THE ATOKLAND IPB.OPEKTTBS ] FOR SAKE. - PROPERTIES FOR SAUL PROPERTIES FOR SALE. - * GEO. HATCHER, ryPPOBTUNITx. iTYLDEN p PROPERTIES FOB SAKE. ™ A WE ASSURE SATISFACTION. Having EVERT City and Suburban Home fine AGENCY CO., LTD. PROPERTIES FOR SAAS. PBOPERIXES FOB SAXOG. ABSOLUTEILY FOR SALE. ABSOLUTE BARGAM lN.Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE LAKE RD.—New Honse DBVONPOBT— of 6 large rooms; all conveniences; good garden, lawns, asphalt paths; view SPIERS' CM3LUMN. I ! 3 FEBRUARY X 1913. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. jpG PER ACRE—Cheap Seaside Farm; »0 eoo<j level land, 110 acres; 20 acres- A OLDEN in grasm, well watered: will carry 8 cows in presrat state; lj miles creamery; 4-roomed Cottage; 12 miles Drnry, or 3 hours steamer -| nij ACRKS ETCH VOLCANIC LAND; Onehunga.—J. E. HAYMAN. 22, City Cham- J-1 I extensive main road and fait water SLTERIOR HOUSES, bers. frontages; finest grasing around Auckland; each 6 rooms, bathroom, scul- j all In grass, fenced and subdivided. Two and tabs: j Z-. washhouse, with copper •Fine Residences on property; one 8 rooms, throughout, order ..' rears; i all convs. (a lovely home); slate-roofed and rrcser.t rental, 32.' week; | j £780. and 7-roomed House In first-clasa order, car, close Id sertion. Section, j WYNDHAM STREET AND EDEN etc.; commodious cowsheds, riheep yards, Land Transfer title. Will TERitACE. S.reof32ft: stables, etc.; all modern structures; well I close rown— t.. for a few Acres SIX MILES FROM watered throughout. l>alry Farm. We ran tnwoushly I Price. £160 per acre. About AUCKLAND. OR 1 as a sound in'jarn'Od '-i)ese propfTll OFFER. £10,000 cash, Equity. £600. TSARGAIN, CITY. SATURDAY, STAR, J. THORNES, HOUSE, LAND S3, QUEEN STRESrr, AUCKLAND. 0 £75 C" S* £750 HOUSE, two minutes from £750 a SLS-BOOJIBD tram and train, in GREEN LANE, RESIDENCE, nine rooms, besides bathrange, gas and room, w.c, built under owner's supervision for of Cash harbour; lately built. Price, £730. £180, balance 5 years at 5$ per cent. (worth having) for sale, you will be- wise himself, 49 ACRES, 25 miles north of We it is deciding. to visit us before know Aad Reduced. Auckland. The property Is well with every modern con—enience, rooms large quite impossible for any agents to state that just lofty; every——ere; and has been fenced with and h. and c. laid on watered, they have the very "house you have In sheep-proof fencing; 30 acres ploughed, baltiled hearths: good ganJen, stocked with mind." However, we are prepared to drive ance Is in grass. The soil is admirably fruit and vegetables. Owner leaving disyon round the suburbs In one of our up-tosuited for early produce, and, being so trict. We positively assert this is the you show ABSOLUTE (tree chargel, date motors of and goimdest property on the market and the handy to Auckland, will become very vainhundreds of houses for sale. NO HARM able In the near fntnre. The property is cheapest. Balance of parc_aee money veryNOTE.—We know of no property In or DONK IF WE CANNOT SUIT YOU. pDEN rnEREACE. about minutes from railway easy. situated about four Auckland offering a better prospective We have had expert ENGLISH and CONTIThere are rn.O?E station, store, and township. value, or none more suitable for «ttb- NENTAL experience, and we are original in A TBRY NICE HOU9B, near daily to and from Anckland. The \H7E"HAVE YXTELL-BUILT 7-ROOMED HOUSE; gas drviston, every acre being adaptable. Private our methods of selling Real Estate, and it IF YOU WANT EITHKR A FARM. A \ five trains this, equity £385. desirous of Exchangj»» throughout, newly papered, etc.; scul- reasons for selling. is all level, and has,been ail under the ing for Few Acres within three quarters of land Is OTHERS Justly said—WE LEAD, lery, per acre. Dwelling, 6; pantry, bathroom, etc. GOOD SEC£100 RESIDENCE, OR A SECTION. BLNG US plough. Price, £14 Terms, CASH—Substantial your IMITATE. and with or without buildconfidence, Auckland, an f-IAH rooms, bathroom, and usual ap- TION. 40 i 05ft. WILL LET AT 16/ PER We wnnt ho—r of 3 are prepared to work for it. Send for our iUP, OR CALL AND HAVE A TALK AND /~to-, WEEK, or would make a SMALL BOARDATEB FRONTAGE, WHITicOBD, ings. pABLAND mtatineßts; tiled hearths and eratea. hniltextensive list. ONLY MINUTES throughout. Property (Turaußa Creek)—l3l 7 WITH OUR PROPERTY AGENTS. ('-essers,' etc.; mts rNGHOUSE FROM FAIBTIEW 22, SHOKTLA'ND STREET. ttorongh order Inside and or.t; let at PENT SECTION. Acres, U mile from post office, 1 mile from I-evel section, 40 x 100. i school. The property has half-mile sea p„int 22 6 week. The owner of this ,-holre ASH. dose to car. frontage; all in grass except shelter bosh; £100 DEPOSIT. ha, determined to quit, and will all level, and is all plooghable; nearly is imT«Kept £To°. wltn ;era>s as above. BALANCE, £330. AS RENT. now carrying bOO sheep, 16 head of cattle, TELEPHONES, 417 ami 1,624. NEAVLY-EITLT BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, OS, QUEEN STREET. Phone 3,492. and two horses. House of 10 rooms; cowpantry, scullery, bathroom, washhouse; SECTION, on waterside, 4S x 140; Why Pay Rent. This is a Rare Chance to etrrnite panelled ceiiings, large shed, barn, and all necessary outbuildings. near trams, beach, and park; £7 5/ per handsome Secure a Home. Buildings are worth about £1000. The proentrance hall, heavy rimu arch: finely AUCKLAND—A Genuine Bar- perty is well fenced, watered, and subproportioned rooms. Attractive views of DEN Al gain—£7 per into 12 paddocks, post and wire Tipper harbour. Bal., 1575, arranged. ttcrei including stock and dividedand Uve hedges. Owner leaving tor Implement*—o.o Acres. 