The Reference in Single Source CT

The Reference in Single Source CT
SOMATOM Definition Edge
International version. Not for distribution in the US.
Answers for life.
SOMATOM Definition Edge
The Reference in Single Source CT
SOMATOM Definition Edge
The Reference in Single Source CT
For decades, Siemens has been the undisputed innovation leader in highend CT imaging. However, the clinical need to continuously improve image
quality persists. Therefore, Siemens designed the SOMATOM Definition
Edge with the revolutionary Stellar Detector – the first fully integrated
detector that significantly reduces electronic noise. This takes CT imaging
where it has never gone before.
The uniqueness of the Stellar Detector allows the SOMATOM Definition
Edge to generate ultra-thin slices, thus further improving spatial resolution
in CT. It can visualize even finest image details and thus significantly
enhances, for example, calcified plaque and stent analysis. It lets you see
what was previously unseen.
The combination of the reduced noise level of the Stellar Detector and
SAFIRE*, Siemens’ raw-data-based interactive reconstruction, is the
perfect match for ultra-low dose imaging. Together, they eliminate
the contradiction between outstanding image quality and low dose.
Physicians get more diagnostic quality at less patient radiation.
Finally, Dual Energy becomes truly suitable for single source CT imaging.
With the novel capabilities of the Stellar Detector and the only doseoptimized single source DE scan mode, the SOMATOM Definition Edge
makes it possible to add tissue characteristics to morphology. With this,
formerly unspecific morphology can now be specified for a higher level
of diagnostic information. With these unrivaled features, the SOMATOM
Definition Edge enters new frontiers in medical imaging and becomes
The Reference in Single Source CT.
*In clinical practice, the use of SAFIRE may reduce CT patient dose depending on the clinical task, patient size, anatomical
location, and clinical practice. A consultation with a radiologist and a physicist should be made to determine the appropriate
dose to obtain diagnostic image quality for the particular clinical task.
Product Benefits
See the Unseen
Get More from Less
Specify the Unspecific
Added Benefits of syngo.via14
Clinical Images
Core Technologies
Edge Technology
TrueSignal Technology
Technical Information
Customer Services
Specifications 43
Product Benefits
See the Unseen
The SOMATOM Definition Edge is the reference in single source CT with out­
standing image quality at high temporal resolution and high acquisition speed.
Unprecedented spatial resolution
The SOMATOM Definition Edge is equipped
with the Stellar Detector and the STRATON®
tube with z-Sharp™ Technology. This
combination is the key to increasing spatial
resolution. Using a flying focal spot with
two distinct X-ray beams, z-Sharp acquires
two individual, overlapping slices. The Stellar
Detector delivers slices with a thickness
of 0.5 mm, resulting in a routine spatial
resolution of up to 0.30 mm, which is
equivalent to approximately 18.2 lp/cm.
Uncompromised temporal resolution
The new SOMATOM Definition Edge gantry
has a rotation speed of 0.28 s. Combining
this speed with the Stellar Detector and the
STRATON tube, the scanner is able to achieve
an outstanding temporal resolution of
142 ms. This makes it for ideal imaging with
significantly reduced artifacts. At the same
time, it can utilize the spatial resolution of
up to 0.30 mm within the entire FoV of up
to 500 mm. This is performance dedicated
to outstanding clinical imaging.
The STRATON tube and the
newly designed gantry enable
high spatial resolution even at
an acquisition speed of up to
230 mm/s. This takes motion
out of the equation.
The Stellar Detector puts the
SOMATOM Definition Edge in a
class of its own with a routine
spatial resolution of up to
0.30 mm, allowing visualizations
of very fine structures or lesions.
Unparalleled acquisition speed
High acquisition speed with high spatial
resolution is essential in acute care scenarios
because providing diagnosis within the
‘golden hour’ mandates the precise
localization and identification of critical
injuries. The challenge for CT is to reduce
motion artifacts when unconscious or
uncooperative patients have to be scanned
quickly. SOMATOM Definition Edge rises
to the challenge with an acquisition speed
of up to 230 mm/s at a spatial resolution
of 0.30 mm.
