IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY 1 Efficient Integer DCT Architectures for HEVC Pramod Kumar Meher, Senior Member, IEEE, Sang Yoon Park, Member, IEEE, Basant Kumar Mohanty, Senior Member, IEEE, Khoon Seong Lim, and Chuohao Yeo, Member, IEEE Abstract—In this paper, we present area- and power-efficient architectures for the implementation of integer discrete cosine transform (DCT) of different lengths to be used in High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). We show that an efficient constant matrixmultiplication scheme can be used to derive parallel architectures for 1-D integer DCT of different lengths. We also show that the proposed structure could be reusable for DCT of lengths 4, 8, 16, and 32 with a throughput of 32 DCT coefficients per cycle irrespective of the transform size. Moreover, the proposed architecture could be pruned to reduce the complexity of implementation substantially with only a marginal affect on the coding performance. We propose power-efficient structures for folded and full-parallel implementations of 2-D DCT. From the synthesis result, it is found that the proposed architecture involves nearly 14% less area-delay product (ADP) and 19% less energy per sample (EPS) compared to the direct implementation of the reference algorithm, in average, for integer DCT of lengths 4, 8, 16, and 32. Also, an additional 19% saving in ADP and 20% saving in EPS can be achieved by the proposed pruning algorithm with nearly the same throughput rate. The proposed architecture is found to support Ultra-High-Definition (UHD) 7680×4320 @ 60 fps video which is one of the applications of HEVC. Index Terms—Discrete cosine transform (DCT), High Efficiency Video Coding, HEVC, H.265, integer DCT, video coding. I. I NTRODUCTION The discrete cosine transform (DCT) plays a vital role in video compression due to its near-optimal de-correlation efficiency [1]. Several variations of integer DCT have been suggested in the last two decades to reduce the computational complexity [2]–[6]. The new H.265/HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) standard [7] has been recently finalized and poised to replace H.264/AVC [8]. Some hardware architectures for the integer DCT for HEVC have also been proposed for its real-time implementation. Ahmed et al [9] have decomposed the DCT matrices into sparse sub-matrices where the multiplications are avoided by using lifting scheme. Shen et al [10] have used the multiplierless multiple constant multiplication (MCM) approach for 4-point and 8-point DCT, and have used the normal multipliers with sharing techniques for 16 and 32point DCTs. Park et al [11] have used Chen’s factorization of DCT where the butterfly operation has been implemented by the processing element with only shifters, adders, and Manuscript submitted on xx, xx, xxxx. (Corresponding author: S. Y. Park.) P. K. Meher, S. Y. Park, K. S. Lim, and C. Yeo are with the Institute for Infocomm Research, 138632 Singapore (e-mail: {pkmeher, sypark, kslim, chyeo} B. K. Mohanty is with the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Raghogarh, Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India-473226 (e-mail: Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained from the IEEE by sending an email to multiplexors. Budagavi and Sze [12] have proposed a unified structure to be used for forward as well as inverse transform after the matrix decomposition. One key feature of HEVC is that it supports DCT of different sizes such as 4, 8, 16, and 32. Therefore, the hardware architecture should be flexible enough for the computation of DCT of any of these lengths. The existing designs for conventional DCT based on constant matrix multiplication (CMM) and MCM can provide optimal solutions for the computation of any of these lengths but they are not reusable for any length to support the same throughput processing of DCT of different transform lengths. Considering this issue, we have analyzed the possible implementations of integer DCT for HEVC in the context of resource requirement and reusability, and based on that, we have derived the proposed algorithm for hardware implementation. We have designed scalable and reusable architectures for 1-D and 2-D integer DCTs for HEVC which could be reused for any of the prescribed lengths with the same throughput of processing irrespective of transform size. In the next section, we present algorithms for hardware implementation of the HEVC integer DCTs of different lengths 4, 8, 16, and 32. In Section III, we illustrate the design of the proposed architecture for the implementation of 4-point and 8point integer DCT along with a generalized design of integer DCT of length N , which could be used for the DCT of length N = 16 and 32. Moreover, we demonstrate the reusability of the proposed solutions in this section. In Section IV, we propose power-efficient designs of transposition buffers for full-parallel and folded implementations of 2-D Integer DCT. In Section V, we propose a bit-pruning scheme for the implementation of integer DCT and present the impact of pruning on forward and inverse transforms. In Section VI, we compare the synthesis result of the proposed architecture with those of existing architectures for HEVC. II. A LGORITHM FOR H ARDWARE I MPLEMENTATION OF I NTEGER DCT FOR HEVC In the Joint Collaborative Team-Video Coding (JCT-VC), which manages the standardization of HEVC, Core Experiment 10 (CE10) studied the design of core transforms over several meeting cycles [13]. The eventual HEVC transform design [14] involves coefficients of 8-bit size, but does not allow full factorization unlike other competing proposals [13]. It however allows for both matrix multiplication and partial butterfly implementation. In this section, we have used the partial-butterfly algorithm of [14] for the computation of integer DCT along with its efficient algorithmic transformation for hardware implementation. 