ENG-008-08 Heavy Truck Prohibitions

The Corporation of the
Report to:
Chair & Members of the Community Services Standing Committee
M. Paul Cripps, P.Eng., Director, Engineering Services
March 15, 2008
Report No.
Proposed No Heavy Traffic Regulations
THAT the definition of Heavy Traffic be deleted from Part 1
– Interpretation of By-law 1984-1 and replaced with:
“heavy traffic” means any commercial motor vehicle
having a registered gross weight or actual gross weight in
excess of four thousand, five hundred (4,500) kilograms,
but does not include ambulances, buses owned and
operated by Milton Transit, police services vehicles, fire
apparatus, or vehicles owned by or operated for the
Corporation of the Town of Milton, Regional Municipality of
Halton, the Ministry of Transportation (Ontario), or any
utility vehicle;
AND THAT the definition of Commercial Motor Vehicle be
deleted from Part 1 – Interpretations of By-law 1984-1 and
replaced with:
“commercial motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle having
permanently attached thereto a truck or commercial
delivery body operating with a valid commercial license
plate and includes ambulances, hearses, casket wagons,
fire apparatus, buses and tractors used for hauling
purposes on the highways;
AND THAT a definition for Local Delivery be added to Part 1
– Interpretation of By-law 1984-1 as follows:
“local delivery” means any commercial motor vehicle
having a registered gross weight or actual gross weight in
excess of four thousand, five hundred (4,500) kilograms
making a delivery to or a collection from a specific address
that is prohibited to heavy traffic;
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AND THAT all entries in Schedule 24 – Reduced Loads on
Highways, Schedule 25 Truck Routes and Schedule 26 Heavy Traffic Prohibited from By-law 1984-1 be deleted;
AND THAT Schedule 26 - Heavy Traffic Prohibited be
amended accordingly (Appendix I),
AND THAT the appropriate by-laws be approved by
As a result of the 2005 Traffic Engineering Practices Study prepared by iTrans
Consulting, the Town of Milton has conducted a review of and recommends changes to
the Town of Milton’s heavy traffic prohibitions, truck routes and reduced loads
schedules in the Uniform Traffic Control By-law 1984-1.
In 2005, the Engineering Services Department retained iTrans Consulting to complete a
Traffic Engineering Practices Study (TEPS). This study identified key areas of concern
with respect to the current state of Milton’s truck prohibition, load restriction and truck
route by-laws.
As a result of the TEPS, Engineering Service’s staff has reviewed current truck prohibition,
load restriction and truck route by-laws and has found them to contain outdated
information and conflicting entries. Key concerns have been identified in the rural and
urban areas and recommendations have been made to develop heavy traffic by-laws
that balance the negative impacts of heavy traffic with the need to accommodate the
movement of goods.
It should be noted that according to Uniform Traffic Control By-law No. 1984-1 “heavy
traffic” means a commercial motor vehicle, having a weight when unloaded of three (3)
metric tonnes (3000 kg) or more, or when loaded, of five (5) metric tonnes (5000 kg) or
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more, but does not include a passenger vehicle; an ambulance; a vehicle of the Police or
Fire Department; a municipal vehicle; a vehicle of a local board; a hydro-electric commission
vehicle; a bus operated by or for the Board of Education; a bus operated by or for the
municipality; a bus operated by a company having a franchise from the municipality when
operating on routes as approved by by-law; or a commercial vehicle making a delivery to or
a collection from a bona fide destination which cannot be reached via highway or highways
upon which heavy traffic is prohibited by this by-law.
As a result of the findings in the TEPS, the Town of Milton Engineering Services
Department has reviewed current heavy truck prohibitions, load restrictions and truck
route by-laws. Key areas of concern have been identified and recommendations are
presented below.