3 mtleß from railfences scullery, HOUSE: 1831 <IC5> 0-ROOMED way station and creamery by metal road; Australia; must be sold immediately. WYNDHAM STTtFTBT AND EDEN pantry, bathroom; all conveniences; £75 DEPOSIT. 3MXNS. TRAM. ACRES, all pioughable and in AQI/ TERRACE. school 1 mile; 700 acres grass, balance light near 2d section: offer wanted. /2 grass; fenced and subdivided into just MOST ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE, ] STREET. 64, QCEEX bush and fern; nearly all undulating and water in every paddock. New paddocks; TT»OAD. 11 conveniences;!, completed, OT. TTELIER-S T>AY C rooms, all ring-fenced aud sulnllvided into House, five rooms, milk-house, cowsheds. dining and drawing-rooms connected with plongjablc; sevcu paddocks, not 10, DURHAM STREET. small homePresent owner milking; about one mile road / ACRES. 400ft to main road and handsome folding doors. Patent conver- j( stead paddocks; Houseim-ludiug of 7 rooms and washAUCKLAND. frontage; half mile from wharf, one mile /2 40Oft to side road; level, with mirrored ward-j j tibie gas fires. from Kn—leu station; all good land. Price, etc., built of kauri heart; good outsplendid Price, £575. robes. Elevated Massive harbour views. section, tarred paths, i house, £1000. Ternw can be arranged. yard, concrete steps. £755. ; boildingu, including 10-bail cowshed. Would Balance, SPLENDID SITE FOR FACTORY OR Terms, or will exchange for larger section, make uu ideal dairy farm, stock Included; Phone 1,537. Box 454. P.O. (192) Tarcaki or Whltford. 1970 Section, WAREHOUSE. arranged. I 3C x 140 imore or jimplements nearly uew. 11,000 sheep, D.E. QPLENDrD ■pWUIT Tf»ABM. Within 7 miuutes of Queen Street. REV T YNN. |less). Agents. £75 DEPOSIT. OR TRAM EZNE. j Plough with block and tackle, 24 head Sole pONSONBY rs'ATERSIDE. ACRES—6 Acres in orchard it) foil NBW AND UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOW. cattle, S.E. Plough with block and tackle, '71/ DEPOSlT.—Bungalow Honse. few nprr, /2 bearing, mostly late apples; 1* 3J*y 6 rooms and recognised conveniences; cell- 10 Horses, C Draughts, 1 Set 4-horse Harmins. 2d section: 5 rooms; all conMassey-Uarrls Buggy, grass; splendid House of 7 rooms, LAND rows, AGENT, ESTATE Pet AND Acres in Discs, ings throughout, eteruite. finished with j veniences. Balance weekly payments. | every cowrenlence; stables, fruit, workshop, 6 Sets Draughts, Harness, Oil EnGreenwood's rimu battens; casement windows; heavy t Trap, near —Sections, No. 5, FORT STREET, gine, Separator, Chaffcutter. Bench and T OVKLI MODERN HOME or 7 rooms, and other outbuildings; horse, cowshed, shower; porcelain C 3 x and and cold 159; level, AVENUE Best Residential 53 and Corner. x 165 bath hot trap, harness; poultry; and all necessary U rrnlete with cvrr>- possible conveulvaluable freehold section, 10ft to main 1 i Ireular Saw. £4000 can remain at 5 per Sites In this favoured district. All volcanic. 55,' per ft. diningbillurdroom: Property well sheltered. and VICTORIA ARCADE BULLDINGS. years. (No. 12S0) Implements. combined hut 3 farm aet(175) ISSI cent for road. Bal., £675, arranged. scrvlr-e throughont. etc. One hour's drive from Auckland. Perman| Sections i acre or more. Easj terms. OUR REPORT.—Three Grey Lynn proper- j ACRES, Land TT.; 1,420 acres in 6 rooms and con- ent water ysi property. A chance to pro—House, ties, which serve to show the variety of' X tti«XIFICKNT I SECTION, I t\) grass and fern. 350 acres bush: 6 veniences; section 50 by 145. Price, cure splendid fruit and poultry farm. Price 130ft. <-onjman>ling lovely harbour j HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE AND GENERAL bouses we have on our hooks in this rapidly paddocks; 1 ](Vif( l.vOnly £1600. Very easy terms. heavy sandstone country, carrying EMU ERA. £500. one minute from sandy beach i rising suburb, AGENT. TYLDEN AND SPIERS, j riewf. 2,000 sheep. 100 cattle, and 3 horses at the ROSKILL—House, 5 rooms, hot and 50, PHOENIX CHAMBERS. 05, Queen Street. ma i?rr convenient to ear line. (understocked). time Good cold 50 present House, water, grates, etc.; gas ! section Office). j. ;«" SECTIONS on the Mam Road, within QUEEN STREET lopp. New Post 6 rooms, sheep yards, shed, dip, etc. Town- |Iby 138. Price. £050; terms, £100 cash. iU the 3d section from town. AUCTIONEER AND LAND AGENT, ship 51, railway station 10, and school 24 House, 8 rooms and coavenlicj SPLENDID HOUSES In Clonbern Road. miles; cream cirt passes the gale. tiled roof, hot AND LORNE STREETS. Price, I concrete VICTORIA euces; blocks, £100 DEPOSIT. |: —' THERMS CAN I!E ARRANGED. Terms, one-third cash. £5 10/ per acre. and cold water; allot. 130 by 135. Price, —House of 5 rooms. 5 years (245) j| £1,500. COSY LITTLE HOME, 6 rooms, bath-' old. faithfully built of heart kauri; jj room, pantry, w.a->iihouse, hot and cold one of tho Most Complete aad /COCHRANE AND C^ON, dinlngroom IS x 12, bedrooms 13.6 x 12, 12 II ATORTHCOTE —House, .7 rooms, bathroom Artistically-designed Homes in Clry West. water service throughout; eternite cell OR DAIRY F. RM, 200 acres,' A> and scullery, 5 fireplaces, gas, hot and x 11, 12 x 10. kitchen LI x 12. bathroom, lngs, casement windows. Fine elevated three-parts plocghable, all In grass ex-;.cold water, built-in wardrobes, linen; hall 5.8, ceilings 12ft high, verandah 30 x LIMITED, Balance, eltririps; £.".".'.l. shelter Eucilsh sertion, ceptlng ..'lose to trams. grvisses. in back verandah, large shed suitable for motor, R; detached washhouse. with fixed c. and L; arranged on easy terms. 