Human Brain Project HBP Pla1orm Release Event 30 March 2016 Professor Alois Knoll Technical University of Munich Co-­‐leader of the HBP NeuroroboHcs Pla1orm The Human Brain Project 2016 Co-­‐funded by the European Union March 30, 2016 1 Human Brain Project Vision Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges facing 21st century science. If we can rise to the challenge, we can gain profound insights into what makes us human, develop new treatments for brain diseases and build revoluHonary new compuIng and robot technologies. Today, for the first Hme, modern ICT has brought these goals within sight. HBP is a European Flagship project to create and operate collaboraIve research tools for brain research, and brain-­‐inspired technologies The Human Brain Project 2015 April 21, 2016 2 What does it mean to understand the brain? Brain Facts Serving size 1 per Person (1300 g) Calories 1958 Calories from Fat 1239 Total Fat 137.6 g Cholesterol 40.30 g Carbohydrates 19.88 g Protein 151.41 g Memory > 2.5 Million Giga Bytes Neurons 80,000,000,000 Synapses 100,000,000,000,000 Power 20 W Dimensions 1450 cm3 CogniHve abiliHes PercepHon: InterpretaIon and recogniIon of sensory informaIon, such as visual, auditory, smell, touch, etc. A]enHon: Ability to concentrate on a parIcular sImulus, thought, or acIvity Memory: Ability to store knowledge of different forms and to retrieve it when needed. Motor: Ability to stabilize, move and control our body. Ability to manipulate objects. Language: Ability to express our thoughts and wishes with words and gestures. Ability to understand and interpret language. The Autonomic Nervous System at Work sugar and nt of light ur temperkeep it at eaction to ufficiently range of tate called d. S E E FIG U R E 3 “Non-­‐cogniHve” abiliHes conscious hink about ake a mad h faster to le dose of . Pupils adjusting to sunlight Sweating to keep cool Tears forming due to pollen Checking blood sugar Lowering heart rate Adjusting breathing rate Digesting breakfast Raising “goose bumps” Don’t think computing computing. Source: IBM Deconstructing the Brain !"#$%&'()$*+(,)$-+./#01 Main Research DirecHons of Human Brain Project Future Neuroscience Integrate what we know about the brain into computer models and simulaIons Future Medicine Contribute to understanding, diagnosing and trea/ng diseases of the brain Future Compu2ng Learn from the brain how to build the supercomputers and robots of tomorrow Ø VirtualizaHon of Brain and RoboHcs Research Molecular !"#$%&'()"*+"($,$-(#./"0$12%%2%1"" '%3$("-"42#(*,#*5$/"6*'73"&(-%,7-&$" 2%&*"-"3212&-7"+-#,2427$"&.-&"#*402%$," #*45*%$%&"4*7$#'7-("5-(&,"&*" -,,$4"07$"-"#$77"&.-&"3$4*%,&(-&$," &.$"$,,$%&2-7"5(*5$(&2$,"*+"-"%$'(*%/" &.$"&(-%,42,,2*%"*+"$7$#&(2#-7"-%3" #.$42#-7",21%-7,8" Cellular !"0(-2%92%9-90*:",24'7-&2*%"6277" .-;$"&*"#-5&'($"$;$()"3$&-27"*+"" %$'(*%,"-%3"%*%%$'(*%-7"172-7"" #$77,/"2%#7'32%1"&.$"$:-#&"1$*4$&(2#" ,.-5$,"*+"&.$2("3$%3(2&$,"-%3"-:*%," &.-&"($#$2;$"-%3",$%3"2%+*(4-&2*%8"" Circuits !"4*3$7"*+"&.$"%$'(-7"#*%%$#&2*%," -4*%1"%$21.0*(2%1"#$77,"4-)" +'(%2,."#7'$,"&*"&.$"*(212%,"*+" #*457$:"0(-2%"32,$-,$,",'#."-," -'&2,4"-%3",#.2<*5.($%2-8" Regions B-C*("%$'(-7",'0,&('#&'($,D" &.$"-4)13-7-"E$4*&2*%,F/"&.$" .255*#-45',"E4$4*()F/"&.$"" +(*%&-7"7*0$,"E$:$#'&2;$"#*%&(*7FD #-%"0$"2%,5$#&$3"-7*%$"*("-,"&.$)" 2%&$(-#&"62&."*%$"-%*&.$(8"" Whole Organ !%"2%",272#*"0(-2%"421.&",'0,&2&'&$" +*("&.$"-#&'-7"*(1-%8"=)"($4*;2%1" &.$"#*45'&$("#*3$"+*("-">1$%$/?"" &.$";2(&'-7",),&$4"#-%/"+*("2%,&-%#$/" " -,",#2$%&2,&,"3*"&*3-)"0)">@%*#@2%1" *'&?"-"1$%$"2%"42#$8"A.$"&**7"6*'73" -;*23"&.