mathematical experiences for their members, others at their school, and their local
The Governing Council of Mu Alpha Theta has voted to set aside $25,000 for these Chapter Grants. A
grant will provide up to $1,000 to reimburse expenses. No chapter will be granted more than $1,000
over time, but a chapter may apply more than once, if they have not reached their $1,000 limit. Grants
will be competitive and not all grant requests may be funded. We can provide some funds to pay
invoices or will reimburse receipts after the event. Travel can only be paid after it has occurred.
Grant funds may be used to support events that stimulate an interest in mathematics. Grant money is
not specifically intended to send students to state, regional, or national math competitions, but such
expenses will be considered. Funding will NOT be granted for Mu Alpha Theta competitions or State
Mu Alpha Theta sponsored competitions.
The Chapter Grant application can be found at the end of the descriptions for grants. Or, please
email for a copy.
Some ideas for how a chapter grant could be used are listed below.
Visiting Lecturer Program: Invite a Mathematician or scientist to make a presentation to your
chapter. Funds may be used to reimburse travel expenses or to provide an honorarium.
One Day Road Trip: Plan a visit to a University, College, or an Industrial organization that includes a
research and development unit. What about a visit to a government laboratory in the area of your Mu
Alpha Theta Chapter? The agenda must have a “mathematics component": a presentation involving
science or engineering research, development, or careers involving mathematics. Maybe include a tour
of facilities used for the collection of data. Possible talks on site could include something about the
computational environments used, simulations, or visualization of output for systems governed by
mathematical models. National Labs include LLNL, PNNL, JPL, Sandia, Los Alamos, ORNL, NASA,
Argonne, Brookhaven, Ames, Idaho, Savannah River, Thomas Jefferson, and Lawrence Berkeley. Or
visit an Industrial site such as: SAIC, ANSER, Booz Allen and Hamilton, Boeing, Lockheed Martin,
Harris, General Motors, or Ford. Funds may be used for transportation, substitute costs, and meals.
Applied Mathematics Day: Organize an applied mathematics day for your Mu Alpha Theta chapter
or for schools in your region or state. Invite Industrial research and development personnel to talk
about applied mathematics / computational science careers and to give a high school level overview of
a project having a mathematics component. Also, invite University researchers to talk about
mathematical research projects, again at the high school level. Look at topics of the Moody Mega Math
Challenge contest or the Actuarial Foundation project. Funds may be used for travel reimbursements
for participants, speakers, for meals or organizational expenses.
Teacher and Sponsor Workshop: Organize a local or regional workshop for Mu Alpha Theta
Sponsors and other interested teachers on mathematical modeling and how to incorporate activities
into your classroom. Presenters would share ideas and classroom acitivities. They would come from
your local high schools, nearby Two-Year colleges, or universities. Possibly some industry personnel
that might have expertise in developing and describing mathematical models could be invited as
speakers. The presentation and discussion would focus on insight, best techniques, and success stories
in building mathematical modeling activities for high school projects. Funding could be provided for
travel expenses for workshop participants, meals, or organizational expenses. The National Office
might be able to provide suggestions for speakers.
Host a Math Competition: This could be for your school, other high schools, middle schools, or
elementary schools in your area. Funds could be used to purchase awards, pay for testing, meals, etc. If
this is your first year to host an event, we may provide support, should you have expenses not covered
by other sources.
Host a Math Fun Night or Pi Day Activities: Again for your school, other high schools, middle
schools, or elementary schools in your area. Funds could be used to purchase materials, pay for
custodial help, pay for meals, etc. We may provide support, should you have expenses not covered by
other sources.
Chapter Competition Grants
Starting this year, Mu Alpha Theta has a new grant available! Mu Alpha Theta is offering Chapter
Competition Grants of up to $500 per active chapter to help pay entrance fees or expenses associated
with a math competition in which the chapter members wish to compete. No chapter will be awarded
more than $500. Funds are available on a first come/first serve basis until our budget for these grants is
depleted. There is no deadline for the application, but once funds are gone, further grants will not be
possible for the remainder of that fiscal year. Funds may not be used to attend the Mu Alpha Theta
National Convention, however. (See Convention Grants.)
