Services 8.5x11 07_20_06.qxd

Downtime Reduction,
Workplace Safety &
Code Compliance
Providing Productivity Through Protection
Downtime Reduction, Workplace Safety and Code Compliance
Getting the most value from your limited resources is key to success in today’s global marketplace. To help you achieve your greatest potential, Cooper Bussmann® Services focuses on
the critical issues most related to maximizing your productivity:
• Downtime Reduction: We can help identify risks
that can cause unnecessary circuit failures that
cause downtime.
• Workplace Safety: Cooper Bussmann has a long
and leading role in advocating and advancing
workplace safety. As an expert in NFPA70E and
how OSHA enforces this standard, we can help
Why Choose
Cooper Bussmann
Simple: Our Expertise Is
Your Advantage
you implement an effective Electrical Safety
• Code Compliance: Costly downtime caused by
non-compliance issues are easily avoided with the
right information. In an ever-changing regulatory
environment, Cooper Bussmann training and
Versus an Independent Contractor
• Reputation: Cooper Bussmann is an industry
leader in improving electrical safety practices. Our
renowned Safety BASICs™ training program is just
one example.
resources can help you stay in compliance and
focused on the issues most critical to your
bottom line.
• Resources: Our team of application engineers is
recognized throughout the industry for their
expertise. With several Cooper Bussmann
representatives on key Code and standards
committees, we maintain a comprehensive view on
modern circuit protection practices and can help
you navigate the changing requirements.
• Reliability: We offer more than 90 years of
experience in electrical applications.
Versus Other Manufacturers
• Focus: Our focus is on critical overcurrent issues
for protecting facilities, equipment and people. This
is our area of expertise.
• Tools: Cooper Bussmann recognizes the need to
perform analysis and training at your own pace.
The materials we provide, like our innovative
OSCAR™ compliance software, will help make
sure these activities are performed easily and well.
• Results: Cooper Bussmann takes you from
recommendation to implementation to ensure you
get the maximum benefit from your service
Cooper Bussmann® Services
Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Our electrical analysis and safety team draws on over 90 years of proven experience.
Arc-Flash Hazard Analysis
Studies and plans to mitigate the risk to people and equipment.
OSCAR™ Compliance Software
Eliminate the guesswork and gain SCCR compliance simpler and
faster yourself.
SCCR Panel Design & Review
Professional, guaranteed analysis of your assemblies and components
for improving electrical performance ratings.
Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Held at your facility or Cooper Bussmann headquarters, in St. Louis,
Missouri, these in-depth seminars provide interactive training on recent
industry developments.
Publications and e -Training Modules
A wide variety of advanced educational publications and downloads for
your use. These materials permit training at a pace suitable for
maximum learning and retention of subject matter.
Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Compliance Testing
The Cooper Bussmann Paul P. Gubany Center is a world class testing
facility for verifying the performance of your electrical components and
Arc-Flash Safety and Productivity for Industrial and Commercial Facilities
The Cooper Bussmann® Services team has the experience
in power system design, analysis and electrical safety to
best assess and make recommendations that offer
maximum protection and productivity. We go beyond just
understanding electrical standards and regulations, actively
Short-Circuit Current Analysis
Identifying the bolted short-circuit levels at key points in
your network reveals the hidden electrical potential. Cooper
Bussmann will expand the one-line diagram to point out
these areas of most concern.
participating in improving circuit protection and electrical
safety, through:
Arc-Flash Hazard Analysis
• NFPA 70E
• NFPA79
OSHA has adopted the NFPA 70E as a document to help
mitigate the effects of arc-flash on worker safety. Cooper
Bussmann is an expert in this standard and implementing it
Our comprehensive service offerings include:
in your facility. We will work from the short-circuit current
analysis to determine critical data for you such as the
Electrical Network Analysis
The backbone of your facility is your electrical network.
After initial installation, your network changes, and keeping
current with those changes is challenging. The first building
approach and flash boundaries as required by NFPA70E.