1187) IIMO good heart; limestone and sandstone forma- i washhouse tubs). and Price, (copper ISO. QUEEN STREET. good workshop; fowlbouse and run; vegeeonld niilk £1,000; terms, £400 cash. :lon; currj .-.-.sjlv 2 in 2i i-hre, live £950. BANDY TO CITY. rTtHE "pOFULAR jy"ARINE QMJBUBR table garden; tarred paths and yard; away; township, cows rlcht school and AUCTIONEER. 30 3") x 178; LYNN—New House, 5 rooms and hedge all round allotment which is lj mile. Good heolthy "VJ"E\V SPDKNDIDLY-BUILT 7 station 1 lo RESIDENCE, rniiv.-.ny AN conveniences; washhonse (copper and tank, drainage. supply, septic water BASE OF NEW ZEALAND BUILDINGS. town rooms an.l offices; diuitiiCrootn 20ft. draw- loiintrv for all stock; well watered. Itcanon tubs); small orchard; section 1 acre. Price, At the price, £4i5. this property is a baringrooin 16ft. others in proportion: inter- for selling, owner lemlng the district. See £450 SWANSON STREET. 'galn The honse, within uud without, is In (1260) "AriNUTES "pROM ior design and t'.i.lsh in latest style: It >ts about this. ROSKILL— New House, 5 room*, /~tNLY TfHGHT perfect order, and being only 8 minutes' j| verandahs; coo.l garden, conservatory; washhouse (copper and tubsi; veranjuh i near Royal Oak—First-class 7- walk from trams and railway station, makes jI 3mln. to 1053 Terms. CSTKBEn:. HSiJi .ari. Terms, front; cony., workingmac s home. £150 few minutes from cars— hack and section 50 x 120. Price, [ roomed Honse r.n'i ail modern I ideal Beni rlfnl New Hoose of seven fine £525; terms, £225 cash, balance on mort£200 DEPOSIT. j with deiached washboupe, stable, buggy- |cash. shed, and cowbonse; with three acres first- j Clonbern Road—Well —Off ."> rooms, liui't !n up-to-da'e style and of best nOUSE, WELL-PItOiUUTIONED •li.-.'.c-: t'.l.'l fireplni-es, l.'r-on cupboards; EDEN—House, 6 rooms, all conveni\ r:«ss volcanic soil; larso road frontage, j built Residence of 0 rooms and every rooms, bathroom, ct.-.; large diulng and LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, hi' anil cid wale-: porcelain balh, wash-1 ences; allot. 50 by 132. Price, £aSO. I Selling on account of house too large; only I convenience; allotment 57 x 135. Price, drawing rooms, rhaip.lng bedrooms; mas- hnuse, Easy terms. £675. Terms. £100 cash. two persons. etc. SI in.II. ;- b: \ irre s "Ct lon illI IYlre. £2010. 0 raugc STREET. sive Roman tiici and bath; AUCKLAND. nas ':jOr would cxch:mr<- for smaller properties. i piRE, S3, QL'EKN -arm. sheitepvl ;.,>f.-:tlon. Price, ony .CIOT.O. j PONALLOTMENTS. plates; nicely elevated section In lawn, \ mr, : bargain, i.tiil well iwrth Inspection. Branches: ROSKILL— M Acre?, nil in grass Near barn, •It.ft x 158ft; price. SONBY: garden, etr. i'.altin, c. £50", arranged, cash; balance as arranged i Terms. £100 WIIAKF. liEVuNItjKT; ARATAI'D. cultivation: House of five room? and j'£0 5/ per ft. MO UN IN.SIDE: «6ft x 103ft; j iI.S-tl 1030 (1274) | outbuilding?; two road frontages. Price, i price, £2 10/ per ft. KA YSWATER; 66ft X OUR REPORT.—We have just received "|T' EW £2000. Terms easy. Or woci.l exchange 160ft; price. £0 5/ per ft. particulars of t1..-sr _:r<.r"Tties nn.l cannot TERRACE, on" Victoria Avenue— I Honse of nlre rooms; seven for small house property. \! iiRNINGSIDE. spent, too highly of them. They will not House. 0 rooms and coir.enieuces; I bnthroom, washhouse, trnpshed. etc., BY THE OWNEBS RESERVED TO TOWN HALL—Shop and the market. tubs; copper good rauge, ti loin on TYLDEN an.l nesrly 3-acre o' land, nt.-ely laid ont and Mi" UOL'SE, ."< rooms, with all Dwelling; land. Xi x 76: freehold. water, etc. Sectlou. 33 x 93ft. AND SPIERS. U". Queen Street. SALE AT lawn, rose ..-nrrlen. atifl orchanl. gns ami city NOW FOR o,t>t)D coav.-tut-u. es; l-alit :< mouths; h. i'rice. £2000. ARE Very ca«y terms. lin f37.',. CO) Price. by weli-V.ep: ronr -ifii and i I hl?h hcU'e. Kieow anU c. water, porcrlnm t-ath. mirror maoLAND AND ESTATE AGENT, I<^ES. LEASE—I 4Acres and GEORGE'S BAY ROAD—O-rc„med I vr.t,Ml ar.d warm Seven minutes -yERY pR u-is, etc.: a-ashliouse; «e< tiou jd x V"ORTIICOTE—TO billiar.; (including -i.' S-roomed House; two acres of orchard, House EMPIRE BUILDINGS, SWANSON ST. roum),j from station; ir. minutes from cars. Ga< train. full bearing, j-ai-re Lm; I minutes Iron. tmn-atoes, two acres of £PV> ail lointLitums. nearly 1; acre.-* land: or-' Cash, £1150. EXTENSIVE GROUNDS, j a:M water. I'rice, £740. £4.*. repaya.iie £S quar- ■ .■"tr.Twbcrrleß: Laih, £1!W. Price, two ram, two heifers, trap 1127.1) chard and garden; lovely views. OUNCE. \ IMIOSING FAMILY RKISI ter, iaciiiu i.g mlti.'.pal [irurest. farming harness, £3,0u0. Easy (173) implements. and The i terms. week. ...,r„l chance to securu a ; a:wl £16U handy .ars. 6 rooms, usual oniees; dining is onlj minutes from trains; i Lot. 0 i HOMES, TTrORKERS* mERMS. (S-S.) i.ti terms. I", within •mlrarbsn exceptional rosy tiutne room 20 x 14. x breakfast room Realty Cheap Properly, cousuuing of a--rr-s iilman., area: station: rieht 11, large bedrooms: ;', verandahs. 2 square ni<e views;W\ New o-ruouted House, hot and iuld v.atcr; larg'- ro.-i.l frontape. Would cut siPER CENT DOWN. 10 PER CE3.I DEN. 10 bnv windows, 2 cables; magnineent eleft., laud, t'.on 'm x 200 richest volcanic into sections very well. Very easy terms lIN 3 MONTHS, AND THE BALANCE FOJ vate<i vol-ante sertion, 112 x 140, in spleniisti) [ESTABLISHED 1853.] l'ri.-e, only £20 per a.