Learning Enrichment Policy 1) Introduction

 Learning Enrichment Policy
1) Introduction – Principles and Objectives
Learning Enrichment at King’s exists to help all pupils achieve their learning potential,
whether or not they have a specific learning difficulty.
We believe that thinking in terms of learning enrichment stresses the notion of support
available for all pupils whenever necessary during their time at King’s. This may be shortterm, as a result of absence or a difficulty with a particular subject, or long-term for those
with a less conventional learning style.
It attempts to preserve a pupil’s self-esteem by not simply responding to a specific learning
difficulty in terms of remedy but enhancement. Teacher expectations and a pupil’s own selfconfidence are very important parts of the learning process and concentrating on the
positive aspect attempts to preserve this.
Learning Enrichment supports teachers in responding to each pupil as an individual by
differentiating their teaching for different learning styles. Therefore teacher awareness and
teacher training are part of the process.
We believe that if all pupils are to achieve their full potential, they must have total
access to the curriculum.
This Policy is intended to address the recommendations of the Equality Act 2010, the
Disability Discrimination Act (1995) and the guidelines outlined in the School’s Accessibility
This policy is placed in the Staff Handbook, is available on KLP, the School’s website and
sent to the School Governor responsible for Learning Enrichment. It is reviewed annually.
2) Staff Responsibilities
The role and the names of the staff with specific responsibilities within the LE [Learning
Enrichment] department are:
Governor for Learning Enrichment – Mrs Pat Reed Boswell
JS Deputy Head (Pastoral) – Mrs Hilary Morren
SS Deputy Head (Pastoral) – Mr Rob Milne
Head of Learning Enrichment/LE Teacher/LE Co-ordinator – Mrs Lies Goodchild
LE Teacher/LE Co-ordinator – Mrs Anna Tingle (ACT)
LE teacher – Ms Sue Walker (SUW)
LE Support Assistant – Mrs Carolyn Hickey (C.Hickey)
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3) Admissions
For detailed information please see the Admissions Policy on the King’s College School
4) School Examinations
The Senior School prepares pupils to sit public examinations for the General Certificate of
secondary Education [GCSE], the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE – iGCSE), General
Certificate of Education [GCE], the International Baccalaureate Diploma [IBD] and follows the
regulations and guidance relating to Candidates with Particular Requirements, as specified by
the joint Council for General Qualifications [JCGQ] and the International Baccalaureate
Organisation [IBO].
Examination concessions in Public Exams
As a recognised centre for public examinations, the School is obliged to provide historical
evidence of the candidate’s needs and will also be required to show how these needs have
been recognised and met throughout the pupil's school career.
Candidates, who have Specific Learning Difficulties or Learning Enrichment needs, may be
able to apply for Access Arrangements or Special Considerations for the sitting of public
examinations following consultation with Learning Enrichment (LE) and the Head of
Examinations [HoE].
Parents of candidates who may require such special arrangements will be required to agree
to and submit their son or daughter to a formal assessment by a recognised practitioner,
whose qualifications are recognised as valid for the purposes of the assessment by the
JCGQ, the CIE and the IBO. The written report must be made available to the School and
be valid at the time of the examination for which special arrangements are being claimed.
Reports need to be submitted to the LE teacher at least four months prior to the
examination(s) taking place. Candidates studying for the IB Diploma will need to have a
valid report by the autumn term of the Lower Sixth Form.
It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that formal assessment reports are kept up
to date however, the LE department will endeavour to remind parents when a report needs
to be updated.
Special arrangements for candidates with physical disabilities may also be provided in
relation to a recent report from a General Practitioner or consultant physician.
Any candidate, who during the period leading up to exams or during the examination period
encounters a physical or emotional disability, may be awarded special arrangements after
discussion with the Head of Examinations and in consultation with the appropriate Unitary
Awarding Body [UAB] or the IBO. A request for special considerations may also be made
to the relevant UAB or the IBO, by the school on behalf of the candidate, following the
guidelines as set out by the Joint Council JCGQ, CIE and the IBO.
Internal exams
During the course of internal assessment of pupils, the School will seek to provide special
arrangements, which are similar to those required for public examinations for those pupils
who have Learning Enrichment needs.