2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY A. Key Features of Integer DCT for HEVC 1 The N -point integer DCT for HEVC given by [14] can be computed by partial butterfly approach using a (N/2)-point DCT and a matrix-vector product of (N/2) × (N/2) matrix with an (N/2)-point vector as a(0) y(0) y(2) a(1) · · = CN/2 · · (1a) · · a(N/2 − 2) y(N − 4) a(N/2 − 1) y(N − 2) and b(0) y(1) y(3) b(1) · · · · = MN/2 · · b(N/2 − 2) y(N − 3) b(N/2 − 1) y(N − 1) (1b) where a(i) = x(i) + x(N − i − 1) b(i) = x(i) − x(N − i − 1) (4) and 64 89 83 75 C8 = 64 50 36 18 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 75 50 18 −18 −50 −75 −89 36 −36 −83 −83 −36 36 83 −18 −89 −50 50 89 18 −75 . (5) −64 −64 64 64 −64 −64 64 −89 18 75 −75 −18 89 −50 −83 83 −36 −36 83 −83 36 −50 75 −89 89 −75 50 −18 Based on (1) and (2), hardware oriented algorithms for DCT computation can be derived in three stages as in Table I. For 8, 16, and 32-point DCT, even indexed coefficients of [y(0), y(2), y(4), · · ·y(N − 2)] are computed as 4, 8, and 16point DCTs of [a(0), a(1), a(2), · · ·a(N/2 − 1)], respectively, according to (1a). In Table II, we have listed the arithmetic complexities of the reference algorithm and the MCM-based algorithm for 4, 8, 16, and 32-point DCT. Algorithms for Inverse DCT (IDCT) can also be derived in a similar way. (2) for i = 0, 1, · · ·, N/2 − 1. X = [x(0), x(1), · · ·, x(N − 1)] is the input vector and Y = [y(0), y(1), · · ·, y(N − 1)] is N point DCT of X. CN/2 is (N/2)-point integer DCT kernel matrix of size (N/2) × (N/2). MN/2 is also a matrix of size (N/2) × (N/2) and its (i, j)th entry is defined as 2i+1,j mi,j for 0 ≤ i, j ≤ N/2 − 1 N/2 = cN are represented, respectively, as 64 64 64 64 83 36 −36 −83 C4 = 64 −64 −64 64 36 −83 83 −36 (3) c2i+1,j N is the (2i + 1, j)th entry of the matrix CN . where Note that (1a) could be similarly decomposed, recursively, further using CN/4 and MN/4 . We have referred to the direct implementation of DCT based on (1)-(3) as the reference algorithm in the rest of the paper. B. Hardware Oriented Algorithm Direct implementation of (1) requires N 2 /4 + MULN/2 multiplications, N 2 /4+N/2+ADDN/2 additions and 2 shifts where MULN/2 and ADDN/2 are the number of multiplications and additions/subtractions of (N/2)-point DCT, respectively. Computation of (1) could be treated as a CMM problem [15]–[17]. Since the absolute values of the coefficients in all the rows and columns of matrix M in (1b) are identical, CMM problem can be implemented as a set of N/2 MCMs which will result in a highly regular architecture and will have lowcomplexity implementation. The kernel matrices for 4, 8, 16, and 32-point integer DCT for HEVC are given in [14], and 4 and 8-point integer DCT 1 While the standard defines the inverse DCT, we show the forward DCT here since it is more directly related to the later parts of this paper. Also, note that the transpose of the inverse DCT can be used as the forward DCT. III. P ROPOSED A RCHITECTURES FOR I NTEGER DCT C OMPUTATION In this section, we present the proposed architecture for the computation of integer DCT of length 4. We also present a generalized architecture for integer DCT of higher lengths. A. Proposed Architecture for 4-Point Integer DCT The proposed architecture for 4-point integer DCT is shown in Fig. 1(a). It consists of an input adder unit (IAU), a shiftadd unit (SAU) and an output adder unit (OAU). The IAU computes a(0), a(1), b(0), and b(1) according to STAGE-1 of the algorithm as described in Table I. The computation of ti,36 and ti,83 are performed by two SAUs according to STAGE2 of the algorithm. The computation of t0,64 and t1,64 does not consume any logic since the shift operations could be rewired in hardware. The structure of SAU is shown in Fig. 1(b). Outputs of the SAU are finally added by the OAU according to STAGE-3 of the algorithm. B. Proposed Architecture for Integer DCT of Length 8 and Higher Length DCTs The generalized architecture for N -point integer DCT based on the proposed algorithm is shown in Fig. 2. It consists of four units, namely the IAU, (N/2)-point integer DCT unit, SAU, and OAU. The IAU computes a(i) and b(i) for i = 0, 1, ..., N/2 − 1 according to STAGE-1 of the algorithm of Section II-B. The SAU provides the result of multiplication of input sample with DCT coefficient by STAGE-2 of the algorithm. Finally, the OAU generates the output of DCT from a binary adder tree of log2 N − 1 stages. Figs. 3(a), 3(b), MEHER et al.: EFFICIENT INTEGER DCT ARCHITECTURES FOR HEVC 3 TABLE I 3-STAGE S H ARDWARE O RIENTED A LGORITHMS FOR THE C OMPUTATION OF 4, 8, 16, AND 32-P OINT DCT. STAGE-1 STAGE-2 STAGE-3 STAGE-1 STAGE-2 STAGE-3 STAGE-1 STAGE-2 STAGE-3 STAGE-1 STAGE-2 STAGE-3 4-Point DCT Computation a(i) = x(i) + x(3 − i), b(i) = x(i) − x(3 − i) for i = 0 and 1. mi,9 = 9b(i) = (b(i) << 3) + b(i), ti,64 = 64a(i) = a(i) << 6, ti,83 = 83b(i) = (b(i) << 6) + (mi,9 << 1) + b(i), ti,36 = 36b(i) = mi,9 << 2 for i = 0 and 1. y(0) = t0,64 + t1,64 , y(2) = t0,64 − t1,64 , y(1) = t0,83 + t1,36 , y(3) = t0,36 − t1,83 . 8-Point DCT Computation a(i) = x(i) + x(7 − i), b(i) = x(i) − x(7 − i) for 0 ≤ i ≤ 3. mi,9 = 9b(i) = (b(i) << 3) + b(i), mi,25 = 25b(i) = (b(i) << 4) + mi,9 , ti,18 = 18b(i) = mi,9 << 1, ti,50 = 50b(i) = mi,25 << 1, ti,75 = 75b(i) = ti,50 + mi,25 , ti,89 = 89b(i) = (b(i) << 6) + mi,25 for 0 ≤ i ≤ 3. y(1) = t0,89 + t1,75 + t2,50 + t3,18 , y(3) = t0,75 − t1,18 − t2,89 − t3,50 , y(5) = t0,50 − t1,89 + t2,18 + t3,75 , y(7) = t0,18 − t1,50 + t2,75 − t3,89 . 16-Point DCT Computation a(i) = x(i) + x(15 − i), b(i) = x(i) − x(15 − i) for 0 ≤ i ≤ 7. mi,8 = 8b(i) = b(i) << 3, ti,9 = 9b(i) = mi,8 + b(i), mi,18 = 18b(i) = ti,9 << 1, mi,72 = 72b(i) = ti,9 << 3, ti,25 = 25b(i) = (b(i) << 4) + ti,9 , ti,43 = 43b(i) = mi,18 + ti,25 , ti,57 = 57b(i) = ti,25 + (b(i) << 5), ti,70 = 70b(i) = mi,72 − (b(i) << 1), ti,80 = 80b(i) = mi,72 + mi,8 , ti,87 = 87b(i) = (ti,43 << 1) + b(i), ti,90 = 90b(i) = mi,72 + mi,18 for 0 ≤ i ≤ 7. y(1) = t0,90 + t1,87 + t2,80 + t3,70 + t4,57 + t5,43 + t6,25 + t7,9 , y(3) = t0,87 + t1,57 + t2,9 − t3,43 − t4,80 − t5,90 − t6,70 − t7,25 , y(5) = t0,80 + t1,9 − t2,70 − t3,87 − t4,25 + t5,57 + t6,90 + t7,43 , y(7) = t0,70 − t1,43 − t2,87 + t3,9 + t4,90 + t5,25 − t6,80 − t7,57 , y(9) = t0,57 − t1,80 − t2,25 + t3,90 − t4,9 − t5,87 + t6,43 + t7,70 , y(11) = t0,43 − t1,90 + t2,57 + t3,25 − t4,87 + t5,70 + t6,9 − t7,80 , y(13) = t0,25 − t1,70 + t2,90 − t3,80 + t4,43 + t5,9 − t6,57 + t7,87 , y(15) = t0,9 − t1,25 + t2,43 − t3,57 + t4,70 − t5,80 + t6,87 − t7,90 . 