-ie. <nsh £50. un co l"ld out. Price, 1i,03u. 0 YEiARS AT 4i PER CENT. 05, QUERN STREET. YKW HOUSE. ■'• rooms: h. and c. water: did order; Howcr, fruit, vegetable gardens. Ml I'.llA iAda Street)—o-roomed House; Tei. 2215. portrciain hath: septic lank, lead lig.itu; || (IR'i) 1041 V se< Uuu -JJ x 200 ft.; well leu I'rice, shrubs, lawns. Terms. uled trarus. grates; etc.; well; (170) cony.; hnr.dy to railway station, etc.; ti.>s. ! *-i tjciit aud üb.eii elevated; o nunuies to £725. HAIiF-MIN. TO TRAM. good 5c.-ti.u-. t'.t. x 165, no atone, best of / 1 UEAT NORTH ROAD. AVONDALE— SPECULATORS muas. ISOVJ. Terms, only £100 .-ash, bal- | CHARMiNGLY-fiESP.NED RESIDENCE soil, will ,-t-e .-.■ v.m.E. i>r,-,., c ,-,-.o_ Tori ySX .\fc v,-, well-built 5-rooraed House, with lace arranged, '.ct in early. This will go] 5(5 .". rooms, ex'-lnsive of customary offices; arranged Kirst-cluss train service. I'hcop ci cry jiossibie; AND OTHERS' SHOULD MAKE FUIJ (julctly. (S.S.) i dintngTooiu 16ft square, drnwiugrooui 14 tares, nice views, healthy locality. Hot nicely Easy laid out. i'rice, £boo. INVESTIGIATION AND ACQUAINT THEM and 20011., 0 T vith larre re-ess. bclrooms 11 x 13.: -old water. lU5> SliL\ BS WITH THE GREAT PItO.SPEC x **"- 1 i1221j terms. ■ IP, x 10, handsome dome ceiling: elevated piltMiLL —Shop and Dwelling; section TIVE HALUE IN THIS ESTATE. HDI SK. 7 rooms, tvlth aU conWELL BUILT I volcanic section. 2t«Jft deep, absolutely I33 x 120ft. £.50. 0Price, —Ilouse of 0 rooms. Just built: has »oUU handy to trams; sec-: HOUSE ot heart of kauri, containing! free of stone; two lawns. Terms. allotment 38 x 150ft. very latest conveniences, and in every roomed Dwelling; (ISC) 1041 [ tun CO i 120, .ash required £7i, halnuoe £1 7 rooms, large aud airy; enamel hath, h. (17:i| way Up to date. Sertion, 5T x 154; lmlu I'rice. £1150. Price, il-oi). (S.S.) and c. water: p.w.c. and septic tank: veneA snip at ttie price. train. Terms. £100i ]>li.\H KIU (MacMurray Road)—Moderu j ?. net rpHE TTAYMARKET. £9SO. INSIDE 2D SECTION. ji from All Particulars from the acre section. (1243) ) AY House, 8 rooms, ueaily tlan blinds; gas in all rooms: commands exdown. RING (177) tensive views and Is close to 2d ATTRACTIVELY FINISHED APrice, gASSWATBa. j t1,150. I section. ALBERT STREET. LOW, unique design, 6 rooms, every mod—Comfortable and Well- 1-rjAYSWATER SYNDICATE ,' XEW HOUSE ruICE C-ROOMED j QPLENDID ern convenience: two rooms each 10 x built House of 7 rooms; 13 acres of r 0 and absolutely every c.nvenl-nce an! 1 etc.; 14; excellent suite of bedrooms; eternite laud, laid out in orchard, garden, fowlruns, i TALMBiaSTON BUILDINGS. rasifon; h. and c water, p.w.c, lead lights, Very easy walls; panelled all Al close to school and order; honestly ceilings, handsome rimu i in terms. We caJi recomtitles; un vcrv fine se.-don. .70 x 330, ran _• (570) church. I'rice, £1,050. tuck-pointed stone foundation: level volTESTATE, T7/AST mend this property. OINCLAIR-S jla; rijh: down to and only a fctv (Arthur Street)—First-class 3mln. trani. Terms. "LM.LERSLIE canic section; X lovely atmitrs to wliarf. This Is a home, 1141) 1714 I| A-J Property, 7-roomed House and conveniTV pSDAILE AND {^°bring bail: specially for the owner, and rpAMAKI. ences; allotment j acre, laid out in garden w OUR REPORT.—Mount Eden, with its rich Eiianed at-cordinzij. There are three eet-in i (170) Price. £760. B ! and orchard. TAKAPUNA. nrdrobea of oiied rimo. bathroom is 12 s volcanic soil and charming environs. Is the I LitA (Vi. toria Avenue)— First-class In al! essentials T>EMUERA QALEYARDS "p STATE. Ideal residential area. In white enamel, luxurious 1 7.lathmdacdSnlshed Level Allotment, i acre. Price, £G 10/ 0 R L E. C A these bouses the pick of hundreds- -mnst basin; re-,Libole of oiled rimu and -V per foot. (133) ld GJALEYARDS TESTATE. satlsfr the most fasti.lions. TYLDRN AND Talnable lead lights. The Insurance is £630 (Gillies Avenue) —New Bungalow, ■" SPIERS, 9.1. Queen Street. walch will pv.- yon an Idea of the exee lent "jl.-fT. ROSKILL (dose Dominion Road) )I Xj water; well hot aud cold rooms; seven -IxA large House, o rooms, plaster cell'.nra, vibe wr an- ..frertng. We have the ph. to 'ffinished throughout; allotment 71ft. x lGr.rt Sere, and would tie pleased to take you nv»r h. and c. wafer, porcelain hata. tiled hrarthx, rpHE TDEAL TESTATE, "pAPATOETOE y US4) Price, £875. :1 lo ste the honse. This property la yoo.-a if linen press, etc. Large section. £150 cash, .3d. section can— POSITION. easy balance "V"0 fjoO; terms. —9 mins. from Town Hall—Ne' fy MODERN BUNGALOW. fTUJE TDEAL "pSTATE, pAPATOETOE I £935. joa cone earij. (L.U.A.) Modern Residence, S rooms, tile roof; j Kunpalow, containing 6 roCMns; batl "VrT. EDEN (Prospect Terrace)— House, 6 level volcanic section, over i-acre. Price, OK QI .VINT DESIGN aud exceptional IxX rooms aad al! conveniences; large secporcelain bath, h. and c. water; tile ! room, £1,550. (192) j finish, 3 rooms, pantry, scullery, \! I'rice £740. £lt tion, fruit trees, and vegetables. Comfort—One-storey House. 9 rooms aud hearths; allot. 35 x 127 TTAMILTON TESTATE. pAPATOETOE. •i room, washhouse. hot water service; din-, f j"LM'SOM deposit, balance easy terms. able home. Close 2d section. £150 cash, ! X.J ail modern 1 Ingroom 21 ft, especially large bedrooms; conveniences, over acre LAND AND ESTATE AGEXTs, <i, balance £000, on easy terms ;TTAMILTON commanding of uud within laud; view, joi TESTATE. sea garden, frontage S BOft to one pAPATOETOE. | extensive 01TF1CES: S3, QUEK.N ST., AUCKLAND; "pOINT CHEVALIER (close i Modern 5-roomed House; pautr: Mornlngvid? (254) of car. "OOARDINGIIOUSE OFi- I i» minutes the best streets In Epsom, 200ft deep. j Tram)—Brick Residence, A scullery, bathroom, porcelain b&u\ an with every BRANCHES— RAETON ROAD —House, 12 rooms, all [ convenience. |167) ISI2 2mln. ears. Terms. ~X lv good order; freehold section, 40 x j basin; dinlngroom IS x 17. square bay an V7HAHF, DEVONFORT: ARATAPU. Section, 50 x 165, orcharu, Of) T>OOMS, casement; volcanic section Co x 205. Ptli garden and lawn. £300, terms. ] 175ft. I'rire. £1,30(1. Easy terms. £75 DEPOSIT. IMIN. TRAM. v ■ "" BAY-Good Residence. 