501 Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile

August 12 & 13, 2010
Incorporating Games & Gaming Techniques
into Your e-Learning
Game Play:
How to Build a Game into
ILT, ELT, and Mobile
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Everyone owns what they create. But everything found in nature, especially land, belongs equally to all. The philosophy is associated with the idea of a single tax on the value of land. Tax on land value is efficient, fair and equitable, and will accrue sufficient revenue so that other taxes (which are less fair and efficient) can be reduced or eliminated.
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
What game do you know of that teaches about real estate and landlordship?
Use chat to answer
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Lizzie Magie applied for a patent on a game called The Landlord’s Game
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
L&D can learn from Monopoly
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Game professionals believe that Monopoly is not a good example of good game design
What do you think the design flaw is with Monopoly?
Chat now!
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Game professionals believe that the mechanics should be adjusted
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Serious game experience???
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Quick on the Draw
 TV game show content
Avalon Hill
 Wednesday salons
 Learned about war
 Bit by game bug
Reconnaissance mission
 Sneaking games into training
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Use green for yes
Use red x
for no
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Game: a structured system that includes conflict, rules and end goals and it’s entertaining. Systems waiting to be understood.
Goals: A victory condition. A method of winning that is usually game‐specific.
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Game‐based learning is gaining momentum
 Methodologies are being designed
 Name up for debate
Games can be
 used to portray difficult concepts and via game play and interactions
 provide an easier way for the learner to grasp and practice complex information.
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Designed for a primary purpose other than pure entertainment.  Defense, education, scientific exploration, health care, emergency management, city planning, engineering, religion, and politics.
 Term first used in 1970 –
Serious Games book by Clark Abt
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
What is the best serious game you ever played? Name please
Use chat now
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Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Game terminology  how game mechanics fit into adult training
 examples for using game‐based learning
Discuss games with constituency  help them understand why games should be an integral part of the curriculum
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
How is a game different from other media?
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Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
A game includes an environment
The objects within the environment can change
Rules govern changes of state of objects
Players manipulate objects or interact with the environment
Player rewards and punishments resulting from changes to the state of the game
Challenges for players through the design of game mechanics
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Dramatic Elements –
story, back story, provides flow, premise, character agents Character design
Key‐shot creation
 Good story consists of several key moments connected together
Leontyne Robinson of LTR Creations
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Gameplay is the interaction with a game through its rules.  It’s the game challenges.
 It’s the plot and the player's connection with it. 
It’s the connection between player and game.
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
About something – not abstract
Carcassonne – build a medieval landscape complete with walled‐cities and monasteries in the area around the French city
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Games make failure compelling
Game over
What is a game and why is it fun:
 players interact with a set of rules
 make meaningful choices
 develop strategies in an attempt to reach a goal
Compare a typical entertainment games experience with a typical learning experience the contrast is glaringly obvious. When was the last time you had to drag a learner from their PC at 11 pm as they plead, “Please…just another hour…I really want to finish this module”?
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Things players must do
 Motivated to achieve something to yield rewards
 Little rewards incrementally dosed
 Communicate with each about accomplishments
 Continually seeking achievements
Drive players to continue play
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Action points
Capture / eliminate
Resource management
Risk and reward
Victory Conditions
Loss avoidance
Piece elimination
Puzzle guessing
Structure building
Territory control
Victory points
Combination conditions
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Rook is a ____________
Chess Board is a ____ __ _____
Players make meaningful choices
Incredibly simple goal ‐ checkmate
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
How can levels be used in training games?
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Multiple Routes Principle: Multiple ways to make progress or move ahead.
