JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 106, NO. B9, PAGES 19,391-19,410,SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 Normal fault interaction caused by coseismic and postseismic stresschanges Concetta Nostro, Antonio Piersanti, and Massimo Cocco IstitutoNazionaledi Geofisicae Vulcanologia,Rome, Italy Abstract. We studycoseismicandpostseismic stressfieldscausedby a normalfaulting earthquakein a self-gravitating,stratified,viscoelasticsphericalEarth over distancesfrom a few to hundredsof kilometers.We investigatethe contributionof postseismicrelaxationon the inducedCoulombstressfor extensionaltectonicsettingsaccountingfor the effectsof the Earthstratification.We usea numericalcodebasedon the sphericalself-gravitatingEarth model developedby Piersanti et al. [ 1995, 1997]. We studyhow postseismicrelaxationcan modify the stateof stressat thebaseof the seismogenic layer wherelargeearthquakes are believedto nucleate.We compareour resultswith thoseobtainedby meansof a threedimensionaldislocationmodel in an elastichalf-space,which doesnot accountfor the timedependentpostseismic stresstransfer.The viscoelasticrelaxationprocessmodifiesthe coseismicstresschangesduringtime periodsfrom severaldecadesto centuries.The postseismic stressis generallygreaterthanthe coseismicstresschange.Postseismic relaxation increases the Coulomb stress near the causative faults and tends to reduce the stressshadowareas.The temporalevolutionof Coulombstressrevealsthat in additionto the viscosityvalue,the thicknessof the elasticlayer controlsthe time at which the relaxation processis completed.A largerthicknessof the elasticlayer yields a fasterrelaxationin the first few decadesafterthe seismiceventbut smallerpostseismic stressamplitudesat longer timescales.One of the most significantresultsof this studyis the extremesensitivityof the timescalesof theviscoelasticrelaxationto smallchangesin the thicknessanddepthof the shallowestviscoelasticlayer aswell as in variationof the viscosity.Sucha resultsuggests that the interpretationof the time evolutionof the postseismicsignalsonly in termsof viscosityvaluescouldlead to misleadingconclusions. 1. Introduction The understandingof the processesrelated to repeated earthquake occurrence along segmented seismogenic structuresis a major goal of geophysicalinvestigations.Fault interactionand triggeringcausedby earthquakeruptureshave been studied in recent years by analyzing static as well as dynamic stresschanges[Stein et al., 1992; King et al., 1994; Gomberget al., 1997, 1998; Belardinelli et al., 1999; see also Harris, 1998; King and Cocco, 2001, and referencestherein]. The basic assumptionthat motivates these studies is that earthquakesperturbthe stressstateon adjacentfaults and can promote, as well as delay, subsequentearthquakeruptures [see Stein, 1999, and referencestherein]. Great earthquakes can increase as well as decrease the stressover wide areas, in the latter case creating a stress shadows which delays subsequent moderate magnitude seismicity [Harris and Simpson,1993, 1996, 1998]. It is well acceptedthat the stress redistributionprocessoccursat different spatialand temporal scales and several process6s are responsible for fault interaction [Harris, 1998; King and Cocco, 2001]. Static stress changes can provide information on earthquake interactionson adjacent faults from several tens of seconds, when the dynamic stress field has reached the static Copyright 2001bytheAmerican Geophysical Union. Papernumber2001JB000426. 0148-0227/01/2001 JB000426509.00 configuration[e.g., Harris and Day, 1993; Belardinelli et al., 1999], to years, when postseismic viscoelastic diffusion processesbecomerelevant [e.g., Ben-Zion et al., 1993; Pollitz and Sacks,1997]. However,othertime-dependent postseismic effects,suchas aseismicslip or fluid migration,can modify the induced static stress field also at shorter timescales [Hudnut et al., 1989; Ghosh et al., 1992; Noir et al., 1997; Amelungand King, 1997;Parsonset al., 1999]. Fault interaction through stress transfer is currently modeled by considering the Coulomb stress changes on assignedfault planes,as well as on optimally orientedplanes, causedby slip on a fault [King and Cocco,2001]. These static stresschangesare often calculatedfrom an elastic dislocation model in an isotropic and homogeneous medium. The redistributionof coseismicstressafter a strongearthquakehas attct shOCKS as as been proposed to cxptatn 011-lctUlt variations of seismicityrates [Rybicki, 1973; Das and Scholz, 1981; Dieterich, 1972, 1994; Stein et al., 1992; Reasenberg and Simpson,1992; Simpsonand Reasenberg,1994; Toda et al., 1998]. Severalrecentstudieshave also tried to statistically correlate the Coulomb stress changes with the aftershock distribution and mechanisms and with the variation of seismicity[Stein, 1999; King and Cocco,2001, and references therein]. Toda et al. [1998] studied the stress redistribution causedby the 1995 Kobe (Japan)earthquake.They found an increase of seismicity rate in areas of calculated stress increaseand a decreaseof seismicityin regionsof calculated stressdecrease.Such correlationbetween seismicityrate and Coulomb stress changes is found by considering the 19,391 19,392 NOSTRO ET AL.' NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC backgroundseismicity in the 8 years before the Kobe main shock and the aftershocksin the following 1.5 years. These results raise the question of what is the contribution of viscoelasticrelaxation to the induced stressfield during this time interval. Most of the stress interaction studies have focused on coseismic stress changes immediately following a seismic event. Several authorshave applied Coulomb stressanalysis to historicalearthquakesin Turkey and in the Aegean [Barka, 1996; Stein et al., 1997; Nalbant et al., 1998; Hubert-Ferrari et al., 2000] as well as in California [Jaume and Sykes,1996; Deng and Sykes, 1997a, 1997b]. The elasticmodelsallow to estimate the coseismicstressperturbations,but they do not include the effects of long-term loading and relaxation of the lithosphereand asthenosphere [Harris, 1998]. Only in the last decade, several authorsbegan to model the mechanicsof the postseismicstresstransferconsideringviscoelasticprocesses and the Earth'stime-dependentmaterialproperties. The first investigations that included the viscoelastic relaxationprocessin stressinteractionanalyseswere focused on coupled subduction zones. These studies attempted to model the completeearthquakecycle [Thatcher and Rundle, 1984; Dmowska et al., 1988; Taylor et al., 1996, 1998], as well as to explain the delay in time betweenthe initial event and a triggeredearthquake[Rydelekand Sacks, 1990,'Pollitz and Sacks, 1995, 1997]. Viscoelastic relaxation has also been consideredto model the induced stress changes for crustal earthquakes[Roth, 1988; Ghoshet al., 1992; Ben-Zion et al., 1993; Freed and Lin, 1998; Kenner and Segall, 1999]. The main motivation of these studies is that the relaxation of the coseismic stress in the lower part of the crust or the lithospherecan transferstressto the seismogenicstructuresin the upper crust. Following this idea, Deng et al. [1999] investigatedthe stressloadingfrom viscousflow in the lower crust and the triggering of the aftershocks