1. Inflated Justified Cost Fleeces the Organization Heavily 1 Brief Background 1.2 Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) evaluated the samples submitted by A and B and recommended procurement of BRITON-1000 equipments of B. Management approved opening of the single price bid of B on 08.01.2007. 1.1 Global tender was invited by an organization Z in 3-envelop system for supply of 200 nos. of High Intensity Refractive Equipments (HIRE) for its various units. Five firms submitted their tenders. Envelop-A consisting of Earnest 1.3 Price Money bid of B was Lessons Learnt Deposit opened on (EMD) and 09.01.2007, Report of TEC should be examined documents and was found meticulously by the competent regarding to be 13.92% authority under single tender eligibility above the situation. criteria, were justified cost. opened on On Opportunity should be given to the 22.08.2006 negotiation, vendors to meet the technical and the firm deviations for encouraging shortcoming initially offered competition. s were a discount of intimated to 5% on FOB Preparation of cost estimation and the bidders. price vide justification should be realistic to On receipt of letter dated avoid award of work at a higher rate. clarifications 17.01.2007. , documents Subsequently, Analysis should be done on a realistic etc., M/s A vide letter basis considering all available factors. of USA and dated M/s B of 18.01.2007, Examination of prequalification Singapore firm offered a documents should be carried out were found special FOB carefully. to be price of US$ complying 69,500/- per Single tender situation should be with the NIT piece with free avoided. prequalificati consumables on during the first requirements; accordingly their year of warranty. The offer now technical bids were opened on worked out to be Rs. 91.04 crore i.e. 03.11.2006. 1.59% higher than the justified cost. 1.4 Recommendation of Procurement Committee for award of work at the negotiated price was approved by Competent Authority. 2 Complaint 2.1 A source information regarding procurement of HIRE at exorbitant price on single tender basis was received by Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO). It was alleged that organization C received the same equipments from B at lower price of US$ 53,000.00 per unit with discount of 7.8% with one year warranty and US$ 5,800.00 for subsequent year’s warranty. A detailed investigation into the allegations was conducted by DGM (Vig.) under guidance of CVO. 3 Findings 3.1 Cost Comparison 3.1.1 Budgetary offers for estimation were obtained from A and B before inviting tender; they quoted FOB rates of US$ 45,000.00 and US$ 80,000.00 respectively. Concurrently, another tender for Advanced Lighting Works (ALW) which included supply of 10 nos. of HIRE was invited; and two firms, which were technically qualified offered BRITON-1000 equipments @ US$ 73,500.00 and US$ 65,000.00. Justified cost was prepared by the Engineer-in-Charge (EIC) on 09.01.2007 based on the average of budgetary quote of B and the quoted rates in ALW tender, and considering a quantity discount of 8%, for an amount of Rs.89.62 crore, inclusive of freight, insurance and customs duty. 3.1.2 During financial scrutiny, Director (Finance) desired to put up detailed justification alongwith cost comparison with respect to the offers of similar nature. EIC submitted this and brought out that FOB cost of each equipment in the instant tender was US$ 1456.90 less than that in ALW tender after considering the discount of 13.1% offered by L-1 in that tender. 3.1.3 B had initially quoted FOB @ US$ 78,780.00 with free consumables for two years, costing US$ 2,073.00 and 10 lamps for US$ 1,744.40. During negotiation, the firm initially reduced 5% on FOB rate and subsequently offered special price of US$ 69,500.00 with free consumables for one year only. While working out cost of one equipment in the instant tender without consumables, an amount of US$ 5,341.00 i.e. difference between the two negotiated rates of B was presumed to be the cost of consumable for one year. This was compared w.r.t. per piece rate of L-1 firm in ALW tender, without consumables, which was @ US$ 63,871.50 after 13.1% negotiated discount. Though the cost of 10 spare lamps supplied alongwith HIRE were accounted for by reducing that from the negotiated rate, quoted cost of consumables i.e. US$ 2,073.00 was disregarded. Further, the quantity discount of 8%, as was envisaged for bulk purchase, was conveniently ignored. 3.1.4 On clarification, EIC stated that the comparison was made as per tender offers and submitted a letter dated 04.03.2008 from B indicating free consumables to be supplied for one year, costing US$ 4,185.00. This amount is irrelevant in view of tender opening date. year consumable to be US$ 2,073.00, the difference per unit works out to be US$ 6,920.80 more in the instant tender. Hence, the justification submitted that per piece rate is US$ 1456.90 less than ALW tender was grossly misleading. 3.1.5 Even though the comparison was made as per offers, the quantity discount should have been incorporated to make it realistic in view of the large quantity being procured in the instant tender as compared to very small quantity in ALW tender. Since B’s offer included the details of free consumables for two years, its intention vide letter dated 04.03.2008 seems to be dubious. 