High-pitch high-resolution CT
Increasing spatial resolution beyond the
actual width of a detector row requires
overlapping slices. For conventional CT
systems, this means reducing pitch to
facilitate the slice overlap. For scans
requiring high pitch, the missing overlap
then reduces spatial resolution. With
z-Sharp, however, the overlap is achieved
by acquiring two distinct projections.
Consequently, the two slices overlap
independently of the used pitch and can
always provide highest resolution.
Get More from Less
The SOMATOM Definition Edge is the reference in low signal imaging
with optimized dose efficiency – essential for bariatric examinations
or iterative reconstruction.
Optimized low-signal imaging
There are various reasons for scanning
with low signals. For example, bariatric
patients can cause strong attenuation.
Reducing dose can also cause low signals.
Many recent innovations, especially
iterative reconstruction solutions, reflect
this. It is therefore a logical step to
introduce a detector that is specially
optimized for low-signal imaging: the
Stellar Detector with TrueSignal Technology.
Optimized bariatric imaging
In a growing number of countries, a large
portion of the population is considered
obese. The SOMATOM Definition Edge
answers the challenge of bariatric imaging
with a 78 cm gantry bore and a table load
capacity of more than 307 kg. And, of
course, there is the outstanding image
quality delivered by the new Stellar Detector
with TrueSignal Technology.
Dose reduction in cardiac CT
ECG Pulsing
Optimized imaging at the right dose
Iterative reconstruction allows significant
improvements in image quality in terms of
contrast and noise. It can be used to acquire
data at lower dose and then maintain the
image quality during the reconstruction.
SAFIRE (Sinogram Affirmed Iterative
Reconstruction) uses this approach to
enable a dose reduction of up to 60%*.
The unique low signal capabilities of the
Stellar Detector optimize image quality,
resulting in even higher sharpness and
clarity despite the reduced dose.
Comprehensive dose protection
In the mid-1990s, Siemens introduced its
CARE philosophy following the ALARA
(As Low As Reasonably Achievable)
principle. The idea has been to utilize every
means available to reduce patient exposure.
Siemens is the only vendor to offer a dose
protection portfolio that optimizes the
scan according to all relevant parameters.
From patient size to examination type, from
mA to kV, and from scan preparation to
data evaluation – everything is taken into
Dose Shield
Exemplary dose reduction in
cardiac CT. Each application
is designed to contribute to
dose reduction during every
step of the examination
process resulting in an absolute
minimum exposure.
Optimized patient-centric imaging
With CARE Dose4D™, Siemens offers a
unique solution that actively modulates the
tube current to the patient’s anatomy in real
time. Additionally, CARE kV automatically
suggests the appropriate kV (the selected
voltage) to optimize the contrast-to-noise
ratio of the image while limiting the
applied dose. CARE kV takes both the
patient’s body type and the examination
type (non-contrast, bone, soft tissue,
vascular) into consideration.
*In clinical practice, the use of SAFIRE may reduce CT patient dose depending on the clinical task, patient size, anatomical location, and clinical practice. A consultation with a radiologist
and a physicist should be made to determine the appropriate dose to obtain diagnostic image quality for the particular clinical task. The following test method was used to determine
a 4 to 60% dose reduction when using the SAFIRE reconstruction software. Noise, CT numbers, homogeneity, low-contrast resolution and high contrast resolution were assessed in a
Gammex 438 phantom. Low dose data reconstructed with SAFIRE showed the same image quality compared to full dose data based on this test. Data on file.
Specify the Unspecific
Enhanced low kV image quality makes the SOMATOM Definition Edge the
reference in functional imaging for Single Source Dual Energy examinations.
Routine-ready Single Source Dual Energy
Siemens’ pioneering application development has allowed CT to expand into
new clinical fields. The introduction of
Dual Energy (DE) imaging has added
tissue characterization to morphology.