of the 1994 Northridge thrust earthquake.They found that the decay of aftershockssequenceexhibits a temporal dependencesimilar to the evolution of the viscoelasticloading govemed by the relaxation of the lower crust. Freed and Lin [1998] studied the time-dependent changes in Coulomb stress following thrust earthquakesdue to the relaxation of a viscous lower crust or upper mantle as well as postseismiccreep. Kenner and Segall [1999] investigated how lower crustal structure can affect the magnitude, duration, and spatial extent of the stress shadowing effect for strike-slip faults in northern Califomia. Most fault interaction studies considered strike-slip or thrust earthquakes,but only a few were limited to coseismic regime investigations concerning normal faulting events. Namely, Nostro et al. [1997] have studied coseismicstress changesin an extensionaltectonicsetting.They investigated the interactions among fault segments belonging to the southemApenninesseismogenicbelt (Italy), computingthe stressredistributioncausedby large earthquakes(M'•_6)which occurredin the last three centuries(see Plate l a). Computing Coulomb stresschangesfor historicalearthquakes,distributed during a time interval of centuries,requires us to properly accountfor the contributionof postseismicrelaxation. In this studywe investigatethe effect of viscoelasticstressrelaxation in an extensionaltectonic settingover timescalesof the order STRESS CHANGES in assessingthe spatiotemporalevolutionof the postseismic Coulomb stress field. 2. Modeling Approach We use the spherical self-gravitating Earth model developedby Piersanti et al. [1995, 1997] and Boschi et al. [2000], which consider a layered medium with viscoelastic rheology. All the layers have their own physical and rheologicalparameters.In general,we considerfour layers. The top is a purely elastic crust and overlies two Maxwell viscoelasticlayers,while the bottomis perfectlyinviscid.This model is based on the equationsgoverning the quasi-static deformationsof an incompressible,self-gravitatingMaxwell body with sphericalsymmetry,which is initially in a stateof hydrostatic equilibrium and takes advantage of the correspondence principleof linearviscoelasticity[e.g., Fung, 1965]. The basic equationis the momentumconservationfor a Maxwell body: -p0V•JtV(ll.p0goer) +V.T: p0r, (1) where the subscriptzero and 1 refer to equilibrium and incremental quantities, respectively, and the tilde denote Laplace-transformedvariables. In (1), p0 and g0 are the referencedensityand gravityfield, •J•is the perturbationto the geopotential induced by deformation, n is the displacement field, er is the unit vector in the outer radial direction, andT denotes incremental stress tensor. With P0'1• we indicatethe body force equivalentto a point dislocation [Smylieand Mansinha,1971]. Owing to incompressibility, the displacementfield, n, is subjectto the constraint v.n=0, (2) whereasthe incrementalpart of the gravitationalpotential obeysthe Laplaceequation V2•j,=0 (3) both inside and outside the Earth. The incremental stress tensor is related to the tensor of infinitesimal deformations E by the constitutive equationof an incompressible viscoelastic bodywith linearrheology T = 2;tl•+ ,Di I, (4) where ;t is the Laplace-transformedshear modulus for a Maxwellbody,,•l is theincremental pressure fieldandI is the identitymatrix. The methodof solutionof theseequationsis basedon a spectralapproach, whichrequiresdecomposition of the field variables(displacementsand stresses)on the basis of the sphericalharmonicfunctions.As shownby Piersantiet al. [1995], this procedure allows us to obtain two linear nonhomogenous systems of first-order differentialequations d _ y•n= S/y•n + t•n dr d m m - Z•n'--r/Zl q-gl , dr (5a) (5b) of 102yearsandspatialscalesof •4x102km (the same where the poloidal equations(5a) are completelydecoupled timescalesand spatial scalesused by Nostro et al. [1997]). from the toroidal ones (5b). The poloidal six-component We will point out the dominantrole of the Earth stratification vector y'• and the toroidaltwo-componentvector z•' contain ! NOSTROET AL.' NORMALFAULTAND POSTSEISMIC STRESSCHANGES 19,393 ß ,, ':..:.t•_r•.', ' -, ß • .•.: % 30'•• . . . .ß . • . ßß... • ', •.. ' -"" • ' .- ' . ! . 30' ß . 30' ao' •ao -1.0 ao' •4ø -0.5 ao' •6: "'i•:"'"" ....... •'' .... ' ao' ....... •70 ' .... •: 0.0 0.5 1.0 CFFchanges (bars) Plate 1. Coseismic Coulombstresschanges causedby a sequence of subsequent normalfaultingearthquakes mapped atdepths of (a)7 kmand(b) 17kmprojected ona normal faultstriking 310øalongtheApennines and dipping 60øtoward theNE.Thedepths of themapsin Platesl a andlb nearlycorrespond tothemiddleandto thebaseof theseismogenic layer,respectively. Theregionalstress hasnotbeenincluded in thesecalculations. Thesource parameters of thesehistorical earthquakes arelistedbyNostroet al. [ 1997,1998].It isemphasized thatnormalfaultingearthquakes increase thestaticstress bothin thestrikedirection andat thebaseof the seismogenic layer(whereearthquakes arebelievedto nucleate). 19,394 NOSTRO ET AL.: NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESS CHANGES information regarding postseismic displacements u, incrementalstressesT, and gravity potential 0. The elements of the matricesS•and T•, which dependon the mechanicaland rheologicalparametersdescribingthe Earth model, are listed by Piersanti et al. [1995]. The sourcelocation and geometry displacementat depth dependson the distancebetweenthe sourceand the samplingdepth.This is in agreementwith the finding of Sun and Okubo [1993], who studiedthe potential and gravity changescausedby dislocationsin spherically symmetric,elastic,Earth model. A satisfactoryconvergence areaccounted for on the sourcetermstt and gt. Thesesetsof equationsare solvedfor eachharmonicorder of the solution for a 5 km distance between the source and the I and degree rn by means of propagatormatrix techniques, imposing appropriate boundary conditions at the internal interfaces(continuity of all of the field variables) and at the free surface (vanishing vertical traction). Because of the analyticalstructureof the propagatormatricesinvolvedin the solutionof (Sa) and (Sb) [e.g., Spada, 1992], the postseismic displacementfield u can be inverted from the Laplace to the time domainby meansof simplemethods(seePiersanti et al. [1995] andBoschiet al. [2000] for details). Assuming a Heavyside time history for the dislocationof arbitrary harmonic degree I and order m, the poloidal and toroidal time-dependent generic observable (e.g., displacementand stresscomponents,gravitationalfield) takes the form M xv(t)= .gp + )fp e-' t=l sampling depth in the lithosphere is now ensured. Nevertheless,the resultsat depthstill show someoscillations due to an incomplete convergenceaffecting the spherical harmonicdecomposition. We will show resultsfor the spaceand time evolutionof the stressfield generatedby a normal fault. The fault plane has been modeled by a line source represented by a distributionof point sources.Previous studies[Piersanti et al., 1997; Nostro et al., 1999] have demonstratedthat this approximation works excellently for epicentral distances exceedinga few kilometers. We compute the stress tensor by a numerical differentiationof the coseismicand