Presently there are two types of truck prohibitions in Milton; “No Heavy Trucks” and
“Load Restrictions”. The “No Heavy Trucks” prohibition applies to roads where trucks
with a gross vehicle weight of 5 metric tonnes or greater may not travel. This specific
prohibition only applies to through trips made by heavy traffic and does not apply to
local deliveries (i.e. vehicles with a local origin or destination). Valid reasons for the “No
Heavy Trucks” designation includes, but is not limited to:
urban residential development along a roadway frontage with numerous
driveways when a suitable alternative route is available
truck traffic noise levels that exceed Regional guidelines
truck traffic safety concerns (i.e. undesirable road geometry or high collision
The “Load Restriction” prohibition relates to the structural condition and pavement type of
the road and its inability to support heavy traffic with a weight greater than 5 tonnes per axle.
This restriction applies to both through trips and local deliveries made by trucks as these
roads may deteriorate rapidly under repeated heavy loads. Situations where we would
implement “Load Restrictions” include:
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sections of roadway or a specific bridge structure that was not designed or
constructed to handle the load imposed by heavy truck traffic or dimensional
roads where there are critical height or weight restrictions
road sections where repeated loading will deteriorate the condition of the
infrastructure beyond what is considered normal and acceptable
Both truck prohibitions require a municipal by-law and appropriate posted signage. The
results of the TEPS identified inconsistencies in both of the above mentioned
prohibitions. This has resulted in a poor understanding of preferred truck routes,
unnecessary damage caused to roadway infrastructure, public concern regarding heavy
traffic volumes and enforcement difficulties.
The major urban and rural concerns that were indentified by Engineering Service’s staff
are detailed below:
Urban Issues
Current urban truck prohibition and truck route by-laws contain outdated and
conflicting entries.
Nipissing Road is currently listed in the “No Heavy Truck” by-law. Land access
adjacent to the roadway is mainly commercial and industrial and as such this
road is widely used by trucks. It is recommended that this road be removed from
the “No Heavy Truck” by-law and be used as a truck route. It is further
recommended that Childs Drive from Ontario Street to Nipissing Road be
removed from the “No Heavy Truck” by-law to facilitate access to Nipissing Road.
The majority of local and collector residential roads can support heavy traffic
though it is not generally accepted to have trucks using local roads as through
truck routes. Currently many local and collector roads are not identified in the
“No Heavy Truck” by-law and as such are not signed “No Heavy Trucks.” This
makes enforcement on these streets impossible. It is recommended that any
local or collector roadway that intersects with a roadway where trucks are
permitted will be signed “No Heavy Trucks.”
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According to current by-laws, Main Street East (between Bronte Street and
Ontario Street) allows for heavy truck traffic. Heavy trucks can create noise and
safety concerns as well as project a negative image in the downtown area with
many motorists and pedestrians visiting the downtown shops, restaurants and
patios. It has been suggested that this roadway be a “No Heavy Truck” area.
Engineering Service’s staff supports this recommendation as it would reduce the
volume of heavy trucks while still allowing for local deliveries downtown as well
as to the Sargent Farms factory on nearby Mill Street. This truck prohibition will
not directly affect Sargent Farms, as their trucks would be on a local delivery and
could legally use Main Street East between Ontario Street and Martin Street to
gain access to their processing factory on Mill Street. Staff advised this business
of our recommendations and they didn’t express any major concerns.
Martin Street between Steeles Avenue East and Mill Street is currently signed
“No Heavy Trucks” but is not listed in the “No Heavy Truck” by-law, it is however
in the “Load Restriction” by-law creating an inconsistency. It is recommended
that Martin Street be removed from the “Load Restriction” by-law and added to
the “No Heavy Truck” by-law due to the adjacent land uses being mainly
residential/ institutional and being consistent with the signage that currently
Rural Issues
Four area quarries have been identified as major contributors to local rural truck
traffic. Milton’s heavy truck by-laws should facilitate access from these sites to
the major Regional and Provincial corridors while minimizing the impact on the
road infrastructure and residents. The following Regional and Provincial roads
allow unrestricted access to heavy trucks: Guelph Line, RR # 25 and Trafalgar
Road for northbound and southbound heavy truck trips and Derry Road and
Highway 401 (Provincial) for eastbound and westbound heavy truck traffic. Other
“Class B” Regional roads operate predominantly under a spring load restriction
which includes Britannia Road.
