Journal of General Virology (1993), 74, 519-523. Printedin Great Britain 519 Molecular evidence that epizootic Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) I-AB viruses are not evolutionary derivatives of enzootic VEE subtype I-E or II viruses Judith M . Sneider, Richard M . Kinney, Kiyotaka R. Tsuchiya and Dennis W. Trent* Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases, National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-2087, U.S.A. Enzootic strains of Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus occur in the United States (Florida), Mexico, Central America and South America. Epizootic VEE first occurred in North and Central America in a widespread outbreak between 1969 and 1972. To investigate the likelihood that this epizootic VEE virus, identified as VEE antigenic subtype I-AB, evolved from enzootic viruses extant in the region, we cloned and sequenced the 26S mRNA region of the genomes of the Florida VEE subtype II virus, strain Everglades Fe3-7c, and the Middle American subtype I-E virus, strain Mena II. This region of the genome encodes the viral structural proteins. The sequences of the 26S mRNA regions of the Everglades and Mena virus genomes differed from that of the reference epizootic VEE subtype I-AB virus, Trinidad donkey strain, by 453 and 887 nucleotides and by 66 and 131 amino acids, respectively. These data confirm previous reports demonstrating significant antigenic and genetic distance between VEE I-AB virus and viruses of subtypes I-E and II. It is unlikely that the epizootic VEE I-AB virus responsible for the 1969 outbreak originated from mutation of enzootic VEE viruses in North or Middle America. Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus is a mosquito-borne alphavirus (Togaviridae family) that has caused sporadic outbreaks of encephalitis in equine species and humans in the Americas. The antigenically defined complex of VEE viruses consists of six subtypes. Subtypes I and III are further subdivided into five (AB, C, D, E, F) and three (A, B, C) variants, respectively (Young & Johnson, 1969; France et al., 1979; Kinney et al., 1983 ; Calisher et al., 1982, 1985). Epizootic strains of VEE virus, which have been isolated only during VEE outbreaks, have consistently been subtype I-AB or I-C viruses. Enzootic VEE viruses, which are maintained by transmission between wild rodents and Culex (subgenus Melanoconion) species mosquitoes, are avirulent for equine animals (Young & Johnson, 1969; Johnson & Martin, 1974, Sudia & Newhouse, 1975; Walton & Johnson, 1972; Walton et al., 1973). An enzootic source of equine-virulent, epizootic VEE virus has not been identified. Before 1969, VEE epizootics were limited to South America, predominantly Venezuela and Colombia (Groot, 1972). In the spring of 1969, an outbreak of VEE I-AB virus occurred in Ecuador. Between 1969 and 1971 this epizootic spread to Central America, Mexico and the United States (Texas). The mechanism of viral spread from Ecuador to Guatemala and E1 Salvador in 1969, from where it continued to advance, has remained an enigma, since Panama was not involved in the outbreak and epizootic VEE virus was not isolated in Panama despite intensive surveillance. There is not irrefutable evidence of epizootic VEE virus in Central America or Mexico prior to 1969 (Franck & Johnson, 1971 ; Walton & Johnson, 1972). To investigate the likelihood that VEE viruses maintained in enzootic foci north of South America might have been the source of the 1969 to 1972 epizootic I-AB virus, we cloned and sequenced the 26S mRNA region of the genomes of VEE subtype II virus, strain Everglades Fe3-7c (EVE), and subtype I-E virus, strain Mena II (MENA). The 26S mRNA of alphaviruses is identical to the Y one-third portion of the genomic mRNA and encodes the viral structural proteins, which are processed from a polyprotein precursor (NH2-capsid-E3-E26K-E1-COOH) (Strauss & Strauss, 1986). The nucleocapsid protein and E1 and E2 envelope glycoproteins are incorporated into VEE virions. VEE subtype II virus is endemic in the Everglades region of Florida, U.S.A. where Seminole Indians have shown a high prevalence of The nucleotidesequencesreportedhave beensubmittedto GenBank and assigned the accession numbers L01442 (TRD virus), L04598 (EVE virus) and L04599(MENA virus). 