Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, 29 (1986) 189-195 On Bounded Positive Entire Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations By Hiroyuki USAMI (Hiroshima University, Japan) Introduction §1. In this paper we consider the elliptic equation (1) $¥Delta u+f(x, u, ¥nabla u)=0$ , $x$ $¥in R^{n}(n¥geq 3)$ , ¥ and is locally Holder continuous (with exponent $¥theta¥in(0,1)$ ). Our objective is to obtain conditions guaranteeing the existence of positive entire solutions of . By an entire (1) which have prescribed positive limits as solution of (1) we mean a function $u¥in C^{2}(R^{n})$ which satisfies (1) at every point of . Recently Naito [3] has considered the case $f(x, u,p)=a(x)g(u)$ , where $g:(0, ¥infty)$ is positive and nondecreasing and obtained some results under the condition where $x=(x_{1^{ }},--, x_{n})$ , $¥Delta=¥partial^{2}/¥partial x_{1}^{2}+$ ? $+¥partial^{2}/¥partial x_{n}^{2}$ , $¥nabla=(¥partial/¥partial x_{1^{ }},--, ¥partial/¥partial x_{n})$ $ f:R^{n} times$ $(0, ¥infty)¥chi R^{n}¥rightarrow R$ $|x|=(x_{1}^{2}+ --+x_{n}^{2})^{1/2}¥rightarrow¥infty$ $R^{n}$ $¥rightarrow R$ $¥int_{0}^{¥infty}$ $ ta^{*}’(t)dt<¥infty$ , where $a^{*}(t)=¥max_{|x|=t}|a(x)|$ . Moreover he has obtained a possible range of the limit values at infinity of such positive entire solutions. On the other hand, Kusano and Oharu [2] have established sufficient conditions for equation (1) to have infinitely many entire solutions which are bounded from above and below by positive constants. In this paper an attempt is made to improve and strengthen considerably both of the above results. Our method, essentially based on Naito’s [3], is to construct explicitly supersolutions and subsolutions having the same prescribed limits at infinitly as entire solutions . of suitable Poisson equations in $R^{n}$ §2. Main result With regard to (1) the following conditions are assumed to hold without further mention: , there exists a (A) (Nagumo condition) For any bounded domain , ) such that : continuous function $¥Omega¥subset R^{n}$ $¥rho_{¥Omega}$ $(0, ¥infty)¥rightarrow[0$ $¥infty$ $|f(x, u,p)|¥leq¥rho_{¥Omega}(u)(1+|p|^{2})$ 190 H. USAMI . on [0, ) (B) There exists a nonnegative function which is locally Holder continuous (with exponent ), monotone in decreasing in , and satisfies for $(x, u,p)¥in¥Omega¥times(0, ¥infty)¥chi R^{n}$ $F(t, u, ¥mathrm{v})$ $¥infty$ $¥times(0, ¥infty)¥times[0,$ $¥theta$ $u$ $¥infty)$ and non- $v$ $|f(x, u,p)|¥leq F(|x|, u, |p|)$ for . In what follows we employ the notation: $(x, u,p)¥in R^{n}¥times(0, ¥infty)¥times R^{n}$ $d(t, u, u;¥lambda)=¥frac{F(t,¥lambda u,¥lambda U)}{¥lambda}$ . Hypotheses on the nonlinearity of $F$ are formulated below in terms of for each fixed $(t, u, u)¥in[0,$ considered as a function of . , Our result is the following theorem. $¥infty)¥chi(0, ¥infty)¥times$ $¥lambda¥in(0, ¥infty)$ $[0$ $d(t, u, u;¥lambda)$ $¥infty)$ Theorem. Suppose that one of the following conditions is satisfied: $F$ is nondecreasing in , and for any fixed $(t, u, v)$ , $d(t, u, v;¥lambda)$ is a non; and satisfies decreasing function of $d(t, u, v;¥lambda)$ is a non$F$ is nondecreasing in $(t, u, v)$ , , and for any fixed ; and satisfies increasing function of $F$ is nonincreasing in is a non, and for any fixed $(t, u, v)$ , . increasing function of Suppose moreover that $u$ $(¥mathrm{C}_{1})$ $¥lim_{¥lambda¥rightarrow 0}d(t, u, v;¥lambda)=0$ $¥lambda¥in(0, ¥infty)$ $u$ $(¥mathrm{C}_{2})$ $¥lim_{¥lambda¥rightarrow¥infty}d(t, u, u;¥lambda)=0$ $¥lambda¥in(0, ¥infty)$ $¥lambda d(t, u, v, ¥lambda)$ $u$ $(¥mathrm{C}_{3})$ $¥lambda¥in(0, ¥infty)$ (2) $¥int_{1}^{¥infty}tF(t, c, c/t)dt<¥infty$ for some $c>0$ in case $(¥mathrm{C}_{1})$ (3) $(¥mathrm{C}_{2})$ holds, or $¥int_{1}^{¥infty}tF(t, c, ¥sigma c/t)dt<¥infty$ holds. in case holds, or any sufficiently large sufficiently small $l>0$ in case holds, there exists a positive entire solution $u(x)$ of (I) satisfying or for some $c>0$ and Then, for any $l>0$ or in case $(¥mathrm{C}_{2})$ $¥sigma>1$ $(¥mathrm{C}_{3})$ $(¥mathrm{C}_{1})$ $(¥mathrm{C}_{3})$ $¥lim_{|x|¥sim¥infty}u(x)=l$ . We use the supersolution-subsolution method (see Noussair and Swanson [4] which is by now well-known. We put $k(t)=¥max¥{1, t¥}$ for ¥ . : From the conditions imposed on $F(t, u, v)$ it follows that Case Proof. $t geq 0$ $)$ $(¥mathrm{C}_{1})$ 191 Semilinear Elliptic Equations (4) if $k(t)F(t, ¥lambda, ¥lambda/k(t))/¥lambda¥leq k(t)F(t, c, c/k(t))/c$ $0<¥lambda¥leq c$ , $c$ , $t¥in[0,$ being the constant appearing in (2), and that for as $k(t)F(t, ¥lambda, ¥lambda/k(t))/¥lambda¥rightarrow 0$ $¥infty)$ $t¥in[0,$ $¥lambda¥rightarrow 0$ , $¥infty)$ , . The Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem then shows that as $¥int_{0}^{¥infty}k(t)F(t, ¥lambda, ¥lambda/k(t))dt/¥lambda¥rightarrow 0$ Therefore two constants , $¥eta$ $¥zeta>0$ $¥lambda¥rightarrow 0$ . can be chosen small enough so that , $¥int_{0}^{¥infty}k(t)F(t, ¥eta, ¥eta/k(t))dt¥leq¥eta$ (5) , $¥int_{0}^{¥infty}k(t)F(t, ¥zeta, ¥zeta/k(t))dt<¥zeta$ $¥zeta=¥eta-¥frac{1}{n-2}¥int_{0}^{¥infty}tF(t, ¥eta, ¥eta/k(t))dt$ With this choice of , , we define functions $¥zeta$ $¥eta$ (6) $z$ and $y$ . on [0, $¥infty$ ) by $tt=0>0,$ $¥mathrm{f}¥mathrm{f}¥mathrm{o}¥mathrm{r}¥mathrm{o}¥mathrm{r}$ $z(t)=¥left¥{¥begin{array}{l}¥zeta-t^{2-n}¥int_{0}^{t}s^{n-3}(¥int_{s}^{¥infty}rF(r,¥zeta,¥zeta/k(r))dr)ds¥¥¥zeta-¥frac{1}{n-2}¥int_{0}^{¥infty}tF(t,¥zeta,¥zeta/k(t))dt¥end{array}¥right.$ . (7) $y(t)=¥{_{¥eta}¥eta-t^{2-n}¥int_{0}^{t}s^{n-3}(¥int_{0}^{s}rF(r, ¥eta, ¥eta/k(r))dr)ds$ $tt=0>0,$ $¥mathrm{f}¥mathrm{f}¥mathrm{o}¥mathrm{r}¥mathrm{o}¥mathrm{r}$ . It is easily seen that as $ z(t)¥rightarrow¥zeta$ $ t¥rightarrow¥infty$ $z^{¥prime}(t)=¥int_{0}^{t}(s/t)^{n-1}F(s, ¥zeta, ¥zeta/k(s))ds¥geq 0$ for $t¥geq 0$ , $(t^{n-1}z^{¥prime}(t))^{¥prime}=t^{n-1}F(t, ¥zeta, ¥zeta/k(t))$ for $t¥geq 0$ . From the second equation we have $0¥leq t¥leq 1$ , we have $z^{¥prime}(0)=0^{-},$ and $|z^{¥prime}(t)|¥leq¥zeta/k(t)$ for , $t¥geq 0$ $|z^{¥prime}(t)|¥leq¥int_{0}^{1}F(s, ¥zeta, ¥zeta/k(s))ds¥leq¥int_{0}^{¥infty}k(s)F(s, ¥zeta, ¥zeta/k(s))ds<¥zeta$ and if $t¥geq 1$ , we have , . In fact, if 192 H. USAMI $|z^{¥prime}(t)|¥leq(¥int_{0}^{1}+¥int_{1}^{t})(s/t)F(s, ¥zeta, ¥zeta/k(s))ds$ $¥leq(1/t)(¥int_{0}^{1}F(s, ¥zeta, ¥zeta/k(s))ds+¥int_{1}^{¥infty}sF(s, ¥zeta, ¥zeta/k(s))ds)$ $=(1/t)¥int_{0}^{¥infty}k(s)F(s, ¥zeta, ¥zeta/k(s))ds<¥zeta/t$ Then the function $w(x)=z(|x|)¥in C_{1¥mathrm{o}¥mathrm{c}}^{2+¥theta}(R^{n})$ . satisfies the following inequalities: $ 0<¥zeta-¥frac{1}{n-2}¥int_{0}^{¥infty}tF(t, ¥zeta, ¥zeta/k(t))dt¥leq w(x)¥leq¥zeta$ , $¥Delta w(x)=F(|x|, ¥zeta, ¥zeta/k(|x|))$ $¥geq F(|x|, w(x), |¥nabla w(x)|)¥geq-f(x, w(x), ¥nabla w(x))$ , $X¥in R^{n}$ . Therefore $w(x)$ is a subsolution of (1) in . $y(t)$ In the same way we can show that satisfies the following: $R^{n}$ $ y(t)¥rightarrow¥eta-¥frac{1}{n-2}¥int_{0}^{¥infty}tF(t, ¥eta, ¥eta/k(t))dt=¥zeta$ $y^{¥prime}(t)=-¥int_{0}^{t}(s/t)^{n-1}F(s, ¥eta, ¥eta/k(s))ds¥leq 0$ $|y^{¥prime}(t)|¥leq¥eta/k(t)$ $v(x)=y(|x|)¥in C_{1¥mathrm{o}¥mathrm{c}}^{2+¥theta}(R^{n})$ $¥zeta¥leq v(x)¥leq¥eta$ $ t¥rightarrow¥infty$ , , , $(t^{n-1}y^{¥prime}(t))^{¥prime}=-t^{n-1}F(t, ¥eta, ¥eta/k(t))$ So, the function as , for $t¥geq 0$ . satisfies the following inequalities: , $¥Delta v(x)=-F(|x|, ¥eta, ¥eta/k(|x|))$ , $¥leq-F(|x|, v(x), |¥nabla v(x)|)¥leq-f(x, v(x), ¥nabla v(x))$ $X¥in R^{n}$ . Therefore $v(x)$ is a supersolution of (1) in . Since $w(x)¥leq v(x)$ in , applying the supersolution-subsolution method [4, p. 125], we see that (1) has an entire solution $u(x)$ such that $w(x)¥leq u(x)¥leq v(x)$ in . Since , we conclude that , as desired. Case : The conditions imposed on $F(t, u, v)$ imply that (4) holds for , and for each $t¥in[0,$ ), as . It follows that $R^{n}$ $R^{n}$ $R^{n}$ $¥lim_{|x|¥rightarrow¥infty}w(x)=¥lim_{|x|¥rightarrow¥infty}v(x)=¥zeta$ $¥lim_{|x|¥rightarrow¥infty}u(x)=¥zeta$ $¥lambda¥geq c$ $(¥mathrm{C}_{2})$ $¥infty$ $k(t)F(t, ¥lambda, ¥lambda/k(t))/¥lambda¥rightarrow 0$ $¥int_{0}^{¥infty}k(t)F(t, ¥lambda, ¥lambda/k(t))dt/¥lambda¥rightarrow 0$ $¥lambda¥rightarrow¥infty$ as $¥lambda¥rightarrow¥infty$ . We now choose positive constants and so large that (5) is satisfied, and with these by (6) and (7), respectively. The same argument and , define the functions yields the existence of an entire solution $u(x)$ of (1) such as in the proof of case that . $¥eta$ $¥eta$ $¥mathrm{z}¥dot{¥mathrm{a}}¥mathrm{n}¥mathrm{d}$ $¥zeta$ $(¥mathrm{C}_{1})$ $¥lim_{|x|¥rightarrow¥infty}u(x)=¥zeta$ $y$ $¥zeta$ 193 Semilinear Elliptic Equations : From the conditions imposed on Case can be chosen large enough so that $F(t, u, v)$ $(¥mathrm{C}_{3})$ $¥zeta-¥frac{1}{n-2}¥int_{0}^{¥infty}tF(t, ¥zeta/¥sigma, ¥zeta/k(t))dt¥geq¥zeta/¥sigma$ $¥int_{0}^{¥infty}k(t)F(t, ¥zeta/¥sigma, ¥zeta/k(t))dt¥leq¥zeta$ $¥zeta$ $¥eta$ and $z$ $¥eta$ $¥zeta>0$ , , $¥eta-¥frac{1}{n-2}¥int_{0}^{¥infty}tF(t, ¥zeta/¥sigma, ¥zeta/k(t))dt=¥zeta$ With this choice of , , we define the functions , two constants , $y$ . by $¥mathrm{f}¥mathrm{f}¥mathrm{o}¥mathrm{r}t=0¥mathrm{o}¥mathrm{r}t>0,$ $z(t)=¥left¥{¥begin{array}{l}¥zeta-t^{2- n}¥int^{tt}s^{n-3}(¥int_{s}^{¥infty}rF(r,¥zeta/¥sigma,¥zeta/k(r))dr)ds¥¥¥zeta-¥frac{1}{n-2}¥int_{0}^{¥infty}tF(t,¥zeta/¥sigma,¥zeta/k(t))dt¥end{array}¥right.$ . for $t>0$ , for $t=0$ . $y(t)=¥{_{¥eta}¥eta-t^{2-n}¥int_{0}^{t}s^{n-3}(¥int_{0}^{s}rF(r, ¥zeta/¥sigma, ¥zeta/k(r))dr)ds$ Arguing as in the preceding cases, we obtain as $z(t)¥rightarrow¥zeta=¥eta-¥frac{1}{n-2}¥int_{0}^{¥infty}tF(t, ¥zeta/¥sigma, ¥zeta/k(t))dt$ $z^{¥prime}(t)=¥int_{0}^{t}(s/t)^{n-1}F(s, ¥zeta/¥sigma, ¥zeta/k(s))ds¥geq 0$ $|z^{¥prime}(t)|¥leq¥zeta/k(t)$ $ t¥rightarrow¥infty$ , , , $(t^{n-1}z^{¥prime}(t))^{¥prime}=t^{n-1}F(t, ¥zeta/¥sigma, ¥zeta/k(t))$ , for as $ y(t)¥rightarrow¥eta-¥frac{1}{n-2}¥int_{0}^{¥infty}tF(t, ¥zeta/¥sigma, ¥zeta/k(t))dt=¥zeta$ $t¥geq 0$ , $ t¥rightarrow¥infty$ , , $y^{¥prime}(t)=-¥int_{0}^{t}(s/t)^{n-1}F(s, ¥zeta/¥sigma, ¥zeta/k(s))ds¥leq 0$ $|y^{¥prime}(t)|¥leq¥zeta/k(t)$ , $(t^{n-1}y^{¥prime}(t))^{¥prime}=-t^{n-1}F(t, ¥zeta/¥sigma, ¥zeta/k(t))$ Therefore the functions for , $v(x)=y(|x|)$ , $w(x)=z(|x|)$ $t¥geq 0$ . satisfy the following relations: , $ 0<¥zeta-¥frac{1}{n-2}¥int_{0}^{¥infty}tF(t, ¥zeta/¥sigma, ¥zeta/k(t))dt¥leq w(x)¥leq¥zeta¥leq v(x)¥leq¥eta$ , $¥Delta w(x)¥geq F(|x|, w(x), |¥nabla w(x)|)¥geq-f(x, w(x), ¥nabla w(x))$ , $¥Delta v(x)¥leq-F(|x|, v(x), |¥nabla v(x)|)¥leq-f(x, v(x), ¥nabla v(x))$ $x$ $¥in R^{n}$ , 194 H. USAMI . $¥lim_{|x|¥rightarrow¥infty}w(x)=¥lim_{|x|¥rightarrow¥infty}v(x)=¥zeta$ Thus we can conclude that there exists a positive entire solution . This completes the proof. $u(x)$ of (1) satisfying $¥lim_{|x|¥rightarrow¥infty}u(x)=¥zeta$ Remark. Consider the equation (8) $¥Delta u+a(x)¥phi(u)=0$ , $x¥in R^{n}$ where $a(x)¥phi(u)$ is locally Holder continuous, and Let $a^{*}(t)=¥max_{|x|=t}|a(x)|$ , and suppose that $¥int_{0}^{¥infty}$ (9) $¥phi:(0, ¥infty)¥rightarrow(0, ¥infty)$ $ ta^{*}(t)dt=A^{*}<¥infty$ In this case, the situation is simpler. large that $¥eta-¥frac{A^{*}}{n-2}¥phi(¥zeta)=¥zeta$ $¥eta$ $¥zeta$ is nonincreasing. . We can choose positive constants , $¥zeta-¥frac{A^{*}}{n-2}¥phi(¥xi)¥geq¥xi$ With this choice of , , , we define the functions $¥xi$ , $y$ and $z$ $¥xi$ , $¥eta,¥check{¥mathrm{t}_{¥ni}}$ so . by $y(t)=¥{_{¥eta}¥eta-¥phi(¥zeta)t^{2-n}¥int_{0}^{t}s^{n-3}(¥int_{0}^{s}ra^{*}(r)dr)ds$ for $t>0$ , for $t=0$ . for $t>0_{y}$ for $t=0$ . $z(t)=¥{¥zeta^{-n}-¥int_{¥zeta-¥frac{¥phi(A^{*}¥xi)t^{2}}{n-2}¥phi(¥xi)}0ts^{n-3}(¥int_{s}^{¥infty}ra^{*}(r)dr)ds$ In the same manner as in the proof of the theorem, we can conclude that there exists . If in particular a positive entire solution $u(x)$ of (8) satisfying as $¥phi(u)=u^{-¥gamma}(¥gamma>0)$ , then from (9) we see that (8) has a positive entire solution $u(x)$ having the prescribed limit at infinity provided . $ u(x)¥rightarrow¥zeta$ $¥zeta$ $¥zeta¥geq¥frac{¥mathcal{T}+1}{¥gamma}$ $|x|¥rightarrow¥infty$ $(¥mathcal{T}A^{*}/(n-2))^{1/(1+¥mathcal{T})}$ Acknowledgement. The author wishes to express his sincere thanks to Professor Takasi Kusano for a number of helpful suggestions and stimulating discussions. Semilinear Elliptic Equations 195 References [1] [2] [3] [4] Kawano, N., On bounded entire solutions of semilinear elliptic equations, Hiroshima Math. J., 14 (1984), 125-158. Kusano, T. and Oharu, S., On entire solutions of second order semilinear elliptic equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 113 (1986), 123-135. Naito, M., A note on bounded positive entire solutions of semilinear elliptic equations, Hiroshima Math. J., 14 (1984), 211-214. Noussair, E. S. and Swanson, C. A., Positive solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations in exterior domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 75 (1980), 121-133. nuna adreso: Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Hiroshima University Hiroshima, Japan (Ricevita la 27-an de augusto, 1984)