Introduction Inlet Guide Vanes - Universität der Bundeswehr München

15th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC-15
February 24 - 28, 2014, Honolulu, HI, USA
David Händel1*, Uwe Rockstroh2, Reinhard Niehuis1
Universität der Bundeswehr München,
Institute of Jet Propulsion, Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39,
D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
D-13507 Berlin, Germany
Inlet Guide Vanes (IGVs) are used to deliver a
defined preswirl for the following rotor and can be
used to adjust the stage’s aerodynamic
performance. Using Variable Inlet Guide Vanes
(VIGVs) the preswirl can be varied in a wide range
in order to control the compressor’s operating
point. Figure 1 shows a VIGV as applied in
multishaft compressors. These machines are used
for compression of gases in several industrial fields
like fertilizer industry, oil and gas or power
generation ([12], [13]). They provide a pressure
ratio up to 150 and in most applications they run
with a constant shaft speed. Hence, these
compressors are adjusted basically by VIGVs (see
[3]). Vanes with symmetric profiles are often found
as their stagger angle can be changed in both
positive and negative direction without preference
of one of the turning directions. Disadvantages of
symmetric VIGVs are high losses at relatively
small turning angles and eventually a high
sensitivity for stall occurrence ([5], [9]). In order to
reduce the losses and to optimize the blade
performance, it is essential to know details of the
flow on the vane (e.g. the presence of a laminar or
turbulent boundary layer, flow separation,
transition etc.). Experimental investigations with a
VIGV linear cascade have been conducted at the
Institute of Jet Propulsion at the Universität der
Bundeswehr München. The effects of varying
stagger angle and Reynolds number on the profile
losses are investigated and the detailed analysis is
supported by measurements inside the boundary
layers on the vane surface. For this reason a Preston probe was used to determine the near wall flow
and to perform traverses along the boundary layer.
chord length
shape factor
Mach number
dynamic pressure
Reynolds number
position in axial direction
flow angle
Fig. 1 Variable Inlet Guide Vane
*corresponding author
heat capacity ratio
boundary layer thickness
displacement thickness
momentum thickness
loss coefficient
distance to the surface
Test Cascade and Measurement Techniques
A linear cascade of the VIGV profile has been
manufactured for experimental investigations. The
cascade consists of five pivotable vanes. Two of
them are instrumented with pressure taps. Thereby
the static pressure distribution can be measured on
a number of positions on the surface of the vane. In
figure 3 it is depicted a sketch of the investigated
VIGV cascade. The stagger angle is named with βS
und and flow angles are defined with β1,2.
(Variable) Inlet Guide Vane
Experimental Setup
The High-Speed Cascade Wind Tunnel
All measurements have been conducted at the
High-Speed Cascade Wind Tunnel of the Institute
of Jet Propulsion which is depicted in figure 2. It is
a continuous operating open-loop wind tunnel
inside a pressure tank as described by Sturm and
Fottner [11]. A 1.3 MW electric motor drives an
axial compressor. Inside the pressure tank, the
static pressure can be varied between 3 500 Pa and
120 000 Pa by externally placed vacuum pumps. In
combination with the controlled temperature by the
main flow cooler, this enables an independent
variation of Reynolds and Mach number.
Therefore, experiments can be performed under a
wide range of realistic turbomachinery conditions
and varied geometric scales.
Fig. 3 Sketch of VIGV cascade [3]
The static pressure measurements shown in this
paper are presented in terms of isentropic Mach
number distributions as defined below:
Mais  xax
 1
2 
 
lax  
  1 . (1)
  1  p  xax lax  
With a five-hole probe, wake traverses behind the
cascade have been conducted to investigate the
outlet values of the cascade, like turning, Mach
Fig. 2 The High-Speed Cascade Wind Tunnel
number, and losses. The losses are quantified by
the following equation:
pt1  pt 2
pt1  p1
< 1, > 0
For more details to the High-Speed Cascade Wind
Tunnel, the VIGV cascade and measurement
techniques see Händel et al. [3].