Allows learners to :
 make choices
 rely on their own strengths  styles of learning  problem‐solving  While exploring alternative styles
Active, Critical Learning Principle: The learning environment must encourage active and critical, not passive, learning
James Paul Gee, author of What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy , describes 36 learning principles that well‐designed games embody
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Player /
Skill /
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Player action
Interacts with Rules and systems In game object
Game state change
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Mechanics describes the components of the game – data, algorithm, code and the rules
Mechanics are the actions, behaviors and control mechanisms provided within the game Behavior that is a direct consequence of the rule
*MDA – A formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Dynamics = system
Dynamics emerge from mechanics
Behavior that is indirect consequence of the rules
Dynamics create aesthetic experiences
Combined with the game’s content (levels, assets and so on) the mechanics support overall gameplay dynamics –
mechanics acting on player inputs and outputs Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Narrative Challenge
Game as sense‐pleasure Game as make‐believe
Game as drama
Game as obstacle course
Game as social framework
Game as uncharted territory Game as self‐discovery Game as pastime
*Mark LeBanc ‘s Eight kinds of fun Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Code Rules
Game System
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Interacts with Rules and systems 37
Player Input
Game state change
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Chat now!
Business Systems
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
Business Process
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Stone City
Cold Stone Creamery training game –
allocate profitable portions
Ian Bogost – Persuasive Games
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Army Influence Trainer provides an overview of influence techniques documented in Army leadership doctrine, FM 6‐22. GamesThatWork.com Big Fun Development Corporation
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Watch the competition. Price Point is a game designed for up to 4 player head to head competition. Players decide in which markets to compete, keep their prices low enough to stay competitive, and high enough to make a profit.
GamesThatWork.com Big Fun Development Corporation
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Cheat. That's right. Go ahead and cheat. Don't just take a swing when you can figure out exactly how hard and what direction to hit the ball each time.
GamesThatWork.com Big Fun Development Corporation
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
This game is designed to familiarize students with general business concepts from inception through to trading covering; marketing, production and strategic decision making over a 3‐year ‘game’ life cycle. Placing you in the world of sales you are immersed in a series of sales meetings. The key to success will be a fine balance between matching customer expectations for the product whilst ensuring the enterprise can compete on price with its rivals.
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
SimuLearn User practice getting an agenda through a variety of increasingly complex meetings
Financial Derivatives –
Created by Pricewaterhous
eCoopers to teach its 24‐
average‐aged auditors derivatives on corporate balance sheets. Better Business Game Simulation game from British Telecom about managing social and environmental issues in a business. The player takes on the role of corporate CEO. Straight Shooter Business Policies: A first person shooter game ‐ marketers hunt for clients in cities, airports and hotels around the world. Clients can only be acquired when the player has demonstrated he or she understands the policies. Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Think you know what it takes to make the energy systems that serve a city more efficient? Could you make the city’s water cleaner, its banks
more robust and customer‐centric and its retail stores more innovative? Your mission:
Level‐Up your skills and discover how to make our Planet smarter, revolutionize industries and solve real‐world business, environmental and logistical problems using IBM solutions.
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
How did we do it?
Gamebryo engine
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
What Cost
PPT templates
MS Word MS Excel
Simple recall games or simple board games
Inexpensive eLearning $700 ‐
Brothers, Raptivity $3000
Moderate recall games or moderate board games
Flash, Blender, Java, Torque, C++ with SDL or PopCap
$0 – 1000
learning curve or classes
Customized, needs programmer and artist
Gambryo, mosbe, Unity, Unreal $25 ‐
Needs team of programmers and artists
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Team A – last name begins with A ‐
Team B – last name begins with M ‐ Z
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Click to Roll Dice
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Nice roll!
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Click to reveal question
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Answer the question using Team A chat
Describe the three components of MDA
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Click to Roll Dice
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Nice roll!
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Click to reveal question
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Name 3 tools that can be used to build games
Answer the question using Team B chat
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Web resource
Quiz / reviews
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
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Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Mlearning and Alternate Reality Gaming
Oriented towards the development of language skills in Spanish. It is set in a Spanish‐speaking neighborhood in Albuquerque, NM and plays out much like a historical novel in which fact and fiction combine to set the context and social conditions for meaningful interaction (in Spanish) with simulated characters, other players, and local citizens.
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Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Facebook – 400 m
82.4 million
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Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Aug 12 & 13, 2010
I got a in Farmville
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Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Learning Objective
Learning Application
Game Type
assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write. Role play, strategy, simulation, persistent state ‐ MMOG, board
appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate
Adventure, simulation, detective, board, piece elimination, Analyze
appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test
Timed, guessing, board, territory control, risk reward, simulation, multiplayer
choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write. Invention, puzzles, board, dexterity/coordination, structure building, simulation, strategy, adventure
classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate, paraphrase
Puzzles, adventure, board, role play, resource management, simulation
define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce state
Game show quiz, flash cards, concentration, board, simulation
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Learning Objective
Learning Application
assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write. Evaluate
appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate
appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test. Apply
choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write. Comprehend
classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate, paraphrase
define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce state
Game Type
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Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Training sponsors must buy in to this idea
This is your brain on training games
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
How can you get buy in – ideas that have worked for you
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Game is viewed as entertainment and not seen as relevant
Wrong course ‐ Games work well in some courses and not others
It is not clear to all that games give a significant uplift in learning 
Development using expensive ‘games’ engines is OK for consumer products but not for first project and not for every course 
Lack of good tools for games production
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Session 501 – Game Play: How to Build a Game into ILT, ELT, and Mobile –
Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Ayiti: The Cost of Life: What is it like to live in poverty, struggling every day to stay healthy, keep out of debt, and get educated
Darfur is Dying An online game by mtvU that simulates life in a Darfur refugee camp.
DARWARS Ambush! Convoy Simulator part of DARPA's DARWARS project, low‐cost experiential training systems
FloodSim A flood prevention sim/strategy game designed to inform the people of the United Kingdom about the dangers of flooding.
Foldit Protein folding, puzzle game where results can be used in real science.
Food Force UN's World Food Programme food airdrops over crisis zones /trucks struggle difficult roads‐rebel threat.
Genomics Digital Lab Interactive science games ‐users learn about importance of plants, energy and environment.
Global Conflict: Palestine: A 3D‐adventure/rpg‐game. Reporter in Jerusalem, and have to write articles for your paper.
Microsoft Flight Simulator sim of civil aviation. One of the few flight sims that does not concentrate on aerial warfare.
Peacemaker Israeli‐Palestinian conflict designed to promote "dialog and understanding among Israelis, Palestinians
Re‐Mission: 3‐D Shooter to help improve the lives of young persons living with cancer.
Ship Simulator maneuver various ships in different environments, although without the effects of wind and current.
Simport: players learn about intricacies involved in construction large infrastructural projects, like a major sea port.
http://www.freerice.com/ Earn rice for people in need while learning words
http://www.livemocha.com/ Wolds Largest Language Learning Community
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Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Ackerman, Diane, Deep Play, Random House, 1999. Aldrich, Clark, Learning by Doing, 2003
Aldrich, Clark, The Complete Guide to Simulations and Serious Games: How the Most Valuable Content Will Be Created in the Age Beyond Guttenberg to Google, 2003
Crawford, Chris, The Art of Computer Game Design 1980. Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience, Harper & Row, 1990. Huizinga, Johan, Homo Ludens, Beacon Press, 1955. Jensen, Eric, Brain‐Based Learning, The Brain Store, 2000.
McCloud, Scott, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art, Kitchen Sink Press, 1993. •
Modeling and Simulation: Linking Entertainment and Defense, National Academy Press, 1997. Murray, Janet H., Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace, MIT Press, 1997. Poole, Steven, Trigger Happy: Videogames and the Entertainment Revolution, Arcade, 2000. Prensky, Marc, Digital Game‐Based Learning, McGraw‐Hill, 2000. Rose, Colin & Nicholl, Malcolm, J.,(1999) Accelerated Learning for the 21st Century, Dell Publishing,1997 (http://www. Accelerated‐learning.net) Schank, Roger, Virtual Learning, McGraw‐Hill 1997 Tapscott, Don, Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation, McGraw‐Hill, 1998. Copyright 2010 © SillyMonkey LLC
Email questions – sillymonkey@mindspring.com
Facebook me: search for SillyMonkey
Follow me: Sillym0nkey (that o is a zero!)
Link to me: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sillymonkey2008
Smoke signals 
use Polybius square for secure messages website: www.sillymonkeyinternational.com
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Deborah Thomas, SillyMonkey
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