6 rooms, I The above Estates are Worthy of Inspection. LDEN (corner Men Road and Shcr- £775. JUST PINISIIED. Co..<i C-roomed Ilouse, with every convenience, including h. Well-built Itoml) burn 9-roomcd tiled scullery, washhouse, painted: bathroom. 6 Rooms: pantry, sculler; ; and c. water. Section. «G x 170, In gjrden ■ Built of of kauri, just recently House: all modern cotivetiieuces: section 50 hearths and grates, expensive leadllghts, ev.-rylliin;- In firstelnss order. V> ell Furbathroom, washhouse; allot. 40 x 11 j and lawns. £950, terms. 15oft.: good view; handy to 2d. section. friezes; retention hall 12 x !>, spacious llv- n'.she.l throughe-:t. and .1! l.v a"et;-':cue gas.." xPrice, PRICES MOST REASONABLE. £1,350. (close 1200) Price £700. Terms can be arranged. Cheltenham and V?So!il— £100—MODERN RESIDENCE, jj tiou,■'i POPR volcanl sc. ing bedrooms; and level with SKt'TIONS, rRKF.-M'lI.D Narrow Neck Beaches) —Splendid Resisix rooms; bathroom. sxrnKery; all jo 2 x ISO; splendid orchard; magnificent | Stal.lcs tliprcon: also vr.Cetnlile garden, etc niesljr papered and decorated: dinlngroom, dence of 7 rooms, etc. FDEN —3 mins. from car—Up-to-dai Section, 70 x ICO. | Beinp the o;.:v h.,:ir:!!nr'nnrsp In the tonvnG-roomed House, with every couv Hi Oft; allotment 7S x lSDft, level and Main road. I harbour views. Bal., £525. arranged. TERMS VERY EASY. UVJJ 1903l j ship, the i-s never without hoarders. 3 verandahs: elevated position; allot. 50 •" stable and TowEhonse; stands hlsh. ELDING and other Sections. Devonpc.Tt, ESTATE j AGENTS. c £lfi.Vi, concern. goinc PRICK. So> as a Epsom, Mt- Rosklll, Onehunga, and all BtaolTe views. Price, £350. Terms: £100 140. i'rice ISOO. £100 deposit. £200 DEPOSIT. o4 Sxcelleat value. I reason for selling above low price iss 103, QUEEN STREET. Telephone, 1,135. parts Greater Auckland. «' AND AT-'•old aze and owner? have no children. SUBSTANTIALLY-BUILT FRONTAGE, NORTHCOTE— T EDES -ALMOST NETV HOUSE. Modern Residence of 7 YJX7ATER o I TRACTIVELT-DESIGNED BCNGALOW. j Owner wo.-.i.l entertain eiiher ("ntt.ijre or Vl mins. from Wharf—Residence of larse rooms; bathroom, pon-elain rooms, etc, on deep section, k..v aDd iand conveniences and 1 Sttb'.irban Property as part payment. I ! 6 rooms, e.ll *-J rooms; np-to-date in every respect; 2 6 sf, b sh Patent septic Lank: two roads and the beach; handy trams. appointments: dluingrooiu 21 ft. I.edrooms | Ware nuls and frteres. '"verandahs; uninterrupted views; cornlead light*- hot Price, lnclnding furniture, £700; £230 ca-ih, Photo of House at my Ollicc. well proportioned aud finished: culinary w I arrangements allot. 00 x 200; nicely laid out. Price £102 s rtrf swTice:5 Tice: washhouie, wood and coal balance arranged. of the latest: p.w.c; esjieI dally large section. tetngrooa, 20 x Wft; Qret-dasa /"IITY LEASEHOLD. 41 ye.irs to run. hr.lf 210, gates, 60 x double | MAKE KNOWN" YOUR WANTS. *econvt3«ns: large volcanic allot- v-> compensation; 3J x 100, Qniy Street, PONSONB\'—Close to Cars I '■1 Hal., | carriage drive; close to 2J tran.s. c mlD"tes from cars. Price, £850 with Brick Stores and Offices, let at £.81 c—-'Jv/ 4-rootned House and convs.; buj »sy terms Em dot)) 1.00 it £SSO. arranged. arranged. per annum. GOING CONCERN. of first-class timber; level allot. Price £4S Will stand another storey. a a BE-ACII £(5.000 or offer. Easy terms ! £250 CASH. JUST COMPLETED. CrNTA,GP Kft x W2ft. the pick of Cottage, 8 rooms; section, 28 x 64;; tta«» I Uoutr!"e P^ e for quick sale. VERY ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE, bunwell let. £XX). A •" SUPERIOR galow st.vie. 7 rooms and offices; large xipv, REASON FOR SELLING OWNER ALLHiTMBNT. Tl rTTAINUI TOWNSHIP—SmaII Farm, 50 '» AUCTIONEER AND ESTATE AGENT. ONLY LEAVING TTOm bench: extensive wa AND "VTAKE AXONET FOR ENGLAND. entrance hall and dinlngroom, delightful[ 17, acres; lj in grass, 7 in orchard; Cot■ CpTls lsr '» 4 rooms, shed, and stable; 6 milesi 10, AND 20. ROYAL LNSUUAN'L'E f P er oot £1<» cash. tage drawlngroom 14ft square, specially sele.*t"vl Ii Clock), friezes, BLILDINGS nd Imndsoroe mirrored I pa(iers ALIX3TMB.VT the K.iukapakaxm. £550. iNe-tt ed ii I 'Only dliitr^t 02-8 x 165ft. mantels; splendid volcanic section, 71 x S MASON TyHfTE AND TT7EBSTEB, rrtHE QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. 185. Balance. £62."i. arranged. (176) 1886 20 rooms, stables. Imc enseal trade, close A LLOTMENTS 100, QUEEN STREET to wharf and public works; full up all th< 26. PHOENIX CHAMBERS. OUR REPORT. —"We cannot adequately dePhone 1560. time. AT (Opposite Shortland Street). scribe these tour properties. To appreciate\ FURNITURE, Linen, Crockery, Cutlery them to the full they must be inspected. JBCHANGB LANE. QUBBN STREET. ITp 0 R O L T AXE rpAKAPUNA. E, P'ano, Bewl.ig Machine. 2 good Cows am: A TYLDEN AND SPIERS. Ur>, Queen Street. Heifer. 