UN ITE D NA TIO NS Distr . GENERAL . SE CU R'I TY CO UN Ci l 8/4060 21 July 1958 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECURITY REPORT BY THE SECRETARY.(}F.NEP.AL TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE OF IRAQ rIVE SENTN REPRE rUlE COUNCIL CONCEHNn:G Tfu1 CREDEN'l\IAL8 OF IL COUNC ON THE SECURITY of the Secur ity' I'ursu ant to rule 15 of th,e provi siona l r...J.es of proce dure l~ticn of the Coun cil, the Secre tary-G enera l repro duces below for the inforl him: Secur ity Counc il the follm fing comm unicat ions recei. ved by (1) Lette r of 18 May 1958. "G()Verl1Illent of IraQ, Minis try for Forei gn P~fai rs of the , "HBEREAS the Government of IraQ has set up at the seat ct with the conta sary neces ain maint ~o on Unite d N~tionc a perma nent missi Secre tariat of the Organ izatio n, for Forei gn "Now th;Jre fore we nr. Hohanuned Fadhi l Al Jamal i Minis ter perma nent Affai rs :i~V';; a:"I,ci nted and by these prese nts do confir m as 1I'Iajid Abbas Abdul Dr. hncy Excel His ns Natio repre sentu .tive to the Unite d Ambassador· EXGraordinary and Pleni poten tiary. nment of "Eis Excel lency Dr. Abass is instru cted to repre sent the Gover cil. He ity Coun IraQ in all qrgc.ns of the Unite d Natio ns includ ing the Secur 011 his rarily tempo act to itute subst a is alsu authc rized to desig nate l. enera tary-G Secre behal f after due notic e to the on 1IIn faith '\o1hereof we have signe d these prese nts at Baghdad eight eenth May, 1958. (signe d) Mohd. Fadhi l Jamal i Mir.is ter for Forei gn Affai rs" 58-16984 s/4060 English Page 2 (2) Cable from Baghdad dated 15 July 1958. "HAVE HONOUR INFORM YOU MR HASHIM JAW.lID HAS BEEN APPOINTED IRAQI REPRESENTATIVE TO SECURrrY COUNCIL StrOp THE IRAQI GOVERNMENT HITHDRAH ABDUL MAJID ABBAS CREDENTIALS MINISTER FOHEIGN AFFAIRS" (3) Letter of 15 July 1958. "Government of Iraq. Ministry for Foreign Affairs Political Department United Nations and Conferences Section. "Sir , "I have the honour to inform you that the Government of Iraq has appointed Mr. Hashim Jawad as Iraqi Representat.ve on the Security Council. Credentials of Mr. Abdul Majid Abbas is withdrawn. "I hrwe the honour to request that due note be taken of this communication and that full faith and credit be given to all that may be said and done by Mr. Jawad at the Security Council. "Accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. (signed) A. Joumaro Minister for Foreign Affairs" (4) Cable from Baghdad dated 17 July 1958. "HAVE HONOUR INFORM YOU THE FOLLOHING AND REQUEST THAT IT BE CONVEYED TO ALL MEIYJBER STATES QUOTE ON 15 JULY 1958 THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS OF THE REPUBLIC OF IRAQ DECLARED THE WITHDRAWAL OF IRAQ FROM THE ARAB UNION WITH JORDAN STOP THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC CONSIDERS ALL FINANCIAL AND MILITARY CONlYlITMENTS ENTERED INTO AND OBLIGATIONS ARISING FROM THE SAID UNION AS NULL AND VOID MINISTER OF' FOREIGN AFFAIRS" s/4060 English Page 3 (5) Cable from Amman dated 19 July 1958. "MOST IMMEDIATE I HAVE THE HONOUR TO CONVEY TO YOU THAT I AfI1 DIRECTED BY HIS MAJESTY KING HUSSEIlIJ IN HIS CAPACITY AS HEAD OF THE AI1.;\B UN:LON TO INFORIvl yOU THAT THE REPRESENTATION OF THE STATE OF IRAQ IN THE SECURITY COUNCIL OR IN ANY OTHER UNITED NATIONS BODY fvmST BE AUTHORISED BY HIS IvIAJESTY AND THAT ANY PERSONS PURPORTING TO REPRESENT REBEL GOVEF.rr.vIEN~C IN IRAQ HAVE NC1' J\IiJY CONSTITUTIONAIJ BASIS TO DO SO 1-\ND IJ:'HA.T ANY 0!.\.r2DEI\:::'IALS TEAY l'I.Jl.:'; PRESENT TO YOUR EXCELL~NCY FROM REP::" GOVERNMENT IN BriGHDAD i:.RE 1'181' LEGIiLLY VALID PLEASE ACCEPT YOllI~ EXCZLLENCY THE ASSURANCE OF MY hIGI~ST CONSIDERATIONS SAMIR ER-HIFAI (6) FOREIGN MINISTER" Caule frcm kmnan dated 20 July 1958. "l HAVE THE HONOUR 'I'O I~/'ORM YOU TIl/,T HIS rl1AJESTY KING HL'SSEl:'! BE/J) OF TH'~ ARAB 'L'NION AliJD I :~11 ACCORDANCZ WITH THE PCHERS y,?srrED T:'j ME BY HIS J.\1l-l.JESr.:y AS 'l'3E F').r\l'iIGN MINISTER OF THE .L\.RN~ UNIl.. .~1 GOVFEi.;!,;ENT CON1,'I.-U,I THE ,~\PPOI~!ilv~N'I' 01" HIS EXCELLENCY ABDUL !VIAJID ABBAS AS PERMi\~\'i1::NT D3LEGATE OF mA~~ TO 'mE UNITED NATIONS J;£.1O THE SECUllITY COUNCIL PLEAGE ACC:l:PT TH'3 ASStlRANCES OF MY EIGHES'l' REGARDS SAMIR ER-RIFAI MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS lI