32-Point DCT Computation a(i) = x(i) + x(31 − i), b(i) = x(i) − x(31 − i) for 0 ≤ i ≤ 15. mi,2 = 2b(i) = b(i) << 1, ti,4 = 4b(i) = b(i) << 2, ti,9 = 9b(i) = (b(i) << 3) + b(i), mi,18 = 18b(i) = ti,9 << 1, mi,72 = 72b(i) = ti,9 << 3, ti,13 = 13b(i) = ti,9 + ti,4 , mi,52 = 52b(i) = ti,13 << 2, ti,22 = 22b(i) = mi,18 + ti,4 , ti,31 = 31b(i) = (b(i) << 5) − b(i), ti,38 = 38b(i) = (ti,9 << 2) + mi,2 , ti,46 = 46b(i) = (ti,22 << 1) + mi,2 , ti,54 = 54b(i) = mi,52 + mi,2 , ti,61 = 61b(i) = (ti,31 << 1) − b(i), ti,67 = 67b(i) = ti,54 + ti,13 , ti,73 = 73b(i) = mi,72 + b(i), ti,78 = 78b(i) = mi,52 + (ti,13 << 1), ti,82 = 82b(i) = ti,78 + ti,4 , ti,85 = 85b(i) = mi,72 + ti,13 , ti,88 = 88b(i) = ti,22 << 2, ti,90 = 90b(i) = mi,72 + mi,18 for 0 ≤ i ≤ 15. y(1) = t0,90 + t1,90 + t2,88 + t3,85 + t4,82 + t5,78 + t6,73 + t7,67 + t8,61 + t9,54 + t10,46 + t11,38 + t12,31 + t13,22 + t14,13 + t15,4 , y(3) = t0,90 + t1,82 + t2,67 + t3,46 + t4,22 − t5,4 − t6,31 − t7,54 − t8,73 − t9,85 − t10,90 − t11,88 − t12,78 − t13,61 − t14,38 − t15,13 , y(5) = t0,88 + t1,67 + t2,31 − t3,13 − t4,54 − t5,82 − t6,90 − t7,78 − t8,46 − t9,4 + t10,38 + t11,73 + t12,90 + t13,85 + t14,61 + t15,22 , y(7) = t0,85 + t1,46 − t2,13 − t3,67 − t4,90 − t5,73 − t6,22 + t7,38 + t8,82 + t9,88 + t10,54 − t11,4 − t12,61 − t13,90 − t14,78 − t15,31 , y(9) = t0,82 + t1,22 − t2,54 − t3,90 − t4,61 + t5,13 + t6,78 + t7,85 + t8,31 − t9,46 − t10,90 − t11,67 + t12,4 + t13,73 + t14,88 + t15,38 , y(11) = t0,78 − t1,4 − t2,82 − t3,73 + t4,13 + t5,85 + t6,67 − t7,22 − t8,88 − t9,61 + t10,31 + t11,90 + t12,54 − t13,38 − t14,90 − t15,46 , y(13) = t0,73 − t1,31 − t2,90 − t3,22 + t4,78 + t5,67 − t6,38 − t7,90 − t8,13 + t9,82 + t10,61 − t11,46 − t12,88 − t13,4 + t14,85 + t15,54 , y(15) = t0,67 − t1,54 − t2,78 + t3,38 + t4,85 − t5,22 − t6,90 + t7,4 + t8,90 + t9,13 − t10,88 − t11,31 + t12,82 + t13,46 − t14,73 − t15,61 , y(17) = t0,61 − t1,73 − t2,46 + t3,82 + t4,31 − t5,88 − t6,13 + t7,90 − t8,4 − t9,90 + t10,22 + t11,85 − t12,38 − t13,78 + t14,54 + t15,67 , y(19) = t0,54 − t1,85 − t2,4 + t3,88 − t4,46 − t5,61 + t6,82 + t7,13 − t8,90 + t9,38 + t10,67 − t11,78 − t12,22 + t13,90 − t14,31 − t15,73 , y(21) = t0,46 − t1,90 + t2,38 + t3,54 − t4,90 + t5,31 + t6,61 − t7,88 + t8,22 + t9,67 − t10,85 + t11,13 + t12,73 − t13,82 + t14,4 + t15,78 , y(23) = t0,38 − t1,88 + t2,73 − t3,4 − t4,67 + t5,90 − t6,46 − t7,31 + t8,85 − t9,78 + t10,13 + t11,61 − t12,90 + t13,54 + t14,22 − t15,82 , y(25) = t0,31 − t1,78 + t2,90 − t3,61 + t4,4 + t5,54 − t6,88 + t7,82 − t8,38 − t9,22 + t10,73 − t11,90 + t12,67 − t13,13 − t14,46 + t15,85 , y(27) = t0,22 − t1,61 + t2,85 − t3,90 + t4,73 − t5,38 − t6,4 + t7,46 − t8,78 + t9,90 − t10,82 + t11,54 − t12,13 − t13,31 + t14,67 − t15,88 , y(29) = t0,13 − t1,38 + t2,61 − t3,78 + t4,88 − t5,90 + t6,85 − t7,73 + t8,54 − t9,31 + t10,4 + t11,22 − t12,46 + t13,67 − t14,82 + t15,90 , y(31) = t0,4 − t1,13 + t2,22 − t3,31 + t4,38 − t5,46 + t6,54 − t7,61 + t8,67 − t9,73 + t10,78 − t11,82 + t12,85 − t13,88 + t14,90 − t15,90 . and 3(c) respectively illustrate the structures of IAU, SAU, and OAU in the case of 8-point integer DCT. Four SAUs are required to compute ti,89 , ti,75 , ti,50 , and ti,18 for i = 0, 1, 2, and 3 according to STAGE-2 of the algorithm. The outputs of SAUs are finally added by two-stage adder tree according to STAGE-3 of the algorithm. Structures for 16 and 32-point integer DCT can also be obtained similarly. TABLE II C OMPUTATIONAL C OMPLEXITIES OF MCM-BASED H ARDWARE O RIENTED A LGORITHM AND R EFERENCE A LGORITHM . N 4 8 16 32 Reference Algorithm MULT ADD SHIFT 4 20 84 340 8 28 100 372 2 2 2 2 MCM-Based Algorithm ADD SHIFT 14 50 186 682 10 30 86 278 C. Reusable Architecture for Integer DCT The proposed reusable architecture for the implementation of DCT of any of the prescribed lengths is shown in Fig. 4(a). There are two (N/2)-point DCT units in the structure. The input to one (N/2)-point DCT unit is fed through (N/2) 2:1 MUXes that selects either [a(0), ..., a(N/2 − 1)] or [x(0), ..., x(N/2 − 1)], depending on whether it is used for N -point DCT computation or for the DCT of a lower size. The other (N/2)-point DCT unit takes the input [x(N/2), ..., x(N − 1)] when it is used for the computation of DCT of N/2 point or a lower size, otherwise, the input is reset by an array of (N/2) AND gates to disable this (N/2)point DCT unit. The output of this (N/2)-point DCT unit is 4 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY output adder unit t0,64 A input adder unit A x(0) a(0) << 6 x(0) x(7) x(1) x(6) A a(0) x(2) x(5) A A A x(3) b(0) shift-add unit b(0) a(1) x(4) A A A A A b(1) a(2) b(2) a(3) b(3) y(0) _ t0,83 t0,36 x(3) A _ _ _ y(1) (-) x(1) A a(1) t1,64 << 6 (-) A (a) y(2) an.pdf A x(2) shift-add unit (-) t1,36 t1,83 A ti,75 A y(3) (-) SAU-i.pdf (a) A << 3 A << 4 << 6 b(i) ti,89 A << 6 b(1) << 1 b(i) A << 3 << 1 ti,50 << 1 ti,18 ti,83 A (b) ti,36 << 1 t0,89 t3,18 t1,75 t2,50 t2,89 t1,18 t0,75 t3,50 t1,89 t2,18 t3,75 t0,50 t3,89 t0,18 t2,75 t1,50 W+6 W+8 W+8 W+7 A A (b) W+8 _ _ <<A2 A _ AA A _ A ti,89/16A stage-1 W+8 >> 1 Fig. 1. Proposed architecture of 4-point integer DCT. (a) 4-point DCT architecture. (b) Structure of SAU. _ A A ti,75/16 stage-2 << 1 A A A prune-b.pdf A ti,50/16 W+9 a(1) x(1) N/2 y(1) shift-add unit N/2 shift-add unit x(N-2) b(N/2-1) N/2 shift-add unit ty(7) i,18/16 << 3 oau.pdf y(N-2) x(N-1) y(5) Fig. 3. Proposed architecture of 8-point integer DCT and IDCT. (a) Structure of IAU. (b) Structure of SAU. (c) Structure of OAU. output adder unit input adder unit b(1) y(3)A (c) y(2) (N/2)-point integer DCT unit a(N/2-1) b(0) y(1) b(i) y(0) a(0) x(0) y(3) y(N-1) combinational logics for control units are shown in Figs. 4(b) and 4(c) for N = 16 and 32, respectively. For N = 8, m8 is a 1-bit signal which is used as sel 1 while sel 2 is not required since 4-point DCT is the smallest DCT. The proposed structure can compute one 32-point DCT, two 16-point DCTs, four 8point DCTs, and eight 4-point DCTs, while the throughput remains the same as 32 DCT coefficients per cycle irrespective of the desired transform size. Fig. 2. Proposed generalized architecture for integer DCT of length N = 8, 16, and 32. multiplexed with that of the OAU, which is preceded by the SAUs and IAU of the structure. The N AND gates before IAU are used to disable the IAU, SAU, and OAU when the architecture is used to compute (N/2)-point DCT computation or