An active Mu Alpha Theta chapter may use grant funds:
• for expenses to travel somewhere for a math contest
• to help defray other costs for Mu Alpha Theta members to participate in a math competition
• to pay entrance fees or per student costs to compete
The Chapter Competition Grant application can be found at the end of the descriptions for
grants. Or, please email for a copy.
Classroom Teaching Grants
Started in 2014, Mu Alpha Theta is offering Classroom Teaching Grants to former members.
The Governing Council has created these grants to assist new mathematics teachers as they prepare
their classrooms. Any former Mu Alpha Theta member may apply. Former members are eligible to
receive a Classroom Teaching Grant during their first, second, or third year in a mathematics teaching
job. The grant should be used for reimbursement of classroom mathematics materials or for
professional mathematics association memberships.
The grant will provide up to $1,500 to reimburse expenses. No individual will be granted more than
$1,500 over time, but an individual may apply more than once, if they have not reached their $1,500
limit. The application includes verification of employment in a full-time math teaching position.
Grants will be competitive and not all grants may be funded.
The Classroom Teaching Grant application can be found at the end of the descriptions for
grants. Or, please email for a copy.
National Convention Grants
Mu Alpha Theta will award a limited number of $3,000 Convention Grants to the 2015 Salt Lake City
National Convention. Each grant will cover free registration for a sponsor and three students, who
must not have graduated before the convention. The remaining funds may be used for additional
student registration costs or to reimburse travel expenses. If a school is awarded a Convention Grant,
additional participants from that school will only be charged the early rate of $500, even if the award is
made after April 1. To be eligible for a grant, a Mu Alpha Theta chapter cannot have attended a
National Convention previously. The intent of the grant is to allow the teacher and students to see what
our National Convention is all about. Only schools who have a math sponsor and three eligible
students should fill out the application.
The National Convention Grant application can be found at the end of the descriptions for
grants. Or, please email for a copy.
Email the application by April 1 to or snail mail to:
Mu Alpha Theta
National Convention Grant
c/o University of Oklahoma
3200 Marshall Ave, Ste 190
Norman, OK 73019
Schools selected will be contacted before the end of April by phone and email. The only responsibility
of the winners is to fill out a survey after the convention regarding their experiences. Applying schools
should be ready to submit enrollment information should they be selected. Winners of the grants are
encouraged to bring more than three students. Additional attendees will be granted the early bird
registration rate, as long as full payment for them is received by the May 15 deadline.
All applications are below.
Mu Alpha Theta
Summer Math Program/Research Grant
Mu Alpha Theta is offering Summer Math Program/Research Grants to Mu Alpha Theta members. To
be considered for the grant, the member's chapter must have been active during the previous twelve
months. (This means that the school would not have reactivated or chartered in the twelve months prior
to the application.) Grants may be requested for up to $2,000 per student, if the student has been a
member since, at least, the semester prior to the application. High school members may request grants
through the summer after high school graduation. Two-Year College students may request money
through the summer after they graduation from their member college. Grant money may be used to pay
tuition or fees for a summer math program at, or sponsored by, an accredited school or university.
Coursework taken using grant money may not be used for courses that are typically available at the
high school or the student’s home college, such as Calculus I, Calculus II or Statistics. Money will also
be granted to reimburse expenses for doing research in mathematics or applied mathematics. This may
include, but is not limited to, housing, travel, publication fees, or supplies. Money provided for tuition
and fees will be sent directly to the institution offering the program. Student’s receiving reimbursed
expenses will be asked to provide receipts for reimbursed items and a social security number for tax
If possible, mail all required items in the same 10” x 13” envelope to:
Mu Alpha Theta Summer Grant
c/o University of Oklahoma
3200 Marshall Avenue, Suite 190
Norman, OK 73019
Envelope should include:
 Application Form with sponsor’s signature
 Student Essay
 Resume
 Description of Summer Program and Acceptance Letter
 Two letters of recommendation
 Itemized list of funds being requested
 Student’s official high school transcript
There is no deadline for the application. Grant money will be available for acceptable applications
until it is all distributed. There is a maximum amount of grant money provided to any one program.
