Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 1 DATE : 10/15/2010 REVISION: SECTION X WEIGHT AND BALANCE PROCEDURE 135.23(b) 40 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 2 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 LIST OF SUPERCEDE PAGES FOR SECTION X SectionPage Revision Date SectionPage Revision Date X-I Original 05/27/1994 X-30 39 09/02/2010 X-2 39 09/02/2010 X-31 39 09/02/2010 X-3 Original 05/05/2006 X-32 39 09/02/2010 X-4 Original 05/05/2006 X-33 39 09/02/2010 X-5 Original 05/27/1994 X-34 39 09/02/2010 X-6 39 09/02/2010 X-35 24 07/22/2002 X-7 34 06/18/2008 X-36 39 09/02/2010 X-8 39 09/02/2010 X-37 39 09/02/2010 X-9 39 09/02/2010 X-38 39 09/02/2010 X-10 15 07/22/1999 X-11 Original 05/27/1994 X-12 39 09/02/2010 X-13 39 09/02/2010 X-14 15 07/22/1999 X-15 39 09/02/2010 X-16 39 09/02/2010 X-17 15 07/22/1999 X-18 Original 05/27/1994 X-19 Original 05/27/1994 X-20 Original 05/27/1994 X-21 Original 05/27/1994 X-22 39 09/02/2010 X-23 39 09/02/2010 X-24 15 07/22/1999 X-25 39 09/02/2010 X-26 39 09/02/2010 X-27 15 07/22/1999 X-28 15 07/22/1999 X-29 39 09/02/2010 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 3 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 WEIGHT AND BALANCE CONTROL It is the responsibility of Vieques Air Link, Inc. to assure that each multi-engine aircraft operated under the Air Carrier Certificate has a current and accurate empty weight and empty C.G. The Director of Maintenance will be responsible to investigate all weight changes in aircraft to assure that the aircraft loading information is current and accurate and up to date. The current empty weight and center of gravity of all single-engine and multi-engine aircraft will be calculated from values established by actual weighing of the aircraft every 36 calendar months. Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 4 DATE : 01/01/2011 REVISION: 41 WEIGHT AND BALANCE PROCEDURES The loading and Weight and Balance Computation procedures shall be in accordance with the instructions contained in the appropriate sections of the FAA Approved Aircraft Manual for the type of aircraft for which a load manifest must be prepared shall carry a copy of the complete load manifest in the aircraft to its destination. The company’s Weight and Balance System is designed to insure that the maximum allowable weight will not be exceeded and the center of gravity will be within allowable weight and balance information as well as the flight following information will be retained for a period of 30 days at the company’s Main Office located at #358 Mellado Street, Vieques, Puerto Rico. DETERMINATION OF WEIGHT OF PASSENGERS AND CREW Each passenger will approach the company scale to determine actual weight or solicited (asked) passenger weight. DETERMINATION OF WEIGHT OF CARGO AND BAGGAGE Cargo and baggage weight will be taken by actual weighing: CARRIAGE OF CARGO INCLUDING CARRY ON BAGGAGE All cargo and baggage will be carried in the cargo compartment of the aircraft, except on a Cargo Flight only; where that the cargo is carried in the passenger section of the aircraft in accordance with the Aircraft Flight Manual. Carry on baggage, such as a women’s or man’s purse, cameras, attaché cases and baby supply bags, can be carried in the passenger’s compartment providing that they are of average size and do not restrict the view of the passenger or restrict the free movement of the passenger and can be easily carried on the lap. Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 5 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 WEIGHT AND BALANCE PROCEDURES (Cont..) FUEL COMPUTATIONS The amount of fuel required for each flight must be computed including no less than 30 minutes of reserve during day time flight and no less than 45 minutes of reserve during night time flights. The Aircraft Flight Manual should be used as reference for the computations of the fuel consumption. Appropriate Vieques Air Link, Inc., forms which are in accordance with F.A.A. approved Flight Manual for all Weight and Balance computation are kept at all Vieques Air Link, Inc. counters for Vieques Air Link’s aircrafts. Prior to the start of any revenue flight, a complete flight manifest shall be prepared by qualified ground personnel and signed by the Captain of First Office for two pilot operations or by the Pilot in Command for single pilot operation. A complete flight manifest shall consist shall consist of the following: 1. An approved company Weight and Balance form on which must be entered: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Date of flight Flight number Point of departure Destination Aircraft type and registration number Aircraft operating weight of fuel, passenger, cargo and baggage. Center of gravity moment (index) and limits. Maximum allowable gross take-off weight. Maximum landing weight when applicable. Signature of person who prepared the Weight and balance attesting that the load distribution confirms to company procedures. k. Signature of a crewmember l. Total number of passengers m. Name of each passenger 2. Passenger ticket containing: a. Flight number and date b. Name of each passenger 3. The P.I.C. shall refer to his Operational Manual which contains the necessary forms and he is responsible for the preparation of a flight manifest for all out of schedule routes and charters. Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 6 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 VIEQUES AIR LINK, INC. FLIGHT MANIFEST VAL FORM 001 DATE A/C NUMBER FROM PASSENGERS NAMES TO Pax Weight FLIGHT NO. Seat row + Moment TIME Moment PIC SIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TOTAL PAX’S TOTALS TOTAL MOMENTS PASSENGER COMPARMENT Empty OP Weight Passgers. Comp Min. Mom. Bagg Compt (Front) Max. Mom. Bagg Compt (Rear) Corrected Moment T ZWF ZFW (MAX) ( ) Fuel Weight Min. Mom. Max. Mom. T.O. Weight Correction Revised T.O. Weight Max T.O. Weight I CERTIFY THAT THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABALE TAKE OFF WEIGHT FOR THIS FLIGHT IS WITHIN THE ALLOWANCE SHOWN IN THE AIRCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL. Signature of Pilot in Command Remarks: Prepared by: Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 7 DATE : 01//01/2011 REVISION: EMPTY WEIGHT AND MOMENT ISLANDERS N663VL E. W. MOMENT G. W. N902VL E. W. MOMENT G. W. N903VL E. W. MOMENT G. W. N861VL E. W. MOMENT G. W. N904VL E. W. MOMENT G. W. Passenger Med Evacuation Cargo 4230 9446 6200 4250 1007 4130 9264 4150 1060 6200 4148 1081 3890 1021 3895 9601 6200 4010 1094 3890 1046 4040 936 6200 4038 958 3890 781 3970 955 6200 3990 995 3800 996 EMPTY WEIGHT AND MOMENT TRISLANDERS 16 Passengers Med Evacuation Cargo 6190 6200 5918 2048 2068 2052 9500 9500 9500 6200 6210 5928 2129 2023 2133 9500 9500 9500 N905VL E. W MOMENT G. W N906VL E. W MOMENT G. W N741VL E. W. MOMENT G. W. 5053 9537 8750 N335VL E. W. MOMENT G. W. 5087 9790 8750 EMPTY WEIGHT AND MOMENT CARAVANS N742VL E. W. 5078 MOMENT 9660 G. W. 8750 41 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 8 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF FLIGHT MANIFEST FOR BN-2AIRCRAFT (ISLANDER) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 thru 16. 17. 18 thru 26. 27 thru 35. 36 thru 44. 45 thru 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. Date of flight Aircraft Registration Number Point of Departure Destination Number of schedule flight/flight status Schedule Departure Time Full Name of Pilot in Command Full Name Passenger’s (From #1 thru #9) Captain’s Actual Weight Passenger’s Actual Weight Passenger’s Seat Row Assigned Positive Moment for Pilot and Passengers Negative Moment for Pilot and Passengers Total Passengers in Manifest Total Crew and Passengers Weight Total Positive Moment Total Negative Moment Total Adjusted Moment Empty O.P. Weight Total Crew and Passenger’s Weight Total Baggage Weight Total Zero Fuel Weight Max. ZFW Total Fuel Weight Take-Off Weight Last Minute Correction (Weight) Revised Actual Take-off Weight Max. T.O. Weight Empty O.P. Moment Total Adjusted Moment (see #59) Total Baggage Moment Total Zero Fuel Weight Moment Total Fuel Moment Take-off Moment Last Minute Correction (Moment) Revised Actual Take-Off Moment Minimum and Maximum Limit Moment Corrected Limit Moments (If Applicable) Pilot in Command Signature Agent’s Signature Remarks or Comments in Flight Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 9 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 VIEQUES AIR LINK, INC. FLIGHT MANIFEST (ISLANDER) VAL FORM 001 DATE A/C NUMBER FROM TO FLIGHT NO. TIME 1 2 3 4 5 6 Seat row + Moment Moment 45 18 27 36 46 9 19 28 37 47 10 20 29 38 48 11 21 30 39 49 5 12 22 31 40 50 6 13 23 32 41 51 7 14 24 33 42 52 8 15 25 34 43 53 9 16 26 35 44 54 PASSENGERS NAMES Pax Weight 7 17 8 2 3 4 PIC SIC 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 55 TOTAL PAX’S TOTALS 56 57 TOTAL MOMENTS PASSENGER COMPARMENT Empty OP Weight 6 0 7 0 Passgers. Comp 6 1 7 1 Bagg Compt (Rear) 6 2 7 2 T ZWF 6 3 7 3 Fuel Weight 6 5 7 4 T.O. Weight 6 6 7 5 Correction 6 7 7 6 Revised T.O. Weight 6 8 7 7 Max T.O. Weight 6 9 Min. Mom. 58 59 Max. Mom. 78 Bagg Compt (Front) Corrected Moment ZFW (MAX) ( 64) Min. Mom. Max. Mom. I CERTIFY THAT THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABALE TAKE OFF WEIGHT FOR THIS FLIGHT IS WITHIN THE ALLOWANCE SHOWN IN THE AIRCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL. 80 Signature of Pilot in Command Remarks: 82 79 Prepared by: 81 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 10 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: PASSENGER ISLANDER - WEIGHT AND ARMS FORM WEIGHT LB. 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 PILOT OR PASSENGER SEAT ROW-1 STATION 89 -32 -36 -41 -45 -49 -54 -59 -63 -68 -72 -77 -81 -86 -90 -95 -99 -104 -108 -113 -118 -122 -127 -131 -136 SEAT ROW-2W STATION 120 -11 -12 -14 -15 -17 -18 -20 -21 -23 -24 -26 -27 -29 -30 -32 -33 -35 -36 -38 39 -41 -42 -44 -45 SEAT ROW-3 SEAT ROW-4 SEAT ROW 5STATION 150 STATION 179 STATION 207 ALL MOMENTS ARE DIVIDED BY 100 +11 +31 +51 +12 +36 +58 +14 +40 +65 +15 +45 +73 +17 +49 +80 +18 +53 +87 +20 +58 +94 +21 +62 +101 +23 +67 +109 +24 +71 +116 +26 +75 +123 +27 +80 +130 +29 +84 +138 +30 +89 +145 +32 +93 +152 +33 +98 +160 +35 +102 +167 +36 +107 +174 +38 +111 +181 +39 +116 +189 +41 +120 +196 +42 +125 +203 +44 +129 +210 +45 +134 +218 WING TANK - STATION 161.5 WEIGHT LB. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 ALL MOMENTS ARE DIVIDED BY 100 450 +122 500 +135 550 +149 600 +162 650 +176 700 +189 750 +203 800 +216 +14 +27 +41 +54 +68 +81 +95 +108 Baggage +120 20 40 60 80 100 150 +24 +48 +72 +96 +120 +180 Baggage +105 200 250 300 350 400 +240 +300 +360 +420 +480 20 40 60 80 100 150 +21 +42 +63 +84 +105 +158 200 250 300 350 400 +211 +264 +315 +367 +420 39 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 11 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 ISLANDER - C.G. Limits Form WEIGHT LB. 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 6000 6100 6200 C.G. LIMIT -IN FWD 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.2 17.6 17.9 18.3 18.6 18.9 19.3 19.6 20.0 20.3 20.7 21.0 ALL MOMENTS ARE DIVIDED BY 100 LB. INC. AFT FWD AFT 25.6 680 1024 25.6 697 1050 25.6 714 1075 25.6 731 1101 25.6 748 1126 25.6 765 1152 25.6 782 1178 25.6 799 1203 25.6 816 1229 25.6 833 1254 25.6 850 1280 25.6 877 1306 25.6 915 1331 25.6 949 1357 25.6 988 1382 25.6 1023 1408 25.6 1058 1434 25.6 1100 1460 BN-2 Limit 25.6 1137 1485 25.6 1180 1510 25.6 BN-2A 1218 1536 Limit 25.6 1263 1562 25.6 1302 1587 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 12 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF FLIGHT MANIFEST FOR BN-2 (ISLANDER w STRETCHER) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 thru 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 thru 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 thru 21. 