a lower size. The input of the control unit, mN is used to decide the size of DCT computation. Specifically, for N = 32, m32 is a 2-bits signal which is set to {00}, {01}, {10}, and {11} to compute 4, 8, 16, and 32-point DCT, respectively. The control unit generates sel 1 and sel 2, where sel 1 is used as control signals of N MUXes and input of N AND gates before IAU. sel 2 is used as the input m(N/2) to two lower size reusable integer DCT units in recursive manner. The IV. P ROPOSED S TRUCTURE FOR 2-D I NTEGER DCT Using its separable property, a (N × N )-point 2-D integer DCT could be computed by row-column decomposition technique in two distinct stages: • • STAGE-1: N -point 1-D integer DCT is computed for each column of the input matrix of size (N × N ) to generate an intermediate output matrix of size (N × N ). STAGE-2: N -point 1-D DCT is computed for each row of the intermediate output matrix of size (N × N ) to generate desired 2-D DCT of size (N × N ). We present here a folded architecture and a full-parallel architecture for the 2-D integer DCT, along with the necessary transposition buffer to match them without internal data movement. MEHER et al.: EFFICIENT INTEGER DCT ARCHITECTURES FOR HEVC 5 mN control unit sel_2 sel_1 0 control unit y(2) (N/2)-point reusable integer DCT unit MUX y(0) a(0) a(1) a(N/2-1) input adder unit flexible-dct.pdf x(N/2-1) shift-add unit a(0)a(1) a(N/2-1) x(N/2) x(N/2+1) b(1) x(0) input adder unit x(1) b(N/2-1) x(N-1) x(N/2-1) x(N-1) b(0) b(1) N/2 shift add shift-add unit unit N/2 N/2 shift add unit (N/2)-point reusable integer b(N/2-1) DCT unit N/2 0 1 y(1) 0 y(N-2) 1 y(3) y(1) 0 y(3) 1 MUX x(1) y(2) output adder unit (N/2)-point N/2 reusable shift-add unit integer DCT unit N/2 b(0) output adder unit x(0) y(N-2) MUX MUX unit (N/2 2:1 MUX) 0 1 1 MUX sel_2 sel_1 y(0) MUX 1 0 MUX mN y(N-1) y(N-1) shift add unit sel_2 (a) flexible-dct.pdf sel_1 control.pdf m32(0) m32(1) sel_1 sel_2 m16(0) m16(1) sel_2(0) sel_2(1) (b) (c) Fig. 4. Proposed reusable architecture of integer DCT. (a) Proposed reusable architecture for N = 8, 16, and 32. (b) Control unit for N = 16. (c) Control unit for N = 32. A. Folded Structure for 2-D Integer DCT The folded structure for the computation of (N × N )-point 2-D integer DCT is shown in Fig. 5(a). It consists of one N -point 1-D DCT module and a transposition buffer. The structure of the proposed 4 × 4 transposition buffer is shown in Fig. 5(b). It consists of 16 registers arranged in 4 rows and 4 columns. (N × N ) transposition buffer can store N values in any one column of registers by enabling them by one of the enable signals ENi for i = 0, 1, · · ·, N − 1. One can select the content of one of the rows of registers through the MUXes. During the first N successive cycles, the DCT module receives the successive columns of (N × N ) block of input for the computation of STAGE-1, and stores the intermediate results in the registers of successive columns in the transposition buffer. In the next N cycles, contents of successive rows of the transposition buffer are selected by the MUXes and fed as input to the 1-D DCT module. N MUXes are used at the input of the 1-D DCT module to select either the columns from the input buffer (during the first N cycles) or the rows from the transposition buffer (during the next N cycles). B. Full-Parallel Structure for 2-D Integer DCT The full-parallel structure for (N × N )-point 2-D integer DCT is shown in Fig. 6(a). It consists of two N -point 1D DCT modules and a transposition buffer. The structure of the 4 × 4 transposition buffer for full-parallel structure is shown in Fig. 6(b). It consists of 16 register cells (RC) (shown in Fig. 6(c)) arranged in 4 rows and 4 columns. N ×N transposition buffer can store N values in a cycle either rowwise or column-wise by selecting the inputs by the MUXes at the input of RCs. The output from RCs can also be collected either row-wise or column-wise. To read the output from the buffer, N number of (2N − 1):1 MUXes (shown in Fig. 6(d)) are used, where outputs of the ith row and the ith column of RCs are fed as input to the ith MUX. For the first N successive cycles, the ith MUX provides output of N successive RCs on 6 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY MUX MUX rows of 2-D DCT output N-point integer DCT unit rows of 2-D DCT output MUX columns of 2-D DCT input NxN transposition buffer N-point integer DCT unit columns of 2-D DCT input N-point integer DCT unit (a) NxN transposition buffer rows of intermediate output columns of intermediate output x0 y00 RC00 (a) EN1 EN0 R03 R02 RC10 R21 N-point R13 integer DCT unit R22 rows of 2-D DCT output RC20 R23 y10 RC30 RC01 RC11 RC21 y20 y30 RC30 RC21 RC31 y30 RC31 R30 R31 R32 R33 xi xj xi xj MUX y0 MUX y1 MUX y2 MUX y3 RCijyij Rij ENij clock yij Rij ENij clock y01 y11 y11 y21 y21 y31 y31 (b)y0i RCij MUX x3 R20 R12 MUX x2 R11 NxN transposition buffer N-point R10 integer DCT unit RC02 y02 x2 RC11 y20 RC20 x1 columns of 2-D DCT input y00 y10 RC10 clock R01 x3 RC03 y03 x3 clock EN3 RC00 R00 y01 x1 clock x0 RC01 x0 EN2 x2 x1 s0 s1 s2 ss0 1 s2 RC02 RC12 RC12 RC22 RC22 RC32 RC32 y02 y12 RC13 RC23 y32 RC33 RC33 y23 y23 RC23 y32 y13 y13 RC13 y22 y22 y03 RC03 y12 y33 y33 y1i y2i y3i yi0 yi1 yi2 yi3 y0i y1i y2i y3i yi0 yi1 yi2 yi3 7-to-1 MUX 7-to-1 MUX i=0,1,2,3 i=0,1,2,3 yi yi (c) (d) (b) Fig. 5. Folded structure of (N × N )-point 2-D integer DCT. (a) The folded 2-D DCT architecture. (b) Structure of the transposition buffer for input size 4 × 4. the ith row. In the next N successive cycles, the ith MUX provides output of N successive RCs on the ith column. By this arrangement, in the first N cycles, we can read the output of N successive columns of RCs and in the next N cycles, we can read the output of N successive rows of RCs. The transposition buffer in this case allows both read and write operations concurrently. If for the N cycles, results are read and stored column-wise now, then in the next N successive cycles, results are read and stored in the transposition buffer row-wise. The first 1-D DCT module receives the inputs column-wise from the input buffer. It computes a column of intermediate output and stores in the transposition buffer. The second 1-D DCT module receives the rows of the intermediate result from the