Best and Donovan Pig Stunning for Larger Pigs By Erika L. Voogd

Best and Donovan Pig Stunning for Larger Pigs
By Erika L. Voogd, Voogd Consulting, Inc.
While reviewing humane handling at slaughter establishments in North, Central and Latin America, one
thing is clear, pigs are much larger and heavier than they were when I graduated college in 1983! The
good news is that the Best and Donovan Company, makers of the most commonly used pig stunners in
small and very small plants, understands this change. The company has developed a stun wand that has
longer tongs, to more effectively electrically stun today’s 240-270 pound market pig and even larger
boars and sow. The new stun wand with longer tongs should be equipped with at least two sets of star
wheels, to accommodate smaller and larger pigs. For plants that already have a B&D stun wand, a set of
two stun wand extensions can be purchased from Best and Donovan for a price of $62.00 US dollars,
each. The wand extension part number is #9600017.
Best and Donovan has also made available an extra set of spurs (star wheels) with a collar that can be
quickly attached to the Model ES and Model ESS stun wand and/or the wand extensions to span the
head of larger, heavier pigs more effectively. The part number is #9603900 and the cost of the extra
spurs is $ 22.36 per pair.
It is also possible for a plant to weld rod extensions on their existing stun wand; however, if the plant
does this, care should be taken to not heat the internal wand as the tong internal solder could melt and
result in shorting.
The benefits of installing the wand extensions and additional spurs are:
1. This one time installation will make it possible to stun smaller pigs such as roasters and larger
pigs (heavy market, sows and boars) with the same wand. (Depending upon the pig weight,
stunner electrical settings will vary, but the modified wand should accommodate a variety of
animal sizes).
2. The longer wand extensions make it easier to “lock” on to the correct stunning location on the
pig head, without slipping or loss of contact.
3. The additional stun tong surface area helps to assure a more effective and efficient head stun.
4. The same tongs can also be utilized for the heart stun, to prolong insensibility, prior to hoisting
and bleeding (exsanguination).
The Voogd Consulting, Inc. web page contains resource slides for training
employees and small meat plants on the use of the B&D stunners and also information on how to
perform the head/heart stunning using this equipment. To order the new stun wand extensions and
spurs, please contact: Karen Proctor at Best and Donovan:
Toll free number: 1-800-553-BEST (2378), Ext. 3737.