1 Lecture 8: Introduction to electronic analog circuits 361-1-3661 6. Negative Feedback in SingleTransistor Circuits © Eugene Paperno, 2008 Our aim is to study the effect of negative feedback on the small-signal gain and the small-signal input and output impedances of the single-transistor circuits. Our study will be based on generic (functional) models of the circuits (see Fig. 1). ss ss sε AdcG< 1 Adc AOL <1 so AdcL< 1 Example rs vo 6.1. Single-transistor circuits with no feedback vs Let us start from analyzing the small-signal gain of a circuit with no feedback [see Fig. 1(a)] A = G AOL , vbe ib hie hfeib gmvbe RC io ro Rin (1) G= where G is the small-signal input transmission Rin rs+Rin AOL= −gm(RC||ro) (a) s G≡ ε , ss (2) ss ss AdcG< 1 ssG ss is the signal source value, sε is the signal at the control port of the dependent source of the transistor model, and AOL is the small-signal open-loop gain Σ sε sε AOLβ Adc AOL <1 sε AOL Σ AOL Adc βfwd <1 (3) Equation (1) shows that the small-signal gain A is directly proportional to the small-signal open-lop gain AOL. This may be a serious disadvantage because AOL depends on the transistor small-signal parameters, which are very sensitive to the transistor technology and temperature. On the other hand, this can be an advantage if the maximum gain is required and its exact value is not important. We will also see later when studying positive feedback, that the circuit with no feedback is always stable provided its G and AOL gains are stable. In the next course on electronic analog circuit, you will see as well that adding negative feedback can limit the frequency range of the circuit. 6.2. Single-transistor circuits with feedback Let us now find the closed-loop gain of a single-transistor circuit with feedback [see Fig. 1(b)] AdcL< 1 Adcβ< 1 Adc < 1 s ≡ o . sε so ssGβfwd (b) Fig. 1. Functional (block) diagrams of electronic circuits (a) without and (b) with feedback. ACL ≡ s s Gβ fwd so sε AOL = + + β s s A ss ss ε ε OL G =G AOL A + Gβ fwd = G OL + D , 1 + AOL β 1 + RR =G AOL +D DSF (4) where β is the small-signal feedback transmission of the feedback network, βfwd is the small-signal feedforward transmission of the feedback network, 2 Lecture 8: Introduction to electronic analog circuits 361-1-3661 RR≡AOLβ (5) D≡Gβfwd (6) is the return ratio, is the small-signal direct transmission, and DSF≡1+AOLβ (7) is the desensitivity factor or the amount of feedback. We will define a feedback as negative or positive if it decreases or increases, correspondingly, the closed loop gain ACL relative to GAOL. It is obvious from (4) that |DSF|>1 corresponds to a negative feedback, |DSF|<1 corresponds to a positive feedback, and DSF=1 corresponds to no feedback. Advantages of negative feedback From mathematical point of view, both the advantages and disadvantages of negative feedback are related to the denominator, 1+AOLβ or DSF, in (4). For AOLβ>>1, the closed loop gain ACL becomes insensitive to the open-loop gain AOL: ACL = G 1 β + Gβ fwd . (8) ACL mainly depends on the small-signal input transmission G and the transmissions β and βfwd of the feedback circuit. For an arbitrary return ratio AOLβ and ACL>>D, we can find the sensitivity of ACL to AOL as follows: ⎡ ⎤ dACL AOL β 1 = G⎢ − 2⎥ dAOL ⎣ 1 + AOL β (1 + AOL β ) ⎦ ⎡ 1 + AOL β ⎤ AOL β = G⎢ − 2 2⎥ (1 + AOL β ) ⎦ ⎣ (1 + AOL β ) =G AOL 1 1 1 . (9) =G 2 ( 1 ) ( 1 ) β β + + A A A (1 + AOL β ) OL4 OL OL 14 424 3 ACL if ACL >> D = ACL ⇒ 1 1 1 + AOL β AOL dACL dAOL 1 1 = , or δACL = δAOL ACL AOL 1 + AOL β DSF This means that the relative change in ACL is by a factor of DSF lower than the relative change in AOL. Note that with no feedback, like the case of Fig. 1(a), δACL = δAOL. Due to the negative feedback, ACL becomes by a factor of DSF less sensitive to AOL. The main disadvantage of the negative feedback is related to the frequency dependence of the return ratio AOLβ. If there is a frequency where AOLβ =−1, then in (4), ACL=∞; the feedback turns out to be positive, and the circuit (amplifier) becomes unstable: it can produce a sustained output, for example, sustained oscillations, with no input. We will study such a behavior of transistor circuits in the lectures dedicated to positive feedback oscillators. Finding partial gains To define the partial gains in (4)–(7) in terms of the signals at the circuit input, ss, output, so, and the control terminals of the dependent source, sε, we first assume that in a generic single-transistor circuit (see Fig. 2) there is only a single dependent source and, then, we will solve this circuit by applying superposition. Yes, we will apply superposition despite the fact that one in the sources in Fig. 2 depends on the other. However, we will do it carefully. 