Preston Probe
For a detailed investigation of the boundary layer
on the vane surface a Preston probe was used. This
is a flattened total head or Pitot probe. In the sketch
on the left hand side of figure 4 the dimensions of
the probe head are illustrated. On the right hand
side a picture of the probe is displayed.
pprobe ≈ pt1; probe head is at the border or
outside of the boundary layer
pt1 > pprobe > p; probe head is inside the
boundary layer
pprobe ≈ p; probe head is at the point of
separation or inside a separation
Tab. 1 Explanation of pressure ratio as defined in equation 3
The sketch on the top in figure 5 explains the
Preston probe investigations in principle. The
pressure at the probe head is measured at different
positions along the vane surface. For the results
presented in this paper the pressure was only
measured at the positions of the pressure taps
because the static pressure at the surface is known
there. By passing the transitional region
downstream a fairly sudden increase of qprobe/q∞,x
(named with q/q1 in figure 5) can be observed as
illustrated in the chart in figure 5.
Fig. 4 Sketch of probe head and picture of Preston probe
In order to investigate the position of the region of
transition the Preston probe was moved
downstream along the surface of the vane. If the
static pressure on the surface is known a pressure
ratio can be calculated by equation 3 to analyze the
boundary layer state.
q probe
q , x
p probe ( x, )  p( x)
pt1  p( x)
Thereby the total pressure at the inlet of the
cascade is named with pt1 and the static pressure
which depends on the position on the surface is
named with p(x). The pressure determined by the
Preston probe is pprobe(x,η). This value is dependent
on the one hand to the position x of the probe head
at the surface and on the other hand to the distance
from the surface η. The pressure ratio in equation 3
relates the dynamic pressure at the position of the
Preston probe inside the boundary layer to the
dynamic pressure of the undisturbed flow at this
position. Table 1 summarizes the three significant
values of the pressure ratio.
Fig. 5 Explanation of Preston probe measurements [7]
Apart from Preston probe measurements along the
surface traverses through the boundary layer on
selected locations on the surface have been
conducted. Thereby, starting at the surface, the
probe head was moved perpendicular to the vane
surface in steps of 0.1 mm to investigate the
boundary layer state and thickness at this position.
In figure 6 (top) the schematic shape of the
boundary layer near a point of separation (S) is
shown. A point of inflexion (PI) inside the velocity
distribution indicates a separation point, if the
velocity gradient at the wall is zero, or a
separation, if the value is below zero. In the chart
in figure 6 the change in the shape factor for a flat
plate in the transition region (measured by
Schubauer and Klebanoff [8]) is depicted. The
shape factor (H12) represents the ratio between the
displacement thickness (δ1) and the momentum
thickness (δ2) of a boundary layer. For a flat plate
the ratio decreases from H12 ≈ 2.6 for a laminar
region to H12 ≈ 1.4 for a turbulent region.
Fig. 6 Boundary layer (top) at the point of separation [7] and
shape factor (bottom) [6]
For further information to investigations of the
boundary layer state on the surface it is referenced
in general to Hoeger [4] and to Stotz et al. [10]
who compared Preston probe measurements with
hot film anemometry.
Measurements at a stagger angle of βS=90°
In figure 7 it is depicted the isentropic Mach
number distribution along the surface of the vane
for different Reynolds numbers and a completely
open VIGV (βS=90°, refer to figure 3). For the
lowest investigated Reynolds number of 100 000 a
plateau can be detected xax/lax = 0.65 to 0.73. This
is an indication of a flow separation on the surface
as explained by Cumpsty [2]. For Re1 = 200 000
there is no plateau but a change in the gradient of
the Mach number distribution. The two highest
investigated Reynolds number show a continuously
decrease of the isentropic Mach number. But the
Mach number distribution delivers no information
about the exact beginning or end of the separation
bubble or the following boundary layer, especially
for higher Reynolds numbers. For this reason
Preston probe measurements have been conducted.