postseismicdisplacements and by applying the Hooke's law for an incompressible, isotropic linear elastic body. The Coulomb stress, Ac•f is thereforecomputedas follows: (6) Acy•= A z' + /•' Acy• (7) N xr (t)= AT + AT • T e '"*•- 1 ' [King et al., 1994; Harris, 1998; King and Cocco, 2001], where A'•is the fault shear stresschangein the direction of slip on the assignedfault plane, A(Jn is the outward normal stresschangeon the fault (positive for extension),and [t' is the apparentfrictioncoefficientthat is definedby t=I As seen in (6), both poloidal (P) and toroidal (T) postseismicobservablefields for a viscoelasticEarth may be decomposedin the sum of two contributions.The first one, described by xe© andXr©, is relatedto the coseismic instantaneous(t=0) response of the Earth to the seismic dislocation. Its value is completely unaffected by mantle viscoelastic rheology and only depends upon the elastic parametersof the model. The second contribution, which accountsfor delayedviscoelasticresponse,is characterizedby (8) where B (Skempton coefficient) takes into account the modificationsof the effectivenormalstresscausedby pore fluid pressure [seeHarris, 1998].The problemof findingthe theviscous amplitudes (xe(øandxr% andby therelaxation best expressionfor the effectivefriction coefficient[Harris, times (re© andVr%,which provide therelaxation spectrum of 1998; Cocco and Rice, 1999; Beeler et al., 2000] is not the model under study. The magnitudeof poloidal and relevant for the discussionpresentedin this paper. We toroidal relaxation times and their number (M and N, thereforeuse (7) as donecurrentlyin literaturewithoutany respectively)are completelyindependentof the natureof the further comment. The adoptionof a sphericalgeometryapproach mightseem sourceandare only affectedby the mechanical profileof the Earth.For a detailedanalysisof the relaxationspectraand not justified by the range of distances involved in our modal repartition of postseismicdeformation,we refer to analysis;however,previousworkshaveshownthat long-term Spada [1992] and Piersanti et al. [1995]. The total deformationcan be affected by Earth sphericity also at displacement field u(r,t) at a givenpointr of the shallowest distancesof few hundredsof kilometers [Antonioli et al., layer of the Earth may be retrievedby summationover the 1998; Nostro et al., 1999]. In particular,our model exhibits sphericalharmonicfunctionsaccordingto the procedure some peculiar advantages:For instance,it allows us to take describedby Piersanti et al. [1995, 1997]. The solutionfor into account in a self-consistentway the effects of selfsource and/or observer located within the viscoelastic lower gravitation.Many seismological applicationsdo not dedicate layers requires a further developmentof the modeling muchattentionto theseeffects.This is probablydue to the approach, whichis not discussed in thispaper[seeBoschiet fact that they considerthe short-termdynamicand/or static al., 2000]. part of the deformation,for whichthe gravitationaleffectsare regimethe Thenumerical codedeveloped by Piersantiet al. [1995]to indeedsmall.On the contrary,in the postseismic compute theradialcoefficients of thespherical decompositiongravitationaleffects play a major role in determiningthe field [Piersantiet al., 1997;Nostroet al., 1999]. hasbeenimprovedby Nostroet al. [ 1999]in orderto increase deformation the maximumdegreeof summationup to /=9000, while in Alternative modeling approachessimulatethe gravitational previous analyses it was limited to /=1000. Nostro et al. loading by applying some external forces at the internal [1999] have found that the rate of convergenceof the boundaries,but this proceduredoes not always guarantee harmonicdecomposition of the displacement at the surface goodresults,especiallyfor compressiblematerials[e.g., C. dependson the sourcedepth.In thiswork we find thattherate Giunchi,personalcommunication, 2000; Giunchiand Spada, of convergenceof the harmonic decompositionof the 2000]. 19,395 NOSTRO ETAL.:NORMALFAULTANDPOSTSEISMIC •STRESS CHANGES 3. Postseismic Stress Evolution fault (rake 270ø) dipping60ø NE and striking310ø (parallel to the Apennines).It canbe consideredas a typical examplefor a normal faulting earthquakein the southernApennines[see for a Normal Fault Nostroet al. [ 1997]computedthe coseismicstresschanges causedby several historical earthquakesin the southern Apennines (Italy) usinga three-dimensional (3-D) dislocation modelin an elastichalf-space. Theydiscussed the sequence of 11 earthquakes thatrupturednormalfaultsorientedalongthe Apenninesin the last three centuries(1688-1990) and concluded that each event increased the static stress on the adjacentfaultspromotingsubsequent failures.Plate l a shows the Coulombstresschangesat the middleof the seismogenic layer (7 km depth) causedby a sequenceof historical earthquakes (more completethanthat usedby Nostro et al. [1997]) and without considering the regional stress. Moreover, in Plate lb we show the same calculation at a depthof 17 km, whichnearlycorresponds to the baseof the seismogenic layer.Theseresultspointoutthatnormalfaulting earthquakes increasethe staticstressboth in the directionof the fault strike(that is, alongthe Apennines)and,as expected, at the baseof the seismogeniclayer. Nostro et al., 1997, and references therein]. As a reference case for the elastic solution, Plate 2 shows the coseismic Coulombstresschangescausedby a normal fault 35 km long and 15 km wide, dipping60ø northeastward, mappedat 7 km (midfaultdepth,Plate 2a) and 17 km depth(at the baseof the seismogeniclayer, Plate 2b). For thesecalculationswe used the elastic dislocationequationsproposedby Okada [1992] and the numericalcodedevelopedby Nostro et al. [ 1997]. We will use this configuration to compute coseismic and postseismicstresschangesresulting from the viscoelastic code previouslydiscussed(equation(6)). The static stress changesshown in Plate 2 representa referencecase for the elastic solution. We therefore study the space and time evolutionof the stressfield for a normal fault in a spherical, self-gravitating, viscoelastic, stratified Earth. In the viscoelasticmodel we assumea line source35 km long and locatedat a depthof 12 km. We computethe Coulombstress changesfor secondarynormal faults parallel to the master fault; we map the stress changes at a depth of 17 km, thereforebelow the downdipextensionof the extendedfault. The seismicmoment is that of the 1980 Irpinia earthquake Although these results suggestthat interaction exists betweennormalfaultingevents,the time separationbetween subsequent earthquakes (severaldecades) requiresto properly accountfor the contributionof postseismic relaxation.In this (M0=2.5 10•gNm).Thelinesource condition (l-D) represents studywe investigate the effectof viscoelastic stressrelaxation an extremely efficient numerical approximation for what causedby normalfaults over timescalesof severalcenturies concern the CPU time; moreover, previous analyses have and spatialscalesof hundredsof kilometers,analyzingthe shown that it gives very good results for static and effectsof the Earth stratificationon Coulombstresschanges. postseismicdisplacements also near the causativefault (i.e., In our calculationswe choosethe sourceparametersfor within two fault lengths[see Piersanti et al., 1997; Nostro et computingcoseismicand postseismic stresschangesto be al., 1999]). In the present applicationsthe line sourcehas thoseproposedfor the 1980 Irpinia earthquake:A normal been discretizedby 31 point sourcesalignedalong the strike 200 - b) 2oo! 100 100 ß e- %. 