Please email the office to check on availability of funds before submitting your application:
Summer Math Program/Research Grant
1. Please type or print in black ink.
Name : ________________________________________________________________________
Mu Alpha Theta Student ID #:________________________ (Sponsor can find this online by
logging in to their current student list at
Home Address: __________________________________________________________________
Street Address / Apt. Number
Phone Number: ______________________ Email:______________________________________
School Name and Address _________________________________________________________
Mu Alpha Theta Sponsor: _________________________________________________________
2. On a separate sheet of paper, write a short, double spaced essay describing why you wish to attend
your summer math program. What caused you to apply to this program and what do you hope to gain
by attending?
Or, describe the math research on which you will be working. If you are working with a mentor on
your research project, please include a letter of recommendation from your mentor.
3. Attach one or two additional pages including a resume of high school activities, honors, awards,
community service, Mu Alpha Theta activity participation, or other information pertinent to your
qualifications for this grant.
4. Provide a brochure from your summer program, a web link to their official information site, or a
detailed description of the program you will attend. Please include information about the length of the
program and proof that you have been accepted to the program. If you are concerned about time, at
lease provide some official indication that you have applied and are being considered for the program.
If you are working with a mentor on research, have the mentor write about your collaboration and what
role he/she will play.
Summer Math Program/Research Grant
Please write a recommendation letter for ______________________________, who has applied for a
Summer Math Program/Research Grant from Mu Alpha Theta.
Grant money may be used to pay tuition or fees for a summer math program at, or sponsored by, an
accredited school or university. Money will also be granted to reimburse expenses for student research
in mathematics or applied mathematics.
Please describe why you feel this applicant deserves this award. You may attach additional pages if
This recommendation should be returned to the applicant in a sealed envelope, signed across the
back. Thank you.
Summer Math Program/Research Grant
Please list the amount of money you are requesting and how these funds will be spent. (We prefer to
send tuition payments directly to the institution running your program. If you are being reimbursed, we
will need your social security number included below.)
Mu Alpha Theta
Chapter Grant
Mu Alpha Theta is offering reimbursement grants of up to $1,000 per active chapter to support chapter
projects that further the mission of Mu Alpha Theta to inspire interest in mathematics, develop strong
scholarship in the subject, and/or promote the enjoyment of mathematics. Grants to a chapter cannot
total more than $1,000 and once a chapter has been granted $1,000, they will not be considered for
further funding. Funds are available on a first come/first serve basis until our budget for these grants is
depleted. There is no deadline for the application, but once funds are gone, further grants will
not be possible for the remainder of that fiscal year.
Please note that there is no promise that every grant will be approved and the continuation of this
program in future years will be determined by the Governing Council, depending upon available funds.
Please apply before incurring expenses, when possible, to determine if funds will be granted. Once a
grant is approved, receipts or invoices for expenses should be sent no later than one month after
incurring the approved expenses. Funding will be adjusted to cover actual expenses. Please estimate a
bit high, since once an amount for the grant is approved, additional funds will not be available to cover
excess expenses.
When sending in receipts or invoices, make sure to tell us to whom the check should be written.
An active Mu Alpha Theta chapter may use grant funds
 to travel to a college or research facility where math is used in an applied way and a talk of
mathematical interest is presented.
 to pay an honorarium or provide a gift to a guest speaker.
 to support active members working together on a math research project.
 to help defray costs for active Mu Alpha Theta members to participate in a math event.
 to host a workshop for other Mu Alpha Theta sponsors or math teachers where everyone
shares activities for classrooms or math club meetings.
 to run a fun math event, applied math day, a Pi Day Celebration with math activities, or a
math contest for others.