We will identify the hazard risk category necessary to
provide the most effective personal protective equipment
(PPE) for safely performing work on electrical panels.
block for productivity is developing a current one-line
diagram including all power sources, and loads. The
Cooper Bussmann team can deliver a comprehensive
report for you.
Arc-Flash Labeling
Warning operators of the impending arc-flash danger in a
panel is a key step toward workplace safety. Building upon
an Arc-Flash Hazard Analysis, Cooper Bussmann will
properly label your panels beyond minimum NFPA70E
Electrical Safety Program Development
Annual Maintenance
You want to get the maximum benefit out of your Arc-Flash
Changes occur in your facility on a daily basis; new
Hazard Analysis to create a safe environment for your
employees need training, and new equipment needs to be
workers. Developing and implementing a safety program is
added to your one-line diagram. The effects of these
the right thing to do. We will meet with your team to assess
changes can create vulnerabilities in your operation.
your existing program and work with you to ensure you
Cooper Bussmann can help you maximize safety and
have an effective program tailored to your facility. Included
productivity by keeping your one-line diagram updated, as
in the program will be the training and record-retention to
well as provide new labeling to identify changes in arc-flash
satisfy OSHA.
hazards. We will also train your employees on the latest
topics around electrical workplace safety.
Coordination Studies
What Do You Get?
Preventing downtime with proper coordination of
overcurrent protective devices like fuses and circuit
breakers is a necessary preventive measure. We will
You get a professional arc flash analysis report and
personal presentation detailing the results of our analysis.
interpret the time-current characteristics of each critical
circuit in your network to identify potential risks and
opportunity for improvement. As a result, you will
experience peace of mind that you have taken proactive
measures to prevent unnecessary downtime.
Find Out More
To find out more on how Cooper Bussmann Engineering Services can improve the safety and reliability of your electrical
system, contact your local Cooper Bussmann representative, or visit us online at
OSCAR™ Compliance Software
Eliminates Guesswork in Assembly SCCR Calculations
The Cooper Bussmann innovative OSCAR™ (Online Short-
The Cooper Bussmann OSCAR compliance software easily
Circuit Current UL508A Rating) Compliance Software helps
guides you through entering your panel’s components for
you comply with new Code and standards* requirements for
supply, feeder, sub-feeder and branch circuits. And, based
short-circuit current ratings as they relate to industrial
upon the component types or part numbers you enter, the
panels, equipment and assemblies.
software determines the assembly SCCR per UL508A
Supplement SB.
• It’s Automatic: The software determines the
assembly SCCR of industrial control panel
assemblies per UL508A SB
• It’s Simple: The OSCAR compliance software is
backed by a database containing more than 50,000
line item part numbers with their component SCCR.
• Available Online: Use it as much as you want.
This software is available 24/7—365 with a
one-year subscription.
• Continually Updated: The OSCAR compliance
software is regularly updated with new part
numbers, their component SCCRs, and any
changes that may occur to Code requirements and
agency standards.
• Flexible: The custom device option allows for
entering specialized component rating information
for devices not found in the OSCAR database.
*Underwriter’s Laboratories now requires all electrical panels and assemblies
manufactured to standard 508A be marked with their SCCR. Article 409 of the
2005 National Electrical Code® mandates that industrial equipment and
control panels must be marked with their assembly SCCR. NEC® Article
110.10 specifies equipment cannot be installed where available fault current
exceeds the assembly SCCR.
To Subscribe
or contact your local Cooper Bussmann Distributor
SCCR Panel Design & Review
Is your Assembly SCCR too low?
If you find your SCCR needs improvement, contact the
Cooper Bussmann engineering team for a design review.
Our specialized knowledge of this new standard will help
you get the rating you need.
When you prefer to have an engineer review your assembly,
we can help:
• Find it SCCR Service: We will take your current
design and determine your existing assembly
• Fix it SCCR Service: We will review your current
Our SCCR service results are backed by
UL508A supplement SB (SCCR)
Pre-certification guarantee.
