132-1: 2015 CEB SPECIFICATION TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE GROUNDING EQUIPMENT (POLE APPLICATION) CEYLON ELECTRICITY BOARD SRI LANKA Telephone: +94 11 232 8051 Fax: +94 11 232 5387 CEB SPECIFICATION 132-1: 2015 CONTENTS Page 1. Scope 03 2. System Parameters 03 3. Service Conditions 03 4. Applicable Standards 03 5. Basic Features 03 6. Technical Requirements 04 7. Inspection and testing 05 8. Additional Requirements 06 9. Information to be furnished with the offer 08 10. Annex 07 Annex-A Schedule of guaranteed technical particulars 08 Annex-B DS&S/2015/132-1 Temporary Protective Grounding Equipment 11 Annex -C Non-Compliance Schedule 12 2/12 CEB SPECIFICATION 132-1: 2015 TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE GROUNDING EQUIPMENT (POLE APPLICATION) 1.0 SCOPE This specification covers the general requirement of design, manufacture and testing of Temporary Protective Grounding Equipment to be used on de-energized electric power lines for 11KV and 33KV overhead distribution system of the CEB. 2.0 3.0 4.0 SYSTEM PARAMETERS (a) Nominal voltage 11kV 33kV (b) System highest voltage 12kV 36kV (c) 50Hz 50Hz (d) Number of phases 03 03 (e) System faults level, rms (f) Method of earthing 12.5kA 13.1kA Effectively earthed Non Effectively earthed System frequency SERVICE CONDITIONS (a) Annual average ambient temperature 30 °C (b) Maximum ambient temperature 40 °C (c) Maximum relative humidity 90% (d) Environmental conditions (e) Operational altitude Humid tropical climate with polluted atmosphere From M.S.L. to 1000 m above M.S.L. APPLICABLE STANDARDS The equipment and components supplied shall be in accordance with the latest editions/ amendments of the standards specified below. However CEB Specification shall supersede these Standards in the event there is a discrepancy. 5.0 (a) ASTM F855 : 2014 (b) IEC 61230: 2008 (c) (d) IEC 61138: 2007 IEC 60227-1: 2007 (e) (f) (f) IEC 61235: 1993 IEC 60855:2009 ASTM F711-02:2013 Temporary Protective Grounds To be used on De-Energized Electric Power Lines and Equipment Live Working – Portable Equipment for Earthing or Earthing and Short- circuiting Cables for Portable Earthing and Short-circuiting Equipment Polyvinyl Chloride Insulated Cables of Rated Voltages up to and Including450/750 V Live Working- Insulating Hollow Tubes for Electrical Purposes Insulating Foam-Filled Tubes and Solid Rods for Live Working Standard Specification for Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Rod and Tube Used in Live Line Tools 1 BASIC FEATURES The Temporary Protective Grounding Equipment shall be comprised of parts as depicted in table-01 (Please see Annex-B for the drawing). Table-01: Parts of the Temporary Protective Grounding Equipment. Part of the equipment Grounding cable set – cable length 1.4m Grounding cable set – cable length 3m Grounding cable set – cable length 12m Cluster bar Temporary grounding rod High voltage operating stick 3/12 Nos. 3 1 1 1 1 1 Clause reference 6.1,6.2,6.3 6.1,6.2,6.3 6.1,6.2,6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 CEB SPECIFICATION 132-1: 2015 Each grounding cable set of the Temporary Grounding equipment, should be factory assembled with clamps, ferrules and clear (transparent) heat shrinkable tubing (sleeve) at both the ends of ferrule-cable joint. Ultimate current rating of the Temporary Protective Grounding Equipment shall be equal or greater than 13.1 kA under the following conditions. Fault time X/R 1s 40 Every part of the complete equipment shall be free of structural porosity, fins, sharp edges, splits, cracks and other defects that affect handling and performance. Further it shall be formed, machined and assembled with sufficient accuracy, ensuring the smooth manual operation. Clamps, cables and ferrules shall be assembled tightly and securely to develop the full short circuit capacity. 6.0 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Technical requirements for temporary protective equipment are described, item wise for the ease of description. 