22 thru 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Date of flight Aircraft Registration Number Point of Departure Destination Number of schedule flight/flight status Schedule Departure Time Full Name of Pilot in Command Full Name Passenger’s Name of Passenger in Stretcher Name of Passenger in Pax Rear Seat Pilot Actual Weight Passenger’s Actual Weight Passenger Stretcher Actual Weight Rear Passenger Actual Weight Passenger’s Seat Row Assigned Positive Moment for Pilot and Passengers Negative Moment for Pilot and Passengers Total Passengers in Manifest Total Crew and Passengers Weight Total Positive Moment Total Negative Moment Total Adjusted Moment Empty O.P. Weight Total Crew and Passenger’s Weight Total Baggage Weight Total Zero Fuel Weight Max. ZFW Total Fuel Weight Take-Off Weight Last Minute Correction (Weight) Revised Actual Take-off Weight Max. T.O. Weight Empty O.P. Moment Total Adjusted Moment (see #30) Total Baggage Moment Total Zero Fuel Weight Moment Total Fuel Moment Take-off Moment Last Minute Correction (Moment) Revised Actual Take-Off Moment Minimum and Maximum Limit Moment Corrected Limit Moments (If Applicable) Pilot in Command Signature Agent’s Signature Remarks or Comments in Flight Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 13 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 VIEQUES AIR LINK, INC. FLIGHT MANIFEST VAL FORM 001 DATE A/C NUMBER FROM TO FLIGHT NO. TIME 1 2 3 4 5 6 PASSENGERS NAMES Pax Weight PIC 7 13 Seat row 1 + Moment Moment 22 SIC 8 14 1 23 1 9 15 19 24 2 10 16 19 25 3 11 17 STCH 20 4 12 18 RS 21 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 26 TOTAL PAX’S TOTALS 27 28 30 TOTAL MOMENTS PASSENGER COMPARMENT Empty OP Weight 3 1 4 1 Passgers. Comp 3 2 4 2 Bagg Compt (Rear) 3 3 4 3 T ZWF 3 4 4 4 Fuel Weight 3 6 4 5 T.O. Weight 3 7 4 6 Correction 3 8 4 7 Revised T.O. Weight 3 9 4 8 Max T.O. Weight 4 0 Min. Mom. 29 Max. Mom. 49 Bagg Compt (Front) Corrected Moment ZFW (MAX) (35) Remarks: Min. Mom. Max. Mom. 50 I CERTIFY THAT THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABALE TAKE OFF WEIGHT FOR THIS FLIGHT IS WITHIN THE ALLOWANCE SHOWN IN THE AIRCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL. 53 51 Signature of Pilot in Command 52 Prepared by: Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 14 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: ISLANDER MEDICAL EVACUATION - WEIGHT AND ARMS FORM WEIGHT LB. 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 PILOT OR PASSENGER SEAT ROW-1 STATION 89 -32 -36 -41 -45 -49 -54 -59 -63 -68 -72 -77 -81 -86 -90 -95 -99 -104 -108 -113 -118 -122 -127 -131 -136 SEAT ROW-2W STATION 120 -11 -12 -14 -15 -17 -18 -20 -21 -23 -24 -26 -27 -29 -30 -32 -33 -35 -36 -38 39 -41 -42 -44 -45 PATIENT IN STRETCHER STATION 183.6 +23 +26 +30 +33 +36 +40 +43 +46 +50 +53 +56 +60 +63 +66 +70 +73 +76 +79 +83 +86 +89 +93 +96 +99 REAR SEAT STATION 01.6 +36 +41 +46 +51 +56 +61 +66 +72 +77 +82 +87 +92 +97 +102 +107 +112 +118 +123 +128 +133 +138 +143 +148 +153 WING TANK - STATION 161.5 WEIGHT LB. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 ALL MOMENTS ARE DIVIDED BY 100 450 +122 500 +135 550 +149 600 +162 650 +176 700 +189 750 +203 800 +216 +14 +27 +41 +54 +68 +81 +95 +108 Baggage +120 20 40 60 80 100 150 +24 +48 +72 +96 +120 +180 Baggage +105 200 250 300 350 400 +240 +300 +360 +420 +480 20 40 60 80 100 150 +21 +42 +63 +84 +105 +158 200 250 300 350 400 +211 +264 +315 +367 +420 39 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 15 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF FLIGHT MANIFEST FOR MK-III TRISLANDER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 thru 24. 25. 26. 27 thru 42. 43 thru 58. 59 thru 76. 77 thru 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. Date of flight Aircraft Registration Number Point of Departure Destination Number of schedule flight/flight status Schedule Departure Time Full Name of Pilot in Command Full Name of First Officer Full Name Passenger’s (From #1 thru #16) Captain’s Actual Weight First Officer Actual Weight Passenger’s Actual Weight Passenger’s Seat Row Assigned Positive Moment for Pilots and Passengers Negative Moment for Pilots and Passengers Total Passengers in Manifest Total Crew and Passengers Weight Total Positive Moment Total Negative Moment Total Adjusted Moment Empty O.P. Weight Total Crew and Passenger’s Weight Total Baggage Weight (Front) Total Baggage Weight (Rear) Total Zero Fuel Weight Max. ZFW Total Fuel Weight Take-Off Weight Last Minute Correction (Weight) Revised Actual Take-off Weight Max. T.O. Weight Empty O.P. Moment Total Adjusted Moment (see #97) Total Baggage Moment (Front) Total Baggage Moment (Rear) Total Zero Fuel Moment Total Fuel Moment Take-off Moment Last Minute Correction (Moment) Revised Actual Take-Off Moment Minimum and Maximum Limit Moment Corrected Limit Moments (If Applicable) Pilot in Command Signature Agent’s Signature Remarks or Comments in Flight Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 16 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 VIEQUES AIR LINK, INC. FLIGHT MANIFEST (TRISLANDER) VAL FORM 001 DATE A/C NUMBER FROM TO FLIGHT NO. TIME 1 2 3 4 5 6 25 + Moment 59 Moment 77 8 26 60 78 1 9 27 43 61 79 2 10 28 44 62 80 3 11 29 45 63 81 4 12 30 46 64 82 5 13 31 47 65 83 6 14 32 48 66 84 7 15 33 49 67 85 8 16 34 50 68 86 9 17 35 51 69 87 10 18 36 52 70 88 11 19 37 53 71 89 12 20 38 54 72 90 13 21 39 55 73 91 14 22 40 56 74 92 15 23 41 57 75 93 16 24 42 58 76 94 97 98 PASSENGERS NAMES Pax Weight