Thanks to a combination of routine-ready
scan modes and enhanced low-kV image
quality at low dose, the SOMATOM
Definition Edge brings these new
applications to everyday clinical practice.
Calculi characterization*
in clinical routine
Many people in developed countries suffer
from urinary stone disease. The imaging
modality of choice for urinary stone disease
is a low-dose, non-contrast CT scan. It is
very easy to perform, does not require
intravenous contrast and covers the entire
abdomen and pelvis. The essential benefit
in the diagnosis with Dual Energy CT is
that the stone type can be identified.
Functional imaging, e.g. with dual
energy (image 1–3) or perfusion
(image 4) , makes it possible to add
tissue information to morphology
Tissue characterization – Gout
Gout is amongst the most common
inflammatory joint diseases and many
people in the western world are afflicted
by this painful, destructive disease.
With syngo.CT DE Gout*, a non-invasive
assessment of gout is feasible. The
algorithm color codes different attenuation
values, so that the uric acid produced by
the disease is directly verified, confirming
the definite diagnosis of gout.
Routine-ready metal artifact reduction
Metal artifacts pose severe difficulties in
CT imaging due to the resulting artifacts.
Single Source Dual Energy now offers a
solution. The unique Stellar Detector in the
SOMATOM Definition Edge is specifically
optimized to handle low kV signals with
HiDynamics. And syngo.CT DE Monoener­
getic Imaging* enables the minimization
of metal artifacts by specifically selecting
keV levels at which the metal objects have
least impact on image quality.
Routine-ready dynamic imaging
Stroke is one of the three most frequent
causes of death worldwide. In the diagnosis
and treatment of stroke cases, time is of
the essence. With the Adaptive 4D Spiral,
Siemens has introduced a scan mode that
performs perfusion evaluations beyond the
limitations of a static detector. In addition,
the SOMATOM Definition Edge, with
the Stellar Detector and HiDynamics, is
the perfect choice for the acquisition of
dynamic datasets, typically done at low
kV levels.
Perfusion information is crucial
in many clinical fields such as
stroke or tumor assessments.
The Adaptive 4D Spiral is key to
making these exams ready for
clinical practice.
*The product is pending 510(k) clearance and is not yet commercially available in the United States.
Added Benefits
of syngo.via
Regardless of volume or disease, syngo.via helps prepare cases, eases interdisciplinary collaboration, and helps generate a faster and more reliable diagnosis.
syngo®.via for sustainable care
As the number of chronic disease patients
rises, the demand for high-quality, efficient
care is increasing. syngo.via* is Siemens’
state-of-the-art imaging software, creating
an exciting experience in efficiency and
ease of use. syngo.via can help foster
sustainable care by equipping physicians
with workflows and applications for
evaluating images from multiple modalities.
In the case of cardiovascular CT, it enables
a rule-out of coronary artery disease in
less than a minute.
syngo.via helps the physician to analyze the
individual case, prepares images, suggests
an opti-mized workflow, and offers guidance
when needed. For example, when a cardiac
case is opened, the Automated Case
Preparation has already pre-processed the
images and displays them in the appropriate
layout together with adequate evaluation
tools. Evaluation of the coronary vessels,
the functional parameters, and the prepared
calcium score can start immediately.
Image networking
syngo.via speeds up the way users
connect and share information with clinical
partners and patients – even on the go.**
syngo.via’s client-server based nature
supports a smooth, teamwork-like sharing
of tasks, just as it is required in 3D labs
and larger radiology departments. Images
can be shared among multiple users at
once, providing a sound basis for joint
pre-procedural planning.
As soon as the case is opened,
it is ready for review – allowing,
for instance, a quick assessment
of an aortic dissection.
Fast decisions in acute care
CT is the modality of choice when it comes
to diagnostic imaging in acute care
situations – whether it is for a triple rule-out
of acute chest pain, stroke assessment,
poly-trauma, or acute abdominal pain.
The CT Acute Care Engine provides clinical
functionality that delivers decisive results
for all of these challenging indications.
Thanks to automatic pre-processing,
the case is ready for reading as soon as
it is opened.