6.1 Grounding Cables All the properties of the cable shall be in accordance with IEC 61138 or ASTM F855 and relevant references for each. Properties of the cables shall be as depicted in table-02. Table-02: Properties of the cable. Properties Conductor size Conductor Material Minimum number of strands Material of cable covering Thickness of cable covering Color of the cable covering IEC 61138 50mm 2 Stranded Annealed Copper 1442 (Diameter of a wire-0.21mm) General purpose thermoplastic based on a compound of thermoplastic polyvinylchloride or one of its co-polymers as per IEC 61138, clause 1.5mm ±0.25mm No color (transparent) ASTM F855 American Wire Gauge 1/0 (53.48 mm2) Stranded Soft-drawn Copper 259(Diameter of a wire0.51mm/20.2mils) or more An elastomer material as per ASTM D753,D7268,D2270 and D2229. 1.14mm (minimum) No color (transparent) Cables shall be free of structural defects that affect installation, assembly or performance and solder parts are not allowed. 6.2 Clamps Clamp shall be of Copper based alloy or Aluminium based alloy and having following mechanical and electrical properties. Properties of the clamp material shall be as depicted in table-03. Table-03: Properties of the clamp material. Property Minimum tensile strength Minimum yield strength Minimum elongation Copper based alloy 207 MPa (30 000 psi) 90 MPa (13 000 psi) 6% Alumium based alloy 207 MPa (30 000 psi) 138 MPa (13 000 psi) 3% The type of the clamp should be an equivalent of C-type grounding Clamp and Jaws of the clamps should have serrated contact surfaces. Resistance of the clamp shall be less than that of an equal length (equal to the length of the clamp) of grounding cable. Clamps shall accept hand assembly of all cables fitted with compatible ferrules and, it shall be able to accommodate conductor sizes from 4mm to 20mm diameter. Further, clamps shall be equipped with eyes to install with removable hot sticks. 4/12 CEB SPECIFICATION 132-1: 2015 Positive screw locking device or any other mechanism to protect against unintentional loosing of nut of the ferrule after fixing it to the grounding clamp shall be provided. In the event the clamp is over tightened during installation, normal fracture shall be such that the attached cable remains under control by being retained with the stick. Minimum clamp torque strength Yield = 32 Nm. / Ultimate= 37 Nm. 6.3 Ferrules Type of the ferrule shall be Threaded Stud Shrouded Compression, and they shall accept cables for which they are rated without alteration of strands, and can be assembled by hand with compatible clamps. Ferrule design shall be suitable to the current carrying capacity and the size of the grounding cable. It shall be provided an inspection vent-hole (minimum diameter-3mm) at the cable connecting end of the ferrule. Ferrule material Copper based Alloy (Copper content 60% minimum). 6.4 Cluster bar Cluster bar shall be designed to attach two clamps (described in clause 6.2) together, and the chain of the cluster bar shall be of adjustable type. The current rating of the cluster bar should be twice that of the current rating of clamps. Length of the Chain Cluster bar material 150cm ± 5cm Copper based alloy/ Aluminium base alloy/Aluminium 6.5 Temporary Grounding rod The Copper clad steel spindle, screw type Temporary Grounding Rod shall be provided with a suitable bronze spiral and a handle, pinned at both the ends. Total Length Diameter of the rod 150cm ~ 180cm 15mm~ 19mm. 6.6 High Insulating Operating Stick All the properties shall be in accordance with IEC 61235 and IEC 60855 or ASTM F711-02, and it should be two meters (2m) in length. Head of the operating rod should match with the design of the clamp. Operating Rod category (Pole Category) Bending Force Maximum deflection 7.0 Reinforced 100N 65mm INSPECTION AND TESTING Type tests and routine tests requirements are given bellow. 