1 Wind Power Ramps: Detection and Statistics Raffi Sevlian1 and Ram Rajagopal2 1. Department of Electrical Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, CA 2. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, CA {raffisev,ramr}@stanford.edu Abstract—Ramps events are a significant source of uncertainty in wind power generation. Developing statistical models from historical data for wind power ramps is important for designing intelligent distribution and market mechanisms for a future electric grid. This requires robust detection schemes for identifying wind ramps in data. In this paper, use an optimal detection technique for identifying wind ramps for large time series. The technique relies on defining a family of scoring functions associated with any rule for defining ramps on an interval of the time series. A dynamic programming recursion is then used to find all such ramp events. Identified wind ramps are used to perform an extensive statistical analysis on the process, characterizing ramping duration and rates as well as other key features needed for developing future models. I. I NTRODUCTION Uncertainty in wind power production is a significant hindrance to its widespread adoption [4], [5]. This uncertainty can be mitigated by efficient control strategies on the distribution network and electricity market design, [2], [15] . However, designing such systems requires a deep insight into wind power production [14], introducing the need for statistical models for wind power. Wind power has uncertainty in multiple time scales, each requiring its own modeling approach [7]. In the range of seconds to minutes, fast fluctuations of small amounts are modeled well with autoregressive or persistence techniques. These models however fail to capture longer term trends [11]. ARIMA techniques, which include an integral step, can model such processes but do not capture abrupt changes in wind power generation [12]. On scales higher than a few minutes, trend modeling is needed. A typical long term trend with large positive or negative change in a short period is called a ramp. Ramp event modeling offers an additional insight beyond Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) techniques by modeling these large deviations observed in wind power time series [6], [13] [3]. While autoregressive methods model the short term turbulence in the wind, ramp events can model more long term fluctuations which have a basis in the physical aspect of short term atmospheric dynamics. Up ramps are generally caused by intense low pressure systems, low level jets, thunderstorms, wind gusts or other longer term weather phenomena. Likewise, down ramps occur from the reduction or reversal of these physical processes [6]. These events are important in wind power management because large swings 978-1-4673-2729-9/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE in power generation must be curtailed to prevent damage to wind turbines and distribution network. Likewise down ramps must be met with increasing generating capacity through other means. Therefore, developing statistical models are useful since they offer insight into both forecasting of wind ramps as well as formulating stochastic control strategies for dealing with ramp events. There exist two major problems in characterizing wind power ramps. The first is correctly detecting wind ramps in historical data and the second is modeling these events in a useful statistical framework. The detection problem requires precise definitions of wind ramps as well a standardized technique for segmenting data into positive and negative ramp events which are robust to fluctuations in wind power in short time scales. Standardized definitions are difficult to agree upon, however further work in this field will lead to a convergence of definitions. Given a set of definitions, detection schemes rely on heuristic techniques finely tuned to the definitions and data at hand. Therefore an optimal detection scheme which can incorporate any set of definitions is quite useful. The second problem is that of modeling wind ramp events. Statistical models are useful since they offer insight into both forecasting of wind ramps as well as integration into power dispatch formulations. This requires strong physical insight as well as an abundance of data along with an accurate detection algorithm for given definitions of a ramp event. The contributions of this work