0- -100 -100 ! ,,, -200 -100 •) 100 20•) -200 distance (kin) -0.10 -100 0 100 200 d,stance (kin) -0.0õ 0.00 0.0õ 0.10 CFF changes(bars) Plate2. Coseismic Coulomb stress changes (ACFF)at depths of (a) 7 km and(b) 17km(asin Plate1) caused bya normal fault(striking 310øN anddipping 60øNE,rakeof 270ø)computed bymeans of a purely elastic uniform flatmodel[Okada,1992;Nostroet al., 1997]andprojected onfaultshavingthesamemechanism of the master fault. 19,396 NOSTRO ET AL.: NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESS CHANGES Table1. Incompressible Four-Layer ModelParameters forModl Layer Thickness, Density, km kgm'3 Rigidity, 10•øPa Viscosity, 1021Pas Model B Elasticlithosphere Viscoelastic asthenosphere 80 200 3115 3400 5.60 6.75 0.01 Viscoelasticmantle Fluid core 2620 3471 4695 10931 18.60 0.00 1.00 0.00 Elasticlithosphere Viscoelastic asthenosphere 80 200 2520 2520 3.00 3.00 0.01 Viscoelasticmantle Fluid core 2620 3471 2520 10931 3.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Model A Model 0 Elastic lithosphere Viscoelastic asthenosphere Viscoelasticmantle Fluid core 100 150 3193 3385 5.86 6.60 0.01 2650 3471 4662 10931 18.30 0.00 1.00 0.00 of the fault (this correspondsto a linear fault densityof 0.9 sources/km). Sincethe time-dependentpostseismicstressfield depends on the assumedEarth model, we will computecoseismicand postseismic stress changes using several different Earth stratifications both for the elastic and the viscoelastic The second class of Earth models is characterizedby an elastic crust overlying two Maxwell viscoelasticlayers (see Table 2 and Plate 3b). In these models the thicknessof the elastic layer is 35 km, thinner than in Modl, since only the crust is assumedto be elastic. In the following, we refer to this classof modelsasMod2X (X=P, E in Table 2). The parameters.We will discussthe main featuresof the adopted Earth models in section 4. last class of models considered here consists of an elasticuppercrust,whosethicknessrangesbetween18 and 28 km, and a viscoelastic lower crust and mantle (see Table 3 4. Adopted Earth Models To compute postseismic stress perturbations, we use severalmodelsconsistingof four layers with different elastic and/or viscoelasticparameters.Extremely deep layersplay a minor role at such short distances [Piersanti et al., 1995, 1997; Pollitz, 1992; Pollitz et al., 1998], therefore in our analysisthe inner layer (an inviscid core) is always the same for all the simulations.The viscoelasticlower mantle always extendsdown to a depthof 2900 km (see Tables 1, 2, and 3). To compare the coseismic and postseismicstresschanges resulting from the viscoelasticmodel with those from the homogeneouselasticmodel (Plate 2), we use a classof Earth models characterizedby an elastic lithosphere overlying a Maxwell viscoelasticasthenosphere(see Table 1 and Plate 3a). The thicknessof the elastic lithosphererangesbetween 80 and 100 km. In the rest of the paper we refer to this class of modelsasModlX (X=A, B, O in Table 1). and Plate 3c). Among all the models adoptedin this study, this class, Mod3, is characterized by the shallowest viscoelasticlayer. The parametersadoptedin the differentclassof modelsare described in Tables 1, 2, and 3. The viscosity for the shallower viscoelastic layeriskeptfixedto 1019 Pas,andthat of thedeeper oneis keptfixedat 1021 Pas [e.g.,Piersanti, 1999],exceptwhereotherwiseindicated. 5. Modeling Results In this sectionwe presentthe resultsof a detailedanalysisof the spatial patterns of coseismic and postseismic stress perturbationsdue to a normal fault, using the different Earth modelsdescribedin section4. We separatelyshowthe coseismic andthe additionalpostseismic stresschangescomputedfrom (6) as well as the total stress perturbation (coseismic and postseismic)by using the seminumericalapproachproposedby Table 2. Incompressible PREM-AveragedFour-LayerModelParameters for Mod2 Layer Thickness, Density, km kgm'3 Rigidity, 101øPa Viscosity, 1021 Pas Model P Elastic crust 35 2855 625 3592 8.30 Viscoelastic lower mantle 2240 4953 21.10 1.00 Fluid core 3471 10931 0.00 0.00 Viscoelasticuppermantle 4.46 0.01 Model E Elastic crust 35 2855 Viscoelastic uppermantle 45 3379 4.46 6.75 Viscoelastic lower mantle 2820 4562 17.40 1.00 Fluid core 3471 10931 0.00 0.00 0.01 NOSTRO ET AL.' NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESS CHANGES 19,397 Table 3. IncompressiblePREM-Averaged Four-Layer Model Parametersfor Mod3 Layer Thickness, CrustalThickness, Density, km km kgm'3 Rigidity, 10!øPa Viscosity, 102• Pas Model L Elastic crust 18 Viscoelastic lower crust Viscoelastic mantle Fluid core 29 5.90 2871 4526 17.00 1.00 3471 10931 0.00 0.00 2520 3.00 18 Viscoelastic lower crust Viscoelastic mantle Fluid core 17 3199 5.90 2865 4526 17.00 1.00 3471 10931 0.00 0.00 24 Viscoelastic lower crust Viscoelastic mantle Fluid core 0.01 C 35 Model Elastic crust 3.00 3199 Model Elastic crust 2520 11 0.01 G 35 2520 3.00 11 3199 5.90 2865 4526 17.00 1.00 3471 10931 0.00 0.00 2855 4.50 •o 3381 6.80 0.01 2861 4526 17.00 1.00 3471 10931 0.00 0.00 2520 3.00 0.01 Model M Elastic crust 28 Viscoelastic lower crust Viscoelastic mantle Fluid core 39 11 Model I Elastic crust 18 Viscoelastic lower crust Viscoelastic mantle Fluid core 33 15 3199 5.90 2867 4526 17.00 0.01 1.00 3471 10931 0.00 0.00 Model F Elastic crust 24 Viscoelastic lower crust Viscoelastic mantle Fluid core 2520 3.00 56 80 3309 6.40 2820 4562 17.00 1.00 3471 10931 0.00 0.00 2520 3.00 0.01 Model N a Elastic crust 24 Viscoelastic lower crust 15 3199 5.90 2861 4526 17.00 1.00 3471 10931 0.00 0.00 2855 4.50 ,o 3380 6.80 0.01 2857 4536 17.20 1.00 3471 10931 0.00 0.00 Viscoelastic mantle Fluid core 39 0.01 a Model Q Elastic crust 28 Viscoelastic lower crust Viscoelastic mantle Fluid core 43 15 Model H Elastic crust 20 Viscoelastic lower crust Viscoelastic mantle Fluid core 2520 3.00 15 35 3199 5.90 2865 4526 17.00 1.00 3471 10931 0.00 0.00 0.01 with*.... other Piersanti et al. [1995]. We first discussthe spatialpatternsof coseismicand postseismic stresschangesusingthe samespatial scaleadoptedfor the elasticcalculationsshownin Plate 2. In this section,we will showthe spatialpatternsof postseismicstress changesdue to the viscoelasticrelaxationof the ductile layers, after 100 years, not consideringother potential causesof stress loading,suchas aseismicafterslipand tectonicloading.A time interval of 100 years can be consideredas representativeof the subsequent occurrenceof normal faulting earthquakesalong the Apennines[see Nostro et al., 1997]. In section 6 we discussin greaterdetail the temporalevolution of the postseismicstress field. 5.1. Simulationsfor an Elastic Lithosphere Here we consider the coseismic and postseismicstress fields for a normal fault in a spherical, self-gravitating, viscoelastic, stratified Earth model, whose lithosphere consists of a 80-km-thick elastic plate underlain by a •9 viscoelasticasthenosphere with viscosity of 10 Pa s and a ß ß ß .21 viscoelasticmantle whosewscos•ty•s 10 Pa s (see Table 1). Among the different models considered,Plate 4 shows the calculations resulting from two Earth models: ModlB has four layerswith differentviscosities,densities,and rigidities, whereasModlA has uniform elastic parametersthrough all 19,398 NOSTRO ET AL.' NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESS CHANGES a) Lithosphere Asthenosphere Mantle Crust ' Not to scale Modl b) Crust Crust ' /(nvis½i Core Not to scale To scale Mod2 c) Crust Lower crust Mantle Core Not to scale To scale Mod3 Plate3. Earthmodels usedinthisstudy. All themodels consist of fourlayers withaninviscid core.(a)Models characterized by an elasticlithosphere andviscoelastic asthenosphere andmantle(Modl).(b) Models characterized byanelastic crustanda viscoelastic mantle (Mod2).(c) Models characterized by anelastic upper crust andviscoelastic lower crust andmantle. Thedifferent viscosities, densities, andrigidities foreach modelarelistedin Tables1,2, and3, respectively. In all themodels considered in thisstudy thedensity and therigidity areobtained through avolume average ofPREMcorresponding values [Dziewonski andAnderson, 1981] (exceptModlA). NOSTRO ET AL.' NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESS CHANGES o '8 o o -8 ! -o o o o o t o i o o o d:• 6 (tU>l):a:•u04.s•p 19,399 19,400 NOSTRO ET AL.: NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESS CHANGES the layers(Table 1). The relevantthicknessof the elasticlayer (the whole lithosphere)adoptedin theseEarth modelsallows km-thick lithosphere),the coseismicstresschangesare quite similar, while the postseismicstresschangesare sensibly a comparisonwith the elasticcalculationsshownin Plate 2. different. Namely, in the case of a thick lithospherethe As expected, the pattern of coseismic Coulomb stress postseismicadditionalstressshowsan elliptic shape,while changesresultingfrom the two methods,and shownin Plates for a thin lithospherethe postseismicstressexhibitsevident 2 and 4, is very similar. We recall that in Plates 2 and 4 we off-fault lobes typical of the coseismicpattern. This means plot the Coulomb stress changes at the base of the that the depth of the first viscoelastic interface mostly seismogeniclayer, that is, below the seismogenic faults.The contributesto modificationof the postseismicevolutionof the additionalpostseismicCoulomb stresschanges,computed stresstransfer at the base of the seismogeniclayer [Cohen, after 1O0years, are quite different from the coseismicones. 1980, 1984; Matsu 'ura et al., 1981]. Plate 4 showsthat the additionalpostseismicstresschanges causedby a normal faulting earthquakeincreasein the fault 5.3. Simulations for a Viscoelastic Lower Crust strikedirection,whereasthe coseismicstresschangepattern In this sectionwe investigatethe effects on the induced showsonly positive off-fault lobes. The off-fault stresslobes Coulomb stressfield of including a viscoelasticlower crust. to the northeastof the fault are larger than the southwestern This implies that in these casesthe viscoelasticlayer is onesbecausethe fault dipstowardthe northeast,althoughthe shallower than in the simulationspreviously shown. As a symmetryof the spatialpatternof the additionalpostseismic consequence,we expectto have even more evident effects on Coulomb stressdoesnot changeconsiderablywith the dip thepostseismic evolutionof the stressperturbation. angle of causative normal fault. The largest additional We considerdifferentmodelshavingan elasticuppercrust postseismicCoulomb stresschangesare located below the whosethicknessrangesbetween18 and 28 km overlyinga causativefault and are elongatedin the strike direction.As a Maxwell viscoelasticlower crust, whose thicknessranges consequence,the total postseismic stress changes are between 11 and 17 km (see Table 3). The viscosity of the increased in the direction of the fault strike. lowercrustis l019Pa s andthatof the viscoelastic mantleis 102t Pa s. We list the main featuresof the differentEarth considered, 100yearsof viscoelastic relaxationis not enough modelsadoptedin this case in Table 3, and the resulting to recoverthe stressshadowingeffect(exceptalongthe strike coseismicand postseismic(after 100 years) Coulomb stress direction). The comparisonbetween the stress patterns changesare shown in Plate 6 for the first four models. As in resultingfrom the two different Earth models (ModlA and the previouscalculations,the stresschangesare mappedat a These examples show that for the Earth models here ModlB in Plate 4) shows that both the coseismicand the postseismicstresschangesare quite similar. This is an expectedresultconfirmingthatvaryingthe elasticparameters only changesthe magnitudeof viscoelasticrelaxation(see Plate 4) that reloadsthe elastic layer [Cohen, 1980, 1984; Rundle, 1982]. These results also confirm that under appropriate conditions,our viscoelasticmodel yields coseismicstress changessimilar to thoseof the purely elasticmodels[see Nostro et al., 1999] and that the depth of the viscoelastic layersbelowthe elasticone,ratherthanthe depthvariationof the elasticparameters, is more importantin controllingthe viscoelastic relaxation process [e.g. Cohen, 1980; 1984; Nostro et al., 1999, and referencestherein]. We will further investigatethis in section5.2. 5.2. Simulations for an Elastic Crust We have computedcoseismicand postseismicCoulomb stresschangesfor different Earth modelsconsistingof an elasticcrust(whosethicknessis 35 km) overlyinga Maxwell viscoelasticmantle whoselayers have different thicknesses. Table2 liststhe parameters for two Earthmodelsconsisting respectivelyof a viscoelasticupper mantle (625-km-thick, Mod2P)anda thinlow viscositylayer(45-km-thick,Mod2E). depthof 17 km. The coseismic stress changes for a normal faulting earthquakeexhibit the four characteristiclobes of Coulomb stress increase and two major lobes of Coulomb stress decreaseyielding very similar patterns for all the models consideredin this study.We first comparetwo modelswhich have the same elastic upper crust (18 km thick) but different thicknessfor the viscoelasticlower crust(Mod3C and Mod3L in Table 3). The resultingpatternof the additionalpostseismic stressafter 100 years is quite similar to that of the coseismic stress,but the magnitudeand spatialextentof the postseismic off-fault lobes (both for stressincreaseand shadowing)are greater than those of the coseismic changes. This spatial similarity decreases or disappears for the other models (Mod3G and Mod3M) shownin Plate 6. Mod3G and Mod3M are characterizedby the same thicknessof the viscoelastic lower crust (11 km as in Mod3L) but different thicknessof the elasticupper crust, in suchway that Mod3C and Mod3G have the same total crustal thickness but in different elastic and viscoelastic portions. These results have important implicationsfor those applicationsconcerningnormal fault interaction where most of the Coulomb stress reduction (shadowing effect) is located off-fault and oriented perpendicularlyto the fault direction(see Plate 6 and Nostro For both the models the viscoelastic lower mantle extends to et al. [1997]). This emphasizesthat the stress shadowing 2900 km (seeTable2). We showtheresultingCoulombstress effectsare time-dependentfunctionsof the layer's thickness andthe rheologyof the