$"7$%1&.)"0($$32%1"5(*#$,," -%3"#*'73",24'7-&$"-"4'7&2&'3$"" *+"$:5$(24$%&-7"#*%32&2*%,8"" 7 see in re become nism, an potentia This integrat gram th rules, th the “out teins, ce perimen go back and refi match, w more de a larger ware im faster a haves m ing the of cells a longer s To fe and lots the expe perform nately th accordin specific about th comes fr en us va can ther model o as a sta velop ou integrat models will dev The will help brain or tally tha dicted c ological know th grasp of but not finally a born, th what th A gr ready ex ble. One be to p medical immens cause d HBP at a glance § Future Emerging Technology (FET) Flagship § 10-­‐year, EUR 1 billion Research Roadmap 50% Core Project, 50% Partnering Projects § Biggest EU ICT project: HBP uses ICT funding § Focus future neuroscience, medicine, compuIng/roboIcs • Ramp-­‐up Phase (2 ½ years) • FP7 (54 million EUR) • 750+ scienIsts, • 114 insItuIons, • 24 countries, mainly Europe & Americas/Asia § Builds on pre-­‐exisIng EU & naIonal projects: Blue Brain, BrainScaleS, JSC, SpiNNaker, MyoroboIcs § Interfaces with EU & internaIonal efforts PRACE, US BRAIN iniIaIve, … The Human Brain Project 2016 March 30, 2016 8 The HBP Consortium currently includes partners from 22 countries, including many EU member states as well as Switzerland, the USA, Israel, Canada, Japan and China. When fully operational, it will employ a science and engineering workforce of approximately 500. The HBP ConsorHum • More than 750 scienIsts and engineers have contributed to the Core Project in the Ramp-­‐up phase HBP_brochure_V4.indd 8 • 60-­‐70% Core • 30-­‐40% Grants • • • • • USA Israel Japan China Canada 1 Structure of the Human Brain Project SP9 Subproject 1 SP1 Strategic Mouse Brain Data Subproject 2 SP2 Strategic Human Brain Data Subproject 3 SP3 Cognitive Architectures Subproject 4 SP4 Theoretical Neuroscience Subproject 5 SP5 Neuroinformatics Subproject 6 SP6 Brain Simulation Subproject 7 SP7 High Performance Computing Subproject 8 SP8 Medical Informatics Subproject 9 SP9 Neuromorphic Computing SP10 SP10 SP8 SP12 SP11 SP6 SP7 SP4 SP1 Subproject 10 SP10 Neurorobotics Subproject 11 SP11 Applications Subproject 12 SP12 Ethics and Society SP3 SP5 SP2 The Human Brain Project 2016 April 21, 2016 10 Ramp-­‐Up Phase: Science Achievements 3D segmentaIon algorithm development for Imely whole brain reconstrucIon of vasculature SP1 SP7 ClassificaIon of GABAergic interneurons with Bayesian networks SP1 SP5 IdenIficaIon of half of the brain territories across subjects SP2 Neurotransmieer receptor fingerprints SP2 GeneraIon of datasets recording brain acIvity across spaIal scales SP3 Detailed architecture maps of coherent funcIonal networks in human visual cortex SP3 First models of orchestrated synapIc plasIcity SP4 Foresight Report on Future Medicine SP12 Report on how far brain simulaIon can explain the mechanisms of the SP12 April 2 1, March 2 016 3 0, 2 016 The H uman B rain P roject 2 016 015 mind SP5 SP9 11 Ramp-­‐Up Phase: Technology & Infrastructure Achievements HBP Knowledge Graph and Ontologies SP5 Collaboratory: gateway to the plahorms SP13 + SP1 SP7 SP9 SP8 SP10 SP5 SP6 Network Simulator making full use of the largest supercomputers available today SP4 SP6 SP7 SP9 ReconstrucIon and simulaIon of neocorIcal microcircuitry SP1 SP6 Exascale data management tools for visualisaIon SP7 MoU with PRACE to access its high-­‐bandwidth net SP7 Next generaIon neuromorphic chips and smaller scale neuromorphic systems SP9 Neural control of musculoskeletal robots and brain-­‐ body integraIon of completely virtual robot mouse SP4 SP10 SP11 The Human Brain Project 2016 SP6 March 30, 2016 SP10 12 380+ Publications The Human Brain Project 2016 March 30, 2016 13 And some recent high-­‐impact publicaHons The Human Brain Project 2016 March 30, 2016 14 Pla1orm release The Plahorm Release is a major project milestone and achievement • IniIates the next phase of the HBP – the OperaIonal Phase • Opens diverse channels for collaboraIon with the HBP We welcome the scienHfic community to begin