Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering ECE3413 — Introduction to Electronic Circuits Solution 1. Fall 2012 Homework #6 (a) time domain: phasor domain (ω = 377): v(t) = 155 cos(377t − 25◦ ) V V = 155∠−25◦ (b) time domain: phasor domain (ω = 1000): v(t) = 5 sin(1000t − 40◦ ) V = 5 cos(1000t − 130◦ ) V V = 5∠−130◦ (c) time domain: phasor domain (ω = 10): i(t) = 10 cos(10t + 63◦ ) + 15 cos(10t − 42◦ ) A I = 10∠63◦ + 15∠−42◦ ≈ 15.73∠−4.11◦ (d) time domain: phasor domain (ω = 500π): 2. i(t) = 460 cos(500πt − 25◦ ) − 220 sin(500πt + 15◦ ) A = 460 cos(500πt − 25◦ ) + 220 cos(500πt + 105◦ ) A I = 460∠−25◦ + 220∠105◦ ≈ 360.4∠2.88◦ We have i(t) = 17 cos(ωt − π/12) mA v(t) = 3.5 cos(ωt + 1.309) V where ω = 628.3 rad/s. In the phasor domain (ω = 628.3), these become I = 0.017∠−15◦ V = 3.5∠75◦ where we have converted the phase angles to degrees. The impedance of the component is Z= V I 3.5∠75◦ 0.017∠−15◦ ≈ 205.9∠90◦ = (a) An inductor has impedance of the form ZL = jωL = ωL∠90◦ Consequently, the component is an inductor due to the 90◦ phase in Z. (b) The inductance is thus |Z| ω 205.9 ≈ 628.3 ≈ 0.328 H L= 3. (a) The source current is is (t) = 13 cos(1000t + π/6) mA. In the phasor domain (ω = 1000), this is Is = 0.013∠30◦ . (b) The impedance of the capacitor is ZC = 1 jωC 1 j · 1000 · 0.5µ = −j2000 = (c) In the phasor domain (ω = 1000): + VC 0.013∠30º -j2000 - The capacitor voltage is VC = Is ZC = 0.013∠30◦ · (−j2000) = 26∠−60◦ In the time domain, we have vC (t) = 26 cos(1000t − 60◦ ) V 4. Time-domain circuit: 3Ω 3H i(t) 12cos(3t) V + − 1/3 F In the phasor domain: Inductor: ZL = jωL = j · 3 · 3 = j9 Capacitor: ZC = 1 1 = jωC j·3· 1 3 = −j Phasor-domain circuit (ω = 3): 3 12 + − j9 I -j KVL around the single mesh yields: 3I + j9I + (−j)I − 12 = 0 (3 + j8)I = 12 12 I= 3 + j8 ≈ 1.405∠−69.4◦ Thus, i(t) ≈ 1.405 cos(3t − 69.4◦ ) A 5. Time-domain circuit: + 3Ω 10cos(2t) A 3H 1/3 F v(t) - In the phasor domain: Inductor: ZL = jωL = j · 2 · 3 = j6 Capacitor: ZC = 1 1 = jωC j·2· 1 3 = −j 3 2 Phasor-domain circuit (ω = 2): + 3 10 j6 -j 3/2 V - KCL at the single node yields: 10 + 0−V 0−V 0−V + + =0 3 j6 −j 23 1 1 2 − − V = −10 + 3 j6 j3 (0.6∠−123.7◦ ) V = −10 −10 0.6∠−123.7◦ ≈ 16.6∠−56.3◦ V≈ Thus, v(t) ≈ 16.6 cos(2t − 56.3◦ ) V 6. We have the circuit: 1/4 H 1/8 F 2Ω In the phasor domain: Inductor: ZL = jωL = j · 4 · Capacitor: ZC = 1 1 = jωC j·4· 1 =j 4 1 8 = −j2 Phasor-domain circuit (ω = 4): j -j 2 The impedance is Z = j + (−j2) k 2 1 =j+ 1 1 −j2 + 2 = 1Ω Note that the impedance is purely resistive at this frequency. 2 7. The time-domain circuit is 0.5 H 5Ω 10 H 1H 6cos(2t) A 0.5 F i(t) In the phasor domain: 0.5-H inductor: jωL = j · 2 · 1 =j 2 10-H inductor: jωL = j · 2 · 10 = j20 1-H inductor: jωL = j · 2 · 1 = j2 Capacitor: 1 1 = jωC j·2· 1 2 = −j Phasor-domain circuit (ω = 2): 5 j j 20 j2 6 -j I 6 I KVL around I: 5I + (j2)I + (−j)(I − 6) + (j20)(I − 6) = 0 (5 + j21)I = j114 j114 I= 5 + j21 ≈ 5.28∠13.4◦ Thus, i(t) ≈ 5.28 cos(2t + 13.4◦ ) A 8. The time-domain circuit is 75 Ω + 15cos(1500t) V − 0.5 H 1 µF i1(t) 100 Ω i2(t) In the phasor domain: Inductor: ZL = jωL = j · 1500 · Capacitor: ZC = 1 = j750 2 1 1 = ≈ −j666.7 jωC j · 1500 · 1µ Phasor-domain circuit (ω = 1500): 75 j 750 + 15 − -j 666.7 I2 I1 100 KVL around I1 : 75I1 + (−j666.7)(I1 − I2 ) − 15 = 0 (75 − j666.7)I1 + (j666.7)I2 = 15 (1) KVL around I2 : (j750)I2 + 100I2 + (−j666.7)(I2 − I1 ) = 0 j666.7I1 + (100 + j83.3)I2 = 0 Solving (1) and (2) simultaneously yields: 75 − j666.7 j666.7 j666.7 100 + j83.3 I1 15 = I2 0 I1 = 0.00382∠46.6◦ I2 = 0.0196∠−83.2◦ Thus, i1 (t) = 3.82 cos(1500t + 46.6◦ ) mA i2 (t) = 19.6 cos(1500t − 83.2◦ ) mA (2)