transposition buffer and computes the rows of 2-D DCT output row-wise. Suppose that in the first N cycles, the intermediate results are stored column-wise and all the columns are filled in with Fig. 6. Full-parallel structure of (N × N )-point 2-D integer DCT. (a) The full-parallel 2-D DCT architecture. (b) Structure of the transposition buffer for input size 4×4. (c) Register cell RCij. (d) 7-to-1 MUX for 4×4 transposition buffer. intermediated results, then in the next N cycles, contents of successive rows of the transposition buffer are selected by the MUXes and fed as input to the 1-D DCT module of the second stage. During this period, the output of the 1-D DCT module of first stage is stored row-wise. In the next N cycles, results are read and written column-wise. The alternating column-wise and row-wise read and write operations with the transposition buffer continues. The transposition buffer in this case introduces a pipeline latency of N cycles required to fill in the transposition buffer for the first time. V. P RUNED DCT A RCHITECTURE Fig. 7(a) illustrates a typical hybrid video encoder, e.g., HEVC, and Fig. 7(b) shows the breakdown of the blocks in the shaded region in Fig. 7(a) for Main Profile, where the encoding and decoding chain involves DCT, quantization, de-quantization, and IDCT based on the transform design Encoder block diagram MEHER et al.: EFFICIENT INTEGER DCT ARCHITECTURES FOR HEVC input video - transform entropy coding quantization 7 bitstream 21 20 23 22 inverse quantization 18 17 16 8 9 7 6 9 DCT-1 ti,50 ti,89 A << 6 ti,75 b(i)<<6 log2N +22 DCT-2 inverse quantization 0 mi,25 A transform >> log2N-1 1 2 ti,75 reference frame buffer 16 3 4 reconstructed video (a) log2N +15 5 ti , 50 in-loop processing inter prediction 19 t i ,18 inverse transform intra prediction truncated bits shift-add unit (SAU) SAU-i.pdf >> log2N+6 t i , 89 16 ti ,18 ti ,50 ti ,75 t i , 89 quantization A << 4 b(i) A << 3 << 1 ti,50 << 1 ti,18 mi,25 output of SAU (a) 16 IDCT-1 log2N +22 >>7 log2N +15 clipping log2N-1 16 IDCT-2 log2N +22 >>12 log2N +10 ti,89/16 A << 2 >> 1 inverse transform ti,75/16 A prune-b.pdf ti,50/16 A << 1 (b) b(i) ti,18/16 A Fig. 7. Encoding and decoding chain involving DCT in the HEVC codec. (a) Block diagram of a typical hybrid video encoder, e.g., HEVC. Note that the decoder contains a subset of the blocks in the encoder, except for the having entropy decoding instead of entropy coding. (b) Breakdown of the blocks in the shaded region in (a) for Main Profile. << 3 (b) shift-add unit (SAU) 24 proposed in [14]. As shown in Fig. 7(b), a data before and after the DCT/IDCT transform is constrained to have maximum 16 bits regardless of internal bit depth and DCT length. Therefore, scaling operation is required to retain the wordlength of intermediate data. In the Main Profile which supports only 8-bit samples, if bit truncations are not performed, the wordlength of the DCT output would be log2 N + 6 bits more than that of the input to avoid overflow. The output wordlengths of the first and second forward transforms are scaled down to 16 bits by truncating least significant log2 N − 1 and log2 N + 6 bits, respectively, as shown in the figure. The resulting coefficients from the inverse transforms are also scaled down by the fixed scaling factor of 7 and 12. It should be noted that additional clipping of log2 N − 1 most significant bits is required to maintain 16 bits after the first inverse transform and subsequent scaling. The scaling operation, however, could be integrated with the computation of the transform without significant impact on the coding result. The SAU includes several left-shift operations as shown in Figs. 1(b) and 3(b) whereas the scaling process is equivalent to perform the right shift. Therefore, by manipulating the shift operations in SAU circuit, we can optimize the complexity of the proposed DCT structure. Fig. 8(a) shows the dot diagram of the SAU to illustrate the pruning with an example of the second forward DCT of 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 9 8 7 6 5 4 t0,89 t1, 75 t 2 ,50 t 3 ,18 pad.pdf truncated bits output adder unit (OAU) final truncation y (0) (c) Fig. 8. (a) Dot diagram for the pruning of the SAU for the second 8-point forward DCT. (b) The modified structure of the SAU after pruning. (c) Dot diagram for the truncation after the SAU and the OAU to generate y(0) for 8-point DCT. length 8. Each row of dot diagram contains 17 dots, which represents output of the IAU or its shifted form (for 16 bits of the input wordlength). The final sum without truncation should pad.pdf be 25 bits. But, we use only 16 bits in the final sum, and the rest 9 bits are finally discarded. To reduce the computational complexity, some of the least significant bits (LSB) in the SAU (in the gray area in Fig. 8(a)) can be pruned. It is noted that the worst-case error by the pruning scheme occurs when all the truncated bits are one. In this case, the sum of truncated values 8 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY TABLE III T HE I NTERNAL R EGISTER W ORDLENGTH AND THE N UMBER OF P RUNED B ITS FOR THE I MPLEMENTATION OF E ACH T RANSFORM (DCT-1, DCT-2, IDCT-1 AND IDCT-2 IN F IG . 7( B )). TABLE IV E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS FOR P ROPOSED M ETHODS C OMPARED TO HM10.0 A NCHOR . BD- RATE R ESULTS FOR THE L UMA AND C HROMA (Cb AND Cr) C OMPONENTS ARE SHOWN AS [Y(%) / Cb(%) / Cr(%)]. N T A B C D E F G H I J Configuration PF(%) PI(%) PB(%) 9 16 16 16 8 8 7 7 0 0 1 1 1 4 4 4 0 4 3 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 1 8 7 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 12 Main AI 0.1/0.1/0.1 0.8/1.9/2.0 1.0/2.1/2.1 4 T1 T2 T3 T4 Main RA 0.1/0.1/0.2 0.8/1.5/1.6 0.9/1.7/1.8 Main LDB 0.1/0.3/0.0 0.9/1.9/1.4 1.0/1.8/1.6 0.1/0.1/0.0 1.0/1.7/1.4 1.1/1.6/1.5 8 T1 T2 T3 T4 9 16 16 16 8 8 7 7 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 0 4 3 3 0 1 0 5 0 0 2 0 2 9 7 12 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 13 Main LDP 16 T1 T2 T3 T4 9 16 16 16 8 8 7 7 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 0 4 3 3 0 2 0 5 0 0 3 0 3 10 7 12 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 14 32 T1 T2 T3 T4 9 16 16 16 8 8 7 7 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 3 3 