PIC 7 SIC 95 TOTAL PAX’S TOTALS Seat row 96 99 TOTAL MOMENTS PASSENGER COMPARMENT Empty OP Weight 1 0 0 1 1 1 Min. Mom. Passengers. Comp 1 0 1 1 1 2 Bagg Compt (Front) 1 0 2 1 1 3 Bagg Compt (Rear) 1 0 3 1 1 4 T ZWF 1 0 4 1 1 5 Fuel Weight 1 0 6 1 1 6 T.O. Weight 1 0 7 1 1 7 Correction 1 0 8 1 1 8 Revised T.O. Weight 1 0 9 1 1 9 Max T.O. Weight 1 0 0 Max. Mom. 120 Corrected Moment ZFW (MAX) ( 105) Min. Mom. Max. Mom. I CERTIFY THAT THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABALE TAKE OFF WEIGHT FOR THIS FLIGHT IS WITHIN THE ALLOWANCE SHOWN IN THE AIRCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL. 122 Remarks: 11 Signature of Pilot in Command 124 Prepared by: 123 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 17 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 TRISLANDER FLIGHT MANUAL Table 4 - LOAD WEIGHTS AND MOMENTS – OCCUPANTS (All Moments are divided by 100) WEIGHT * * ROW 1 ROW 2 * ROW 3 ROW 4 * ROW 5 ROW 6 * ROW 7 ROW 8 ROW 9 30 -40 -31 -23 -14 -5 +4 +13 +22 +31 40 -54 -42 -30 -19 -7 +6 +18 +29 +41 50 -67 -52 -37 -23 -8 +7 +22 +36 +51 60 -80 -62 -45 -28 -10 +9 +26 +43 +61 70 -94 -73 -52 -32 -11 +10 +31 +50 +71 80 -107 -83 -59 -37 -13 +12 +35 +57 +81 90 -120 -93 -67 -41 -15 +13 +39 +65 +91 100 -134 -104 -74 -45 -16 +14 +44 +72 +102 110 -147 -114 -82 -50 -17 +16 +48 +79 +111 120 -160 -124 -89 -55 -19 +17 +52 +86 +122 130 -174 -134 -96 -60 -21 +19 +57 +93 +132 140 -187 -145 -104 -64 -22 +20 +61 +100 +142 150 -200 -155 -111 -69 -24 +21 +65 +107 +152 160 -214 -165 -118 -73 -25 +23 +70 +114 +162 170 -227 -176 -125 -77 -27 +24 +74 +122 +172 180 -240 -186 -133 -82 -29 +26 +78 +129 +182 190 -254 -196 -141 -87 -30 +27 +83 +136 +192 200 -267 -207 -148 -91 -32 +28 +87 +144 +203 210 -280 -217 -155 -96 -33 +30 +91 +150 +213 220 -294 -227 -163 -101 -35 +31 +96 +156 +224 230 -307 -238 -171 -105 -36 +33 +100 +165 +233 240 -321 -248 -178 -110 -38 +35 +105 +172 +243 250 -334 -258 -185 -115 -40 +36 +109 +179 +254 260 -348 -268 -192 -120 -42 +38 +114 +186 +264 270 -361 -279 -200 -124 -43 +39 +118 +193 +274 280 -374 -290 -208 -128 -44 +40 +122 +200 +284 290 -387 -300 -215 -133 -46 +41 +126 +207 +295 300 -400 -310 -222 -138 -48 +42 +130 +214 +305 16 PASSENGERS * 9 PASSENGERS Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 18 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 TRISLANDER FLIGHT MANUAL Table 2 LOAD WEIGHTS AND MOMENTS - BAGGAGE (FRONT) Weight lb. Mean Arm (Stn. 25.0) All Moments are divided by 100 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 -41.9 -83.8 -125.7 -167.6 -209.5 -314.3 -419.0 -523.8 -628.5 Table 5 LOAD WEIGHTS AND MOMENTS - BAGGAGE (REAR) Weight lb. 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Area aft of Row 9 Station 378.5 All Moments are divided by 100 +28.8 +57.6 +86.4 +115.2 +144.0 +216.0 +288.0 +360.0 +432.0 +504.0 +576.0 Combined are aft of Row 8 Station 360 +25.1 +50.2 +75.3 +100.4 +125.5 +188.3 +251.0 +313.8 +376.5 +439.3 +502.0 +564.8 +627.5 +690.3 +753.0 +815.8 +878.5 CAA Approved Doc FM/BN-2AIII/1 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 19 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: TRISLANDER FLIGHT MANUAL Table 3 LOAD WEIGHTS AND MOMENTS - FUEL AND OIL Weight lb. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wing Tank Station 261.5 All Moments are divided by 100 +14 +27 +41 +54 +68 +81 +95 +108 +122 +135 +149 +162 +176 +189 +203 +216 Tip Tank Station 268.5 +17 +34 +51 +68 +85 +102 +119 Note: The moment arm for combined wing and rear engine usable oil is + 52.6. The relevant weight and moment/100 being 52.5 lb and 27.6 lb/in respectively. Approved Doc FM/BN-2AIII/1 6th May 1971 39 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 20 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 TRISLANDER FLIGHT MANUAL Table 6 LOAD WEIGHTS AND MOMENTS - MOMENTS LIMITATIONS Note: Coupled with the C.G. envelope, Fig 4, the following Moment limitations apply:Weight lb 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8750 8800 8900 C.G. Limit - in. Fwd 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.1 Aft 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.48 All Moments are divided by 100 - lb. in. Fwd Aft 1140 1536 1159 1562 1178 1587 1197 1613 1216 1638 1235 1664 1254 1690 1273 1715 1292 1741 1311 1766 1330 1792 1349 1818 1368 1843 1387 1869 1406 1894 1425 1920 1444 1916 1463 1971 1482 1997 1501 2022 1520 2048 1539 2074 1558 2099 1577 2125 1596 2150 1615 2176 1634 2202 1653 2227 1663 2240 1672 2253 1700 2268 D16 CAA Approved Doc FM/BN-2AIII/l 20th August 1976 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 21 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 Table 6 LOAD WEIGHTS AND MOMENTS - MOMENTS LIMITATIONS Note: Coupled with the C.G. envelope, Fig 4, the following Moment limitations apply:Weight lb 9000 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 10000 C.G. Limit - in. Fwd Aft 19.2 25.37 19.3 25.25 19.36 25.2 19.4 25.1 19.5 25 19.6 24.92 19.7 24.85 19.75 24.75 19.83 24.67 19.92 24.58 20 24.5 All Moments are divided by 100 - lb. in. Fwd Aft 1728 2283 1756 2298 1781 2318 1804 2334 1833 2350 1862 2367 1891 2386 1916 2401 1943 2418 1972 2433 2000 2450 D16 CAA Approved Doc FM/BN-2AIII/l 20th August 1976 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 22 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF FLIGHT MANIFEST FOR MK-III TRISLANDER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 thru 20. 21. 22. 23 thru 32. 33, 34. 35 thru 44. 45 thru 46. 47. 48. 