are two fold. First we introduce an optimal ramp detection algorithm and discuss its implementation and approximations. We then use publicly available data to perform optimal ramp detection and provide an in depth empirical statistical analysis of key ramp features. Then we use the gathered statistics to show the implications of wind power ramps in dispatch operation using the CAISO as an example. The paper is organized as follows. Section II reviews previous and related work on the topic. Section III discusses the various ramp definitions found in literature. Section IV outlines the methodology used to detect wind power ramps in a time series. Section V presents an array of statistics from available data. II. P REVIOUS W ORK The field of wind ramp detection, characterization and modeling is a recent topic in the statistical forecasting community. 2 Ramp End Power Swing 2.99" Therefore, the definition of what constitutes wind ramp events has been arbitrary but has followed a general property of identifying large positive or negative swings in wind power output within a short time window. Another characteristic used in defining ramps has been high rate of power increase. There is no set definition on the size of the increase nor the rate of increase needed to be considered a ramp. A result of this has been that varying these definitions leads to different sets of detected ramp events. There is also no clear detection method in the literature to classify all wind power time series intervals that satisfy a given set of definitions in a reliable and reproducible way. They do not offer a clear method of detecting all ramps of varying durations or rates which satisfy some minimum threshold value. This problem has been avoided generally by looking at large time scales (order of hours) and sufficiently smoothing the signal. In [9], [8] a technique is proposed for detecting wind ramp events of a set length of 15, 30, and 60 minutes. Each time series sample is tested to see if it satisfies the ramp definition under each duration value. A scheme like this is adequate for large sample intervals in the time series or data has been sufficiently smoothed, but runs into a problem of over counting. However, this work provides a clear set of rules to test whether an interval of a wind power time series is in fact a ramp event or not. Currently, the California Independant System Operator (CAISO) as well as other operators analyse historical wind ramp data following the technique used in [9]. An hour long window is tested to see whether the maximum wind speed minus the minimum wind speed is greater than some threshold value. This test is performed every 5 minutes, which leads to overcounting of ramp events. Currently the CAISO looks only at the statistics of the ramp swings, looking at the hourly distributions of ramp swing. This statistic is used to characterize the capacity reserve by the system. With a more accurate detection and classification scheme, more thorough modelling and analysis is possible. Work has been done on applying statistical methods such as machine learning to predicting the parameters of wind ramps events. These have come from a data driven approach without a heavy focus on model formulation of the ramping process. In [8], regression and feature selection is performed on a binary variable indicating whether a particular day will correspond to a single ramp event or not. The results indicate that additional information acquired in nearby weather stations can be useful in predicting ramp events. This however focuses on a time period of a day, therefore additional work is needed for models of wind ramps in shorter time horizons. In [17], the authors use a variety of machine learning tools to predict the the next ramp rate via previous ramp rates. The definition of a ramp rate is merely the first derivative of the underlying wind power time series. Likewise in [16], ramps are grouped in classes and a support vector machine approach is proposed to predicting and classifying the next ramp event. These methods in general will be very good in prediction, but offer less in terms of model building for future control applications. In [1], a graphical model framework is proposes a switched ARMA model for Ramp Rate Ramp Start Duration Fig. 1. Sample wind power signal. Indicated are items ramp detection algorithm aims to identify correctly. Ramp start and end times, as well the power change in interval as well as ramp rate. These variables are basis of statistical model. wind. The model learns the inherent regimes of wind power in the data represented as the mean and variance. This model does not incorporate any ramp phenomenon since the underlying regimes are hidden variables. III. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT A ramp represents a large increase or decrease in wind power within a limited time window. Ramps are parameterized by the following variables: ramp start, ramp duration and ramp rate. These uniquely identify such events and are shown in Figure 1. In addition to ramp rate and duration, specifying a power swing or ramp end will over parameterize the ramp event but are useful parameters in analysis. Their detection and modeling are difficult problems presented in this paper. The detection problem can now be formulated with the following elements. We are given an input time series X = {(t1 , p1 ) , . . . , (tN , pN )} which represents a set of time and power pairs. Each interval E = (i, j) represented indices i, j : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N into the the time series, as well as a possible ramp starting at i and ending at j. A ramp rule R : E × X → {0, 1} maps intervals of X to a decision on whether the interval constitutes a ramp. The optimal ramp detection problem is to design an algorithm that recovers the sequence of intervals E1 , . . . Ek each corresponding to a ramp. In [9] and [6], the following three rules are proposed to determine whether an interval of the wind power time series is in fact a wind ramp event. R0 (i, j) = 1{pj −pi >Pval } R1 (i, j) = 1{max(pi ,...,pj )−min(pi ,...,pj )>α} R2 (i, j) = 1 pj −pi >α (1) (2) (3) tj −ti Eq. (1) is a power swing threshold test which checks whether the wind power has increased by a specified amount in a given time span. The parameter Pval specifies the threshold, which Δ species the time window for detecting such swings. 3 Eq. (2) checks whether the maximum and minimum observed power within an interval is greater than a threshold value. Here, α is used to specify this threshold. Eq. (3) checks whether the rate of increase for a specified interval is greater than a specified value α is the power ramp rate threshold used. We require one additional rule beyond those in Eq. (1), (2), (3) to exclude intervals which contains sudden drops in power inside an interval. This rule is helpful in determining the proper start and end of ramp events: Rc (i, j) = j 1{pm >β max(pi ,...,pm )} , β<1 (4) m=i A generalized rule in Eq. (5) allows any definition to be considered. R (i, j) = Rc (i, j) M Rr (i, j) (5) r=1 Here Rc (i, j) is given by Eq. (4) and Rr (i, j) is given by any definition of a wind ramp. IV. D ETECTION A LGORITHM i<k≤j (6) Ramp Score Function In order for optimal ramp detection to take place, we require that the score function satisfy the following super additivity property. ∀i < k < j : R (i, j) W (i, j) = > 1, W (i, k) + W (k + 1, j) (7) Since this condition defines an entire family of weight functions, we use Eq. (8) as a cost function for intervals of data. Eq. (8) satisfies the condition in Eq. (7). W (i, j) = (j − i)2 1{R(i,j)=1} (8) Trend Fitting We make use of a piecewise linear fitting preprocessing step. A simple and tractable technique for generating piecewise linear fits to data is done by solving the following convex program [10]. min x̂ 1 x − x̂2 + λ Dx̂1 2 The optimal ramp detection scheme and subsequent statistical modeling is applied to a year long data set from the Bonneville Power Authority. The first data set contains 15,768,000 samples representing measured wind turbine power output sampled every 2 seconds. The data represents power generation from January 1, 2005 - December 31, 2006 at the Klondike I facility. The capacity of the plant is 24 MW. First, the data is normalized to the nameplate capacity of the system. Then, negative recorded power values are replaced with zero power output, since they occur when the power output is low. Then, the data is interpolated to correct for uneven sampling timestamps of the original data. Finally, the data is downsampled by 100 so make the effective sample rate 200 seconds. A linear trend fitting algorithm is applied to the power time series to remove fluctuations in time scales outside the desired range of wind power ramps as well as decrease the number the points needed in the dynamic program. A λ value of 0.5 was chosen by visual inspection. The result of the trend fitting is a set of time power pairs used in the sliding window dynamic program. With a total size of the approximate signal |X̂P W | = 13217. B. Ramp Detection Assuming some scoring function on intervals of the time series W : E × X → R+ . The objective function J is maximized, as well as the optimal ramp start and stop times are recovered by the following dynamic programming formulation. J (i, j) = max W (i, k) + J (k + 1, j) A. Data Description (9) The approximate signal can then be used to generate piecwise segments that are then used in the dynamic programming recursion. A Ramp detection experiment is performed with the ramp rules outlined in Section III. The rules in Eq. (1), (3), (4) have tuning parameters set to Pval = 0.25, α = 0.003, β = 0.9. The Pval corresponds to 6M W of increased power for detected ramps while α corresponds to F ILLT HIS MW/minute minimum ramp rate. The dynamic programming method as described in section IV is used for ramp detection. For an input of length 13217 points representing a year of data, the computation is performed in 3.2 seconds on a 1.67 GHz dual core cpu with 2G of RAM. The software was implemented in the C programming language. For a year long dataset, a total of 546 up-ramps were detected as well as 552 down-ramps. A sample of the original power time series and the detected up and down ramps is shown in Figure 7. V. E MPIRICAL S TATISTICS OF W IND R AMPS Analysis of the wind power ramp events is performed on the BPA data set. The detected ramp are used to perform a basic statistical survey of various parameters describing the ramp event process. In Section V-A, overall statistics for ramp rate and ramp duration are presented as well as power swing. In Section V-B joint distributions of ramp duration and slope as well as ramp duration and swing are presented and discussed. Section V-C presents arrival information, while in V-D describes ramp parameters conditioning on wind power quantile. A. Distribution of Ramp Rate, Duration and Swing An empirical probability density function (pdf) is constructed for the various ramp parameters. This is done by binning the data and then applying a smoothing spline. Empirical distributions for ramp duration, rate and swing are shown in 4 !$# U R D R 0 1 !$!' xq{ Z]Z_ z J ?KH L G? q 0 0 qyr xw vu Z]Z^ CF 0 0 ts BA ?@ !$!% qr q ? 0 0 p Z]Z\ > o = E < 0 0 0 0 | I? !$!& @H 5 10 R 15 }d~abcd fh~abcd Z]Z[ 01 Fig. 2. Z]Z` MNOPQSN TVWXOPQSN n !$!2 ! ! Z]ZY " #! #" 2! ()*+ (),- ./46789:; 2" 3! Z YZ Y[ abcd efghi jklm \Z Empirical distributions for ramp duration for up-ramps and down-ramps. Empirical distributions for ramp rate for up-ramps and down-ramps. Figure 2. The results show a high degree of symmetry between the up ramp and down ramp parameters. For both ramp types, a mean duration of around 2.6 hours was observed as well as a minimum duration of 30 minutes. About 95% of ramps were less than 5.6 hours long for both up and down ramps. Note the heavy tailed nature of the data: most ramp durations are centered near the mean value with some infrequent longer ramp events occurring infrequently. For both up and down ramp types, a mean ramp rate of 2.5 × 105 KW/hour was observed. The middle 50% of both ramp rates are around 5.8 to 8.9 MW/Hour while 95% of rates are less than 13 MW/Hour. The distribution is also very fat tailed. For ramp swing, a mean swing of around 12 MW was observed as well a minimum of around 6 MW. The minimum observed swing corresponds to the maximum power output times the minimum swing threshold Pval . This is an expected by product of the ramp detection algorithm. A maximum swing of 24 MW is also observed which corresponds to the nameplate capacity of the farm. The middle 50% of up ramp swings are 11 to 16 MW in magnitude while 95% of them are less than 20 MW. B. Joint Distributions of Ramp Duration with Ramp Rate and Swing Joint distributions for ramp duration and rate as well as ramp duration and swing are shown in Figure 3. The joint distribution of rate and duration shows a clear inverse relationship. This is expected for the following reason. Ramp swing is plotted against duration. Since the rate defined as duration variable swing can be bounded: Pval < swing < 24M W , we Pval can bound the ramp rate as well. More precisely, duration < 24M W rate (duration) < duration . We see that there is less dependence between