When every second counts
The software within the CT Acute Care
Engine isolates the heart, provides the
angiography-like display, and also applies
the radiologist’s preferred reading layout.
For the assessment of intra- and extracranial vasculature, the CT Acute Care
Engine provides fully automatic preprocessing of data, including automatic
bone removal. Above all, speed and
dependability add confidence for critical
decisions made against the clock.
Zero-click vessel assessment
The CT Acute Care Engine facilitates
assessment of the aorta and general vessels
by providing a vessel-only view when the
case is opened. The combination with the
automatic side-by-side layouts, e.g. for
displaying both carotid arteries, helps
to better assess and evaluate complex
lesions. In addition, the CT Cardio-Vascular
Engine, CT Neuro Engine, and CT Oncology
Engine offer an impressive range of
advanced applications tailored to many
clinical needs.
* syngo.via can be used as a standalone device or together with a
variety of syngo.via-based software
options which are medical devices
on their own rights. These products
are pending regulatory clearance in
some countries and therefore not
yet commercially available in all
countries. Usage of syngo.via in
operating room or for an emergency
case requires customer to provide
respective emergency measures in
case of non-availability of system or
** Prerequisites include: Internet
connection to clinical network,
DICOM compliance, meeting of
minimum hardware requirements,
and adherence to local data security
Clinical Images
128 x 0.6 mm
scan time:
scan length:
156 mm
rotation time:
0.28 s
tube settings:
80 kV, 129 eff. mAs
heart rate:
59–104 bpm
8.55 mGy
149 mGy cm
eff. dose:
2.08 mSv
Myocardial bridge in the LAD –
higher temporal and spatial
resolution resulting in excellent
image quality at lower dose;
even with arrhythmia at
59–104 bpm
LMU Grosshadern, Munich, Germany
128 x 0.6 mm
scan time:
2.8 s
scan length:
654 mm
rotation time:
0.28 s
tube settings:
100 kV, 67 eff. mAs
2.65 mGy
185 mGy cm
eff. dose:
2.68 mSv
TAVI planning –
fastest single source acquisition
speed at 23 cm/s allows for
visualizing the whole range with
exceptional image quality in
TAVI planning
LMU Grosshadern, Munich, Germany
128 x 0.6 mm
scan time:
2.6 s
scan length:
593 mm
rotation time:
0.28 s
tube settings:
100 kV, 55 eff. mAs
2.17 mGy
138 mGy cm
eff. dose:
1.93 mSv
Aortic dissection –
faster acquisition speed allows
for less breath-hold time in an
acute care scenario
LMU Grosshadern, Munich, Germany
128 x 0.6 mm
scan time:
scan length:
361 mm
rotation time:
0.28 s
tube settings:
100 kV, 72 eff. mAs
2.85 mGy
93 mGy cm
eff. dose:
1.3 mSv
Interstitial lung disease –
higher spatial resolution
showing very detailed structure
of the parenchyma of the lungs
New York University Med Center, New York, USA
128 x 0.6 mm
scan time:
scan length:
416 mm
rotation time:
0.5 s
tube settings:
80 kV, 205 eff. mAs
3.81 mGy
171 mGy cm
eff. dose:
2.57 mSv
Aortic ectasia –
showing the vascular details
and calcified plaques even
in the 4th segment level
Inselspital Bern, Bern, Switzerland
128 x 0.6 mm
scan time:
scan length:
225 mm
rotation time:
0.5 s
tube settings:
100 kV, 266 / 262 / 185 eff. mAs
10.5 / 10.35 / 7.33 mGy
248 / 252 / 335 mGy cm
eff. dose:
3.72 / 3.78 / 5.03 mSv
Three phases liver –
excellent low-contrast resolution
for liver tumor visualization with
great details of the vascular
structures and differentiation
of the soft tissues
LMU Grosshadern, Munich, Germany
128 x 0.6 mm
scan time:
39 s
scan length:
1221 mm
rotation time:
1.0 s
tube settings:
80 kV, 191 mAs
3.55 mGy
446 mGy cm
eff. dose:
2.5 mSv
Angio run off –
faster speed enables long
range acquisition in a short time
with great vascular details
Clinique CIMOP Bizet, Paris, France
128 x 0.6 mm
scan time:
scan length:
146 mm
rotation time:
1.0 s
tube settings:
100 kV, 336 eff. mAs
29.38 mGy
473 mGy cm
eff. dose:
1.89 mSv
Mastoiditis of the left ear –
higher spatial resolution reveals
greater details of the inner ear
Inselspital Bern, Bern, Switzerland
128 x 0.6 mm
scan time:
scan length:
148 mm
rotation time:
1.0 s
tube settings:
120 kV, 290 eff. mAs
41.84 mGy
677 mGy cm
eff. dose:
1.42 mSv
Leukoencephalopathy –
great low contrast resolution
allows for clear demonstration
of multifocal white matter
lucencies in the brain.
