Torque – a “twisting force”

Torque | MCAT 2015
Torque – a “twisting force”
• A net force causes an object to
travel along a curve
Converting the F Vector into Components
Converting the force vector into components, we
are left with 2 components that are either
perpendicular or parallel to the position vector.
Boy on a Seesaw
The boy’s downwards gravitational force induces
a torque, which is responsible for the impending
counterclockwise motion of the seesaw.
τ = Frsinθ
τ = torque
F = force
r = position vector
θ = angle between those vectors
θ is now 90°, and sin90° equals 1
So, we can simplify our equation:
o τ = Fl
τ = torque
F = force
l = lever arm
The force is only the force
perpendicular to the position
o The horizontal force
component doesn’t
contribute to torque
The lever arm is just the length
of the position vector
Calculating the Torque
• Suppose:
o The boy’s gravitational
force is 150 N
o The lever arm is 2 meters
o The seesaw’s tilt is 30°
Identifying the Variables Required to
Calculate Torque
As we’ve seen in so many
situations before, calculations are
greatly simplified when we can
make our vectors perpendicular
o By converting the force
vector into components,
we can make F and r
Determining the Angle Between the Force
Vector and its Components
Evidently, tilting the seesaw 30° will produce a
30° angle (highlighted) between the downwards
force vector (faded blue) and its component
vector (opaque blue)
© 2016 J Co Review, Inc., Accessed by Guest on 10-01-2016
Torque | MCAT 2015
Knowing the 30° angle, we could
use trigonometry to find our
component vectors
Finding Component Vectors
Using the 30° angle, you can use SOH CAH
TOA to find component vectors of 130N & 75N.
With a lever arm (2 m) and a
perpendicular force component
(130 N), we can solve for torque
τ = (130 N)(2 m) = 260 Nm in
the counterclockwise direction
In this case, there is torque in
only one direction
But, we now have to find 3
For the 8 kg weight:
o F = mg = 80N
o l=3m
o τ = 240 Nm
For the 6 kg weight:
o F = mg = 60N
o l=1m
o τ = 60 Nm
For the 10 kg weight:
o F = mg = 100N
o l=2m
o τ = 200 Nm
The 8 kg and 6 kg weights
produce torques
counterclockwise, so we can sum
their torques to 300 Nm
The 10 kg weight produces a
clockwise torque
Torque in Both Directions
• A plank hanging from the ceiling
suspends three weights
o They are spaced from the
center as shown
Final Torques
Adding the two counterclockwise torques, the
final counterclockwise torque is 300 Nm. The
clockwise torque is 200 Nm.
Plank Suspending Three Different Weights
Our three forces are already
perpendicular to the lever arm
o We don’t need to find
component vectors
Since the counterclockwise
torque outweighs the clockwise
torque, the plank will rotate
Why didn’t we calculate the
torque of the gravitational force
on the plank itself?
o FG acts on the plank’s
center- at point of rotation
o Lever arm=0, and so τ = 0
© 2016 J Co Review, Inc., Accessed by Guest on 10-01-2016