If you receive a Variation notice from
UL based upon the rating or
recommendations we provide, we will
refund in full the money you spent
on our service.
design and offer solutions to achieve the SCCR
you desire.
Find Out More
To find out more on Cooper Bussmann SCCR panel design and review services, contact your local Cooper Bussmann representative, or visit us online at
Knowledge That Minimizes Risk To Maximize Productivity and Protection
Technology evolves, the Code and standards change, and new personnel are joining your operation. How do you manage
this changing environment while still focusing on what you do best – running your operation? Expert training from Cooper
Bussmann is the solution. We provide the training when and where you need it.
Course Number
Course Title
Understanding Electrical
Safety Basics
This one-hour course provides a basic understanding of electrical
Electrical Hazards and
Designing for Safety
This two to four-hour course provides an in-depth discussion on
electrical hazards and designing for safety.
NFPA70E Workplace Guidelines
to reduce shock and
Arc flash Events
Hire an expert from headquarters to come in and create a full day
seminar tailored to your needs. Available on a limited basis.
(0.8 CEUs)
Understanding Short-Circuit
Current Rating Basics
This one-hour course provides a basic understanding of the new
short-circuit current rating requirements.
Designing Panels with
higher SCCRs
This two to four-hour course provides an in-depth discussion on how
to design industrial control panels to achieve high short circuit
current ratings.
Designing Commercial and
Industrial Power Systems to
comply with the NEC®
A two-day seminar covering Code and regulatory compliance in the
specification and application of overcurrent protective devices.
This seminar qualifies each participant for 1.5 CEU credits for
retaining certifications.
We offer custom training. If you would like training on a
topic other than what you see listed, please contact us
at or contact your local
Cooper Bussmann sales representative.
Contact Us
To arrange a Cooper Bussmann training seminar, contact:
Publications and e-Training Modules
Cooper Bussmann Services has developed advanced, value-added technical resources to meet the more demanding needs
around Code compliance, and electrical design and safety.
Safety BASICs™: Updated to the new
DVD Library: Available individually or as a
NFPA70E, this publication offers a
box set, these six DVDs effectively
complete package to perform your own
demonstrate various aspects of overcurrent
in-house safety training. Available as a
protection including: interrupting rating,
complete Trainer’s Kit or as individual
selective coordination, current limitation,
hardcopy materials: Handbook, VHS
motor starter Type-2 protection, and
Video or interactive CD-ROM.
specification grade protection.
Selecting Protective Devices (SPD):
e-Training Modules: Available as individual
Revised to the 2005 NEC® this advanced
downloads for a nominal fee, Cooper
Bussmann e-training modules provide a
technical guide covers the selection and
application of overcurrent protective
clear, concise and economical means to
devices, including Code, standard and
acquire interactive training on vital topics.
regulatory compliance. The English version
Subjects include electrical safety,
is available as hardcopy or a download. A
component and system protection, and
Spanish version is available as a download.
testing and maintenance procedures. Learn
at your own pace.
Electrical Plan Review (EPR): This handbook can be used for learning or teaching
how to determine fault current levels. It
covers interrupting ratings and applying
current-limitation to improve electrical
protection and safety. Available as
hardcopy or download. For instructors, an
answer sheet is included.
Cooper Bussmann Express
Member Services
Become a Cooper Bussmann
Express Member and receive:
•Unlimited access to all technical
training downloads.
(A $200.00 retail value)
•A free copy of our innovative
Engineering Dependable Protection:
Selecting Protective Devices
Available as downloads, these two vol-
(A $24.95 retail value)
umes provide information on analyzing and
improving electrical system performance
•A free DVD, Specification Grade
Protection (A $24.95 retail value)
and stability. Volume 1 addresses three
•Exclusive member only offers
methods of short-circuit calculations for
and discounts throughout the
arc-flash analysis. Volume 2 addresses
selective coordination methods.
You get all this for only $99.00 a
How To Order
For detailed descriptions on this portfolio visit Hardcopy
materials are available through your local Cooper Bussmann distributor.