lithosphere. patterns calculated at a depth of 17 km in Plate 5. We consider these models in order to discuss the effect of the The resultsshown in Plate 6 suggestthat the thicknessof thicknessof the shallowestviscoelasticlayer within the the elasticcrusthas a greatinfluenceon the postseismicstress mantle. distribution.Looking at the additional postseismicCoulomb Plate 5 showsthat with the crustthicknessfixed to 35 km, functionafter 100 years,we can concludethat the viscoelastic increasing the thickness of the firstviscoelastic layerfrom45 relaxation tends to reduce the off-fault coseismic shadow to 625 km, has a moderateimpact on the Coulomb stress zones,althoughfor models G and M appeartwo small stress changespatternafter 100 years.With respectto Modl (80- shadowareasparallelto the fault. We attributethis sensitivity NOSTRO ET AL.' NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESS CHANGES I.U n_ -8 ' i i i 19,401 19,402 NOSTRO ET AL.' NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESS CHANGES AdditionalpostseismicCFF after 100 years Coseismic CFF PostseismicCFF after 100 years 200 100 Mod3L 200 / I00 '• f ";b /_. -o.•o 1'-ø'øød io.,o'5 1 003,'• 1'00•1'00 --" -0.03' ' -O.03 ) /, ! • i - , - ! .... ß -0.10 •. • / o.00 \ J, ,.•'!•ø'.., .• ;.....•... ,\.. i •,.. Mod3C 200 100 Mod3G -200* 20O 100 Mod3M -100 d•stance(kin) distance(kin) -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 O. tO CFFchanges(•rs) Plate 6. Same calculationsof Plate 4 but for an Earth model consistingof an elastic upper crest overlying a Maxwell viscoelasticlower crust (whose thicknessrangesbetween 11 and 17 km) with a viscosityof about 10•9Pas (seePlate3candTable3). Mod3LandMod3Chavethesamethickness of thefirstelastic layer(the uppercrest).Mod3L,Mod3G,andMod3M havethe samethickness of theviscoelastic lowercrest.The whole thicknessof the crestis the same(35 km) for Mod3C andMod3G NOSTRO ET AL.: NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESS CHANGES to the fact that by changingthe thicknessof the elastic layer, we modify the distance between the source and the first elastic-viscoelastic interface.This yields evident variationsto the spatialpatternof thepostseismic stress. We first consider the models 19,403 used in the calculations shownin Plates4 and 5, whoseparametersare listed in Tables 1 and 2. The resultsof thesecalculationsare shownin Figure 1. We remark that ModlA and ModlB (Table 1 and Plate 4) are characterizedby a completely elastic lithosphere,while Mod2E and Mod2P are characterizedonly by an elastic crust. 6. Temporal StressEvolution: Thus all thesemodelshave two viscoelasticlayerswithin the Effects of Rheological Stratification mantle, but they differ in the depth of the elastic-viscoelastic In section 5 we discussedthe spatial dependenceof the interface. Figure 1 shows that the magnitude of the viscoelasticrelaxation of the Coulomb stresschangescaused postseismicstressdependson the thicknessof the elasticlayer by a normalfault for differentEarth models.The postseismic and, consequently, on the depth of the first viscoelastic evolutionhasbeenpresentedonly at a fixed time (100 years) interface:The viscoelasticrelaxationyields larger postseismic after the earthquakein orderto facilitatethe comparisonwith Coulomb stressfor shallowerviscoelasticlayers. In Figure 1 the coseismic Coulomb stress changes. In this section we the smallest viscoelasticstressperturbation is reached for a 100-km-thickelasticlithosphere(Mod 1O). focus our discussion on the temporal evolution of the viscoelastic relaxation. The Earth models consistingof a fully elastic lithosphere The previous results have shown that in general, we yield quite similar temporal evolution of the postseismic observethat the relaxation of the viscoelasticlayers reloads stresschanges(ModlA and ModlB). A similar conclusionis the area around and below the coseismic fault for all the also valid for the models characterizedby a fully elastic crust considered Earth models. However, the time-dependent and a viscoelasticmantle (Mod2E and Mod2P). This is also postseismic relaxation modifies the distribution of the evident looking at the behaviorin the first 300 years, shown Coulomb stresschanges(of fault-end and off-fault lobes) in in the Figure 1 inset. Moreover, the thicknessof the first differentways dependingon the adoptedEarth model. viscoelasticlayer controlsthe rate of relaxation:The thicker We now compute the temporal evolution of Coulomb and shallowerviscoelasticlayer adoptedin Mod2P yields the stresschangesin a fixed point, locatedat (55, -10) km in the fastestrelaxationwithin the uppercrust(rememberthat for all maps shown before (which always has positive values of the models consideredin Figure 1 the viscosity value of the Coulombstresschanges,seethe starin Plates4, 5, and 6), and first viscoelastic layeris fixedto 1019 Pa s). This is in we analyze its behavior during 1000 years after the agreement with the findings of Soldati et al. [1998] earthquake. Our goal is to understand the effects of the concerningthepostseismic gravitationalperturbations. thicknessof the shallowerlayersand the distancebetweenthe More interesting behaviors are obtained when a sourcedepth and the first elastic-viscoelasticinterfaceas well viscoelasticlower crustis considered(see the models listed in asthe rheology(viscosityandrigidity) of the adoptedmodels. Table 3 and shown in Plate 6). Figure 2a shows the 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Years after the earthquake Figure 1. Temporalevolutionof Coulombstresschangesfor 1000 yearsafter the earthquakein the point x=+55 km,y=-10 km at 17 km depth(seestarin the mapsshownin Plates4 and5) for five differenttypesof Earthmodels(seeTables1 and2). ModlO is characterized by the sameelasticandviscoelastic parameters of Mod 1B, but the thicknessof'the first two layersis different:A lithosphereof 100 km and an asthenosphere of 150 km. 1000 19,404 NOSTRO ET AL.' NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESS CHANGES 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.0 0 tO0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0.8 I 0.6 0.2 0.0' 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Yearsafter the earthquake Figure 2. Temporalevolutionof Coulombstress changes for modelsconsisting of anelasticuppercrustwith thickness fixedto (a) 18 km and(b) 24 km overlyinga Maxwellviscoelastic lowercrust(seeTable3). The thicknessof the viscoelastic lowercrustrangesfrom 11 to 56 km andis listedcloseto eachcurve.The rateof changeof Coulombstress for eachEarthmodelin thefirst300yearsaftertheearthquake is shownin theinset. The viscoelastic mantle extends to 2900 km for all these models. postseismic evolution of Coulomb stress for Earth models after the earthquakeshownin Figure2a are differentfrom (Mod3C,Mod3L andMod3I in Table3) consisting of an thoseshownin Figure 2b: Increasingthe thicknessof the elasticcrust(18-km-thick)overlyinga Maxwell viscoelastic elastic upper crust yields a faster relaxation of the lower lower crustwith differentthicknesses. Figure2b showsthe viscoelastic crust.For a givenelasticlayer, in the first five samefor a 24-km-thickelasticcrust(Mod3G,Mod3N, and decades afterthe earthquake thepostseismic stressrelaxation Mod3F;seeTable3 for