Biyani's Think Tank Concept based notes Applied Electronics (B.Tech) Apurva Vashishth Asst. Professor Deptt. of Engineering Biyani International Institute of Engineering and Technology 2 Published by : Think Tanks Biyani Group of Colleges Concept & Copyright : Biyani Shikshan Samiti Sector-3, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur-302 023 (Rajasthan) Ph : 0141-2338371, 2338591-95 Fax : 0141-2338007 E-mail : Website; Edition : 2013 Price : While every effort is taken to avoid errors or omissions in this Publication, any mistake or omission that may have crept in is not intentional. It may be taken note of that neither the publisher nor the author will be responsible for any damage or loss of any kind arising to anyone in any manner on account of such errors and omissions. Leaser Type Setted by : Biyani College Printing Department For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 3 Preface I am glad to present this book, especially designed to serve the needs of the students. The book has been written keeping in mind the general weakness in understanding the fundamental concepts of the topics. The book is self-explanatory and adopts the “Teach Yourself” style. It is based on question-answer pattern. The language of book is quite easy and understandable based on scientific approach. Any further improvement in the contents of the book by making corrections, omission and inclusion is keen to be achieved based on suggestions from the readers for which the author shall be obliged. I acknowledge special thanks to Mr. Rajeev Biyani, Chairman & Dr. Sanjay Biyani, Director (Acad.) Biyani Group of Colleges, who are the backbones and main concept provider and also have been constant source of motivation throughout this Endeavour. They played an active role in coordinating the various stages of this Endeavour and spearheaded the publishing work. I look forward to receiving valuable suggestions from professors of various educational institutions, other faculty members and students for improvement of the quality of the book. The reader may feel free to send in their comments and suggestions to the under mentioned address. Note: A feedback form is enclosed along with think tank. Kindly fill the feedback form and submit it at the time of submitting to books of library, else NOC from Library will not be given. Author For free study notes log on: 4 Syllabus Unit 1: Feedback Amplifiers Classification, Feedback concept, Transfer gain with feedback, General characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers. Analysis of voltage-series, voltage-shunt, current-series and current-shunt feedback amplifier. Stability criterion. Unit 2: Oscillators Classification. Criterion for oscillation. Tuned collector, Hartley, Colpitts, RC Phase shift, Wien bridge and crystal oscillators, Astable, monostable and bistable multivibrators. Schmitt trigger. Blocking oscillators. Unit 3: High Frequency Amplifiers Hybrid Pi model, conductances and capacitances of hybrid Pi model, high frequency analysis of CE amplifier, gain-bandwidth product. Emitter follower at high frequencies. Unit 4: Tuned Amplifier Band Pass Amplifier, Parallel resonant Circuits, Band Width of Parallel resonant circuit. Analysis of Single Tuned Amplifier, Primary & Secondary Tuned Amplifier with BJT & FET. Double Tuned Transformer Coupled Amplifier. Stagger Tuned Amplifier. Pulse Response of such Amplifier. Shunt Peaked Circuits for Increased Bandwidth. Unit 5: Power Amplifiers Power amplifier circuits, Class A output stage, class B output stage and class AB output stages, class C amplifiers, pushpull amplifiers with and without transformers. Complementary symmetry & quasi complimentary symmetry amplifiers For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 5 Unit 1 Feedback Amplifier Feedback Q.1 Ans Explain feedback amplifier? The process of injecting a fraction of output energy of the same device back to the input is known as feedback. Thus whenever the output has an influence on the effective input to an amplifier, the amplifier becomes a feedback amplifier. It is also known as the closed-loop amplifier because the signal path through A- and F-networks forms a loop. For free study notes log on: 6 There are two types of feedback in amplifiers: 1. Positive feedback - They are also known as regenerative feedback. The feedback signal is in phase with the input signal. 2. Negative feedback- they are also known as degenerative feedback. The feedback signal is out of phase with the output signal. Q.2 Ans Explain positive and negative feedback. Positive feedback When the feedback energy is in phase with the input signal and this aids its, it is called positive feedback. The positive feedback increases the gain of the amplifier. The distortion and instability increases. Both the amplifier and feedback network introduce a phase shift of 180 , which results in 360 around the loop, causing the feedback in phase with input signal. This means that the feedback signal will add to or "regenerate" the input signal. The result is a larger amplitude output signal than would occur without the feedback. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 7 Negative feedback When the feedback signal is out of phase with the input signal. The feedback signal is 180 out of phase with the input signal. It reduces the gain of the amplifier. Increases the bandwidth and higher cut-off frequency. Decreases the lower cut-off frequency and also the noise. Reduces the distortion. Provide stability in gain. Improves the frequency response of amplifier. The amplifier introduces a phase shift of 180 into the circuit while feedback circuit does not provide any phase shift i.e. 0 phase shift, thus the feedback signal will be 180 out of phase with input signal. For free study notes log on: 8 Q.3 Ans Negative feedback circuit Give different classification of amplifiers The amplifier without negative feedback is known as basic amplifier. There gain is unstable and output impedence do not meet the requirenment of general applications. Amplifiers may be classified into 4 types1. Voltage amplifier- they are intended to amplify an input voltage signal and provide an output voltage signal. The voltage amplifier is generally a voltage controlled voltage source. Input impedance is required to be high and output impedance is required to be low. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 9 Voltage gain, A v = V o / Vin 2. Current amplifier- the input signal of a current amplifier is essentially a current. The current amplifier is essentially a current-controlled current source. The ideal current amplifier is defined as an amplifier which provides an output current proportional to the signal current and proportionality constant is independent of magnitudes of source and load resistances. Current gain, Ai = I o / I in 3. Transconductance amplifier- here the input signal is voltage and its output signal is a current. The ideal transconductance amplifier provides an output current which is proportional to the signal voltage and the proportionality constant is independent of the magnitudes of resistances. For free study notes log on: 10 G= I L / V 1 G is the proportionality constant of transconductance amplifier. 4. Trnsresistance amplifier- here, the input signal is current and the output signal is voltage. The ideal trnsresistance amplifier provides an output voltage in proportion to the signal current, and the proportionality constant is independent of the magnitudes of resistance (source and load). In ideal conditions, it should have zero input and output resistances. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics Q.4 Ans 11 What are the different terms used in feedback concept? Different terms used in feedback concept are: 1. Signal source- it is either a signal voltage or signal current in series or in parallel with resistance respectively. 2. Feedback network- it is in the form of passive two port network and be formed of resistor, inductor and capacitors. Its function is to return a function of the output energy to the input of the amplifier, For free study notes log on: 12 3. Sampling network- it is of two types, voltage and current sampling network output voltage is sampled by current connecting the feedback network either shunt across the output or in series with the output. 4. Comparator or mixer- a differential amplifier , which has two inputs and ane output proportional to difference between the signals at the two inputs, is usually used as mixer or comparator. It is again of two types, series and shunt mixers. Q.5 Ans Explain different types of feedback connections? Different types of feedback connections are • • • If the feedback network samples the output voltage, it is voltage feedback. If it samples the output current, it is current feedback. The feedback signal can be connected in series or in parallel with the signal source and the amplifier input terminals, so called series feedback and parallel feedback. So, there are four types of negative feedback in amplifier circuits: Series voltage feedback Series current feedback Parallel voltage feedback Parallel current feedback In voltage feedback, the input terminals of the feedback network are in parallel with the load, and the output voltage appears at the input terminals of the feedback block. Whereas in current feedback, the input terminals of the feedback network are in series with the load, and the load current flows through the input of the feedback block. As a result, a simple test on the feedback type is to open-circuit or short-circuits the load. If the feedback signal vanishes for an open-circuit load, then it is current feedback. If the feedback signal vanishes for a short-circuit load, it is voltage feedback. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 13 For free study notes log on: 14 For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics Q.6 Ans 15 Give analyses of voltage series , voltage shunt, current serirs , current shunt. 1. Voltage amplifier (series-shunt) Series input connection increase input resistance – avoid loading effects on the input signal source. Shunt output connection decrease the output resistance - avoid loading effects on the output signal when output load is connected. For free study notes log on: 16 Avf Vo Vi R 1 2 R1 , Vo AvV V Vi V fb R1 V fb Avf Vi Rif 1 R 1 2 R1 R1 R2 Vo Vi V Vi Ii Vo Av Av R1 R1 R2 1 R1 R1 R2 Vi V / Ri Vo Av 1 V Ri (1 Av AvV R2 1 R1 Av ) 2. Current amplifier (shunt-series)- For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 17 Basic current amplifier with input resistance, Ri and an open-loop current gain, Ai. Current IE is the difference between input signal current and feedback current. Feedback circuit samples the output current – provide feedback signal in shunt with signal current. Increase in output current – increase feedback current – decrease error current. Smaller error current – small output current – stabilize output signal. Shunt input connection decrease input resistance – avoid loading effects on the input signal current source. Series output connection increase the output resistance - avoid loading effects on the output signal due to load connected to the amplifier output. Q.7 Give the stability criterion for amplifier. Ans VOUT/VIN = Aol / (1+ Aolβ) If: Aolβ = -1 Then: VOUT/VIN = Aol / 0 ∞ If VOUT/VIN = ∞ Unbounded Gain Any small changes in VIN will result in large changes in VOUT which will feed back to VIN and result in even larger changes in VOUT OSCILLATIONS INSTABILITY !! Aolβ: Loop Gain Aolβ = -1 Phase shift of +180°, Magnitude of 1 (0dB) fcl: frequency where Aolβ = 1 (0dB) Stability Criteria: For free study notes log on: 18 At fcl, where Aolβ = 1 (0dB), Phase Shift < +180° Desired Phase Margin (distance from +180° Phase Shift) > 45° The Nyquist Stability Criterion is a unique method for determining stability of a closed loop system. A closed loop system is stable if all of the closed loop poles are in the left half of the s-plane. That's a very basic fact about a system. What's peculiar is that Nyquist showed that it is possible to get information about closed loop pole location by plotting open loop frequency response data. Now, if you think about it, it might seem peculiar that open loop frequency response behavior would let you glean that kind of information about closed loop time response behavior. Yet, peculiar as it might seem, that's the way it is, and Nyquist's result the Nyquist Stability Criterion - is widely used in the design and analysis of control systems everywhere. The Nyquist diagram is basically a plot of G(j* w) where G(s) is the open-loop transfer function and w is a vector of frequencies which encloses the entire righthalf plane. In drawing the Nyquist diagram, both positive and negative frequencies (from zero to infinity) are taken into account. We will represent positive frequencies in red and negative frequencies in green. The frequency vector used in plotting the Nyquist diagram usually looks like this (if you can imagine the plot stretching out to infinity): However, if we have open-loop poles or zeros on the jw axis, G(s) will not be defined at those points, and we must loop around them when we are plotting the contour. Such a contour would look as follows: For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 19 Please note that the contour loops around the pole on the jw axis. As we mentioned before, the Matlab nyquist command does not take poles or zeros on the jw axis into account and therefore produces an incorrect plot. For free study notes log on: 20 Unit 2 Oscillators Q.1 What is an oscillator? Give classification of oscillators. Ans Oscillator - An electronic oscillator may be define in any one of the following four ways: i) ii) iii) iv) It is a circuit which convert dc energy into an energy at a very high frequency It is an electronic source of alternating current or voltage having sine, square or saw tooth or pulse shapes It is circuit which generates an ac output signals without requiring any externally applied input signal. It is an unstable amplifier. Classification of Oscillators The electronic oscillators may be broadly classified into the following two categories. The oscillators, which provide an output having a sine wave form, are called sinusoidal or harmonic oscillators. Such oscillators can provide output at frequencies ranging from 20 Hz to GHz. 1. Sinusoidal or Harmonic Oscillators 1. Tuned Circuit Oscillators These oscillators use a tuned-circuit consisting of inductors (L) and capacitors (C) and are used to generate high frequency signals. Thus they are also known as radio frequency (CRT) oscillators. Such oscillators are Hartley and Colpitts oscillators etc. 2. RC Oscillators These oscillators use resistors and capacitors and are used to generate low or audio-frequency signals. Thus they are also known as audio-frequency For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 21 (A.F) oscillators. Such oscillators are phase-shift and wien-bridge oscillators. 3. Crystal Oscillators These oscillators use quartz crystals and are used to generate highly stabilized output signal with frequencies up to 10 Mhz. The pierce oscillator is an example of a crystal oscillator. 4. Negative-resistance Oscillators These oscillators use negative-resistance characteristic of the devices such as tunnel diodes. A tuned diode oscillator is an example of negative resistance oscillator. 2. Non-sinusoidal or Relaxation Oscillators The oscillators, which provide an output having a square, rectangular or saw tooth waveform, are called non-sinusoidal or relaxation oscillators. Such oscillators can provide output at frequencies ranging from zero to 20 Mhz. For free study notes log on: 22 Q.2 What is Barkhausen criterion for feedback oscillator? Ans The overall gain of a feedback amplifier is Af = A/(1 + Aβ), where A is the gain of the internal amplifier, β is the feedback ratio, and −Aβ is the loop gain. For positive feedback, the feedback gain is expressed as: For Aβ = 1, the eq.yields Af = ∞. The amplifier then produces an output voltage without any externally applied input voltage. Thus, the amplifier becomes an oscillator. When the signal equals Vo′ ⇒ AβVo = Vo or Aβ = 1, the output voltage regenerates itself and the amplifier oscillates. This condition is called the Barkhausen criterion. This condition means that | Aβ | = 1 and the phase angle of Aβ is zero or an integral multiple of 360. The basic conditions for oscillation in a feedback amplifier are: (1) the feedback must be regenerative, (2) the loop-gain must be unity, and (3) the phase difference must be zero or an integral multiple of 360. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics Vs + 23 V Vo A(f) + Vf SelectiveNetwork (f) Thus, the condition for sinusoidal oscillation of frequency f0 is; A jω0 β jω0 1 This is known as Barkhausen criterion. Q.3 Explain LC network? Ans Some sine-wave oscillators use resonant circuits consisting of inductance and capacitance. For example, recall the tank circuit in which a resonant circuit stores energy alternately in the inductor and capacitor, producing a sine wave. If there were absolutely no internal resistances in a tank circuit, oscillations would continue indefinitely, Each resonant circuit does, however, contain some resistance which dissipates power. This power loss causes the amplitude to decrease; The reduction of amplitude in an oscillator circuit is referred to as DAMPING. Damping is caused by both tank and load resistances. The larger the tank resistance, the greater the amount of damping. Loading the tank causes the same effect as increasing the internal resistance of the tank. The effect of this damping can be overcome by applying regenerative feedback. For free study notes log on: 24 Resonant Frequency of a LC Oscillator Where: L is the Inductance in Henries C is the Capacitance in Farads ƒr is the Output Frequency in Hertz This equation shows that if either L or C is decreased, the frequency increases. This output frequency is commonly given the abbreviation of ( ƒr ) to identify it as the "resonant frequency". To keep the oscillations going in an LC tank circuit, we have to replace all the energy lost in each oscillation and also maintain the amplitude of these oscillations at a constant level. The amount of energy replaced must therefore be equal to the energy lost during each cycle. If the energy replaced is too large the amplitude would increase until clipping of the supply rails occurs. Alternatively, For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 25 if the amount of energy replaced is too small the amplitude would eventually decrease to zero over time and the oscillations would stop. Two well-known Oscillators: • Colpitts Oscillator • Harley Oscillator Q.4 Ans Give circuit diagram with explanation of Hartley oscillator? In the Hartley Oscillator the tuned LC circuit is connected between the collector and the base of the transistor amplifier. As far as the oscillatory voltage is concerned, the emitter is connected to a tapping point on the tuned circuit coil. The feedback of the tuned tank circuit is taken from the centre tap of the inductor coil or even two separate coils in series which are in parallel with a variable capacitor, C as shown. The Hartley circuit is often referred to as a split-inductance oscillator because coil L is centre-tapped. In effect, inductance L acts like two separate coils in very close proximity with the current flowing through coil section XY induces a signal into coil section YZ below. An Hartley Oscillator circuit can be made from any configuration that uses either a single tapped coil (similar to an autotransformer) or a pair of series connected coils in parallel with a single capacitor as shown below. For free study notes log on: 26 Basic Hartley Oscillator Circuit When the circuit is oscillating, the voltage at point X (collector), relative to point Y (emitter), is 180o out-of-phase with the voltage at point Z (base) relative to point Y. At the frequency of oscillation, the impedance of the Collector load is resistive and an increase in Base voltage causes a decrease in the Collector voltage. Then there is a 180o phase change in the voltage between the Base and Collector and this along with the original 180o phase shift in the feedback loop provides the correct phase relationship of positive feedback for oscillations to be maintained. The amount of feedback depends upon the position of the "tapping point" of the inductor. If this is moved nearer to the collector the amount of feedback is increased, but the output taken between the Collector and earth is reduced and vice versa. Resistors, R1 and R2 provide the usual stabilizing DC bias for the transistor in the normal manner while the capacitors act as DC-blocking capacitors. In this Hartley Oscillator circuit, the DC Collector current flows through part of the coil and for this reason the circuit is said to be "Series-fed" with the frequency of oscillation of the Hartley Oscillator being given as. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 27 Note: LT is the total cumulatively coupled inductance if two separate coils are used including their mutual inductance, M. The frequency of oscillations can be adjusted by varying the "tuning" capacitor, C or by varying the position of the iron-dust core inside the coil (inductive tuning) giving an output over a wide range of frequencies making it very easy to tune. Also the Hartley Oscillator produces output amplitude which is constant over the entire frequency range. Q.5 Ans What do you mean by RC phase shift oscillator? In an RC Oscillator circuit the input is shifted 180o through the amplifier stage and 180o again through a second inverting stage giving us "180o + 180o = 360o" of phase shift which is the same as 0o thereby giving us the required positive feedback. In other words, the phase shift of the feedback loop should be "0". In a Resistance-Capacitance Oscillator or simply an RC Oscillator, we make use of the fact that a phase shift occurs between the input to a RC network and the output from the same network by using RC elements in the feedback branch For free study notes log on: 28 The circuit on the left shows a single resistor-capacitor network and whose output voltage "leads" the input voltage by some angle less than 90 o. An ideal single-pole RC circuit would produce a phase shift of exactly 90o, and because 180o of phase shift is required for oscillation, at least two single-poles must be used in an RC oscillator design. However in reality it is difficult to obtain exactly 90 o of phase shift so more stages are used. The amount of actual phase shift in the circuit depends upon the values of the resistor and the capacitor, and the chosen frequency of oscillations with the phase angle ( Φ ) being given as: For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 29 The basic RC Oscillator which is also known as a Phase-shift Oscillator, produces a sine wave output signal using regenerative feedback obtained from the resistor-capacitor combination. This regenerative feedback from the RC network is due to the ability of the capacitor to store an electric charge, (similar to the LC tank circuit). This resistor-capacitor feedback network can be connected as shown above to produce a leading phase shift (phase advance network) or interchanged to produce a lagging phase shift (phase retard network) the outcome is still the same as the sine wave oscillations only occur at the frequency at which the overall phase-shift is 360o. By varying one or more of the resistors or capacitors in the phase-shift network, the frequency can be varied and generally this is done by keeping the resistors the same and using a 3-ganged variable capacitor. For free study notes log on: 30 Q.6 Explain colpitts oscillator? Ans The basic configuration of the Colpitts Oscillator resembles that of the Hartley Oscillator but the difference this time is that the centre tapping of the tank subcircuit is now made at the junction of a "capacitive voltage divider" network instead of a tapped autotransformer type inductor as in the Hartley oscillator. Colpitts Oscillator Circuit The Colpitts oscillator uses a capacitor voltage divider as its feedback source. The two capacitors, C1 and C2 are placed across a common inductor, L as shown so that C1, C2 and L forms the tuned tank circuit the same as for the Hartley oscillator circuit. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 31 The advantage of this type of tank circuit configuration is that with less self and mutual inductance in the tank circuit, frequency stability is improved along with a more simple design. As with the Hartley oscillator, the Colpitts oscillator uses a single stage bipolar transistor amplifier as the gain element which produces a sinusoidal output. Consider the circuit below. Basic Colpitts Oscillator Circuit The transistor amplifiers emitter is connected to the junction of capacitors, C1 and C2 which are connected in series and act as a simple voltage divider. When the power supply is firstly applied, capacitors C1 and C2 charge up and then discharge through the coil L. The oscillations across the capacitors are applied to the base-emitter junction and appear in the amplified at the collector output. The amount of feedback depends on the values of C1 and C2 with the smaller the values of C the greater will be the feedback. The required external phase shift is obtained in a similar manner to that in the Hartley oscillator circuit with the required positive feedback obtained for sustained un-damped oscillations. The amount of feedback is determined by the ratio of C1 and C2 which are generally "ganged" together to provide a constant amount of feedback so as one is adjusted the other automatically follows. The For free study notes log on: 32 frequency of oscillations for a Colpitts oscillator is determined by the resonant frequency of the LC tank circuit and is given as: where CT is the capacitance of C1 and C2 connected in series and is given as:. The configuration of the transistor amplifier is of a Common Emitter Amplifier with the output signal 180o out of phase with regards to the input signal. The additional 180o phase shift require for oscillation is achieved by the fact that the two capacitors are connected together in series but in parallel with the inductive coil resulting in overall phase shift of the circuit being zero or 360o. Resistors, R1 and R2 provide the usual stabilizing DC bias for the transistor in the normal manner while the capacitor acts as DC-blocking capacitors. The radiofrequency choke (RFC) is used to provide a high reactance (ideally open circuit) at the frequency of oscillation, ( ƒr ) and a low resistance at DC. Q.7 Discuss the wein bridge oscillator? Ans The Wien Bridge Oscillator is so called because the circuit is based on a frequency-selective form of the Whetstone bridge circuit. The Wien Bridge oscillator is a two-stage RC coupled amplifier circuit that has good stability at its resonant frequency, low distortion and is very easy to tune making it a popular circuit as an audio frequency oscillator but the phase shift of the output signal is considerably different from the previous phase shift RC Oscillator. The Wien Bridge Oscillator uses a feedback circuit consisting of a series RC circuit connected with a parallel RC of the same component values producing a phase delay or phase advance circuit depending upon the frequency. At the resonant frequency ƒr the phase shift is 0o For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 33 The output of the operational amplifier is fed back to both the inputs of the amplifier. One part of the feedback signal is connected to the inverting input terminal (negative feedback) via the resistor divider network of R1 and R2 which allows the amplifiers voltage gain to be adjusted within narrow limits. The other part is fed back to the non-inverting input terminal (positive feedback) via the RC Wien Bridge network. The RC network is connected in the positive feedback path of the amplifier and has zero phase shift a just one frequency. Then at the selected resonant frequency, ( ƒr ) the voltages applied to the inverting and non-inverting inputs will be equal and "in-phase" so the positive feedback will cancel out the negative feedback signal causing the circuit to oscillate. Also the voltage gain of the amplifier circuit MUST be equal to three "Gain = 3" for oscillations to start. This value is set by the feedback resistor network, R1 and R2 for an inverting amplifier and is given as the ratio -R1/R2. Also, due to the open-loop gain limitations of operational amplifiers, frequencies above 1MHz are unachievable without the use of special high frequency op-amps. For free study notes log on: 34 Q.8 Briefly describe the crystal oscillator . Ans To obtain a very high level of oscillator stability a Quartz Crystal is generally used as the frequency determining device to produce another types of oscillator circuit known generally as a Quartz Crystal Oscillator. When a voltage source is applied to a small thin piece of quartz crystal, it begins to change shape producing a characteristic known as the Piezo-electric effect. This piezo-electric effect is the property of a crystal by which an electrical charge produces a mechanical force by changing the shape of the crystal and vice versa, a mechanical force applied to the crystal produces an electrical charge. Then, piezo-electric devices can be classed as Transducers as they convert energy of one kind into energy of another (electrical to mechanical or mechanical to electrical). This piezo-electric effect produces mechanical vibrations or oscillations which are used to replace the LC tank circuit in the previous oscillators. There are many different types of crystal substances which can be used as oscillators with the most important of these for electronic circuits being the quartz minerals because of their greater mechanical strength. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 35 The quartz crystal used in a Quartz Crystal Oscillator is a very small, thin piece or wafer of cut quartz with the two parallel surfaces metallised to make the required electrical connections. The physical size and thickness of a piece of quartz crystal is tightly controlled since it affects the final frequency of oscillations and is called the crystals "characteristic frequency". Then once cut and shaped, the crystal cannot be used at any other frequency. In other words, its size and shape determines its frequency. The crystals characteristic or resonant frequency is inversely proportional to its physical thickness between the two metallised surfaces. A mechanically vibrating crystal can be represented by an equivalent electrical circuit consisting of low resistance, large inductance and small capacitance as shown below. The equivalent circuit for the quartz crystal shows an RLC series circuit, which represents the mechanical vibrations of the crystal, in parallel with a capacitance, Cp which represents the electrical connections to the crystal. Quartz crystal oscillators operate at "parallel resonance", and the equivalent impedance of the crystal has a series resonance where Cs resonates with inductance, L and a parallel resonance where L resonates with the series combination of Cs and Cp as shown. For free study notes log on: 36 Crystal Reactance The slope of the reactance against frequency above, shows that the series reactance at frequency ƒs is inversely proportional to Cs because below ƒs and above ƒp the crystal appears capacitive, i.e. dX/dƒ, where X is the reactance. Between frequencies ƒs and ƒp, the crystal appears inductive as the two parallel capacitances cancel out. The point where the reactance values of the capacitances and inductance cancel each other out Xc = XL is the fundamental frequency of the crystal. A quartz crystal has a resonant frequency similar to that of a electrically tuned tank circuit but with a much higher Q factor due to its low resistance, with typical frequencies ranging from 4kHz to 10MHz. The cut of the crystal also determines how it will behave as some crystals will vibrate at more than one frequency. Also, if the crystal is not of a parallel or uniform thickness it have two or more resonant frequencies having both a fundamental frequency and harmonics such as second or third harmonics. Generally though the fundamental frequency is much more stronger or pronounced than the harmonics around it so this is the one used. The equivalent circuit above has three reactive components and there are two resonant frequencies, the lowest is a series type frequency and the highest a parallel type resonant frequency. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 37 We have seen in the previous tutorials, that an amplifier circuit will oscillate if it has a loop gain greater or equal to one and the feedback is positive. In a Quartz Crystal Oscillator circuit the oscillator will oscillate at the crystals fundamental parallel resonant frequency as the crystal always wants to oscillate when a voltage source is applied to it. Q.9 Explain monostable, bistable and astable multivibrator ? Ans Astable Multivibrator Astable Multivibrator is a two stage switching circuit in which the output of the first stage is fed to the input of the second stage and vice versa. The outputs of both the stages are complementary. This free running multivibrator generates square wave without any external triggering pulse. The circuit has two states and switches back and forth from one state to another, remaining in each state for a time depending upon the discharging of a capacitor through a resistor. The following circuit is an astable multivibrator, or oscillator. The two transistors are cross-coupled in such a way that the circuit switches back and forth between two states. In one state, the base of Q1 is about one diode drop above ground, allowing a base current to flow. This keeps Q1 switched on, in saturation mode, allowing a current to flow through the collector, keeping Q1's collector voltage low, and discharging C1. Q2 is switched off, because its base voltage is not high enough to switch it on As the collector current into Q1 charges C1, the base voltage for Q2 goes up, until it is high enough to switch on Q2, causing a current to flow through its collector, which drops the collector voltage (the current causes a voltage drop across the resistor above it). The right side of C2 has dropped, but the voltage across it hasn't changed, so this causes Q1's base voltage to drop below ground, switching it off. Then we get the other half of the cycle, with current flowing through Q2. This continues until Q1 turns on, and then the cycle repeats. For free study notes log on: 38 Monostable multivibrator In a monostable multivibrator, one of the state is absolutely permanent i.e, stable and the other one is temporary i.e, quasi-stable. When an external trigger pulse is applied to the mono-stable at appropriate point, the mono-stable changes it state from stabe state to quasi-stable state. It stays in the quasi-stable state for a predetermined length of certain interval remains there until another pulse is applied. Thus a mono stable multivibrator can not generate square wave of its own like an astable multivibrator. Only external pulse will cause if to generate the square wave. In other words, a multi vibrator in which one transistor is always conducting (i.e. in the ON state) and the other is non conducting (i.e. in the OFF state) is called mono stable multivibrator. It is also called a single shot or single swing or a one shot multi vibrator. Other names are delay multi-vibrator and univibrator. To change the monostble multivibrator state from the stable to quasi-state the external trigger pulses are to be applied. In general the negative triggering has greater sensitivity, because here the negative pulse amplitude should be enough, so as to bring the operating point from saturation to active region. Secondly when the base emitter voltage of a junction changes from forward bias to reverse bias, its input impedance is continuously rising, which avoids the loading of the triggering source. It should be further noted that the monostable period is affected by this method. The positive pulse triggering has sensitivity, because to turn of the transistor from the OFF state, it is necessary to feed the excess stored charge in the base such that the amplitude of triggering pulse is enough and is derived from a low impedance source, which can supply a peak demand current to turn on. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 39 Bistable multivibrator The bistable multivibrator has two absolutely stable states. It will remain in whichever state it happens to be until a trigger pulse causes it to switch to the other state. For instance, suppose at any particular instant, transistor Q1 is conducting and transistor Q2 is at cut-off. If left to itself, the bistable multivibrator will stay in this position for ever. However, if an external pulse is applied to the circuit in such a way that Q1 is cut-off and Q2 is turned on, the circuit will stay in the new position. Another trigger pulse is then required to switch the circuit back to its original state. In other words a multivibrator which has both the state stable is called a bistable multivibrator. It is also called flip-flop, trigger circuit or binary. The output pulse is obtained when, and why a driving (triggering) pulse is applied to the input. A full cycle of output is produced for every two triggering pulses of correct polarity and amplitude. Figure (a) shows the circuit of a bistable multivibrator using two NPN transistors. Here the output of a transistor Q2 is coupled put of a transistor Q1 through a resistor R2. Similarly, the output of a transistor Q1 is coupled to the base of transistor Q2 through a resistor R1. The capacitors C2 and C1 are known as speed For free study notes log on: 40 up capacitors. Their function is to increase the speed of the circuit in making abrupt transition from one stable state to another stable state. The base resistors (R3 and R4) of both the transistors are connected to a common source (-VBB). The output of a bistable multivibrator is available at the collector terminal of the both the transistor Q1 and Q2. However, the two outputs are the complements of each other. Let us suppose, if Q1 is conducting, then the fact that point A is at nearly ON makes the base of Q2 negative (by the potential divider R2 - R4) and holds Q2 off. Similarly with Q2 OFF, the potential divider from VCC to -VBB (RL2, R1, R3) is designed to keep base of Q1 at about 0.7V ensuring that Q1 conducts. It is seen that Q1 holds Q2 OFF and Q2 hold Q1 ON. Suppose, now a positive pulse is applied momentarily to R. It will cause Q2 to conduct. As collector of Q2 falls to zero, it cuts Q1 OFF and consequently, the BMV switches over to its other state. Similarly, a positive trigger pulse applied to S will switch the BMV back to its original state. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 41 Q.10 What do you mean by Schmitt trigger ? Ans Schmitt trigger belongs to a class of bistable multivibrator circuits. In a bistable, there exist two D.C. couplings from each output to input of the other. But in Schmitt trigger circuit, there exists only one coupling. It can be recalled that if in the emitter coupled bistable the feedback network from the collector of transistor Q2 to the base of transistor Q1 is removed , it becomes a Schmitt trigger circuit. The Schmitt trigger is used for wave shaping circuits. It can be used for generation of a square wave from a sine wave input. Basically, the circuit has two opposite operating states like in all other multivibrator circuits. However, the trigger signal is not, typically, a pulse waveform but a slowly varying A.C. Voltage. The Schmitt trigger is level sensitive and switches the output state at two distinct trigger levels. One of the triggering levels is called a lower trigger level and the other as upper trigger level . The circuit of a Schmitt trigger, the circuit of Schmitt trigger contains of two identical transistors Q1 and Q2 coupled through an emitter RE. The resistor R1 and R2 form a voltage divider across the VCC supply and ground. These resistors provide a small forward bias on the base of transistor Q2. Let us suppose that initially there is no signal at the input. Then as soon as the power supply VCC is switched on, the transistor Q2 starts conducting. The flow of its current through resistor RE produces a voltage drop across it. This voltage For free study notes log on: 42 drop acts as a reverse bias across the emitter junction of transistor Q 1 due to which it cuts-off. As a result of this, the voltage at its collector rises to V CC. This rising voltage is coupled to the base of transistor Q2 through the resistor R1. It increases the forward bias at the base of transistor Q2 and therefore drives it into saturation and holds it there. At this instant, the collector voltage, level are V C1 = VCC and VC2 = VCE(sat). Now suppose an A.C. signal is applied at the input of the Schmitt trigger (i.e. at the base of the transistor Q1). As the input voltage increases above zero, nothing will happen till it crosses the upper trigger level (U.L.T). As the input voltage increases, above the upper trigger level, the transistor Q 1 conducts. The point, at which it starts conducting, is known as upper trigger point (U.T.P). As the For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 43 transistor Q1 conducts, its collector voltage falls below VCC. This fall is coupled through resistor R1 to the base of transistor Q2 which reduces its forward bias. This in turn reduces the current of transistor Q2 and hence the voltage drop across the resistor RE. As a result of this, the reverse bias of transistor Q 1 is reduced and it conducts more. As the transistor Q1 conducts more heavily, its collector further reduces due to which the transistor Q1 conducts near cut-off. This process continues till the transistor Q1 is driven into saturation and Q2 into cut-off. At this instant, the collector voltage levels are VC1 = VCE(sat) and VC2 = VCC as shown in the figure. The transistor Q1 will continue to conduct till the input voltage falls below the lower trigger level (L.T.L). It will be interesting to know that when the input voltage becomes equal to the lower trigger level, the emitter base junction of transistor Q1 becomes reverse biased. As a result of this, its collector voltage starts rising toward VCC. This rising voltage increases the forward bias across transistor Q2 due to which it conducts. The point, at which transistor Q2 starts conducting, is called lower trigger point (L.T.P). Soon the transistor Q 2 is driven into saturation and Q1 to cur-off. This completes one cycle. The collector voltage levels at this instant are VC1 = VCC and VC2 = VCE(sat). No change in state will occur during the negative half cycle of the input voltage. It is proved from the above discussion that the output of a Schmitt trigger is a positive going pulse, whose width depends upon the time during which transistor Q1 is conducting. The conduction time is set by the upper and lower trigger levels. For free study notes log on: 44 Unit 3 High Frequency Amplifier Q.1 Give the need of high frequency amplifier ? Ans In the high- and intermediate-frequency assemblies of telecommunication systems, amplifiers composed of discrete transistors are still used in addition to modern integrated amplifiers. This is particularly the case in high-frequency power amplifiers employed in transmitters. In low-frequency assemblies, on the other hand, only integrated amplifiers are used. The use of discrete transistors is due to the status quo of semiconductor technology. The development of new semiconductor processes with higher transit frequencies is soon followed by the production of discrete transistors, but the production of integrated circuits on the basis of a new process does not usually occur until some years later. Furthermore, the production of discrete transistors with particularly high transit frequencies often makes use of materials or processes which are not (or not yet) suitable for the production of integrated circuits in the scope of production engineering or for economic reasons. The high growth rate in radio communication systems has, however, boosted the development of semiconductor processes for high-frequency applications. Integrated circuits on the basis of compound semiconductors such as galliumarsenide (GaAs) or silicongermanium (SiGe) can be used up to the GHz range. For applications up to approximately 3 GHz bipolar transistors are mainly used, which, in the case of GaAs or SiGe designs, are known as hetero-junction bipolar transistors (HBT). Above 3 GHz, gallium-arsenide junction FETs or metalsemiconductor field effect transistors (MESFETs) are used.1 the transit frequencies range between 50 . . . 100 GHz. Q.2 Give the principal construction of high frequency amplifier? Ans In principle, integrated high-frequency amplifiers use the same circuitry as lowfrequency or operational amplifiers. A typical amplifier consists of a differential amplifier used as a voltage amplifier and common-collector circuits used as current amplifiers or impedance converters (see Fig. 27.1a). The differential amplifier is often designed as a cascode differential amplifier to reduce its reverse transmission and its input capacitance (no Miller For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 45 effect).. Since the transit frequency ofhigh-frequency transistors (fT ≈ 50 . . . 100 GHz) is approximately 100 times higher than that of low-frequency transistors (fT ≈ 500 MHz. . . 1 GHz), the bandwidth of the amplifier increases by approximately the same factor. This, however, presumes that the parasitic of the bond wires and the connections within the integrated circuit can be reduced enough so that the bandwidth is primarily determined by the transit frequency of the transistors and is not limited by the connections. This is a key problem in both the design and use of high-frequency semiconductor processes. Q.3 Explain hybrid pie model ? Ans The hybrid-pi model is a popular circuit model used for analyzing the small signal behavior of bipolar junction and field effect transistors. The model can be For free study notes log on: 46 quite accurate for low-frequency circuits and can easily be adapted for higher frequency circuits with the addition of appropriate inter-electrode capacitances and other parasitic elements. Combine the internal capacitances and lead resistance in a modified Hybrid-π model. B ic (ω ) ib (ω ) r C + v - gmv C C + vce - ro Therefore use this model to construct small-signal circuit when vi is operating at high frequency. E * Note , since ,Zc = 1/jωc all currents and voltages will be dependent on operating frequency and the voltage across r is v , but v vbe . Note at low-frequencies, the model reverts to the original Hybrid-π model. Q.4 Ans Explain differential high frequency amplifier ? This device is a monolithic two-stage high- frequency amplifier with differential inputs and outputs. Internal feedback provides wide bandwidth, low phase distortion, and excellent gain stability. Variable gain based on signal summation provides large AGC control over a wide bandwidth with low harmonic distortion. Emitter-follower outputs enable the device to drive capacitive loads. All stages are current-source biased to obtain high common-mode and supply-voltage rejection ratios. The gain may be electronically attenuated by applying a control voltage to the AGC pin. No external compensation components are required. This device is particularly useful in TV and radio IF and RF AGC circuits, as well as magnetic-tape and disk-file systems where AGC is needed. Other applications include video and pulse amplifiers where a large AGC range, wide bandwidth, low phase shift, and excellent gain stability are required. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics Q.5 Ans 47 Explain impedance matching with series inductance? For high-frequency bipolar transistors with a transit frequency above 10 GHz, the capacitances of the actual transistor are so low that the input and output capacitances are formed by the parasitic capacitance of the case. The equivalent circuit for these transistors with case capacitances CBE and CCE and case inductances LB, LC and LE where the relationships are CBE > CCE > CC and LB ≈ LC > LE. The equivalent circuit can be simplified owing to the component dimensions. When using the simplified equivalent circuit for a multi-stage amplifier, the circuitry between each of the stages represents a Collins filter. The capacitances of the filter are formed by the capacitances of the transistor and the inductances of the filter by the series connection of the case inductances and an external inductance. Therefore, if the dimensions are favorable, matching between the stages can be achieved with a series inductance. Similarly, the parasitic elements of the transistors at the input and output of the amplifier can be integrated into a Collins filter. For free study notes log on: 48 For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 49 Unit 4 Tuned Amplifier Q.1 What do you understand by tuned amplifier? Ans 'Tuned' amplifiers are amplifiers involving a resonant circuit, and are intended for selective amplification within a narrow band of frequencies. Radio and TV amplifiers employ tuned amplifiers to select one broadcast channel from among the many concurrently induced in an antenna or transmitted through a cable. Q.2 Ans Give the advantages of tuned amplifier? (i) Small power loss. A tuned parallel circuit employs reactive components Land C. Consequently, the power loss in such a circuit is quite low. On the other hand, if a resistive load is used in the collector circuit, there will be considerable loss of power. Therefore, tuned amplifiers are highly efficient. For free study notes log on: 50 (ii) High selectivity. A tuned circuit has the property of selectivity i.e. it can select the desired frequency for amplification out of a large number of frequencies simultaneously impressed upon it. For instance, if a mixture of frequencies including fr is fed to the input of a tuned amplifier, then maximum amplification occurs for fr. For all other frequencies, the tuned circuit offers very low impedance and hence these are amplified to a little extent and may be thought as rejected by the circuit. On the other hand, if we use resistive load in the collector, all the frequencies will be amplified equally well i.e. the circuit will not have the ability to select the desired frequency. (iii) Smaller collector supply voltage. Because of little resistance in the parallel tuned circuit, it requires small collector supply voltage VCC. On the other hand, if a high load resistance is used in the collector for amplifying even one frequency, it would mean large voltage drop across it due to zero signal collector current. Consequently, a higher collector supply will be needed. Q.3 Explain the quality factor Q and also the bandwidth in tuned amplifier? Ans Quality factor Q The Q, quality factor, of a resonant circuit is a measure of the “goodness” or quality of a resonant circuit. A higher value for this figure of merit corresponds to a narrower bandwidth, which is desirable in many applications. More formally, Q is the ration of power stored to power dissipated in the circuit reactance and resistance. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 51 The sharp rtesonance curve means that impedance should fall very rapidly as the frequency is varied from resonance frequency. Thus the ratio of inductive reactance of the coil at resonance is known as quality factor. This is expressed by Q and is given by Q = Xl / R Q = ωr L/ R Q = 2π fr L / R Band width The rang of frequencies at which the impedance of the tuned amplifier falls to 70.7% of the maximum impedance is called its bandwidth. Bandwidth = f2 – f1 = fr /Q The difference f1 – f2 is called as pass band of the circuit . the frequencies below f1 and above f2 will not pass. So the bandwidth gives the discriminating property of the resonant circuit. Therefore, higher is the Q value, smaller is the bandwidth. For free study notes log on: 52 Q.4 Ans Give analyses of single tuned amplifier. A single tuned amplifier consists of a transistor amplifier containing a parallel tuned circuit as the collector load. The values of capacitance and inductance of the tuned circuit are so selected that its resonant frequency is equal to the frequency to be amplified Operation. The high frequency signal to be amplified is given to the input of the amplifier. The resonant frequency of parallel tuned circuit is made equal to the frequency of the signal by changing the value of C. Under such conditions, the tuned circuit will offer very high impedance to the signal frequency. Hence a large output appears across the tuned circuit. In case the input signal is complex containing many frequencies, only that frequency which corresponds to the resonant frequency of the tuned circuit will be amplified. All other frequencies will be rejected by the tuned circuit. In this way, a tuned amplifier selects and amplifies the desired frequency. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics Q.5 Ans 53 What do you mean by double tuned amplifier? The disadvantage of potential instability in single tuned amplifiers can be overcome in Double tuned amplifiers. A double tuned amplifier consists of inductively coupled two tuned circuits. One L1, C1 and the other L2, C2. In the Collector terminals change in the coupling of the two tuned circuits results in change in the shape of the Frequency response curve. By proper adjustment of the coupling between the two coils of the two tuned circuits, the required results (High selectivity, high Voltage gain and required bandwidth) may be obtained. Operation The high Frequency signal to be amplified is applied to the input terminal of the amplifier. The resonant Frequency of TUNED CIRCUIT connected in the Collector circuit is made equal to signal Frequency by varying the value of C1. Now the tuned circuit L1, C1 offers very high Impedance to input signal Frequency and therefore, large output is developed across it. The output from the tuned circuit L1,C1 is transferred to the second tuned circuit L2, C2 through Mutual Induction. Hence the Frequency response in Double Tuned amplifier depends on the Magnetic Coupling of L1 and L2. For free study notes log on: 54 Advantage Tuned amplifiers are usually used in Radio Frequency stage of wireless communication systems, where such circuits are assigned the work of selecting the desired carrier frequency and of amplifying the permitted pass band around the selected carrier frequency. ie; The Tuned amplifiers should be highly Selective. But high selectivity requires a Tuned circuit with a high Quality Factor. A high Quality Factor (Q Factor) circuit will give a high Voltage gain, but at the same time, it will give much reduced bandwidth because the bandwidth is Inversely Proportional to Q-Factor. It means a tuned amplifier with reduced bandwidth may not be able to amplify equally the complete band of signals and results in Poor Reproduction of input signal. This is called potential instability in tuned amplifiers. Q.6 Ans Explain staggered tuned amplifier . Stagger Tuned Amplifiers are used to improve the overall frequency response of tuned Amplifiers. Stagger tuned Amplifiers are usually designed so that the overall response exhibits maximal flatness around the centre frequency. It needs a number of tuned circuit operating in union. The overall frequency response of a Stagger tuned amplifier is obtained by adding the individual response together. Since the resonant Frequencies of different tuned circuits are displaced or staggered, they are referred as staggered tuned amplifier. The main advantage of stagger tuned amplifier is increased bandwidth. Its Drawback is Reduced Selectivity and critical tuning of many tank circuits. They are used in RF amplifier stage in Radio Receivers. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 55 For free study notes log on: 56 Unit 5 Power Amplifier Q.1 What do you mean by power amplifier ? Ans The Small Signal Amplifier is generally referred to as a "Voltage" amplifier because they usually convert a small input voltage into a much larger output voltage. Sometimes an amplifier circuit is required to drive a motor or feed a loudspeaker and for these types of applications where high switching currents are needed Power Amplifiers are required. As their name suggests, the main job of a "Power Amplifier" (also known as a large signal amplifier), is to deliver power to the load, and as we know from above, is the product of the voltage and current applied to the load with the output signal power being greater than the input signal power. In other words, a power amplifier amplifies the power of the input signal which is why these types of amplifier circuits are used in audio amplifier output stages to drive loudspeakers. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 57 The power amplifier works on the basic principle of converting the DC power drawn from the power supply into an AC voltage signal delivered to the load. Although the amplification is high the efficiency of the conversion from the DC power supply input to the AC voltage signal output is usually poor. The perfect or ideal amplifier would give us an efficiency rating of 100% or at least the power "IN" would be equal to the power "OUT". However, in reality this can never happen as some of the power is lost in the form of heat and also, the amplifier itself consumes power during the amplification process. Q.2 Give the classification of power amplifier? Ans Type of Signal Type of Configuration Classification Frequency of Operation Small Signal Common Emitter Class A Amplifier Direct Current (DC) Large Signal Common Base Class B Amplifier Audio Frequencies (AF) Common Collector Class AB Amplifier Radio Frequencies (RF) For free study notes log on: 58 Class C Amplifier Q.3 VHF, UHF and SHF Frequencies Explain the different terms used in power amplifier ? Ans 1. Collector efficiency- the ratio of a.c. output to the zero signal power is defiend as collector efficiency. This is expressed as (η). η = average a.c. power output / average dc power input 2. Power dissipation capacity- It is termed as the ability of a power transistor to dissipate the heat developed in it. Durng operation of transistor . it heats up due to large current . the increased tmpreture influences the operating point. So the transistor must dessipate the heat to the surroundinds. 3. Distortion – the change of output wave shape from the input wave shape of the amplifier is defined as occurs as transistor is a non linear device. Q.4 Explain the different classes of amplifier. Ans The classification of an amplifier as either a voltage or a power amplifier is made by comparing the characteristics of the input and output signals by measuring the amount of time in relation to the input signal that the current flows in the output circuit. We saw in the Common Emitter transistor tutorial that for the transistor to operate within its "Active Region" some form of "Base Biasing" was required. This small Base Bias voltage added to the input signal allowed the transistor to reproduce the full input waveform at its output with no loss of signal. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 59 However, by altering the position of this Base bias voltage, it is possible to operate an amplifier in an amplification mode other than that for full waveform reproduction. With the introduction to the amplifier of a Base bias voltage, different operating ranges and modes of operation can be obtained which are categorized according to their classification. These various mode of operation are better known asAmplifier Class. Audio power amplifiers are classified in an alphabetical order according to their circuit configurations and mode of operation. Amplifiers are designated by different classes of operation such as class "A", class "B", class "C", class "AB", etc. These different Amplifier Classes range from a near linear output but with low efficiency to a non-linear output but with a high efficiency. No one class of operation is "better" or "worse" than any other class with the type of operation being determined by the use of the amplifying circuit. There are typical maximum efficiencies for the various types or class of amplifier, with the most commonly used being: Class A Amplifier - has low efficiency of less than 40% but good signal reproduction and linearity. Class B Amplifier - is twice as efficient as class A amplifiers with a maximum theoretical efficiency of about 70% because the amplifying device only conducts (and uses power) for half of the input signal. Class AB Amplifier - has an efficiency rating between that of Class A and Class B but poorer signal reproduction than class A amplifiers. Class C Amplifier - is the most efficient amplifier class as only a very small portion of the input signal is amplified therefore the output signal bears very little resemblance to the input signal. Class C amplifiers have the worst signal reproduction. Q.5 What is class A amplifier ? Ans Class A Amplifier operation is where the entire input