1 Gaussian Elimination

• 1 Gaussian Elimination
♦ 1.1 Elementary Row Operations
♦ 1.2 Some matrices whose associated system of equations
are easy to solve
♦ 1.3 Gaussian Elimination
♦ 1.4 Gauss-Jordan reduction and the Reduced Row Echelon
♦ 1.5 Homogeneous equations
◊ 1.5.1 Theorem (Homogeneous equations)
1 Gaussian Elimination
1.1 Elementary Row Operations
Gaussian elimination is an algorithm (a well-defined procedure for computation that eventually completes) that
finds all solutions to any
system of linear equations. It is defined via certain operations carried out on the
augmented matrix. These operations change the matrix (and hence the system of linear equations associated with
it), but they leave the set of solutions unchanged. There are three of them, which we now describe
1. Interchanging two rows
Exchanging two rows in the augmented matrix is the same as writing the the equations
in a different order. The equations themselves are unchanged, as is the set of all
solutions. When we interchange row
denote it by
and row
, we
corresponds to
Now we interchange row 1 and row 3 (
) to get:
corresponds to
2. Multiplying a row by a nonzero constant
If we have a linear equation and multiply both sides of the equation by a nonzero
(the greek letter
is the traditional name for the constant) then the linear eqaution
and so
This would apply to any equation in a system, of course, so when we apply this operation to row
we denote it by
1 Gaussian Elimination
(The symbol
means "is replaced by"). As long as
nonzero, this operation leaves the set of solutions unchanged.
Now we multiply row
corresponds to
) to get:
corresponds to
3. Adding a multiple of one row to another
Recall that one of our basic techniques for solving a system of equations is to pick a variable,
make the coefficients of that variable equal in two equations and then take the difference of the
equations to create a new one with the variable eliminated. In terms of the associated augmented
matrix, this means we get a new row formed by subtracting the corresponding entries in the rows
of the two equations. In other words, we replace one row by the difference of two rows. We use
the notation
to indicate that row is replaced by the difference of row
and row . The set of solutions is unchanged. We have already seen that multiplying a row by a
nonzero constants leaves the set of solutions unchanged; it is often convenient to combine these
two steps as one:
from another.
Example: eliminating
Note that
is the case of subtracting one row
from the second equation
corresponds to
Now we replace row 2 by the sum of row 2 and twice row 1 (
) to get:
corresponds to
In summary, here is a table of the three elementary row operations:
Table of Elementary Row Operations
Elementary Operation
Interchange rows
Multiply row by constant
Add multiple of one row to another
Each operation changes the matrix and the associated system of linear equations, but it leaves the set of solutions
1.1 Elementary Row Operations
1.2 Some matrices whose associated system of equations are
easy to solve
The elementary row operations allow us to change matrices and their associated system of linear equations
without changing their solutions of those equations. The goal is to end up with matrices which make these
common solutions obvious. Here are some examples.
1. the augmented matrix
corresponds to the system of linear equations
The equations themselves actually describe the unique solution! Notice the structure of the
coefficient matrix that makes this possible. There is only one nonzero entry in each row, its value
is 1, and as you proceed down through from one row to the next, the nonzero entry moves one
column to the right. When the first nonzero entry of a row is 1, it is called a leading one.
2. the augmented matrix
corresponds to the system of linear equations
The last row is easy to solve: we get
, or
3. the augmented matrix
. Using this value, it is also easy to solve
corresponds to the system of linear equations
As before, we get
. We still have two variables undefined: we assign a parameter to the
second one:
. Using this value, we have
, or
. We now know the solutions:
. In fact we
can check this result with the first equation:
The compact way of writing this solution is
It's clear from the examples given that having lots of zeros in the coefficient matrix is helpful for computing the
solutions. It's also clear that leading ones can also make the computation easier. Our plan is to use elementary row
1.2 Some matrices whose associated system of equations are easy to solve
operations to change a given coefficient matrix into one with these properties, and then to describe all the
solutions. Here are some observations that will help us:
1. If a column has some nonzero entry, we can always make the top entry nonzero by interchanging rows, if
If the first nonzero entry of a row
is , we can turn it into a 1 by using
If two rows
have nonzero entries in some column , we can turn the
entry into a zero
1.3 Gaussian Elimination
The plan is now start with the augmented matrix and, by using a sequence of elementary row operations, change it
to a new matrix where it is easy to identify the solutions of the associated system of linear equations. Since any
elementary row operation leaves the solutions unchanged, the solutions to the final system of linear equations will
be identical to the solutions of the original one.
We work on the columns of the matrix from left to right and change the matrix in the following way:
1. Start with the first column. If it has all entries equal to zero, move on to the next column to the right.
2. If the column has nonzero entries, interchange rows, if necessary, to get a nonzero entry on top.
3. For any nonzero entry below the top one, use an elementary row operation to change it to zero.
4. Now consider the part of the matrix below the top row and to the right of the column under consideration:
if there are no such rows or columns, stop since the procedure is finished. Otherwise, carry out the same
procedure on the new matrix.
Here are some examples:
has augmented matrix
We don't need to exchange rows to make the top entry of the first column nonzero, so we proceed to make all
entries below the top one in the column equal to zero. There is, of course, only one such entry, and so, using
, we get
We're now done with the first column, so we delete that column and the top row and carry out the same procedure
on the matrix
1.3 Gaussian Elimination
Since there is only one row there is nothing to do, and since there are no further rows to the matrix, the procedure
stops. So we stop with our original matrix changed to
Now we can determine all of the solutions. The first nonzero entry in the first row is in the first column, the
column associated with
. The first nonzero entry in the second row, similarly, is associated with
. We
assign parameters to the other variables:
. The second row then tells us that
, or
the first row to find
. Now that we know
: we get
, we can use
. After
. In summary, we have:
All solutions to
are of the form
and are any real numbers. Also, for any assignment of real numbers to
the system of linear equations.