Earthmodelparameters). Figure2 occursat higher rates for increasingthicknessof the lower clearly emphasizesthat the relaxationprocessesof the viscoelastic crust(seeinsetsin Figures2a and2b). After the viscoelastic layers,whichcausethe reloadingof the elastic first 100 years the temporalderivativesof the evolution crust,involvetimescales thatdepend notonlyontheviscosity curvestend to coincide.However, while for a thicker elastic butalsoonthethickness of thedifferent layers.It is evident in crust the relaxation process is almost completed (the Figure2 that whenthe elasticcrustthicknessis constant, derivatives vanishin Figure2b), for a thinnerelasticlayerthe increasing the thickness of the lower crust increases the temporaldistributionof Coulombstresshasnot yet reached magnitude of postseismicCoulomb stressfor both the two its postseismic fluid limit (seeFigure2a). The comparison setsof models. Therelaxation ratesduringthefirst300years betweenthetimeevolutionof Coulombstresschanges for the NOSTRO ET AL.' NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESS CHANGES 19,405 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0.8• 0.6 0.2 0.0 200 300 400 õ00 600 700 800 900 1000 Yeorsofter the eorthquoke Figure 3. Temporalevolutionof Coulomb stresschangesfor different Earth modelshaving a fixed thickness of the lower crust,equalto (a) 11 km and (b) 15 km, and an uppercrustthicknessrangingbetween18 and 28 km (seeTable3). The temporalevolutioncurvesfor the first 300 yearsafterthe earthquake is shownin Figure 3a inset.The temporalderivativeof the evolutioncurvesfor the first 300 yearsafterthe earthquakeis shownin Figure3b inset.The viscoelasticmantleextendsto 2900 km for all the modelsshown. two setsof Earth models(Figures2a and 2b) pointsout that the distancebetweenthe sourcedepth and the first elastic- Figure 3). For longer time intervals, the models with the largestelastic thicknessreach the postseismicfluid limit, viscoelastic meaningthat for theseEarthmodelsthe reloadingprocessis completely finished after nearly 60 years. Therefore Coulomb interface controls the relaxation rates of the stress. In Figure 3 we compare the temporal patterns of postseismic Coulombstresscomputedfor a fixed thicknessof the viscoelastic lower crust but different upper crust thicknesses (rangingbetween18 and28 km, seeTable 3). The thicknessof the elastic crust (and therefore the distance betweenthe sourcedepthandthe first interface)considerably affectsthe shapeof the reloadingcurve. The thinner elastic crustis characterized by a much slowerviscoelasticrelaxation (see Figures 2 and 3). This is particularly evident in the behaviorduring the first 50 years (see the annexedboxes in increasingthe thicknessof the elastic crust also affects the time at whichthe postseismic fluid limit is reached. Figure 4 shows the comparisonbetween Earth models havingthe sametotal crustalthickness(35 km) anda different partitioningbetweenelasticuppercrustandviscoelasticlower crust(Mod3C, Mod3G, and Mod3H in Table 3). Figure 4 summarizes the results discussed above and shows that for a given crustalthicknessthe absolutevalue of postseismic Coulomb stress is not largely modified by the crust partitioningbetweenelasticandviscoelastic layers.However, 19,406 NOSTRO ET AL.: NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESS CHANGES 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 õ00 600 700 800 900 1000 Yearsafter the earthquake Figure 4. Temporal patternsof Coulombstresschangesfor Mod3 models(see Table 3 and Plate 3c) having the total thicknessof the two crustallayersfixed to 35 km (C, H, andG). the relaxationrate largely dependson the thicknessof the two shallowestlayers. An important,thoughexpectedeffect, concernsthe choice of the viscosityof the first viscoelasticlayer: The functional dependenceon the viscosityof postseismicdisplacementand gravitationalfields hasbeenlargelydiscussed in the scientific literature [see, e.g., Cohen, 1980, 1984; Matsu'ura et al., characterizedby a 24-km-thick elasticupper crustand a 15km-thick viscoelasticlower crustbut using different viscosity values(Mod3N in Table 3). As expected,the lower viscosity yieldsa fasterrelaxationof the viscoelasticcrust.As distinct from the behavior of a uniform plane model [e.g., Rundle, 1981, 1982] the relaxationratesdo not scalelinearly with the viscosityvalue, indicatingthat not only the lower crust but 1981; Melosh, 1983; Soldati et al., 1998; Piersanti, 1999]. alsothe uppermantleplay a role in thepostseismic relaxation Figure 5 showsthe postseismicevolutionof Coulombstress process[Piersanti, 1999]. This is also in agreementwith the for a point located at 17 km of depth for Earth models findingsof Soldati et al. [1998] concerningthe postseismic 0.81 0.6 0.2 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 õ00 600 700 800 900 1000 Yearsafter the earthquake Figure 5. Temporal evolution of Coulomb stresschangesfor Mod3N calculatedby using three different viscosity valuesfor thelowercrust:10•a 10•9 and1020Pa s, respectively (seeTable3). Thetemporal derivative of the evolution curvesfor eachEarth model in the first 300 years after the earthquakeis shownin the inset. NOSTRO ET AL.: NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC gravitationalperturbations,and with Nostro et al. [1999], who studiedthe deformationrate for the 1960 Chileanearthquake. Recent papers have emphasized the importance of including the effects of long-term loading and relaxation of the lithosphere and asthenosphere in fault interaction investigations[seeHarris, 1998; King and Cocco, 2001, and referencestherein]. The resultspresentedin this study further supportthesefindings.The applicationsto the study of fault interaction for historical earthquakes[see,e.g., Jaurne and Sykes,1996; Nostro et at., 1997; Stein et at., 1997; Deng and Sykes, 1997a, 1997b; Natbant et at., 1998] also require to properlyincludethe contributionof viscoelasticrelaxationto the induced stress field. The present study is focused on postseismic relaxationcausedby normalfaultingearthquakes. The main feature emerging from the parametric tests above is that the viscoelastic relaxation increases the Coulomb stress near the causative faults (at distances within few fault lengths) and tends to reduce the stress shadowareas.This latter effect hasalready been suggestedby Kennerand Segatl[1999] for verticalstrike-slipfaults. Nostro et al. concluded that out of 1 1 earthquakes, 10 occurredin areasof Coulomb stressincrease.In this studywe show that for all the adoptedEarth models the postseismic stress relaxation does not reduce the induced Coulomb / -100 0 viscoelasticpostseismic relaxationfurthersupportsthe results of Nostro et al. [1997] becauseit increasesthe values of the inducedCoulomb stressfor normal faulting at the baseof the seismogenic layer enlarging the enhanced stress area. Moreover, postseismicrelaxation increases the Coulomb stressin the off-fault lobes, promoting interaction between paralleland/orantitheticfaults. Anotherfeatureconcernsthe optimaflyorientedplanesfor Coulomb failure. In fact, by assumingan extensionaltectonic stressfield perpendicularto the Apennines (see Plate 7), Nostro et al. [1997] have shown that the strike of optimal oriented planes for normal faulting is parallel to the Apennines (which correspondsto the orientation of the 100L 200 distcmce (km) -0.10 -0.05 0.00 stress in the strike direction, which identifies the zones of enhanced Coulomb stress for elastic interaction. In other words, 0 -200 19,407 The resultspresentedin sections5 and 6 have important implicationsfor the interpretationof elasticfault interaction between the historical earthquakesin the Apennines(Italy) shown in Plate 1 and discussedby Nostro et al. [1997]. 