Inselspital Bern, Bern, Switzerland
32 x 1.2 mm
scan time:
48 s
scan length:
90 mm
rotation time:
0.28 s
tube settings:
80 kV, 200 eff. mAs
237.49 mGy
2800 mGy cm
eff. dose:
5.88 mSv
Right hemisphere
brain infarction –
volume perfusion with
faster stroke workflow
in acute care situation
LMU Grosshadern, Munich, Germany
128 x 0.6 mm
scan time:
10 / 5 s
scan length:
469 mm
rotation time:
0.5 s
tube settings:
80/140 kV, 127/35 eff. mAs
2.34/3.58 mGy
114.7/175.4 mGy cm
eff. dose:
1.72/2.63 mSv
Left renal stone –
dual energy imaging helps
differentiate the composition
of the kidney stones, thus
supporting the treatment
decision making
LMU Grosshadern, Munich, Germany
128 x 0.6 mm
scan time:
11 s
scan length:
414 mm
rotation time:
0.5 s
tube settings:
80/140 kV, 600/142 eff. mAs
11.07/14.39 mGy
482/629 mGy cm
eff. dose:
7.2/9.4 mSv
Spondylodesis –
higher energy levels
dramatically reduce metal
artifacts using dual energy
acquisition mode
LMU Grosshadern, Munich, Germany
Core Technologies
Edge Technology
The SOMATOM Definition Edge delivers thinner slices for
increased spatial resolution with the unique Stellar Detector.
Thinner slices
Thinner slices deliver more image detail,
but also less light quants per voxel, i.e.
higher image noise. This lowers the signalto-noise ratio. In addition, electronic noise
causes cross-talk, which leads to slice
blurring. Conventional CT compensates
this by increasing dose. Thus, the further
reduction of slice thickness was limited.
Until now.
The Stellar Detector
The Stellar Detector introduces the next
generation in detector technology,
succeeding gas and solid-state technology.
Using nano-technology, it is possible to
miniaturize the electronic components
on the detector elements. For the first time,
it is therefore possible to fully integrate
the detector directly into the photodiode.
This full electronic integration is Siemens'
revolutionary TrueSignal Technology.
Innovation delivers outstanding results
High spatial resolution and high signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) are reliable indicators of
excellent image quality. Together they
describe the image detail level and sharpness that can be made visible while acquiring
diagnostic CT images. In addition, the Stellar
Detector provides a homogeneous slice
profile with the same spatial resolution
and SNR in the entire Field of View (FoV),
which is essential for consistently high
image quality.
focal spot
Conventional Technology
Cross-talk resulting
from slice blurring in a
conventional detector.
Edge Technology minimizes noise
Full electronic integration of the detector
elements minimizes electronic noise and
cross-talk. Without cross-talk, slice blurring
between neighboring detector rows can
be significantly reduced, thus making the
individual slice profile much more precise.
Siemens’ Edge Technology creates an
almost perfect model of the focal spot and
detector, generating a slice thickness of
0.5 mm. With the minimized electronic noise,
0.5 mm constitutes not only a high-res mode
but a standard mode.
Edge Technology
Minimized cross-talk from
the Stellar Detector creates
an almost perfect model of
the focal spot. The result is a
slice thickness of 0.5 mm.
Higher signal-to-noise ratio
Normally, the reduced light quants of a
0.5 mm slice would need compensation.
The TrueSignal Technology of the Stellar
Detector has a new answer to this
challenge: instead of increasing dose,
it makes more efficient use of the initially
available quants per voxel. As the electronic
noise of the detector is minimized, the
overall noise is reduced, so that the quants
contribute to a higher SNR.
Scan to learn
more about
the new
Stellar Detector.
TrueSignal Technology
TrueSignal Technology optimizes dose efficiency and delivers
outstanding image quality at reduced signal level.
TrueSignal Technology raises SNR
Based on the full electronic integration of
the Stellar Detector, TrueSignal Technology
significantly reduces electronic noise.
The resulting SNR is improved for better
utilization of low signals. Low-signal
datasets benefit from increased sharpness
and clarity, as the detector can now
differentiate much better between the signal
of individual voxels and the surrounding
image data.
Comparable noise level at lower signal
At high signal levels, the noise produced
by the Stellar Detector with TrueSignal
Technology is more or less the same as
the one produced by conventional CT
technology. However, when the signal is
lowered – either by high attenuations from
obese or broad shouldered patients, or
by reducing the applied mA – the impact
of TrueSignal Technology increases.
Effective use of low signals
Conventional detectors have a comparatively
high intrinsic noise level that impairs image
quality. The electronic integration of the
Stellar Detector and TrueSignal Technology
lowers the noise level significantly, so that
the available signal can be processed more
efficiently. This means that when there is
high attenuation from very large patients,
the detector can make better use of the
measured low signal.
Definition Edge
40 cm
40 cm fit
Conventional CT
40 cm
40 cm fit
at 200 mA
at 300 mA
at 400 mA
Iterative reconstruction
When using iterative reconstruction
methods, the CT images are retransferred
to raw data after the initial reconstruction.
Comparing this new synthetic raw data
with the acquired data makes it possible to
identify differences. An updated image is
then reconstructed with reduced image
noise but without noticeable loss of
sharpness. This is repeated several times,
reducing image noise incrementally and
correcting geometrical imperfections.
current [mA]
Reduction in mAs at the
same noise level with the
Stellar detector
SAFIRE in clinical routine
Iterative reconstruction allows to reduce mA,
thus lowering the signal at the detector.
Consequently, SAFIRE examinations benefit
from the low-signal advantages of the
Stellar Detector and TrueSignal Technol­
ogy. Combined with the high computational
power of Siemens’ FAST image reconstruction
system (IRS), they enable the use of SAFIRE
in crucial clinical routine scenarios such as
acute care. The result is more benefits for
a larger number of patients.
The HiDynamics scan mode delivers an extended dynamic range for
enhanced image quality in low kV scans and functional CT examinations.
1st scan
80 kV
2nd scan
140 kV
Full dynamic range for more sensitivity
Thanks to full electronic integration, the
Stellar Detector now benefits from an
extended dynamic range instead of having
to switch bandwidth like conventional
detectors. This unique feature is called
HiDynamics. It increases the sensitivity of
the detector for visualizing finer structures,
especially for low kV datasets.
Comparison of the 80 kV Dual
Energy data set (left) with the
140 kV Dual Energy data set
(right) shows: almost identical
image detail level in 80 kV due
to the improvement resulting
from HiDynamics.
Adding functional information
HiDynamics and TrueSignal Technology
thus have clear benefits in functional
imaging applications such as Dual Energy.
After acquiring two consecutive scans at
different kV levels, the two datasets can be
referenced and can then add functional
information, such as tissue characteristics,
to the morphology. Especially for low KV
datasets HiDynamics significantly increases
the detail level and sharpness of images.
Dose-optimized Single Source DE
When multiple scans of the same region
have to be performed, dose protection
becomes ever more important. Siemens has
introduced a Single Source Dual Energy
scan mode that utilizes all dose reduction
functionalities without limitations: e.g.,
CARE Dose4D for real-time mA modulation,
or SAFIRE for the reduction of mA through
iterative reconstruction.
Scanning at half the dose
The Single Source DE scan mode consists
of two successive spiral scans at different
energy levels. In order to avoid doubling
the dose, both scans are performed at
approximately half dose. As the scan uses
regular spirals, all dose reduction features can
be utilized without limitations. The excellent
capabilities of the Stellar Detector regarding
low dose / low signal imaging make possible
the industry’s only Single Source Dual
Energy scan mode optimized for low dose.
Customer Services
A range of innovative service solutions that provide the answers
to best support you in raising quality and productivity in healthcare.
Maintainable healthcare
Providing economically viable healthcare
means efficiently and productively
delivering the highest quality care possible.
This is why Siemens works closely with
its customers, offering experience and
innovative solutions to increase uptime,
improve performance, and optimize
workflow for maintainable healthcare.
This means raised quality, better productivity,
and greater cost-effectiveness.
Increased availability with
System Services
Peak performances and higher uptime
are achieved by proactively enabling
system availability with innovative service
solutions. Siemens Remote Services, for
example, establishes a highly efficient,
secure, and certified remote connection
between CT systems and Siemens’ service
organization for remote monitoring
and remote fixing in order to maximize
availability and performance.
Proactive maintenance
With the Siemens Guardian Program™
including TubeGuard, potential tube
downtime can be predicted ahead of time.
This allows healthcare institutions to
schedule maintenance without impairing
regular patient hours for higher system
Improved operation with User Services
Personalized education and training
are the key to more expertise, greater
efficiency, and higher productivity of the
system operators. In addition, dedicated
consultancy services allow facilitate further
improvement of system usage. Optimize
CARE CT, for example, is a comprehensive
program to help customers reduce radiation
in CT scanning. The program provides
expert insights, methods, and tools that
help customers develop a customized
roadmap towards improving their CT dose.
Optimized utilization with
Management Services
Increased workflow optimization and
better productivity through process
optimization and consulting help improve
efficiency, system utilization, and return
on investment. Utilization Management
Consulting combines quantitative data
from the Utilization Management report
with technical experience and radiological
workflow management. Customers
can then learn about their strengths
and improvement potential across all
professional groups.
SOMATOM Definition Edge
The Reference in Single Source CT.
See the Unseen
Edge Technology – The reference in image quality
• Unprecedented spatial resolution
• Uncompromised temporal resolution
• Unparalleled acquisition speed
Get More from Less
TrueSignal Technology – The reference in dose efficiency
• Optimized low-signal imaging
• Optimized imaging at the right dose
• Optimized patient-centric imaging
Specify the Unspecific
HiDynamics – The reference in functional imaging
• Routine-ready Single Source Dual Energy
• Routine-ready metal artifact reduction
• Routine-ready dynamic imaging
Stellar Detector
Number of acquired slices
Number of reconstructed slices
Spatial resolution
0.30 mm
Rotation time
0.28 s
Temporal resolution
142 ms
Generator power
100 kW
kV steps
70, 80, 100, 120, 140 kV
Max. scan speed
230 mm / s
Table load
up to 307 kg / 676 lbs*
Gantry opening
78 cm
* Optional
On account of certain regional limitations of sales
rights and service availability, we cannot guarantee
that all products included in this brochure are available
through the Siemens sales organization worldwide.
Availability and packaging may vary by country and
is subject to change without prior notice. Some/all of
the features and products described herein may not
be available in the United States.
The information in this document contains general
technical descriptions of specifications and options as
well as standard and optional features which do not
always have to be present in individual cases.
Siemens reserves the right to modify the design,
packaging, specifications, and options described
herein without prior notice. Please contact your local
Siemens sales representative for the most current
Note: Any technical data contained in this document
may vary within defined tolerances. Original images
always lose a certain amount of detail when
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