ORDINAI{CE NO. JUN.O6.049 GOVER}{NG TIIE LICENSURE, PERMITTNG AND REGULATING THE ACTNITTES OF BUSINESSES; FLEA MARKETS; AND, MERCHANTS IN McKINLEY COUNTY Whereas,McKinley County is economicallydependenton wholesaleand retail businessactivities:and. Whereas,McKinley County has a direct and substantialinterestin protecting the vitality of its economyby assuringthat unscrupulousbusinesses are identifiedand subject to legal processfor the adjustmentof wrongs done the pubic; and, Whereas,McKinley County has an interestin protectingits sourcesof revenue derivedfrom grossreceiptsand property taxes;and, Whereas,certain businessesfail to collect, report, and pay the appropriategross receiptstaxes;and, Whereas certain brtsinessesfa-il to abide by the pro..,isionsof law requiring payment of minimum wages, unemploymentinsurance,liability insurance,worker's compensation and other overhead costs, to the detriment of competing law-abiding businesses; THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED bv the Board of Commissionerof McKinlev County as follows: llllllllllll llllllll illlrllil lllllllllllllllll ilililr 3 2 5 7 5 0@ 7 1 1 / 2 0 0 6 0 2 : 1 4 P 0 R 1of7 927 P845R 0.00 D 0.00 llcKinley County Jacquel ine Sloan County Clerk 1.. DEFINITIONS As usedin thisOrdinance: A. "Business" shall mean any retail or wholesale enterprise at which merchandise,inventory, or goods are offered for sale, resale,trade exchange,or barter. "Business" shall not include dwetling units for rental or lease, any licensed liquor or any trade or professionsubjectto licensureand actuallylicensedunder establishment, the provisionsof Chapters36, 56, 58, 59, 59A, 60, 61, 62,63, 64, or 65, of the New Mexico StatutesAnnotated,1978compilation,as the sameare now or may subsequently be codified; provided this exemption shall apply only to those transactionsactually licensed,and shall not apply to sidelineor subsidiarytransactionsnot so licensed. B. "Person"shall meanany individual,marital cofirmunity,corporation,joint venture, estate,partnership,or other entify recognized by law, excluding, however, agencies,enterprises,or subdivisionsof the United StatesGovernment,the Stateof New Mexico, the City of Gallup, McKinley County, or the Zuni or Navajo Tribe of India.nsin their corporate capacities, and further excluding any entity which is exempt from collectingand paying grossreceiptstaxesunder sections7-9-13 throughT-9-24 1978. Exemptionsfrom the operationof this ordinanceunder sections7 -9-13 through 7-9-24 N.M.S.A. 1978shallbe an affirmativedefense. C. "McKinley County" shall mean any areawithin McKinley County which is not within the boundariesof an incorporatedcity or town. llllllll lll lllll lllll llllll lllllll llll lllll lllll tffiilt 0 R 0 2 : 1 4 P 1 1 / 2 0 0 6 @ 7 325750 Z o f7 B . 2 7P 8 4 6 R 0 . 0 0 D 0 . 0 0 l ' l cK i nl ey C ounl ,y Jacquel i ne S l oan Count y Cler k D. "Flea Market" shall mean any location where personsgather to conduct retail saleswithout a permanentfixed location or premises,whether rented or owned by the individual seller or within a righrof-way. E. "Vendor" shall mean any person or entity who offers items for sale at a Flea Market ) LICENSE A. No personshall operatebusinessin McKinley County without a licenseor permit to do so. B. shallbe issuedby the County Clerk of Licensesand permitsfor businesses McKinley County. Prior to issuingany licenses,or permit the Clerk of McKinley County shall first receive a completed application for the same, the forms for which shall be provided by the Clerk. The form of the application shall be the sameas that set forth in Exhibit A appendedhereto (which form may be amendedby McKinley County from time to time). The applicationshall be accompaniedby the fee set forth in paragraph2D of this Ordinance. No licenseor permit shall be issuedunlesseach applicableprovision of the same shall be filled out completely. A businesslicensedor permitted under this Ordinanceshall keep the information set forth in the applicationcurrent and up to dateby providing currentinforrnation in writing to the Clerk of McKinley County. C. Each licenseor pennit shall be valid for a period of one year or less and ending on the thirty-first day of Decemberof each year, unless revoked as provided below. Each licenseeor permitteeshall at all timesdisplaythe licensewhile engagingin any businesscoveredunder this Ordinance. A licenseor permit shall be valid anywhere llll llll lllll lll lllll illll lll llllll lllllll llill |ilil1 3 2 5 7 5 0 @ 7| 1 1 / 2 0 0 5 @ 2 : 14 P 0 R 3 o f 7 8 2 7 P 8 4 7 R 0 . @ 0D 0 . 0 0 [' tcK i nl ey C ounty Jacquel i ne S l oan Count y Cler k in McKinley County, provided, a duplicatelicenseor permit shall be displayedat each location at which a licenseeor permitteedoesbusiness. The cost for a duplicatelicense or permit shallbe ten dollars ($10.00). D. Each licenseshall cost seventy-five($75.00)annuallyor eachpart thereof. Anyone doing businessat a "Flea Market" (i.e. Vendors)would be chargeda permit fee of twenty-fivedollars ($2S.00)per year and the permit would be limited to Flea Markets or rights-of-way only. (Vendors at a Flea Market or within rights-of-way must obtain a Flea Market Permit). Licensesor permits would be renewedannuallyeffective January 1 of eachyetr, payableby January31 of eachyear. 