Performance and Compliance Certification for Components and Assemblies
The Cooper Bussmann Paul P. Gubany Center at Cooper
Wide Range of Capability
Bussmann is the electrical industry’s most comprehensive
Built to exceed the short circuit capacity of today’s high
facility for testing and certifying electrical components and
power electrical distribution systems, the Gubany Center
• Ultra-High Power Testing from 200kA to 300kA at
OEM customers make the Gubany Center their first choice
in testing equipment such as:
• Drives, both ac and dc
• Circuit breakers
600Vac three phase
• Medium Power Testing from 5kA to 200kA at
600Vac three phase
• Low Power Testing up to 5kA at 600Vac three
• Motor control centers
With the widest range of ac or dc voltage, amp and
• Soft starters
• Fuses
• Power distribution panels
frequency combinations, the Gubany Center makes it
possible for manufacturers to conduct confidential product
evaluations under high-current conditions to quantify the
reliability and performance of their products under the most
• Surge suppressors
• Cables
extreme fault conditions.
Global Standards
The Gubany Center is accredited by ASTA and CSA, and is
an ANCE Designated test facility. Certification can be
performed to the following standards agencies:
• CE
• UL
Our experienced technicians and facility manager have over
120 years combined test experience. This means you
experience the best value for your lab time because your
tests are performed correctly the first time.
Certified Documentation
The Gubany Center can provide certified, comprehensive
Behind the scenes at the Gubany Center, you’ll find an array
documentation needed for securing agency certifications.
of custom-designed power generating equipment to
In addition, we can tailor documentation to your specific
replicate power systems found around the globe. Meeting
needs with complete data sets measured in the appropriate
the demands of fault-current evaluation sequences, we
time-base, plus high speed video.
employ a 640mVA short-time rated circuit generator capable
of delivering:
• Up to 300kA at 750Vac three phase.
• Up to 100kA at 1000Vdc.
• Alternating current frequencies from 50 to 60Hz.
Managing this power is accomplished through:
• Three 20mVA transformers providing up to 300kA.
• A low-impedance generator with a short-circuit
rating of 640mVA.
• Pneumatically remote-controlled resistor and rector
• A synchronous closing switch capable of closing
within one degree of accuracy and repeatability.
Observation Deck
The observation deck at the Gubany Center can
accommodate up to 50 visitors, and is protected with
three-quarter inch bullet-proof glass and eye shields for
directly viewing your test. Equipped with a board-room
table, wireless internet access, video monitor for viewing
test footage, and full catering upon request, you will be able
to conduct business in a professional atmosphere.
Find Out More
Visit us at to find out
more about the Gubany Center capabilities, or just call us
directly at 636-394-2877.
Cooper Bussmann Products And
Technical Expertise Delivered Worldwide
Customer Assistance
Customer Satisfaction Team
The Cooper Bussmann Customer Satisfaction Team is
available to answer questions regarding Cooper
Bussmann products and services. Calls should be made
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. for all
US time zones.
Application Engineering
Application Engineering assistance is available to all
customers. The Application Engineering team is staffed
by degreed electrical engineers and available by phone
with technical and application support Monday – Friday,
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Central Time.
The Customer Satisfaction Team can be reached via:
• Phone: 636-527-3877
• Toll-free fax: 800-544-2570
• E-mail:
Application Engineering can be reached via phone, fax
or email:
• Phone: 636-527-1270
• Fax: 636-527-1607
• E-mail:
Emergency and After-Hours Orders
To accommodate time-critical needs, Cooper Bussmann
offers emergency and after-hours service for next flight
out or will call. Customers pay only standard price for
the circuit protection device, rush freight charges and a
modest emergency fee for this service. Emergency and
after-hours orders should be placed through the
Customer Satisfaction Team. Call:
Online Resources
Visit for the following
• Product cross reference
• Arc-flash calculator
• OSCAR™ compliance software
• Training modules
• Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Central Time 636-527-3877
• After hours 314-995-1342
• Engineering
• Training
• Testing
Contact us for more information on Services:
• Phone: 636-207-3294
• E-mail:
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