2016 Calendar of Events Highlights Public Policy Conference Calls (Monthly – see schedule) The purpose of these calls is to update OUW members about current legislative issues that could have an impact on United Ways and the many agencies they fund. OUW seeks input from members to create a consistent and shared point of view on public policy issues relating to education, income and health so that we can speak with one voice. Our members help to determine each year’s legislative priorities. New CEO Orientation - April 20, 2016 This orientation is open to any new executive director or CEO. OUW provides an overview of Ohio United Way including our purpose and services provided to members. During the orientation, an experienced CEO joins to talk with new executives about United Way Worldwide and reporting requirements and answers questions relating to annual United Way campaigns or any other questions. OUW provides new executives with the option to be mentored by experienced United Way executives from adjacent communities. These mentoring relationships help to accelerate the learning curve of new executives. New executives coming from United Ways outside of Ohio benefit from learning about Ohio United Way and the unique services provided. Community Impact (CI) Intensive Workshops - (See May & Oct., 2016 schedule) These are small group sessions designed to provide individualized feedback and discussion on your community impact initiatives. The workshop allows participants to focus on short-range planning to determine your next 3 or 4 steps needed to move community impact efforts forward. Executive directors and/or community impact professionals are encouraged to bring at least one board member to participate in these workshops. Regional CEO Roundtables – (see schedule for March & April dates) Ohio United Way is bringing roundtable discussions to a city near you. These regional roundtables will be held in Ashland, Zanesville and Defiance, Ohio. Topics are being chosen by local UW CEOs. Legislative Luncheon – April 13, 2016 The Legislative Luncheon is a part of Ohio United Way’s Lobby Day activities, bringing our members and sponsors together for an opportunity to meet with members of the General Assembly over lunch and talk about local issues. This year, the luncheon will take a closer look at Ohio’s 2-1-1 system, with an emphasis on the important role 2-1-1 plays in connecting Ohio’s military veterans and their families with available services. OUW Mid-Year Conference - July 11, 2016 This annual conference is a one-day workshop with discussion topics chosen by OUW members. Facilitators are highly respected experts within the United Way system. One of this year’s highlights is a representative from United Way Worldwide who will facilitate a discussion on the Bold Plays and why they are important to you and your community. Other conference topics will be provided as we get closer to the conference. The Mid-Year Conference is one of the best opportunities to network with your peers from across Ohio. Combined Charitable Campaign Training Webinar - November 10, 2016 Ohio United Way is the federation for its members. OUW provides a training on an overview of the CCC application process and highlights changes to the process. OUW staff checks all member applications for accuracy prior to submitting them to the CCC office. This process helps to ensure that members and agencies have the opportunity to participate in the annual campaign for state employees. NPC Teleconferences (Quarterly update teleconferences TBD) The NPC is a leadership body of 65 United Way CEOs in the U.S. Two Ohio CEOs are members of the council. You are invited to participate in quarterly teleconference to learn about the work of the council from these three CEOs. This is an opportunity to ask questions and share your thoughts on critical issues within the United Way network in the U.S. including but not limited to the business performance matrix and the partnership program. Other events will be scheduled as needed. 2016 Calendar of Events January 2016 12 - 14 UWW New Presidents Forum, Alexandria, VA February 2016 3 OUW Public Policy Conference Call 11:00 a.m. MARCH 2016 1–4 Great Rivers Conference, Kalamazoo, Michigan 2 OUW Public Policy Conference Call - 11:00 a.m. 23 OUW Regional CEO Meeting – UW of Defiance County 31 OUW Regional CEO Meeting – Ashland, OH APRIL 2016 6 OUW Public Policy Conference Call - 11:00 a.m. 13 OUW Legislative Luncheon - (Columbus, OH) State House Atrium 28 OUW Regional CEO Meeting – Zanesville, OH MAY 2016 4 OUW Public Policy Conference Call - 11:00 a.m. 10 – 12 UWW Community Leader’s Conference, Vancouver, Canada TBD Intensive Community Impact Workshop at United Way of Marion County in Marion, OH - 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. JUNE 2016 8 OUW Public Policy Conference Call - 11:00 a.m. JULY 2016 11 13 OUW Mid-Year Conference at Columbus Airport Marriott Hotel OUW Public Policy Conference Call - 11:00 a.m. AUGUST 2016 3 OUW Public Policy Conference Call - 11:00 a.m. SEPTEMBER 2016 14 OUW Public Policy Conference Call - 11:00 a.m. OCTOBER 2016 5 OUW Public Policy Conference Call - 11:00 a.m. TBD Intensive Community Impact Workshop at United Way of Marion County, Marion, OH - 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 2016 2 OUW Public Policy Conference Call - 11:00 a.m. 10 OUW Training Webinar – CCC Application Process 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. DECEMBER 2016 7 OUW Public Policy Conference Call - 11:00 a.m.