ramp swing and duration as opposed to duration and rate. We also see a distinct mode of 11M W of ramp swing and 2 Hours of ramp duration. These correspond to the modes of duration and swing shown in Figure 2 C. Interarrival Time Distributions for interarrival times for up ramps and down ramps as well as combined ramp event interarrivals are shown in Figure 4. We focus on the combined interarrival distribution and report important statistics. The mean interarrival time observed was 0.33 days or about 8 hours. The middle 50% of combined ramp interarrival times are between 1.8 and 7.2 hours in length while 95% of interarrival times are less than 27 hours long. The minimum observed interarrival time was 30 minutes in length. This an important property in potential modeling applications, since Poisson arrival models assume an exponential distribution which can allow for infinitesimally small interarrival times. Clearly, this is not the case. This is a natural consequence of the ramp detection algorithm. If two up ramp events are very close together, the dynamic program will combine them and report a single larger wind power ramp. D. Conditioning on Wind Power Quantiles In this section, we report various statistics for wind ramp events conditioning on the wind power observed at the start of the ramp. We condition the variables on the following quantiles: 25% 50% 75% 80% 90% of observed wind power. We first use the empirical distribution of the wind power time series to determine the wind power occurring at these quantiles. For the BPA dataset, the following power values were recorded for each quantile: p25% = 0.0008, p50% = 0.1022, p75% = 0.4603, p80% = 0.5831, p90% = 0.8552. We group each detected ramp event by the power recorded at the start of the ramp. The total counts for the events are given in Figure 4. We can clearly see up-ramps occurring at higher numbers at lower power levels, and down-ramps occurring at high numbers at higher power levels. This is quite obvious, since the power is bounded in a finite interval. We also note that the highest number of up ramps and the highest number of down ramps do not occur at the smallest and highest quantiles. This indicates a degree of persistence in the wind power. That is when the wind power is low, there is a tendency to stay low. Likewise, when the wind power is high there is a tendency to stay high. Figure 6 presents the distributions for ramp duration, rate, and swing conditioning on the various wind power quantiles. We can draw some very simple and intuitive conclusions from this data. We can see that there is a slight dependence on power ramp duration on the quantile at which the ramp originated. This is seen more in the up ramp events. There is no clear reason why up ramp and down ramp events do not follow the same pattern. Looking at the power swing for both event types, there is a pronounced difference in distribution shape depending on the current power quantile. 5 14 & % 12 $ 10 # 8 " ! 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 R 10 14 & % 12 $ 10 # 8 " ! 4 2 6 0 2 4 6 8 R 10 x UQXY x UQXY ,- WST ,- WST P ,( W P ,( W MN ,, VST MN ,, VST KJ I ,' V KJ I ,' V G F 9 UST G F 9 UST D + U D + U 7 QST 7 QST O L H E ' Fig. 3. ( ) * + ./35 :;</=>?@ AB?;<C ,' O L H E Q ' ) * + ./35 :;</=>?@ AB?;<C ,' Q (Top) Joint distribution of ramp duration and ramp rate. (Bottom) Joint distribution of ramp duration and ramp swing. Z_` ~dabcd fabcd cjfh Z_^ }| yq{ ¤£ wq ¢ ¡ vu strq Z_\ q p on Z_[ ZZ ¨©ª«¬© ­ª«¬© ¦§¥ qzyr Z_] Fig. 4. ( [ \ ] abcd efghibiijkbl mjch ^ (Left) Interarrival distributions for up ramp, down ramp and combined time sequences. (Right) Ramp Counts conditioning on wind power quantiles. 6 7 40 U D 35 6 &'% 30 $# " 25 ! R 20 15 10 0 T 5 10 15 H 20 25 => Z[ == ZZ =< n ZY mg XW f QS ;: P 6 M 8 k XV J j N ;> L i X[ h K g XZ f J ;= e d XY ;< W : 9 l O ;9 I ()*+,-) ./*+,-) V ; = ? > @ 9 A : B ;<;;;=;?;>;@;9;A;:;B=<=;===?=> CEFG X Z \ [ ] V ^ W _ XYXXXZX\X[X]XVX^XWX_ZYZXZZZ\Z[ `abc Fig. 5. (Top) Seasonality of ramp events. This is in the form of daily cycles corresponding to short term weather patters as well as yearly cycles corresponding to changes in the seasons. (Bottom) Hourly distributions of Ramp Swings. tooupv tqv poupvouv p ouvouv v qouvous pq oup outv Á¾· £ ´µ ãàâ àáß ÝÞ ÌÎÌÊ p q r wx yz{x |}~z }~ s to 01 wúõõûöü ú÷ü wöõûöüõûü ö wõûüõûü ü w÷õûüõûù ö÷ õûú åä ÌÎË ·¸¶ ¡ ouov çàæ º»·¹ out o o èéáà ¾·½ ¢ ¼ 01 C<H ¤¥ ¦§¨¥ ¦§©ª «¬­®¯°±²³ Ì Ê SUSX tl smr < l A@ E qp ?