7. Discussion discussed STRESS CHANGES 0.05 0.10 CFF changes(b(]rs) Plate ?, Cos½ismicand postseismicCoulomb stresschanges(after 100 years) causedby a normal fault (with the samemechanismsand geometrydescribedin Plate 2). The arrows show the optimaflyorientedplanesfor failure calculatedassumingan extensionaltectonicstressof' 20 bars orientedN216ø as drawn in the map (scc Nostro et al. [ 1997] for details).White arrowsindicatethe strike directionspredictedby the coseismicstress changesonly, while black arrowsthosepredictedby the total postseismicstress.The red and blue fault plane solutionsshow the expected focal mechanismsassociatedto coseismicand postseismicstresschanges, respectively. 19,408 NOSTRO ET AL.: NORMAL FAULT AND POSTSEISMIC STRESSCHANGES causative faults). Moreover, when the coseismic stress changesare comparableto the regional stressamplitudes, there is a rotation of the strike direction of the optimally orientedplanescloseto the rupturingfaults [seealsoKing et al., 1994; King and Cocco,2001]. It might be interestingto verify if the redistributionof postseismicstresscausedby viscoelasticrelaxation of the lithospherecan change (with time) the geometry of the optimally oriented planes for Coulombfailure. In orderto testthis effect we have computed the optimally orientedplanesfor failure (shownin Plate 7) resultingfrom the total Coulombstressfield after 100 years given by the coseismicand the postseismicstresschanges. The comparisonbetween the predicted optimal Coulomb planes and those calculatedonly from the coseismicstress perturbations(white arrowsin Plate 7) providesa measureof the possible changesof geometry caused by viscoelastic relaxation: The changesin dip are of the order of +10 ø,while factor 100. A similar range of variability for the amplitudeof postseismicstress can also be obtained varying only the thickness of the shallow layers (see Figures 2 and 3). However, it should be noted that the assumed value of viscosity of the shallowestviscoelasticlayer is in any case more importantin controllingthe relaxationrates(seeFigures 3b and 5) than the crustal layer thickness.This allows us to conclude that, while this trade-off can limit the constraint of the amplitudeof postseismicstressfew centuriesafter a large magnitude earthquake,the choice of the viscosity value is crucial to determine the relaxation rate during this time interval. Some of the results presented in this work for normal faulting earthquakescould be also inferred from previous analysesconcerningthe effects of viscoelasticrelaxation on the surface postseismic displacement and strain field for different tectonic settings (from those of early 1980s [e.g., those for the rake are +20 ø. The viscoelastic relaxation Cohen, 1980, 1984; Matsu'ura et al., 1981; Rundle, 1982; enlargesthe areaswhere the inducedstressyields a rotationof Melosh, 1983] to those presented in the last years [e.g., the optimally orientedplanes,sinceit increasesthe amplitude Pollitz, 1992; Piersanti et al, 1995; Deng et al., 1998]. of the total induced stresschangesrelatively to the regional Nevertheless, it must be remembered that we analyze the tectonic stressover a wide area. Plate 7 showsa comparison effects of viscoelastic relaxation on the Coulomb stress field of the fault plane solutionspredictedby the coseismicstress on specifiedas well as optimally orientedplanes for failure, changes (red mechanisms) and the total postseismicstress while previousinvestigationsfocusedmainly on postseismic changes after 100 years (blue mechanisms)for particular displacementsor strain field. Moreover, we investigate the locations.This comparisonsuggeststhat the generalpatternof spatiotemporalpattern of the postseismicstressfield at depth strike orientations does not differ very much from that (i.e., at the base of the seismogeniclayer) and not at the calculated from only the coseismic stress changes. This surface. further confirms that viscoelastic relaxation increases the The simulations presented here strengthen the results Coulomb stressfor normal faulting earthquakeswith a spatial obtained by Nostro et al. [1997] concerningthe interaction patternnot too different from thoseresultingfrom coseismic between historical events in the Apennines. Viscoelastic stressperturbations.Finally, we must note that all the effects relaxation processesin the lithospheretend to increase the discussed above would be increased by the presence of Coulomb stressalong the Apennines,where normal faulting shallow ductilelayerswithviscosity smaller1019 Pa [e.g., earthquakesoccur.Moreover, they also increasethe off-fault lobe of positiveCoulomb stresschangesallowing interactions Deng et al., 1998;Piersanti, 1999]. among the faults belonging to the southern Apennines seismogenicbelt. It is also evidentthat viscoelasticrelaxation 8. Conclusions contributesin recoveringthe stressshadowingeffects caused by coseismicruptures.However, the trade-off betweenmodel The additionalpostseismicstresschangesfor a fully elastic lithosphereare sensiblydifferent from thoseresultingfrom a parametersdiscussedabove limits the applicability of such viscoelastic upper crust or mantle (compare Plate 4 with modeling to compute long-term stressevolution at regional Plates 5 and 6). This is also true for the long-term temporal distances.Even if postseismicrelaxation can substantially relaxation at a fixed point (see Figures 1 and 2). The results inc/'ease the Coulomb stress perturbation, its temporal presentedin Plates 5 and 6 point out that for a normal fault evolution dependsboth on the assumedviscosity and on the the viscoelasticrelaxation processstronglyreducesthe stress thicknessof the shallowerlayers. shadow zone in the strike direction and it modifies the off- fault lobes of Coulomb stress increase. Analysis of the temporal evolution of total postseismic stress, shown in Figures 1, 2, and 3, points out that the thicknessof the elastic layer controls the time ar which the relaxation process is completed(i.e., the relaxationprocessreachesthe fluid limit). Increasing the thickness of the elastic layer causesa faster relaxation in the first decadesbut smaller postseismicstress amplitudes(see Figures 1 and 3) at longer timescales.Larger thickness of the shallowest viscoelastic layer increasesthe amplitudeof the postseismicstress. The most important result emerging from our simulations is the trade-off between viscosity values and thicknessof the shallowerlayers.In fact, as expected,decreasingthe viscosity of the shallowest viscoelastic layer increasesthe relaxation rates leading to larger postseismicstressperturbation (see Figure 5): The amplitude of the postseismicCoulomb stress after 100 yearschangesby ---41%for a viscosityvariationof a Acknowledgments. 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