49 thru 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. Date of flight Aircraft Registration Number Point of Departure Destination Number of schedule flight/flight status Schedule Departure Time Full Name of Pilot in Command Full Name of First Officer Full Name Passenger’s (From #1 thru #16) Captain’s Actual Weight First Officer Actual Weight Passenger’s Actual Weight Passenger Stretcher Actual Weight Rear Passenger Actual Weight Passenger’s Seat Row Assigned Positive Moment for Passengers Positive Moment for Stretcher Passenger Positive Moment for Rear Passenger Negative Moment for Pilots and Passengers Total Passengers in Manifest Total Crew and Passengers Weight Total Positive Moment Total Negative Moment Total Adjusted Moment Empty O.P. Weight Total Crew and Passenger’s Weight Total Baggage Weight (Front) Total Baggage Weight (Rear) Total Zero Fuel Weight Max. ZFW Total Fuel Weight Take-Off Weight Last Minute Correction (Weight) Revised Actual Take-off Weight Max. T.O. Weight Empty O.P. Moment Total Adjusted Moment (see #97) Total Baggage Moment (Front) Total Baggage Moment (Rear) Total Zero Fuel Moment Total Fuel Moment Take-off Moment Last Minute Correction (Moment) Revised Actual Take-Off Moment Minimum and Maximum Limit Moment Corrected Limit Moments (If Applicable) Pilot in Command Signature Agent’s Signature Remarks or Comments in Flight Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 23 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 VIEQUES AIR LINK, INC. FLIGHT MANIFEST (TRISLANDER) VAL FORM 001 DATE A/C NUMBER FROM TO FLIGHT NO. TIME 1 2 3 4 5 6 PASSENGERS NAMES Pax Weight PIC 7 21 Seat row 1 + Moment SIC 8 22 1 50 1 9 23 35 51 2 10 24 36 52 3 11 25 37 53 4 12 26 38 54 5 13 27 39 55 6 14 28 40 56 7 15 29 41 57 8 16 30 42 58 9 17 31 43 45 10 18 32 44 46 11 19 33 STCH 47 12 20 34 RS 48 Moment 49 13 14 15 16 59 TOTAL PAX’S TOTALS 60 61 63 TOTAL MOMENTS PASSENGER COMPARMENT Empty OP Weight 6 4 7 5 Passengers. Comp 6 5 7 6 Bagg Compt (Front) 6 6 7 7 Bagg Compt (Rear) 6 7 7 8 T ZWF 6 8 7 9 Fuel Weight 7 0 8 0 T.O. Weight 7 1 8 1 Correction 7 2 8 2 Revised T.O. Weight 7 3 8 3 Max T.O. Weight 7 4 62 Min. Mom. Max. Mom. 84 Corrected Moment ZFW (MAX) (69) Min. Mom. Max. Mom. 85 I CERTIFY THAT THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABALE TAKE OFF WEIGHT FOR THIS FLIGHT IS WITHIN THE ALLOWANCE SHOWN IN THE AIRCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL. 86 88 Signature of Pilot in Command Remarks: Prepared by: 87 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 24 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 TRISLANDER MEDICAL EVACUATION LOAD WEIGHTS AND MOMENTS - OCCUPANTS AND STRETCHER (ALL MOMENTS ARE ARE DIVIDED BY 100) STRETCHER REAR SEAT WEIGHT 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 ROW 1 ROW 2 ROW 3 ROW 4 -40 -54 -67 -80 -94 -107 -120 -134 -147 -160 -174 -187 -200 -214 -227 -240 -254 -267 -280 -294 -307 -321 -334 -348 -361 -374 -387 -400 -31 -42 -52 -62 -73 -83 -93 -104 -114 -124 -134 -145 -155 -165 -176 -186 -196 -207 -217 -227 -238 -248 -258 -268 -279 -290 -300 -310 -23 -30 -37 -45 -52 -59 -67 -74 -82 -89 -96 -104 -111 -118 -125 -133 -141 -148 -155 -163 -171 -178 -185 -192 -200 -208 -215 -222 -14 -19 -23 -28 -32 -37 -41 -45 -50 -55 -60 -64 -69 -73 -77 -82 -87 -91 -96 -101 -105 -110 -115 -120 -124 -128 -133 -138 ROW 5 STA. 282.3 STA. 300.3 -5 -7 -8 -10 -11 -13 -15 -16 -17 -19 -21 -22 -24 -25 -27 -29 -30 -32 -33 -35 -36 -38 -40 -42 -43 -44 -46 -48 +14 +19 +23 +28 +33 +37 +42 +47 +52 +56 +61 +66 +70 +75 +80 +85 +89 +94 +99 +104 +108 +113 +118 +122 +127 +132 +137 +141 +19 +26 +32 +39 +46 +52 +59 +65 +72 +78 +85 +92 +98 +105 +111 +118 +125 +131 +138 +144 +151 +157 +164 +171 +177 +184 +190 +197 ROW 9 +31 +41 +51 +61 +71 +81 +91 +102 +111 +122 +132 +142 +152 +162 +172 +182 +192 +203 +213 +224 +233 +243 +254 +264 +274 +284 +295 +305 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 25 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF CARGO FLIGHT MANIFEST FOR ISLANDER & TRISLANDER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 thru 11. 12. 13. 14 thru 16. 19 thru 21. 22 thru 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Date of flight Aircraft Registration Number Point of Departure Destination Number of schedule flight/flight status Schedule Departure Time Full Name of Pilot in Command Full Name of First Officer Name of Cargo Captain’s Actual Weight First Officer Actual Weight Cargo Zones Actual Weight Positive Moment for Pilots and Cargo Negative Moment for Pilots and Cargo Total Passengers in Manifest Total Crew and Cargo Weight Total Positive Moment Total Negative Moment Total Adjusted Moment Empty O.P. Weight Total Crew and Cargo Weight Total Baggage Weight (Front) Total Baggage Weight (Rear) Total Zero Fuel Weight Max. ZFW Total Fuel Weight Take-Off Weight Last Minute Correction (Weight) Revised Actual Take-off Weight Max. T.O. Weight Empty O.P. Moment Total Adjusted Moment (see #97) Total Baggage Moment (Front) Total Baggage Moment (Rear) Total Zero Fuel Moment Total Fuel Moment Take-off Moment Last Minute Correction (Moment) Revised Actual Take-Off Moment Minimum and Maximum Limit Moment Corrected Limit Moments (If Applicable) Pilot in Command Signature Agent’s Signature Remarks or Comments in Flight 39 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 26 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 VIEQUES AIR LINK, INC. CARGO FLIGHT MANIFEST (ISLANDER & TRISLANDER) VAL FORM 002 DATE A/C NUMBER FROM TO FLIGHT NO. TIME 1 2 3 4 5 6 + Moment 17 Moment 22 13 18 23 9 14 19 24 ZONE B 10 15 20 25 ZONE C 11 16 21 26 28 29 30 PASSENGERS NAMES Pax Weight PIC 7 12 SIC 8 ZONE A 27 TOTAL PAX’S TOTALS Seat row 1 31 TOTAL MOMENTS PASSENGER COMPARMENT Empty OP Weight 3 2 4 3 Passengers. Comp 3 3 4 4 Bagg Compt (Front) 3 4 4 5 Bagg Compt (Rear) 3 5 4 6 T ZWF 3 6 4 7 Fuel Weight 3 8 4 8 T.O. Weight 3 9 4 9 Correction 4 0 5 0 Revised T.O. Weight 4 1 5 1 Max T.O. Weight 4 2 Min. Mom. Max. Mom. 52 Corrected Moment ZFW (MAX) (37) Min. Mom. Max. Mom. 53 I CERTIFY THAT THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABALE TAKE OFF WEIGHT FOR THIS FLIGHT IS WITHIN THE ALLOWANCE SHOWN IN THE AIRCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL. 54 Signature of Pilot in Command 56 Remarks: NOTE: Prepared by: 55 Maximum Load Zone A (forward of front spar) not to exceed 1,000 lb. (453.6 kg), 1,500 lb. (680 kg) on Trislander only. Maximum load Zone B (between spars) not to exceed 820 lb. (371.97 kg) Maximum load Zone C (AFT of rear spar) not to exceed 1,000 lb. (453.6 kg) Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 27 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: CARGO ISLANDER BN2A-B WEIGHTS AND ARMS FORM Table 2 - LOAD WEIGHTS AND MOMENTS CARGO Weight lb. 