Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) How do I log in? You can find log

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
How do I log in?
You can find log in instruction in the implementation email sent to your Ole Miss email or can be found on our website
When can I log in?
During the fall semester, you will be able to log in July 25, 2016.
What courses am I to take? What are the respective due dates?
University of Mississippi Main Campus
 Freshmen students will complete: Campus Clarity: Think About It (Fall) and Booster (Spring)
 Transfer students will completed: Campus Clarity: Adult Learner (Fall) and Booster (Spring)
 International students will complete: Campus Clarity: Think About It (Fall) and Booster (Spring)
University of Mississippi Regional Campuses
 Regional students will complete: Campus Clarity: Adult Learner (Fall) and Booster (Spring)
DUE DATES- Main Campus
Fall Deadline for Main Campus
 Implementation emails to students: July 11,, 2016 and July 18, 2016
 Course opens: July 25, 2016
 Course opening email to students: July 25, 2016
 Reminder emails through Campus Clarity weekly until due date
 Due Date for Think About It and Adult Learner course: August 22, 2016
 Holds for incompletion: August 23, 2016
Spring Deadline for Main Campuses
 Implementation email to students for Booster: December 16, 2016
 Booster course opens: January 4, 2017
 Course opening email to students: January 4, 2017
 Reminder emails through Campus Clarity weekly until due date
 Due Date for Booster course: January 23, 2017
 Holds for incompletion: January 24, 2017
DUE DATES- Regional Campus
Fall Deadline for Regional Campus
 Implementation emails to students: July 20, 2016
 Course opens: July 25, 2016
 Course opening email to students: July 25, 2016
 Reminder emails through Campus Clarity weekly until due date
 Due Date for Adult Learner course: September 1, 2016
 Holds for incompletion: September 2, 2016
Spring Deadline for Regional Campuses
 Implementation email to students for Booster: December 16, 2016
 Booster course opens: January 4, 2017
Course opening email to students: January 4, 2017
Reminder emails through Campus Clarity weekly until due date
Due Date for Booster course: February 2, 2017
Holds for incompletion: February 3, 2017
What are the penalties for not completing the course?
For Ole Miss’s main campus and regional campuses, a hold may be placed on your account. This hold is set as a
reminder that Campus Clarity is a mandatory course for all new students. A hold can prevent you from registering for
classes, add/drop classes, among other actions you may need to do.
Why is this required?
In accordance with the requirements of the Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act of 1989 and the Campus Security Act
of 1990, institutions must be committed to maintain a drug-free workplace and workforce in conformity with federal
laws (see University of Mississippi Drug-Free Workplace and Workforce policy code HRO.FR.200.020). Also, in
compliance with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, The University of Mississippi
has adopted and implemented a programs to prevent the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and
alcohol by students and employees on school premises or as a part of any of its activities and declares such possession,
use or distribution a violation of university policy. The policy applies to all students (both full-time and part-time) and
each faculty and staff member (whether full-time or part-time). It is the personal responsibility of each student, faculty
member or staff member to adhere to this policy. Because the university’s foremost concern is the health and well-being
of its students and employees, this publication also details resources that are available on campus for counseling and
education about use, misuse and abuse of alcohol and other drugs.
The University also takes the requirements under the Campus SAVE 2013 amendments to the Clery Act seriously.
Campus SAVE mandates the University provide education on sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking
and the prevention of these crimes. This education is provided on an ongoing basis, beginning with Campus Clarity. The
Title IX Education Amendments of 1972 require the University to investigate sexual harassment, which includes sexual
assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, and Campus Clarity provides notice of the policies the University
follows in the course of these investigations and students’ rights throughout those processes.
Is Campus Clarity ADA accessible?
CampusClarity recognizes the vital importance of making its products and services accessible to all users, including those
with disabilities and impairments. To this end, CampusClarity is fully committed to making its products and courses
All HTML courses comply with standards defined by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 508) and the Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
For the best experience with HTML courses we recommend using one of the following browsers with these assistive
technologies if needed.
Browsers and Assistive Technologies
 Firefox/NVDA
 Safari/VoiceOver
 Chrome/NVDA
Flash courses do not fully comply with standards defined by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 508) and the
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). They will be phased out of use
after the 2014-2015 training year. Flash courses include the following accessibility features:
 Captioning for audio and video.
 A facilitated experience for people with disabilities. The course will allow schools to provide disabled users with
a facilitator to assist in course navigation.
 Privacy and accessibility features for the sensitive data capture (where appropriate). For students who require a
facilitated experience, the data capture portions will function in an HTML-based environment that is fully
accessible using assistive technologies.
For questions relating to accessibility, to request assistance, or to report problems, please contact us by email at or by phone at 800-652-9546, Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm Pacific time.
What if the content of Campus Clarity is upsetting or emotionally triggering for me?
Please contact our Assistant Director for Violence Prevention, Lindsey Bartlett Mosvick, at for
information regarding alternative options to fulfill your requirement.
Do I have to answer questions of a personal nature during the course?
Throughout the course, you may be asked questions about your personal alcohol or drug consumption or your attitudes
and behaviors related to sex and relationships. That data is collected anonymously and is not tied to your account.