Improved Workflow for Evaluation of Thinly Bedded Sandstones Revisiting the Normalised Qv equation of Juhasz Jan van der Wal & Simon Stromberg Thin Beds – Introduction 2/19 • What are ‘Thin Beds’? • Laminations of sand and shale, with.. • .. beds so thin that logs do not read true properties. • Why do we care? In Thin Beds.. • .. conventional evaluation can miss pay, • .. phi & perm are too low, • .. resistivity reads too low, and • .. saturation height functions give too low HC Case Study data – where is the HC? Vshale Original Publication Neutron & Density Deep Res What steps in Thin Bed workflow? • Aim: properties of sand lamination 1. Thomas Stieber (1975) • Φ, Vsand, Vsh.disp 2. Resistivity of the sand lamination • • 3D-res 2000’s Rsand 3. Saturation computation • Juhasz 1981 4/19 Definitions • Shale types: Step 1 Thomas & Stieber, 1975 6/19 • 2 endpoints + 1 Clean Sand Porosity ‘Pure Shale’ Volume of Shale Step 2: 7/19 Resistivity of Sand Laminations 3D-res • 2a) Tensor Model • Horizontal and Vertical, or • Parallel Conductivity and Serial Resistivity Res HOR • Smart Tensor Model; • Inputs Thomas Stieber + Res VER • 2b) Anisotropy Model Step 3 8/19 Saturation Calculation • Which saturation equation? Poupon, parallel conductor • Conventional (deterministic): • Laminated Shaly sand eqs: • Poupon, Indonesia, Simandoux 1 V sh V 1 m S wn sh Rt Rw R sh • Thin Beds (dispersed clay/shale in sand lamination) : • Dispersed Shaly sand eqs: • Dual Water, Waxman Smits, Normalised Qv Juhasz Saturation from Resistivity • Waxman Smits equation Archie 9/19 Shale corr • For waterleg assume SWT = 1, (and a*=1): Waxman Smits in Xplot Y 10/19 = aX +b Y= Slope B X= (cousin of Pickett-plot) Juhasz 11/19 • Juhasz: if no core Qv available, • Qv = f(Vshale) ~ Conductivity 1/Rw_shale 1/Rw Qv_shale 100% Shale Juhasz Normalised Qv 12/19 • Juhasz: Qv = f(Vsh), or Qv = f(Phi), f(1/Phi) • Qv = f(1/Phi, Vsh) = f(RPD), (similar to ~Qvn) • Relative Porosity Difference • Assume Qv = RPD*C, substitute To better pick BC 13/19 = CWA Slope B*C 1/Rw RPD To better pick Rw 14/19 • Terms divided by RPD: CWA/RPD Slope 1/Rw BC 1/RPD Data Example BC 15/19 Rw RPD in Thin Beds? 16/19 • RPD of Bulk not good enough • We require RPD of sand lamination (RPDs) • RPDs = f(1/PHIs, Vsh.disp), or Vshale Original Publication Neutron & Density H+V Res & Parallel Conductor POROSITY Conv BVirr HC Case Study, data of Clavaud H20 POROSITY Conv & Par.Cond. POROSITY Thin Beds & 3D-Res Summary Workflow 18/19 • In case of: 3D resistivity, no core, water leg • Optimise Thomas Stieber with Tensor Model • Resistivity Sand from Anisotropy model • Relate Qv to RPD • Compute RPD for sand lamination only • New Xplots for picking Rw and ‘BQv’ Conclusions 19/19 • Workflow can be based on log data only • New form of Norm Qv of Juhasz applied to thin beds • Qv estimate refined • Conventional: low HC • Conventional with 3D res (Parallel Res): more HC • Thin Beds with 3D res: most HC References • Clavaud, J. B., Nelson. R., Guru, U. K. and Wang, H., 2005, Field Example of Enhanced Hydrocarbon Estimation in Thinly Laminated Formation with a Triaxial Array Induction Tool: A Laminated Sand- Shale Analysis with Anisotropic Shale, SPWLA 46th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29, 2005. • Thomas, E. C., Stieber, S. J., 1975, The distribution of shale in sandstones and its effect on porosity. Transactions of the SPWLA 16th Annual Logging, Symposium, June 4-7, 1975. • Juhasz, I., 1981, Normalised Qv. The Key to Shaly Sand Evaluation using the Waxman-Smits Equation in the Absence of Core Data. SPWLA 22nd Annual Logging Symposium, June 23rd-26th, 1981. • Cao-Minh, C., Clavaud, J., Sundararaman, P., Froment, S., Caroli, E., Billon, O., Davis, G. & Fairbairn, R., Graphical Analysis of Laminated Sand-Shale Formations in the Presence of Anisotropic Shales, 2008, PETROPHYSICS, Vol 49, No. 5, October 2008, pp. 395–405. • Stromberg S., Nieuwenhuijs R., Blumhagen, C., Edwards, J., Ramamoorthy R., Herold, B., 2007, Reservoir Quality, Net-to-Gross and Fluid Identification in Laminated Reservoirs from a new generation of NMR logging tools. Examples from the Gharif Formation, Southern Oman. Transactions of the SPWLA 1st Annual SPWLA Middle East Regional Symposium April 15- 19. • Waxman, M.H. & Thomas, E. C., 1974. Electrical Conductivities in Shaly Sands-I. The Relation between Hydrocarbon Saturation and Resistivity Index; II. The Temperature Coefficient of Electrical Conductivity. J. Pet Tech. 213-23. Trans., AIME, 257. What is RPD? • Middle East for Carbonate stringers (PDO) • Shaliness indicator • Combines 1/PHIT and Vshale (~ Neu-Den separation) • RPD= (Neu + Co – PhiT)/ PhiT • How to get ‘Co’ • Use ND overlay • For clean sand: RPDs ~ 0 • Clean but conduct: RPDs > 0 What if no 3D resistivity available? • Make cases for vertical resistivity • Check with Thomas Stieber • Simplest: Rv = Rh * C • Better: Rv = Rh * C * Vsh_lam, or • Rv = RH + (RH – RshH)*RatioMax*Vshl • RV = RH + 1/ ((1/RshH – 1/RH) * Vshl) What is Parallel Conductor model? • Ct = Vsand * Csand + Vsh.lam * Cshale, or • 1/ RT = Vsand / Rsand + (1-Vsand) / Rsh.hor Res HOR When to apply Thin Beds • Neutron Density Data GR 3 < Density > 2 • Intermediate GR? • Dispersed, Laminated, or Both? 3 < Neutron > 2 When to apply Thin Beds DeepRes 3 < Density > 2 • Conductive dispersed shale? 3 < Neutron > 2 What if you do have core? • Are plugs of the sand lamination? • Porosity: • Calibrate Clean Sand endpoint to match the high porosity • Optimise input PHIT • Calibrate BC & RPD to match the predicted QV curve