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 Fwd of Front Spar Station 122 (Zone A) 12.5 -3 -5 -8 -0 -13 -19 -25 -31 -38 -44 -50 -56 -63 -69 -75 -81 -88 -94 -100 -106 -113 -119 -125 CARGO BN2A-B Baggage Bay Between Spars Aft of Rear Spar Station 255.5 Station 162 Station 194 (Mod NBM483) (Zone B) +27.5 (Zone C) +59.5 +121.5 +6 +11 +24 +11 +24 +48 +17 +36 +72 +22 +48 +96 +28 +60 +120 +41 +89 +181 +55 +119 +241 +69 +149 +301 +83 +179 +363 +96 +208 +422 +110 +238 +482 +124 +268 +138 +298 +151 +327 +165 +357 +179 +387 +193 +417 +206 +446 +220 +476 +506 +536 +565 +595 39 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 28 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 CARGO TRISLANDER WEIGHTS AND ARMS FORM Weight lb. Table 2 - LOAD WEIGHTS AND MOMENTS CARGO All Moments are divided by 100 Fwd of Front Spar Between Spars Aft of Rear Spar Station 175 (Zone A) Station 262 (Zone B) Station 294 (Zone C) -59.5 +27.5 +59.5 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 CARGO TRISLANDER -11.0 -23.8 -35.7 -47.6 -59.5 -89.3 -119.0 -148.8 -178.5 -208.3 -238.0 -267.8 -297.5 -327.3 -357.0 -386.8 -416.5 -446.3 -476.0 -505.8 -535.5 -565.3 -595.0 +5.5 +11.0 +16.5 +22.0 +27.5 +41.0 +55.0 +68.8 +82.5 +96.3 +110.0 +123.8 +137.5 +151.3 +165.0 +178.8 +192.5 +206.3 +220.0 +11.9 +23.8 +35.7 +47.6 +59.5 +89.3 +119.0 +148.8 +178.5 +208.3 +238.0 +267.8 +297.5 +327.0 +357.0 +386.8 +416.5 +446.3 +476.0 +505.8 +535.5 +565.3 +595.0 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 29 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF FLIGHT MANIFEST FOR BN-2A/B, BN2A MKIII/2 ON COMPUTER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 thru 24. 25. 26. 27 thru 42. 43. 44. 45 thru 60. 61 thru 62. 63 thru 78. 79 thru 80. 81 thru 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. Date of Flight (Computer enters date automatically) Aircraft Registration Number (Company a/c are stored on Computer) Point of Departure (Enter departure point or select from list of schedule flights) Destination (Enter destination point or select from list of schedule flights) Flight Number (Enter number or select from list of schedule flights) Schedule Departure Time (Computer displays time based on schedule) Full Name of Pilot in Command Full Name of First Officer Full Name Passenger’s Captain’s Actual Weight First Officer Actual Weight Passenger’s Actual Weight Baggage of Pilot in Command (if any) Baggage of First Officer (if any) Passenger’s Baggage Weight Pilot and First Officer Seat Positions (Permanent position number 1) Passenger’s Seats Designation (Done by Computer by Scientific Sort) Negative Moment Pilot and First Officer (Done by Computer by Scientific Sort) Passenger’s Moments (Done by Computer by Scientific Sort) Empty O.P. Weight (Programmed with registration number of A/C) Total Crew and Passenger’s Weight (Done automatically by Computer) Total Baggage Weight (Calculated by Computer) Total Zero Fuel Weight (Calculated by Computer) Max. ZFW (Programmed with registration number of A/C) Total Fuel Weight (Enter the Fuel in lbs.) Take-Off Weight (Calculated by Computer) Max. T.O. Weight (Programmed with registration number of A/C) Empty O.P. Moment (Programmed with registration number of A/C) Passenger Compartment Moment (Calculated by Computer) Total Baggage Moment (Calculated by Computer) Total Zero Fuel Weight Moment (Calculated by Computer) Total Fuel Moment (Calculated by Computer) Take-off Moment (Calculated by Computer) Minimum Limit Moment (Depends on T-off Weight, Values retrieved from Computer) Maximum Limit Moment (Depends on T-off Weight, Values retrieved from Computer) Moments Maximum Deviation (Done Automatically by Computer ) Deviation (Done Automatically by Computer) Pilot in Command Signature Computer Operator Signature Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 30 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF FLIGHT MANIFEST FOR BN-2A/B, BN2A MKIII/2 ON COMPUTER (Cont.) When all the data necessary for the weight and balance is entered the operator of the computer press F10 on the keyboard where a menu is displayed to complete a print the weight and balance. If any correction is necessary before or after the manifest the computer operator just need to move the cursor on the computer operator just need to move the cursor on the computer to the field that need to be changed and press F10 on the keyboard and print the manifest again. To start a new manifest press F1 on the computer on the keyboard and all the data of the previous manifest is erased. If by any reason after the manifest is computed the aircraft is changed the programmer move the cursor to the aircraft number field and change that number the computer automatically change all the values pertinent to the aircraft. NOTE 1: This weight and balance program was prepared specifically for Vieques Air Link, Inc. by a qualified computer programmer using the procedures techniques and information from Britten Norman NOTE 2: Any necessary change will be complying by the programmer. Name and address of programmer is available on request. Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 31 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 VIEQUES AIR LINK, INC. VAL FORM 001-A DATE FLIGHT MANIFEST (ISLANDER & TRISLANDER ON COMPUTER) A/C NUMBER 1 FROM 2 TO 3 PASSENGERS NAMES FLIGHT NO. 4 PAX WEIGHT TIME 5 BAGGAGE 6 SEAT MOMENT PIC 7 25 43 61 79 SIC 8 26 44 62 80 1 9 27 45 63 81 2 10 28 46 64 82 3 11 29 47 65 83 4 12 30 48 66 84 5 13 31 49 67 85 6 14 32 50 68 86 7 15 33 51 69 87 8 16 34 52 70 88 9 17 35 53 71 89 10 18 36 54 72 90 11 19 37 55 73 91 12 20 38 56 74 92 13 21 39 57 75 93 14 22 40 58 76 94 15 23 41 59 77 95 16 24 42 60 78 96 WEIGHT MOMENTS MOMENT LIMIT Empty OP Weight 97 105 Minimum: 111 Passengers. Comp 98 106 Maximum: 112 Bagg Comp 99 107 T ZWF 100 108 Max. Dev.: 113 ZFW (MAX) (101) * * Deviation: 114 Fuel Weight 102 109 T.O. Weight 103 110 Max T.O. Weight 104 * I CERTIFY THAT THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABALE TAKE OFF WEIGHT FOR THIS FLIGHT IS WITHIN THE ALLOWANCE SHOWN IN THE AIRCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL. 115 Signature of Pilot in Command 116 Prepared by: Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 32 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 VIEQUES AIR LINK, INC. FLIGHT MANIFEST (CARAVAN 208B) VAL FORM 001 - B DATE A/C NUMBER FROM PASSENGERS NAMES Weight TO 1 | PIC Multiply by .136 2 .136 3 .174 4 .174 5 .210 6 .210 7 .246 8 .246 9 .282 10 .282 Seat Baggage Compartment Cabin Location .344 Cargo Pod Zone A .132 Cargo Pod Zone B .182 Cargo Pod Zone C .234 Cargo Pod Zone D .288 Usable Fuel Weight .203 Aircraft Empty Weight and Moment xxxxx Ramp Weight & Moment xxxxx FLIGHT NO. Revised Ramp Weight & Moment Fuel Allowance for Engine Start, Taxi, Run-Up Take-off Weight and Moment xxxxx -35 xxxxx xxxxx Maximum Take-Off Weight 8,750 Pounds TOTAL PAX’S C EN T ER O F G R A V I T Y LI M I T S Moment Correction -7.2 TIME POUNDS 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 AFT 810 820 840 860 880 900 920 930 950 960 980 1010 1020 1050 1070 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1310 1330 1360 1380 1405 1425 1450 1470 1500 1520 1540 1570 1600 1620 1640 1670 1700 1720 1740 Remarks: I CERTIFY THAT THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TAKE OFF WEIGHT FOR THIS FLIGHT IS WITHIN THE ALLOWANCE SHOWN IN THE AIRCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL. Signature of Pilot in Command Prepared by: FWD 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1230 1250 1270 1290 1310 1330 1350 1370 1390 1410 1430 1450 1475 1495 1515 1535 1555 1575 1600 1620 1640 1660 1680 1700 1720 1740 1760 1780 1790 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 33 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF FLIGHT MANIFEST FOR CARAVAN 208B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 thru 16. 17. 18 thru 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39 thru 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. Date of flight Aircraft Registration Number Point of Departure Destination Number of schedule flight/flight status Schedule Departure Time Full Name of Pilot in Command Full Name Passenger’s Captain’s Actual Weight Passenger’s Actual Weight Baggage Compartment Cabin Location Weight Cargo Pod Zone A Weight Cargo Pod Zone B Weight Cargo Pod Zone C Weight Cargo Pod Zone D Weight Usable Fuel Weight ( Enter in lbs.) Aircraft Empty Weight Ramp Weight Correction Weight Revised Ramp Weight Take-Off Weight Pilot Moment Passenger’s Moment Baggage Compartment Moment Cargo Pod Zone A Moment Cargo Pod Zone B Moment Cargo Pod Zone C Moment Cargo Pod Zone D Moment Usable Fuel Weight Moment Aircraft Empty Moment Ramp Moment Correction Moment Revised Ramp Moment Take-Off Moment Center of Gravity Limits Table Passenger’s Total Remark Section Pilot Signature Prepared by Signature Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 34 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 VIEQUES AIR LINK, INC. FLIGHT MANIFEST (CARAVAN 208B) VAL FORM 001 - B DATE A/C NUMBER FROM TO FLIGHT NO. TIME 1 2 3 4 5 6 Seat PASSENGERS NAMES Weight 1 | PIC 7 17 Multiply by .136 2 8 18 .136 39 3 9 19 174 40 4 10 20 .174 41 5 11 21 .210 42 6 12 22 .210 43 7 13 23 .246 44 8 14 24 .246 45 9 15 25 .282 46 10 16 26 .282 47 x Baggage Compartment Cabin Location 27 .344 48 x Cargo Pod Zone A 28 .132 49 x Cargo Pod Zone B 29 .182 50 x Cargo Pod Zone C 30 .234 51 x Cargo Pod Zone D 31 .288 52 x Usable Fuel Weight 32 .203 53 x Aircraft Empty Weight and Moment 33 xxxxx 54 x Ramp Weight & Moment 34 xxxxx 55 Correction 35 x Revised Ramp Weight & Moment 36 xxxxx 57 x Fuel Allowance for Engine Start, Taxi, Run-Up -35 (fix) xxxxx -7.2 x Take-off Weight and Moment 37 xxxxx 58 Moment 38 56 Maximum Take-Off Weight 8,750 Pounds 60 Remarks: TOTAL PAX’S 61 C EN T ER OF GR A V IT Y LI M I T S ( 59 ) POUNDS 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 A FT 810 820 840 860 880 900 920 930 950 960 980 1010 1020 1050 1070 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1310 1330 1360 1380 1405 1425 1450 1470 1500 1520 1540 1570 1600 1620 1640 1670 1700 1720 1740 I CERTIFY THAT THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TAKE OFF WEIGHT FOR THIS FLIGHT IS WITHIN THE ALLOWANCE SHOWN IN THE AIRCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL. 62 Signature of Pilot in Command Prepared by: 63 FWD 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1230 1250 1270 1290 1310 1330 1350 1370 1390 1410 1430 1450 1475 1495 1515 1535 1555 1575 1600 1620 1640 1660 1680 1700 1720 1740 1760 1780 1790 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 35 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 CARAVAN 208-B Table 1 - LOAD WEIGHTS AND MOMENTS - OCCUPANTS (ALL MOMENTS ARE DIVIDED BY 100) Weight Seat 1 Seat 2 Seat 3 Seat 4 Seat 5 Seat 6 Seat 7 Seat 8 Seat 9 Seat 10 (135.5) (135.5) (173.9) (173.9) (209.9) (209.9) (245.9) (245.9) (281.9) (281.9) 