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The Road Needs Study provided valuable data with respect to structural capacity
on rural roads. The pavement type of each road and therefore the repeated load
bearing capabilities of each road have been identified in this study. This data was
used to determine which roads can structurally support heavy truck traffic. Lower
Base Line between Trafalgar Road and Ninth Line is presently signed “No Heavy
Trucks”, but has been reconstructed and is now capable of supporting full load
truck trips. It is recommended that the “No Heavy Truck” restriction be removed
from this road. The removal of this “No Heavy Truck” restriction will eliminate the
need for the Town to issue special permits to the farmers on Eighth Line as they
will legally be able to travel along Lower Base Line between Ninth Line and
During 2007 the Town received a number of complaints regarding heavy trucks
using Campbellville Road /Campbell Avenue West between Milborough Line and
Guelph Line. This was possibly the result of construction taking place in
Morriston resulting in heavy trucks using these roads as a by-pass route.
Numerous complaints are also received regarding heavy trucks trying to make
the turn at the intersection of Campbell Avenue West and Main Street North in
Campellville. The installation of “No Heavy Truck” signs on this road should
eliminate these concerns.
In addition to the above mentioned concerns, there are various entries with respect to
urban and rural heavy traffic by-laws that contain errors due to roads being realigned,
extended or rationalized from the Region of Halton that should be updated to reflect
current conditions.
Appendix II included in this report illustrates the roadways (Municipal and Regional)
within the urban area that permit heavy traffic to travel along them, including the
recommended changes included in this report. All other roadways not highlighted on
the map do not allow heavy traffic to travel along them unless making a local delivery
(as defined at the beginning of the report).
The Corporation of the
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Appendix III included in this report illustrates the roadways (Municipal and Regional)
within the rural area that permit heavy traffic to travel along them, including the
recommended changes included in this report. All other roadways not highlighted on
the map do not allow heavy traffic to travel along them unless making a local delivery
(as defined at the beginning of the report).
Relationship to the Strategic Plan
This report will “minimize the disruption and negative impact associated with the
movement of commercial goods (trucks).”
Financial Impact
The financial impact of this report is the installation of $4,000.00 in signage.
Respectfully submitted,
M. Paul Cripps, P.Eng.,
Director, Engineering Services
If you have any questions on the content of this report: Heide Schlegl, C.E.T., Coordinator,
Traffic & Parking, 905-878-7252 ext. 2506
Appendix I – Schedule 28 – Heavy Traffic Prohibited
Appendix II – Map of Urban Area – Heavy Traffic Permitted
Appendix III – Map of Rural Area – Heavy Traffic Permitted
CAO Approval: _________________________
Appendix I
SECTION 15 (2)
By-law No.
Column 1
1 Side Road
2 Side Road
3 Side Road
3 Side Road
3 Side Road
10 Side Road
10 Side Road
14 Side Road
15 Side Road
15 Side Road
17 Side Road
20 Side Road
25 Side Road
25 Side Road
30 Side Road
30 Side Road
Anne Boulevard
Appleby Line
Armstrong Boulevard
Barton Street
Bell School Line
Bell School Line
Blacklock Street
Boston Church Road
Boston Church Road
Britannia Road West
Broadway Avenue
Burhamthorpe Road West
Cameron Drive
Campbell Avenue
Campbell Avenue East
Campbell Avenue West
Campbellville Road
Childs Drive
Chris Hadfield Way
Clark Boulevard
Commercial Street
Costigan Road
Crawford Crescent
Dawson Crescent
Dublin Road
Eighth Line
Esquesing Line
Farmstead Drive
Fifth Line
Fifth Line
Fifth Line Nassagaweya
Column 2
Location From
West Limit of Roadway
Bell School Line
Milborough Town Line
Tremaine Road
West Limit of Roadway
Guelph Line
Guelph Line
Tremaine Road
Guelph Line
Guelph Line
Nassagaweya/Puslinch Townline
Guelph Line
Guelph Line
Guelph Line
Guelph Line
Guelph Line
Bronte Street South
Derry Road West
Derry Road West
Bronte Street South
Derry Road West
2 Side Road
Guelph Line
Esquesing Line
James Snow Parkway
Bell School Line
Ontario Street North
Regional Road 25
Guelph Line
Ontario Street South
Main Street North
Kingsbury Circle
Milborough Town Line
Thompson Road South
Steeles Avenue East
Thompson Road South
Derry Road West
Thompson Road South
Main Street North
Bronte Street (north intersection)
Campbellville Road
Lower Base Line East
Lawson Road
Derry Road West
Britannia Road
Britannia Road
South limit of Roadway
Column 3
Location To
Tremaine Road
Tremaine Road
Twiss Road
Peru Road
Appleby Line
Nassagaweya/Esquesing Townline
Nassagaweya/Puslinch Townline
Appleby Line
Nassagaweya/Esquesing Townline
Nassagaweya/Puslinch Townline
First Line Nassagaweya
Nassagaweya/Esquesing Townline
Nassagaweya/Puslinch Townline
Nassagaweya/Esquesing Townline
Fifth Line Nassagaweya
Nassagaweya/Puslinch Townline
Bell Street
Campbellville Road
Ferguson Drive/Bennett Boulevard
Bell Street
North limit of Roadway
Derry Road West
Amos Drive
Lawson Road
No. 5 Side Road
Tremaine Road
Court Street North
Tremaine Road
Blacklock Street
West limit of Roadway
Campbellville Road
Main Street North
Kingsbury Circle
Nipissing Road
Martin Street
Fourth Line
Main Street East
Laurier Avenue
Mae Court
Bronte Street (south intersection)
South limit of Roadway
to a point 1010m N/of Derry Road East
No. 5 Side Road
Laurier Avenue
Lower Base Line West
North limit of Roadway
Highway 7
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Month(s)/Time Periods
all year
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By-law No.
Column 1
First Line
First Line Nassagaweya
First Line Nassagaweya
Fourth Line
Fourth Line
Fourth Line Nassagaweya
George Street
Glenn Crescent
Harris Boulevard
Henderson Road
Hepburn Road
Hepburn Road
Heslop Road
Holly Avenue
Holly Avenue
John Street
Kean Hill Drive
Kelso Road
Kennedy Circle
Kennedy Circle
King Street
Laurier Avenue
Laurier Avenue
Louis St. Laurent Avenue
Louis St. Laurent Avenue
Lower Base Line East
Lower Base Line West
Main Street East
Main Street East
Main Street West
Maple Avenue
Maple Avenue
Martin Street
Mary Street
McCuaig Drive
McLaren Road
McNiven Road
Miles Street
Mill Street
Miller Way
Milton Heights Crescent
Mountain View Drive
Oak Street
Parkway Drive East
Pearl Street
Pearson Way
Peru Road
Pine Street
Pitfield Road
Purdy Drive
Reid Side Road
Ridge Drive
Robarts Drive
Robert Street
Column 2
Location From
Derry Road West
20 Side Road
20 Side Road
Derry Road West
Britannia Road West
No. 10 Side Road
Ontario Street North
Steeles Avenue East
Main Street East
Regional Road 25
