How to Take a Quiz - University of Calgary Continuing Education

How to Take a Quiz
You may be required to take a D2L quiz. Quizzes are typically available for a limited time
These instructions explain how to complete a D2L quiz:
Step 1: In the Red Navigation Bar, click Assessments. In the dropdown menu, select Quizzes.
Step 2: Click the name of the quiz.
Step 3: Carefully review Quiz Information
Step 4: When ready, click Start Quiz
Step 5: Click OK to confirm.
Step 6: Provide a response to all questions. If two questions seem similar, choose the best
answer. Save the response at the end of the quiz.
Step 7: To review or change a quiz response, click the question number in the Questions List
Step 8: After completing all quiz questions, click Save All Responses. Then Go to Submit Quiz
Step 9: Click Submit Quiz to confirm.
Step 10: Your instructor may release the correct answers after the quiz is submitted. This page
opens immediately after submitting the quiz.
Overall Grade: Scroll to the bottom of the page. Your overall grade is in the bottom right
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