Mathematical Methods for Scientists (Phys/Math 210) Lecturer: Daniel Aalberts, TPL 304, x3520, Office hours: I am eager to help you understand and enjoy this subject and I am happy to speak with you about any aspect of the course. Feel free to telephone, email, or pop in at my office. It is easy to find me as I am typically on campus from 7:45am to 6:30±0:30pm. Late mornings or afternoons (except M4-6, T12-4) are best. Lectures: TR 9:55-11:10 in TPL 205. The lectures can only complement other parts of the course. They can’t be comprehensive, nor are they in any sense sufficient to enable you to fully learn the material. Developing a thorough understanding of the material and problem solving skills in any physics or math course also requires reading the text, thinking and talking about the concepts, and most of all, doing many, many problems. Textbook: Mary L. Boas, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, second edition. Homework Problem sets are normally assigned on Tuesday, due at the beginning of class on the following Tuesday. Thorough and timely completion of homework is an absolutely crucial aspect of the course and your performance in it. You are encouraged to discuss homework problems with classmates but your written solution should be your own work. Please see the attached honor code statement. Late Homework will not be accepted except by prior (i.e., before 4pm Monday) arrangement with the instructor. Teaching Assistant: Justin Brown or John Mugno will lead help sessions Monday evenings 8:0010:00pm in the physics student common room (TPL 104). Grading Your grade will be based on homework (15%), three quizzes (60%), and a final (25%). See page two for the schedule and MARK THOSE DATES! Honor Code A large fraction of the learning in this course takes place working on the problem sets, so it is essential that you put a substantial effort into these assignments. Since students often can learn by discussing the assigned problems with each other, you are welcome to confer with your fellow students when working on the problems. For optimal learning, there is a delicate balance between the effort that you make and the amount of assistance you receive from your fellow students. Try each problem for 15 minutes on your own before asking for help. Please observe the following practices: 1. The final write up of all homework is to be done on your own and in your own words. Direct copying is not permitted. 2. The names of your collaborators should be listed on the assignment. No collaboration is permitted on examinations. These tests are “closed book,” so during the tests you should not consult any books or notes written beforehand, except as explicitly stated by the instructor. If you are in doubt as how the Honor Code applies to any aspect of this course, please ask the instructor. 1 Phys/Math 210 Agenda Date Feb 6 Feb 11 Feb 13 Feb 18 Feb 20 Feb 25 Feb 27 Mar 4 Mar 6 Mar 11 Mar 13 Mar 18 Mar 20 Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr May May May May May May 8 10 15 17 22 24 29 1 6 8 10 15 17-25 Topic complex numbers complex functions Fourier series more Fourier Fourier transforms First order Diff. Eq. Quiz (z, Fourier) second order Diff. Eq. numerical solutions of ODEs coupled first order ODEs linear systems classification of critical points Quiz (ODE) Spring Break series solutions; Legendre’s eqn. Legendre series Bessel’s eqn Bessel functions scaling and ODEs Quiz (Series ODE) PDEs: rectangular boundary PDEs: cylindrical boundary PDEs: cylindrical boundary PDEs: spherical boundary numerical PDEs Review Final (PDE Quiz + recap) 2 Boas 2.1-2.7 2.8-2.16 7.1-7.5 7.6-7.11 15.4, 15.5 8.1-8.4 ./ 8.5-8.7 handout handout handout handout ./ 12.1-12.4 12.5-12.10 12.11-12.14 12.15-12.20 N/A ./ 13.1-13.4 13.5 13.5-13.6 13.7 handout ./