signal waveform is faithfully reproduced at the amplifiers output as the transistor is perfectly biased within its active region, thereby never reaching either of its Cut-off or Saturation regions. This then results in the AC input signal being perfectly "centred" between the amplifiers upper and lower signal limits as shown below. Class A Output Waveform For free study notes log on: 60 In this configuration, the Class A amplifier uses the same transistor for both halves of the output waveform and due to its biasing arrangement the output transistor always has current flowing through it, even if there is no input signal. In other words the output transistors never turn "OFF". This results in the class A type of operation being very inefficient as its conversion of the DC supply power to the AC signal power delivered to the load is usually very low. Generally, the output transistor of a Class A amplifier gets very hot even when there is no input signal present so some form of heat sinking is required. The DC current flowing through the output transistor (Ic) when there is no output signal will be equal to the current flowing through the load. Then a pure Class A amplifier is very inefficient as most of the DC power is converted to heat. Q.6 Explain class B amplifier? Ans Class B Unlike the Class A amplifier mode of operation above that uses a single transistor for its output power stage, the Class B Amplifier uses two complimentary transistors (an NPN and a PNP) for each half of the output waveform. One transistor conducts for one-half of the signal waveform while the other conducts for the other or opposite half of the signal waveform. This means that each transistor spends half of its time in the active region and half its time in the cut-off region thereby amplifying only 50% of the input signal. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 61 Class B operation has no direct DC bias voltage like the class A amplifier, but instead the transistor only conducts when the input signal is greater than the base-emitter voltage and for silicon devices is about 0.7v. Therefore, at zero input there is zero output. This then results in only half the input signal being presented at the amplifiers output giving a greater amount of amplifier efficiency as shown below. Class B Output Waveform In a class B amplifier, no DC current is used to bias the transistors, so for the output transistors to start to conduct each half of the waveform, both positive and negative, they need the base-emitter voltageVbe to be greater than the 0.7v required for a bipolar transistor to start conducting. Then the lower part of the output waveform which is below this 0.7v window will not be reproduced accurately resulting in a distorted area of the output waveform as one transistor turns "OFF" waiting for the other to turn back "ON". The result is that there is a small part of the output waveform at the zero voltage cross over point which will be distorted. This type of distortion is called Crossover Distortion and is looked at later on in this section. For free study notes log on: 62 Q.7 What do you mean by class AB and class C amplifier? Ans Class AB The Class AB Amplifier is a compromise between the Class A and the Class B configurations above. While Class AB operation still uses two complementary transistors in its output stage a very small biasing voltage is applied to the Base of the transistor to bias it close to the Cut-off region when no input signal is present.An input signal will cause the transistor to operate as normal in its Active region thereby eliminating any crossover distortion which is present in class B configurations. A small Collector current will flow when there is no input signal but it is much less than that for the Class A amplifier configuration. This means then that the transistor will be "ON" for more than half a cycle of the waveform. This type of amplifier configuration improves both the efficiency and linearity of the amplifier circuit compared to a pure Class A configuration. Class AB Output Waveform The class of operation for an amplifier is very important and is based on the amount of transistor bias required for operation as well as the amplitude required For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 63 for the input signal. Amplifier classification takes into account the portion of the input signal in which the transistor conducts as well as determining both the efficiency and the amount of power that the switching transistor both consumes and dissipates in the form of wasted heat. Class C A class C power amplifier is biased to operate for less than 180° of the input signal cycle, as shown in circuit. The tuned circuit in the output, however, will provide a full cycle of output signal for the fundamental or resonant frequency of the tuned circuit (L and C tank circuit) of the output. The use of such amplifiers is, therefore, limited for a fixed frequency, as occurs in communication circuits, for example. operation of a class C circuit is not intended primarily for large signal or power amplifiers. For free study notes log on: 64 Q,8 Exlain push pull amplifier with transistor ? Ans Class A push pull : A push pull amplifier can be made in Class A, Class B, Class AB or Class C configurations. The circuit diagram of a typical Class A push pull amplifier is shown above. Q1 and Q2 are two identical transistor and their emitter terminals are connected together. R1 and R2 are meant for biasing the transistors. Collector terminals of the two transistor are connected to the respective ends of the primary of the output transformer T2. Power supply is connected between the center tap of the T2 primary and the emitter junction of the Q1 and Q2. Base terminal of each transistor is connected to the respective ends of the secondary of the input coupling transformer T1. Input signal is applied to the primary of T1 and output load RL is connected across the secondary of T2.Quiescent current of Q2 and Q1 flows in opposite directions through the corresponding halves of the primary of T2 and as a result there will be no magnetic saturation. From the figure you can see the phase splited signals being applied to the base of each transistors. When Q1 is driven positive using the first half of its input signal, the collector current of Q1 increases. At the same time Q2 is driven negative using the first half of its input signal and so the collector current of Q2 decreases. From the figure you can understand that the collector currents of Q1 and Q2 ie; I1 and I2 flows in the same direction trough the corresponding halves of the T2 primary. As a result an amplified version of the original input signal is induced in the T2 secondary. It is clear that the current through the T2 secondary is the difference between the two collector currents. Harmonics will be much less in the output due to cancellation and this is results in low distortion. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 65 Class B push pull The Class B push pull amplifier is almost similar to the Class A push pull amplifier and the only difference is that there is no biasing resistors for a Class B push pull amplifier. This means that the two transistors are biased at the cut off point. The Class B configuration can provide better power output and has higher efficiency (up to 78.5%). Since the transistors are biased at the cut-off point, they consume no power during idle condition and this adds to the efficiency. The advantages of Class B push pull amplifiers are, ability to work in limited power supply conditions (due to the higher efficiency), absence of even harmonics in the output, simple circuitry when compared to the Class A configuration etc. The disadvantages are higher percentage of harmonic distortion when compared to the Class A, cancellation of power supply ripples is not as efficient as in Class A push pull amplifier and which results in the need of a well regulated power supply. For free study notes log on: 66 Q.9 What is complimentary symmetry amplifier? Ans Using complementary transistors (npn and pnp) it is possible to obtain a full cycle output across a load using half-cycles of operation from each transistor. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 67 While a single input signal is applied to the base of both transistors, the transistors, being of opposite 29type, will conduct on opposite half-cycles of the input. The npn transistor will be biased into conduction by the positive half-cycle of signal, with a resulting half-cycle of signal across the load . During the negative half-cycle of signal, the pnp transistor is biased into conduction when the input goes negative. During a complete cycle of the input, a complete cycle of output signal is developed across the load. One disadvantage of the circuit is the need for two separate voltage supplies. Another, less obvious disadvantage with the complementary circuit is shown in the resulting crossover distortion in the output signal .Crossover distortion refers to the fact that during the signal crossover from positive to negative (or vice versa) there is some nonlinearity in the output signal. This results from the fact that the circuit does not provide exact switching of one transistor off and the other on at the zero-voltage condition. Both transistors may be partially off so that the output voltage does not follow the input around the zero-voltage condition biasing the transistors in class AB improves this operation by biasing both transistors to be on for more than half a cycle. For free study notes log on: 68 Q.10 What is quasi complimentary symmetry amplifier? Ans A full and true "quasi complementary symmetry power amplifier" is an audio amplifier whose power output section is typically comprised of 2 of the same NPN output transistors, (generally matched) and 2 of the same PNP or NPN driver transistors, (also generally matched). Driven by dual matching + & - DC voltage power supply voltages. With the exception of the bias control circuit components, each half of the output circuit are exact mirror images of one another. Each half of the circuit amplifies the positive and negative half cycle of the audio signal. For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 69 