0 3 0 5 0 0 4 0 4 11 7 12 13 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 A: input wordlength, B: bit increment in IAU/SAU without truncation, C: bit increment in OAU without truncation, D: the number of truncated bits in SAU, E: the number of truncated bits after SAU, F: the number of truncated bits after OAU, G: the number of clipped bits, H: total scale factor (H=D+E+F), I: the number of bits of SAU output (I=A+B-D-E), and J: the number of bits of DCT output (J=A+B+C-D-E-F-G). T1, T2, T3, and T4 means DCT-1, DCT-2, IDCT-1, and IDCT-2 in Fig. 7(b), respectively. amounts to 88, but it is only 17% of the weight of LSB of the final output, 29 . Therefore, the impact of the proposed pruning on the final output is not significant. However, as we prune more bits, the truncation error increases rapidly. Fig. 8(b) shows the modified structure of the SAU after pruning. The output of the SAU is the product of DCT coefficient with the input values. In the HEVC transform design [14], 16 bit multipliers are used for all internal multiplications. To have the same precision, the output of SAU is also scaled down to 16 bits by truncating 4 more LSBs, which is shown in the gray area before the OAU in Fig. 8(c) for the output addition corresponding to the computation of y(0). The LSB of the result of the OAU is truncated again to retain 16 bits transform output. By careful pruning, the complexity of SAU and OAU can be significantly reduced without significant impact on the error performance. The overall reduction of the hardware complexity by the pruning scheme is discussed in Section VI. Table III lists the internal register wordlength and the number of pruned bits for the implementation of each transform (DCT-1, DCT-2, IDCT-1, and IDCT-2 in Fig. 7(b)). In the case of the second forward 8-point DCT (in the 7-th row in Table III), the number of input wordlength is 16 bits. If any truncation is not performed in the processing of IAU, SAU, and OAU, the number of output wordlength becomes 25 bits by summation of values in column A, B, and C. By the truncation procedure illustrated in Fig. 8 using the number of truncated bits listed in the column D, E, and F of Table III, the wordlength of DCT output becomes 16 bits. Note that the scale factor listed in the column H satisfies the configuration in Fig. 7(b) and the wordlength of the multiplier output and the final DCT output as listed in the column I and J, respectively is less than or equal to 16 bits satisfying constraints described in [14] over all the transforms T1-T4 for N = 4, 8, 16, and 32. In Fig. 2, as the odd-indexed output samples, y(1), y(3),..., y(N − 1) are scaled down by pruning procedure, evenindexed output samples, y(0), y(2),..., y(N − 2) which are from (N/2)-point integer DCT should also be scaled down correspondingly. For example, the scaling factor of 8-point second DCT (T2) is 1/29 as shown in column H in Table III, the output of internal 4-point DCT should also be scaled down by 1/29 . Since we have 4-point DCT with scaling factor 1/28 as shown in third row and column H, we can reuse it, and perform additional scaling by 1/2. To understand the impact of using the pruned transform within HEVC, we have integrated them into the HEVC reference software, HM10.02 , for both luma and chroma residuals. The proposed pruned forward DCT is a non-normative change and can be implemented in encoders to produce HEVCcompliant bitstreams. Therefore, we perform one set of experiments, prune-forward (PF), in which the forward DCT used is the proposed pruned version, while the inverse DCT is the same as that defined in HEVC Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) [7]. In addition, we perform two other sets of experiments: (i) prune-inverse (PI), in which the forward DCT is not pruned but the inverse DCT is pruned, and (ii) prune-both (PB), where both forward and inverse DCT are the pruned versions. Both PI and PB are no longer standards compliant, since the pruned inverse DCT is different from what is specified in the HEVC standard. We also note here that both the encoder and decoder use the same pruned inverse transforms, such that any coding loss is due to the loss in accuracy of the inverse transform rather than drift between encoder and decoder. We performed the tests using the JCT-VC HM10.0 common test conditions [18] for the Main Profile, i.e., on the test sequences3 mandated for All-Intra (AI), RandomAccess (RA), Low-Delay B (LDB), and Low-Delay P (LDP) configuration, over QP values of 22, 27, 32, and 37. Using the HM10.0 as the anchor, we measure the BD-Rate [19] values of each of the PF, PI and PB experiments to get a measure 2 Available through SVN via HEVCSoftware/tags/HM-10.0/. 3 The test sequences are classified into Classes A-F. Classes A through D contain sequences with resolutions of 2560 × 1600, 1920 × 1080, 832 × 480, 416 × 240 respectively. Class E consists of video conferencing sequences of resolution 1280 × 720, while Class F consists of screen content videos of resolutions ranging from 832 × 480 to 1280 × 720. MEHER et al.: EFFICIENT INTEGER DCT ARCHITECTURES FOR HEVC 9 TABLE V A REA , T IME , AND P OWER C OMPLEXITIES OF P ROPOSED A RCHITECTURES AND D IRECT I MPLEMENTATION OF R EFERENCE A LGORITHM OF I NTEGER DCT FOR VARIOUS L ENGTHS BASED ON S YNTHESIS R ESULT U SING TSMC 90-nm CMOS L IBRARY. Design Architecture N Area Consumption Computation Time Power Consumption Area-Delay Product Energy per Sample Excess AreaDelay Product Excess Energy per Sample Using Reference Algorithm 4 8 16 32 4656 21457 88451 332889 2.84 3.25 3.67 3.96 0.28 1.68 7.45 29.75 13223 69735 324615 1318240 0.68 2.01 4.48 8.96 18.95% 51.23% 57.79% 51.06% 27.18% 59.03% 67.20% 68.66% Proposed Algorithm Before Pruning 4 8 16 32 4399 16772 66130 253432 2.95 3.34 3.92 4.48 0.26 1.31 5.73 23.17 12977 56018 259229 1135375 0.63 1.57 3.45 6.98 16.73% 21.48% 26.00% 30.10% 17.10% 24.02% 28.77% 31.46% Proposed Algorithm After Pruning 4 8 16 32 3794 13931 52480 196103 2.93 3.31 3.92 4.45 0.22 1.06 4.45 17.63 11116 46111 205721 872658 0.54 1.26 2.68 5.31 −− −− −− −− −− −− −− −− Area, computation time, and power consumption are measured in, ns, and mW, respectively. Area-delay product and energy per sample are in the units of×ns and mW×ns, respectively. of the coding