30 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 40 5 5 7 7 8 8 10 10 11 11 50 7 7 9 9 11 11 12 12 14 14 60 8 8 10 10 13 13 15 15 17 17 70 10 10 12 12 15 15 17 17 20 20 80 11 11 14 14 17 17 20 20 23 23 90 12 12 16 16 19 19 22 22 25 25 100 14 14 17 17 21 21 25 25 28 28 110 15 15 19 19 23 23 27 27 31 31 120 16 16 21 21 25 25 30 30 34 34 130 18 18 23 23 27 27 32 32 37 37 140 19 19 24 24 29 29 34 34 39 39 150 20 20 26 26 32 32 37 37 42 42 160 22 22 28 28 34 34 39 39 45 45 170 23 23 30 30 36 36 42 42 48 48 180 24 24 31 31 38 38 44 44 51 51 190 26 26 33 33 40 40 47 47 54 54 200 27 27 35 35 42 42 49 49 56 56 210 29 29 37 37 44 44 52 52 59 59 220 30 30 38 38 46 46 54 54 62 62 230 31 31 40 40 48 48 57 57 65 65 240 33 33 42 42 50 50 59 59 68 68 250 34 34 44 44 53 53 62 62 71 71 260 35 35 45 45 55 55 64 64 73 73 270 37 37 47 47 57 57 66 66 76 76 280 38 38 49 49 59 59 69 69 79 79 290 39 39 51 51 61 61 71 71 82 82 300 41 41 52 52 63 63 74 74 85 85 Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 36 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF FLIGHT MANIFEST FOR CARAVAN ON COMPUTER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 thru 16. 17. 18 thru 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37 thru 45. 46. 47 thru 55. 56. 57 thru 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. Date of flight (Computer enters date automatically) Aircraft Registration Number (Company a/c are stored on Computer) Point of Departure (Enter departure point or select from list of schedule flights) Destination (Enter destination point or select from list of schedule flights) Flight Number (Enter number or select from list of schedule flights) Schedule Departure Time (Computer displays time based on schedule) Full Name of Pilot in Command Full Name Passenger’s (Enter each name of passengers in computer) Captain’s Actual Weight Passenger’s Actual Weight Baggage Compartment Cabin Location Weight Cargo Pod Zone A Weight (Calculated automatically by Computer) Cargo Pod Zone B Weight (Calculated automatically by Computer) Cargo Pod Zone C Weight (Calculated automatically by Computer) Cargo Pod Zone D Weight (Calculated automatically by Computer) Usable Fuel Weight (Enter fuel in lbs.) Aircraft Empty Weight (Programmed and enter automatically when selection of a/c number) Ramp Weight (Calculated automatically by Computer) Fuel Allowance for Engine Start, Taxi, Run-Up (This subtracts automatically) Pilot in Command Baggage Weight (if any) Passengers Baggage Weight Pilot Seat Position (Always assigned number 1) Passenger’s Seats Designation (Done by Computer by Scientific Sort) Pilot in Command Moment Passenger’s Moment (Calculated by Computer) Baggage Compartment Moment (Calculated by Computer) Cargo Pod Zone A Moment (Calculated automatically by Computer) Cargo Pod Zone B Moment (Calculated automatically by Computer) Cargo Pod Zone C Moment (Calculated automatically by Computer) Cargo Pod Zone D Moment (Calculated automatically by Computer) Usable Fuel Moment (Enter the fuel pounds) Aircraft Empty Moment (Programmed with registration number of A/C) Ramp Moment (Calculated automatically by Computer) Fuel Allowance for Engine Start, Taxi, Run-Up (This subtract automatically) Remarks Weights and Moments Limits (Calculated automatically by Computer) Pilot in Command Signature Computer Operator Signature Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 37 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF FLIGHT MANIFEST FOR CARAVAN 208B ON COMPUTER (Cont.) When all the data necessary for the weight and balance is entered the operator of the computer press F10 on the keyboard where a menu is displayed to complete a print the weight and balance. If any correction is necessary before or after the manifest the computer operator just need to move the cursor on the computer operator just need to move the cursor on the computer to the field that need to be changed and press F10 on the keyboard and print the manifest again. To start a new manifest press F1 on the computer on the keyboard and all the data of the previous manifest is erased. If by any reason after the manifest is computed the aircraft is changed the programmer move the cursor to the aircraft number field and change that number the computer automatically change all the values pertinent to the aircraft. NOTE 1: This weight and balance program was prepared specifically for Vieques Air Link, Inc. by a qualified computer programmer using the procedures techniques and information from Cessna (caravan) NOTE 2: Any necessary change will be complying by the programmer. Name and address of programmer is available on request. Operations Manual Vieques Air Link, Inc. Volume I SECTION X SECTION : X PAGE : 38 DATE : 09/02/2010 REVISION: 39 VIEQUES AIR LINK, INC. FLIGHT MANIFEST (CARAVAN ON COMPUTER) VAL FORM 001-B DATE A/C NUMBER FROM TO FLIGHT NO. TIME 1 2 3 4 5 6 PASSENGERS NAMES PAX WEIGHT BAGGAGE SEAT MOMENT 1 | PIC 7 17 36 46 56 2 8 18 37 47 57 3 9 19 38 48 58 4 10 20 39 49 59 5 11 21 40 50 60 6 12 22 41 51 61 7 13 23 42 52 62 8 14 24 43 53 63 9 15 25 44 54 64 10 16 26 45 55 65 X Baggage Compartment Cabin Location 27 66 X Cargo Pod Zone A 28 67 X Cargo Pod Zone B 29 68 X Cargo Pod Zone C 30 69 X Cargo Pod Zone D 31 70 X Usable Fuel Weight 32 71 X Aircraft Empty Weight and Moment 33 XXXXX 72 X Ramp Weight and Moment 34 XXXXX 73 X Fuel Allowance for Engine Start, Taxi, Run-Up 35 XXXXX 74 Maximum Take-Off Weight 8,750 Pounds Remarks: WEIGHT AND MOMENTS LIMITS TOW Max. TOW 75 76 Max. AFT Ramp Max. FWD I CERTIFY THAT THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TAKE OFF WEIGHT FOR THIS FLIGHT IS WITHIN THE ALLOWANCE SHOWN IN THE AIRCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL. 77 Signature of Pilot in Command 78 Prepared by: