Interactive Achievement ~ Table of Contents


Interactive Achievement ~

Table of Contents


Creating an Assessment

 Understanding Standard Question Symbols

 Creating a New Exam

 Creating a TEI Item (i.e. Hot Spot)

 Other Features

 Submitting and Printing a Final Copy

Setting Up and Administering a Test

 Overview of Testing Center

 Setting Up a Test

 Administering a Test

Reviewing the Data

 Overview Page

 Class Mastery

 Grade Sheet

 SOL and Item Analysis

Managing Classroom Data

 Viewing the Classroom Roster

 Adding Another Teacher

Getting HELP

Page 1

Pages 2-9

Pages 10-13

Pages 14-17

Pages 18-19

Page 20

Interactive Achievement ~


You may to the log-in page by visiting:


Direct OnTRAC website address:

Teacher Login Information:

Teacher Log-In: Your email address

Initial Password: Refer to email.

NOTE: You will be asked to change your password upon the first log-in.

Once you are logged into OnTrac, you will see these options.

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

Interactive Achievement ~

Creating an Assessment

First screen looks like this in Assessment Library.

Select Subjec t (and grade).

If English . . .

The organization of the site varies slightly by subject:

MATHEMATICS: Select SOL first.

ENGLISH: Select Passage first, then SOL.

Go to Resources - Passages:

- Expository/ Informational

- Fiction

- Narrative Nonfiction

- Poetry

- Reference Materials

- Research and Writing

Right click on passage to view all items

Click on Resource to read through the passage

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

Understanding Standard Question Symbols

Blue = traditional multiple-choice item

Orange = technology-enhanced items (2-10 answer choices, fill-in-the blank up to 50 characters, hot spot - 2-10 answer choices with multiple correct answer, drag and drop - drag answers to specific

CR = Constructed response (rubric)

Letters and numbers - letter identification

-1 = original

-2 or higher = modified

Item origin -

- IA - content team

- SCS - locally-created item

- VSUP - Virginia School University Partnership

- SOL 2013 - released test items


Bloom's level/ Webb's level

Example of Bloom's Level/ Webb's level

Clipboard - will tell if used on another test

Details - Shows question and answer choices

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

Creating a New Exam

Click on Exams Tab

Right Click on "Quiz"

Use standard naming convention for tests:

Last Name


Content and/or Time Frame


Haskins Grade 6 Fractions


Haskins Grade 7 Reading Week 4

Blue = Draft status

Red = Submitted and waiting to be approved

Black = Approved and student data tied to it

Drag and drop OR hover over and right click "Add random items to exam" OR

Hover over SOL and right click and "Review items"

Last, most preferable - can preview ALL test items and check items want to use on test

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

Creating a TEI Item (ex. Hot Spot)

Right click on SOL and click New Item

Choices of items will appear, including:

- Multiple Choice

- Hot Spot

- Fill in the Blank

- Drag and Drop

- Constructed Response

This example shows Hot Spot selected.

Select a layout.

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

This example shows the third layout being selected.


- Directions?

- Number of Stems

- Number of Choices

- Number of Columns

Confirm selection.

Provide Bloom's level for question.

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

Edit stem and options.

Notice that as you are editing the options , text may be changed to represent mathematical symbol.

Example: Fraction x/y - Leave items in brackets alone - replace x and y with new numerator and denominator

Text can also be marked as correct in order to give multiple correct answers.

Insert image - must upload from existing saved picture - cannot edit once inserted. (If prior editing is needed, do so in another program - i.e. Paint, etc)

Can right click and add additional options.

Lock - not randomized - always in same position

(ex. numerical, alphabetical order, all of the above/ none of the above)

Hover over and right click - Submit and approve

(ready for test)

Can drag over to test

CAN mix and match standards

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

Other Features

To create a New Section . . .

- Go to Exam Menu (Add Section)

- Can drag items from section 1 to section 2 as needed.


Math could break into sections (multiple days and/or calculator & non-calculator section)

Can right click on section to Edit Section Tools &


Can Filter to look for specific types of items for exams

Outlines in blue when filter is ON

Can right click under Exam Menu and:

Remove an item

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

Can right click under Exam Menu and:

Change Item Weights

If checked, does NOT count in scoring (could be pre-assessment).

If want to make slight tweaks - can duplicate test.

This creates a new test (with the same items); cannot change teacher test.

SHARED bank in division - All teachers in division will see created items.

Submitting and Printing a Final Copy

Once test is complete, select Submit & Approve.

Can now click on PDF to see paper copy.

A PDF version could be printed or could be projected to review responses with students later.

NOTE: All items and tests can be deleted while in blue drafted format (prior to submit and approve).

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

Interactive Achievement ~

Setting Up and Administering a Test

To assign the test to be administered . . .


Teachers can monitor tests as students go . . .

# answered

Not testing/ Testing/ Complete

Red light - students don't know exist - controls when can access.

Yellow light - lets students log in, but can't start yet.

Green light - ready to test.

X - delete student from testing

(Can X student out and then assign Read-aloud if needed.)

Green - grade (although submit was not clicked.)

Arrow - Restart

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

Setting up the Test

Select Subject.

Select Exam that was created.