performance impact. One can interpret the BDRate number as the percentage bitrate difference for the same peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR); note that a positive BD-Rate number indicates coding loss compared to the anchor. Table IV summarizes the experimental results of using the different combinations of the propose pruned forward and inverse DCT. Using the pruned forward DCT alone (PF case) gives average coding loss over each coding configuration of about 0.1% in the luma component, suggesting that the use of the pruned forward DCT in encoder has a insignificant coding impact. On the other hand, PI gives average coding loss ranging from 0.8% to 1.0% in the luma component over the different coding configurations. This is expected since the bit truncation after each transform stage is larger. Finally, PB gives average coding loss ranging from 0.9% - 1.1% in the luma component. It is interesting to note that the coding loss in PB is approximately the sum of that of PF and PI. We have also observed that the coding performance difference for each of PF, PI and PB are fairly consistent across the different classes of test sequences. VI. I MPLEMENTATION R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS A. Synthesis Results of 1-D Integer DCT We have coded the architecture derived from the reference algorithm of Section II as well as the proposed architectures for different transform lengths in VHDL, and synthesized by Synopsys Design Compiler using TSMC 90-nm General Purpose (GP) CMOS library [20]. The wordlength of input samples are chosen to be 16 bits. The area, computation time, and power consumption (at 100 MHz clock frequency) obtained from the synthesis reports are shown in Table V. It is found that the proposed architecture involves nearly 14% less area-delay product (ADP) and 19% less energy per sample (EPS) compared to the direct implementation of reference algorithm, in average, for integer DCT of lengths 4, 8, 16, and 32. Additional 19% saving in ADP and 20% saving in EPS are also achieved by the pruning scheme with nearly the same throughput rate. The pruning scheme is more effective for higher length DCT since the percentage of total area occupied by the SAUs increases as DCT length increases, and hence more adders are affected by the pruning scheme. B. Comparison with the Existing Architectures We have named the proposed reusable integer DCT architecture before applying pruning as reusable architecture-1 and that after applying pruning as reusable architecture-2. The processing rate of the proposed integer DCT unit is 16 pixels per cycle considering 2-D folded structure since 2-D transform of 32 × 32 block can be obtained in 64 cycles. In order to support 8K Ultra-High-Definition (UHD) (7680×4320) @ 30 frames/sec (fps) and 4:2:0 YUV format which is one of the applications of HEVC [21], the proposed reusable architectures should work at the operating frequency faster than 94 MHz (7680×4320×30×1.5/16). The computation times of 5.56ns and 5.27ns for reusable architectures-1 and 2, respectively (obtained from the synthesis without any timing constraint) are enough for this application. Also, the computation time less than 5.358ns is needed in order to support 8K UHD @ 60 fps, which can be achieved by slight increase in silicon area when we synthesize the reusable architecture-1 with the desired timing constraint. Table VI lists the synthesis results of the proposed reusable architectures as well as the existing architectures for HEVC for N = 32 in terms of gate count which is normalized by area of 2-input NAND gate, maximum operating frequency, processing rate, throughput, and supporting video format. The proposed reusable architecture2 requires larger area than the design of [11], but offers much higher throughput. Also, the proposed architectures involve less gate counts as well as higher throughput than the design of [10]. Specially, the designs of [10] and [11] require very high operational frequencies of 761 MHz and 1403 MHz in order to support UHD @ 60 fps since 2-D transform of 32 × 32 block can be computed in 261 cycles and 481 cycles, respectively. However, 187 MHz operating frequency which is needed to support 8K UHD @ 60 fps by the proposed architecture can be 10 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY TABLE VI C OMPARISON OF D IFFERENT 1-D I NTEGER DCT A RCHITECTURES WITH THE P ROPOSED A RCHITECTURES Design Technology Gate Counts Shen et al [10] Park et al [11] Reusable Architecture-1 Reusable Architecture-2 0.13-µm 0.18-µm 90-nm 90-nm 134 K 52 K 131 K 103 K Max Freq. 350 300 187 187 TABLE VII 2-D I NTEGER T RANSFORM WITH F OLDED S TRUCTURE AND F ULL -PARALLEL S TRUCTURE . Architecture Technology Total Gate Counts Operating Frequency Processing Rate (pels/cycle) Throughput Total Power Consumption Energy per Sample (EPS) Folded Full-parallel TSMC 90-nm GP CMOS 208 K 347 K 187 MHz 16 32 2.992 G 5.984 G 40.04 mW 67.57 mW 13.38 pJ 11.29 pJ obtained using TSMC 90-nm or newer technologies as shown in Table VI. Also, we could obtain the frequency of 94 MHz for UHD @ 30 fps and 4:2:0 YUV format using TSMC 0.15µm or newer technologies. C. Synthesis Results of 2-D Integer DCT We also synthesized the the folded and full-parallel structures for 2-D integer DCT. We have listed total gate counts, processing rate, throughput, power consumption, and EPS in Table VII. We set the operational frequency to 187 MHz for both cases to support UHD @ 60 fps. The 2-D full-parallel structure yields 32 samples in each cycle after initial latency of 32 cycles providing double the throughput of the folded structure. However, the full-parallel architecture consumes 1.69 times more power than the folded architecture since it has two 1-D DCT units and nearly the same complexity of transposition buffer while the throughput of full-parallel design is double the throughput of folded design. Thus, the fullparallel design involves 15.6% less EPS. VII. S UMMARY AND C ONCLUSIONS In this paper, we have proposed area- and power-efficient architectures for the implementation of integer DCT of different lengths to be used in HEVC. The computation of N -point 1-D DCT involves an (N/2)-point 1-D DCT and a vector-matrix multiplication with a constant matrix of size (N/2) × (N/2). We have