3.2 3.1.6 Moreover, considering the cost of free consumables as US$ 4,185.00 the comparison works out as under: A. FOB cost of HIRE in ALW tender US$ 63, 871.50 less 8% quality discount = US$ 58,761.80 B. FOB cost of HIRE in instant tender a) Negotiated rate of B = US$ 69,500.00 b) Less consumables for one year = US$ 4,185.00 c) Less towards cost of 10 nos. Lamps = US$ 1,744.40 Cost per equipment =US$ 63,570.60 3.1.7 Hence, FOB rate of HIRE in the present tender was US$ 4,808.80 more per piece as compared to ALW tender. Considering the quoted rate of one Justified Cost 3.2.1 On clarification, EIC stated that justified cost was prepared in accordance with the provisions of the ‘Draft Works Manual’. He mentioned that since A was not meeting the tender specifications, their rate was not considered. Regarding quantity discount, he stated that it was incorporated in view of the large quantity being procured. 3.2.2 As per the Draft Manual, justified cost was to be prepared based on average of the budgetary offers collected from prospective vendors before floating the tender. Therefore, the offer of A should have been considered. 3.2.3 Quantity discount of 8% is generally abnormal unless specifically known; therefore, it appears that the EIC was aware of the rates offered by B to organization C, however, he considered the budgetary offer of B, which was quite high and ignored the offer of A, possibly to inflate the justified cost. Since the Manual was still not finalized and the competitive rates were available from ALW tender, the justified cost should have been prepared based on these rates, and that could have worked out to be Rs. 77.84 crore as against Rs. 89.62 crore prepared by EIC. Had the justified cost been prepared in a realistic manner, the award of work at higher rate could have been avoided. 3.3 Inland Insurance Freight and 3.3.1 An amount of Rs. 85.27 lakh i.e. 1% of Cost, Insurance & Freight (CIF) was assessed towards inland transportation for 200 HIRE equipments. B quoted a rate of Rs. 3.81 lakh per equipment amounting to Rs.7.62 crore towards this which is 794% higher than the assessment. Neither during negotiations nor during the acceptance, EIC brought out this unjustifiably high quote for freight and insurance. investigation, the amount quoted by B works out to be Rs.1.32 crore higher. 3.4 3.4.1 The cut-off date towards experience / performance certificate as per NIT was 31.12.2005. B submitted a certificate with date of completion as 31.03.2006; therefore, this should not have been accepted for eligibility. However, Asstt. Manager while scrutinizing the documents brought out that B met the pre-qualification criteria. 3.4.2 On clarification, EIC stated that this happened due to oversight; however, before opening the price bid, clarification was obtained from B to ascertain their eligibility. 3.5 3.3.2 On clarification, EIC stated that the higher rate was discussed during negotiation but the firm asserted that they had quoted correctly; however, this was missed in recording. He further clarified that detailed calculation was not done while preparing the justified cost; hence, there was an error. He added that now after detailed working, the quoted amount was found to be roughly 21% above and furnished a justification of the likely costs to be incurred by the firm amounting to Rs. 3.15 lakh per equipment. 3.3.3 This justification submitted was an afterthought. Moreover, various charges considered were lumpsum rather than the actuals or were without any basis. Even this justified cost furnished during the Pre-qualification Technical Evaluation 3.5.1 Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) tested the samples submitted by A and B and inferred that A’s sample was not meeting the tender specification on three grounds. It was observed during investigation that some of the parameters, including the testing protocol, were not spelt out in the tender document. It was further noted that no effort was made to avoid single tender situation by allowing A to comply with the deviations, which were quite insignificant. 3.5.2 As per NIT, firms had to submit performance certificate in respect of works claimed by them towards experience. B was qualified based on performance certificate of BRITON-500 equipments, even though the item procured in the instant tender was for BRITON-1000 i.e. a higher version. 4 Systemic Improvement 4.1 Technical instructions were issued that: i) ii) iii) 5 Performance certificate should be in consonance with the item being procured under the tender; To improve transparency, fairness and accountability in sample testing by stating all parameters and testing protocol in NIT and carrying out tests in presence of all vendors; and To encourage competition. Questionnaire Q.1 What could be the motive for evaluation of the sample equipments on technical parameters not specified in NIT? Q.2 If the equipment is not proprietary item, how can only one firm be found eligible? Q.3 Was A rejected only to favour B? How? Why? Q.4 Was the conduct of the Engineerin-Charge dubious? Q.5 What are the remedial measures to get best products at the best price? Q.6 What guidelines are required to ensure organizational interest in preparing justified cost etc.? Q.7 Is evaluation of only the samples for technical compatibility in order? What could be possible lapses/ malpractices? What are remedies? Decision 5.1 With concurrence of Central Vigilance Commission, disciplinary proceedings for major penalty was initiated against EIC and an Administrative Warning was issued to the Asstt. Manager. 5.2 The concerned Directorate was instructed to release payment towards inland transportation, insurance etc. on actual basis, based on documentary evidences submitted by the firm.