INDIAN SCHOOL DARSAIT SANSKRIT – Class IX Topic: Lesson 6 Worksheet #________ Prepared By: Dr. V.C. Govindarajan Date: Name of Student: ____________________ Class: IX A kaya-pi~ka “ivaVyaa Baaint sad\gauNaa:” idnaa=\k: ……………… naama …………………………………… kxaa navamaI vaga-: ……… Refer the textbook and give the answers to the questions given below in the given space. AQa: p`d<ama\ AnaucCodM piz%vaa tdQa: p`d<aaina p`Xnaaina ]<art . A~ tu dOvaM karNaimait na ]icatma\ At: sava-qaa dOvama\ AalasyaM ca ivahaya pu$Yaaqa-: ivaQaoya: . ett\ icantiya%vaa rajaa piNDtsaBaaM kairtvaana\ . rajaa ]vaaca “Baao: Baao: piNDta: EaUyataM mama vacanama\ ‘Aist kiXcat\ evaMBaUtao ivaWana\ yaao mama pu~aNaaM ina%yama\ ]nmaaga-gaaimanaama\ AnaiQagatXaas~aNaama\ [danaIM naIitXaas~aopdoXaona punaja-nma kariyatuM samaqa-: . p`Xnaaina 1 ekpdona ]<art . ikM ivahaya pu$Yaaqa-: ivaQaoya: ? ……………………………… rajaa icantiya%vaa ikM kRtvaana\ ? ……………………………… 2 ekvaa@yaona ]<art . rajapu~a: kIdRXaa: Aasana\ ? ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… 3 p`Xnainamaa-NaM ku$t . A~ tu dOvaM karNaimait na ]icatma\ . ……………………? 4 ivaprItpdM ilaKt . sanmaaga- X ………………………… 5 samaanapdM ilaKt . ivaWana\ = ………………………… 6 k: kM vadit . EaUyataM mama vacanama\ . ………………… ……………… vadit. 7 pdcCodM ku$t . punaja-nma ………………… + ………………… 8 p`%yayacCodM ku$t . ivahaya ………………+……………+…………… 9 ivaXaoYaNapdM ilaKt . pu~aNaama\ ……………………………………………… ekpdona ]<art . saudXa-na: kIdRXa: narpit: AasaIt\ ? k: jaat: Bavait ? k: varma\ ? bak: ku~ na XaaoBato ? ivaYNauXamaa- kIdRXa: piNDt: AasaIt\ ? …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. ISD/SANSKRIT WORKSHEET/IXA/2015-16 Page 1 of 3 ikM dova%vaM yaait ? …………………………………………………. p`Xnainamaa-NaM ku$t . dova mahakulasaMBaUta: eto rajapu~a: . ek: cand`: tma: hint . etoYaama\ Asma%pu~aNaaM naIitXaas~aopdoXaaya Bavant: p`maaNama\ . sa BaUpit: ekda pz\yamaanaM XlaaokWyaM XauEaava . ivaXaoYaNapdM ilaKt . saudXa-na: mama pu~a: Bava%pu~ana\ ga`nqa: ………………………… ? ………………………… ? ………………………… ? ………………………… ? pu~aNaama\ ivaYNauXamaakqaaiBa: samaanapdM ilaKt . BaUpit: ………………………………… tIr ………………………………… tma: ………………………………… laaocanama\ ………………………………… ivaWana\ ………………………………… BaagaIrqaI cand`: pu~: ikMXauka: saumana: p`%yayacCodM ku$t . pz\yamaanama\ ……………… ……………… Aivavaoikta ……………… ……………… gauNaI ……………… ……………… gauNavaana\ ……………… ……………… icantiya%vaa ……………… ……………… p`Bau%vama\ ……………… ……………… jaat ……………… ……………… maRt ……………… ……………… ivahaya ……………… ……………… samaip-tvaana\ ……………… ……………… pdcCodM ku$t . saMXayaaocCoid ……………… ……………… cand`stma: ……………… ……………… punaja-nma ……………… ……………… ekOkma\ ……………… ……………… taragaNaOrip ……………… ……………… AXmaaip ……………… ……………… ivaprItBaavaa%makM pdM ilaKt . Aivavaoikta ……………………………… hIna ……………………………… ]nmaaga- ……………………………… ek ……………………………… inaga-nQa: ……………………………… AnaiQagat ……………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… Lesson 6 ISD/SANSKRIT WORKSHEET/IXA/2015-16 Page 2 of 3 ivaVyaa Baaint sad\gauNaa: There was city called Pataliputhra on the bank of river Ganges. There was king in that city with all qualities of leadership. One day he heard two slokas read by someone. (Sloka : 1) (knowledge of) Scriptures clears many doubts, mirror to the future and eyes to all. One who doesn’t have this (knowledge) is a blind. (Sloka: 2) Youth, richness, leadership and foolishness are individually for destruction, when all are with one person… (can we tell…) That king with broken heart thought (after listening to this) about his children who are uneducated, going astray due to lack of good conduct… (sloka: 3) He is really born by whose birth the whole family get uplifted; everyone dies and takes rebirth in this rotating life. (Sloka: 4) It is good have one bright son instead hundreds of foolish sons; one moon destroys darkness in the sky not the starts. Then how can I make my children with good qualities…? (Sloka: 5) Mother and father become enemy to a son who is not educated; he doesn’t shine in the society like a crane among swans. (Sloka: 6) Though a person is handsome and young, born in a great family will not shine without education like a flower without smell. It is not correct to say that fate is the reason, so leaving laziness and fate one should achieve Purusharthas. (Purusharthas means: The four goals of human life: wealth (artha), desire (kama), righteousness (dharma) , and liberation (moksha). The first is the economic value, the second is the psychological value, the third is the moral value, and the fourth). Thinking this he called for the meeting of scholars and said “Dear Scholars! Listen to me. Is there any who give rebirth to my children by teaching ethics, who are going astray due to lack of education? Meanwhile, Vishnusharma a great scholar, expert in all ethics, spoke like Bruhaspathi (Guru of India) “Oh Lord, These Princess are born in a great family, hence they can be taught by me. I will educate your children all kinds of ethics with I 6 months duration. King humble spoke to him again “No doubt in this”. (Sloka: 7) even an insect reaches the head of a person with the association of a flower; a stone becomes divine installed by good person. You are the right person to educate my children telling thus he handed over his sons in the hands of Vishnu Sharma with honour. Then Vishnusharma taught the princess with the attractive and motivative stories of animals, birds and living beings. The collection of these stories are called “Hitopadesa”. ISD/SANSKRIT WORKSHEET/IXA/2015-16 Page 3 of 3