shown that the MCM-based architecture is highly regular and involves significantly less area-delay complexity and less energy consumption than the direct implementation of matrix multiplication for odd DCT coefficients. We have used the proposed architecture to derive a reusable architecture for DCT which can compute the DCT of lengths 4, 8, 16, and 32 with throughput of 32 output coefficients per cycle. We have also shown that proposed design could be pruned to reduce the area and power complexity of forward DCT without MHz MHz MHz MHz Pixels/Cycle 4 2.12 16 16 Throughput 1.40 0.63 2.99 2.99 Gsps Gsps Gsps Gsps Supporting Video Format 4096x2048 3840x2160 7680x4320 7680x4320 @ @ @ @ 30 30 60 60 fps fps fps fps significant loss of quality. We have proposed power-efficient architectures for folded and full-parallel implementations of 2-D DCT, where no data movement takes place within the transposition buffer. From the synthesis result, it is found that the proposed algorithm with pruning involves nearly 30% less ADP and 35% less EPS compared to the reference algorithm in average for integer DCT of lengths 4, 8, 16, and 32 with nearly the same throughput rate. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Dr. Arnaud Tisserand for providing us HDL code for the computation of the integer DCT based on their algorithm. R EFERENCES [1] N. Ahmed, T. Natarajan, and K. 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(Honours) and M.Sc. degree in physics, and the Ph.D. degree in science from Sambalpur University, India, in 1976, 1978, and 1996, respectively. Currently, he is a Senior Scientist with the Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore. Previously, he was a Professor of Computer Applications with Utkal University, India, from 1997 to 2002, and a Reader in electronics with Berhampur University, India, from 1993 to 1997. His research interest includes design of dedicated and reconfigurable architectures for computation-intensive algorithms pertaining to signal, image and video processing, communication, bio-informatics and intelligent computing. He has contributed nearly 200 technical papers to various reputed journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Meher has served as a speaker for the Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) of IEEE Circuits Systems Society during 2011 and 2012 and Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMSII: EXPRESS BRIEFS during 2008 to 2011. Currently, he is serving as Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS-I: REGULAR PAPERS, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, and Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing. Dr. Meher is a Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India. He was the recipient of the Samanta Chandrasekhar Award for excellence in research in engineering and technology for 1999. Sang Yoon Park (S’03-M’11) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 2000, 2002, and 2006, respectively. He joined the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore as a Research Fellow in 2007. Since 2008, he has been with Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore, where he is currently a Research Scientist. His research interest includes design of dedicated and reconfigurable architectures for low-power and high-performance digital signal processing systems. 11 Basant Kumar Mohanty (M’06-SM’11) received M.Sc degree in Physics from Sambalpur University, India, in 1989 and received Ph.D degree in the field of VLSI for Digital Signal Processing from Berhampur University, Orissa in 2000. In 2001 he joined as Lecturer in EEE Department, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan. Then he joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of ECE, Mody Institute of Education Research (Deemed University), Rajasthan. In 2003 he joined Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna, Madhya Pradesh, where he becomes Associate Professor in 2005 and full Professor in 2007. His research interest includes design and implementation of low-power and high-performance digital systems for resource constrained digital signal processing applications. He has published nearly 50 technical papers. Dr.Mohanty serving as Associate Editor for the Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing. He is a life time member of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, New Delhi, India, and he was the recipient of the Rashtriya Gaurav Award conferred by India International friendship Society, New Delhi for the year 2012. Khoon Seong Lim received B.Eng. (with honors) and M.Eng. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 1999 and 2001, respectively. He was a R&D DSP engineer with BITwave Private Limited, Singapore, working in the area of adaptive microphone array beamforming in 2002. He joined the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, as a Research Associate in 2003. Since 2006, he has been with the Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore, where he is currently a Senior Research Engineer. His research interests include embedded systems, sensor array signal processing, and digital signal processing in general. Chuohao Yeo (S’05, M’09) received the S.B. degree in electrical science and engineering and the M.Eng. degree in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer sciences from the University of California, Berkeley in 2009. From 2005 to 2009, he was a graduate student researcher at the Berkeley Audio Visual Signal Processing and Communication Systems Laboratory at UC Berkeley. Since 2009, he has been a Scientist with the Signal Processing Department at the Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore, where he leads a team that is actively involved in HEVC standardization activities. His current research interests include image and video processing, coding and communications, distributed source coding, and computer vision. Dr. Yeo was a recipient of the Singapore Government Public Service Commission Overseas Merit Scholarship from 1998 to 2002, and a recipient of Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research National Science Scholarship from 2004 to 2009. He received a Best Student Paper Award at SPIE VCIP 2007 and a Best Short Paper Award at ACM MM 2008.