In figure 7 also the previous described pressure
ratio distribution is plotted. For a Reynolds number
of 100 000 the pressure ratio decreases until xax/lax
= 0.65. The next two measurement points are close
to zero. This indicates a flow separation in this
region on the surface. From xax/lax = 0.82 until the
trailing edge of the vane the pressure ratio is rising
indicating a transitional boundary layer. Hence, for
the smallest Reynolds number there is a laminar
boundary layer for the first 65% of the vane
surface flowed by a separation and a transitional
region. For a Reynolds number of 200 000 a flow
separation is not present since the pressure ratio is
considerably higher than zero. From xax/lax = 0.65
to 0.82 the ratio rises followed by a decreasing of
the ratio. Therefore, the investigations at this
particular Reynolds number reveal no flow
separation but a turbulent boundary layer at the
trailing edge of the vane. For a Reynolds number
of 300 000 a transitional region cannot be detected
anymore. Reason for this is an already small
transitional area which cannot be resolved due to a
large distance between the pressure taps on the
surface. But an incipient transition can be supposed
at xax/lax = 0.57. For the highest Reynolds number
of 500 000 considered here even an incipient
transition cannot be resolved anymore. The
pressure ratio is close to one until xax/lax = 0.5.
After this the ratio decreases linearly up to the
trailing edge of the vane. These results can be
confirmed by Barthmes et al. [1], who conducted
numerical investigations of the previously
described VIGV. The flow separation observed in
the isentropic Mach number distribution for the
lowest Reynolds number can be found in the
pressure ratio distribution, too. Because of the
symmetric profile and a stagger angle of βS = 90°
the boundary layer state on the pressure and
suction side of the vane can be considered as the
most evident for the lowest Reynolds number from
xax/lax = 0.25 to 0.57. Looking at the isentropic
Mach number distribution it is difficult to estimate,
whether the flow is separated or not. For all
Reynolds numbers the pressure ratio for this
stagger angle is depicted in figure 8, too.
Compared to a completely open VIGV (figure 7)
the separation at Re1 = 100 000 becomes smaller
and a turbulent boundary layer occurs downstream
of the transition zone. Reason for this is a shifting
of all flow phenomena towards the leading edge.
This effect could be observed for all higher
Reynolds numbers, too. Compared to a completely
open VIGV the transition regime can be obviously
determined for Re1 = 300 000. For the suction side
at this stagger angle all Reynolds number result in
turbulent boundary layers close to the trailing edge
of the vane.
Fig. 7 Pressure ratio and isentropic Mach number
distribution at βS=90°
Measurements at a stagger angle of βS=80°
The pressure ratio and isentropic Mach number
distribution on the suction side of the vane for a ten
degree lower stagger angle is depicted figure 8.
Multi shaft compressors operate with a constant
shaft speed for most applications. Hence a lower
stagger angle correlates with a lower mass flow
rate due to a decreased power conversion. This
leads to a lower velocity at the inlet of the VIGV.
For a stagger angle of βS = 80° the Mach number
decreases to Ma1 = 0.29. A shifting to the leading
edge as well as an increasing of the peak Mach
number can be observed for all Reynolds numbers.
The highest Reynolds number shows a
continuously decreasing Mach number. For
Re1 = 300 000 and 200 000 a discontinuity in the
gradient of the isentropic Mach number
distribution can be observed, indicating a
transitional regime. This discontinuity becomes
Fig. 8 Pressure ratio and isentropic Mach number
distribution at βS=80°, suction side
In figure 9 the distributions for the pressure side of
the vane for βS = 80° are depicted. Due to
difficulties with the accessibility of the Preston
probe to the pressure side only the rear part of the
vane could be investigated. The isentropic Mach
number shows a plateau beginning at xax/lax = 0.73
for Re1 = 100 000. Hence a flow separation occurs
at this position. All Reynolds numbers reach the
same value at the last pressure tap except of the
lowest Reynolds number. This is an indication for
a separation of the flow without reattaching before
reaching the trailing edge for Re1 = 100 000. In
comparison to the suction side a lower stagger
angle leads to a shifting of the flow phenomena
towards the trailing edge on the pressure side as
shown in the distribution of the pressure ratio. The
flow separates from the vane without reattaching
before reaching the trailing edge for the lowest
Reynolds number. For Re1 = 200 000 the pressure
ratio is increasing again at the last pressure tap.
Hence the flow is not fully separated and the
boundary layer becomes transitional. The same
behavior of the pressure ratio distribution occurs
for Re1 = 300 000. A complete transition to a
turbulent boundary layer state can only be
observed for the highest Reynolds number.
traverses at xax/lax = 0.74 and 0.98 deliver a shape
factors as they occur for a turbulent boundary
layer. The first traverse on the pressure side (figure
10, chart on the right hand side) downstream
indicates a laminar boundary layer. The point of
inflexion in the second traverse (xax/lax = 0.73) is
an indication of the beginning or already existing
separation. The boundary layer measurements
match very well with the previously observed
pressure ratio measurements.
Fig. 10 Boundary layer measurements at βS=80°
Measurements at a stagger angle of βS=70°
Fig. 9 Pressure ratio and isentropic Mach number
distribution at βS=80°, pressure side
In order to determine the local state of the
boundary layer, traverses perpendicular to the
surface have been conducted for Re1 = 100 000
with the Preston probe. The grey bars on the
abscissa of figure 8 and 9 indicate the positions of
the boundary layer traverses. These traverses
normalized to the corresponding boundary layer
thickness are presented in figure 10 for βS = 80°.
Due to the finite thickness of the Preston probe the
first measurement point of a normalized traverse is
higher in a boundary layer with a small thickness
compared to a boundary layer with a higher
thickness. This is the reason for the different initial
values of η/δ in figure 10. The chart on the left
hand side represents the suction side. At the first
position xax/lax = 0.24 the shape factor of
H12 = 2.75 indicates a laminar boundary layer
(refer to figure 6). In the next traverse downstream
on the surface a point of inflexion occurs. This is
an indication for a separation. The following two
The third investigated stagger angle has been at
βS = 70°. As mentioned before a lower stagger
angle leads to a decreasing velocity at the inlet of
the cascade. The Mach number at the inlet is
Ma1 = 0.27 for this case. The results for this angle
on the suction side are depicted in figure 11.
Fig. 11 Pressure ratio and isentropic Mach number
distribution at βS=70°, suction side
The isentropic Mach number distribution shows on
the one hand a significant increase of the peak
Mach number and on the other hand a shifting of
all flow phenomena closer towards the leading
edge of the vane. For the lowest Reynolds number
obviously a separation bubble can be detected from
xax/lax = 0.08 to 0.2. From xax/lax = 0.3 until the
trailing edge the Mach number is continuously
decreasing for all Reynolds numbers. The pressure
ratio measurements show now a strongly upstream
shifted transitional regime. This leads to a turbulent
boundary layer along 90% of the axial chord length
for Re1 = 500 000. A transition region can only be
detected for the lowest two Reynolds numbers. At
Re1 = 100 000 a separation bubble is present close
to the leading edge of the vane. As already
observed in figure 9 the pressure ratios for all four
Reynolds numbers provide the same values if the
boundary layer is turbulent.
to zero at xax/lax = 0.81 and does not increase
before reaching the trailing edge. Hence the ratio
decreases for the entire surface length for the two
highest Reynolds numbers which means that the
boundary layer remains laminar. At βS = 70°
traverses through the boundary layer also been
conducted. They are presented in figure 13. The
first traverse on the suction side (chart on the left
hand side) at xax/lax = 0.17 exhibits a point of
inflexion and a high shape factor. Both indicate a
flow separation at this point. The more downstream
located two traverses deliver a low shape factor.
Hence the boundary layer is turbulent for at least
66% of the axial chord length. The first traverse on
the pressure side (chart on the right hand side) of
the vane indicates a laminar boundary layer. In the
second traverse at xax/lax = 0.81 a point of inflexion
can be observed. In combination with figure 12 this
location seems to be very close to the point of
separation. The last traverse is located close to the
trailing edge of the vane and delivers a pressure
ratio of zero for almost 50% of the normalized
height. The shape factor exhibits a value that is
significant higher than expected for a laminar
boundary layer. Hence, in can be concluded that
there is an open separation at the trailing edge. The
boundary layer measurements match again very
well with the previously observed pressure ratio
Fig. 12 Pressure ratio and isentropic Mach number
distribution at βS=70°; pressure side
The isentropic Mach number and pressure ratio
distribution for the pressure side at βS = 70° is
depicted in figure 12. The flow accelerates up to
about 50% of the chord length beginning from the
leading edge. Due to this acceleration the boundary
layer on the surface of the vane can be considered
as laminar. For Re1 = 500 000 and 300 000 the
isentropic Mach number exhibits a similarly value
at the last pressure tap. The two lowest Reynolds
numbers, however, reveal higher values. This
indicates a separation of the flow without
reattaching. These results can also be confirmed by
the pressure ratio measurements. The ratio is close
Fig. 13 Boundary layer measurements at βS=70°
In figure 14 the main findings of the previously
development of the boundary layer state along the
surface of the vane is shown in dependence of the
Reynolds number and of the stagger angle. The
first case (case a) represents the highest
investigated Reynolds number and a completely
open VIGV. The boundary layer is laminar on both
sides of the airfoil followed by a small transitional
region and a turbulent boundary layer until the end
of the vane. A decreasing Reynolds number (case
a→b) leads to a longer laminar boundary layer
followed by a flow separation which reattaches
before reaching the trailing edge. Until the end of
the vane a transitional regime occurs. A turbulent
boundary state was not detected. This is linked
with a significant increase of the total pressure
losses (ζ). A 10°-change of the stagger angle (case
a→c) leads to a shift of the transition point on the
suction side towards the leading edge and on the
pressure side towards the trailing edge. A reduced
Reynolds number for βS = 80° (case d) again is
combined with a longer laminar boundary state on
the suction side. A small separation bubble occurs,
followed by a transitional region and a turbulent
boundary layer. On the pressure side a flow
separation comes up without reattaching to the
surface. This is combined with an overturning of
the flow as described in more detail in [3]. A
further decrease of the stagger angle to βS = 70°
(case e) leads to a shifting of the isentropic peak
Mach number even closer towards the leading edge
on the suction side followed by transition into a
turbulent boundary layer. On the pressure side, the
flow accelerates almost along the entire length of
the vane resulting in a laminar boundary layer. At
βS = 70° and the lowest Reynolds number (case f)
the highest total pressure losses were measured.
This is caused by a flow separation downstream at
the end of the vane close to the trailing edge of the
pressure side and a separation bubble combined
with a turbulent boundary layer state covering a
large portion of the suction side.
This paper deals with the experimental
investigation of a VIGV at different stagger angles
and Reynolds numbers as they appear in technical
applications. It is focused on surface measurements
using a Preston probe to investigate the boundary
layer state. The main results can be summarized as
Preston probe measurements are very useful
to detect the location and length of laminar
and turbulent boundary layer state as well as
separation and transition regime for many
relevant cases.
For the airfoil under consideration here a
decreasing Reynolds number leads to a
separation bubble and therefore to a massive
loss increase for βS = 90°.
At stagger angles βS < 90° the boundary
layer state (laminar/turbulent, transition,
separation) moves towards the leading edge
on the suction side and towards the trailing
edge on the pressure side.
At βS < 90° and low Reynolds numbers a
flow separation occurs on the pressure side
trailing edge without reattaching.
For a better understanding of the aerodynamically
behavior, these experimental results have been
used to generate a validation basis for further
numerical studies. All the findings will be utilized
to design an enhanced VIGV profile in order to
reduce the total pressure losses and increase the
working range.
The experimental investigations presented here are
part of the AG TURBO 2020 project no. 1.3.2
“Optimierung großer Mehrwellenkompressoren für
CCS-Anwendungen” funded by the German
Ministry of Economy and Technology (BMWi).
The project was performed in collaboration with
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE.
Fig. 14 Boundary layer (b. l.) state on blade (schematically)
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