7.1 Type Tests Temporary protective ground set should be subjected to following type tests according to ASTM F 855 – 97 or, according to IEC 61230. Table-04: Type tests as per ASTM F 855 – 97 and IEC 61230. (a) (b) (c) (d) ASTM F 855 – 97 Mechanical torque strength test on grounding clamps (ASTM F 855, Clause 12.2) Electrical short circuit capacity test on grounding cable (ASTM F 855, Clause 12.3, and Clause 25.2) Testing of jackets of grounding cables (ASTM Test Methods D470, D2633, and Clause Bending deflection check on Insulated Operating Sticks(ASTM F 711-02,Clause 12.3.1) 5/12 IEC 61230 Fatigue test on cable with end fittings on grounding clamps (IEC 61230, Clause 6.2) Short circuit current test on grounding cable (IEC 61230, Clause 6.6) Testing of jackets of grounding cables(IEC 60227-1, Table 2) Bending Test on Insulated Operating Sticks (IEC 61230, Clause C.3) CEB SPECIFICATION 132-1: 2015 Test certificates shall be from an accredited independent testing laboratory acceptable to the purchaser. Proof of accreditation by a national/ international authority shall be forwarded with the offer. Test reports shall be complete including all the pages as issued by the testing authority. Parts of test reports shall not be acceptable. 7.2 Routine Test The following routine tests as per ASTM F 855 or IEC 61230 shall be carried out on all the Temporary Protective Ground sets ordered and the routine test reports shall be made available for the observation of the CEB Engineer at the time of inspection. a)Visual Inspection and hand operation to verify technical requirements in accordance with Clause 6.0. b)Verification of the clamps ferrules and cable size, for markings and lengths as specified. 7.3 Inspection The selected Bidder shall make necessary arrangements for inspection of the equipment by an Engineer appointed by the Purchaser and also to carry out in his presence necessary Acceptance / Sample tests of the materials and equipment, offered. CEB may waive off the inspection with the condition of carrying out the acceptance tests by an independent testing authority acceptable to CEB. In such a situation a notice of waive off will be issued in advance to the supplier. 7.4 Acceptance /Sample Tests The following Acceptance/Sample tests conforming ASTM F 855 or IEC 61230 shall be witnessed by the Engineer. a)Mechanical torque strength (ASTM F 855, Clause 12.2) or Fatigue test on cable with end fittings (IEC 61230, Clause 6.2) b)Resistance comparison test (Size of ferrules should be suitable for the current caring capacity and the size of the grounding cable). c) Visual Inspection and hand operation to verify workmanship, finish and appearance. d)Verification of clamps, ferrules and cable size, marking and lengths as specified. 8.0 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 8.1 Manufacturing Experience Manufacturer shall have at least ten years experience in the field of manufacturing temporary protective grounding equipment, and manufacturer shall have supplied the product at least for five utilities within the past ten years. 8.2 Markings Markings shall be clearly legible and durable. The letters size shall be at least 3mm high. Markings are described item wise in the table-05. Table-05: Markings on the Temporary Protective Grounding Equipment. Item Cable Clamp Ferrule Cluster Bar Insulating Operating Stick Marking 2 Cross section in mm , material and a double triangle symbol at 1m intervals on each cable. Name or the logo of the manufacturer, identity number and the year of the manufacture. Manufacturer’s identity code. Manufacturer’s identity code Name or the trade mark of the manufacturer 6/12 CEB SPECIFICATION 132-1: 2015 8.3 Packing The temporary protective grounding equipment shall be supplied with carrying case suitable for rough use at the field for not allowing any deformity of any part of the equipment. 9.0 INFORMATION TO BE FURNISHED WITH OFFER The following documents shall be furnished with the offer. a)A Catalogue describing the equipment, type, model number and all the features. b)A User Manual containing relevant technical literature and complete user guide. c) Completed schedule of particulars (Please see Annex – A) d)Certified copy of the quality assurance conforming to ISO 9001:2008. e)Type test certificates as per clause 7. f) Evidentiary documents should be produced as a proof of manufacturer’s experience as per clause 8.1. Failure to furnish the above will result in the offer being rejected. 