> 00! on SUSV <= lm <; õûõü ÍÌ slv SUSW u CB ËÊ ÏÐ ÑÒÓÐ ÔÕÖ×Ø ÙÚÛÜ yRzS{SUTQ| RVQ yTzSUTQ{SUQ| T}~ y}zSUQ{SUQ| Q} yVzSUQ{SUX| TV x FG< 00" = ËÌ SUR J1K0L025M 1 5 J2K025L05M 2NO JNK05L0P5M 5N J K0P5L0"M 2 012 I ìËíÌîÌÎÍÊï ËðÊ ìÍíÌÎÍÊîÌÎÊï Íñò ìñíÌÎÊîÌÎóÊï Êñ ìðíÌÎóÊîÌÎôï Íð ÌÎËÊ êëçà ¿À¸· ÌÎÍ ÃÄÅ Æ ¡ ÃÄ Å Æ ÇÈ ÃÇÄ Å ÉÆ Ç Ã¡Ä ÉÅ £Æ ¡ lk : 00 j 9 i SUST 002 õ õ S 0 ö ýþÿD ÷ ø ýþD þ ù úõ 0 5 10 15 #$%& '()* '(+, -./34$678 20 Q RS RQ YZ [\]Z [\^_ `abcdefgh TS Fig. 6. Up ramp/Down ramp durations, rates, and swing values conditioning on wind power quantile observed at the start of the power ramp. q1 . . . q6 indicate the range of normalized power to fall in the range 0 → 0.25 . . . 0.9 → 1. Not all quantiles will be present in every plot. For example since there are no up ramps detected when current power is greater than 0.8, no ramps were recorded. 7 0 E. Seasonality of Ramp Counts Figure 5 illustrates the two apparent forms of seasonality in the detected ramps. We see first that ramp events occur much more often in the spring and summer than in the fall and winter. In fact, they increase by a factor of two. Second, we notice that up ramp and down ramp events tend to occurs at different parts of the day. Up ramps tend to occur more often during th mid-day and afternoon periods, while down ramps occurs during the evening and night times. These are consequences of two different weather cycles. The first being the yearly cycle corresponding to changes in the seasons. The second, and more short term is due to daily weather patterns. Hourly up and down ramp swing distributions are shown in Figure 5. The figure’s show a dependance of the distribution on hour of the day. The time dependent mean’s and variances are usefull for computing the reserve capacity of the power grid. W U !"# D$% !"# 0 0 0 0 5 0 03 02 N 01 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 S 2500 3000 VI. E MPIRICAL M ODELING Given a ramp detection scheme and sufficient empirical statistics, we can develop refined models for wind power. One useful model is marked arrival process model to describe the dynamics of wind ramp events. In this model, the arrival rate of a discrete event, either up ramp or down ramp can be constructed from the available statistics. The rate can be dependent on various inputs. Figure 7 illustrates the proposed arrival process. Such a model is useful for wind power integration studies with parametric models for wind power ramp parameters. VII. C ONCLUSION We have described an optimal method for detecting wind ramp events for varying lengths under any arbitrary rule set. A dynamic programming recursion with L1 trend fitting is used to optimally segment wind power data to ramp events and non-ramp events. The technique is shown to be optimal, and is used to provide empirical statistics of wind ramps for real data. The data is then used to propose a simple model for characterizing ramp events as well as outline future directions for ramp event based short term forecasting. R EFERENCES [1] C. Barber, J. Bockhorst, and P. Roebber. Auto-regressive hmm inference with incomplete data for short-horizon wind forecasting, 2010. [2] E. Bitar, R. Rajagopal, P. Khargonekar, K. Poolla, and P. Varaiya. Bringing wind energy to market. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, pages 1–11, 2011. [3] A. Bossavy, R. Girard, and G. 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His current interests include statistical signal processing applications and developing sensing methodologies in infastructure systems. Ram Rajagopal is an Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University. He also directs the Stanford Sustainable Systems Laboratory. Prior to this, he was a DSP research engineer at National Instruments and a visiting researcher at IBM Research, where he worked on embedded control systems, machine learning and image processing. His current research interests include developing large scale sensing and market platforms, statistical models and stochastic control algorithms for integrating renewable energy into the grid, increasing building energy efficiency and optimizing transportation energy use. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and an M.A. in Statistics, both from the University of California Berkeley, and a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He is a recipient of the Powell Foundation Fellowship.