0001-1228 © 1993SGM Downloaded from by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 03:09:07 520 Short communication anti-VEE (subtype II) antibodies (Work, 1964; Chamberlain et al., 1964, 1969). EVE virus was isolated in 1963 from a pool of Culex (subgenus Melanoconion) species mosquitoes collected in Everglades National Park, Fla (Chamberlain et al., 1964). VEE subtype I-E virus is endemic in Mexico and throughout Central America, including western Panama (Grayson & Galindo, 1968; de Mucha-Macias et al., 1966; Causey et al., 1961; Scherer et al., 1972). MENA virus is a 1962 human isolate from Almirante, Panama (Grayson & Galindo, 1968; Jahrling & Eddy, 1977). Sequences of the structural genes of EVE and MENA viruses were compared to those of the epizootic I-AB virus, strain Trinidad donkey (TRD) (Kinney et al., 1986, 1989), which is an equine isolate from the 1943 VEE epizootic in Trinidad (Randall & Mills, 1944). All three viruses were plaque-purified in Vero cell monolayers (France et al., 1979). The passage histories of stock seed viruses used, including plaque purifications, were SM-4/Vero-6 for EVE virus, SM-3/Vero-7 for MENA virus and GP-1/Vero-6 for TRD virus (where SM denotes suckling mouse brain and GP is guinea-pig brain). Nucleotide sequence analysis of virus cDNA was performed as previously described (Kinney et al., 1986, 1989). Sequence compressions were resolved by substituting dITP for dGTP in sequencing reactions (Sequenase sequencing kit, United States Biochemical Corporation). Nucleotide differences in EVE virus, but not in MENA virus, that resulted in amino acid substitutions relative to the sequence of TRD virus were confirmed on an independent cDNA clone. Nucleotide sequences of the TRD virus genome and the 26S mRNA region of the genomes of EVE and MENA viruses were determined. Following alignment, the sequence of the 26S mRNA region of TRD virus differed by 453 (11"6%) and 887 (22.6%) nucleotides from those of EVE and MENA viruses, respectively. Although the sequences of EVE and MENA viruses shared 166 identical nucleotide substitutions as compared to TRD virus, they differed from each other by 897 nucleotides (22"9%). Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of the structural polyprotein precursors encoded by the genomes of VEE TRD, EVE and MENA viruses is shown in Fig. 1. The polyprotein precursors of EVE and MENA viruses differed by 66 (5"3%) and 131 (10.4%) amino acids, respectively, from that of TRD virus; they differed from each other by 145 (11.6%) residues and shared 20 identical amino acid substitutions. Sequence variation among the capsid proteins was greatest in the highly hydrophilic domain (stippled bar in Fig. 1). Sequences of the amino-terminal one-third portion of the capsid proteins of alphaviruses are highly variable (Dalgarno et al., 1983). A Cys (TRD)-to-Ser substitution occurred at TRD capsid amino acid position 272 in the capsid-E3 cleavage site of MENA virus. A Ser or Thr residue also occurs at this position in the capsid proteins of alphaviruses eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) (Chang & Trent, 1987), western equine encephalitis (WEE) (Hahn et al., 1988), Sindbis (SIN) (Rice & Strauss, 1981), Semliki Forest (SF) (Garoff et al., 1980), Ross River (RR) (Dalgarno et al., 1983), and O'nyongnyong (ONN) (Levinson et al., 1990) (data not shown). The pE2 (E3-E2) cleavage site of MENA virus had a Lys (TRD)-to-Gly substitution at position E3-57. The E2 envelope glycoproteins of EVE and MENA viruses differed from that of TRD virus by 32 (7.6 %) and 49 (11'6%) residues, respectively. Ten identical substitutions, including E2-57 Ser (TRD)-to-Pro and E2-75 Lys-to-Glu, occurred in both EVE and MENA viruses. The E2-150 Ala (TRD)-to-Pro substitution in MENA virus also occurs in EEE, SIN, SF, RR and ONN viruses (data not shown). EVE and MENA viruses both lost a potential Ash-linked glycosylation site (N-X-S or T, where X denotes any amino acid) present at TRD virus E2-291 or E2-212, respectively. Although the absence of a carbohydrate moiety explains the lower apparent Mr of the MENA virus E2 glycoprotein relative to TRD virus E2 as observed by gel electrophoresis (France et al., 1979; Wiebe & Scherer, 1980), the E2 glycoprotein of EVE virus is nearly identical in size to that of TRD virus (France et al., 1979; Kinney et al., 1983). Since all three potential sites of glycosylation in TRD virus E2 appear to contain carbohydrate (Mecham & Trent, 1982), we are unable to explain the M r similarity between TRD and EVE virus E2 proteins. EVE and MENA virus E1 glycoproteins differed from TRD virus E1 by 14 (3"2%) and 34 (7'7 %) amino acids, respectively. Five identical amino acid substitutions, including a Ser (TRD)-to-Asn change at El-9, occurred in EVE and MENA virus E1 proteins. The El-9 Ser (TRD)-to-Asn substitution in EVE and MENA viruses and the El-14 Ser (TRD)-to-Pro substitution in MENA virus also occur in the E1 proteins of EEE, WEE, SIN, SF, RR and ONN viruses (data not shown). Variations in the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the structural proteins of VEE subtype I-AB, I-E and II viruses confirm relationships previously demonstrated by antigen analysis (Young & Johnson, 1969; France et al., 1979), tryptic peptide mapping (Kinney & Trent, 1982) and oligonucleotide fingerprinting of genomic RNA (Trent et al., 1979). Mutations in monoclonal antibody neutralization escape variants of SIN (Strauss et at., 1987, 1990; Davis et al., 1987) and VEE (Johnson et al., 1990) viruses map between E2 amino acid positions 182 and 209, and attenuating mutations in this domain of VEE virus have been identified (Johnson et al., 1990; Davis et al., 1991). Amino acid substitutions that occur Downloaded from by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 03:09:07 Short communication 521 C TRD EVE NENA TRD EVE MENA ~T! PFQRqY~4~PYRNPFjL4PRRPWFPRTDPFLN~Vi~ELTRS#~NLTFX~RRDAPPEr:`PsAK~(PKKEASQKQKGGGQGKKKKNQGKK~KTGPPNPK ....................................................... |...Y .......... F.......................... G. . . . . . V ..... A ............. C P...$.R..P...-R...R ..... E ........... P...K..DT..QGGRNQN .... NKLV...K ..... AQNGNKKKTMKKPGKRQRNVI4KLESDKT FP I NLEGK l NGYACWGGKL FRPI4HVEGKI DNDVLAALKTKKASKYDLEYADVPQNHRADT L. PQ. FKYT HEKPOGY T ................................................................................................... T-..G...V ........................ D.R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 99 98 C - 99 C - C -199 - 198 C -198 C L ........... SS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ................ p E3 * [ TRD EVE NENA YSWHHGAVQYENGRFTVPKGVGAKGDSGRP l LDNQGRWA l VLGGVNEGSRTAL SWI~MEKGVTVKYTPENCEQI SLVTTNCLLANVT FPCAOPP I CY .................. R.... R........................................................................... .,.. ......................................................... T .............. S...| .. .............. S ...... E 3 - 23 E 3 - 23 E 3 - 23 TRD EVE MENA DRKPAETLANLSVNVDNPGYOE L LEAAVKCPGRKR EL FKEYKLTRPYNARC I RCAVGSCHSPIA ] EAVKSDGHDGYVRLQTSSQYGLDSSGNLKG ............ A ........... K...T ........................... V .................................... P ..... S ........ S...H,I ........... VL . . . . . G K . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R.E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P ...... E2- 63 E 2 - 63 E Z - 63 TRD EVE NENA RTNRYDNHGT l KE I PLHQVSLHTSRPCH I VDGHGY FLLARCPAGOS i TNEFKKDSVT HSCSVPYEVKFNPVGRELYTHPPEHGVErJACQVYAHDAQNRGA ..... N.Y...E ....................................................................... A ................ ........... E ................. I ....................... E ............................. A..P.H ........... E2-163 E2-163 E2-16] TRD EVE NENA YVE•tiLPGSEVD•sL•SL•GSS•T••PPVGTSALVE•EC•GTK•S•T•NKTKQFS•CTKKE•CRAYRLQ•DK1•NYNSDKLPKAAGATLKGKLHVPFLLAD E2-263 E2-263 E2-263 ................... ............. SGL.S . . . . T.L.T ..... H.... A .......... S..T..K A.Q.V ................ • ...................................................... SA..Y...S.TA ...... T ................. E .......... V.TE W t I . TRO EVE NENA GKCTVPLAPEPNI T FGFRSVSLKLHPKNPTYLTTRQLADEPHYTHEL l SEPAVRNFTVTEKGVEFV~GNHPPKR F;/AQETAPGNPHGLPHEVI THYYHRY ........................... Y ....... E ............... S .... S..A ................................. V ...... A .......... I .................. F...... DG..A ...... TN.V .... S ............... (].Y.S ....................... E2-363 E2-363 E2-363 TRD EVE NENA II |111 • PHST I LGLSI CAAIATVSVAAST~LFCRSRVACLTPYRLTPNAR l PFCLAVLCCARTARA~ ETTWESLDHL~NNNOQNFWI QLL I PLAAL I WTRLLRCV ..... T ........ VA..[ ...... L . . . . AS . . . . . . . . . . . IOi.L . . . . . . . . . S ....................... T ................ K.H .............. V.T.I...V .... K..IS ............ N.L ............. | ............ H...... S ........... A .... K.. 6K- 39 6K- 39 6K- 39 .i p E1 TRD EVE NENA CCWPFLW4AGAAGAG~Y£HATTNPS~AG~SYNT~NRAG~APL~S~TPTK~KLIPTVNLEYVTCHYKTGHD~PA~KCCG~QECTPTYRP~EQCKVFT S 82 82 E1-- 82 TRD EVE NENA GVYPFNWGGAYCFCDTENTQVSKAYVNKSDOCLADHAEAYKAHTASVQAFLN I TVGEHS l VTTVYVNGETPVN FNGVKLTAGPLSTA~TPFDRKI VQYAG .................... I ........ E ....... A ........... L ......... T ........................................ .................... I ..... T,.E..VT...Q .................. G,,TTAV ......................... S..,K ....... E1-182 E1-182 El-18Z TRD EVE HENA E [ YNYDFPEYGAGQPGAFGD I OSR TVSSSDL YANTNLVL~RPKAGA ] HVPYTQAt)SGFE~;/KKDKAPSL El-ESZ E1-282 E1-282 TRD EVE NENA PDALFTRVSETPTLSAAECTLNECVYSSDFGG IATVKYSASKSGKCAVHVPSGTATLKEAAVELTEOGSAT I HFSTA~ I HPEFRLQI CTSYVI"CKGDCHP ............................................................ S...A .... V .................... F ......... ............... T ................................................ A ............ S ...................... TRD EVE NENA PKDH I VTHPQYHAQT FTAAVSKTAWTMLTSLLGGSAV [ ] [ [ GLVLAT [ VAHYVL1;NQKHN ............................................... L ............ .............. S ..................... l ....................... ........ V .............m .... N................................................. ........ V... NmV..P V .... ~ ........ ...................... ............. ................. T ...................... Y . Q. Y . . . . . . . . . . I ................. T...S ............ A KF TAPFGCE !YTNP] RAENCAVGS]PLAFD ! L ............................................................................. HA . . . . . . . A..I • .... V .......................... Y ....... P .................................. ElEl- E1-382 E1 -'~82 E1-382 m E1-442 E1-442 E1-4/*2 Fig. l. Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of the translated regions of the 26S mRNAs of VEE TED, EVE and MENA viruses. Deletions (-) have been introduced in the EVE and MENA capsid (C) proteins to optimize alignment. Solid dots indicate amino acid sequence identity with TRD virus. Asterisks (*) indicate the potential Ash-linked glycosylation sites (N-X-S or T, where X denotes any amino acid) of TRD virus. The stippled bar indicates the highly hydrophilic region of the capsid protein and the solid bars indicate probable transmembrane domains as predicted by the algorithm of Kyte & Doolittle (1982). A correction to the previously published TRD sequence (Kinney et al., 1989), an insertion of a Gly residue (!) near the carboxyl end of the 6K polypeptide, is shown. Downloaded from by IP: On: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 03:09:07 522 Short communication within or near this domain of the E2 proteins of both EVE and MENA viruses probably account for much of their differential antigenicity in polyvalent (Young & Johnson, 1969; France et al., 1979) and monoclonal (Roehrig et al., 1982; Roehrig & Mathews, 1985) antibody analyses. Other E1 and E2 amino acid substitutions, including those which result in the loss of a potential site of glycosylation, as well as altered cleavage sites in the viral structural polyprotein precursor, may also affect the biological phenotypes of EVE and MENA viruses. The 26S mRNAs of EVE and MENA viruses differed considerably from that of TRD virus in nucleotide sequence. The MENA strain of VEE subtype I-E virus that occurs in Mexico and Central America, the region predominantly affected by the 1969 to 1972 VEE epizootic, differed from TRD virus at nearly one-fourth of the 26S mRNA nucleotide positions. It is unlikely that the VEE I-AB virus of the 1969 to 1972 epizootic originated from enzootic subtype I-E or II virus. The literature indicates that evolution of new world alphaviruses is quite slow (Weaver et al., 1992a). Since the epizootic virus responsible for this widespread outbreak appeared to have originated in Ecuador in 1969, it is possible that the virus arose by mutation of the more closely related enzootic VEE subtype I-D virus that occurs in South America. Rico-Hesse et al. (1988), Weaver et al. (1992b) and Kinney et al. (1992a) have reported genetic evidence indicating that epizootic VEE virus most likely evolved from enzootic VEE subtype ID virus. We have identified 225 nucleotide and 23 amino acid substitutions in the 26S mRNA region of the Panamanian 3880 strain of VEE subtype I-D virus, relative to that of TRD virus (Kinney et al., 1992a). Young (1972), who noted the distinctness of epizootic I-AB and enzootic I-E viruses, speculated that the epizootic virus originated from formalin-inactivated I-AB vaccine. Epizootic VEE subtype I-AB viruses TRD, PTF-39 (a 1969 isolate from Guatemala) and several 1971 isolates from Texas were nearly identical genetically as shown by oligonucleotide fingerprinting of genomic RNAs (Trent et al., 1979; Monath et al., 1992). The entire genome of an epizootic VEE I-AB isolate, strain 71-180, from the 1971 epizootic in Texas has been sequenced. The genome of this isolate differed from that of TRD virus, isolated in 1943, by only 34 nucleotides, 19 of which occurred in the 26S m R N A region of the genome (Kinney et al., 1992b). Since formaldehydeinactivated preparations of virulent VEE I-AB virus, including the TRD strain, were widely used as VEE vaccine in the field (Kubes & Rios, 1939; Beck & Wyckoff, 1938; Randall et al., 1949), we consider the most likely aetiology of the 1969 to 1972 panzootic, and perhaps other epizootics of VEE I-AB virus, to have been residual live virus in incompletely inactivated formalin preparations of equine virulent, epizootic VEE I-AB virus. This research was supported by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland 21701, U.S.A. Contract Number 87PP7876. References BECK, C.E. & WYCKOFF,R. W. G. (1938). Venezuelan encephalitis. Science 88, 530. CALISta~R,C. H., K ~ , R. M., DE SOUZALOPES,O., TRENT, D. W., MONATH, T.P. & FRANCY, D.B. (1982). Identification of a new Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus from Brazil. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 31, 1260-1272. CALISHER,C. H., MONATH,T. P., MITCHELL,C. 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