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Pupils with LE needs write their internal exam papers in the LE group, which is led and
supervised by the LE department. Pupils will be given their individual exam timetable and will
be monitored very closely, to ensure that all needs are being met. Special exam laptops will
be provided for those candidates who require word-processing facilities in their
5) Curriculum, Targets and Integration Strategies
In order that pupils with Learning Enrichment needs have full access to the curriculum, they
follow a fully integrated teaching programme. This means that pupils are supported to
participate fully in the class curriculum and the School’s pastoral system. In addition, where
deemed appropriate, the LE teacher will provide support lessons on a one to one basis or in
small groups. Support may also be given in class.
After consultation with the pupil, his, or her, parents and appropriate staff, the pupil will be
given strategies to support his specific learning styles. These strategies are recorded in the
pupil’s Individual Pupil Profiles (IPP). The IPP is filed on KIM as a “secure note” and is
reviewed on a regular basis.
To ensure that the individual learning needs of our pupils are identified at the earliest
opportunity, the Learning Enrichment Department assesses all pupils when they first arrive
in the school. Feedback from assessments is communicated with Heads of House, Head of
Middle School and also reviewed with the English Department.
6) Deputy Head (Pastoral)
In the Senior School, the Head of LE meets weekly with the Deputy Head-Pastoral, to
discuss any LE needs arising from causes for concerns which have been brought to the
attention of the Deputy Head – Pastoral. In addition, the Head of LE meets weekly with the
Head of Sixth Form and the Head of Middle School.
In the Junior School the LE teachers meet fortnightly with the Deputy Head (Pastoral) and
the Heads of Middle School to discuss any causes for concern regarding Junior School pupils
7) Parents
Parents are encouraged to work in close partnership with the Learning Enrichment
Department. If a parent has a concern about the academic progress of his/her child, the
School encourages the parent to make contact with the appropriate member of staff,
depending on the nature of the concern. This can be the subject teacher, the Tutor, the
Head of House, the Head of the Department, the Pastoral Deputy Head or the Headmaster.
LE has an “open door” policy and parents are always welcome to come and meet with the
LE staff. It is School policy to work closely with parents and pupils in order to resolve
problems as soon as possible.
All parents of new pupils are invited to attend a Learning Enrichment workshop which takes
place during the Autumn Term.
8) Pupils
All pupils whether they are on the LE register or not, are encouraged to approach the
Learning Enrichment Department for help or advice. All pupils are formally introduced to
Learning Enrichment through their screening programmes and LE’s participation in the
School’s PHSE programme and again in the Lower Fifth through the one day study-skills
course. All these events take place in the Autumn Term.
Before Learning Enrichment support starts, the LE teacher, in conjunction with the pupil,
his, or her, parents and tutor and/or Head of House will set out targets to be achieved in
the LE lessons and the time allocated to meet those targets. These targets and the time
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allocated will then be recorded in the pupil’s Individual Pupil Profile (IPP). This IPP document
is placed on KIM as a “secure note”
It is a principle of the LE Department that a pupil should be consulted at each stage of the
decision making process.
9) Staff
Learning Enrichment informs and updates Tutors, Heads of House, Head of Middle School
and Subject Teachers on an on-going basis via pupil files on KIM and face to face meetings.
Learning Enrichment provides regular staff training through whole school Inset-training
programmes and via individual Departmental LE workshops which take place every Autumn
Learning Enrichment participates actively in the Induction Programme for new staff. All new
staff have at least one session allocated to LE, where they meet with the LE staff in the LE
Office and are introduced to the working of the LE Department. Great emphasis is given to
the use of LE information; the importance of security and confidentiality of all LE
information, where and how this information can be found and how this information should
be communicated with parents, pupils, colleagues and other professionals.
The Learning Enrichment Department has similar involvement in the support of the School’s
trainee teachers.
New staff in the Learning Enrichment Department participate in the whole school Induction
programme and receive continuous support from the Head of Learning Enrichment on a day
to day basis.
10) Reporting
The Learning Enrichment Teachers maintain regular contact with the parents of pupils
receiving Learning Enrichment as and when appropriate, to discuss progress, evaluate
specific targets and to allow parents to share their concerns.
Parents are invited to attend an end-of-year review meeting with their son’s or daughter’s
LE teacher. A written report may also be sent to parents at the end of the academic year or
on completion of LE support.
11) Transfer
The Learning Enrichment teachers will be responsible for maintaining the LE register and
will closely liaise and co-operate with other schools or universities, when pupils leave the
School and transfer to other forms of education.
Confidential papers, such as Educational Psychology reports, will only be transferred with
written consent from the parents.
Updated: September 2013
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September 2013