Right Click on class - New Test Session

Select new test session

Session Type

Session Name


Password - Download password - simple typing

Password - Submit password - prevents from

 submitting without reviewing

Show student test scores

If a test has previously been set up as a Readaloud, IA will remember names for future tests and will apply automatically with a click. If changes occur, would need to update manually.

Sample Class List

Click on i-test pending

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

Can click on ready for download

Open for testing once want students to begin.

Make sure green light for students to test.

Recommend leaving in red until ready for student to test so they won't see in list until ready for them to take test.

Stay in this area as student are testing.

Log-in and circulate. Monitor how many answered

- refreshes every 15 seconds.

Status will change to "graded", meaning test is complete.

Can monitor progress on both, even if in different locations.

Administering the Test

If asked . . .

Allow full keyboard control? Click Allow.

Local ID - have access to in testing center if students forget

To practice a test in advance, under "Enter Student

ID", type practice

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

(Elementary Practice Test has all answer types.)

If lose internet, test is downloaded to machine.

If students begin to answer multiple answer items, but don't finish - they should click review.

Otherwise, system will mark as answered. (like


It is important for students to stay in white area.

If they go into the gray, computer thinks they are attempting to leave the test and timer turns on.

If students exit the test, they are returned to where left off.

Can click on Header (i.e. Not Answered) and show just those.

Exit - exits but does NOT grade

Submit - done and ready to grade

Password will appear as last screen (above submit)

If want to show grade, shows under exam complete.

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

To review data . . .


Select Subject and Exam.

Interactive Achievement ~

Reviewing the Data


This shows AVERAGE percentage of performance of students. Any score below 70 is in red.

This shows percentage of students

PASSING, based on established cut score.

Once subject and exam are selected, the visual graph appears based on performance of the class.

All subgroup information is based on data from Powerschool.

IA users see their level of access and click down various levels (district-school-teacher-section-student).

Show by SOL pass rates to see performance by standard (rather than subgroup).

Cut scores can be changed. If this is changed, all data would refresh with updates.

# of Students Tested indicates that all are accounted for (or correct level is being examined).

Any of the green and red bars can be clicked to provide student information. Example is shown here . . .

This report can be printed, exported, or filtered.

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

CLASS MASTERY (or Individual mastery or Individual standard or Student exam grade sheet) ~

Class Mastery chart shows student performance by SOL standard

The chart can be filtered, printed, or exported.

Individual Mastery/ Standard provides a student report based on standard

This could be helpful in conferencing with individual students (or setting goals) or sharing information with parents about student performance.

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at


Shows answer students chose and level of thinking per question

or X (without an option shown ) = TEI

Any question or student choice may be clicked to show the question students answered

The questions are in the order of the PDF printed copy (that can be accessed through Assessment


Click "Show" by SOLs to reorganize questions and summarize by standard

What standards need reteaching for entire class? for specific students?

Can print entire grade sheet (right) OR individual student grade sheet (right of each student name)

To get more information about a test item chosen by a particular student, hover over x and click -

 in box shows what student selected

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at


Show most commonly answered - common confusion - expand to show question

Expand to show % of options chosen by class

Expand to show question

Teacher could also move bar to left (to hide individual student information) in order to project the question to students to re-examine. Example:

Student Performance by Question - click on and shows by class

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

Interactive Achievement ~

Managing Classroom Data

There is very little that classroom teachers need to do to manage data. Data in Interactive Achievement is linked to

Powerschool data and refreshes nightly. There may be times when teachers want to make sure all students are included in Interactive Achievement or add another teacher who is working students (i.e. SPED, ESL) and would need to also see the student's information.

To manage classroom data . . .


Viewing the Class Roster ~

Viewing the class roster is a helpful feature in the classroom manager section.

This would show students currently in class

(according to Powerschool ), which syncs with

Interactive Achievement nightly.

To Add Another Teacher ~

Click on teacher

Click on schedule

Right click on course name to edit

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

Edit course section

Select teacher from list by clicking and using right arrow to select/add

When finished selecting, click Edit in previous window

This teacher would now be able to . . .

Edit test

Assign test

Access reports

In other words, he/she would have the same access as the classroom teacher.

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at

To get help at any time . . .

Go to HELP

Interactive Achievement ~

Getting HELP!

Resources ~

In addition to this resource, there are documents and videos available within Interactive

Achievement that can be referenced at any time.

Documents include an OnTrac User Guide. Videos include:

- Tutorials - short clips

- Online trainings - 15-30 min.

- Webinars - recorded sessions on topics

OnTrac Live can be accessed when something is needed ASAP and is available M-F from 8:00-5:00.

Interactive Achievement is based in Roanoke, VA.

When you launch live support, you will be asked to download file which would allow the representative to view your computer screen.

Make sure other tabs are minimized since he/she will see all on screen.

Click ok.

Example of an OnTrac Live Chat~

He/she could circle on screen to show where to go next.

If there is still confusion (or little time to navigate), may ask OnTrac Live, "Can you drive?" At this point, the IA representative could click and complete requested task. The teacher can take mouse back at anytime and take control.

Be sure to close window when done. If leave chat window open, representative can still see window and cannot leave.

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For questions about these directions, please contact your school's Interactive Achievement Administrator or Stephanie Haskins at