You come up with the idea, we will try to help. Funds will NOT be granted for an event that is a
Example 1: Smith High School chapter buys an iPod to raffle as a fund-raiser. The chapter pays $150
for the IPod and raises $200 selling tickets in the raffle. They apply to Mu Alpha Theta for $150 to
cover the cost of the iPod, they would receive no funds and the grant would be denied.
Example 2: Edwards High School will travel to Oakridge National Laboratory for a tour of the
facilities. While there, one of the scientists will give a talk about the math behind his research project.
The cost of the bus, lunch, and a substitute for the Mu Alpha Theta sponsor will be $15.00 per person
for 30 Mu Alpha Theta members and 20 other math team and science club members also coming.
Since there is a math component to the trip, grant funds would be approved for the full $750 needed, so
the cost is free to all participants. If only a few of the students attending are Mu Alpha Theta
members, the grant would be approved for a lesser amount.
Example 3: Center High School decides to hold a Mini Mu Math Contest for students at the local
Middle School. They incur $450 in expenses printing tests, buying trophies for the winners, buying tshirts, and paying for a snack and drinks. The plan was to charge each middle school student $5 to
attend the event. 60 students sign up to participate. The school requests a $450 Chapter Grant. Mu
Alpha Theta would refund the school $150, if the students pay $300 to the school. After having the
grant approved for $450, however, the school decides to charge the students nothing, so Mu Alpha
Theta reimburses the school the full $450.
If possible, email, fax, or mail the completed application to:
Mu Alpha Theta Chapter Grant
c/o University of Oklahoma
3200 Marshall Ave, Suite 190
Norman, OK 73019
If emailing, please scan or fax the signature page. No application will be considered without a
signature page.
Chapter Grant
1. Please email information or type/print in black ink.
Name of School: _____________________________________
Chapter ID #: ________________________
School Address: __________________________________________________
Street Address
Sponsoring Teacher’s Name: ________________________________________
Teacher’s Email: ____________________________________
Total dollar amount being requested: __________________________________
Date(s) of project/event: _____________________________________________
2. On a separate sheet of paper, write a description of the project for which you are asking for
financial reimbursement. Include all details necessary to support your project, including what,
when, where, and who will benefit from the funds. Explain how this activity will further the
mission of Mu Alpha Theta to inspire interest in mathematics, develop strong scholarship in the
subject, and/or promote the enjoyment of mathematics.
3. Complete the “Itemized List of Expenses Requested” form below.
Chapter Grant
Please list the amount of money you are requesting and how these funds will be spent. If you have
other sources of funding, please list who is providing funds and how much will be given.
By accepting funds from Mu Alpha Theta, we agree not to receive funds to reimburse us for the same
expenses from any other source.
Club President’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________
Sponsoring Teacher’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: __________
Principal/Math Department Chair Signature: ______________________ Date: __________
Mu Alpha Theta
Chapter Competition Grant
Mu Alpha Theta is offering grants of up to $500 per active chapter to help pay entrance fees
or expenses associated with a math competition in which the chapter members wish to
compete. No chapter will be awarded more than $500. Funds are available on a first
come/first serve basis until our budget for these grants is depleted. Funds may not be used
to attend the Mu Alpha Theta National Convention. There is no deadline for the
application, but once funds are gone, further grants will not be possible for the
remainder of that fiscal year.
Please note that there is no promise that every grant will be approved nor that the full amount
requested will be available.
Please apply before incurring expenses, when possible, to determine what funds we have
available. Once a grant is approved, receipts or invoices for expenses should be sent no
later than one month after having expenses approved. Funding will be adjusted to cover
actual expenses. Please estimate a bit high, since once an amount for the grant is approved,
additional funds will not be available to cover excess expenses.
When sending in receipts or invoices, make sure to tell us to whom the check should
be written.
An active Mu Alpha Theta chapter may use grant funds
 for expenses to travel somewhere for a math contest
 to help defray other costs for Mu Alpha Theta members to participate in a math
 to pay entrance fees or per student costs to compete
If possible, email, fax, or mail the completed application to:
Mu Alpha Theta Chapter Competition Grant
c/o University of Oklahoma
3200 Marshall AVE, Ste. 190
Norman, OK 73019
If emailing, please scan or fax the signature page. No application will be considered
without a signature page.