exploring the Pla1orms and working with us! The Human Brain Project 2016 April 21, 2016 15 HBP Pla1orms § CollaboraHve research tools for brain research and brain-­‐ inspired compuIng technologies. § Prototype hardware, solware, databases, brain atlases, and programming interfaces § Embody the key objecIves of the HBP § ConHnuous refinement in close collaboraIon with end users § Access as of today via the HBP Collaboratory Photo: © John L Downes The Human Brain Project 2016 March 30, 2016 16 Pla1orms and subprojects in the HBP SP3 SP4 SP10 SP4 SP6 Scaffold Models Mouse SP1 SP3 SP2 SP3 SP5 Neuroscience Human Medicine In-­‐silico behavior and cogniIon SP8 SP9 CompuIng The Human Brain Project 2016 Subproject 1 SP1 Strategic Mouse Brain Data Subproject 2 SP2 Strategic Human Brain Data Subproject 3 SP3 Cognitive Architectures Subproject 4 SP4 Theoretical Neuroscience Subproject 5 SP5 Neuroinformatics Subproject 6 SP6 Brain Simulation Subproject 7 SP7 High Performance Computing Subproject 8 SP8 Medical Informatics Subproject 9 SP9 Neuromorphic Computing Subproject 10 SP10 Neurorobotics Subproject 11 SP11 Applications Subproject 12 SP12 Ethics and Society constraints predicIons capability April 21, 2016 17 Pla1orms and subprojects in the HBP Mouse SP1 Scaffold Models Human Brain SimulaIon SP3 SP5 SP2 SP3 SP8 CompuIng SP9 High-­‐Performance / Neuromorphic CompuIng The Human Brain Project 2016 Medicine NeuroinformaIcs Neuroscience SP4 SP6 SP10 Medical InformaIcs In-­‐silico SP3 SP4 behavior and cogniIon NeuroroboIcs NeuroroboHcs: tesIng brain models and simulaIons in virtual environments NeuroinformaHcs: a data repository, including brain atlases Brain SimulaHon: building ICT models and simulaIons of brains and brain components Neuromorphic CompuHng: ICT that mimics the funcIoning of the brain High Performance CompuHng: hardware and solware to support the other Plahorms Medical InformaHcs: bringing together informaIon on brain diseases Platform example: Neurorobotics The Human Brain Project 2016 March 30, 2016 19 Moving forward – Community Engagement HBP is building a user-­‐centric research infrastructure for virtual brain research CollaboraHon with a large community of end-­‐users to refine and further develop the Plahorms is a main focus of the next 7 years Research Industry • NeuroscienIsts • • • • • Modeling communiIes RoboIcs researchers Clinicians Machine learning cogniIve compuIng The Human Brain Project 2016 • • • • • • pharmaceuIcal biotech telecommunicaIons, finance industry, roboIcs, automoIve March 30, 2016 20 User engagement event -­‐ example Date: 12 April 2016 Title: SimulaIons on different scales of space and Ime Audience: Young neuroscience researchers using simulaIon tools One day interacIve training on using and collaboraIng with cunng edge simulaIon tools. Several of the tools are integrated into the HBP Plahorms. The event is open to all young scienIsts of the HBP community and to external parIcipants. RegistraHon is open now heps:// young-­‐researchers-­‐budapest/home Human Brain Project 2016 The March 30, 2016 21 Pla1orm release event 30 March 2016, Biotech Campus, Geneva Morning Programme Time Topic Speaker 09:30-09:40 Welcome Philippe Gillet, EPFL 09:40-09:55 Introduction talk: What is HBP? Alois Knoll, TUM 09:55-10:10 The HBP Platforms and the Collaboratory Jeffrey Muller, EPFL 10:15-10:25 High Performance Analytics and Computing (SP7) Thomas Lippert, Jülich 10:25-10:40 Neuroinformatics (SP5) Sean Hill, EPFL 10:40-11:00 Break 11:00-11:15 BrainSimulation (SP6) Felix Schürmann, EPFL 11:15-11:30 Medical Informatics (SP8) Ferath Kherif, CHUV 11:30-11:45 Neuromorphic Computing (SP9) Steve Furber, UMAN 11:45-12:00 Neurorobotics (SP10) Marc-Oliver Gewaltig, EPFL 12:00-12:10 Closing remarks Karlheinz Meier, UNIHEI The Human Brain Project 2016 April 21, 2016 22