2 1 igs, 40 .'"owls, 2 Acres Lane 1 rented at .">•' week; bouse rent 27 6 week. Penrose, situated close to 01/ ACRES, BALANCE OF LEASE, 7 YEARS, TC i t>/2 station; good Dwelling of 6 rooms; NEAR THE VIEWS, RT N. £785. AN IDEAL HOME. for quick sale. Price, £1200 or offer. EasiestJ UNSURPASSED BEACH, TWOPENNY TRAM SECTION. exchange brings in 20/ pel Telephone of terms. !t I,llalJea 1593.) FIVE ROOMS, recognised conveniences; leaving net rental or 12/0 per week. Tfaone 3237. v THE CHEAX'EST LAND IN THE (SOK—PONSONBY, 2mlns. from car— dinlngroom 10ft. excellent suite of bed- ! FOR ABSOLUTE URGENT SAKE3, week, '"MLNIOS CHAMBERS, 03. QUEEN ST. 4? o»U— «J Dwelling. Aye rooms; pantry, sanitation; wide veranDISTRICT. This is one of the soundest and best pay up-to-date EASY TERMS. looms: doors he]OTT Smeeton's). scullery, bathroom, all modern cony. Easy ing BoardiughotiFcs In the country. ■c. dah, spacious porch; extensive section, 55 U«m Bet* flowers, fruit and vegetable thoroughly recommend this. ««' AND ESTATE AGENTS ANDi terms. 300; lawns, x I can New Five-roomedI ACRES FREEHOLD, BOMBAY, rich WILL SELL OK EXCHANGE FO: VALUERS. O-J Afk DEPOSIT—A gardens; fowihouse and run; close trams. CftyH p »lW T AKELANDSI Owner only selling on account of having to«» Dwelling, artistically finished. T AKELANDSI PRIVATE HOTEL. Eents Collerted. Mortgages Arranged. volcanic luuii; highly Unproved dairy 194) 1455 j ■ Terms. immediately.; spituuluij il-uceU, 10 puddocks; ; m to leave for I-lnglaud imln. from car. Price. £000. through an accident, and unat "" DEPOSIT. *A £30U LARGE bathacres 8 acres ROOMS; potatoes, ialiow, auu AKEDANDSI oatrf 2t A_7K—POUR -24 Acres, gra=s and la orchard, I£• to manage, will Sell the above splcnc a oVrlw £35() •'MIN TO TRAM, close to station. DE- -jattes rougu teed, Ua.ance in good Lnglisl room, pantry; front and track -">ntage. good land, and ] property of 203 acres, all good land; 100 his* LIGHTFUL 5-UOOMED lIOLSE, bath- -glasses; grand orchard, garden, and lawns grase. 37 ready and partially ploughed, v; Hoos e and outbnlldings. Price, 1 verandah; section. 30 x 130. £100 deposit. -11T3 Homestead, b rooms; pantry, scullery y.. £!«o and hot aud washhouse, scullery THE hue j room, ADJOINING SHAKESPKAHB ti-tree; well subdivided, fenced, and water |enc» -W Cni!S <>RTler leaving New Zeawater, steel ceilings, cold VenetianI bathroom, v\actihouse. Hied copper and tnbi T> by windmills and streams; township, scht ESTATE. C blinds, 2 verandahs, bay window; extcu I (water laid on). Owner making urgent sac 1^ Acres, oulta-ble for fnilt: i and creamery 2 miles distant. All buiidir A et section, 80 x 160; splendid garden. rltice at £ld per acre if sold immediately PHOENIX CHAMBERS. 8, NO. sivc nearly new; modern cowshed, with pate Price. £240. Also hedges, etc. Bal., £525. ar- Easy terms. vVonld consiaet uncncumueiet tu shrubs, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. bails, fitted with new L.K.G. milking v AKELANDSI T AKELANDSI ranged. (176) ISS93 property as deposit. (228) L»t KB—L:> Acres. 7 chains road chines, *•' fin--, cost £230 to in-stal; large stockya AGUES FREEHOLD, ALBANY, clos< se HOBSON BUILDINGS. FORT STREET rail m rT°P- some nice native OUR REPORT.-—Three houses chosen from ODij '■ "=sl Ik^^L 11?" tidal T AKELANDSI fenced; every convenience for hot a OOU to school and P.0.; cream can re g^Q the whole of this fashionable suburb as Phone 2608. creek; Two Rooms cold water. Thirty-three good cows, hi passes sheep-proof fencing, paddocks 7 door; S; being quite above the ordinary, and yetII I test at factory; one bull, four good bors A good river frontage; all ploughaole; 220 acrei es c!ose tc sab urban station; snlt«■ well within the means of the moderate pur- ploughed in One condition: 18 forward calves, 10 lai »,.<* ■ A?Fafl DEPOSIT—AN ABSOLUTE BARand grassed, 150 acres fern ant cctd!l S °P- C«Q reqnireA, j cwtA/ GAIN—Good Howe, 5 roomt. bathpigs, and 30 good-bred fowls; gig, bra S*> TO RISK. chaser. TYLDEN AND SPIERS, 05, Queen ousu. 1 lac Homestead, t» rootus, auu up LARGE SECTIONS. BOUND scullery; washhouse; all large rooms; wagon, spring dray, D.F. and thi Street. , mnes ;, to-date ootbnildings. ACEffi, s mlles PRICE, £10 I'El HOUSE, LAND. AND ESTATE AGENTSi, new splendid level volcanic section, 81ft frontage. from clty ■•rreß TpYB OF rjVLKAPDNA." S.F. ploughs; disc, tine and rake harrov ACRE, Including 150 sheep, 20'head cattle 10 C* a-, all harness and tools. Also, part of Hou "- good land; only £600. | Flee harbour views. Room to build another 5 horses, spring carl, gig, new drill, chajlt! IMPERIAL BUILDINGS, QUEEN ST. rp» u,'r freehold. house. ALL THE FURNITURE INhold Furniture. Price, all as a going c § MILES FROM AUCKLAND-—IS J} CLUDED pertf. £100 CASH. Opposite Sineetoa's. 'Phone 800. I cutter, ploughs, discs, tools, etc., and housise IN THE PRICE. cern, cash £1,600, balance on mortgage acr feao <3 an<l Owner MUST sacrifice 6 rooms, conveni- | fully furnished. DESIRABLE HOME, 1 EDEN—Choice New Horn. Wd«| 5_ divided into 13i FROM years at 5 per cent. TYLDEN AND SPIERS, PEH nine rrQfWV-M' *0&t pBICBS. '- G beautifully and artlsticall; ences. Pntent drainage. Dining-room Would consider lightly encumbered propertji» 3.0W watered, all plongfted and of Beras*-', e 05, Queen Street. 1 18ft. Large and lofty bedrooms. Magni- (.' In exchange, or cash, or easy terms. l3*ctnV, n mile road fronUge; v-ill carryr finished rooms, with all the modern con i deep, (238) 132! ft; ;| so< 200 fine garden; 5 room*. ficent section. bathroom, scullery and pantry VrT. ALBERT BLILDrRG ALLOTBCSNTSI WILL DOUBLE IN VALUE IN 12 ACRES FREEHOLD, GLRN MURjr j venlcnces; splendid views. Balance, £750 arranged. 