RADICALISATION AWARENESS NETWORK ('RAN') RULES OF PROCEDURES Section I. (1) MEMBERSHIP AND PARTICIPATION MEMBERS Article 1 The admission of new members to the RAN shall be decided by the Steering Committee by unanimity. Article 2 An eligible organisation/network shall: (a) be based in the EU/EEA country; (b) be a formally established group/entity. Existing umbrella organisations would be the most suitable candidates for membership, however the applications will be considered on a case by case basis; (c) be committed to the respect of EU principles and fundamental rights as well as of the RAN Charter; (d) have a proven activity record in the field of preventing violent radicalisation and extremism or demonstrate potential to contribute to the objectives of the RAN and interest in this field. Article 3 There shall be no limit to the number of members. However, feasibility of smooth functioning of working groups and funding available should be taken into account by the Steering Committee when deciding on additional members. Where an umbrella organisation exists and is a RAN member, its member networks/organisations should not duplicate membership in RAN and should be involved through that umbrella organisation in the first place. Article 4 A list of member organisations/networks shall be produced by the technical assistance and support to the RAN ('RAN-TAS') and shall be visible and accessible via the online platform once created. Article 5 Decentralised, local and regional authorities are not expected to become members on their own right, but can be involved through the Committee of Regions and other existing member networks/organisations. They could participate in the working groups in line with Article 7 below. Article 6 Membership can be ended by: (2) (a) resignation by the member; (b) exclusion of a member by the decision taken by the Steering Committee if it is found that it has breached EU principles and fundamental rights or have not respected their commitments towards the RAN or for other justified reasons. (c) An organisation/network which is no longer a member of the RAN shall not be entitled to any rights linked to the RAN, such as the use of relevant visual or textual materials. PARTICIPANTS Article 7 Depending on the needs, RAN in general and working groups in particular may draw upon the experience and expertise of given organisations and practitioners, hereinafter called 'participants' of the RAN. (a) The participants of the RAN shall have a proven activity record in the field of preventing violent radicalisation and extremism or demonstrate potential to contribute to the objectives of the RAN and interest in this field. Organisations affiliated to an umbrella organisation are potential participants. (b) The participants of the RAN shall be excluded by their respective working group if it is found that they have breached the EU principles and fundamental rights or have not respected their commitments towards the RAN or for other justified reasons. (c) A former participant of the RAN shall not exercise any rights linked to the RAN, such as the use of relevant visual or textual materials. Section II. WORKING GROUPS Article 8 Working groups can be formed on the basis of type of actors involved or specific topics identified by the Steering Committee. Each working group shall involve members of at least three different Member States. Each working group shall meet at least twice a year. Article 9 Each working group shall appoint a leader from among their members. Their role shall be: (a) contribution to development of the strategic vision of the RAN and its working groups; (b) reaching out to and mapping potential RAN members; (c) steering the delivery of working groups' results including shaping of agenda of working groups in conjunction with the RAN-TAS; (d) acting as a contact point for the RAN-TAS and the Commission; (e) encouraging the exchange of experiences and lessons learnt; 2 (f) organising, with support from RAN-TAS, meetings of a working group; (g) ensuring that the working group members/participants' input complies with the principles as set out in the RAN Charter; (h) representing the RAN and reaching out the relevant international organisations with the agreement of the Steering Committee. Article 10 Working groups leaders shall be selected and appointed on a voluntary basis by working groups and endorsed by the Steering Committee. Article 11 The role of working group leader shall be assigned to a member organisation/network of the RAN. This organisation/network shall nominate or confirm a person to represent it in the working group and in the Steering Committee meetings. Article 12 Working groups shall decide on changes in their working group leaders in accordance with procedure outlined in Articles 10 and 11. The changes should be endorsed by the Steering Committee. Article 13 The initiation of activity of the existing group shall be coordinated within the working group leader-Steering Committee-RAN-TAS triangle. Article 14 Decisions on setting up either thematic or actors-based working group shall be made by the Steering Committee and confirmed by the Commission (in line with the decision making procedure of the Steering Committee) on a proposal by the Steering Committee or the working group leader. Article 15 The working language(s) of each working group shall be decided among its members. In case no language is specified English is deemed to be the standard working language used. If a language other than English is used during the activities of a working group, the working group shall ensure that its deliverables e.g. reports, recommendations, manuals, etc. are also available in English. In case of lengthy documents at least a summary in English shall be available and possibilities of translation in case of interest shall be considered. Article 16 Each working group shall produce at least an annual activity report and work plan. The activity report shall include recommendations on how to proceed in a given subject area. Preferable form of these recommendations would be lessons learned on the issue defined. Article 17 A working group can be dissolved: (a) Upon the decision of the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee shall assess the past performance of working groups and their annual working plans in this respect. (b) When its defined objectives have been accomplished. (c) Upon decision of its members. This decision shall be endorsed by the Steering Committee. 3 Section III. STEERING COMMITTEE AND ADVISORY GROUP (1) STEERING COMMITTEE Article 18 The Steering Committee shall be made up of the Commission, working groups' leaders and the Committee of Regions. It shall meet at least once per year and shall be chaired by the Commission. Secretariat functions shall be provided by the RAN-TAS. Article 19 Objectives and tasks of the Steering Committee are to: (a) elaborate of the RAN internal rules of procedures, including the working language, and on the general conditions on membership and participation in the RAN; (b) ensure the proper functioning of the RAN in accordance with its rules of procedures, including deciding on the practical organisation of the working groups; (c) decide on membership in the RAN; (d) elaborate an annual work programme of the RAN including the planning of meetings of working groups; (e) ensure the delivery of the RAN's work programme; (f) draft and adopt an annual activity report of the RAN's activities; (g) adopt and decide on amendments of the Rules of Procedures. Article 20 The Steering Committee shall be chaired by the Commission with a veto and stalemate-breaking rights. Article 21 A list of members of the Steering Committee shall be kept and regularly updated by the RAN-TAS. Article 22 Membership in the Steering Committee shall be linked to the active status of a Working Group Leader. Article 23 The Steering Committee shall meet at least once per year. Requests for additional sessions can be made by the Commission or at least three members of the Steering Committee other than the Commission. Article 24 Voting arrangements of the Steering Committee are as follows: (a) As regards membership, the Steering Committee shall decide by unanimity of its members. (b) As regards all other issues, the Steering Committee will endeavour to decide by consensus. If consensus cannot be reached, the decision will be made by a 2/3 majority of members present with the Commission having a veto right. 4 (c) No quorum shall be necessary for the Steering Committee decisions to be binding. (d) Members of the Steering Committee not present in its meeting may delegate their vote to a duly authorized representative. Article 25 The Steering Committee may decide to agree on certain issues by written procedure. Draft decisions will be circulated electronically. Members will be asked to submit any objections in writing within specified deadline. If no objections are received, the decision shall be adopted. The provisions of Article 24 apply. Article 26 The venue and timing of Steering Committee sessions and their frequency during the initial twelve months will be decided by the Commission. In principle they should take place in Brussels. Article 27 The agenda of the Steering Committee meetings shall be drafted and distributed by the RAN-TAS under the directions given by the Steering Committee. (2) ADVISORY GROUP Article 28 During the initial twelve months since the RAN inauguration, the Steering Committee may seek advice for the RAN set up and related decisions from high level experts reputable in the field. Article 29 Members of the advisory group may take part in the Steering Committee meetings without the right to take decisions. Article 30 A list of members of the Advisory Group shall be kept and regularly updated by the RAN-TAS. 5