10.0 ANNEX Annex-A Schedule of guaranteed technical particulars Annex-B DS&S/2015/132-1 Temporary Protective Grounding Equipment Annex -C Non-Compliance Schedule 7/12 CEB SPECIFICATION 132-1: 2015 ANNEX-A SCHEDULE OF GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS CEB Specified 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the manufacturer Country of the origin Model No. as stipulated in the catalogue Applicable Standards a)Cable size IEC61230,IEC16138,IEC61235,IEC602271,IEC6855/ASTMF855- 97,ASTM F711-02 AWG 0/1 or 50mm2 b)Cable Material Annealed copper / Soft-drawn copper c) Stranding of the cable e)Thickness of the covering IEC 61138(1442 strands, Dia. Of a strand0.21mm)/ASTM F855 (259 strands, Dia. Of a strand-0.51mm/20.2mils) As per IEC 61138, clause As per ASTM D753, D7268, D2270 and D2229. 1.5mm ±0.25mm -IEC/1.14mm (Minimum), ASTM. f) Color of the covering No color (Transparent) a)Clamp material Copper based alloy 207MPa Aluminium based alloy 207MPa c) Clamp material Yield strength, min 90MPa 138MPa g)Clamp material Elongation, min 6% 3% h)Line Clamp conductor range 4mm-20mm i) Clamp torque strength Yield, min 32Nm j) Clamp torque strength Ultimate, min 37Nm k) Type of the line Clamp C-Type or equivalent l) Device to prevent slippage or rotation of the screw and nut of ferrule Available m) Marking on the clamp Name or Logo of the manufacturer, Identity number, year of manufacture a)Ferrule Type Treaded Stud Shrouded Compression b)Ferrule Material Cu based alloy – Cu, 60% min. d)Covering Material 6. b)Clamp material Tensile strength, in 7. 8/12 Offered Comment CEB SPECIFICATION 132-1: 2015 8. c) Marking on the ferrule Manufacturer’s identity code a) Cluster bar chain length 150cm±5cm b) Material of cluster bar Copper based alloy/ Aluminium based alloy/Aluminium Minimum, twice that of the current rating of the provided clamp c) Current rating of the cluster bar 9. 10. d) Marking on the Cluster bar Manufacture’s identity code a) Temporary Grounding rod type screw type b) Material of the spindle Copper clad steel c) Material of the screw and handle Bronze d) Diameter of the rod 15mm-19mm e) Length of the Rod 150 cm-180cm a) High insulating operating rod category Reinforced b) High insulating operating rod bending force, minimum 100N c) High insulating operating rod maximum deflection, maximum 65mm d) Marking of the operating rod Name or the trade mark of the manufacturer. 11. Ultimate current carrying capacity of the equipment after 1 second of the fault occurrence, X/R=40. 12. Whether the offered Temporary Protective Ground sets are fully conform to, Clause 5.0 – Basic Features? Clause 6.1 – Grounding Cables? 13.1kA Yes/No Yes/No 9/12 CEB SPECIFICATION 132-1: 2015 13. 14. 15. Clause 6.2 – Clamps? Clause 6.3 – Ferrules? Clause 6.4 – Cluster bar? Clause 6.5 – Temporary grounding rod? Clause 6.6 – High insulating operating sticks? Whether the Type Test Certificates are furnished as per Clause 7.0? Whether the Acceptance /Sample Tests as per Clause 7.0 will be carried out? Whether the 9001:2008 quality assurances certificate furnished? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No I/We certify that the above data are true and correct. -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- Seal and the signature of the manufacturer Date 10/12 CEB SPECIFICATION 132-1 : 2015 Annex B See Datail "X" FERULE ( Detail -W ) Eye Clamp Shrink Tubing Cable Ferule See Detail "W" Shrink Tubing Cluster Bar ( See Detail "Y" ) CLAMPS GROUNDING CABLE SET ( Detail -X ) Clamp Lock CLUSTER BAR ( Detail -Y ) See Datail "Z" Earth Rod Drive EARTH ROD ( Detail -Z ) Note : All the figures are indicative DISTRIBUTION STANDARDS & SPECIFICATION CEYLON ELECTRICITY BOARD SCALE : NOT TO SCALE DRAWN : LALANI TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE GROUNDING EQUIPMENT DATE : March, 2014 DESIGNED BY APPROVED BY DRG. NO : DS&S /2015/132-1 RE PROJECTS & PROC. ( REGION - 01) BRANCH E.E. ( R E P & P ) 11/12 CHAIRMAN, SPECIFICATION COMMITTEE CAD NO : CEB SPECIFICATION 132-1: 2015 Annex – C Non-Compliance Schedule On this schedule the bidder shall provide a list of non-compliances with this specification, documenting the effects that such non-compliance is likely to have on the equipment life and operating characteristics. Each non-compliance shall be referred to the relevant specification clause. Clause No. Non-Compliance ………………………………………………. Signature of the Manufacturer/bidder and seal 12/12 ……..…………… Date