9QA MONTHS. t>«7V RAY; magnificent UtUe sheep o. i llucu press, cloak cupboard; hot water ser LICENSED LAND AND ESTATE AGEN good Will sell more ground if required. vice; p.w.c. two /I Extensive views from bad ?* dairy T farm; subdivisions, 195, QUETEN STREET. 'Phone 1742. 9! (189) partly grasses 1959 j verandah. Section, 50 x 220. Price, _S(X) TERMS: DEPOSIT OF £10; TEN PEH 160 acres rich swamp, 250 tons good flax; l; P FFlcs required; easy B. Chennens ONLY 8 SECTIONS LEFT. IN FOUR MONTHS; B/LAJSCH WE GUARANTEE TO SELL. £100 down balance only CENT j acres ornamental bush; balance fern, easilj,*. TO WIND UP DATE close One-tree Hill—/ REENLANE, FROM knowledge selling of to OFFEBS INVITED ESTATE FIVE YEARS OK PUB- Having expert andd ploughed. Sound House, cowshed, etc. Offcial Assignee. rich mail; financing, we invite you to send us parti- I- handy to creamery and cheese factory '".' VI Splendid Home of 5 large rooms, beatde /"CHOICE LEVEL AT 5 PER ClfiNT. scullery and pantry, bathroom, en. bath an. i \J close to station; only EIGHT lefti CHASE culars of any property you wish to sell.l- AaOLUTELY FREE FROM NOXIOUS hot water agents give service, washhouse, coppe 'j0 DEPOSIT. many you c -WEEDS. Price. £6 15/ per acre, worth £li basin, EASY TERMS. 10 PER CENT "We don't mind how DEN DWELLING; slate ro Send for Lithographic Plans. it to. We have a larger staff of sales- i- with lltcie more improvement. Owner wllid and tubs. Finished In modern style; tile d -VTINK-ROOMED • Apply NOW to any Real Estate firm in thec exchange ioi lightly or unencumbered pro«_ hearths and grates, handsome oiled rim: a all conveniences; stable and outbuJ than men FOS salerpnrvr. lngs; nearly 4 acres of grouud, well 1 mantels, return verandah and back veran •MAPIBB AND gMITH, Dominion. 3 THORSES. 83. QUBKK STRBBT. ! perty, or sell on very easy terms. views of etc on seaward Hill, One-tree side of Remnera Ro; Lovely out: OCR REPORT.—Any persons looking foor dab. !fsmi 801/ICITOBS, land will be wise to lnspec'. these, Section, 100 x 200ft. level, volcanic soil, n.o close to trams. d property is one of the few left in thta choice Scbwe are confident these are better than stone, and beautifully laid out in tenni r, ?■' This vegetable garden, frui (Pronounced Til-den-Spears), nr be PTrrcHased privately. SECURITY BUILDINGS, QUEEN STB>EETr Remuera with a fair-sized area of h can explain. Personally inspected *nd fatthh- lawn, flower and il Splendid views. aonK trees and fowl ran. There is plenty of roota attached. AUCKLAND. tolly described. DWELLING. for another house This was specially bail t rwo SEVEN-ROOMED b NEW tramline*, Ht Ea« For further Information call on PUKEKOIiL AND all the owner, and materials work All Convenience*. A'l for and BRANCHES fl c S»bt ruined fromRoad. msnshlp Is absolutely guaranteed, but a s PAPAKURA. Section 79ft x 166ft. well laid out. the AgenH. TERMS. -| _r\_f\ ACRES—HAFRAKI PLAINS—Raupt •o Agents throughout Australasia. £1050—Terms—£1050. owner has left Auckland this must be so'ti | lUv We have thoroughly examined this p!ac« Land, now in best Englisl Reference: BANK NEW SOUTH WALES.;; 05, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. effect grasses. Telegran-s "Tylspi, AND rpAYLOR. to have no hesitation in Our Instructions are Auckland." I quick sale.—Full particulars from HAN 4<- Address „ and recommendln -Tylspi, Pukeaohe.""I Or at our Branch Offices, Pukekone anad same as a bargain at £950. Easy terint ai „ I QUeaSN AND SWANSON STS;_ ■». »=OBT STREET. [SEN AND GEBAGHTY, Phoenix Chambers "Tylspi, Papakur*," i'Hpatura. ranged. i. 27. FORT STREET. AUCKLAND. ' ' "nf«« , ,II ** :| JIESERVOIR. KUMEU.— , p J -' £50 C $££ ' W* GREY LYNN. QASH. £50> HENRY "CLAYTON AND CO.. PONSONBY. GOOD XOK HADFTELD AND SONS, GEO. HATCHER, MODERN RO.4J), . Sid'water J£PSOM. - EPSOM M. C. DIGNAN, JJ £2260. £2360. I ROBERT . ONEHUNGA. . ; F O R S ALE ( EPSOM, A. 0. OTTO & CO., ' I — and! BUILDING , i-i-'A ; ; CLOSE . J J. J. MACKY, J ; ' - -- • ' j M R b-Kftft— . - I' 1 £ 975 _ j p A 0. OTTO & 'H.D.' ABBOTT " I . ' * t , CO., , ' & CO. STANLEY . ' :-t ' n^ , ,: ' " - M -' - h J- ?**±rVK*-SI>TuBXDID feS ."7- ■ tSo« ~' Jf«>M--BLILDING - ri J eg S ' " ID. ABBOTT CHENN-ELLS s 'f * '' . , rr?: G<£ ioO ■ * "■ $ l*f3 Vjg, 1 QET JJEALTH Si^ ±J? ._ _ QNEUUNGA . , . - tlWe!S aeae. RisJ J2*4*mroiu s^ $""SettS I*/tr** P°mml>»* I ■I . jWENZL CITY I ,EPSOM— C-i MT. . ,_, — !' j jW. FRATER : n: i PONSONBY— & SON MT. GOOD PAYING BOARD HOUSE - SCHOLLUM, 1 o s * i ! UP-TO-DATE THREE BARGAINS .__ 2| | . J i ——— J , . \ as i : MORNINGSIDE. • aI - „, ; ,i I !_M ?J II :- TYLDHN~& 95 QUEEN 1" ! ANtT^-aLCOMBE, I "TJUNNET SPIERS STREET. TYLDEN AND SPIERS, * " : A. M. BRYDEN, CHEAP FARMS. EASY TERMS. SALE 08. EXCEDANGB. WAIKATO—4SO Acres, dairy OHINEWAL country; 230 acres grass, after heavy hush, 100 acres strong tern; plosgbabte country; large, we»-boflt whare; 0.R.P., 13/ Mortgage per acre. Price, £4 per acre. G.A.S., £200. £203 will make tSds freehold any Trmkiag cheapest time tana it the at farm In the Waikato. O.R.P. 18/6 per rvPOTIKI—I362 Acres, acre; 500 acres grass, balance heavy *~» bush: carry tag 800 sheep, cattle, and horses. Mortgage, £2000. Price, £3000. Stock at valuation. (4 miles, 24 from City)—B6 Acres, al*. ploughable: school and P.O. adjoins £10 per acre. Unencumbered. property. nTTE KUlTl—Native Lease, 42 years, 13ST J- Acres, partly improved; close to Main Trunk. U.S.. £800 cash. /"vHUBA, 15 miles from ran under conyj struction—322 Acres; 100 acres grass; good House. 4 rooms; school near and telephone on property. Owner must sell. Price, v; 3 per acre. £230 cash required. NORTH AUCKLAND—IS4Acres, all plonghahle: new 5-roomed Swlsi Bu.vgalow; on metalled road; fenced anil subdivided, and well watered. 0.R.P., 30/ per acre. I'rice, £1000. Exchange for Auek.ytnd sections. TTTHAKAPntin, NOB *H ATJCKLAXD.VV 3,\2 Acres, hlghly-improTed Farm and Dwelling. Price, £2060. Terms. HUNUA IVAMO, - El\T OS S. PEGLER, PROPERTY EXCHANGE, PHOE-NIX CHAMBERS, CITY. rpo . "J /CLIENTS "ATY J. W. JONES, i 3 AUCTIONEER. GRAIN HEKCHAKT, ESTATE AGENT, |! Has Removed to that Large and Co—tmodioos AUCTION MABT, j rtOK. AND QBEY COTMETS, MARKET SQUARE, " OPPOSITE TOWS E_-_U, LAND AND 'I 6 . J. W. JONES AUCTIONEER. GRAIN MERCHANT, (MET STREWrS, 7 CORNER COOK AND t r Opposite Town HalL FTNAKCIAT, ETC YOU WANT MON —? We hare XJ Large and Small Sum* to Lend on Mortgage, at very low rates of interest.—■ Ewingtoa am. Baker, Estate Agent-. ONEY TO LEND on Appro—ad Freehold Securities, in Sums at from £60 upwards.—Apply W. S. Cochrane, Diocesan. Offlce, 40, ahorti-nd Street. .t - — ■ ). "TvO MONEY LENT on Prom. Swo, on Build- ing Society's Shares, oa —He laa. Policies, or oa FuxJrit—re wtthaat iemo-_L Business strictly co&ndeatUtl—"THE LOMBARD," 31, Wellesli\y St. opp. PnbUc I_» _ rary. ti* ONEY.—You can Borrow on Second Mortgage, Shares iVi. f—ha C. j approved Security, First oc or other WILLI AM- B. Street. on Jewellery, Watches, LENTClothing, Sewing Plate, Tools, All transaction* Machines, Pianos, etc strictly confidential.—"THlX LOMBARD." Wedesley St. (opp. P-biic _____bj»iry). ONEY TO LSIND at Co—*nt Rates, oa approved security.—G. M- Newton, [<_ Barrister and Solicitor. 102. ~_coac_ Arcade. I in q jn O AAA TO Lr—TD. In So—s of £230 upwards, on town or country. •d cSrfOVJV/V ol freehold securities.—A. G. QuarUey, Solicit tor. Coombes' Arcade, Auckland. __* 2" -A,{ *J SIX ONEY T O LEND ON MOETGAGE, -h Of First-class Freehold Security, at Current Rates. HESKETH AND RICHMOND, Wyndham St., Auckland. jf cc AAONEY TO LEND AT A MODERATB ' ' s, _ le- _L Apply. nor RATE OF INTEREST. JACKSON AND RUSSELL, Solicitors, -ly-ONIEY TO LEND Short_md St. ON MORTGAGE FREEHODD SECURITIES. FIRST-CLASS WILLiAM COLEMAN, Notary Public, 42 and Queen Street. Auckland. Solicitor and Jf ELVI LL JJISS ]g] SOLICITOR REMUERA. 14, B, (Late Swanson Street), Has REMOVED to New Offices on SECOND >f: Id- FLOOR, lid Kemuera d; EAST. UNION to Lend Rates. k, Current nd J. G. BARRISTER V, BUILDINGS Tram Terminus), Money iOiOO. I DUNNET & TAYLO] THE AND T>TIB_-IC. Q.ENERAL * ** a• '•I ________ * I I TJEMUERA M NEILI $ CREAMER & PAYKEI ! EDEN 83. S3, Queen DALET L SON,ONEY OWNER, pUICE. I! ANDREW II s J. THORNES. QUISKK SXBSVX. WAIKATO. LADSTOr7B~"pSTATE, : pantry and scnUery, wusrihouse. capper and tubs; well drained; level tiOtmrnt; nice, (38901 views. A -very neat property. G. B. OSMOND. — REMUERA. 3 1/Q PrIJJ £650, £650. BHSGALOW « taxg* NEW rooms, besides bathroom with psrrrlata bath, and hot and cold water aad gas, G. B. OSMOND. EPSOM TXIAD, TTANDY * FARM, ; EST,., , ' s * l. ,li. , 5 t ir^ „ JfREBIIOLD ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. & CO. SK: *" gSOTH •' — £1650 , bath-1 £1650 & CO. I ! frj *P" E . 'i QHOICEST *_*£«•. , ! £fi_JJ5 T>EBIDENCE, 7 rooms (dose to Pitt Aw Street); bathroom. waShrmnge. capper and tube; verandah f—art and back; nice, views; let at 23/ week. Terms, third cash, C8»34~c balance 5 per cent. , KKM CHSOBBF TVEBBSFOKD rI EPSOM. : I^ROMGOOL. «W*») £2,000. GO-AHEAD NORTH, ~ " of motor-train stop; large frontages, very suitable for sabdtvbdo-. Price, and "PASY I BIRKENHEAD TJEMUERA I CITY— CLOSE 300yde L I —| J_ASDI ' A-W TO STATION—LewA, good soft; about 17 acres ntoogfced. 5 sens grass; I*,. IN J 'i : EPSOM BL" U^? fcßesSn'H?* SuJ I .,, , VOWDAEB— A * Gkhi-..Ni„\.M', : '■ J, AND SONS. I - ft % 'i ' - — •! VXTKLL-BETLT TWO-OTOKEI ItESIVV OENCE, 10 rox-as; bathroom, hot and cold water; balcony; iron roof; washhouse, copper, and tabs; tiled grates aad hearths; fancy mr ntcU and every ca_—ealence; alloc (7225) 50 x 113ft. Terms it—ing—i, ,.,fJ DEVONPORT ' ONEHUNGA — * . SALE 8^~£950 £950-ARDMOra Jl^ -gOAT St. iALFRED BUCKLAND j MT. ; '' £950. I :' S - |TAKA P U N A. j !: - £50 o"°^ YEW HOUSE, 4 mi—. __H-—Jiu and A> sc-Qery, with copper cad Xatm; iron roof; city water and gas; a real neat pro<BM4) perty. QUEEN '|FOR EDEN ELt.EItSLIE— j• 1MOFFAT & BALLARD M E ' ' , MOUNT EDEN. . , MT. , \ REMUERA. II REMUERA '"VfT. £350-GUDOIOW^£3SO ; I lan I ! UF-TO-DATB BAYSWATER. C. F. BENNETT, CLOSE TO BEACH. HOUSE, sew- room«, 12ft studs; Oliiln&ini-S, 24 x 14ft; other rooms, 16 x 13, etc.; fcall, 6 x 38ft; bathporcelain room, with hath and h-rtn. ca_fosx, etc; every mo——ca convenience; level section, 70ft by 150ft, Jtald ont in lawns and flower beds. Terms: £336 cash; balance 5 (8804) per cent. * SHEEP foot—close to newMAEKBT—4 Choice Level Building per T-WBVONPOBT. jxsnes, , I>EMUEIIA — PONSONBY. tS81») Allotments, each 06 by 132 feet. I am. instructed to sell at this reduced price, and 0323) can arrange terms. Apply early. • KINGSL.AND MT. T3DTLDER. FOB T>UIDDIiNG QiSCTIONS. JACKS, HOOD, /~*HANCE opr 3JO - \ £2260. YOUNG~& . EPSOM. i , ,, ' ' 1 77fi p II week. : J ; I washhouse, copper and tubs; veranbalcony; nice outlook; let at 25/ _nd RIVERHEAD. : 31 CITY PROPERTY. HAMILTON " M* E patent water; dah AUCKLAND. j, ; ESTATE AGANT. AND AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, (opposite CUSTOMS SI. on Good Security at ~ H AND " A D D SOLICTTOB, ° w« WYNDHAM CHAMBERS, 0, WYNDHAM STREET (First Floor*.. ADCJ-LAND. ,