Mu Alpha Theta
Chapter Competition Grant
1. Please email information or type/print in black ink.
Chapter ID: ______________________
Name of School: _____________________________________
School Address: __________________________________________________
Street Address
Sponsor’s Name: ________________________________________
Sponsor’s Email: ____________________________________
Total dollar amount being requested: __________________________________
3. Write a description of the contest for which you are requesting funds.
3. Please itemized expenses you would like us to reimburse or pay.
When sending in receipts or invoices, make sure to tell us to whom the check should
be written.
By accepting funds from Mu Alpha Theta, we agree not to receive funds to reimburse us for
the same expenses from any other source.
Sponsor’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: _________
Principal’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: _________
Mu Alpha Theta
Classroom Teaching Grant
In January 2014, the Mu Alpha Theta Educational Foundation created Classroom Teaching Grants
for former members of Mu Alpha Theta. Up to $1,500 in funding is available to a limited number of
applicants each year. Any former member who is in their first, second, or third year of teaching
mathematics may apply for funds to supply their classroom mathematics materials or for membership
in a professional mathematics organization. No individual will be granted more than $1,500 total, but a
grant recipient may submit receipts, up to twice a year, until they reach this limit.
Applications will be accepted throughout the year. Once the grant is approved, the teacher should
forward the Expense Sheet with receipts and a reimbursement check will be sent. The Expense Sheet
can be submitted no more than twice a year. Any funds not dispersed by the end of the third year of
teaching will remain in the account to be used for future grant recipients.
The grant may be used for materials such as math games, math resource books, math software, algebra
tiles or other manipulatives, rulers, protractors, posters or other math display items, math videos, or
calculators. Consumable supplies such as paper, pencils, etc. may also be reimbursed. The grant may
not be used for a personal computer or tablet. Non-consumable materials, once purchased, remain the
teacher’s property, unless the teacher decides to donate them to their school.
To apply for a grant, the teacher should submit the attached application and a letter, on official school
stationery, from their principal or head of school verifying that the applicant is employed in a full-time,
math teaching position. The initial date of the applicant’s full-time mathematics employment
must be included in this letter.
Classroom Teaching Grant
Fill out the following form and mail it along with the employment verification letter from your head of
school to:
Mu Alpha Theta Educational Foundation
Classroom Teaching Grant
c/o University of Oklahoma
3200 Marshall Ave, Suite 190
Norman, OK 73019
Please type or print in black ink. This form may be reproduced in a computer.
Name of Applicant: ________________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________
Current Date: ______________
Current School Name: _____________________________________________
Current School Address: ____________________________________________
Street Address
High School Mu Alpha Theta Chapter: (List name of school, city, state, and year of graduation. If
your name has changed since you graduated, please list your former name.)
On what date did you start employment as a full-time mathematics teacher?
Classroom Teaching Grant
List below a description of each expense, date of receipt, and total amount spent. You may submit this
form for reimbursed expenses up to twice a year once your Teaching Grant is approved and until you
have reached $1,500 in expenses or finished your third year of teaching.
Item Description
Total Amount Requested
Mu Alpha Theta
National Convention Grant
School Name: ____________________________________________________________
Chapter ID: _____________
School's Address: _________________________________________________________
Sponsor: ____________________________________
Sponsor’s Email: _____________________________
Student Names and Grade (Students paid for with grant funds may not be a graduating
Mu Alpha Theta Region: __________________
On a separate sheet:
1. Write a paragraph about your chapter's activities in the past academic year.
2. Write a paragraph about how attending the National Convention will benefit your chapter.
Submit this application by April 1 to:
Mu Alpha Theta Educational Foundation
National Convention Grant
c/o University of Oklahoma
3200 Marshall Ave, Suite 190
Norman, OK 73019