A Modular Approach to Certification Improves Time-to-Market and Decreases Costs Involve UL early in your development cycle to avoid obstacles and deliver savings. Maintain certification momentum and get your energy power and controls or hazardous locations products to market faster. Keep your product delivery schedule on track with a modular approach to product certification. A modular engagement with UL is designed to help get you the Who can benefit? engineering input and support you need when you need it. This approach will help identify potential non-compliances early in the process, decreasing overall certification turnaround time. Early engagement also provides access to knowledge, tools and Manufacturers at all stages of product development can benefit, engineering expertise prior to finalizing your product design. especially companies with: The earlier in your product design process you engage UL, the better! Your product moves through the certification process more smoothly, helping you get to market • Frequent product introductions faster and gain critical market share over competitors. Save time and money while • Complex projects with a long getting a competitive edge and enhancing confidence in your products. design timeline Pricing for Modular Projects • Short product life cycles with Modular projects usually involve a series of phases – each with a specific scope and critical launch dates price, and all designed to build on each other to help you get to your end goal – certification. The price of each phase is based on the scope of work you help define • High rate of safety test failures for that phase. In most cases, we can launch an initial phase for as little as $5000 for a new product or $3000 for a change to an existing product. To get started, go to • Desire to improve time-to-market engage.ul.com and we’ll open a job and make sure we have the right price for your needs. • Need to reduce product Expect these important benefits development costs • Faster speed to market • Need for compliance expertise −− An open discussion with a UL engineer lets you get all of your questions or compliance resources answered and to understand the project scope early in your design cycle • Customers new to UL or to −− Knowing what lays ahead helps you builds in efficiencies that speed certification the Industry −− Knowing the certification timeline in advance helps with go-to-market planning −− Identifying non-compliances ahead of your final certification allows you to address and correct them without affecting launch dates • Cost savings −− Modular engagement saves on costly redesign, retooling and retesting costs that Modular engagement with UL is the shortest distance between you and certification success. may be incurred when design changes are made late in the development process • Increased comfort along the way −− Assure a greater comfort level throughout your whole certification experience with a single point of contact For more information, call 1.877.854.3577 or visit engage.ul.com UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC. © 2013. BDI 30314E