Multiple Choice Questions 1.Flow of electrons is generally termed as _____________. a) electric current b) electric shock c) semiconductor d) none of the above 2.A _______________ is a material which offers very little resistance to theflow of current through it. a) good conductor b) insulator c) semiconductor d) none of the above 3.The resistance offered by ______________ is extremely large for the flow of current through it. a) good conductor b) insulator c) semiconductor d) none of the above 4.The materials which behave like perfect insulators at low temperatures & athigher temperatures, they behave like a good conductors are termed as ________. a) good conductor b) insulator c) semiconductor d) none of the above 5. The conductivity of a semiconductor _____________ with temperature. a) increases b) decreases c) can’t say d) none of the above 6. The conductivity of a good conductor _____________ with temperature. a) increases b) decreases c) can’t say d) none of the above For free study notes log on: 70 7.The resistance of a semiconductor _____________ with temperature. a) increases b) decreases c) can’t say d) none of the above 8. The resistance of a good conductor _____________ with temperature. a) increases b) decreases c) can’t say d) none of the above 9. The charge of an electron is ___________________. a) 1.602*10+27Coulomb b) 1.602*10-27Coulomb c) 1.602*10+19Coulomb d) 1.602*10-19Coulomb 10.The total number of electrons in an atom depends upon ____________ a) the atomic mass b) the atomic weight c) the atomic number d) the atomic size 11. The early effect in a bipolar junction transistor is caused by (a) fast turn-on (b)fast turn-off (c) large collector-base reverse bias (d) large emitter-base forward bias 12. MOSFET can be used as a (a) current controlled capacitor (b) voltage controlled capacitor (c) current controlled inductor (d) voltage controlled inductors 13. Thermal runaway is not possible in FET because as the temperature of FET increases (a) the mobility decreases (b) the transconductance increases (c) the drain current increases For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 71 (d) none of the above 14. A source follower using an FET usually has a voltage gain which is (a) greater than +100 (b) slightly less than unity but positive (c) exactly unity but negative (d) about -10 15. A differential amplifier has a differential gain of 20,000 . CMRR=80 dB. The common mode gain is given by (a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 1/2 (d) 0 16. The approximate input impedance of the OPAMP circuit which has Ri=10k,Rf=100k,RL=10k (a) ∞ (b)120k (c)110k (d)10k 17. An OPAMP has a slew rate of 5 V/μ S .The largest sine wave O/P voltage possible at a frequency of 1MHZ is (a) 10 volts (b) 5 volts (c) vo5/lts (d)5/2volts 18. A change in the value of the emitter resistance Re in a differential amplifier (a) affects the difference mode gain Ad (b) affects the common mode gain Ac (c)affects both Ad and Ac (d) does not effect either Ad and Ac 19. A differential amplifier is invariably used in the i/p stage of all OP-AMPs.This is dome basically to provide the OP-AMPs with a very high (a)CMRR (b)bandwidth (c) slew rate For free study notes log on: 72 (d)open-loop gain 20. The effective channel length of a MOSFET in a saturation decreases with increase in (a) gate voltage (b)drain voltage (c)source voltage (d)body voltage 21. Which of the following is not associated with a p-n junction (a) junction capacitance (b)charge storage capacitance (c)depletion capacitance (d)channel length modulation 22. In a p-n junction diode under reverse bias , the magnitude of electric field is maximum at (a) the edge of the depletion region on the p-side (b) the edge of the depletion region on the n-side (c) the p-n junction (d) the center of the depletion region on the n-side 23. An n- channel JFET has IDSS=2mA,and Vp=-4v.Its transconductance gm=(in mA/V)for an applied gate to source voltage VGS=-2v is (a)0.25 (b)0.5 (c)0.75 (d)1 24. In a common emitter, unbypassed resister provides (a)voltage shunt feedback (b)current series feedback (c)negative voltage feedback (d)positive current feedback 25. A constant current signal across a parallel RLC circuits gives an o/p of 1.4v at the signal frequency of 3.89KHZ and 4.1KHZ .At the frequency of 4KHZ,the o/p voltage will be (a)1 v (b) 2v (c)1.4v (d)2.8v 26. Class AB operation is often used in power (large signal) amplifiers in order to (a) get maximum efficiency For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 73 (b)remove even harmonics (c) overcome a crossover distortion (d)reducing collector dissipation 27. The bandwidth of an RF tuned amplifier is dependent on (a) Q –factor of the tuned o/p circuit (b) Q –factor of the tuned i/p circuit (c) Quiescent operating point (d) Q-factor of the o/p and i/p circuits as well as quiescent operating point 28. If =0.98 ,Ico=6μA and Iβ=100μA for a transistor,then the value of Ic will be (a)2.3mA (b)3.2mA (c)4.6 mA (d)5.2mA 29.The MOSFET switch in its on-state may be considered equivalent to (a)resistor (b)inductor (c)capacitor (d)battery 30. Most of the linear ICs are based on the two-transistor differential amplifier because of its (a) input voltage dependent linear transfer characteristic (b) high voltage gain (c) high input resistance (d) high CMRR 31. Negative feedback in an amplifier a) Reduces gain b) Increase frequency &phase distortion c) Reduces bandwidth d) Increases noise 32. A dc power supply has no-load voltage of 30v,and a full-load voltage of 25v at fullload current of 1A.Its output resistance & load regulation ,respectively are a) 5 Ω & 20 % b) 25 Ω & 20 % c) 5 Ω & 16.7 % d) 25 Ω & 16.7 % For free study notes log on: 74 33. The current gain of a bipolar transistor drops at high frequencies because of a) Transistor capacitances b) High current effects in the base c) Parasitic inductive elements d) The early effect 34. The ideal OP-AMP has the following characteristics. a) Ri=∞,A=∞,R0=0 b) Ri=0 ,A=∞,R0=0 c) Ri=∞,A=∞,R0=∞ d) Ri=0 ,A=∞,R0=∞ 35. A 741-type OP-AMP has a gain-bandwidth product of 1MHz.A non-inverting amplifier using this opamp & having a voltage gain of 20db will exhibit -3db bandwidth of a) 50 KHz b) 100KHz c) 1000/17 KHz d) 1000/7.07 KHz 36.An amplifier using an opamp with slew rate SR=1v/μsec has a gain of 40db.if this amplifier has to faithfully amplify sinusoidal signals from dc to 20 KHz without introducing any slew-rate induced distortion, then the input signal level must not exceed a) 795mV b) 395mV c) 795 mV d) 39.5mV 37. In the differential voltage gain & the common mode voltage gain of a differential amplifier are 48db &2db respectively, then its common mode rejection ratio is a)23dB b)25dB c) 46dB d) 50dB 38. Generally, the gain of a transistor amplifier falls at high frequencies due to the a) Internal Capacitance of the device b) Coupling capacitor at the input c) Skin effect For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 75 d) Coupling capacitor at the output 39. An amplifier without feedback has a voltage gain of 50,input resistance os 1 KΩ & Output resistance of 2.5KΩ.The input resistance of the current-shunt negative feedback amplifier using the above amplifier with a feedbacik factor of 0.2 is a) 1/11KΩ b) 1/5KΩ c) 5KΩ d) 11KΩ 40. The action of JFET in its equivalent circuit can best be represented as a a) Current controlled Current source b) Current controlled voltage source c) Voltage controlled voltage source d) voltage controlled current source 41. Three identical amplifiers with each one having a voltage gain of 50,input resistance of 1KΩ & output resistance of 250,are cascaded.The open circuit voltage gain of combined amplifier is a) 49dB b) 51dB c) 98dB d) 102dB 42. An ideal OP-AMP is an ideal a) Current controlled Current source b) Current controlled voltage source c) Voltage controlled voltage source d) voltage controlled current source 43. In a full-wave rectifier using two ideal diodes,Vdc& Vm are the dc & peak values of the voltage respectively across a resistive load. If PIV is the peak inverse voltage of the diode, then the appropriate relationships for this rectifier is. a) Vdc = Vm/π, PIV=2Vm b) Vdc = 2Vm/π, PIV=2vm c) Vdc = 2Vm/π, PIV=Vm d) Vdc = Vm/π, PIV=Vm For free study notes log on: 76 44. The cascade amplifier is a multistage configuration of a) CC-CB . b) CE-CB c) CB-CC d) CE-CC 45. The most commonly used amplifier in sample & hold circuits is a) A unity gain non-inverting amplifier b) A unity gain inverting amplifier c) An inverting amplifier with a gain of 10 d) An inverting amplifiers with a gain of 100 46. Assume that the op-amp of the fig. is ideal. If Vi is a triangular wave ,then V0will be C RV-V0 a) square wave b) Triangular Wave C) Parabolic Wave d) Sine Wave 47. Introducing a resistor in the emitter of a common amplifier stabilizes the dc operating point against variations in a) Only the temperature b) only the β of the transistor c) Both Temperature & β d) None of the above 48. Voltage Series feedback (also called series-shunt feedback) results in a) Increase in both input & output impedances b) Decreases in both input & output impedances c) Increase in input impedance & decreases in output impedance d) Decrease in input impedance & increase in output impedance For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 77 Ans:- 1.(a), 2(a), 3(b) ,4(c) ,5(a), 6(b) ,7(b) ,8(a) ,9(d), 10(c),11. (c),1 2. (b), 13. (a), 14. (a), 15. (a), 16. (d), 17. (d), 18. (b), 19. (a), 20. (b), 21. (d), 22. (c), 23. (b), 24. (c), 25. (b), 26. (c), 27. (a), 28. (d), 29. (c), 30. (d), 31. (a),32. (b), 33. (a), 34. (a), 35. (b), 36. (c), 37. (c), 38. (a), 39. (a), 40. (d), 41. (c), 42. (b), 43. (b), 44. (b), 45. (b), 46. (c), 47. (c), 48. (c) For free study notes log on: 78 Bibliography 1. M. H. Rashid, Microelectronic Circuits Analysis and Design, Cengage Learning. 2. Millman, Integrated Electronics, TMH. 3. A. S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press. 4. Fundamentals of Analog Circuits 2e, Floyd, Pearson 5. David A. BELL, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Oxford University Press. 6. Electronic Devices and Circuits–II, R.Tiwari, Genius publications For free study notes log on: Applied Electronics 79 For free study notes log on: