How to….. submit assignments via Blackboard Accessing Blackboard You have to access Blackboard (BB) through your MAP (My Aston Portal) account ( Use your Aston University network username and password to log in (Note: It is the same username and password that is required to log in to your Aston email and MAP accounts). Once logged into MAP, follow the link to the Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment. Assignments via Blackboard Your lecturer/module tutor could ask you to submit your assignment(s) via Blackboard. If this is the case then he/she will also tell you where specifically within the BB module site you are required to submit the assignment. Typically assignments are requested to be uploaded under tabs or within folders called ‘assignments’, ‘assessments’, ‘coursework’ and such similar names. Information on assignments/coursework Your lecturer/module tutor should give you instructions on how to complete and upload your assignment via a number of methods such as email, handbooks, webpage, BB site, downloadable files on the BB module site and assignment upload information within BB. Example as follows: In this example, under the assessments tab on the left hand side menu, there is information on assessment forms, submission dates, how to upload the report and the uploading assignment section (circled in red). Find the Upload Assignment link upload assignment icon Whenever you see the upload assignment icon as shown in the above example as ‘Final Report’ you should upload your assignment(s) via this method. Click on the underlined (hyperlinked) section and the following screen will appear EAS How to guide| 1 How to….. submit assignments via Blackboard Ensure you read all instructions relating to assignments/assessed work carefully and on a number of occasions if necessary. If you are unsure of anything ask the lecturer/module tutor concerned. Search for the assignment file(s) After the assignment information and assignment materials sections on the ‘Upload Assignment’ page there is the ‘Attach File’ section where you will need to ‘Browse My Computer’ and find the assignment(s). EAS How to guide| 2 How to….. submit assignments via Blackboard File Format Your work may be in a particular file format (Word.doc(x); PDF and other formats). Make sure the file format is compatible with different versions of the same software/package(where possible) or easily viewable by the lecturer/module owner. There could be instructions sepcifically relating to the type of file you are requires to upload. Read the instructions carefully and where you are unsure contact the lecturer/module tutor. If you have a number of files and are required to upload one file, you could do this by zipping/compressing your files. See the ‘How to zip or compress files’ guide. Ensure each of your files are named appropriately and inlcude your name and student number with all submissions. Make sure you have ‘Submitted’ your assignment/coursework via Blackboard As with some other functions of Blackboard you can ‘Save as Draft’ or ‘Submit’ your work. You must click on the ‘Submit’ button for you to complete your submission via Blackboard. Failure to ‘Submit’ on time could result in a late penalty being applied to your work. Video There is a tutorial on assignment upload that is available on the TLC (Teaching and Learning Community) site. Click on the following link: EAS How to guide| 3 How to….. submit assignments via Blackboard Turnitin Assignment Uploads Assignments via Turnitin upload have originality checks carried out on the submitted work. To find out more about the Turnitin assignments you can visit the TLC site: The method of submitting work via Turnitin is similar to the Upload Assignment covered above. Find the Upload Assignment link turnitin upload assignment icon Click on the >>View/Complete link. Then the following page will appear: EAS How to guide| 4 How to….. submit assignments via Blackboard Ensure you are attempting to upload the correct assignment to the correct Turnitin Upload Assignment section. Click on ‘Submit’ and the following screen will appear: Step 1 Make sure the fields with the red asterisk (*) are filled in. Your ‘first name’ and ‘last name’ fields should complete automatically and you are left to enter the ‘submission title’ and ‘Upload’ the file. ‘Browse for the file to upload’ is where your assignment needs to be uploaded. Click on ‘Browse’ and open your file. Note if you are uploading a zip file then the appropriate option should be selected from the drop down menu under ‘choose a paper item submission method’. Click on ‘Upload’ then you should proceed to Step 2 of your submission and the following screen will appear: EAS How to guide| 5 How to….. submit assignments via Blackboard Step 2 This step allows you to preview your paper and in the highlighted box is what you will be submitting. Check the preview of the document carefully to ensure it is the correct and final version of the assignment you are attempting to submit. Click on the ‘Submit’ button and then the following confirmation page will appear: Click on the ‘go to portfolio’ and the status for the assignment you have just completed will state it is complete: EAS How to guide| 6 How to….. submit assignments via Blackboard In addition to this confirmation via Turnitin, you will automatic be emailed a digital receipt of the successful upload. Submitted the wrong assignment? It is your duty to ensure the work you submit is your own work (free from plagiarism and conclusion) and the correct most up to date version. Assignments cannot be altered/removed/recalled by the student once it has been submitted. If you end up submitting the wrong assignment(s), then the lecturer(s) concerned will need to be informed immediately. Only they can make it possible for you to upload the document(s) after the first attempt by deleting that attempt from the BB module. Again a late penalty may apply. Back Ups and File Storage It is vital that you have contingencies in place in the event of something unforeseen (such as corruption to files, loss/damage to portable file storage devices and other important hardware) happening to your work, especially if it is assessed work! You should keep multiple backups on different locations and devices in order to help prevent loss/damage. For university computers ensure you save your work in the ‘My Documents’ under the H: (Home) drive. Any files that you save on the C: drive or desktop of the university computers are automatically deleted after you log out and there is no way to recover those files. Note: Some university computers have a time out facility which means they will automatically log you out of the computer (if it is not used) after 1 hour. Key Tips Always remember the following tips: • If using a public computer always remember to log out of Blackboard, Email and the computer when you finish. Even when using your personal computer/laptop do not leave it unattended whilst you are logged in. • Never share your Aston University username and password with anyone as the same username and password is used to access all Aston systems (MAP, Email, BB and printing amongst others). Further Information and Help 1. Go to the TLC (Technology and Learning Community) site for information and tutorials on Blackboard and other Aston Learning Tools. 2. Alternatively, contact your school or visit the ISA Helpdesk located in MB477, ring them on 0121 204 3445 or email them at EAS How to guide| 7