Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner Training Course

Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner Training Course
There is an increasing need for assurance of non-financial and financial aspects of an organization’s
sustainable development performance. There remains a gap, however, in standards that govern the
emerging profession of sustainability assurance practitioners. There is growing confusion as to what
experience is relevant and how best to judge individual competence, often as part of assurance teams.
As a result, the growth of sustainability assurance has been constrained with corresponding damage to
quality and credibility.
Recognizing this gap, the CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development (CESD) conducts a
professional qualification training course in sustainability assurance in India. Being one of a kind, the
Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner Training Course, accredited by Accountability, offers a
series of AccountAbility certified modules that build expertise in key elements of corporate
responsibility. The training is especially useful to companies, practitioners and assurance providers.
Objectives of the training course:
To enable practitioners to develop, validate and communicate their competence in a
systematic manner.
To make it easier for organizations to source relevant and credible assurance expertise.
To improve confidence for those seeking assurance, such as organizations' stakeholders, in
the expertise of professionals engaged to assess and pass judgment on their behalf.
To develop a systematic understanding of key competencies for providing effective
assurance, and a basis for informing on this and other standards in the future.
Training based on the global sustainability standards:
ISO 26000, Revised AA1000 AS & AA1000 APS, AA1000 SES, GRI G3 Guidelines
Registration Fee:
Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner Training Course
Contact Person:
Santosh Taneja Bhattacharya (Ms.)
CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development
Thapar House, 2nd Floor, 124 Janpath, New Delhi 110001 India
Tel: +91 11 43723326 I Fax: +91 11 4150 1924 I Email: santosh.taneja@cii.in
www.sustainabledevelopment.in I www.twitter.com/ciicesd I www.facebook.com/ciicesd I
About CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development:
CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development, a pioneering effort by the Confederation
of Indian Industry (CII), works to create a conducive, enabling climate for Indian businesses to
pursue sustainability goals. The Centre promotes awareness, encourages thought leadership and
builds capacity to achieve sustainability across a broad spectrum of issues.
Why attend this course?
Foundation in Corporate Responsibility:
This module covers latest issues in corporate
responsibility, sustainability and accountability,
their key drivers, benefits and the regulatory
Foundation in Stakeholder Engagement:
This module equips participants with a thorough
understanding of the rationale and benefits of
stakeholder engagement, and how to undertake
stakeholder engagement.
Foundation in Sustainability Reporting:
This module covers the purpose and benefits of
sustainability reporting and the key Principles
G3Guidelines are covered in detail, and delegates
assess their application to case study reports.
Sustainability Assurance Practitioner Training:
This module covers the principles underlying
sustainability assurance, including the changes to
the revised AA1000 Assurance Standard.
Participants gain experience on assurance through
group exercises. This module is covered in two
Interactive learning:
participants in the form of discussions,
case study presentation andgroup
Expert Tutors:
Tutors of this course are leading
with substantial experience of providing
sustainability advice and assurance to
Global Sustainability Standards:
The course will help you understand and
apply standards like ISO 26000, GRI G3
Guidelines and the newly revised
AA1000AS, AA1000APS
Latest examples from the industry:
The tutors share hands-on practical
experience with the participants
Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner Training Course