3. DUTES OF THE CLERK OF McKNLEY COUNTY The Clerk of McKinley County shall preparean index of all businesseslicensed or permitted under this ordinance. The index shall be so organized that a license or permit may be located by the name of the businessas licensed or permitted any name usedby the businesswhich is listed in the application. All informationcontainedin the applicationfor each license,or pennit issuedby the Clerk of McKinley County and a copy of the licenseor permit issuedto eachbusiness,shall be kept on file by the Clerk of McKinley County and be locatableby the use of the index preparedunder this paragraph. The information set forth except for the gross receipts and compensatingtax number of the licensee,or permitteeshall be public record. If an applicantdoes not have a Gross receiptsand cornpensaiingtax number,the CountyClerk wiii proviciethe appiicantwith a CRS -1 form; Issue a CRS number; and, submit the form and information to the New of TaxationandRevenrteSeeN M S A 1g7R67-l-1? Mexciol)enartmenf llllllll lllll lll lllll lllllllllllll llll lllll lllll I|lllll 0 R 4 P 1 3 2 5 7 5 0 @ 7I 1 1 / 2 0 0 6 0 2 : 4of7 827 P848 R 0.00 D 0.0@ flcKinley County Jacqueline Sloan County Clerk 4. PROHIBITED ACTS The following acts are prohibited and are punishableas provided below: A. Operatingor engagingin businesswithout a licenseor permit to do so; B. Failing to display a licenseor permit in such mannerthat it can be easily seenand readby the public, while engagedin business; C. Engaging in businessunder license or permit or purported license or permit when any information shown on the licenseor permit is incorrect; D. Providing false information for the issuanceof a license or perrnit under this Ordinance, E. Operatinga licensedbusinessunder a namenot setforth in the application for the licenseor permit; or F. Failureby a licensedbusiness,FleaMarket or Vender,to keepinformation in its applicationcurrent and up to d.ate. G. The violation of this ordinanceshall not constitutethe basisof an arrestor closure of a husiness. The ordinance shall be enforced onlv bv the issuanceof a summonsor citation. H. Each day of operationof a businessin violation of this ordinanceshall constitutea separateoffense. 5. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE It shall be an affirmativedefenseto citationsissuedor complaintsbasedupon A, that complet€dapplicationfor a businesslicenseor permit Section4, subparagraph with appropriatefee is receivedat the Office of the Clerk of McKinley Countywithin thirty daysafter the issuanceof the citationor filing of the complaintbasedthereupon, llll lll illll lll lllll llll llllll lllilll lllll I3lllll lllll @ 7 1 1 1 1 2 @0g2E: 1 4 P 0 R 2575@ 5 o f 7 B . 2 7P 8 4 9 R @ . 4 @D @ . @ @ llcKinley County Jacquel ine Sloan - County Clerk provided, the duration of any license or pennit issued pursuant to such an application shall run from the date of filing of the citation or complaint. 6. ENFORCMENT maybe enforcesandcitationsissuedby: ThisOrdinance A. a duly deputizedMcKinley County Sheriff's Deputy from either the criminal or civil divisions on the standardcitation form for said office; or. B. a duly authorizedDeputy County Clerk. If by a Deputy County Clerk, the citation may be on a citation form supplied by the Sheriff's Office, or on a form developedby the County Clerk. Any prosecutionof a citation issuedby the Clerk's office shall be carriedout by the issuing Deputy County Clerk. 7. PUNISHMENT Violation of this ordinanceor any of its provisionsshall be a misdemeanor punishedby a fine not to exceedthreehundreddollars, or incarcerationfor a period not to exceedninety days,or both. 8. REVOCATION OF TICENSE to revokeanylicenseor permit shallbe empowered The Boardof Commissioners issued under this Ordinance should any licensee or permittee commit three or more violations of this Ordinancewithin one vear. A license shall be revoked onlv after a hearingby the Board of Commissionersat a regularly scheduledmeeting. The Licensee or permittee shall be given not less than two weeks notice of the meeting, time, and location by certified maii to the acidressshown in the records of the Cierk of the McKinley County concerning said license or permit. Such notice shall be deemed srrfficienturhennailed in accordancewith this sectien. No new licensecr permit shall llll llllllll lll lllll lllllllllllll llll lllll lllll l|lllll 3 2 5 7 5 @@ 7| 11/ 2 0 0 6 0 2 : 14 P 0 R 6 o f 7 B . 2 7P 8 5 0 R 0 . 0 0 D 0 . 0 0 f'lcKinley county Jaequel ine Sloan county clerk issue to any person or entity which has been revoked, for a period of one year after the last date of any violation forming the basisof the revocation. 9. EFFECTTVE DATE / REPEALER This Ordinance,No. JUN-06-A49 shall becomeeffective thirty (30) days after it is recordedwith the County Clerk, and repealsall prior or similar Ordinancescovering the same subject matter. This Ordinance, No. JUN-06 -049 specifically repeals Ordinance No. 05-93-015effectiveMAY ll,1993 and recordedin Book 6 Pages6033-6941of the recordsof McKinlev Countv. PASSED,ADOPTED,AND ORDAINEDTHIS 27,hDAY OF JUNE,2A06. Mc$$ILEY COUNTYBOARDoF COMMISSIONERS (fuD&^u' .- BILLX Vtr.MOORE"CHAIRPERSON COMMISSIONER ISsIoNER "K'ffi ATTEST: TI\.iEC. SLOAN. COLINTY CLERK llll llll lllll lll lllll lllllllllllll lllllllll lllll I|llill 3 2 5 7 5 0 @ 7| 1 1 / 2 0 0 6 f i 2 : 14 P 0 R (f; 7 o f 7 P . 2 7P 8 5 1 R 0 . 0 0 D- 0 . 0 0 llcKinley county Jacquel ine sloan county clerk