TheNature of the Atom . Problem I Irr the line spectrumof atomichydrogenthereis alsoa groupof lines known asthe Pfund series. Theselines areproducedwhen electrons,excitedto high energylevels,make transitionsto the n : 5 level. Determine(a) the longestwavelengthsand (b) the shortest wavelenethsin this series. t ,)dtuP4r-.4 V A(+ /x= f,N q) -Oz'gt* '^^'W"j ^r"r". ^a ,W6roYL bI *) ', rr=Lr?r8t"" )^r,^rat tytl\ rwcu/w uA]"r\ n = 6 @'^^'\)W tt)-'fu^)' o?ru4i'nq/n (n=u) '/r=A(t^-+^) (i^-lr') YX-- (t.or1" lon'-') = l'3't* lD5m-l \ = ^ tD-bm l,.=A(+ *) lo"'-') (!r^-o) = 4'z1"lo'.-' yr, - ( t.D1?* ^ - )")'8" lb-6n' Problem2 (a) The elechonin a hydrogenatomis in the first excitedstate,whentle electron acquiresah additionat2.86 eV ofenergy. What is the quantumnumbern of the stateinto which the electronmoves? V' fr, oru^ryy Afu'b4 at ftr )/"f;,QXu\."J''r \yv. h-n ---+Eo= - l?' G'v/^" n - I '+'t E= nur -ont'tft,A & z.> tVS=Y ' A gv''-'t -UJ tt -3"'i.V + A.EGeV = -D.54e-V - 15.Ice v ---.- ":F@ rE f)t r \ - \- '= - 3.4.t1 - o. Sl e\) r (b) A laseris usedin eyesurgeryto weld a detachedretinabackinto place.The wavelengthofthe laserbeamis 514 nm, andthe power is 1.5 W. During surgery,the laserbeamis tumed on for 0.050s. During this time, how manyphotonsareemittedby the laser? P: t/" X = 5l'l nm '. fu -e/fzqt r/*'i'" '{V )e .l-an i'" q*- P= 1"5w t=nhT 9'+ 9a \. 6 = 9,o5D9 <l n=? ., \4 Y= _";', r n= Ij- ht ?=/^= = (t"sw) Co,o5ot) o'' fta) (c,t z' I u'ltr.r) ( r.g"/*t 3.o , lD''f s g t{ x lo-qr., = 5.8't x lo'ttfz D:1,9*lo'"