3 Lecture 8: Introduction to electronic analog circuits 361-1-3661 We have no difficulty to find the contribution of the ss source to all the other signals in Fig. 2(a). To do this, we simply suppress the dependent source as shown in Fig. 2(b). However, when we have to find the contribution of the dependent source aOLsε, we cannot simply suppress the independent source ss. This is so because zeroing the ss source also zeroes the aOLsε source and it contributes nothing. To let the dependent source aOLsε to contribute the same way it does in Fig. 2(a), before applying superposition, we have to "remind" the aOLsε source in Fig. 2(c) its original value aOLsε, which it had in Fig. 2(a). [If you do not like the word to "remind" something to a dependent source, you can replace it in Fig. 2(d) with an equivalent independent source having the value aOLsε. Or you can assume that the dependent source in Fig. 2(c) still depends on its original value in Fig. 2(a).] We now can define G≡ s' ε , ss (11) AOL ≡ so′′ , sε (12) so′′ i =1 D Single-transistor circuit (a) aOL=0 s'ε s'o ss G βfwd RL D aOLsε s"ε RR β AOL s"o RL Single-transistor circuit (c) sε′′ . sε n ∑ RL (13) (14) In a general case, the number of independent signal sources in a single-transistor circuit can be greater than one, but by applying superposition, the circuit can always be solved for each of them separately. Each independent source si will have different Gi, βfwd, and Di gains, where i is the dependent source number. The total closed-loop gain can be found in this case as AOL DSF β so βfwd ss=0 , RR ≡ AOL β ≡ − ACL ≡ ss AOL Single-transistor circuit (b) so′ , sε′ s ′ε′ RR G (10) β fwd ≡ β ≡− aOLsε sε aOLsε s"ε RR ss=0 β AOL s"o RL Single-transistor circuit (d) n Gi + ∑D . i (15) i =1 It important to note that the solution for the dependent source remains the same and AOL and DSF in (13) should be found only once. Thus, the very important advantages of the new generic approach are that it allows: to recognize the feedback in a single-transistor circuit, to find the partial transmissions and gains of the circuit, to distinguish between negative an positive feedback, Fig. 2. Finding partial small-signal transitions and gains of a single-transistor circuit. to solve the circuit in the simplest way: each time it is solved for a single source only (this approach is most powerful and insightful in noise analysis, when quite a few independent equivalent noise sources are connected to the circuit and contributions of all of them should be found separately to see the dominant noise source). 4 Lecture 8: Introduction to electronic analog circuits 361-1-3661 VCC Finding closed-loop gain: example circuit 1 Let us now to solve the elementary CC amplifier (see Fig. 3) for the closed-loop gain: CC vO VBB G≡ s ′ε ss β fwd ≡ = i ′b vs s ′o = sε′ v s =1 = i ′b = v ′o ib′ i ' b =1 vs 1 , hie + RE || ro RE (1) B = v ′o = RE || ro , C (2) ib hfeib hie vs AOL s ′′ v ′′ ≡ o= o sε ib RR ≡ AOL β ≡ − = vo′′ = h fe ( hie || RE || ro ) , (3) RE i b =1 sε′′ i ′′ =− b sε ib i = h fe b =1 RE || ro . RE || ro + hie (4) B h fe ( hie || RE || ro ) so v 1 = o = RE || ro ss v s hie + RE || ro 1 + h fe RE || ro + hie RE h ( R || r ) h fe ie E o hie + ( RE || ro ) RE || ro 1 = + RE || ro hie + RE || ro 1 + h hie + RE || ro fe RE || ro + hie = ⎡ ⎤ h fe hie RE || ro ×⎢ + 1⎥ hie + RE || ro ⎢⎣ hie + RE || ro + h fe ( RE || ro ) ⎥⎦ = ⎡ ⎤ h fe (1 + h fe ) re RE || ro ×⎢ + 1⎥ . (6) hie + RE || ro ⎣⎢ (1 + h fe ) re + (1 + h fe )( RE || ro ) ⎥⎦ = RE || ro hie + RE || ro = RE || ro re + RE || ro re + ( RE || ro ) ro (5) 1 ( RE || ro ) hie + RE || ro hie 647 4 8 h fe re + re + ( RE || ro ) v'o E In the exam, you do not have to simplify any solution for ACL but we will do it here to be sure that the new solution is identical to that obtained in Lecture 3. ACL hfe=0 hie vs . + ro C i'b ACL ≡ vo E B C i"b hfeib hie vs=0 v"o E RE ro Fig. 3. Example circuit 1: the elementary CC amplifier, solved with the π model of the transistor. 5 Lecture 8: Introduction to electronic analog circuits 361-1-3661 VCC Finding closed-loop gain: example circuit 2 Let us now find the closed-loop gain for the same circuit but by using the T model for the transistor. CC vO VBB G≡ s ′ε ss β fwd ≡ = s ′o sε′ i ′b vs = v s =1 = i ′b = v ′o ib′ i ' b =1 1 , re + RE || ro vs RE (1) C = v ′o = RE || ro , (2) hfeib B AOL s ′′ v ′′ ≡ o= o sε ib = vo′′ = 0 , ib (3) i b =1 re vs vo E RR ≡ AOL β ≡ − ACL ≡ sε′′ i ′′ =− b sε ib i = h fe . RE (4) b =1 C so 1 0 = ss re + RE || ro 1 + h fe hfe=0 B 1 + ( RE || ro ) re + RE || ro = ro . i'b (5) re vs v'o E RE || ro re + RE || ro RE ro C hfeib B vs=0 i"b re v"o E RE ro Fig. 4. Example circuit 2: the elementary CE amplifier, solved with the T model of the transistor. REFERENCES [1] P. R. Gray, P. J. Hurst, S. H. Lewis, and R. G. Meyer., Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits. (4th Edition.)