It is easy (and worthwhile) to check that substituting the values of
indeed give a solution.
, we get a solution to
into the two equations does
Now consider the equations
and its corresponding augmented matrix as it is changed by Gaussian elimination.
1.3 Gaussian Elimination
The last row, for any choice of
reduces to
so any solution of the associated first three
equations will also be a solution to the last one. In other words, the last row of the matrix has no effect on the
solution set, and actually be dropped from the matrix. The third row gives
and the first row gives
Hence there is one solution:
The second row gives
Now change the equations from the last example very slightly:
The Gaussian elimination is almost identical as
is reduced to
1.3 Gaussian Elimination
as can be seen here:
Now the last row says
, which can never be true. This means the original system of
equations have no solutions, that is, the system is inconsistent.
We can make a useful observation here: If a row of the augmented matrix is of the form
is either zero or nonzero, then one of two things happen.
in which case the row may be dropped from the matrix
in which case there is no solution.
Notice the pattern of zero and nonzero entries after Gaussian elimination:
Example Consider the system of linear equations:
We wish to know the values of
and for which there are there no solutions, one solution or more than one
solution. To solve this problem, we apply Gaussian elimination to the augmented matrix:
1.3 Gaussian Elimination
An analysis of the last row tells us everything: If
then there is exactly one solution. If
then there are no solutions. Otherwise (when
) there are an
infinite number of solutions.
1.4 Gauss-Jordan reduction and the Reduced Row Echelon
Gauss-Jordan reduction is an extension of the Gaussian elimination algorithm. It produces a matrix, called the
reduced row echelon form in the following way: take the first nonzero entry in any row and change it to a 1
multiplying the row by the inverse of that nonzero entry; then use this 1 to change all the entries above it to a
zero. The resulting matrix will have the following properties:
Properties of the reduced row echelon form
1. The first nonzero entry in any row is a 1. It is called a leading one.
2. All entries above and below a leading one are zero.
3. As you go down the rows of the matrix, the leading ones move to the right.
4. Any all-zero rows are at the bottom of the matrix.
For completeness, we'll describe Gauss-Jordan reduction in detail. As with Gaussian elimination, the columns of
the matrix are processed from left to right.
1. Start with the first column. If it has all entries equal to zero, move on to the next column to the right.
2. If, to the contrary, the column has nonzero entries, interchange rows, if necessary, to get a nonzero entry
on top.
3. Multiply the top row by a constant to change the nonzero entry to a (leading) one.
4. If there is any nonzero entry below above or below this (leading) one, use an elementary row operation to
change it to zero.
5. Now consider the part of the matrix below the top row and to the right of the column under consideration:
if there are no such rows or columns, stop since the procedure is finished. Otherwise, carry out the same
procedure on the new matrix.
Consider the following example:
1.4 Gauss-Jordan reduction and the Reduced Row Echelon Form
is the reduced row echelon form of the original matrix.
Here is another example:
1.4 Gauss-Jordan reduction and the Reduced Row Echelon Form
Notice the pattern of zero, 1 and nonzero entries after Gauss-Jordan reduction (with the leading ones in red):
Now that we can put a matrix in reduced row echelon form, let's see what this implies for finding all solutions to
the associated system of linear equations. Remember that the first
columns correspond to coefficients of
, and the last column corresponds to the constants on the right side of the equations.
Each column either contains a leading one or it does not. If it does, the corresponding variable is called
constrained. If not the variable is called free. Each free variable is assigned a parameter which may take on any
number when finding solutions. The values of the constrained variables are then determined by the reduced row
echelon form.
As an example, suppose we have a system of linear equations whose augmented matrix has the following reduced
row echelon form:
Notice that this means that our system has three equations and five unknowns. The leading ones are in columns
one, three and five, so
are constrained variables. This leaves
as free variables. We
assign parameters to the free variables:
. The rows of the matrix then determine the
constrained variables:
from the bottom row
from the middle row
from the top row
The compact way of writing this is
Notice the role of the zeros above and below each leading one: the evaluation of a constrained variable involves
only free variables.
In summary, we can say the following:
1.4 Gauss-Jordan reduction and the Reduced Row Echelon Form
If the reduced row echelon form has a row of the form
equations has no solution
2. If the reduced row echelon form has no free variables, then it looks like
, then the system of linear
and there is a unique solution, namely,
3. If the reduced row echelon form has free variables, then there are an infinite number of solutions. Indeed,
the parameter assigned to any one free variable can take on an infinite number of values.
Here is a longer example
Here is an animation of a matrix being put into reduced row echelon form:
1.5 Homogeneous equations
A linear equation
is called homogeneous if
A system of linear
equations is called homogeneous if each of its equations is homogeneous. In other words, the system looks like
and so the augmented matrix is of the form
1.5 Homogeneous equations
The last column is all zero; note that under any elementary row operation it remains all zero. In particular this
means that the reduced row echelon form will never have a row of the form
always be a solution. This is hardly surprising since if we set
called the trivial solution. Any other solution is nontrivial.
, and so there will
, we get what is
1.5.1 Theorem (Homogeneous equations)
Suppose a homogeneous system of equations has more unknowns than equations. Then it has an infinite number
of solutions.
Proof: Let
be the number of rows and
the number of columns. Put the augmented matrix in reduced
row echelon form. Then the number of leading ones is at most
(since there is at most one leading one per
row.) In addition, since
, there is some column corresponding to a variable that has no leading one, and
so the variable of that column is free. Hence there are an infinite number of solutions.
1.5.1 Theorem (Homogeneous equations)