Thompson Road South
Thompson Road South
Bronte Street South
Derry Road West
Derry Road West
Bronte Street South
Second Line Nassagaweya
Tremaine Road
Thompson Road South
Thompson Road South
Bronte Street South
Bronte Street South
Thompson Road South
Thompson Road South
Thompson Road South
Sixth Line
Tremaine Road
James Snow Parkway
Ontario Street South
Bronte Street South
Main Street East
Thompson Road North
Steeles Avenue East
Bronte Street South
Thompson Road South
Main Street South (north intersection)
Derry Road West
Bronte Street South
Bronte Street North
Derry Road West
Tremaine Road
Ontario Street North
Ontario Street South
Ontario Street South
Ontario Street South
Main Street East
Steeles Avenue West
Ontario Street South
Ontario Street North
Guelph Line
Guelph Line
Ontario Street North
Main Street East
Bronte Street South
Column 3
Location To
Lower Base Line West
North Limit of The Town of Milton Boundary
3 Side Road
Britannia Road West
South limit of Roadway
Highway 7
Court Street North
Kingsleigh Court
Ellis Crescent
Lower Base Line West
Bennett Boulevard
Yates Drive
Commercial Street
Laurier Avenue
Winn Trail/Bessy Trail
Bell Street
Cedar Trail
West limit of Roadway
Louis St. Laurent Avenue (east intersection)
Louis St. Laurent Avenue (west intersection)
Hugh Street
Thompson Road South
East limit of Roadway
James Snow Parkway
Yates Drive
Trafalgar Road
Sixth Line
Fifth Line
Bronte Road South
Tremaine Road
Charlton Way
Woodward Avenue (west intersection)
Main Street East
Charles Street
Tupper Drive
Main Street South (south intersection)
No. 3 Side Road
Bell Street
Martin Street
Costigan Road
No. 3 Side Road
Riverplace Crescent
Fulton Street
West limit of Roadway
Fulton Street
Dixon Drive
No. 3 Side Road
Charles Street
East limit of Roadway
Inglis Drive
Twiss Road
Highside Drive (south intersection)
Maple Avenue
Hugh Street
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By-law No.
Column 1
Santa Maria Boulevard
Savoline Boulevard
Scott Boulevard
Scott Boulevard
Second Line Nassagaweya
Second Line Nassagaweya
Sinclair Boulevard
Sixth Line
Sixth Line
Sixth Line Nassagaweya
Southcott Drive
Sprucedale Lane
Steeles Avenue West
Steeles Avenue West
Thompson Road South
Trudeau Drive
Trudeau Drive
Twiss Road
Vanier Drive
Victoria Street
Wakefield Road
Waldie Avenue
Walkers Line
Walkers Line
Whitmer Street
Wilson Drive
Woodward Avenue
Woodward Avenue
Yates Drive
Yates Drive
Column 2
Location From
Derry Road West
Derry Road West
Derry Road West
Main Street West
20 Side Road
20 Side Road
Main Street East
Britannia Road East
Britannia Road East
a point 1120m N/of Campbellville Road
5 Side Road
South limit of Roadway
Appleby Line
Guelph Line
Britannia Road West
Derry Road West
Derry Road West
Derry Road West
Bronte Street South
Bronte Street North
Ontario Street South (north intersection)
James Snow Parkway
Campbell Avenue East
Derry Road West
Main Street West
Steeles Avenue East
Martin Street
Thompson Road North
Thompson Road South
Thompson Road South
Column 3
Location To
South limit of Roadway
South limit of Roadway
South limit of Roadway
Derry Road West
South limit of Roadway
North limit of Roadway
Weller Crossing
South limit of Roadway
North imit of Roadway
Highway 7
Dixon Drive
Tremaine Road
Milborough Townline
South limit of Roadway
Louis St. Laurent Avenue
North limit of Roadway
North limit of Roadway
Laurier Avenue
James Street
Ontario Street South (south intersection)
Trudeau Drive
a point 807m S/of 3 Side Road
a point 1520m N/of 3 Side Road
Duncan Lane
Main Street East
Thompson Road North
Maple Avenue
Bennett Boulevard
Cargill Path
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